var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; // src/component-spec.ts var ComponentSpec = { hSamp: 0, quantTableSel: 0, vSamp: 0 }; // src/data-stream.ts var DataStream = class { buffer; index; constructor(data, offset, length) { this.buffer = new Uint8Array(data, offset, length); this.index = 0; } get16() { const value = (this.buffer[this.index] << 8) + this.buffer[this.index + 1]; this.index += 2; return value; } get8() { const value = this.buffer[this.index]; this.index += 1; return value; } }; // src/frame-header.ts var FrameHeader = class { dimX = 0; dimY = 0; numComp = 0; precision = 0; components = []; read(data) { let count = 0; let temp; const length = data.get16(); count += 2; this.precision = data.get8(); count += 1; this.dimY = data.get16(); count += 2; this.dimX = data.get16(); count += 2; this.numComp = data.get8(); count += 1; for (let i = 1; i <= this.numComp; i += 1) { if (count > length) { throw new Error("ERROR: frame format error"); } const c = data.get8(); count += 1; if (count >= length) { throw new Error("ERROR: frame format error [c>=Lf]"); } temp = data.get8(); count += 1; if (!this.components[c]) { this.components[c] = { ...ComponentSpec }; } this.components[c].hSamp = temp >> 4; this.components[c].vSamp = temp & 15; this.components[c].quantTableSel = data.get8(); count += 1; } if (count !== length) { throw new Error("ERROR: frame format error [Lf!=count]"); } return 1; } }; // src/utils.ts var utils_exports = {}; __export(utils_exports, { crc32: () => crc32, crcTable: () => crcTable, createArray: () => createArray, makeCRCTable: () => makeCRCTable }); var createArray = (...dimensions) => { if (dimensions.length > 1) { const dim = dimensions[0]; const rest = dimensions.slice(1); const newArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < dim; i++) { newArray[i] = createArray(; } return newArray; } else { return Array(dimensions[0]).fill(void 0); } }; var makeCRCTable = function() { let c; const crcTable2 = []; for (let n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = c & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ c >>> 1 : c >>> 1; } crcTable2[n] = c; } return crcTable2; }; var crcTable = makeCRCTable(); var crc32 = function(buffer) { const uint8view = new Uint8Array(buffer); let crc = 0 ^ -1; for (let i = 0; i < uint8view.length; i++) { crc = crc >>> 8 ^ crcTable[(crc ^ uint8view[i]) & 255]; } return (crc ^ -1) >>> 0; }; // src/huffman-table.ts var HuffmanTable = class _HuffmanTable { static MSB = 2147483648; l; th; v; tc; constructor() { this.l = createArray(4, 2, 16); = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.v = createArray(4, 2, 16, 200); = [ [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0] ]; } read(data, HuffTab) { let count = 0; let temp; let t; let c; let i; let j; const length = data.get16(); count += 2; while (count < length) { temp = data.get8(); count += 1; t = temp & 15; if (t > 3) { throw new Error("ERROR: Huffman table ID > 3"); } c = temp >> 4; if (c > 2) { throw new Error("ERROR: Huffman table [Table class > 2 ]"); }[t] = 1;[t][c] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) { this.l[t][c][i] = data.get8(); count += 1; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < this.l[t][c][i]; j += 1) { if (count > length) { throw new Error("ERROR: Huffman table format error [count>Lh]"); } this.v[t][c][i][j] = data.get8(); count += 1; } } } if (count !== length) { throw new Error("ERROR: Huffman table format error [count!=Lf]"); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j += 1) { if ([i][j] !