ID,PiKaDo320,Muscat245 103777,"[caption title, p.137:] Praeludium | Sig. | Box de Hude | ex G<","[caption title, p.137:] Praeludium | Sig. | Box de Hude | ex G[" 104384,"[caption title, p.96:] Coranto","[caption title, p.96:] Coranto [and division]" 116741,"[caption title, f.39v:] Andante grazioso. [space] Pi*c32","[caption title, f.39v:] Andante grazioso. [space] Pič" 116746,"[at head of 1st system, f.41v:] Krej*c32í","[at head of 1st system, f.41v:] Krejčí" 121338,"[caption title, p.21, S:] Salmo XXXXI a due Canti Quemadmodum desiderat Cerus $c","[caption title, p.21, S:] Salmo XXXXI a due Canti Quemadmodum desiderat Cerus _DOLLAR_c" 124640,"[t.p., p.1, pencil:] GASPERO SBORGI (?) | Pezzi von per cimbalo",Marbruct 126736,"[caption title, f.36r:] Le Petit Piertos","[caption title, f.36r:] Le Petit Piertos [?]" 126825,"[caption title, f.6r:] Litchfield L.M","[caption title, f.6r:] Litchfield L. M" 128933,"[caption title, p.1:] in D major",[without title] 136011,"[caption title, p.2:] Toccata in Principio, ed in Fine della Messa",Offertorio 136012,"[caption title, p.5:] Offertorio",Elevazione 136013,"[caption title, p.30:] Elevazione | Principale, e Ottava",Per la Benedizione 100501279,"[org, back page:] Rosario ã 4° voces | De D. R. Vilanova | N° 2","[org, back page:] Rosario ã 4˚ voces | De D. R. Vilanova | N˚ 2" 110000688,Marcos,Organo | Confitebor | Do Snr. Marcos Ant|o Portugal 110000697,Fagotto I|o | Laudate Pueri Dominum | De Sr. Marcos Antonio Portugal,Fagotto I|o | Laudate Pueri D|n|u|m | Do Sr.|e Marcos Portugal | Patr|a|l 110002533,[without title],In feria quarta. Cinerum 110003189,[without title],Credo | Partitura a 3 | Marcos 110003583,S|r M. Portugal | Te Deum | [...],S|r M. Portugal | Te Deum | Orgão 2|o 150203385,Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg. di Gehra,None 190002126,Sinfonia ex D|# | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola | Et | Basso | dell Sig|r - Åman.,[cover title:] Sinfonia ex D|# | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola | Et | Basso | dell Sig|r Åman. [...] Possessor Christ. Wenster. 190003402,Sinphhonia a 6 ex D|# | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Cornu Primo | Cornu Secondo | Viola | et | Basso | dell Sigr: Utino.,[cover title:] Sinphhonia a 6 ex D|# | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Cornu Primo | Cornu Secondo | Viola | et | Basso | dell Sigr: Utino. Coll. Christ. Wenster 190004182,VI Trio Composé par Ms.r | Sirmen Op. 1:ma.,VI Trio Composé par Ms.|r | Sirmen Op. 1:|m|a. 190008534,Sinfonia,"Sinfonia [vl 1, pencil:] G. A. Graun" 190009421,Tempo di Minuetto Con variazione dell Seig.r Alberti.,[without title] 190009424,[without title],Sonata [F] Allegro Dell J:J: Kramer. 190009450,Intrada del Sig|r Jonas Åman,[cover title by Frigel:] Intrada del Sig|r Jonas Åman (Suedèse) 190009821,Sinfonia | a | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Alto Viola | e | Basso | Dell | Sign. [by later hand:] B ,[cover title:] Sinfonia | a | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Alto Viola | e | Basso | Dell | Sign. [by later hand:] B* | J. G. Psilanderhielm. 190010939,Sinfonia in B.|n. 2 | 4 | à 4. Voci | Violino 1.o | Violino | Viola | Basso | da Graun .,Sinfonia in B.|n. 2 | 4 | à 4. Voci | Violino 1.o | Violino | Viola | Basso | da Graun [Joh. Gottlieb]. 190011648,[by later hand: Sinfonie ou | IV] | Pieces Gb | a 4. [by later hand: Voci] | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola | et | Basso | di Graff <[by later hand: Carl Fred.]>.,[by later hand: Sinfonie ou | IV] | Pieces Gb | a 4. [by later hand: Voci] | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola | et | Basso | di Graff [[by later hand: Carl Fred.]]. 190014326,"T'intendo si, mio cor, | utur Metastasios Cantat l'Amor timido. | af | Kraus. | ","T'intendo si, mio cor, | utur Metastasios Cantat l'Amor timido. | af | Kraus. | [Partitur.]" 190014418,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu ...),[without title] 190014424,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014441,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014444,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014445,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014446,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014448,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014449,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014450,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014451,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014452,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014453,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014454,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014455,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014456,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014514,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014515,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014516,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014517,(Airs spirituels tirez 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spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014529,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014530,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014532,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014533,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014534,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014535,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014536,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014537,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014538,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014539,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014540,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014541,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014542,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014543,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014544,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014545,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014546,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014547,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014548,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014549,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014550,(Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),[without title] 190014795,Rondeau (Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),Rondeau 190014865,Duo (Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu ...),Duo 190014866,Cantique pour le Soir (Airs spirituels tirez des stances chretiennes de l'abbé Têtu...),Cantique pour le Soir 190019148,Concerto D# | a | Flüte a Traverso | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | et | Basso | di Martinij [by other hand:] .,Concerto D# | a | Flüte a Traverso | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | et | Basso | di Martinij [by other hand:] [Giuseppe]. 190020700,[without title],Sonata 1 190020701,[without title],Sonata III|t|a 190020702,[without title],Sonata IV|t|a 190024723,"SOLIMAN II, | SATT I MUSIK | AF | JOSEPH KRAUS (Stockholm 1788)","[title page:] SOLIMAN II, | SATT I MUSIK | AF | JOSEPH KRAUS [f.1:] Ouverture Kraus - Stockholm 1788" 190025599,Sinfonia.,[cover title:] Simphonia. | a. 4 | Violino 1. 2 Viola. Basso 200017983,[titel in our days added:] VIII Sonate | per il | Clavi Cembalo | di | C. Ph. Em. Bach.,[without title] 200020927,Dom. Esto mihi. | Herr Jesu Christe wahrer Mensch u Gott | 4 Voci | 2 Flauti | 2 Hautbois | 2 Violini | Viola | Continuo ,Dom. Esto mihi. | Herr Jesu Christe wahrer Mensch u Gott | 4 Voci | 2 Flauti | 2 Hautbois | 2 Violini | Viola | Continuo [doppelt] 200021857,[Title recently completed:] Quatre Sonates pour le Clavecin | et | un Duo | par | M. Clementi. | Oeuvre 12|m|e,[without title] 200043810,Del Sig|r Adolfo Hasse detto il Sassone | Aria Del Opera Pirro.,"[caption title, f.125r (= S und bc):] Del Sig:|r Adolfo Hasse detto il Sassone | Aria Del Opera Pirro.{{brk}}[caption title, f.129r (= S und bc), left side]: Aria del Opera Pirro. [right side:] Del Sigl: Adolfo Hasse detto il Sasson[e]" 200043862,del Sig|r|e Hasse detto il | Sassone,"[caption title, f.99r, right side:] del Sig.|r|e Hasse detto il | Sassone." 200045655,F. W. Kast ,F. W. Kast [um 1770] 200045656,"Motetta Funebris: | Haltet mich nicht auf, der Herr hat Gnade | zu meiner Reise gegeben. | ã | Canto. | Alt: | Tenore: | Basso.","[B, p.1:] Motetta Funebris: | Haltet mich nicht auf, der Herr hat Gnade | zu meiner Reise gegeben. | â | Canto. | Alt: | Tenore: | Basso. | [at bottom right:] F. WKast. {{brk}}[score, at head:] Motetta Funebr." 200045658,"[B:] Motetta in actu funebri. | Siehe, ich sterbe, und Gott wird mit euch seÿn. | â | Canto | Alto | Tenore | Basso. | F. W. Kast.","[B:] Motetta in actu funebri. | Siehe, ich sterbe, und Gott wird mit euch seÿn. | â | Canto | Alto | Tenore | Basso. | [at bottom right:] F. W. Kast. [br][score, caption title:] Motetta Funebris. | â | Cant. Alto, Tenor et Basso." 200045659,"Motetta. | Wie der Hirsch schreyet nach frischem Wasser | a | Canto, Alto, Tenor et Basso.","[p.1:] Motetta. | Wie der Hirsch schreyet nach frischem Wasser | a | Canto, Alto, Tenor et Basso. | [added at bottom right:] Correct: a. J. C. Engeling | 1797" 200045660,"Motetta funebr. | Ziehet hin ihr lieben Kinder, ziehet hin | â | Cant: | Alt, | Tenor: | et Basso, | F. WK:","[p.1:] Motetta funebr. | Ziehet hin ihr lieben Kinder, ziehet hin | â | Cant: | Alt, | Tenor: | et Basso, | F. WK: | [at bottom richt:] F.WK." 200170429,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170431,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170432,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170433,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170434,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170435,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170436,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170437,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170438,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200170439,Arie | Del Sig:r Hass. | detto | Il Sassone. | 1732.,[without title] 200185307,[...] | Kyrie und Christe | für 4 Singstimmen von Johann Sebastian Bach,"[caption title, by later hand, pencil, f.3r:] [Kyrie aus der Messe in G. (= Messe Nr II hrs. v. G. Pölchau Bonn Simrock 1819)]" 200185320,Preludie e Fughe di Joh. Seb: Bach,"[caption title, p.20:] Fantasia." 200231867,[without title],"[caption title, p.10:] Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade" 201006980,[without title],"[title page, p. 1:] Sinfonia | a | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Basso | del | Sigr. G. Harrer." 201006981,[without title],"[caption title, p. 9:] Sinfonia di Harrer." 201006982,[without title],"[caption title, p. 13:] Sinfonia a 3. [space] di Harrer." 201006983,[without title],"[caption title, p. 21:] Sinfonia di GHarrer." 201006984,[without title],"[caption title, p. 1:] Sinfonia. [space] GHarrer. | Dresda" 201006985,[without title],"[caption title, p. 11:] Sinfonia fatta per la Solennità del felicissimo Natale di | Sua Ecc|z|a li 13 Agosto. [at head, right: GH. 8.38. | Moritzburg]" 201006986,[without title],"[caption title, p. 19:] Sinfonia fatta per le feste del Natale Santo. [at head, right: 12.37. Dresda]" 201006987,[without title],"[caption title, p. 29:] Sinfonia [space] di GHarrer | Dresda 1737." 201006988,[without title],"[caption title, p. 47:] Sinfonia. di Harrer. [space] Dresda G.H. [monogram: GH]" 201006989,[without title],"[caption title, p. 63:] Sinfonia nella quale per espresso Commando è intrecciata | la Marcia della Real Compagnia franca d'Ubertusburg." 201006990,[without title],"[caption title, p. 81:] Sinfonia imitante la Caccia di Cignali, | fatta per la festa di Sant'Uberto nella| Real Villa d'Ubertusburg li 3. Novembre 1737. [at head, right: GHarrer | Ubertusburg]" 201006991,[without title],"[caption title, p. 107:] Sinfonia a 8. di GHarrer in Varsavia." 201006992,[without title],"[caption title, p. 1:] Sinfonia | nella quale si trova quel che si suona, quando si fa la Caccia del Cervo forzato, | fatta per la festa di Sant'Uberto nella Real Villa d'Ubertusburgo l'anno 1747. | li 3. November, da Gottlob Harrer." 201006993,[without title],"[caption title, p. 25:] Sinfonia pe'l Natale die Sua Ecc|z|a la Contessa. [space] Dresda [space] 4.38. | GHarrer." 201006994,[without title],"[caption title, p. 35:] Sinfonia a 6. di Gottlob Harrer. [space] Dresda [year?]| L." 201006995,[without title],"[caption title, p. 43:] Fatta pel Giorno Natalizio della S|r|a. | Baronessa di Stein Nonna della Padrona li 15 Dec: | GHarrer" 201006996,[without title],"[caption title, p. 51:] Sinfonia fatta per la Solennità delle Nozze giubilate. | de S|r. Bar. di Stein [space] GHarrer | Dresde." 201006997,[without title],"[caption title, p.71:] Sinfonia. [by other hand: di Harrer. [space] Varsovia 1732] GH." 201006998,[without title],"[caption title, p. 77:] Sinfonia fatta pel felicissimo Giorno di Nome di Sua Ecc|t|a | la S|r|a Contessa di Brühl li 26. Luglio." 201006999,[without title],"[caption title, p. 87:] Sinfonia nella quale per espresso Commando e intrecciato il | Ballo del gran Padre, per le feste delle Nozze rip. de S|r. | Barone di Stein" 210022471,La Nittetti. in Praga 1765. Del Sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti. | Scena V.,[caption title:] La Nittetti. in Praga 1765. Del Sig|r Dom:|c|o Fischetti [!]. 210022472,La Nittetti. Del Sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti | Aria.,[caption title:] La Nittetti. Del Sig|r Dom.|c|o Fischetti [!] 210022473,Olimpiade. in Praga. 1763. Del Sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti. | Aria,[caption title:] Olimpiade. in Praga. 1763. Del Sig|r Dom:|c|o Fischetti [!]. 210022479,Il Vologeso in Praga 1764. Del Sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti,[caption title:] Il Vologeso in Praga 1764. Del Sig|r Dom.|c|o Fischetti [!] 210022480,"Vologeso Rè de Parti, in Praga 1764. Del Sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti | Aria.","[caption title:] Vologeso Rè de Parti, in Praga 1764. Del Sig|r Dom.|c|o Fischetti [!]" 210022481,"Vologeso Re de Parti, in Praga 1764. Del sig|r Dom|c|o Fischetti | Aria.","[caption title:] Vologeso Re de Parti, in Praga 1764. Del Sig|r Dom.|c|o Fischetti [!]." 210022610,Per La Sig|r|a Gio: Astrua. | Aria | Di | Frederico | III | Re Di | Prussia | Andantino,[at head:] Per La Sig|r|a Gio: Astrua. | [left before first accolade:] Aria | Di | Frederico | III [!] | Re Di | Prussia 210045021,Homilius; Motetto.,"[parts, at head left:] Motetto" 210045546,Il Sigl. Canini Del Sigl Jomelli,"[caption title, at left:] Il Sig: Canini {{brk}} [between first accolade:] Del Sig: Jomelli | 8" 211005074,[caption title:] Duetti Notturni. Del Sigl: Guglielmo Ettore.,[caption title:] Duetti Notturni. Del Sigl: Guglielmo Ettore. [left from the accolade:] N:|o 1 211005075,[without title],[left from the accolade:] N:|r 2 211005076,[without title],[left form the accolade:] N. 3 211005077,[without title],"[at head, left:] N:|o 4." 