# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #, java-format msgid "§eYou do not have access (§4{0}§e)" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInvalid command: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Usage: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Use §3/{0} ? {1}§7 to display next page\n" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Use §3/{0} ? {1} §7 to display previous page\n" msgstr "" msgid "saves documentation of the commands to a file" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Wrote documentation to {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Error writing documentation: {0}" msgstr "" msgid "changes the language of the plugin, and reloads" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aSuccessfully changed language to §e{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cFailed to change language to §e{0}" msgstr "" msgid "§9Supported Languages:\n" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§f{0} §7{1} §9 by {2} §7{3}\n" msgstr "" msgid "§cUnable to locate any languages." msgstr "" msgid "Command" msgstr "" msgid "Permission" msgstr "" msgid "Description" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§f{0}x §7{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7{0}" msgstr "" msgid "d" msgstr "" msgid "h" msgstr "" msgid "m" msgstr "" msgid "s" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0,number,0}:{1,number,00}.{2,number,000}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid " §f{0}x §7{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eStill the following blocks short: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You can complete this {0} more time(s)." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Requirements will reset in {0} days." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Requirements will reset in {0} hours." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Requirements will reset in {0} minutes." msgstr "" msgid "§4This challenge is currently unavailable." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You can complete this again in {0} days." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You can complete this again in {0} hours." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You can complete this again in {0} minutes." msgstr "" msgid "§eThis challenge requires:" msgstr "" msgid "§7and more..." msgstr "" msgid "§eItems will be traded for reward." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eMust be within {0} meters." msgstr "" msgid "§6Item Reward: §a" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§6Currency Reward: §a{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§6Exp Reward: §a{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§dTotal times completed: §f{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Requires {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No challenge named {0} found" msgstr "" msgid "§4You must be on your island to do that!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4The {0} challenge is not available yet!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4The {0} challenge is not repeatable!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You cannot complete the {0} challenge again yet!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eTrying to complete challenge §a{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4You must be standing within {0} blocks of all required items." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Your island must be level {0} to complete this challenge!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Unknown type of challenge: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§eStill the following entities short:\n" "{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid " §4{0} §b{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou are the following items short:{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aYou have completed the {0} challenge!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9{0}§f has completed the §9{1}§f challenge!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eItem reward(s): §f{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eExp reward: §f{0,number,#.#}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eCurrency reward: §f{0,number,###.##} {1} §a ({2,number,##.##})%" msgstr "" msgid "§eYour inventory is §4full§e. Items dropped on the ground." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick to complete this challenge." msgstr "" msgid "§4§lYou can't repeat this challenge." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Rank: {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§fComplete most challenges in" msgstr "" msgid "§fthis rank to unlock the next rank." msgstr "" msgid "§eClick here to show previous page" msgstr "" msgid "§eClick here to show next page" msgstr "" msgid "§4§lLocked Challenge" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Complete {0} more {1} §7challenges" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Complete {0}" msgstr "" msgid "to unlock this rank" msgstr "" msgid "But you are ALLLLLLL ALOOOOONE!" msgstr "" msgid "But you are Yelling in the wind!" msgstr "" msgid "But your fantasy friends are gone!" msgstr "" msgid "But you are Talking to your self!