== 0) { this.buildHuffTable(HuffTab[i][j], this.l[i][j], this.v[i][j]); } } } return 1; } // Build_HuffTab() // Parameter: t table ID // c table class ( 0 for DC, 1 for AC ) // L[i] # of codewords which length is i // V[i][j] Huffman Value (length=i) // Effect: // build up HuffTab[t][c] using L and V. buildHuffTable(tab, L, V) { let currentTable, k, i, j, n; const temp = 256; k = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < L[i]; j += 1) { for (n = 0; n < temp >> i + 1; n += 1) { tab[k] = V[i][j] | i + 1 << 8; k += 1; } } } for (i = 1; k < 256; i += 1, k += 1) { tab[k] = i | _HuffmanTable.MSB; } currentTable = 1; k = 0; for (i = 8; i < 16; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < L[i]; j += 1) { for (n = 0; n < temp >> i - 7; n += 1) { tab[currentTable * 256 + k] = V[i][j] | i + 1 << 8; k += 1; } if (k >= 256) { if (k > 256) { throw new Error("ERROR: Huffman table error(1)!"); } k = 0; currentTable += 1; } } } } }; // src/quantization-table.ts var QuantizationTable = class _QuantizationTable { precision = []; // Quantization precision 8 or 16 tq = [0, 0, 0, 0]; // 1: this table is presented quantTables = createArray(4, 64); // Tables static enhanceQuantizationTable = function(qtab, table) { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) { qtab[table[0 * 8 + i]] *= 90; qtab[table[4 * 8 + i]] *= 90; qtab[table[2 * 8 + i]] *= 118; qtab[table[6 * 8 + i]] *= 49; qtab[table[5 * 8 + i]] *= 71; qtab[table[1 * 8 + i]] *= 126; qtab[table[7 * 8 + i]] *= 25; qtab[table[3 * 8 + i]] *= 106; } for (let i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) { qtab[table[0 + 8 * i]] *= 90; qtab[table[4 + 8 * i]] *= 90; qtab[table[2 + 8 * i]] *= 118; qtab[table[6 + 8 * i]] *= 49; qtab[table[5 + 8 * i]] *= 71; qtab[table[1 + 8 * i]] *= 126; qtab[table[7 + 8 * i]] *= 25; qtab[table[3 + 8 * i]] *= 106; } for (let i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) { qtab[i] >>= 6; } }; read(data, table) { let count = 0; let temp; let t; let i; const length = data.get16(); count += 2; while (count < length) { temp = data.get8(); count += 1; t = temp & 15; if (t > 3) { throw new Error("ERROR: Quantization table ID > 3"); } this.precision[t] = temp >> 4; if (this.precision[t] === 0) { this.precision[t] = 8; } else if (this.precision[t] === 1) { this.precision[t] = 16; } else { throw new Error("ERROR: Quantization table precision error"); } this.tq[t] = 1; if (this.precision[t] === 8) { for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) { if (count > length) { throw new Error("ERROR: Quantization table format error"); } this.quantTables[t][i] = data.get8(); count += 1; } _QuantizationTable.enhanceQuantizationTable(this.quantTables[t], table); } else { for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) { if (count > length) { throw new Error("ERROR: Quantization table format error"); } this.quantTables[t][i] = data.get16(); count += 2; } _QuantizationTable.enhanceQuantizationTable(this.quantTables[t], table); } } if (count !== length) { throw new Error("ERROR: Quantization table error [count!=Lq]"); } return 1; } }; // src/scan-component.ts var ScanComponent = { acTabSel: 0, // AC table selector dcTabSel: 0, // DC table selector scanCompSel: 0 // Scan component selector }; // src/scan-header.ts var ScanHeader = class { ah = 0; al = 0; numComp = 0; // Number of components in the scan selection = 0; // Start of spectral or predictor selection spectralEnd = 0; // End of spectral selection components = []; read(data) { let count = 0; let i; let temp; const length = data.get16(); count += 2; this.numComp = data.get8(); count += 1; for (i = 0; i < this.numComp; i += 1) { this.components[i] = { ...ScanComponent }; if (count > length) { throw new Error("ERROR: scan header format error"); } this.components[i].scanCompSel = data.get8(); count += 1; temp = data.get8(); count += 1; this.components[i].dcTabSel = temp >> 4; this.components[i].acTabSel = temp & 15; } this.selection = data.get8(); count += 1; this.spectralEnd = data.get8(); count += 1; temp = data.get8(); this.ah = temp >> 4; = temp & 15; count += 1; if (count !== length) { throw new Error("ERROR: scan header format error [count!