211005078,[without title],[left from the accolade:] N:|o 5 211005877,"[A, at head:] 4 voc. Auß J. Ristens Sabbahtischen Seelenlust über das Evangel. am h. | Christage [!]","[A, at head:] 4 voc. Auß J. Ristens Sabbahtischen Seelenlust über das Evangel. am h. | Christage [!] [left side:] C. 2 seu Alt." 211006048,[without title],"[B, left from the 1st accolade:] [No.] 4. V. voc" 211006050,"[T, left from the 1st accolade with red ink:] 6. | a. 8 vo:","[B, left from the 1st accolade, red ink:] [No.] 6. 8. voc: | Pauli Quagliadi" 211006051,"[V 8, left from the 1st accolade with red ink:] 7. 8 voc | Joh. Baptista","[B, at head right, with red ink:] 8 vocum. | Johannis Baptistae | [left from the 1st accolade:] [No.] 7." 211006054,[without title],"[B, at head left with red ink:] Leonh: Schröteri | 10." 211006055,[without title],"[B, left from the 1st accolade with red ink:] Tiburtij | Massani.{{brk}}[B, right from the 1st accolade:] [No.] 11." 211006057,[without title],"[B, left from the 1st accolade with red ink:] Barthol: | Gesius{{brk}}[B, right from the 1st accolade:] [No.] 13" 211006062,[without title],"[B, at head with red ink:] Christianus Holander. | [left from the 1st accolade:] 18." 211006067,[without title],"[B, at head:] Johan: Leo: Has:" 211006077,[without title],"[A, at head:] â 5 Ba: Gesij" 212001786,[without title],None 212001793,[without title],None 212002103,Sonata dell Sigr: Hendel,[at head left:] SONATA [right side:] dell Sigr: Hendel. 212002104,Allemande,[at head left:] Allemande. 220030128,"[B, at head:] Der 7. Π","[B, at head:] Der 7. Π" 220030563,[at head:] Tzscheutzschners [!] composition [added by other hand:] in Φ,[at head:] Tzscheutzschners [!] composition [added by other hand:] in Φ 220031417,"[parts:] Missa, | Sex Vocum, super: | VOYCY LE TEMPS | Autore | Michaële Varoto Nova= | rensi, Musarum cul= | tore Cimiloti | [indication of part] | γ.","[parts:] Missa, | Sex Vocum, super: | VOYCY LE TEMPS | Autore | Michaële Varoto Nova= | rensi, Musarum cul= | tore Cimiloti | [indication of part] | Î̲." 250000804,"[caption title vl 1:] | Sinfonie W. Gaehrich, No: 2. | gr:12","[caption title vl 1:] | Sinfonie [right side:] W. Gaehrich, No: 2. | op: 3. Pr. 3 rl: 12 gl" 250000990,[without title],"[f.2v, at head:] Sonata I." 250000991,[without title],"[f.4, at head:] Sonata II" 250000992,[without title],"[f.6v, at head:] Sonata III." 250000993,[without title],"[f.8v, at head:] Sonata IV." 250000994,[without title],"[f.10v, at head:] Sonata V." 250000995,[without title],"[f.13v, at head:] Sonata VI." 250003379,"[vl 1, f.1r at top left:] 1. | Angl.[aise]","[parts, left from the 1st accolade:] 1. | Angl." 250003380,"[vl 1, f.1v at top left:] 2. | Angl.[aise]","[vl 1, fl, left from the 1st accolade:] 2. | Angl." 250003381,"[vl 1, f.2r at top left:] 3 | Angl.[oise]","[vl 1, left from the 1st accolade:] 3 | Angl[oise]." 290000560,[without title],[title page:] DEUTSCHLAND | Chorwerk nach einer Dichtung von Kuba für sechs- | stimmigen Jrgendchor a capella | von | Siegfried Köhler | op.4 ... 290001041,"[caption title:] Liedsätze, feierliche Musiken | und andere Werke für | Streichorchester von Siegfried Köhler | < Zwei feierliche Musiken >","[caption title:] Liedsätze, feierliche Musiken | und andere Werke für | Streichorchester von Siegfried Köhler | [ Zwei feierliche Musiken ]" 290001611,[caption title:] Б. Тищенко | Цосвящение ДЕ*z73сН,[caption title:] Б. Тищенко | Посвящение ДЕзсН 290002585,"[caption title, vl 1:] Heut ist ein wunderschöner Tag | Der junge Tag | Musik u. Arr.: Siegfried Köhler",[caption Title:] III. Gottes Majestät am Firmament 300033719,[5.] Z twoiey to Pani pieszczony r*e52ki,[5.] Z twoiey to Pani pieszczony ręki 300036071,[heading on vl 1] Andante | Marcia | con moto | no | i,"[caption title, b:] Basso | Obertura | No 4 | Operetta Francese Marcello di Capua." 300036072,[heading] Violino | Primo | No 6 \ [heading on vl 1] Violino Primo Aria Un ne peut mettro | Allegro vivace | no | 6,"[heading, vl 1:] Andante | Marcia | con moto | no | i" 300036080,[caption title] Basso | Obertura | No 4 | Operetta Francese Marcello di Capua.,[cover title:] Overtura | Violino Primo | No 4. 300040056,19. Menuet,19. Menuet di Mons Petri 300040057,20. Menuet. Vide Trio nom. 66.,20. [crossed out: 22.] Menuet. [erased: da Petri?] 300040117,[without title],19. Du der Gl:lt' [?] zu. N: 124. 300040150,Vaudeville Joyeux. Couplets.,Vaudeville Joyeux 300040154,Air nouveau historique.,Air nouveau historique 300161011,Missa Pastoralis ex A | Sigl: Brixi o Pragensi | Chori Arenensis | BVM | Wratislavia,[dust cover title:] Missa Pastoralis ex A | Sigl: Brixio Pragensi. | Chori Arenensis | BVM: | Wratislaviae 300257006,"Ej, bracia. Kol*e52da","Ej, bracia. Kolęda" 300257012,"Ei, bracia, czy wy śpicie. Na graduale. Kol*e52da","Ei, bracia, czy wy śpicie. Na graduale. Kolęda" 300257013,Pasterze bieżeli. Kol*e52da,Pasterze bieżeli. Kolęda 300257081,Pasterze bieżeli gdy głos usłyszeli. Kol*e52da,Pasterze bieżeli gdy głos usłyszeli. Kolęda 300257756,[without title],None 300257761,[without title],None 300257763,[without title],None 300257765,[without title],None 300257766,[without title],None 300257767,[without title],None 300257768,[without title],None 300257769,[without title],None 300257873,XIV | Missa | a | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violini 2 | Alto Viola | Clarini 2 ex C | et | Organo | Brixi | [incipit: vl 1 and org] | [probably by Ullrich:] [crossed out: N|o 14 | Fach A.] 638. | Choro Saganensis | proc: R.P. Joseph Ullrich | p.T. Reg. Ch.,"[dust cover title:] [in pencil, later added: RM 4183] XIV | Missa | a | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violini 2 | Alto Viola | Clarini 2 ex C | et | Organo | Brixi | [incipit: vl 1 and org] | [probably by Ulrich: [crossed out: N|o 14 | Fach A.] [in pencil, later added: 638.] | Choro Saganensi | proc: R: P: Joseph Ullrich | p: T: Reg. Ch.]" 300257883,XII | Missa | á | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violinis 2 | Clarinis 2 ex D ad Quoniam B | et | Organo | Del Sigl Brixi | [incipit: vl 1 and org] | [by later hand:] [crossed out: N|o 10 | Fach A.] 639. | Choro Saganensi | proc: R.P. Joseph Ullrich | p.T. Reg. Ch.,"[dust cover title:] [in pencil, later added: RM 4195/4] | XII | Missa | a | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violin[is] 2 | Clarin[is] 2 ex D ad Quoniam B | et | Organo | Del Sigl Brixi | [incipit: vl 1 and org] | [by later hand: [crossed out: N|o 10 | Fach A.] [in pencil, later added: 639.] | Choro Saganensi | proc: R: P: Joseph Ullrich | p: T: Reg: Ch:]" 300500010,Chorus in C Solemnis | a vocibus | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violinis IIbus | Violis IIbus | Obois IIbus | Flauto | Cornibus IIbus | Clarinis IIbus | Organo | Tympanis | Authore D. Bach.,[dust cover title:] Chorus in C Solemnis | a vocibus | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violinis IIbus | Violis IIbus | Obois IIbus | Flauto | Cornibus IIbus | Clarinis IIbus | Organo | Tympanis | Authore D. Bach. Procuravit pro Choro | Lubeno P. Lucas Hahn | p: t: R: Ch: 1810 300505380,"[caption title:] GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO. | Lux natalis adest, qua luci reddimur oos: | Bis-satus en fit Homo; laus sit in aexc. DEO. | Der Grosse Geburtstag anbricht | welcher Vns bringt das Himmels Licht [...] | Cantus à 4 | I.",[without title] 300505381,"[caption title:] Nil sum, nulla miser novi solatia, massam | Humanam, nisi qvod tu qvoque CHR[ist]E [...] | [...] Salus. | CAN= | TUS. a 4. | II.",[without title] 300505382,[caption title:] CANTUS à 4. | III.,[without title] 300505383,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | IV.,[without title] 300505384,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | V.,[without title] 300505385,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | VI.,[without title] 300505386,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. VII.,[without title] 300505387,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. VIII.,[without title] 300505388,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | IX.,[without title] 300505389,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | X.,[without title] 300505391,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XII.,[without title] 300505393,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XIV.,[without title] 300505394,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XV.,[without title] 300505395,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XVI.,[without title] 300505396,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XVII.,[without title] 300505397,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XVIII.,[without title] 300505400,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXI.,[without title] 300505404,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XXIV.,[without title] 300505405,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XXVI.,[without title] 300505406,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXVII.,[without title] 300505407,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXVIII.,[without title] 300505408,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXIX.,[without title] 300505409,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXX.,[without title] 300505410,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXI.,[without title] 300505411,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXII.,[without title] 300505412,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XXXIII.,[without title] 300505413,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. XXXIV.,[without title] 300505414,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXV.,[without title] 300505415,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXVI.,[without title] 300505416,[caption title:] CANTUS à 4 | XXXVII.,[without title] 300505417,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXVIII.,[without title] 300505418,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XXXIX.,[without title] 300505419,[caption title:] CANTUS. à 4. | XL.,[without title] 300506001,"[caption title, A 1;] Gesy. [space] Alto.","[heading, B:] Gesij. Bassus. a 4." 300506007,"[caption title, B 2:] Der 12. Psalm. Bass.",[heading:] Der 12. Psalm. Altus. 300510662,[without title],[cover title:] Missa brevis ex E et A | Chori S: Mathiae 1795. 300510924,"[cover title, S:] N 8. | L: F: Ch: | ARIA de Beata ex G duro | a | Canto Solo | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola de Alto | Con | Cembalo | Del Sig: Adolph Hasse | J: Z: | Chori Lubensis | [crossed out:] De Rebus fz. Jz.","[cover title, S:] N 8. | L: F: Ch: | ARIA [by another hand: de Beata ex G duro] | a | Canto Solo | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Viola de Alto | Con | Cembalo | Del Sigl: Adolph Hasse | [on the left: J: Z:] | [on the right: Chori Lubensis] | [crossed out:] De Rebus fz. JZ." 300510932,[dust cover title:] Num 21 | Aria ex Opera Arminio [sic!] | à 5 Vocibus | ex a# [later added] | Piu del costume questa mia spada | De Venerabili [later added] | Basso solo | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Alto Viola. | Con Violone | Authore Sige. Hasse. | Ex Musicalibus Caroli Sedlack | Rect. Trebn | Descrip. 1750. die 6 Febr. | Chori Lub. [later added],[dust cover title:] Num 21 | Aria ex Opera Arminio [sic!] | à 5 Vocibus | [later added: ex a#] | Piu del costume questa | mia spada | [later added: De Venerabili] | Basso solo | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Alto Viola. | Con Violone | Authore Sige. Hasse. | Ex Musicalibus Caroli Sedlack | Rect. Trebn | Descrip. 1750. die 6 Febr. | [later added: Chori Lub.] 300510946,"[cover title, fl 1:] No.124 | Aria | De Passione Domini | con Strom. | Tenore | Violini | Flauti Traverssiere | Violetta. | con | Fondamento | Composita | di Sigre Hasse","[cover title, fl 1:] No.124 | Aria | De Passione Domini | con Strom. | Tenore | Violini | Flauti Traverssiere | Violetta. | con | Fondamento | Composita | di Sigre Hasse | Bgl:" 300510961,[dust cover title:] 1|ma de Sancta Anna. | 2|da de B. V. Maria. | 27 | Ariae duae | à | Canto Solo | Violino Primo. | Violino Secondo. | Viola | Co | Basso. [in black pencil: 621.] | Aut. del Sig: Gio. Adolffo Hasse. | II Clasos | Facti 13 | N|o 50 | Chori Saganensis.,[dust cover title:] 1|m|a de Sancta Anna. | 2|d|a de B. V. Maria. | 27 | Ariae duae | à | Canto Solo | Violino Primo. | Violino Secondo. | Viola | Con | Basso. [in black pencil: 621.] | Aut. del Sig: Giov. Adolffo Hasse. | II Classis | Fach B | N|o 50 | Chori Saganensis 303000902,[without title],None 450007434,PARTITION. | DE | DOUZE SUITTES ET SINFONIES | DE | S. A. S. | MONSEIGNEUR LE LANDGRAVE | DE | HESSE DARMSTAT. | 1718.,Sinfonie de Son Altesse Serenissime 450007435,PARTITION. | DE | DOUZE SUITTES ET SINFONIES | DE | S. A. S. | MONSEIGNEUR LE LANDGRAVE | DE | HESSE DARMSTAT. | 1718.,Sinfonie de Mon Seigneur 450007436,PARTITION. | DE | DOUZE SUITTES ET SINFONIES | DE | S. A. S. | MONSEIGNEUR LE LANDGRAVE | DE | HESSE DARMSTAT. | 1718.,Sinfonie de Son Altesse Serenissime | Hautbois seul. 450008183,Missa SS. Angelorũ. | à | 4: Vocibus | C: A: T: et B:o | 2 Violinis | 2 Trombonis | 4 Clarinis é tymp: | con | Organo | Del Sign: Öttl Viennae.,Missa SS. Angelorũ. | à | 4: Vocibus | C: A: T: et B:o | 2 Violinis | 2 Trombonis | 4 Clarinis é Tymp: | con | Organo | Del Sign: Öttl Vienna. 450014595,Ariadne auf Naxos | Ein Duodrama | von | Georg Benda | vollständigere u. verbesserte | Partitur.,Ariadne auf Naxos | Ein Duodrama | von | Georg Benda | vollständigere u. verbesserte | Partitur. {{brk}} [label on cover:] ARIADNE BENDA 450014655,L'Italiana in Londra | =1779= | Intermezzi a Cinque Voci | Musica | Del | Sig|r Domenico Cimarosa,L'Italiana in Londra | 450014882, | ,[Te Deum] | [Mr Handel.] 450015566,[caption title:] Polyxena Ein Melodrama.,"[caption title:] Polyxena Ein Melodrama. {{brk}} [vl 1, dust cover title:] Polyxena Ein Monodram | a Soprano Voce | Violino Primo | Violino secondo | Due Oboi | Due Flauti | Due Fagotti | Due Corni | Alto Viola | e | Basso | di Zeller" 450020286,Sinfonia / di Mons: Krause / [blei:] C /,"[cover title:] Missa D-Dur | a | 2 Violin | 4 Vocal | Braccia | 2 Corni | et Basso | Del Sign: Stark | N|o 8./b. | [vla:] Missa Ex D-Dur | â | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Canto, Alto | Tenor, Basso | Braccia | Cornu 1 | Cornu 2 | ou Clarini | et Basso | Del Sig. Starck" 450020684,Miserere ,Miserere [nach dem V. Kirchenton] 450023003,[without title],"[cl 1, heading:] Del Sigr: Antoni Rosetti | Nro 18" 450031081,"[caption title:] ""Gott sei uns gnädig, segne uns"" (à 4 Instr., Sopr. Alt, Ten. et^ | Bassi con B. C.) | Hauf.","[caption title:] ""Gott sei uns gnädig, segne uns"" (à 4 Instr., Sopr. Alt, Ten. et^ | Bassi con B. C.) | Hanf." 450034568,[without title],[heading:] N|o 2 450034569,[without title],[heading:] No 3 450034572,[without title],[heading:] No. 1 450034573,[without title],[heading:] No. 2 450034574,[without title],[heading:] No. 3 450034575,[without title],[heading:] No. 4 450034600,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina I 450034601,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina II 450034602,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina III 450034603,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina IV 450034604,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina V 450034605,[without title],[heading:] Sonatina VI 450037081,[cover title:] Schlossgärtner und Windmüller | Partitur. | 14 Orch.