#!/bin/sh # Sometimes there is another installer run by other cloud-init scripts # Let's wait until they finish first [ -z "$YUM_PID_FILE" ] && YUM_PID_FILE=/var/run/yum.pid MAX_RETRIES=10 RETRY=0 while [ -f "$YUM_PID_FILE" ]; do if [ $RETRY -ge $MAX_RETRIES ]; then echo "Other yum process taking too long to finish, I give up..." >&2 exit 1 fi SECONDS=$(( 2 ** $RETRY )) echo "Waiting yum ${YUM_PID_FILE} to finish... (${SECONDS} secs)" sleep $SECONDS RETRY=$(( $RETRY + 1 )) done echo "No other yum process is running at the moment..." export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$( curl -s ) EFS_ID=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_efs_id --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) ACCESS_POINT_DATA=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_efs_data_ap --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) ACCESS_POINT_DOCKER=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_efs_docker_ap --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) EFS_MOUNT_AZ=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_efs_az --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) IP_ALLOC_ID=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_ip_allocation_id --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=$( aws ssm get-parameter --name dev_ssh_key --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' ) INSTANCE_ID=$( curl -s ) HOME_DIR=/home/ec2-user echo "Installing Amazon EFS file system utilities..." yum install -y amazon-efs-utils pip3 -q install botocore echo "Mount EFS file system into home directory" mount -t efs -o az=$EFS_MOUNT_AZ,tls,accesspoint=$ACCESS_POINT_DATA $EFS_ID:/ $HOME_DIR mkdir -p /dockerlib mount -t efs -o az=$EFS_MOUNT_AZ,tls,accesspoint=$ACCESS_POINT_DOCKER $EFS_ID:/ /dockerlib echo "Preparing Bash profile..." [ ! -f $HOME_DIR/.bashrc ] && { sudo -u ec2-user cp -r /etc/skel/. $HOME_DIR/ } echo "Inserting public SSH key into EFS home directory..." sudo -u ec2-user mkdir $HOME_DIR/.ssh sudo -u ec2-user chmod 0700 $HOME_DIR/.ssh sudo -u ec2-user touch $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys grep -q -F "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys || { echo "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" | sudo -u ec2-user tee -a "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys } GIT_REPO=rioastamal/spot-dev-machine RAW_GIT_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GIT_REPO}/master/scripts AUTO_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="01-install-aws-cli-v2.auto-install.sh 02-install-tmux.auto-install.sh 03-install-nvm.auto-install.sh 04-install-docker.auto-install.sh" for script in $AUTO_INSTALL_SCRIPTS do echo "Downloading ${RAW_GIT_URL}/$script..." curl -L -s ${RAW_GIT_URL}/$script | bash echo "$script done at $( date )" >> /tmp/dev-machine-installer.log done echo "Associating Elastic IP..." aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --allocation-id $IP_ALLOC_ID