=Ns]"); } return 1; } }; // src/decoder.ts var littleEndian = function() { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2); new DataView(buffer).setInt16( 0, 256, true /* littleEndian */ ); return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 256; }(); var Decoder = class _Decoder { static IDCT_P = [ 0, 5, 40, 16, 45, 2, 7, 42, 21, 56, 8, 61, 18, 47, 1, 4, 41, 23, 58, 13, 32, 24, 37, 10, 63, 17, 44, 3, 6, 43, 20, 57, 15, 34, 29, 48, 53, 26, 39, 9, 60, 19, 46, 22, 59, 12, 33, 31, 50, 55, 25, 36, 11, 62, 14, 35, 28, 49, 52, 27, 38, 30, 51, 54 ]; static TABLE = [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28, 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42, 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43, 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53, 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54, 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60, 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61, 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63 ]; static MAX_HUFFMAN_SUBTREE = 50; static MSB = 2147483648; static RESTART_MARKER_BEGIN = 65488; static RESTART_MARKER_END = 65495; buffer = null; stream = null; frame = new FrameHeader(); huffTable = new HuffmanTable(); quantTable = new QuantizationTable(); scan = new ScanHeader(); DU = createArray(10, 4, 64); // at most 10 data units in a MCU, at most 4 data units in one component HuffTab = createArray(4, 2, 50 * 256); IDCT_Source = []; nBlock = []; // number of blocks in the i-th Comp in a scan acTab = createArray(10, 1); // ac HuffTab for the i-th Comp in a scan dcTab = createArray(10, 1); // dc HuffTab for the i-th Comp in a scan qTab = createArray(10, 1); // quantization table for the i-th Comp in a scan marker = 0; markerIndex = 0; numComp = 0; restartInterval = 0; selection = 0; xDim = 0; yDim = 0; xLoc = 0; yLoc = 0; outputData = null; restarting = false; mask = 0; numBytes = 0; precision = void 0; components = []; getter = null; setter = null; output = null; selector = null; /** * The Decoder constructor. * @property {number} numBytes - number of bytes per component * @type {Function} */ constructor(buffer, numBytes) { this.buffer = buffer ?? null; this.numBytes = numBytes ?? 0; } /** * Returns decompressed data. */ decompress(buffer, offset, length) { const result = this.decode(buffer, offset, length); return result.buffer; } decode(buffer, offset, length, numBytes) { let scanNum = 0; const pred = []; let i; let compN; const temp = []; const index = []; let mcuNum; if (buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } if (numBytes !== void 0) { this.numBytes = numBytes; } = new DataStream(this.buffer, offset, length); this.buffer = null; this.xLoc = 0; this.yLoc = 0; let current =; if (current !== 65496) { throw new Error("Not a JPEG file"); } current =; while (current >> 4 !== 4092 || current === 65476) { switch (current) { case 65476:, this.HuffTab); break; case 65484: throw new Error("Program doesn't support arithmetic coding. (format throw new IOException)"); case 65499:, _Decoder.TABLE); break; case 65501: this.restartInterval = this.readNumber() ?? 0; break; case 65504: case 65505: case 65506: case 65507: case 65508: case 65509: case 65510: case 65511: case 65512: case 65513: case 65514: case 65515: case 65516: case 65517: case 65518: case 65519: this.readApp(); break; case 65534: this.readComment(); break; default: if (current >> 8 !== 255) { throw new Error("ERROR: format throw new IOException! (decode)"); } } current =; } if (current < 65472 || current > 65479) { throw new Error("ERROR: could not handle arithmetic code!"); }; current =; do { while (current !== 65498) { switch (current) { case 65476:, this.HuffTab); break; case 65484: throw new Error("Program doesn't support arithmetic coding. (format throw new IOException)"); case 65499:, _Decoder.TABLE); break; case 65501: this.restartInterval = this.readNumber() ?? 0; break; case 65504: case 65505: case 65506: case 65507: case 65508: case 65509: case 65510: case 65511: case 65512: case 65513: case 65514: case 65515: case 65516: case 65517: case 65518: case 65519: this.readApp(); break; case 65534: this.readComment(); break; default: if (current >> 8 !