-7 Sing-Stimmen,[cover title:] Schlossgärtner und Windmüller | Partitur. | 14 Orch.-7 Sing-Stim[m]en 450037947,"[org:] Missa Pastoritia a 6 Vocibus, 2 Violinis, Viola, 2 Flauti et Obois, 2 Corni, 2 Clarinis, Tympani, Violoncello, Violone et Organo. Comp. Pater Ciac. Angeblich .","[org:] Missa Pastoritia a 6 Vocibus, 2 Violinis, Viola, 2 Flauti et Obois, 2 Corni, 2 Clarinis, Tympani, Violoncello, Violone et Organo. Comp. Pater Ciac. Angeblich [Mönch in einem spanischen Kloster]." 450038613,Die Sendung: aus Ida und Alexis; einem Liedroman von Tiedge; dreystimmig zu singen mit Begleitung des Pianoforte | in Music gesetzt von Fr. Hr. Himmel.,"1|s|t title page:] Aus Ida und Alexis. | einem Liederroman | von Tiedge | in Music gesetzt, von Fr. Hr. Himmel | Högl. Preuss: Capellmeister{{brk}}[2|n|d title page:] Die Sendung | Dreÿstimmig zu singen | mit | Begleitung des Pianoforte{{brk}}[caption title:] (Ida beÿ Uebersendung einer Rose an Alexis.)" 450038703,Motetta,[caption title:] Motetta Nro 32. 450038725,[without title],[caption title:] Nro. 1 Nun freut euch Gottes Kinder all p. | Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen seÿn p. 450040489,Tenebae [!] für gemischten Chor von Zaininger .,Tenebae [!] für gemischten Chor von Zaininger [für den schmerzhaften Freitag und Charfreitag]. 450040491,[score:] Tenebrae für gemischten Chor von Zaininger .,[score:] Tenebrae für gemischten Chor von Zaininger [für den schmerzhaften Freitag nach dem Amt]. 450043217,"[caption title, score and parts:] Deutsche Messe: für 4 Singst. u. Orgel. Von C. L. Drobisch. <>","[caption title, score and parts:] Deutsche Messe: für 4 Singst. u. Orgel. Von C. L. Drobisch. [[Ich komme vor dein Angesicht]]" 451023680,[heading:] Del Sig. Scarlatti.,[heading:] Del Sig. Scarlatti. | Nell'Eraclio 451023683,[heading:] Del Sig. Scarlatti. 51023667,[heading:] Del Sig. Scarlatti. 452001369,[caption title:] Des Maurers Soñe. | Gedicht von Br[uder] Karl Back - Weise von Br[uder] Karl August Reichardt. | i. M. v. Altenburg.,"[caption title, p. 1, by unknown hand:] Des Maurers Soñe. | Gedicht von Br[uder] Karl Back - Weise von Br[uder] Karl August Reichardt. | i. M. v. Altenburg. {{brk}} [left before 1st accolade, by Reichardt:] Singst. | Pianof. | o | Physharm." 452001953,Duetto | Piu non si trovano framille amanti. | [by other hand:] C: B: D-ff. | ,Duetto | Piu non si trovano framille amanti. | [by other hand:] C: B: D-ff. | [Charles Baron de Doblhoff] 452002343,[caption title:] Fantasie. | Für Hr. Dr. Chladny's Clavicylinder | O. den 22 April 1803 | ,[caption title:] Fantasie. | Für Hr. Dr. Chladny's Clavicylinder | O. den 22 April 1803 | [comp. v. Hofr. André] 452002583,[caption title:] Altera pars. II ,[caption title:] Altera pars. II [in libro VI] 452002585,[caption title:] IV. ,[caption title:] IV. [in libro XII] 452002933,Scena I [crossed out] | von J. C. Bach. [crossed out] | Scena II | von Giuseppe Gazaniga | ,Scena I [crossed out] | von J. C. Bach. [crossed out] | Scena II | von Giuseppe Gazaniga | [etwa 1778] 452004061,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] 1 452004062,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 2. 452004063,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 3. 452004064,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 4. 452004065,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 5. 452004066,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 6 452004067,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagnement | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 7 452004068,[cover title:] Huit Nouveaux Nocturnes Italiens | a | Deux Voix | avec Accompagneme[n]t | de | Piano Forte ou Harpe | composes par | Felix Blangini.,[heading:] N: 8 452005169,[heading:] Sinfonia in A. | J. Haydn | [later added by pencil:] ,[heading:] Sinfonia in A. | J. Haydn | [later added by pencil:] [vielm. von | Anton Fils] 452005516,[heading:] Dirigir=Stimme zum Concert D dur v. Haydn. | con Oboi e Corni. | ,[heading:] Dirigir=Stimme zum Concert D dur v. Haydn. | con Oboi e Corni. | [senca Oboi e Corni] 452006357,"[cover title, score:] Le Camp | Fantaisie militaire | aus | Hermannsschlacht | von | A. H. Chelard | ","[cover title, score:] Le Camp | Fantaisie militaire | aus | Hermannsschlacht | von | A. H. Chelard | [für 2 Orchester]" 452008751,[caption title:] Aus der Tiefen rufe ich φ,[caption title:] Aus der Tiefen rufe ich p.p. 452008753,[caption title:] Ach Gott thu dich erbarmen φ,[caption title:] Ach Gott thu dich erbarmen pp. 452010693,"[cover title:] aus | der grossen Messe in Es | von | Carl Maria von Weber. | Clavier Auszug von F. W. Jähns. | Ursprünglich für: 2 Clarinetti in B - 2 Corni in C - | 2 Fagotti - Soprano Solo - Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso. - | Violoncelli - Contra Bassi.",[caption title:] Aria andante 452011539,[without title],"[caption title, S and b:] nell'Opera | Antigono | del Sig. Hass" 452012964,No 17. | Quartetto | aus der Oper Chimene ou Le Cid. | von Sacchini. | ,No 17. | Quartetto | aus der Oper Chimene ou Le Cid. | von Sacchini. | [Enfin l'Amour triomphe:] 452014096,"[heading by later hand in red ink, f.7v:] Händl. | Aus dem 2. Theil der | Clavier Suiten. | [by other hand:] ","[heading by later hand in red ink, f.7v:] Händl. | Aus dem 2. Theil der | Clavier Suiten. | [by other hand:] [Arnoldsche Ausgabe | N=|o 7. pag. 35.]" 452015232,"[cover title, vl 1:] Ungarische Arie | gesungen von Mad|e la Grange. | Doubletten | Hunyadi Lásrlo","[cover title, vl 1:] Ungarische Arie | gesungen von Mad|e la Grange. | Doubletten | Hunyadi Lászlo" 452015290,"[probably by later hand:] Lied. | 1.) Lobt Gott ihr Christen etc. | 2.) Immanuel, der Herr ist hier. | 3.) Nun danket Gott u. bringet | Ehr'- | 4.) Michaelis u. Dankcantate. | Mit 2 Hoboen | 2 Hörnern in G | 2 Violnen, Viola u. Baß. | 4 Singstimmen mit Orgel | von | Doles mit einem Zusatz | von | Weimar. | ","[probably by later hand:] Lied. | 1.) Lobt Gott ihr Christen etc. | 2.) Immanuel, der Herr ist hier. | 3.) Nun danket Gott u. bringet | Ehr'- | 4.) Michaelis u. Dankcantate. | Mit 2 Hoboen | 2 Hörnern in G | 2 Violnen, Viola u. Baß. | 4 Singstimmen mit Orgel | von | Doles mit einem Zusatz | von | Weimar. | [Wöchentl. 1 Sg.]" 452015337,[without title],"[heading, B:] Joh: Dromnick â 4 Voc: | Cap. M. Episcop" 452017304,[p.2:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.2, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata IV" 452017310,[p.52:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.52, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata | F-Dur" 452017311,[p.56:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.56, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata | G-Dur" 452017313,[p.71:] (Sonata da Cembalo),[without title] 452017314,[p.76:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.76, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata | B-Dur" 452017315,[p.82:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.82, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata | C-Dur" 452017316,[p.86:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.86, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata G-Dur" 452017317,[p.90:] (Sonata da Cembalo),"[p.90, by later hand, pencil:] Sonata | C-Dur" 452019950,"[heading:] Aria [later added, in pencil:] ","[heading:] Aria [later added, in pencil:] [Komp. F. Giardini?]" 452020046,No 9,"[caption title, p. 14:]" 452020052,No 15,"[caption title, p. 22:] N|o 14 [""4"" crossed out with pencil and corrected in ""5""]" 452020053,No 16,"[caption title, p. 23:] N|o 15 [""5"" crossed out with pencil and corrected into ""6""]" 452020494,"[heading, later added in pencil:] | ","[heading, later added in pencil:] [Aus ""Siroe"" von Metastasio] | [Komp. Joh. Adolf Hasse]" 452020672,"[heading:] Aus Wilhelm Tell, von Schiller. | Idyllische Einleitung. | Komp. v. Fr. Götzloff ","[heading:] Aus Wilhelm Tell, von Schiller. | Idyllische Einleitung. | Komp. v. Fr. Götzloff [in Berlin]" 452020676,"[heading:] Der Knabe. | [later added, in pencil:] ","[heading:] Der Knabe. | [later added, in pencil:] [Komp. Joh. Fr. Reichardt]" 452023049,"[cover title by Dehn, f.1r:] Pierluigi da Palestrina. | Hymni totius anni 3, 4, 5 vocum. | nach Baini heißt der Titel: Joannis Petri Aloysii Praenestini Sacrae Bas. Vas. Cap. magistri hymni totius | anni secundum S.R.E. consuetudinem quatuor vocibus concinendi, nec non | hymni religionum. Cum privil. S.Pont., Sup. permissu | etc. Romae 1589. | F. Coattinus (excudebat.) | Das vorliegende Exemplar stammt aus Forkel's Bibliothek und ist von dem Capell- | meister Anton Schweizer in Gotha, Während seines Aufenthaltes zu Rom dort nach | dem Originaldruck (F. Coattinus. Romae 1589) eigenhändig in Pa","[cover title by Dehn, f.1r:] Pierluigi da Palestrina. | Hymni totius anni 3, 4, 5 vocum. | nach Baini heißt der Titel: Joannis Petri Aloysii Praenestini Sacrae Bas. Vas. Cap. magistri hymni totius | anni secundum S.R.E. consuetudinem quatuor vocibus concinendi, nec non | hymni religionum. Cum privil. S.Pont., Sup. permissu | etc. Romae 1589. | F. Coattinus (excudebat.) | Das vorliegende Exemplar stammt aus Forkel's Bibliothek und ist von dem Capell- | meister Anton Schweizer in Gotha, Während seines Aufenthaltes zu Rom dort nach | dem Originaldruck (F. Coattinus. Romae 1589) eigenhändig in Partitur geschrieben" 452503093,[caption title:] Ach wie nichtig ach wie flüchtig γ.,[caption title:] Ach wie nichtig ach wie flüchtig Î̲. 452509460,"[cover title, vol.1:] [by Poelchau, pencil: Metastasio] | Della Betulia liberata. | Parte prima. | Composto del Sig|r|e Schuback | [by Poelchau, pencil:] Syndicus in Hamburg | und | Schüler von Telemann","[caption title, p. 1:] Cantata [right:] Del Sig|r|e Schuback" 452511973,[caption title:] Beware by Longfellow [right:] Moulton,[caption title:] Beware by Longfellow [right:] Moulton [pseudonym of Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone] 452514721,[caption title:] No 4. Allegretto. Ein großes feierliches Ballett - für die [rest unreadable],[caption title:] No 4. Allegretto. Ein großes feierliches Ballett - für die Lilliput[er] 452518039,[caption title:] Die unsichtbare Welt | N|o 5. | [at bottom:] Caroline von der Lühe.,[caption title:] Die unsichtbare Welt | N|o 5. | [at bottom:] Caroline von der Lühe [Ehename: Brandenstein]. 452521460,"[cover title:] JOHANNES GABRIELI | und | SEIN ZEITALTER. | Zur Geschichte | der Blüthe heiligen Gesanges im sechzehnten, und der ersten Entwickelung der | Hauptformen unserer heutigen Tonkunst in diesem und dem folgenden | Jahrhunderte, zumal in der Venedischen Tonschule. | Dargestellt | durch | C. VON WINTERFELD. | DRITTER THEIL, | enthaltend eine Sammlung geistlicher und anderer Tonwerke vorzüglicher Meister des 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert | namentlich von Gio. Gabrieli, H. Schütz, seinem Schüler, Palestrina, Orlando Lasso, Claudio Merulo, Claudio | Monteverde, Luca Marenzio, dem Fürsten von","[cover title:] JOHANNES GABRIELI | und | SEIN ZEITALTER. | Zur Geschichte | der Blüthe heiligen Gesanges im sechzehnten, und der ersten Entwickelung der | Hauptformen unserer heutigen Tonkunst in diesem und dem folgenden | Jahrhunderte, zumal in der Venedischen Tonschule. | Dargestellt | durch | C. VON WINTERFELD. | DRITTER THEIL, | enthaltend eine Sammlung geistlicher und anderer Tonwerke vorzüglicher Meister des 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert | namentlich von Gio. Gabrieli, H. Schütz, seinem Schüler, Palestrina, Orlando Lasso, Claudio Merulo, Claudio | Monteverde, Luca Marenzio, dem Fürsten von Venosa, theils vollständig, theils im Auszuge." 453012044,[title page:] Neun | Freymäurer Lieder | in Musik gesezt | von | Herrn Kapellmeister Naumann | zu Dresden.,[title page:] Neun | Freymäurer Lieder | in Musik gesezt | von | Herrn Kapellmeister Naumann | zu Dresden. [at the bottom of the page:] 1. 454015262,[caption title:] N|o 7. Del S|r Legrenzi.,[caption title:] Del S|r Legrenzi N|o 7 454015263,[caption title:] N|o 8. Del S|r Ant|o Gianettini.,None 454015290,"[caption title, V 1/V 4:] Nro: I. Der Postmenuett v. Schermer. a 4 Vocibus.","[caption title, V 1/V 4:] Der Postmenuett [right side:] v. Schermer. [by later hand:] a 4 Vocibus. {{brk}} [First accolade left:] Nro: I." 454015326,"[caption title, V 1/V 4:] 37. Das Räuschchen. Lieut. Koller.",[heading:] 37. Das Räuschchen Lieut: Koller 454015331,"[heading, V 1/V 4:] 42.","[heading, B 1:] 42. Die erste Liebe" 454015366,[heading:] 78.,"[heading, with pencil:] [78.]" 454015367,[heading:] 79.,"[heading, with pencil:] [79.]" 454500584,[cover title:] Alma et Salve | I Tenore Solo in Es | II Baßo Solo in C | 2 Violino | 2 Clarinetto | 2 Corno | et | Baßo,[cover title:] Alma et Salve | I Tenore Solo in Es | II Basso Solo in C | 2 Violino | 2 Clarinetto | 2 Corno | et | Basso 454500660,"[before accolade:] Aufopferung
