/* ==UserStyle== @name Wider Sweclockers @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 0.2.0 @description More width on Sweclockers @author Lagers @homepageURL https://github.com/rlagers/Wider-Sweclockers @supportURL https://github.com/rlagers/Wider-Sweclockers/issues @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rlagers/Wider-Sweclockers/main/wider-sweclockers.user.styl @license MPL-2.0 @preprocessor stylus @var select var-page-width "Page Max-Width" { "tighten": "1000px", "Orginal": "1270px", "1400px": "1400px", "1600px": "1600px", "1800px*": "1800px", "100%": "100%" } @var select var-article-width "Article Max-Width" { "Orginal": "660px", "Middle" : "972px", "Big": "1280px", "100%*": "100%" } @var select var-forum-width "Forum Max-Width" { "Orginal": "940px", "Middle" : "1200px", "Big": "1400px", "100%*": "100%" } @var select var-image-width "Image Max-Width" { "Orginal": "696px", "Middle" : "972px", "Big*": "1280px", "100%": "100%" } ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("sweclockers.com") { /************************************************ Main Layout of Sweclockers ************************************************/ .container, .col-content, .col-content-wide { max-width: var-page-width !important; } /************************************************ Main Content And Articles ************************************************/ .content-primary, .content-head, .content-foot, .carousel { max-width: var-article-width; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; } /************************************************ Image in Articles ************************************************/ .content-primary img, .content-primary .bbVideoYoutube, .article-bbcode .bbImage, .article-bbcode .bbSlideshow, .article-bbcode .bbVideo, .article-bbcode .bbVideoYoutube, .card-text .bbcode .bbVideoYoutube, .article-bbcode .tv-frame { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; width: 100%; max-width: var-image-width !important; } /************************************************ Forum and other image and video default to 728px ************************************************/ .bbImage, .forum-post-body .bbVideo, .forum-post-body .bbVideoYoutube { max-width: 728px; height: auto; } /* SweC Shop Image */ .article-footer .bbImage .inner { max-width: 154px; } .withPrisjakt img { width: 11px; height: auto; } /************************************************ Forum Width ************************************************/ #forumList-1, #threadList-1, .list-actions, .forum-posts, .thread-footer, .forumForm, .col-content-wide .content-head { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; max-width: var-forum-width; } /************************************************ Gallery list ************************************************/ .galleryList { justify-content: space-around; } /* don't work with flex row with nowrap on H3. Why? */ .gallery-item h3 { white-space: normal; } /* 154px /2 * 3 */ .gallery-item { max-width: 231px; } /* For the galleri */ .gallery-images { width: 100%; } .galleryText .bbVideo { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; } }