== 255) { throw new Error("ERROR: format throw new IOException! (Parser.decode)"); } } current =; } this.precision = this.frame.precision; this.components = this.frame.components; if (!this.numBytes) { this.numBytes = Math.round(Math.ceil(this.precision / 8)); } if (this.numBytes === 1) { this.mask = 255; } else { this.mask = 65535; }; this.numComp = this.scan.numComp; this.selection = this.scan.selection; if (this.numBytes === 1) { if (this.numComp === 3) { this.getter = this.getValueRGB; this.setter = this.setValueRGB; this.output = this.outputRGB; } else { this.getter = this.getValue8; this.setter = this.setValue8; this.output = this.outputSingle; } } else { this.getter = this.getValue8; this.setter = this.setValue8; this.output = this.outputSingle; } switch (this.selection) { case 2: this.selector = this.select2; break; case 3: this.selector = this.select3; break; case 4: this.selector = this.select4; break; case 5: this.selector = this.select5; break; case 6: this.selector = this.select6; break; case 7: this.selector = this.select7; break; default: this.selector = this.select1; break; } for (i = 0; i < this.numComp; i += 1) { compN = this.scan.components[i].scanCompSel; this.qTab[i] = this.quantTable.quantTables[this.components[compN].quantTableSel]; this.nBlock[i] = this.components[compN].vSamp * this.components[compN].hSamp; this.dcTab[i] = this.HuffTab[this.scan.components[i].dcTabSel][0]; this.acTab[i] = this.HuffTab[this.scan.components[i].acTabSel][1]; } this.xDim = this.frame.dimX; this.yDim = this.frame.dimY; if (this.numBytes === 1) { this.outputData = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(this.xDim * this.yDim * this.numBytes * this.numComp)); } else { this.outputData = new Uint16Array(new ArrayBuffer(this.xDim * this.yDim * this.numBytes * this.numComp)); } scanNum += 1; while (true) { temp[0] = 0; index[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { pred[i] = 1 << this.precision - 1; } if (this.restartInterval === 0) { current = this.decodeUnit(pred, temp, index); while (current === 0 && this.xLoc < this.xDim && this.yLoc < this.yDim) { this.output(pred); current = this.decodeUnit(pred, temp, index); } break; } for (mcuNum = 0; mcuNum < this.restartInterval; mcuNum += 1) { this.restarting = mcuNum === 0; current = this.decodeUnit(pred, temp, index); this.output(pred); if (current !== 0) { break; } } if (current === 0) { if (this.markerIndex !== 0) { current = 65280 | this.marker; this.markerIndex = 0; } else { current =; } } if (!(current >= _Decoder.RESTART_MARKER_BEGIN && current <= _Decoder.RESTART_MARKER_END)) { break; } } if (current === 65500 && scanNum === 1) { this.readNumber(); current =; } } while (current !== 65497 && this.xLoc < this.xDim && this.yLoc < this.yDim && scanNum === 0); return this.outputData; } decodeUnit(prev, temp, index) { if (this.numComp === 1) { return this.decodeSingle(prev, temp, index); } else if (this.numComp === 3) { return this.decodeRGB(prev, temp, index); } else { return -1; } } select1(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousX(compOffset); } select2(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousY(compOffset); } select3(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousXY(compOffset); } select4(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousX(compOffset) + this.getPreviousY(compOffset) - this.getPreviousXY(compOffset); } select5(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousX(compOffset) + (this.getPreviousY(compOffset) - this.getPreviousXY(compOffset) >> 1); } select6(compOffset) { return this.getPreviousY(compOffset) + (this.getPreviousX(compOffset) - this.getPreviousXY(compOffset) >> 1); } select7(compOffset) { return (this.getPreviousX(compOffset) + this.getPreviousY(compOffset)) / 2; } decodeRGB(prev, temp, index) { if (this.selector === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); let actab, dctab, qtab, ctrC, i, k, j; prev[0] = this.selector(0); prev[1] = this.selector(1); prev[2] = this.selector(2); for (ctrC = 0; ctrC < this.numComp; ctrC += 1) { qtab = this.qTab[ctrC]; actab = this.acTab[ctrC]; dctab = this.dcTab[ctrC]; for (i = 0; i < this.nBlock[ctrC]; i += 1) { for (k = 0; k < this.IDCT_Source.length; k += 1) { this.IDCT_Source[k] = 0; } let value = this.getHuffmanValue(dctab, temp, index); if (value >= 65280) { return value; } prev[ctrC] = this.IDCT_Source[0] = prev[ctrC] + this.getn(index, value, temp, index); this.IDCT_Source[0] *= qtab[0]; for (j = 1; j < 64; j += 1) { value = this.getHuffmanValue(actab, temp, index); if (value >= 65280) { return value; } j += value >> 4; if ((value & 15) === 0) { if (value >> 4 === 0) { break; } } else { this.IDCT_Source[_Decoder.IDCT_P[j]] = this.getn(index, value & 15, temp, index) * qtab[j]; } } } } return 0; } decodeSingle(prev, temp, index) { if (this.selector === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); let value, i, n, nRestart; if (this.restarting) { this.restarting = false; prev[0] = 1 << this.frame.precision - 1; } else { prev[0] = this.selector(); } for (i = 0; i < this.nBlock[0]; i += 1) { value = this.getHuffmanValue(this.dcTab[0], temp, index); if (value >= 65280) { return value; } n = this.getn(prev, value, temp, index); nRestart = n >> 8; if (nRestart >= _Decoder.RESTART_MARKER_BEGIN && nRestart <= _Decoder.RESTART_MARKER_END) { return nRestart; } prev[0] += n; } return 0; } // Huffman table for fast search: (HuffTab) 8-bit Look up table 2-layer search architecture, 1st-layer represent 256 node (8 bits) if codeword-length > 8 // bits, then the entry of 1st-layer = (# of 2nd-layer table) | MSB and it is stored in the 2nd-layer Size of tables in each layer are 256. // HuffTab[*][*][0-256] is always the only 1st-layer table. // // An entry can be: (1) (# of 2nd-layer table) | MSB , for code length > 8 in 1st-layer (2) (Code length) << 8 | HuffVal // // HuffmanValue(table HuffTab[x][y] (ex) HuffmanValue(HuffTab[1][0],...) // ): // return: Huffman Value of table // 0xFF?? if it receives a MARKER // Parameter: table HuffTab[x][y] (ex) HuffmanValue(HuffTab[1][0],...) // temp temp storage for remainded bits // index index to bit of temp // in FILE pointer // Effect: // temp store new remainded bits // index change to new index // in change to new position // NOTE: // Initial by temp=0; index=0; // NOTE: (explain temp and index) // temp: is always in the form at calling time or returning time // | byte 4 | byte 3 | byte 2 | byte 1 | // | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | 00000??? | if not a MARKER // ^index=3 (from 0 to 15) // 321 // NOTE (marker and marker_index): // If get a MARKER from 'in', marker=the low-byte of the MARKER // and marker_index=9 // If marker_index=9 then index is always > 8, or HuffmanValue() // will not be called getHuffmanValue(table, temp, index) { let code, input; const mask = 65535; if (! throw new Error("stream not initialized"); if (index[0] < 8) { temp[0] <<= 8; input =; if (input === 255) { this.marker =; if (this.marker !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 9; } } temp[0] |= input; } else { index[0] -= 8; } code = table[temp[0] >> index[0]]; if ((code & _Decoder.MSB) !== 0) { if (this.markerIndex !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 0; return 65280 | this.marker; } temp[0] &= mask >> 16 - index[0]; temp[0] <<= 8; input =; if (input === 255) { this.marker =; if (this.marker !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 9; } } temp[0] |= input; code = table[(code & 255) * 256 + (temp[0] >> index[0])]; index[0] += 8; } index[0] += 8 - (code >> 8); if (index[0] < 0) { throw new Error("index=" + index[0] + " temp=" + temp[0] + " code=" + code + " in HuffmanValue()"); } if (index[0] < this.markerIndex) { this.markerIndex = 0; return 65280 | this.marker; } temp[0] &= mask >> 16 - index[0]; return code & 255; } getn(PRED, n, temp, index) { let result, input; const one = 1; const n_one = -1; const mask = 65535; if ( === null) throw new Error("stream not initialized"); if (n === 0) { return 0; } if (n === 16) { if (PRED[0] >= 0) { return -32768; } else { return 32768; } } index[0] -= n; if (index[0] >= 0) { if (index[0] < this.markerIndex && !this.isLastPixel()) { this.markerIndex = 0; return (65280 | this.marker) << 8; } result = temp[0] >> index[0]; temp[0] &= mask >> 16 - index[0]; } else { temp[0] <<= 8; input =; if (input === 255) { this.marker =; if (this.marker !