[under accolade:] Nimm an, o Herr! die Gabenm","[before accolade:] Aufopferung {{brk}}[under accolade:] Nimm an, o Herr! die Gaben" 455006901,[without title],None 455007286,[label on cover:] Skizzen | α),[label on cover:] Skizzen | α) 455007291,[label on cover:] Skizzen | β),[label on cover:] Skizzen | β) 455010205,"[heading, fag 1:] Muster der Gedult u. Liebe φ","[heading, fag 1:] Muster der Gedult u. Liebe ψ" 455013801,[title page:] Concerto | a | Cembalo accompagn: | de [!] Violino primo | Violino secundo | Viola | e | Basso. | [at right:] del Sigr: N: G: Eichstædt. | [Incipit of the first set],[title page:] Concerto | a | Cembalo accompagn: | de [!] Violino primo | Violino secundo | Viola | e | Basso. | [at right:] del Sigr: N: G: Eichstædt. | [Incipit of the first movement] 455014020,"[title page, f.1r:]ÎÎÂÎŹÎÎÎ ÎłÎůÎůÎÎźÎÎÅÎ","[title page, f.1r:] Ασηατα Σλλnνιυα" 455014022,"[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 1 | [heading, with ink:] ΣÎÄα ÎÇÎżÎÁÎÄα ÎŮαθιÎÂΏεΟοs","[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 1 | [heading, with ink:] Στα χορτα καθιομενοs" 455014023,"[heading, with pencil, f.6v:] No. 3 | [heading, with ink:] ÎÎżÎÂÎΠÎÎŹÎÎÎÎs ÎÎůÎÎÎÎÁÎÎs","[heading, with pencil, f.6v:] No. 3 | [heading, with ink:] Ποσεοs νμεραιs θλιβεραιs" 455014024,"[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 4 | [heading, with ink:] ΤÎÉÎź αδÎÅΟαÎÄοΟ ÎµÎ¹ÎźÎµ","[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 4 | [heading, with ink:] Των αδουνατον εινε" 455014025,"[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 5 | [heading, with ink:] ÎÎź ÎŮÎÎ ÎÎÎŮÎÁÎÎÂÎÉ","[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 5 | [heading, with ink:] Αν και δακρισω" 455014026,"[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 6 | [heading, with ink:] ΜεÎÄÎÁÎÉ ÎÂÎÇεδοΟ ÎÄÎÁειs ÎÇÎÁοΟοÎÅs","[heading, with pencil, f.4v:] No. 6 | [heading, with ink:] Μετρω σχεδον τρειs" 455014027,"[heading, with pencil, f.14r:] No. 7 | [heading, with ink:] Ταφε ÎÂÎŮÎůιÎÁε ÎÀÎżÎÅ ÎŮÎÁιφÎÄιs","[heading, with pencil, f.14r:] No. 7 | [heading, with ink:] Ταφε σκλιρε που κριφτιs" 455014029,"[heading, with pencil, f.19r:] No. 9 | [heading, with ink:] ÎÎůÎÈÎŮÎżφÎÎźÎÎÎ ÎŮÎÎ Î' ÎÎÂÎÎÁÎ","[heading, with pencil, f.19r:] No. 9 | [heading, with ink:] Γλψκοφενγει και" 455014030,"[heading, with pencil, f.21r:] No. 10 | [heading, with ink:] ÎÎÎź ÎÎÎÎs ÎÎÎź ÎÎÎźÎÎÅÎůÎ","[heading, with pencil, f.21r:] No. 10 | [heading, with ink:] Τεν ειδεs τεν Ξανθυλα" 455014031,"[heading, with pencil, f.22r:] No. 11 | [heading, with ink:] Σε ÎÀεÎÁÎ¹Î²ÎżÎůι βÎÁιÎÂÎŮοΏοΟ ÎÂÎÇÎżÎůε","[heading, with pencil, f.22r:] No. 11 | [heading, with ink:] Σε περιβολι βρισκομον σχοολε" 455014115,[without title],None 455014313,"[cover title, cemb:] Concerto | à | Cembalo e Violino | 2 Violini | e | Basso | del Sigr: Lange. [!] | [Incipit of the first set] | [title page, cemb:] Concerto [at right:] B dur | Cembalo obligato | Violino principale | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | e Basso | del Sigr Giov: Georgio Lang | [Incipit first set]","[cover title, cemb:] Concerto | à | Cembalo e Violino | 2 Violini | e | Basso | del Sigr: Lange. [!] | [Incipit of the first movement] | {{brk}}[title page, cemb:] Concerto [at right:] B dur | Cembalo obligato | Violino principale | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | e Basso | del Sigr Giov: Georgio Lang | [Incipit first movement]" 455014446,"[cover title, timp:] Symphonia | à | due Violini | due Viole | due Oboe | due Corni in C. et G. | due Clarini in C. | Tympani | [at left:] del Sign. Hayden. | [Incipit of the first set]","[cover title, timp:] Symphonia | à | due Violini | due Viole | due Oboe | due Corni in C. et G. | due Clarini in C. | Tympani | [at left:] del Sign. Hayden. | [Incipit of the first movement]" 455015229,"[heading, f.46r:] 33. Der thöricht spricht es ist kein Gott φ. 53 (14.) Dachstein | [at left, f.47r:] Nro. V | [at right:] Landgraf Moritz von Hessen 16120","[at left, f.47r:] Nro. V | [at right:] Landgraf Moritz von Hessen 1612" 455020599,[cover title:] SINFONIA Ex C | a 9 voc | Due Violino | Due Oboe | Due Corno | Alto Viola | et | Basso. | [at right:] Dal Sig|r|e Giuseppe Haÿden | Thema [Incipit of the first four bars of the first set],[cover title:] SINFONIA Ex C | a 9 voc | Due Violino | Due Oboe | Due Corno | Alto Viola | et | Basso. | [at right:] Dal Sig|r|e Giuseppe Haÿden | Thema [Incipit of the first four bars of the first movement] 455020602,"[cover title:] Sinfonia Ex D # | a 8 v: | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Oboe Primo | Oboe Secondo | Cornu Primo | Cornu Secondo | con | Viola | et | Fondamento. | [at the tail, at right:] Del Sigr. Christiano Cannabich | [Incipit of the first five bars of the vl 1 of the first set]","[cover title:] Sinfonia Ex D # | a 8 v: | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Oboe Primo | Oboe Secondo | Cornu Primo | Cornu Secondo | con | Viola | et | Fondamento. | [at the tail, at right:] Del Sigr. Christiano Cannabich | [Incipit of the first five bars of the vl 1 of the first movement]" 456008730,Psalmus 50 | Miserere | à cinque voci | con Organo | del Sig: Francesco Durante,[without title] 456009571,"[title, vlc:] Serenata | a | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Alto Viola | con | Violoncello. | Del Sig Augustino | Holler.",None 456011444,[without title],[heading:] Menuetto 456011708,No. 20. Del Sig: Bonocini[!] | Aria Con | Obuè,[first accolade left:] No. 20. | Aria Con | Obuè [heading right side:] Del Sig: Bonocini[!] 456014797,[1.],[without title] 456014798,[2.],[without title] 456014799,[3.],[without title] 456014800,[4.],[without title] 456014801,[5.],[without title] 456014802,[6.],[without title] 456014803,[7.],[without title] 456014804,[8.],[without title] 456014805,[9.],[without title] 456014807,[11.],[without title] 456014808,[12.],[without title] 456014810,[14.],[without title] 456014811,[15.],[without title] 456014813,[17.],[without title] 456014814,[18.],[without title] 456014815,[19.],[without title] 456014816,[20.],[without title] 456014817,[21.],[without title] 456014818,[22.],[without title] 456014819,[23.],[without title] 456014821,[25.],[without title] 456014823,[27.],[without title] 456014829,[33.],[without title] 456014830,[34.],[without title] 469041900,[without title],None 469091401,[without title],None 469091501,[without title],None 469091601,[without title],None 469091701,[without title],None 469091801,[without title],None 469091901,[without title],None 469092001,[without title],None 469092101,[without title],None 455025921,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade:] 3°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left, on margin:] 3˚" 455025922,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.83:] 4°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.83, at left, on margin:] 4˚" 455025923,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.86:] 5°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.86, at left, on margin:] 5˚" 455025924,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.87:] 6°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.87, at left, on margin:] 6˚" 455025925,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.88:] 7°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.88, at left, on margin:] 7˚" 455025927,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.90:] 9°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.90, at left, on margin:] 9˚" 455025928,"[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo [at left before the accolade, p.93:] 10°","[heading, p.81:] Sonata d'Organo {{brk}}[p.93, at left, on margin:] 10˚" 460017803,[heading:] Wasserfahrt,[heading:] Sommerlied 450106659,[without title],"[at bottom, left:] aus Beethovens Fidelio eigenhändig zugeschrieben" 469507701,[without title],None 469507702,[without title],None 469507703,[without title],None 469507704,[without title],None 469507705,[without title],None 469507706,[without title],None 469507707,[without title],None 469507708,[without title],None 469507709,[without title],None 469507710,[without title],None 469507711,[without title],None 469507712,[without title],None 469507713,[without title],None 469507714,[without title],None 469507715,[without title],None 469507716,[without title],None 469507717,[without title],None 469507718,[without title],None 469507719,[without title],None 469507720,[without title],None 469507721,[without title],None 469507722,[without title],None 469507723,[without title],None 469507724,[without title],None 469507725,[without title],None 469507726,[without title],None 457000027,[without title],None 457000070,[without title],None 465000014,[without title],None 450107328,[without title],[dust cover title:] Domin: Reminiscere{{brk}}[caption title:] Dominica Reminiscere [on the right:] di | Tag 500026770,"Impromperii del Venerdi Santo a quattro Voci | del Co: Antonio Alberti | Spalatino. [sheet of score:] Del Sig|r. Co: Ant: Alberti Spalatino | Spalato=Split, Anm. L. *S32.","Impromperii del Venerdi Santo a quattro Voci | del Co: Antonio Alberti | Spalatino. [sheet of score:] Del Sig|r. Co: Ant: Alberti Spalatino | Spalato=Split, Anm. L. Š." 500500118,In Ascensione Di.,In Ascensione DĄi. 500501146,Uspoměnka od T. *S32.,Uspoměnka od T. Š. 500501198,Violino I|mo | Kolo | T. *S32.,Violino I|mo | Kolo | T. Š. 500501229,Schnevitchen | polka (franc) von *S32.,Schnevitchen | polka (franc) von Š. 500501230,Hajd na pred | Polka brza od *S32.,Hajd na pred | Polka brza od Š. 500501235,Die kleine Flöte | Marsch | *S32.,Die kleine Flöte | Marsch | Š. 500501238,Radosti je kraj. T. *S32.,Radosti je kraj. T. Š. 500501242,Bog nek živi | T. *S32.,Bog nek živi | T. Š. 500501244,Tenor I | Golubica | Iz Slavonije | T. *S32.,Tenor I | Golubica | Iz Slavonije | T. Š. 500501263,Za *c32im hlepi*s32.,Za čim hlepiš. 500501270,Sanctus | T. *S32.,Sanctus | T. Š. 500501271,Br. 94. | Offertorium | Tenor I | T. *S32.,Br. 94. | Offertorium | Tenor I | T. Š. 530000320,G Giuseppe: Ariette E cantilene dei Venditori di Roma.,Ariette E cantilene dei Venditori di Roma Del Giuseppe G... 530000322,"GNECCO Francesco: Cavatina ""All ara al tempio...""",Cavatina All ara al tempio Del Sigr. Francesco Gnecco 530000501,MAYR Simon: Cavatina: O dell Idalia venere.,Cavatina: O dell Idalia venere Del Sig. Simone Mayr. 530000577,"PAISIELLO G: Duetto ""Abbracciami, o sposo...""","Duetto ""Abbracciami, o sposo..."" Del Sigr. G. Paisiello." 530000580,"PAISIELLO G: 6. Duetto: ""Le nostre ceneri..."" Nell'Opera D'Elfrida.","6. Duetto: ""Le nostre ceneri..."" Nell'Opera D'Elfrida Del Sigr. Paisiello." 530000719,"ZINGARELLI Nicola: Cavatina ""Vengo a voi di lauri adorno""",Cavatina Vengo a voi di lauri adorno Del Sigr. Niccola Zingarelli in Roma Nell Archivio di Gio Batta Concetti Posto al Teatro Valle 530000741,HIMMEL: Die Liebende.,Die Liebende v[on] Himmel. 530000743,HIMMEL: Gesellschaftslied.,Gesellschaftslied v[on] Himmel. 530000745,DALBERG: Die Sterne.,Die Sterne v[on] Dalberg. 530000746,GROSSHEIM G. C.: Das Mädchen aus der Fremde.,Das Mädchen aus der Fremde. G. C. Grosheim. 530000747,ROUSSEAU J-J: Trichoricordium.,Trichoricordium de J. J. Rousseau 530000749,RIGHINI: Arie aus der Ferne,Arie aus der Ferne v[on] Righini 530002450,Offertorium | de Tempore | a | Soprano Concert. | Alto Concert | Violini 2 | Clarini 2 | Con Choro | et | Organo | Chori S Pauli grae | Del Sigre Pre Ivancicks,Offertorium | de Tempore | a | Soprano Concert. | Alto Concert | Violini 2 | Clarini 2 | Con Choro | et | Organo | Chori S Pauli grae | Del Sigre Pre' Ivancichz 530005358,[without title],[cover title:] 70. | Missa in C. | à 4 voce | 2 Violini | 2 Clarini obl. | Tymp. | con | Organo. 540000111,[unreadable at head of title page:] ... Bellinis Motiv | für eine Sopran oder Tenor Stime mit Begleitung | des orchesters von C. Ma*s32ek,[unreadable at head of title page:] ... Bellinis Motiv | für eine Sopran oder Tenor Stime mit Begleitung | des orchesters von C. Mašek 540000536,Drey Offertorien | für | Gesang und Orgel. | von Ferd. Schwerd. | [right margin:] P. Raphael Klemen*c32i*c32,Drey Offertorien | für | Gesang und Orgel. | von Ferd. Schwerd. | [right margin:] P. Raphael Klemenčič 540000571,"[short score:] Lytaniae Lauretanae | a 3 [crossed out:] ""2"" Voci et Organo | Comp: dal Sig. Franc: Kubick. | Ex Rebus Fr. Roberti Wonzhina. | [at head of each part of S, A, B, vl 1, 2, right:] Fr. Kubik | [at head of each part of S, A, B, vl 1, 2, center, stamp:] P. Rafael Klemen*c32i*c32","[short score:] Lytaniae Lauretanae | a 3 [crossed out:] ""2"" Voci et Organo | Comp: dal Sig. Franc: Kubick. | Ex Rebus Fr. Roberti Wonzhina. | [at head of each part of S, A, B, vl 1, 2, right:] Fr. Kubik | [at head of each part of S, A, B, vl 1, 2, center, stamp:] P. Rafael Klemenčič" 540001276,"[heading, left:] Schotti*s32","[heading, left:] Schottiš" 540001371,[missing],[without title] 540001448,"[org cover page:] Te Deum Laudamus in C | a | Canto, Alto. | Tenore, Basso. | 2 Violini[s] | 2. Clarini[s]. 2 Oboe. | Tympano | con | Basso. | Del Sig: Schenk. [added with pencil:] Discant | et Clarino 2|do","[org cover page:] Te Deum Laudamus in C | a | Canto, Alto. | Tenore, Basso. | 2 Violini[s] | 2. Clarini[s]. 2 Oboe. | Tympano | con | Basso. | Del Sig: Schenk. [added with pencil:] Discant | et Clarino 2|d|o" 540001459,[title on the cover paper:] Tantum ergo et | Graduale in d: | Ps: 99. | pro | 4. Vocib: | duo Violino | Alto Viola | Violonzello| due Clarinetto | due Fagotto | Flauto Trav: | due Cornu | due Clarino | Tympano | Violone et Organo. | composita | a | Valentino Lechner. | Ces: Reg:lationem | Officiale,[without title] 540001460,[title on the cover paper:] Tantum ergo et | Graduale in d: | Ps: 99. | pro | 4. Vocib: | duo Violino | Alto Viola | Violonzello| due Clarinetto | due Fagotto | Flauto Trav: | due Cornu | due Clarino | Tympano | Violone et Organo. | composita | a | Valentino Lechner. | Ces: Reg:lationem | Officiale,[without title] 540001509,[Without],[without title] 540001515,[right:] N. 4|to,[right:] N. 4|t|o 540001516,[right:] N. 5|to,[right:] N. 5|t|o 540001517,[right:] N. 6|to,[right:] N. 6|t|o 540001551,[Without],[without title] 540001585,[Without],[without title] 540001623,[left:] Tonus 2|dus,[left:] Tonus 2|d|u|s 540001625,[left:] Tonus 4|tus,[left:] Tonus 4|t|u|s 540001626,[heading left:] Tonus 5|tus,[heading left:] Tonus 5|t|u|s 540001628,[left:] Tonus 7|mus,[left:] Tonus 7|m|u|s 540001629,[left:] Tonus 8|vus,[left:] Tonus 8|v|u|s 540001631,[Without],[without title] 540001632,[Without],[without title] 540001633,[Without],[without title] 540001634,[Without],[without title] 540001635,[Without],[without title] 540001636,[Without],[without title] 540001637,[Without],[without title] 540001638,[Without],[without title] 540001639,[Without],[without title] 540001670,[p.19:] [Without],[without title] 540001671,[p.20:] [Without],[without title] 540001672,[p.20:] [Without],[without title] 540001673,[p.21:] [Without],[without title] 540001675,[p.23:] [Without],[without title] 540001676,[p.25:] [Without],[without title] 540001677,[p.32:] [Without],[without title] 540001680,[p.54:] [Without],[without title] 540001682,[p.65:] [Without],[without title] 540001683,[p.77:] [Without],[without title] 540001684,[p.83:] [Without],[without title] 540001686,[p.101:] [Without],[without title] 540001689,[p.144:] [Without],[without title] 540001690,[p.154:] [Without],[without title] 540001697,[Without],[without title] 540001698,[Without],[without title] 540001699,[Without],[without title] 540001701,[Without],[without title] 540001702,[Without],[without title] 540001705,[Without],[without title] 540001715,Andant[t]e,Andante 540001718,[Without],[without title] 540001719,[Without],[without title] 540001722,[Without],[without title] 540001725,[Without],[without title] 540001780,[Without],[without title] 540001793,[Without],[without title] 540001802,[Without],[without title] 540001810,[Without],[without title] 540001812,[Without],[without title] 540001814,[Without],[without title] 540001815,[Without],[without title] 540001817,[Without],[without title] 540001820,[Without],[without title] 540001837,[Without],[without title] 540001865,[Without],[without title] 540001869,[Without],[without title] 540001870,[Without],[without title] 540001937,[Without],[without title] 540001939,[Without],[without title] 540001940,[Without],[without title] 540001941,[Without],[without title] 540001956,[Without],[without title] 540001990,[Without],[without title] 540002046,[score cover p.:] Credo a 4 Voci con una parte di Basso et due V.V. ad Libitum | In D|re mag|re,"[score, cover p.:] Credo a 4 Voci con una parte di Basso et due V.V. ad Libitum | In D|r|e mag|r|e" 540002047,[on cover paper:] Te Deum | a due Cori con VV|ni | - | a 4. voci E/ami magg |,[on cover paper:] Te Deum | a due Cori con VV|n|i | - | a 4. voci E/ami magg 540002055,[score cover page:] Credo a sei con Violini | In D|re Mag|re,"[score, cover page:] Credo a sei con Violini | In D|r|e Mag|r|e" 540002075,[small cover page:] Gloria | a quattro voci con | del Rigatti | G. mag. | Mancano tutte le parti | eccettato un Sop|no,[small cover page:] Gloria | a quattro voci con | del Rigatti | G. mag. | Mancano tutte le parti | eccettato un Sop|n|o 540002088,Without title,[without title] 540002142,"[T 1, heading:] Magnificat a 6 con Istrom:|ti","[T 1, heading:] Magnificat a 6 con Istrom:|t|i" 540002189,"[b part, heading:] Cum invocarem. A 4 con VV. G. magg",[without title] 540002230,"[cover title, score:] Credo a 5 Voci et due V.V. ad Libitum | Credo a 5 Voci con Le parti doppie et due Violini ad Libitum a Capella | [unclear word] | In D:|re Mag:|re","[cover title, score:] Credo a 5 Voci et due V.V. ad Libitum | Credo a 5 Voci con Le parti doppie et due Violini ad Libitum a Capella | [unclear word] | In D:|r|e Mag:|r|e" 540002281,[A heading:] Maria Clotilda di Gesu [two words unclear],"[A, heading:] Maria Clotilda di Gesu [two words illegible]" 540002338,"[2|nd score, title p.:] Tota pulchra es Maria | a Tre Voci | [printed on label:] ""Musica di proprieta del Maestro ed Organista | D. Giacomo Genzo"" |","[2nd score, title page:] Tota pulchra es Maria | a Tre Voci | [printed on label:] ""Musica di proprieta del Maestro ed Organista | D. Giacomo Genzo""" 540002415,"[score, heading:] Domine a voce sola di Sop|no. G.min. con VV|ni","[score, heading:] Domine a voce sola di Sop|n|o|. G.min. con VV|n|i" 540002428,"[score, title p.,over sketches:] Ave Regina celorum a Voce sola di Soprano | Partitura in g: minor.",[without title] 540002451,"[on separated cover paper, title p. of the score:] Gloria | a quattro voci con due Violini | in | C. Magg.|re","[on separated cover paper, title page of the score:] Gloria | a quattro voci con due Violini | in | C. Magg.|r|e" 540200047,"[score, cover title:] MESSA | in g. mag: | A TRE DEL R:|O D:|N P:|O CE:|NI","[score, cover title:] MESSA | in g. mag: | A TRE DEL R:|O D:|N P:|O CE:|N|I" 550010008,"[cover title, later added:] Messe. | D. | Lasser. | H [unreadable:] Strni*s32té","[cover title, later added:] Messe. | D. | Lasser. | H [unreadable:] Strništé" 550010024,"[cover title:] Offertorium | für | Canto Alt, Tenor, Bass | Violino I II Viola | Flauto I II Cornuo I. II. | Fagotto I et II | con | Organo. | von. | Winter. | [at the right side:] Strni*s32tě","[cover title:] Offertorium | für | Canto Alt, Tenor, Bass | Violino I II Viola | Flauto I II Cornuo I. II. | Fagotto I et II | con | Organo. | von. | Winter. | [at the right side:] Strniště" 550010026,"[cover title:] D. | Missa | v Arnold. | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso Violino I|n et II|d|o | Fagotto v ell Viola obligato Cornuo, Pri[n]zipale | et Organo. [with pencil:] +cor II | [at right side:] Strni*s32tě","[cover title:] D. | Missa | v Arnold. | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso Violino I|n et II|d|o | Fagotto v ell Viola obligato Cornuo, Pri[n]zipale | et Organo. [with pencil:] +cor II | [at right side:] Strniště" 550010040,"[cover title, later added:] Nr. 2. | Messe | in A. | für | Canto, Alto Basso, | Violino 1'. et Secon. | Cornuo I et II | und | Orgel | A. Diabelli. | Strni*s32te","[cover title, later added:] Nr. 2. | Messe | in A. | für | Canto, Alto Basso, | Violino 1'. et Secon. | Cornuo I et II | und | Orgel | A. Diabelli. | Strnište" 550010049,Salve Regina | Tenoro Solo | Violino 1|e|t 2|d|o | con | Organo. | Strni*s32tě,Salve Regina | Tenoro Solo | Violino 1|e|t 2|d|o | con | Organo. | Strniště 550018187,"Lou*c32ení Pána Ježí*s32e Krista s matkou svou Maríí Pannou, které se na zelený *c32tvrtek zpívá. Canto, Basso, Violino Imo, Violino IIdo se Sardiny, Organo od Anto*s32e.","Loučení Pána Ježíše Krista s matkou svou Maríí Pannou, které se na zelený čtvrtek zpívá. Canto, Basso, Violino Imo, Violino IIdo se Sardiny, Organo od Antoše." 550084043,M*s32e,Mše 550161065,"Váno*c32ních zpěvů pro Canto, Alto, 2 housle, brá*c32, 2 Oboi, 2 Corni, Flauto, Fagot, Organo. Ryba. Canto solo *c32ís. 1. 3. (4 Flauto.) Alto, Flauto solo *c32ís. 5. Duetto et Fagotto *c32ís. 2. 6. [...] 4. Rozmilý slaví*c32ku","Vánočních zpěvů pro Canto, Alto, 2 housle, bráč, 2 Oboi, 2 Corni, Flauto, Fagot, Organo. Ryba. Canto solo čís. 1. 3. (4 Flauto.) Alto, Flauto solo čís. 5. Duetto et Fagotto čís. 2. 6. [...] 4. Rozmilý slavíčku" 550245743,Tělo Boží - *c32tverozpěv od Zvona*r32e.,Tělo Boží - čtverozpěv od Zvonaře. 550248037,5. Variazioni sopra originale Thema. J. E. *S32au*s32a.,5. Variazioni sopra originale Thema. J. E. Šauša. 550266705,Vložka k P. Marii. | a | Vložka váno*c32ní. | Sola pro Bass. | s hudbou. | J. Make*s32.,Vložka k P. Marii. | a | Vložka vánoční. | Sola pro Bass. | s hudbou. | J. Makeš. 550266706,Ave Maria | Solo Pro Soprán. | s hudbou. | J. Make*s32e.,Ave Maria | Solo Pro Soprán. | s hudbou. | J. Makeše. 550268143,Laudate pueri,Laudate pueri | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violini: 2bus | Clarinis 2bus Conc: | con | Organo. | Del Sige Mathia Öttl. | Ex | Joseph 550268144,Missa Adveniat regnum tuum,[cover title:] MISSA | Adveniat regnum tuum. | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violiniis 2bus | Con| Fondamento | Del Sige Matthia Öttl. | 19 fol | Ex reb. | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268146,Missa 2plicis solennior,A. M: D: G: | H: B: S: V: M: | Missa 2plicis solennior | â C: A: T: B: | Violin: 2 | Trombo: 2 | Con | Organo | Auth: Ötl 550268147,Missa Et dimitte nobis debita n[ost]ra,Missa | Et dimitte nobis debita n[ost]ra | â | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso. | Violinis 2. | Trombonis 2. | Con | Organo. 550268148,Missa. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,[cover title:] MISSA. | Et ne nos inducas in tentationem | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violinis 2bus | Con | Organo. | Del Sige Mathia Öttl. | Ex | Josephi | Sehling 550268149,Missa. Fiat voluntas tua,[cover title:] MISSA. | Fiat voluntas tua | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violinis 2. | Trombonis 2bus Conc. | Clarinis 2 ex C. | Tympanis | è | Fondamento. | Del. Sige Mathis Öttl. | Ex reb. | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268150,Missa 9vem Lectionum,"[cover title:] Missa | 9:|v|e|m Lectionum | à | Canto, Alto, Tenore Basso. | 2: Violinis | & ORGANO. | Del Sige: Öttl" 550268151,Messa. Panem nostrum quotidianum,[cover title:] MESSA. | Panem nostrum quotidianum. | à | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violinis 2bus | Con Organ. | Del Sige Öttl. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268152,Missa Pater noster qui es in coelis,"[cover title:] MISSA | Pater noster qui es in coelis. | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violinis 2bus | Clarinis 2bus ex C Conc., | Trombone Alto Conc: | Trombone Tenore | Tympali | Con| Organo. | Del Sige Matthia Öttel. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling" 550268153,Messa. [Sanctificetur nomen tuum],MESSA. | Sanctificetur nomen tuum | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violini 2 | Clarini 2 Conc: | Tympali [!] | Con | Fondamento. | Del Sige Matthis Öttel. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268154,Messa [Sed libera nos à malo],MESSA. | Sed libera nos a malo | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violinis 2bus | Trombone 2bus Conc: | Clarini 2bus Conc: | Trombae 2bus | Tympanis | Con | Fondamento. | Del Sige Öttl. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii |Sehling 550268155,Missa [Sicut et nos dimittimus etc.],[cover title:] MISSA | Sicut et nos dimittimus | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Vioilnis 2. | Trombonis 2. Conc: | #Clarinis 2 | Tympanis | con | Fondamento. | del Sige Mathia Öttl. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268156,Messe [Sicut in coelo et in terra],[cover title:] MESSE | Sicut in coelo et in terra | à | Canto Alto | Tenore Bsso | Violini 2 | Clarini 2 Conc: | Tympali | Con | Organo | Del. Sige Mathia Öttl. | ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268157,Mottetto per gli defonti,Mottetto per gli defonti | [underlinded: Homo natus de muliere] | à | Canto. Alto. | Tenore. Basso. | Violini 2 | Tromboni 2 Conc: | è | Fondamento. | Del. Sige Öttl. | Ex rebus | Josephi Antonii | Sehling 550268955,Missa tertiae classis,"[cover title:] Missa | 3:|i|a|e Classis | à | Canto, Alto, Tenore Basso. | 2: Violinis | & | ORGANO | Auth: ignoto" 550269205,Graduale in As [...] Authore Ta*s32ke,Graduale in As [...] Authore Taške 550269206,Litania [in] D [...] Auth. Ta*s32ke,Litania [in] D [...] Auth. Taške 550269207,Litaniae in G [...] Auth. Ta*s32ke,Litaniae in G [...] Auth. Taške 550269247,Vesperae ex D [...] Auth. Fr. Vaně*c32ek,Vesperae ex D [...] Auth. Fr. Vaněček 550269405,Váno*c32ní m*s32e,Vánoční mše 550269543,Postní píse*n32,Postní píseň 550269544,Postní [píse*n32],Postní [píseň] 550269545,Postní píse*n32,Postní píseň 550400707,[title page:] N|r|o I|t|e | Gallop nebst Trio | fürs | Piano=Forte | für den Sotieteet Carnaval 1825. | Comp: von Graffen et de Schönborn,[title page:] Nro Ite | Gallop nebst Trio | fürs | Piano=Forte | für den Sotieteet Carnaval 1825. | Comp: von Graffen et de Schönborn | [left below:] Jo: Z: 550400708,[title page:] N|r|o II|t|e | Gallop nebst Trio | fürs | Piano=Forte | für den Sotieteet Carnaval 1825. | Comp: von Graffen et de Schönborn,[title page:] Nro IIte | Gallop nebst Trio | fürs | Piano=Forte | für den Sotieteet Carnaval 1825 | Comp: von Graffen et de Schönborn. 550400709,[title page:] 6. Ländler | fürs | Piano=Forte | Comp von Graffen von Schönborn. | [in heading by pencil:] 1822 WM,[title page:] 6. | Ländler | fürs | Piano=Forte | Comp von Graffen von Schönborn. | [in heading by pencil:] 1822. 550400761,[heading:] N|o 1. | 5 deutsche Tänze für den Haschung 1821 von Lo. K. S. | WK,[heading:] 5 deutsche Tänze für den Fasching 1821 von Lo. K. S. [above:] No 1. 550503500,[cover title:] Offertorium ex D | a | Basso Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Oboa | Clarino duo D | Tympano duo | et | Organo | Authore Blahack | Jean Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Offertorium ex D | a | Basso Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Oboa | Clarino duo D | Tympano duo | et | Organo | Authore Blahack | Jean Lapaček 550503505,"[cover title:] Terzetto ex F | De Beata Maria Virginis | Canto 1, 2, et Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo B, | Corno duo F | Organo. | Terzetto ex B | Basso 1, 2, 3 | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo B | Corno duo B | Organo | Auth Kubick. | J. A. Lapa*c32ek","[cover title:] Terzetto ex F | De Beata Maria Virginis | Canto 1, 2, et Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo B, | Corno duo F | Organo. | Terzetto ex B | Basso 1, 2, 3 | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo B | Corno duo B | Organo | Auth Kubick. | J. A. Lapaček" 550503513,"[cover title, by Lapá*c32ek:] Dwa zpěwy wáno*c32nj | a | 1. Canto Solo | 2. Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Corno Duo | et | Organo. | Auth: Ryba. | Lapa*c32ek","[cover title, by Lapáček:] Dwa zpěwy wánočnj | a | 1. Canto Solo | 2. Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Corno Duo | et | Organo. | Auth: Ryba. | Lapaček" 550503516,[cover title:] Chwálozpěv | p*r32i | wano*c32njm *c32asu složená a do | muzyky vweden od Jána | Jakuba Ryby. | A | Canto Alto | Violinis Duobus. | Flauto concertando. | Organo et Violon. | Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Chwálozpěv | při | wanočnjm času složená a do | muzyky vweden od Jána | Jakuba Ryby. | A | Canto Alto | Violinis Duobus. | Flauto concertando. | Organo et Violon. | Lapaček 550503526,[cover title:] 2 Aria: pastor: | N|r 1 A N|r|o 2 B | a | Canto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto Solo N|r|o 2 B | Corno Duo | con | Violon | Ryba | Joane Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] 2 Aria: pastor: | N|r 1 A N|r|o 2 B | a | Canto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto Solo N|r|o 2 B | Corno Duo | con | Violon | Ryba | Joane Lapaček 550503546,[cover title:] Alma Redemptoris | a | Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola obligatt | Corno duo | Organo | Auth: Pausch | J A Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Alma Redemptoris | a | Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola obligatt | Corno duo | Organo | Auth: Pausch | J A Lapaček 550503562,[cover title:] 2 Ave Maria 1. in B 2. in F | a | 4 Vocibus | 2 Violinen | 1 Viola | Organo | Alois Bauer | Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] 2 Ave Maria 1. in B 2. in F | a | 4 Vocibus | 2 Violinen | 1 Viola | Organo | Alois Bauer | Lapaček 550503568,"[cover title:] Offertorio Pastor: | a | Canto et Violino Solo | Canto, Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Viola et Flauto | Clarinetto duo C | Corno duo C | Clarino duo C | Tympano | con | Organo | Autho: Schiedermayer | /: die letzte Composition :/ | Lapa*c32ek","[cover title:] Offertorio Pastor: | a | Canto et Violino Solo | Canto, Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Viola et Flauto | Clarinetto duo C | Corno duo C | Clarino duo C | Tympano | con | Organo | Autho: Schiedermayer | /: die letzte Composition :/ | Lapaček" 550503571,[title page:] Seraphinen-Quadrille für das Piano Forte | componirt von | Joseph Labitzky | Lapá*c32ek,[title page:] Seraphinen-Quadrille für das Piano Forte | componirt von | Joseph Labitzky | Lapáček 550503591,"[cover title, cl:] Offertorio ex F | a | Tenore et Basso Solo | Violino Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo | Corno duo | Organo | Autho: Diabelli | Duetto ex G | a | Canto et Tenore Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Flauto Solo | Corno duo G | et | Organo | Auth: Hybl | Joane Lapa*c32ek","[cover title, cl:] Offertorio ex F | a | Tenore et Basso Solo | Violino Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo | Corno duo | Organo | Autho: Diabelli | Duetto ex G | a | Canto et Tenore Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Flauto Solo | Corno duo G | et | Organo | Auth: Hybl | Joane Lapaček" 550503594,[cover