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 9; } } temp[0] |= input; index[0] += 8; if (index[0] < 0) { if (this.markerIndex !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 0; return (65280 | this.marker) << 8; } temp[0] <<= 8; input =; if (input === 255) { this.marker =; if (this.marker !== 0) { this.markerIndex = 9; } } temp[0] |= input; index[0] += 8; } if (index[0] < 0) { throw new Error("index=" + index[0] + " in getn()"); } if (index[0] < this.markerIndex) { this.markerIndex = 0; return (65280 | this.marker) << 8; } result = temp[0] >> index[0]; temp[0] &= mask >> 16 - index[0]; } if (result < one << n - 1) { result += (n_one << n) + 1; } return result; } getPreviousX(compOffset = 0) { if (this.getter === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); if (this.xLoc > 0) { return this.getter(this.yLoc * this.xDim + this.xLoc - 1, compOffset); } else if (this.yLoc > 0) { return this.getPreviousY(compOffset); } else { return 1 << this.frame.precision - 1; } } getPreviousXY(compOffset = 0) { if (this.getter === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); if (this.xLoc > 0 && this.yLoc > 0) { return this.getter((this.yLoc - 1) * this.xDim + this.xLoc - 1, compOffset); } else { return this.getPreviousY(compOffset); } } getPreviousY(compOffset = 0) { if (this.getter === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); if (this.yLoc > 0) { return this.getter((this.yLoc - 1) * this.xDim + this.xLoc, compOffset); } else { return this.getPreviousX(compOffset); } } isLastPixel() { return this.xLoc === this.xDim - 1 && this.yLoc === this.yDim - 1; } outputSingle(PRED) { if (this.setter === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); if (this.xLoc < this.xDim && this.yLoc < this.yDim) { this.setter(this.yLoc * this.xDim + this.xLoc, this.mask & PRED[0]); this.xLoc += 1; if (this.xLoc >= this.xDim) { this.yLoc += 1; this.xLoc = 0; } } } outputRGB(PRED) { if (this.setter === null) throw new Error("decode hasn't run yet"); const offset = this.yLoc * this.xDim + this.xLoc; if (this.xLoc < this.xDim && this.yLoc < this.yDim) { this.setter(offset, PRED[0], 0); this.setter(offset, PRED[1], 1); this.setter(offset, PRED[2], 2); this.xLoc += 1; if (this.xLoc >= this.xDim) { this.yLoc += 1; this.xLoc = 0; } } } setValue8(index, val) { if (!this.outputData) throw new Error("output data not ready"); if (littleEndian) { this.outputData[index] = val; } else { this.outputData[index] = (val & 255) << 8 | val >> 8 & 255; } } getValue8(index) { if (this.outputData === null) throw new Error("output data not ready"); if (littleEndian) { return this.outputData[index]; } else { const val = this.outputData[index]; return (val & 255) << 8 | val >> 8 & 255; } } setValueRGB(index, val, compOffset = 0) { if (this.outputData === null) return; this.outputData[index * 3 + compOffset] = val; } getValueRGB(index, compOffset) { if (this.outputData === null) throw new Error("output data not ready"); return this.outputData[index * 3 + compOffset]; } readApp() { if ( === null) return null; let count = 0; const length =; count += 2; while (count < length) {; count += 1; } return length; } readComment() { if ( === null) return null; let sb = ""; let count = 0; const length =; count += 2; while (count < length) { sb +=; count += 1; } return sb; } readNumber() { if ( === null) return null; const Ld =; if (Ld !== 4) { throw new Error("ERROR: Define number format throw new IOException [Ld!=4]"); } return; } }; export { ComponentSpec, DataStream, Decoder, FrameHeader, HuffmanTable, QuantizationTable, ScanComponent, ScanHeader, utils_exports as Utils }; //#