title:] Missa ex Es | a | 4 Vocibus | Violino duo | Viola Flauto | Clarinetto duo B | Fagotto | Corno duo | Clarino duo | Timpano | Organo | Auth. Kluger | Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Missa ex Es | a | 4 Vocibus | Violino duo | Viola Flauto | Clarinetto duo B | Fagotto | Corno duo | Clarino duo | Timpano | Organo | Auth. Kluger | Lapaček 550503598,"[cover title:] Terzetto ex A | Canto Tenore Basso Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Flauto | Clarinetto duo A | Corno duo A | Violon | Auth. Kauer | Offertorium (: Salve Jesu pie :) Solo für | Sopran und Violin, mit Begleitung zweyer | Violinen, Viola und Organo, von Blahák, | Lapa*c32ek","[cover title:] Terzetto ex A | Canto Tenore Basso Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Flauto | Clarinetto duo A | Corno duo A | Violon | Auth. Kauer | Offertorium (: Salve Jesu pie :) Solo für | Sopran und Violin, mit Begleitung zweyer | Violinen, Viola und Organo, von Blahák, | Lapaček" 550503604,[cover title:] Offertorium ex C | a | Canto et Organo Solo | Violino duo | Violon | Auth. Schiedermayer | Aria ex A | a | Canto et Violino Solo | Violino duo | Violon | Auth Mozart | J A Lapá*c32ek,[cover title:] Offertorium ex C | a | Canto et Organo Solo | Violino duo | Violon | Auth. Schiedermayer | Aria ex A | a | Canto et Violino Solo | Violino duo | Violon | Auth Mozart | J A Lapáček 550503619,"[cover title:] Vespere | in | Nativitate Domini | a | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo in C | Corno duo | Clappentromba duo | Principal | con | Organo | Taschke | Lapa*c32ek","[cover title:] Vespere | in | Nativitate Domini | a | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo in C | Corno duo | Clappentromba duo | Principal | con | Organo | Taschke | Lapaček" 550503661,"[cover title:] Ave Maria | für | Organo Solo | Soprano, Alto | Tenore, Basso | 2 Violinen | Viola | 2. Hörner | Violonzello | Violone. | componirt von | Karl Lapá*c32ek","[cover title:] Ave Maria | für | Organo Solo | Soprano, Alto | Tenore, Basso | 2 Violinen | Viola | 2. Hörner | Violonzello | Violone. | componirt von | Karl Lapáček" 550503689,[cover title:] MISSA ex G | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Viola | Corno duo | Clarino duo | Timpano | Organo | Auth. Schiedermayer | Jan Anton Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] MISSA ex G | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Viola | Corno duo | Clarino duo | Timpano | Organo | Auth. Schiedermayer | Jan Anton Lapaček 550503696,[cover title:] Aria ex Es | a | Canto et Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo B | con | Organo | Auth Müller | Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Aria ex Es | a | Canto et Alto Solo | Violino duo | Viola | Clarinetto duo B | con | Organo | Auth Müller | Lapaček 550503697,[cover title:] Te Deum Laudamus ex D | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo C | Clarino duo | Tympano | Organo | Peldrian | Lapa*c32ek,[cover title:] Te Deum Laudamus ex D | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino duo | Clarinetto duo C | Clarino duo | Tympano | Organo | Peldrian | Lapaček 550504129,"[cover title:] Offertorium in A | De Tempore /:Salve Jesu pie:/ | Sopran und Violin Solo | mit Begleitung von | Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass | 2 Violinen, Viola, 2 Oboe | und Orgel | Auth Jos. Preindl | Joh Lapa*c32ek","[cover title:] Offertorium in A | De Tempore /:Salve Jesu pie:/ | Sopran und Violin Solo | mit Begleitung von | Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass | 2 Violinen, Viola, 2 Oboe | und Orgel | Auth Jos. Preindl | Joh Lapaček" 550506065,[heading:] Warned,[heading:] Warnend 550506161,"[cover title:] Missa Pastor[alis] | a | Soprano, Alto | Tenore, Basso | Violino I|m|o et II|d|o | Viola, Flauto, Oboi non oblig. | Clarino I et II|d|o | Tympani. | Organo con Violone. | Autho. Franz Brixi. | *C32eněk Vina*r32.","[cover title:] Missa Pastor[alis] | a | Soprano, Alto | Tenore, Basso | Violino I|m|o et II|d|o | Viola, Flauto, Oboi non oblig. | Clarino I et II|d|o | Tympani. | Organo con Violone. | Autho. Franz Brixi. | Čeněk Vinař." 550506261,[heading:] Pod zití praporem. | (J. V. Sládek: Léthe a jiné básne).,[heading:] Pod žití praporem. | (J. V. Sládek: Léthe a jiné básně). 550506262,[heading:] Az bude skonceno | (J. V. Sládek: Léthe a jiné básne).,[heading:] Až bude skončeno | (J. V. Sládek: Léthe a jiné básně). 550506264,"[heading:] Jesu Kriste, scedry kneze","[heading:] Jesu Kriste, ščedrý kněže" 550506320,[heading:] *C32íslo IV. Opu*s32těný (Text z moravských národních písní - z Rudíkova od T*r32ebi*c32e),[heading:] Číslo IV. Opuštěný (Text z moravských národních písní - z Rudíkova od Třebiče) 550506340,[heading:] Zlatá Praha. | E. Züngel. | Jos. Rich. Rozko*s32ný,[heading:] Zlatá Praha. | E. Züngel. | Jos. Rich. Rozkošný 550506426,"[heading, by pencil:] 4. | [by ink:] Kdyby ten slaví*c32ek","[heading, by pencil:] 4. | [by ink:] Kdyby ten slavíček" 550506509,[title page:] Louis Arleth: | V den odchodu | Akol*c32ina píse*n32,[title page:] Louis Arleth: | V den odchodu | Akolčina píseň 550508035,"[cover title:] Trois | Quatuors concertants | pour | deux Violons, Alto et | Violoncelle | par | W. A. Mozart. | Ig. *S32ime*c32ek","[cover title:] Trois | Quatuors concertants | pour | deux Violons, Alto et | Violoncelle | par | W. A. Mozart. | Ig. Šimeček" 551000405,[left before accolade:] Graduale,"[left before accolade, S:] Graduale." 551000417,[cover title:] Libera | F A Schlögl,"[cover title, org:] Libera | [at right below:] F. A. Schlögl [manu propria]" 551000424,"[cover title:] Spěw k Požehnánj | Pro *c32as Narozenj Páně. pro | 4 Spěwi, 2 Hausle, 2 Clarine= | ty, 1 Flautu, 1 Fagot, 2 | Korny, 2 Klaryny | Bubny a | Warhany | F A Schlögl","[cover title:] Spěw k Požehnánj | Pro čas Narozenj Páně. pro | 4 Spěwi, 2 Hausle, 2 Clarine= | ty, 1 Flautu, 1 Fagot, 2 | Korny, 2 Klaryny | Bubny a | Warhany | F A Schlögl [manu propria]" 551000429,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 1 Pangelingua,"[at the left before the accolade, S:] N|r|o 1 Pangelingua." 551000437,"[cover title:] Messe in B | für | 4 Singstimmen, 2 Violinen | 2 Hörner, 1 Clari= | nett, Violon und | Orgel. | Von Urbanek | F A Schlögl","[cover title:] MESSE in B | für | 4 Singstimmen, 2 Violinen | 2 Hörner, 1 Clari= | nett, Violon und | Orgel. | Von Urbanek | [at right:] FA Schlögl [manu propria]" 551000443,[left before accolade:] N|o 2 Pang [!],"[at the left before the accolade, S:] N|o 2 Pang[elingua]" 551000461,"[cover title:] Spěw Wáno*c32nj | O Betleme stastný etc. | 4 Spewu, 2 Hausle, 2 | Corny a | Warhany | F A Schlögl mp","[cover title:] Spěw Wánočnj | O Betleme stastný etc. | 4 Spewu, 2 Hausle, 2 | Corny a | Warhany | [at right:] FA Schlögl [manu propria]" 551000462,"[cover title:] Messe in Es | für | 4 Singstimmen, 2 Violinen, Viola, | 2 Flöten, 2 Clarinetten, 2 Fagot=| ten, 2 Hörner, 2 Trompetten, | Paucken, Orgel mit Bass | und Violoncell. | Verfasst, und | dem Hochgebornen Herrn Herrn Leopold Gra=| fen Kinsky von Chinitz und Tettau, k.k. virkl: | Kämmerer Herrn der Fideikomiss Herrschft [!] | Chlumetz, und des Adolial=Gutes [!] Kratenau | in tiefster Ehrfurcht gewidmet von | Johann Florian Kluger | Regenschori der Landesfürstlichen Pfarrkirche zum | Heil: Geist in der Hauptstadt Prag. | F A Schlögl mp | Preis 6 fr 30 kr Cm.","[cover title:] MESSE in ES | für | 4 Singstimmen, 2 Violinen, Viola, | 2 Flöten, 2 Clarinetten, 2 Fagot=| ten, 2 Hörner, 2 Trompetten, | Paucken, Orgel mit Bass | und Violoncell. | Verfasst, und | dem Hochgebornen Herrn Herrn Leopold Gra=| fen Kinsky von Chinitz und Tettau, k.k. virkl: | Kämmerer Herrn der Fideikomiss Herrschft [!] | Chlumetz, und des Adolial=Gutes [!] Kratenau | in tiefster Ehrfurcht gewidmet von | Johann Florian Kluger | Regenschori der Landesfürstlichen Pfarrkirche zum | Heil: Geist in der Hauptstadt Prag. | FA Schlögl [manu propria] | Preis 6 fr 30xr." 551000485,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 2,[cover title:] Aufzuige [!] | zum Gebrauche bei der | Frohleichnamsfest- | Procesion [!] | für | 4 Trompetten | und | Paucken | Von J. B. Schiedermeyer | [at right:] FA Schlögl [manu propria] 551000486,[cover title:] 3 | Rorate | für | 4. Singstimmen | 2 Violinen | 2 Clarinen in N|r|o 1 | Pauken und Orgel | N|r|o 1 von Loheli 2 und 3 von Schuster | ex Musicalibus | Franz Ant. Schlögl mp | den 1 [?]ber [1]828,[cover title:] 3 | Rorate | für | 4. Singstimmen | 2 Violinen | 2 Clarinen in N|r|o 1 | Pauken und Orgel | N|r|o 1 von Loheli 2 und 3 von Schuster | [at right:] ex Musicalibus | Franz Ant. Schlögl [manu propria] | den 1 [Decem]ber [1]828. 551000487,[left heading of each part:] Rorate N|r|o 1.,"[at the left heading, S:] N|r|o 1 | Rorate" 551000496,[cover title:] Aria in C | a | Canto Solo Fliegelhorn Oblig. | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Flauto Obligato | Cornuo 1|m|o et II|d|o | Tromba in C | Basso. | Zimmer,[cover title:] Aria in C | a | Canto Solo Fliegelhorn Oblig. | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Flauto Obligato | Cornuo 1|m|o et II|d|o | Tromba in C | Basso. | [at right below:] Zimmer [manu propria] 551000509,[cover title:] Pangelingua | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Flautto [!] 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Clarino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Timpani | con | ORGANO | Authore Schebetovsky | Franz Schlögl mp,[cover title:] Pangelingua | a | Canto Alto Tenore Basso | Violino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Flautto [!] 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Clarino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | Timpani | con | ORGANO | [at left:] Authore Schebetovsky | [at right:] Franz Schlögl [manu propria] | Die 3|t|a [!] Augusti 1826. 551000512,[cover title:] Offertorium in Es | de Beata Vir. Maria | Canto et Violino Solo. | Alto Tenore Basso. | Violino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | et | Organo,[cover title:] Offertorium in Es | de Beata Vir. Maria | Canto et Violino Solo. | Alto Tenore Basso. | Violino 1|m|o et 2|d|o | et | Organo. | [at left:] Authore Preindl | [at right:] Franz Anton Schlögl [manu propria] 551000516,[cover title:] Missa in C | a | Quatuor Vocibus | Violino Due | Alto Viola obligata | Clarinetto Due | Clarini Due | Tympano | con | Organo | Authore Miller | ex Musicalibus | Ignaz Pro: Hesz mpria,[cover title:] Missa in C | a | Quatuor Vocibus | Violino [!] Due | Alto Viola obligata | Clarinetto Due | Clarini Due | Tympano | con | Organo | [at left:] Authore Miller | [at right:] ex Musicalibus | Ignaz Pro: Hesz [manu propria]. 551000517,[cover title:] Letanie [!] Pasto: | 4 Voci | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Corno 1|m|o et II|d|o | Tuba Pastoralis | con | Organo | A. Linek. | Fran: Hnilit*c32ka mp,[cover title:] Letanie [!] Pasto: | 4 Voci | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Corno 1|m|o et II|d|o | Tuba Pastoralis | con | Organo | A. Linek. | Frant: Hnilitcžka [manu propria] 551000521,[cover title:] Motetto in C | a | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violino primo | Violino Secundo | Clarinetto primo | Clarinetto Secundo | Cornu primo | Cornu Secundo | Timpano. | e | Organo. | Est | Laur: Kraupa,[cover title:] Motetto in C | a | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso | Violino primo | Violino Secundo | Clarinetto primo | Clarinetto Secundo | Cornu primo | Cornu Secundo | Timpano. | e | Organo. | [at right:] Est | Laur: Kraupa [manu propria] 551000540,[cover title:] Messe in C. | für | 4 Singstimmen | 2 Violinen | 2 Clarinetten | 2 Hörnen | 2 Clarinen | Contrabas | und | Orgel | Liberatus Geppert | Jos. Komárek | u*c32itel,[cover title:] Messe in C. | für | 4 Singstimmen | 2 Violinen | 2 Clarinetten | 2 Hörnen | 2 Clarinen | Contrabass | und | Orgel | [at left:] Liberatus Geppert | [at right:] Jos. Komárek [manu propria] | učitel. 551000555,[cover title:] Mottetto Solemne | a | Canto: Alto. | Tenore: Basso. | Violino Primo. | Violino Secondo. | Viola Di Alto. | Obois Duobus. | Clarinis Duobus in D: | con | Fondamento. | Del Sig: Pichl. | Jakub Platschek | Ex partibus Joannis Tucžek | Ex Rebus Francisci Karauschek . | Ex Musicalibus Jos: Stransky.,"[cover title:] Mottetto Solemne | a | Canto: Alto. | Tenore: Basso. | Violino Primo. | Violino Secondo. | Viola Di Alto. | Obois Duobus. | Clarinis Duobus in D: | con | Fondamento. | [at left:] Del Sigl: Pichl. | [by another hand and ink:] Ex Musicalibus Jos: Stransky [at right, by another hand:] Jakub Platschek | [by orig. hand:] Ex partibus Joannis Tucžek [crossed out by ink] | [by another hand:] Ex Rebus Francisci Karauschek." 551000599,[cover title:] Te Deum Laudamus | od | J. Gütlera [!] Op. 69 | Jos: Kment,[cover title:] Te Deum Laudamus | od | J. Gütlera [!] Op. 69 | [at right:] Jos: Kment [manu propria] 551000603,"[caption title:] Litanie Lauretane | pro Soprán, Alt, Tenor a Bass od Pavla K*r32ížkovského","[caption title:] Litanie Lauretane | Pro Soprán, Alt, Tenor a Bass od Pavla Křížkovského." 551000613,"[f.1v, caption title:] Potpouri nach Themas aus der Oper: Wilhelm Tell, von Rossini","[caption title, f.1v:] N: 3 Potpouri nach Themas aus der Oper: Wilhelm Tell, von Rossini." 551000661,[cover title:] Pastorální M*s32e | pro | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso. | 2 Violini | 2 Clarini | Tympany | a | Contrabassi | Alois Hnili*c32ka | 1847,"[cover title, org (vlne):] Pastorální Mše | pro | Canto Alto | Tenore Basso. | 2 Violini | 2 Clarini | Tympany | a | Contrabassi | [at left:] Alois Hnilička | 1847." 551000676,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 5. Na slavnost velikono*c32ní,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 5. Na slavnost velikonoční 551000700,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 29. K jménu Pána Ježí*s32e,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 29. K jménu Pána Ježíše 551000702,[cover title:] Aufzuige [!] | zum Gebrauche bei der | Frohleichnamsfest- | Procesion [!] | für | 4 Trompetten | und | Paucken | Von J. B. Schiedermeyer | F A Schlögl mp,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 1 551000703,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 1,[left before accolade:] N|r|o 2 551000731,[left before accolade:] N|o 20.,"[left before accolade, cl 1:] N|o 20. [caption title, S:] Offertorium | Gloria et honore Jg. Reimann" 551000746,[heading title:] Matka plá*c32e,"[cover title:] Píseň | k bolestné panně Marii | pro | Tenore I|m|o, II|d|o & Basso | & | Organo. | [at left:] Adolf Schloegl | 18 12/7 55." 551000748,[heading title:] Ty oběti spásonosná,[caption title:] Ty oběti spásonosná. 553001261,Nuže tedy s Bohem bu*d27 ?,Nuže tedy s Bohem buď ? 553001303,[caption titile:] Mati*c32ce,[caption title:] Matičce 553001311,[caption title:] Tatí*c32ku,[caption title:] Tatíčku 553002346,[cover title:] Asperges | für | Soprano Alto | Tenore Basso | Violone | und | Orgel. | von Karl Haná*c32ek,[cover title:] Asperges | für | Soprano Alto | Tenore Basso | Violone | und | Orgel. | von Karl Hanáček 553004166,[cover title:] *S32está m*s32e | V. E. Horákova | Antonín Hromádka | varhaník ve Žňdá*r32e,[cover title:] Šestá mše | V. E. Horákova | Antonín Hromádka | varhaník ve Žˇdáře 553004288,[caption title:] Nordbahn Walzer v. Carl Blendl,[caption title:] Nordbahn Walzer v. Carl Blendl [!] 553004416,[caption title:] Svatý Václave! | (Jos. Sládek) | Jind*r32ich Jind*r32ch,[caption title:] Svatý Václave! | (Jos. Sládek) | Jindřich Jindřch 553004437,"[cover title:] *C32eská m*s32e váno*c32ní | váno*c32ní m*s32e | (lidová) | s vložkami | pro sopr., alt, tenor (bas) neoblig., | soli, | varhany a malý orchestr | složil | Fr. Ji*r32ím","[cover title:] Česká mše vánoční | vánoční mše | (lidová) | s vložkami | pro sopr., alt, tenor (bas) neoblig., | soli, | varhany a malý orchestr | složil | Fr. Jiřím" 553004441,[caption title:] IV. Pastý*r32ská m*s32e,[caption title:] IV. Pastýřská mše 553004448,"[cover title:] Jakub Jan Ryba | *C32eská m*s32e váno*c32ní | Hej, Mist*r32e!","[cover title:] Jakub Jan Ryba | Česká mše vánoční | Hej, Mistře!" 553004451,"[cover title:] Jakub Jan Ryba | *C32eská m*s32e váno*c32ní | Hej, Mist*r32e!","[cover title:] Jakub Jan Ryba | Česká mše vánoční | Hej, Mistře!" 553004682,[cover title:] Pange lingua | do | C | od | Jind*r32. Strni*s32tì,[cover title:] Pange lingua | do | C | od | Jindř. Strništì 553004709,[caption title:] Sbor váno*c32ní,[caption title:] Sbor vánoční 553004752,"[cover title:] M*s32e do C | pro Sopran, alt, tenor, bas | Housle 1. a 2., viola, flauta | Clarinetti, corni, trombi | bubny a Varhany | Machá*c32ek","[cover title:] Mše do C | pro Sopran, alt, tenor, bas | Housle 1. a 2., viola, flauta | Clarinetti, corni, trombi | bubny a Varhany | Macháček" 553004778,"[cover title:] Píse*n32 u hrobu | pro | Canto, Alto, Tenore a Basso | Slova od Jana Soukupa | Nápěv od Jind*r32. Strni*s32tě","[cover title:] Píseň u hrobu | pro | Canto, Alto, Tenore a Basso | Slova od Jana Soukupa | Nápěv od Jindř. Strniště" 553004833,[caption title:] Můj zlatej Honzí*c32ku,[caption title:] Můj zlatej Honzíčku 553004892,"[cover title:] Offertorium in D | a | Tenore et Basso Solo | et | Canto, Alto, Tenore et Basso Choro | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Viola et Flauto | Clarinetto 1|m|o et II|d|o | Corno 1|m|o et II|d|o | Clarino I|m|o et II|d|o | Bass Flugelhorn et Harmon. Bass | Tympano et Organo | Auth. Dvo*r32a*c32ek","[cover title:] Offertorium in D | a | Tenore et Basso Solo | et | Canto, Alto, Tenore et Basso Choro | Violino 1|m|o et II|d|o | Viola et Flauto | Clarinetto 1|m|o et II|d|o | Corno 1|m|o et II|d|o | Clarino I|m|o et II|d|o | Bass Flugelhorn et Harmon. Bass | Tympano et Organo | Auth. Dvořaček" 553004932,[caption title:] Zlatá babi*c32ka (V. Hálek) | Al. Hnili*c32ka,[caption title:] Zlatá babička (V. Hálek) | Al. Hnilička 553004938,[cover title:] Duetto | pro | Tenore et Basso | con | Violino Imo et 2do | Clarinetto 1mo et 2do | Cornu 1mo et 2do | Viola et Basso | con Organo | Auth. Josef Chmeli*c32ek,[cover title:] Duetto | pro | Tenore et Basso | con | Violino Imo et 2do | Clarinetto 1mo et 2do | Cornu 1mo et 2do | Viola et Basso | con Organo | Auth. Josef Chmeliček 553005563,"[cover title:] PASTU*S32KOVÉ | HRA JESLI*C32KOVÁ PRO ŽÁKY *S32KOL OBECNÝCH | DLE ""ZLATÝCH LÍSTKŮV"" | NAPSAL A NÁPVY OPATŘIL | ANT. J. ZAVADIL. | DRUHÉ, OPRAVENÉ VYDÁNÍ. | PRŮVOD PRO HARMONIUM NEBO PRO PIANO | V TŘEBÍ*C32I 1893 | TISKEM A NÁKLADEM KNIHTISKÁRNY J. F. KUBE*S32E","[cover title:] PASTUŠKOVÉ | HRA JESLIČKOVÁ PRO ŽÁKY ŠKOL OBECNÝCH | DLE ""ZLATÝCH LÍSTKŮV"" | NAPSAL A NÁPĚVY OPATŘIL | ANT. J. ZAVADIL. | DRUHÉ, OPRAVENÉ VYDÁNÍ. | PRŮVOD PRO HARMONIUM NEBO PRO PIANO | V TŘEBÍČI 1893 | TISKEM A NÁKLADEM KNIHTISKÁRNY J. F. KUBEŠE" 553005576,"[caption title, p.1:] 1. Pastý*r32i jdoucí k Betlému | Národní koleda k půlno*c32ní m*s32i","[caption title, p.1:] 1. Pastýři jdoucí k Betlému | Národní koleda k půlnoční mši" 553005577,"[caption title, p.5:] 2. Ptá*c32kové a žá*c32kové p*r32ed jeslemi | Národní koleda | Druhá *c32ást se velice dob*r32e vyjímá s průvodem houslí. | Tento lehký průvod nech*t27 obstarají ho*s32i.","[caption title, p.5:] 2. Ptáčkové a žáčkové před jeslemi | Národní koleda | Druhá část se velice dobře vyjímá s průvodem houslí. | Tento lehký průvod nechť obstarají hoši." 553005596,"[cover title:] MY TŘI KRÁLI... | váno*c32ní vložka | (graduale) | na svátek ""SV. TŘÍ KRÁLŮ"" pro sola, | smí*s32ený sbor s průvod. varhan a smy*c32. kvinteta | SLOŽIL | P. JOS. VOJÁ*C32EK","[cover title:] MY TŘI KRÁLI... | vánoční vložka | (graduale) | na svátek ""SV. TŘÍ KRÁLŮ"" pro sola, | smíšený sbor s průvod. varhan a smyč. kvinteta | SLOŽIL | P. JOS. VOJÁČEK" 553006077,[cover title:] Zvon | Sbírka | zpěvů posvátných | pro | *c32ty*r32y hlasy. | složil a vydává | Em. Va*s32ák,[cover title:] Zvon | Sbírka | zpěvů posvátných | pro | čtyřy hlasy. | složil a vydává | Em. Vašák 553006107,"[cover title:] *C32íslo 9. a 10. Vychází měsí*c32ně. | *C32ty*r32i poh*r32ební písně | s doprovodem dechové hudby. | (Hudba zatím v opise. Bude-li dosti žadatelů, vydám ji tiskem.) | Složil a upravil Rudolf Jáně. | 1. Poh*r32eb rolníka. | 2. Nad matkou. | 3. V*s32eobecná. | 4. Na*c32 ten plá*c32?","[cover title:] Číslo 9. a 10. Vychází měsíčně. | Čtyři pohřební písně | s doprovodem dechové hudby. | (Hudba zatím v opise. Bude-li dosti žadatelů, vydám ji tiskem.) | Složil a upravil Rudolf Jáně. | 1. Pohřeb rolníka. | 2. Nad matkou. | 3. Všeobecná. | 4. Nač ten pláč?" 553007005,[caption title] Matce Poh*r32ební píse*n32,[caption title] Matce Pohřební píseň 553007026,[cover title:] Jan Kunc | *C32eská m*s32e,[cover title:] Jan Kunc | Česká mše 553007030,[caption title:] Sedmero skladeb pro varhany od Jos. Leop. Zvona*r32e,[caption title:] Sedmero skladeb pro varhany od Jos. Leop. Zvonaře 553007057,[cover title:] Kancional | *c32ili | kniha duchovních zpěvů | pro | kostelní pobožnost | me*s32ní,[cover title:] Kancional | čili | kniha duchovních zpěvů | pro | kostelní pobožnost | mešní 553007058,[cover title:] Matutinum v noci váno*c32ní,[cover title:] Matutinum v noci vánoční 570001167,"[cover title, parts:] Lytaniae Ex G: | a | 4 Voci Conc-ti | 2 Violini | Con | Organo | e | Violone | Authore D: Georgie Strasser | [at head right:] No 16. | [at bottom center:] Augustini Slepe*c32.","[cover title, parts:] Lytaniae Ex G: | a | 4 Voci Conc-ti | 2 Violini | Con | Organo | e | Violone | Authore D: Georgie Strasser | [at head right:] No 16. | [at bottom center:] Augustini Slepeč." 600037980,"Graduale pro omni festo [für 4 Singstimmen, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violone und Organo]",Graduale pro omni festo 600066631,No further indication,[without title] 600073012,"Psalmj Tres Completorij Benedictinj Pro Octava Corporis Christi a 4 Vocib. cant., 2 Violinis, 1 Viola, Violone con Organo. Auth. I. Königsperger, II. Kayser, III. Incognito. Di quest' ultimo si potra servirsj per il Salve Regina. Descripsit ad S. Joanem Veldkirchij P. Ambr. Chrsimann Profess. Ottobur. Ao. 1769.",Psalmj Tres Completorij Benedictinj | Pro | Octava Corporis Christi | a | 4 Vocib[us] Cantant[ibus] | 2 Violinis | 1 Viola | Violone | con | Organo | Auth[ore] I. Königsperger | II. Kayser| III. Incognito | Di quest' ultimo si potra servirsj per il | Salve Regina. | Descripsit ad S. Joanem Veldkirchij P. Ambr[os] Chrismann | Profess. Ottobur. Ao. 1768. 600073015,[without title],"[heafing title, org: ] Ecce nunc" 600073080,"Graduale für Soprano Alto, Tenore & Basso mit Begleitung der Physharmonica von Pietsch [...]",[cover title:] Graduale | für | Soprano Alto | Tenore & Basso | mit Begleitung der | Physharmonica. | von Pietsch. | P[hilipp] M[ax] S[chmutzer] | Chordirektor de Feldkirch 600090909,"Sechs kleine Praeludien für die Orgel, für angehende Orgelspieler von [...] 34. Werk. Wien, im Verlage der k. k. priv. Chemischen Druckerey [...] N|o.","Sechs kleine Praeludien für die Orgel, für angehende Orgelspieler von A. R. 34. Werk. Wien, im Verlage der k. k. priv. Chemischen Druckerey am Graben N|o. 612" 600091557,"Trio a Flauto Traverso Primo Flauto Traverso Secondo con Flauto d'Amore par Pohl. N|o I, II, III.",Trio a Flauto Traverso Primo Flauto Traverso Secondo con Flauto d'Amore par Pohl. 600091812,[1.:] Terzetto 1mo a Flauto Traverso 1mo Flauto Traverso 2do Flauto Traverso 3tio del Sig. Ralick.,[without title] 600094148,Concerto a Violino Principale Violino Primo Violino Secondo Clarino Primo Clarino Secondo Tympano Viola è Basso.,[cover title:] Concerto | a | Violino Principale | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Clarino Primo | Clarino Secondo | Tympano | Viola è Basso. Fischer 600258378,[without title],[caption title:] N 11a 600500249,[without title],Vocal=Messe I von I Albrechtsberger 604000091,without title,[without title] 653000338,"[caption title, org:] ""Geleite durch die Welle!"" Marienlied v. Görres, Seite 63. für gemischten Chor (mit Mezzo Sopran oder Tenor Solo) & Orgel von: Josef Pembaur","[org, f.1r:] ""Geleite durch die Welle!"" Marienlied v. Görres. Seite 63. für gemischten Chor (mit Mezzo Sopran oder Tenor Solo) & Orgel von: Josef Pembaur [senior]." 653000340,"[cover title:] ""Benediction!"" Tantum ergo a 4 VV inaequ. (als: Leo-Hymne, zum 50jährigen Priesterjubiläums Leos P.P. XIII) componiert von: Prof. Joseph Anzoletti Bozen","[score, f.1r:] ""Benediction!"" Tantum-ergo a 4 VV inaequ. G: (als: Leo-Hymne, zum 50jährigen Priesterjubiläums [!] Leos P. P. XIII) componiert von: Prof. Joseph Anzoletti Bozen." 653000418,"[caption title org:] ""Töchter Sions kommt und weiner!"" Mater dolorosa von Görres 78. Seite. Marienlied (als Stabat mater zu singen) für gemischten Chor mit Orgelbegleitung (Bei guter Besetzung auch a capella zu singen. componiert von Josef Pembaur.","[org, f.1r:] ""Töchter Sions kommt und weinet!"" Mater dolorosa von Görres 78. Seite. (als Stabat mater zu singen.). Marienlied für gemischten Chor mit Orgelbegleitung. Bei guter Besetzung auch a cap[p]ella zu singen. componiert von: Josef Pembaur [senior]" 653001748,[without title],"[caption title, f.1v:] 1. (Ton. 4)" 653001749,[without title],"[caption title, f.2r:] 2. (Ton. 8)" 653001752,[cover title:] Veritas mea! | (psalm 88. Offertorium in Des!) | ad | quattuor Voces inaequ. | & | Organum | Authore: P. Hartmann An der Lan. | Caldarii 2./IV. 1887.,"[directorium, f.1r:] ""Veritas mea!"" (Psalm 88. Offertorium in Des!) ad quattuor Voces inaequ[ales] & Organum. Authore: P. Hartmanno An der Lan [-Hochbrunn]. O. S. Fr." 653001756,[cover title:] Intrada | gespielt von der pöpst. Musikkapelle auf der äußeren Galerie der Basilika St. Peter am Vatican | beim eintritt des hl. Vaters zum feierl. Hochamte in dieselbe. | für´s Piano transcribiert | von | Dr. P. Hartmann von An der Lan-Hochbrunn,"[f.1r:] ""Intrada,"" gespielt von der päpstl[ichen] Musikkapelle auf der äußeren Galerie der Basilika St. Peter am Vatican beim Eintritt des h[ei]l[igen Vaters zum feierl[ichen] Hochamte in dieselbe. Für's Piano transcribiert von P. Hartmann von An der Lan-Hochbrunn. Ord. Fr. min." 653001762,[cover title:] Tantum ergo! | ad | quattuor Voces inaequ. a capella. | Senza Organo | composuit: P. Hartmann An der Lan | Caldarii 16./9. 1886.,"[org, f.1r:] ""Tantum-Ergo!"" (Benediction: en ""Ut-majeur!"") ad quattuor Voces inaeq[uales] Sopran [and] Alt [and] Tenor [and] & Baß a capella. Senza Organo. (vel ad lib[itum]). composuit: P. Hartmannus An der Lan [-Hochbrunn] O. S. Fr." 653001763,[cover title:] Tantum ergo! | Benediction! | ad | quattuor Voces inaeq. | con | Organo (ad libitum). | Tondichtung von: | P. Hartmanno An der Lan | O.S.Fr. | Caldarii 18./V. 1887.,"[org, f.1r:] ""Tantum-ergo!"" ""Benediction!"" ad quattuor Voces inaeq[uales] con Organo (ad libitum). Tondichtung von: P. Hartmanno An der Lan [-Hochbrunn] O. S. Fr." 653001764,[cover title:] Tantum Ergo! | Benediction | ad | quattuor Voces inaeq. | concinente | Organo oblg. | Auctore: P. Hartmann An der Lan | O.S.F. | Caldarii 20./III. 1887.,"[org, f.1r:] ""Tantum-Ergo!"" Benediction (en: ""Sol-majeur!"") ad quattuor Voces inaeq[uales] Canto [and Canto] [and] Tenore [and] Baßo. concinente Organo obl[i]g[ato] Auctore: P. Hartmanno An der Lan [-Hochbrunn] O. S. Fr." 653001765,[cover title:] Tantum ergo! | Benediction in Es. | a | quattuor Vocibus | con | Organo | Auctore: P. Hartmanno An der Lan | O.S.Fr. | Caldarii 8./V. 1887.,"[org, f.1r:] ""Tantum-ergo!"" Benediction in Es. a quattuor Vocibus con Organo. Auctore: P. Hartmanno An der Lan [-Hochbrunn]. O. S. Fr." 653002414,[p.216:] 3,[without title] 653002415,[p.222:] 4.,[without title] 653002435,[p.314:] II. P. Valeriani Eibeler,[caption title:] II. 653006170,[cover title:] Missa in B | IV Vocibus cant: | II Violini | II Corni in B | Organo | e | Violone | Del Signore Guiseppe | Giorgi Hueber | a Kaufbeuern | GAJ[mp]D | 10|1 1821,[without title] 655000793,"[heading, S, f.1r:] Offertorium",[without title] 659000166,"[title on p. 1:] Constantia | Clodoaldi | Coronata | Illustrissimo ac Excellentissimo | Domino Domino | Joanni | CHRISTOPHORO | Sac: Rom: [Im]p: | Comiti D[e] [K]üenburg | Sac: Caesar: Regiaeque [Catholicae] Maiestatis Camerario Actuali, | nec non Celsissimi [ac Reverendissimi S: R:] J: Principis Salisburgensis | Supremo Camer[rario, &] et Consiliario Intimo: | Nec [non] | Illustrissimae Salisburgensi Nobilitati | Humillimè Dedicata | à D: D: Studiosis Salisburgensibus | die 21 augustj in scenam data 1735. Composita | à | Joanne Paulo Carolo Pischoffskj S: S: Theologiae Studioso.","[title on fol. 1|r:] Constantia | Clodoaldi | Coronata | Illustrissimo ac Excellentissimo | Domino Domino | Joanni | CHRISTOPHORO | Sac: Rom: [Im]p: | Comiti D[e] [K]üenburg | Sac: Caesar: Regiaeque [Catholicae] Maiestatis Camerario Actuali, | nec non Celsissimi [ac Reverendissimi S: R:] J: Principis Salisburgensis | Supremo Camer[rario, &] et Consiliario Intimo: | Nec [non] | Illustrissimae Salisburgensi Nobilitati | Humillimè Dedicata | à D: D: Studiosis Salisburgensibus | die 21 augustj in scenam data 1735. Composita | à | Joanne Paulo Carolo Pischoffskj S: S: Theologiae Studioso. [fol. 24|r:] Sequitur | Huius Comoediae | Opus Musicae | Compositum | â | Praenobili D[omi]no Carlo de Bibern | Celsissimi ac Re[ver]endissimi S: R: J: Principis | et Archiepiscopi Salisburgensis etc: etc: | Vice=Capellae Magister." 659001087,[without title],[caption title on p. 10:] Seq: 4. Psalm: post Psalm: Seq: Ant: Vesperae 659001161,[without title],"[caption title (in org, p. 2):] Deus in adjutorium" 659001627,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 197:] In I|mo Nocturno. Respons: 1|mum","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 197:] In I|m|o Nocturno. Respons: 1|m|u|m" 659001628,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 197:] In I|mo Nocturno.
[p. 198:] Responsor: 2|dum","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 197:] In I|m|o Nocturno. {{brk}} [p. 198:] Responsor: 2|d|u|m" 659001629,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 197:] In I|mo Nocturno.
[p.198:] Respons: 3|tium","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 197:] In I|m|o Nocturno. {{brk}} [p.198:] Respons: 3|t|i|u|m" 659001630,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 199:] In II|do Nocturno. Respons: 1|mum.","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 199:] In II|d|o Nocturno. Respons: 1|m|u|m." 659001631,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 199:] In II|do Nocturno.
[p. 200:] Responsor: 2|dum","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 199:] In II|d|o Nocturno. {{brk}} [p. 200:] Responsor: 2|d|u|m" 659001632,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 199:] In II|do Nocturno.
[p. 200:] Resp. 3|tium","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 199:] In II|d|o Nocturno. {{brk}} [p. 200:] Resp. 3|t|i|u|m" 659001633,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 201:] In III Nocturno. Respons. 1|mum.","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 201:] In III Nocturno. Respons. 1|m|u|m." 659001634,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 201:] In III Nocturno.
[p. 201:] Respons. 2|dum.","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 201:] In III Nocturno. {{brk}} [p. 201:] Respons. 2|d|u|m." 659001635,"[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum.
[p. 201:] In III Nocturno.
[p. 202:] Responsor: 3|tium.","[caption title, p. 197:] Responsoria pro Defunctis à 4 Vocum. {{brk}} [p. 201:] In III Nocturno. {{brk}} [p. 202:] Responsor: 3|t|i|u|m." 659001747,I|mi,I|m|i 659001748,II|di,II|d|i 659001749,III|tii.,III|t|i|i|. 659001753,VII|mi,VII|m|i 659001754,VIII|vi,VIII|v|i 659001765,I|mi,I|m|i 659001766,II|di,II|d|i 659001767,III|tii,III|t|i|i 659001771,VII|mi,VII|m|i 659002029,[without title],"[cover title by unknown writer:] [by other hand with pencil:] Ave Regina | [first hand:] N: 4. | 7 | [canceled by second hand:] Regina Coeli [end of cancelation] | [bracket including:] 1 -- in D | 2 -- in G. | 3 -- in G [bracket closed, indicating:] cum cornibus | 4 -- in G. | 5 -- in F. | 6 -- in C | 7 -- in D." 659002114,VI,[caption title:] VI 659002275,"[caption title, p. 3:] Beatus",[without title] 659002277,"[caption title, p. 7:] Laudate",[without title] 659002292,[without title],[caption title:] In 1|m|o Nocturno Organo. In Parasceve 659002294,[without title],[text incipit:] Alma 659002315,[caption title:] In Festo Martinae V. et M. >br> [caption title:] In | Festo S: Martinae V: | et M:,[caption title:] In Festo Martinae V[irginis] et M[artyris] [br] [caption title:] In | Festo S: Martinae V[irginis] | et M[artyris] 659002348,[without title],"[cover title on org:] Organo. | N|r|o III. | Eine Messe Von Haiden mit | Orgel, 2 Canto et Basso | 2 Violini, 2 Clarinet u. 2 Horn. | Ad Sem. paedagog." 659002352,[without title],[caption title on p. 119:] Secundi Tonj 702000037,"Kinder-Symphonie von J. Haydn. | 2 Violinen u. Bass. | und 8 Kinder-Instrumente. | 1., Wachtel. 2., Nachteule. 3., Waldteufel. | 4., Schnarre. 5., Kuckuck. 6., Trompete. | 7., Trommel. 8., Cimbel-Stern. | Der Kuckuck hat 2 Töne: G und E. w [unreadable] ch Violinen und Bass gestimmt werden. | Die Trompete muss den Ton G haben. | Die Wachtel ist ein kleines Pfeifchen, und der Ton muss F sein. | No: 1, Allegro und No: 2, Menuetto, muss geschwind gemacht werden, weil der Kukuck die [rest unreadable] | [unreadable] . - No:3, wird 3 mal gespielt: 1., Moderato, | 2., Allegro, und 3. Presto. | Die Nac","Kinder-Symphonie von J. Haydn. | 2 Violinen u. Bass. | und 8 Kinder-Instrumente. | 1., Wachtel. 2., Nachteule. 3., Waldteufel. | 4., Schnarre. 5., Kuckuck. 6., Trompete. | 7., Trommel. 8., Cimbel-Stern. | Der Kuckuck hat 2 Töne: G und E. w [unreadable] ch Violinen und Bass gestimmt werden. | Die Trompete muss den Ton G haben. | Die Wachtel ist ein kleines Pfeifchen, und der Ton muss F sein. | No: 1, Allegro und No: 2, Menuetto, muss geschwind gemacht werden, weil der Kukuck die [rest unreadable] | [unreadable] . - No:3, wird 3 mal gespielt: 1., Moderato, | 2., Allegro, und 3. Presto. | Die Nachteule ist ein klein irdenes Gefäss (mit Wasser) woran ein Pfeifchen. {{brk}} [cover title:] Klage [in pencil, by later hand:] (Carl) | (1788-1850) | Copie de la Kindersymphonie de Haydn" 702007652,[caption title:] Ave Maria | N° 1,[caption title:] Ave Maria | N˚ 1 702010907,"[title page, vl 1:] OUVERTURE | de | Jean de Paris, | à Grand Orchestre | PAR | A. Boieldieu. | [at head of vl 1, later added:] N:° 4","[title page, vl 1:] OUVERTURE | de | Jean de Paris, | à Grand Orchestre | PAR | A. Boieldieu. | [at head of vl 1, later added:] N:˚ 4" 702011246,"[caption title, cl 3:] Marsch. | N:° 4","[caption title, cl 3:] Marsch. | N:˚ 4" 702011250,"[caption title, cl 3:] Marsch | Walch livre 7. | N:° 8","[caption title, cl 3:] Marsch | Walch livre 7. | N:˚ 8" 702013162,"[title page, short score:] Souvenir du 19 Février | Pot-Pourri | bewerkt door Fr. Candrix | dit werk is opgedragen aan Senator Pierre Diriken | [later added:] Mede- [original:] Stichter der Harmonie Strijd voor Vrijheid | 19-2-1923 [later changed: 1922] =1933","[title page, short score:] Souvenir du 19 Février | Pot-Pourri | bewerkt door Fr. Candrix | dit werk is opgedragen aan Senator Pierre Diriken | [later added:] Mede- [original:] Stichter der Harmonie Strijd voor Vrijheid | 19-2-1923 [later changed: 1922]" 703002169,[at head of score:] Segue il Madrigale [without title],[at head of score:] Segue il Madrigale None 705001069,"[spine title, printed:] G. B. | Tibaldi | Serenata | a 3. | 1701 | [title page, p.1:] Serenata à trè voci | Amore, Lidia, é Tirsi | con Sinfonia di Violini, e Tromba | Fatta fare dall'Ecc.|m|o D. Vrbano Barberini Pnpe di Pelestrina | da Virtuosi di Sua Casa in Roma L'anno 1701, li 12.76 [a part is cut down] | Agl'Ecc.|m|i Sig.|r Duchessa, e Duca d'Vcedo Ambasciator di Spagna. | Poesia del Sig.|r Abb.|e Gio: Batta Bandini | Musica del Sig.|r D. Gio: Antonio Costa da Pauia | Ser.|e Attuale del Sud.|o Ecc.|m|o Sig.|r Pnpe. di Pelest.|a | Sinf.|a per Introd.|n|e del Sig.|r Gio: Batta Tibaldi Violo","[spine title, printed:] G. B. | Tibaldi | Serenata | a 3. | 1701 | [title page, p.1:] Serenata à trè voci | Amore, Lidia, é Tirsi | con Sinfonia di Violini, e Tromba | Fatta fare dall'Ecc.|m|o D. Vrbano Barberini Pnpe di Pelestrina | da Virtuosi di Sua Casa in Roma L'anno 1701, li 12.76 [a part is cut down] | Agl'Ecc.|m|i Sig.|r Duchessa, e Duca d'Vcedo Ambasciator di Spagna. | Poesia del Sig.|r Abb.|e Gio: Batta Bandini | Musica del Sig.|r D. Gio: Antonio Costa da Pauia | Ser.|e Attuale del Sud.|o Ecc.|m|o Sig.|r Pnpe. di Pelest.|a | Sinf.|a per Introd.|n|e del Sig.|r Gio: Batta Tibaldi Violonista e Ser.|e attuale della Sud.|a Ecc.|z [a part is cut down] | La Parte d'Amore fu' cantata dal Sig.|r Vbaldo Sesti. | Quella di Lidia dalla Sig.|r|a Maddalena Mandelli | Quella die Tirsi dal Sig.|r Vittorio Chicari | Tutti Ser.|r|i attuali della Sudetta Eccelenzia." 800000561,[heading:] The Royal Glasgow Volunteer,[heading:] The Royal Glasgow Volunteer[s] 800001903,[caption title:] Benedicte,[caption title:] Benedicite 800002065,[without title],[Dialogue Maria & Angelis] 800002431,[caption title:] 85: le:|h [unreadable] boo:|9|6 | 3.,[caption title:] 85: le:|h [unreadable] boo:|9|6 | [no.]3. 800250914,[without title],"[title, f.76r:] 5 Voci Hymnus" 800260532,"[caption title:] A due soprano, e Basso","[caption title:] A due soprano, e Basso [?]" 800261100,[no title indicated],"The Prayer of Manasses, King of Judah, when he was holden captive in Babylon. An Anthem in 5 parts" 800262036,[no title indicated],A verse Anthem on ye Passion 800262038,[no title indicated],I am ye Resurrection. taken out of ye burial Service 800262078,[no title indicated],[caption title:] A full Anthem in 7 parts 800262079,[no title indicated],[caption title:] A Full Anthem in 5 parts 800262080,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] Remember not Lord our offences, the 5th petition in ye Litany. A Full Anthem in 5 parts" 800262081,[no title indicated],[caption title:] O God be mercyful unto us. A Full Anthem in 4 p[ar]ts 800262082,[no title indicated],[caption title:] O Allmighty God. A Full Anthem in 4 parts 800262085,[no title indicated],[caption title:] I am the Resurrection; Taken out of ye burial Service. A Anthem of 6 parts 800262086,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Praise ye Lord O my Soul. A Full Anthem in 4 parts 800262088,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Have mercy upon me O God. A Full Anthem of 4 parts 800262089,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Lord for thy tender mercys sake. A full Anthem of 4 parts 800262090,[no title indicated],[caption title:] O God which hast prepared. A full Anthem in 4 pts 800262091,[no title indicated],[caption title:] O Lord God of my salvation. A Full Anthem in 4 parts 800262092,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] Almighty God, The Collect for Xmas Day. A Full Anthem in 5 parts" 800262094,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Sing O Heav'ns. A Full Anthem of 7 parts 800262097,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Sing unto ye Lord O yee saints of his. A vers Anthem with symphony of instruments 800262098,[no title indicated],[caption title:] How long wilt thou forget me O Lord. A vers Anthem for 2 voices 800262101,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Why do ye Heathen so furiously rage. A verse Anthem for 3 voices 800262102,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] We will rejoyce in thy Salvation. A vers Anthem for 3 voices, Compos'd for the thanksgiving of y|e Rye [House]plot" 800262104,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Thy righteousnes O God is very high. A verse Anthem for 4 voices 800262117,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Let God arise. A vers Anthem for 2 voc: 800262118,[no title indicated],[caption title:] O Clap your hands together all yee people. A Verse anthem for 3 voices 800262119,[no title indicated],[caption title:] By ye waters of Babilon. A verse anthem for 3 voices 800262120,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Blessed are those that are undefiled. A solo Anthem 800262121,[no title indicated],[caption title:] I will give thanks unto yee O Lord. A verse Anthem for 5 voices 800262122,[no title indicated],[caption title:] The Earth is the Lords. A vers Anthem for 4 voices 800262125,[no title indicated],[caption title:] Blow down thine Ear O Lord and hear me. An Verse Anthem for 3 voices 800262128,The 2|d Whole Service [...] commonly call'd Caesars in D.,"The 2|d Whole Service Compos'd by Mr. John Amner commonly call'd Coesars in D. - viz Te Deum, Benedictus, Kyrie Eleyson, Credo, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis" 800262130,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] The Whole Service in 4 parts, viz: Te Deum, Jubilate, Kyrie Eleyson, Credo, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, in F" 800262134,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] The Morning and Evening Service, viz: Te Deum, Benedicte, Cantate Domino, Deus Misereatur, in E flat" 800262135,[no title indicated],"[caption title:] The Morning Service, viz: Te Deum, Benedictus, in g. Compos'd for Verses and Chanting" 800262149,[no title indicated],[without title] 800268822,[without title],[caption title:] of. 3. vo: 800268824,[without title],[caption title:] of. 3. vo: 800268826,[without title],[caption title:] of: 3: vo: 800268827,[without title],[caption title] of: 3: vo:[ci] 800268828,[without title],[caption title:] of: 3: vo: 800268830,[without title],[caption title:] of: 3: vo: 800268831,[without title],[caption title:] of: 3: vo: 800268832,[without title],[caption title:] of: 3: vo: 800268975,[without title],[title:] O comme 800271007,[without title],[title:] of. v. vo: 800271366,[caption title:] Why doe I use,[caption title:] 5 voc: 800271367,[caption title:] Mee thought of late,[caption title:] 5 voc: 800271368,[without title],[caption title:] [5 voc: 800271369,[without title],[caption title:] 5 voc: 800271460,[without title],[caption title:] 5 voc 820000089,Argentina =1778= Scena a Due = Del Sig: Pasquale Anfossi,Argentina 850002011,"Argentina | =1754= | Del S|r Antonio | Aurisicchio | Cantabile ""L'ultimo addio funesto""",Argentina | 850002097,"1771 | Argentina in Roma | =1700= | ..... | ""D'ogni amator la fede è sempre mal sicura"" | Del Sig. Carlo Defranchi",1771 | Argentina in Roma | 850004024,"[reverse page:] L'amante muto loquace, L'",[reverse page:] L'amante muto loquace 850010821,[cover title:] Gnocchi | Bassi con numerica,Suonata Ia. 850022178,L.R.,L. R. 850508992,[without title],None 850508994,[without title],None 900007023,[without title],"[caption title, p.91:] Candia." 900007024,[without title],"[caption title, p.92:] Adriana." 900007025,[without title],"[caption title, p.93:] Transcribed | Sedgewick." 900007354,"[t.p., f.212r:] In questo Barbaro | Cavatina. | Con l'Accompa: Del Piano Forte | Del. | Sig:|e Stefano Gavesi.","[t.p., f.212r:] In questo Barbaro | Cavatina. | Con l'Accompa: Del Piano Forte | Del. | Sig:|e Stefano Gavesi [!]."