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cSorry! {0}" msgstr "" msgid "Either send a message directly to your group, or toggle it on/off." msgstr "" msgid "party" msgstr "" msgid "island" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cToggled chat to {0} §aON" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cRepeat §9{0}§c to toggle it off" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aToggled chat §cOFF§a for {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§cCommand only available to players" msgstr "" msgid "talk to players on your island" msgstr "" msgid "talk to your island party" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§ePlayer {0} has no island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInvalid player {0} supplied." msgstr "" msgid "Manage challenges for a player" msgstr "" msgid "resets the challenge for the player" msgstr "" msgid "§4Challenge has never been completed" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§echallenge: {0} has been reset for {1}" msgstr "" msgid "resets all challenges for the player" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0} has had all challenges reset." msgstr "" msgid "complete all challenges in the rank" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No player named {0} was found!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Challenge {0} has already been completed" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eChallenge {0} has been completed for {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No challenge named {0} was found!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No rank named {0} was found!" msgstr "" msgid "manage islands" msgstr "" msgid "protects the island" msgstr "" msgid "delete the island (removes the blocks)" msgstr "" msgid "§9Deleted abandoned island at your current location." msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Island at this location has members!\n" "§eUse §9/usb island delete §e to delete it." msgstr "" msgid "removes the player from the island" msgstr "" msgid "adds the player to the island" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d has joined your island group." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No player named {0} found!" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4No valid island provided, either stand within one, or provide an island " "name" msgstr "" msgid "print out info about the island" msgstr "" msgid "sets the biome of the island" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player has no island." msgstr "" msgid "§4No valid island at your location" msgstr "" msgid "purges the island" msgstr "" msgid "§4Error! §9No valid island found for purging." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cPURGE: §9Purged island at {0}" msgstr "" msgid "toggles the islands ignore status" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cSet {0}s island to be ignored on top-ten and purge." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§cRemoved ignore-flag of {0}s island, it will now show up on top-ten and " "purge." msgstr "" msgid "§4No valid player-name supplied." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Removing {0} from island" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eChanged biome of {0}s island to {1}." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eChanged biome of {0}s island to OCEAN." msgstr "" msgid "§aYou may need to go to spawn, or relog, to see the changes." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0} has had their biome changed to {1}." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0} has had their biome changed to OCEAN." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eRemoving {0}''s island." msgstr "" msgid "Error: That player does not have an island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0}s island at {1} has been protected" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0}s island at {1} was already protected" msgstr "" msgid "various chunk commands" msgstr "" msgid "regenerate current chunk" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "successfully regenerated chunk at {0},{1}" msgstr "" msgid "unload current chunk" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "successfully unloaded chunk at {0},{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4FAILED!§e could not unload chunk at {0},{1}" msgstr "" msgid "load current chunk" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "loaded chunk at {0},{1}" msgstr "" msgid "only available for players" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4ERROR:§e {0}" msgstr "" msgid "open GUI for config" msgstr "" msgid "searches config for a specific key" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§c{0}§9" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9{0}§8: §e{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Found the following matching {0}:" msgstr "" msgid "§a
" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§3{0,number,#.##}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§2{0}" msgstr "" msgid "§eInvalid configuration name" msgstr "" msgid "Controls player-cooldowns" msgstr "" msgid "clears the cooldown on a command (* = all)" msgstr "" msgid "§eThe player is not currently online" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Cleared cooldown on {0} for {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "No active cooldown on {0} for {1} detected!" msgstr "" msgid "Invalid command supplied, only restart and biome supported!" msgstr "" msgid "restarts the cooldown on the command" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eReset cooldown on {0} for {1}§e to {2} seconds" msgstr "" msgid "lists all the active cooldowns" msgstr "" msgid "§eCmd Cooldown" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§a{0} §c{1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eNo active cooldowns for §9{0}§e found." msgstr "" msgid "control debugging" msgstr "" msgid "set debug-level" msgstr "" msgid "toggle debug-logging" msgstr "" msgid "§4Logging wasn't active, so you can't disable it!" msgstr "" msgid "flush current content of the logger to file." msgstr "" msgid "§eLog-file has been flushed." msgstr "" msgid "§4Logging is not enabled, use §d/usb debug enable" msgstr "" msgid "§4Invalid argument, try INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST" msgstr "" msgid "§eLogging disabled!" msgstr "" msgid "tries to fix the the area of flatland." msgstr "" msgid "§4No valid island found" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No flatland detected at {0}''s island!" msgstr "" msgid "flushes all caches to files" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§eFlushed §a{0} islands§e, §b{1} players and §6{2} challenge-completions." msgstr "" msgid "manually update the top 10 list" msgstr "" msgid "§eGenerating the Top Ten list" msgstr "" msgid "§eFinished generation of the Top Ten list" msgstr "" msgid "advanced command for getting island-data" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eCurrent value for {0} is ''{1}''" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cUnable to get state for {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eValid fields are {0}" msgstr "" msgid "teleport to another players island" msgstr "" msgid "§4Only supported for players" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player does not have an island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aTeleporting to {0}''s island." msgstr "" msgid "imports players and islands from other formats" msgstr "" msgid "controls async jobs" msgstr "" msgid "§9Job Statistics" msgstr "" msgid "§7----------------" msgstr "" msgid "#" msgstr "" msgid "ms/job" msgstr "" msgid "ms/tick" msgstr "" msgid "ticks" msgstr "" msgid "act" msgstr "" msgid "time" msgstr "" msgid "name" msgstr "" msgid "transfer leadership to another player" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Player {0} has no island to transfer!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§ePlayer §d{0}§e already has an island.§eUse §d/usb island remove §e " "to remove him first." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§bLeadership transferred by {0}§b to {1}" msgstr "" msgid "advanced info about NBT stuff" msgstr "" msgid "shows the NBTTag for the currently held item" msgstr "" msgid "§cNo item in hand!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInfo for §9{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - name: §9{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - nbttag: §9{0}" msgstr "" msgid "§eCan only be executed as a player" msgstr "" msgid "sets the NBTTag on the currently held item" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eSet §9{0}§e to §c{1}" msgstr "" msgid "adds the NBTTag on the currently held item" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eAdded §9{0}§e to §c{1}" msgstr "" msgid "manage orphans" msgstr "" msgid "count orphans" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0} old island locations will be used before new ones." msgstr "" msgid "clear orphans" msgstr "" msgid "§eClearing all old (empty) island locations." msgstr "" msgid "list orphans" msgstr "" msgid "§eNo orphans currently registered." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eOrphans ({0}/{1}): {2}" msgstr "" msgid "shows perk-information" msgstr "" msgid "shows a specific players perks" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "additional perks {0}" msgstr "" msgid "protects all islands (time consuming)" msgstr "" msgid "§cTrying to abort protect-all task." msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Sorry!§e A protect-all is already running. Let it complete first, or use " "§9usb protectall §cstop" msgstr "" msgid "§eStarting a protect-all task. It will take a while." msgstr "" msgid "purges all abandoned islands" msgstr "" msgid "§4You must provide the age in days to purge!" msgstr "" msgid "§4The level must be a valid number" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§eFinding all islands that have been abandoned for more than {0} days below " "level {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4PURGE:§e Do §9usb purge confirm§e within {0} to accept." msgstr "" msgid "§4Trying to abort purge" msgstr "" msgid "§4Purge aborted!" msgstr "" msgid "§4A purge is already running.§e Either §9confirm§e or §9stop§e it." msgstr "" msgid "§4Starting purge..." msgstr "" msgid "region manipulations" msgstr "" msgid "shows the borders of the current island" msgstr "" msgid "§eNo island found at your current location" msgstr "" msgid "shows the borders of the current chunk" msgstr "" msgid "shows the borders of the inner-chunks" msgstr "" msgid "shows the non-chunk-aligned borders" msgstr "" msgid "shows the borders of the outer-chunks" msgstr "" msgid "hides the regions again" msgstr "" msgid "§eStopped displaying regions" msgstr "" msgid "§eNo currently shown regions for this player" msgstr "" msgid "set the ticks between animations" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eAnimation-tick changed to {0}." msgstr "" msgid "§eAnimation-tick must be a valid integer." msgstr "" msgid "refreshes the existing animations" msgstr "" msgid "set a player''s island to your location" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aSet {0}''s island to the current island." msgstr "" msgid "§4Island not found: unable to set the island!" msgstr "" msgid "reload configuration from file." msgstr "" msgid "§eConfiguration reloaded from file." msgstr "" msgid "advanced command for setting island-data" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§c{0} was set to ''{1}''" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cUnable to set field {0} to ''{1}''" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cUnable to set field {0} to ''{1}'', a number was expected" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cInvalid field {0}" msgstr "" msgid "toggles maintenance mode" msgstr "" msgid "§cMAINTENANCE: §aActivated§e all uSkyBlock features currently disabled." msgstr "" msgid "" "§cMAINTENANCE: §4Deactivated§e all uSkyBlock features back to operational." msgstr "" msgid "§cMaintenance mode can only be changed from console!" msgstr "" msgid "§cABORTED:§e Protect-All was aborted!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eCompleted protect-all in {0}, {1} new regions were created!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7- SCANNING: {0,number,##}% ({1}/{2} failed: {3}) ~ {4}" msgstr "" msgid "§4PURGE:§9 Scanning aborted." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§4PURGE:§9 Scanning done, found {0} candidates, below level {1}, ready for " "purgatory." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "- PURGING: {0,number,##}% ({1}/{2}), elapsed {3}, estimated completion ~{4}" msgstr "" msgid "§4PURGE:§9 Finished purging abandoned islands." msgstr "" msgid "§4PURGE:§9 Aborted purging abandoned islands." msgstr "" msgid "displays version information" msgstr "" msgid "various WorldGuard utilities" msgstr "" msgid "refreshes the chunks around the player" msgstr "" msgid "§eResending chunks to the client" msgstr "" msgid "load the region chunks" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eLoading chunks at {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eUnloading chunks at {0}" msgstr "" msgid "update the WG regions" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eIsland world-guard regions updated for {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§eNo island found at your location!" msgstr "" msgid "refreshes the chunk around the player" msgstr "" msgid "Ultimate SkyBlock Admin" msgstr "" msgid "show player-information" msgstr "" msgid "try to complete a challenge" msgstr "" msgid "§cCommand only available for players." msgstr "" msgid "show information about the challenge" msgstr "" msgid "§eRank: " msgstr "" msgid "§4This Challenge is not repeatable!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You will lose all required items when you complete this challenge!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§4All required items must be placed on your island, within {0} blocks of you." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eTo complete this challenge, use §f/c c {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§4Invalid challenge name! Use /c help for more information" msgstr "" msgid "complete and list challenges" msgstr "" msgid "§eChallenges has been disabled. Contact an administrator." msgstr "" msgid "§4You can only submit challenges in the skyblock world!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You can only submit challenges when you have an island!" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Your island is full, or you have too many pending invites. You can't " "invite anyone else." msgstr "" msgid "§4That player is already leader on another island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0}§e tried to invite you, but you are already in a party." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aInvite sent to {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0}§e has invited you to join their island!" msgstr "" msgid "§f/island [accept/reject]§e to accept or reject the invite." msgstr "" msgid "§4WARNING: You will lose your current island if you accept!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0}§d invited {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0}§e has rejected the invitation." msgstr "" msgid "§4You can't use that command right now. Leave your current party first." msgstr "" msgid "" "§aYou have joined an island! Use /island party to see the other members." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInvitation for {0}§e has timedout or been cancelled." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInvitation for {0}''s island has timedout or been cancelled." msgstr "" msgid "§eYou have accepted the invitation to join an island." msgstr "" msgid "§4You haven't been invited." msgstr "" msgid "§eYou have rejected the invitation to join an island." msgstr "" msgid "accept/reject an invitation." msgstr "" msgid "teleports you to your island (or create one)" msgstr "" msgid "ban/unban a player from your island." msgstr "" msgid "exempts user from being banned" msgstr "" msgid "§eThe following players are banned from warping to your island:" msgstr "" msgid "§eTo ban/unban from your island, use /island ban " msgstr "" msgid "§4You can't ban members. Remove them first!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to kick/ban players." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eUnable to ban unknown player {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} tried to ban you from their island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} is exempt from being banned." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou have banned §4{0}§e from warping to your island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou have been §cBANNED§e from {0}§e''s island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou have unbanned §a{0}§e from warping to your island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou have been §aUNBANNED§e from {0}§e''s island." msgstr "" msgid "change the biome of the island" msgstr "" msgid "exempt player from biome-cooldown" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Let the player change their islands biome to {0}" msgstr "" msgid "" "§cYou do not have permission to change the biome of your current island." msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to change the biome of this island!" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou must be on your island to change the biome!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cYou have misspelled the biome name. Must be one of {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou can change your biome again in {0,number,#} minutes." msgstr "" msgid "§cYou do not have permission to change your biome to that type." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§7The pixies are busy changing the biome near you to §9{0}§7, be patient." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§7The pixies are busy changing the biome in your current chunk to §9{0}§7, " "be patient." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§7The pixies are busy changing the biome of your island to §9{0}§7, be " "patient." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInvalid biome {0} supplied!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aYou have changed your island''s biome to {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0} changed the island biome to {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aYou have changed {0} blocks around you to the {1} biome" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0} created an area with {1} biome" msgstr "" msgid "create an island" msgstr "" msgid "exempt player from create-cooldown" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Island found!§e You already have an island. If you want a fresh island, " "type§b /is restart§e to get one" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Island found!§e You are already a member of an island. To start your own, " "first§b /is leave" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou can create a new island in {0,number,#} seconds." msgstr "" msgid "teleport to the island home" msgstr "" msgid "" "§cYour island is in the process of generating, you cannot teleport home " "right now." msgstr "" msgid "check your or another''s island info" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to see others island info" msgstr "" msgid "§4Island level has been disabled, contact an administrator." msgstr "" msgid "§4Hold your horses! §eYou have to be patient..." msgstr "" msgid "§eYou must be on your island to use this command." msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have an island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have access to that command!" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player is invalid or does not have an island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eBlocks on {0}s Island (page {1,number} of {2,number}):" msgstr "" msgid "Score Count Block" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0,number,00.00} {1,number,#} {2}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aIsland level is {0,number,###.##}" msgstr "" msgid "invite a player to your island" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eUse§f /island invite §e to invite a player to your island." msgstr "" msgid "§4Only the island''s owner can invite!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aYou can invite {0} more players." msgstr "" msgid "§4You can't invite any more players." msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to invite others to this island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player is offline or doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgid "§4You can't invite yourself!" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player is the leader of your island!" msgstr "" msgid "remove a member from your island." msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to kick others from this island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You can't remove the leader from the Island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4Stop kickin' yourself!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} has removed you from their island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} has been removed from the island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} tried to kick you from their island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} is exempt from being kicked." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} has kicked you from their island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} has been kicked from the island." msgstr "" msgid "§4That player is not part of your island group, and not on your island!" msgstr "" msgid "leave your party" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4You can't leave your island if you are the only person. Try using /island " "restart if you want a new one!" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou own this island, use /island remove instead." msgstr "" msgid "§eYou have left the island and returned to the player spawn." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4{0} has left your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You must be in the skyblock world to leave your party!" msgstr "" msgid "check your or anothers island level" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to query for others levels" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eInformation about {0}''s Island:" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9Rank is {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Could not locate rank of {0}" msgstr "" msgid "lock your island to non-party members." msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to lock your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You don't have access to this command!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to unlock your island!" msgstr "" msgid "display log" msgstr "" msgid "transfer leadership to another member" msgstr "" msgid "§4You can only transfer ownership to party-members!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0}§e is already leader of your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4Only leader can transfer leadership!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0} tried to take over the island!" msgstr "" msgid "show the islands limits" msgstr "" msgid "show party information" msgstr "" msgid "shows information about your party" msgstr "" msgid "show pending invites" msgstr "" msgid "§eNo pending invites" msgstr "" msgid "withdraw an invite" msgstr "" msgid "§4You don't have permissions to uninvite players." msgstr "" msgid "§4This command can only be executed by a player" msgstr "" msgid "§4No Island. §eUse §b/is create§e to get one" msgstr "" msgid "changes a members island-permissions" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§ePermissions for §9{0}§e:" msgstr "" msgid "§aON" msgstr "" msgid "§cOFF" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - §6{0}§7 : {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cInvalid permission {0}. Must be one of {1}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eToggled permission §9{0}§e for §9{1}§e to {2}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eUnable to toggle permission §9{0}§e for §9{1}" msgstr "" msgid "delete your island and start a new one." msgstr "" msgid "exempt player from restart-cooldown" msgstr "" msgid "" "§4Only the owner may restart this island. Leave this island in order to " "start your own (/island leave)." msgstr "" msgid "" "§eYou must remove all players from your island before you can restart it (/" "island kick ). See a list of players currently part of your island " "using /island party." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cYou can restart your island in {0} seconds." msgstr "" msgid "§cYour island is in the process of generating, you cannot restart now." msgstr "" msgid "§eNOTE: Your entire island and all your belongings will be RESET!" msgstr "" msgid "set the island-home" msgstr "" msgid "§4You must be closer to your island to set your skyblock home!" msgstr "" msgid "§4Your current location is not a safe home-location." msgstr "" msgid "§aYour skyblock home has been set to your current location." msgstr "" msgid "set your island''s warp location" msgstr "" msgid "§cYou do not have permission to set your island''s warp point!" msgstr "" msgid "§cYou need to be on your own island to set the warp!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d changed the island warp location." msgstr "" msgid "teleports you to the skyblock spawn" msgstr "" msgid "enable/disable warping to your island." msgstr "" msgid "§4Your island is locked. You must unlock it before enabling your warp." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d activated the island warp." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d deactivated the island warp." msgstr "" msgid "§cYou do not have permission to enable/disable your island''s warp!" msgstr "" msgid "display the top10 of islands" msgstr "" msgid "enables user to all-ways generate top-ten (no caching)" msgstr "" msgid "trust/untrust a player to help on your island." msgstr "" msgid "§eThe following players are trusted on your island:" msgstr "" msgid "§eThe following leaders trusts you:" msgstr "" msgid "§eTo trust/untrust from your island, use /island trust " msgstr "" msgid "§4Members are already trusted!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Unknown player {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou are now trusted on §4{0}''s §eisland." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§a{0} trusted {1} on the island" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYou are no longer trusted on §4{0}''s §eisland." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§c{0} revoked trust in {1} on the island" msgstr "" msgid "warp to another player''s island" msgstr "" msgid "§aYour incoming warp is active, players may warp to your island." msgstr "" msgid "§4Your incoming warp is inactive, players may not warp to your island." msgstr "" msgid "§fSet incoming warp to your current location using §e/island setwarp" msgstr "" msgid "§fToggle your warp on/off using §e/island togglewarp" msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to create a warp on your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§fWarp to another island using §e/island warp " msgstr "" msgid "§4You do not have permission to warp to other islands!" msgstr "" msgid "" "§cYour island is in the process of generating, you cannot warp to other " "players islands right now." msgstr "" msgid "§4That player does not exist!" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player does not have an active warp." msgstr "" msgid "" "§cThat players island is in the process of generating, you cannot warp to it " "right now." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cWARNING: §9{0}§e is warping to your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§4That player has forbidden you from warping to their island." msgstr "" msgid "general island command" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to bypass cooldowns" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to bypass visitor-protections" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to bypass teleport-delay" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to use [usb] signs" msgstr "" msgid "allows user to place [usb] signs" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou can not use another island''s portals!" msgstr "" msgid "§eVillager-trading isn't allowed." msgstr "" msgid "§eTrading isn't allowed on other islands. Do it in spawn." msgstr "" msgid "§eRiding is only allowed on your own island!" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou cannot break vehicles while being a visitor!" msgstr "" msgid "§cWither Despawned!§e It wandered too far from your island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0}''s Wither" msgstr "" msgid "§eVisitors can't drop items!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Owner: {0}" msgstr "" msgid "You cannot pick up other players' loot when you are a visitor!" msgstr "" msgid "§4You can only convert obsidian once every 10 seconds" msgstr "" msgid "§eChanging your obsidian back into lava. Be careful!" msgstr "" msgid "§eYour inventory must have another empty space!" msgstr "" msgid "§4It''s a bad idea to replace your lava!" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou cannot hurt island-members." msgstr "" msgid "§4That player has forbidden you from teleporting to their island." msgstr "" msgid "§4That island is §clocked.§e No teleporting to the island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§4{0} is limited. §eScanning your island to see if you are allowed to place " "more, please be patient" msgstr "" msgid "§e... Scanning complete, you can try again" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§4You''ve hit the {0} limit!§e You can''t have more of that type on your " "island!§9 Max: {1,number}" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou can only use spawn-eggs on your own island." msgstr "" msgid "§cYou have reached your spawn-limit for your island." msgstr "" msgid "§cBanned:§e You are banned from this island." msgstr "" msgid "§cLocked:§e That island is locked! No entry allowed." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eWaiting for our turn §c{0,number,###}%" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9Creating island...§e{0,number,###}%" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9{0}§7 timed out" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§eDoing §9{0}§e is §cRISKY§e. Repeat the command within §a{1}§e seconds to " "accept!" msgstr "" msgid "N/A" msgstr "" msgid "§4** You are entering a protected - but abandoned - island area." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§d** You are entering §b{0}''s §disland." msgstr "" msgid "§4** You are leaving an abandoned island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§d** You are leaving §b{0}''s §disland." msgstr "" msgid "§eYour island is now locked. Only your party members may enter." msgstr "" msgid "§4You must be the party leader to lock your island!" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eYour island is unlocked and anyone may enter, however only you and your " "party members may build or remove blocks." msgstr "" msgid "§4You must be the party leader to unlock your island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7PlayerDB: Filtering {0} players from uuid2name.yml" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - {0,number,##}% ({1}/{2}) ~ {3}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7PlayerDB: Filtered {0} names" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§7 - MojangAPI:{4}: {0,number,##}% ({1}/{2}, failed:{3} ~ {5,number,##}%), " "{6}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7MojangAPI: Trying to fetch {0} players from Mojang" msgstr "" msgid "SUCCESS" msgstr "" msgid "FAILED" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - MojangAPI:§aCOMPLETED: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7 - MojangAPI:§cERROR: {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§eProgress: {0,number,##}% ({1}/{2} - success:{3}, failed:{4}, skipped:{5}) " "~ {6}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4No importer named §e{0}§4 found" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eConverted {0}/{1} files in {2}" msgstr "" msgid "The island has been created." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d locked the island." msgstr "" msgid "§4Since your island is locked, your incoming warp has been deactivated." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d unlocked the island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cSKY §f> §7 {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§b{0}§d has been removed from the island group." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9{1} §7- {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§9Creating an island at your location" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§9Creating an island §7{0}§9 of you" msgstr "" msgid "" "§cThe island owning this piece of nether is being deleted! Sending you to " "spawn." msgstr "" msgid "§cThe island you are on is being deleted! Sending you to spawn." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eWALL OF FAME (page {0} of {1}):" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§4Top ten list is empty! Only islands above level {0} is considered." msgstr "" msgid "§a#%2d §7(%5.2f): §e%s §7%s" msgstr "" msgid "Click to warp to the island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eYour rank is: §f{0}" msgstr "" msgid "UNKNOWN" msgstr "" msgid "ANIMAL" msgstr "" msgid "MONSTER" msgstr "" msgid "VILLAGER" msgstr "" msgid "GOLEM" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§c{0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7{0}: §a{1}§7 (max. {2})" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Unable to locate schematic {0}, contact a server-admin" msgstr "" msgid "§aCongratulations! §eYour island has appeared." msgstr "" msgid "§cNote:§e Construction might still be ongoing." msgstr "" msgid "Use §9/is h§r or the §9/is§r menu to go there." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cWatchdog!§9 Unable to locate a chest within {0}, bailing out." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§7Page {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§c{0,number,#}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§a+{0,number,#}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§a{0,number,#}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "&aLeft:&7 Increment with {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "&cRight-Click:&7 Set to {0}" msgstr "" msgid "Return" msgstr "" msgid "Config:" msgstr "" msgid "§9Integer Editor" msgstr "" msgid "§eConfiguration saved and reloaded." msgstr "" msgid "§cError! §9Unable to save config file!" msgstr "" msgid "§3First Page" msgstr "" msgid "§3Last Page" msgstr "" msgid "§cSave & Reload config" msgstr "" msgid "" "§7Saves the settings to\n" "§7file & reloads again.\n" "§cNote: §7Use with care!" msgstr "" msgid "§7 (readonly)" msgstr "" msgid "true" msgstr "" msgid "false" msgstr "" msgid "Challenge Menu" msgstr "" msgid "Change Biome" msgstr "" msgid "change the island''s biome." msgstr "" msgid "Toggle Island Lock" msgstr "" msgid "toggle the island''s lock." msgstr "" msgid "Set Island Warp" msgstr "" msgid "set the island''s warp." msgstr "" msgid "" "set the island''s warp,\n" "which allows non-group\n" "members to teleport to\n" "the island." msgstr "" msgid "Toggle Island Warp" msgstr "" msgid "toggle the island''s warp." msgstr "" msgid "" "toggle the island''s warp,\n" "allowing them to turn it\n" "on or off at anytime, but\n" "not set the location." msgstr "" msgid "Invite Players" msgstr "" msgid "invite others to the island." msgstr "" msgid "" "invite\n" "other players to the island if\n" "there is enough room for more\n" "members" msgstr "" msgid "Kick Players" msgstr "" msgid "kick others from the island." msgstr "" msgid "" "kick\n" "other players from the island,\n" "but they are unable to kick\n" "the island leader." msgstr "" msgid "Ocean" msgstr "" msgid "" "The ocean biome is the basic\n" "starting biome for all islands.\n" "passive mobs like animals will\n" "not spawn. Hostile mobs will\n" "spawn normally." msgstr "" msgid "Forest" msgstr "" msgid "" "The forest biome will allow\n" "your island to spawn passive.\n" "mobs like animals (including\n" "wolves). Hostile mobs will\n" "spawn normally." msgstr "" msgid "Desert" msgstr "" msgid "" "The desert biome makes it so\n" "that there is no rain or snow\n" "on your island. Passive mobs\n" "won't spawn. Hostile mobs will\n" "spawn normally." msgstr "" msgid "Jungle" msgstr "" msgid "" "The jungle biome is bright\n" "and colorful. Passive mobs\n" "(including ocelots) will\n" "spawn. Hostile mobs will\n" "spawn normally." msgstr "" msgid "Swampland" msgstr "" msgid "" "The swamp biome is dark\n" "and dull. Passive mobs\n" "will spawn normally and\n" "slimes have a small chance\n" "to spawn at night depending\n" "on the moon phase." msgstr "" msgid "Taiga" msgstr "" msgid "" "The taiga biome has snow\n" "instead of rain. Passive\n" "mobs will spawn normally\n" "(including wolves) and\n" "hostile mobs will spawn." msgstr "" msgid "Mushroom" msgstr "" msgid "" "The mushroom biome is\n" "bright and colorful.\n" "Mooshrooms are the only\n" "mobs that will spawn.\n" "No other passive or\n" "hostile mobs will spawn." msgstr "" msgid "Hell" msgstr "" msgid "" "The hell biome looks\n" "dark and dead. Some\n" "mobs from the nether will\n" "spawn in this biome\n" "(excluding ghasts and\n" "blazes)." msgstr "" msgid "Sky" msgstr "" msgid "" "The sky biome gives your\n" "island a special dark sky.\n" "Only endermen will spawn\n" "in this biome." msgstr "" msgid "Plains" msgstr "" msgid "" "The plains biome has rain\n" "instead of snow. Passive\n" "mobs will spawn normally\n" "(including horses) and\n" "hostile mobs will spawn." msgstr "" msgid "Extreme Hills" msgstr "" msgid "" "The extreme hills biome.\n" "Passive mobs will spawn \n" "normally and hostile\n" "mobs will spawn." msgstr "" msgid "Flower Forest" msgstr "" msgid "" "The flower forest biome.\n" "Passive mobs will spawn \n" "normally and hostile\n" "mobs will spawn." msgstr "" msgid "Deep Ocean" msgstr "" msgid "" "The deep-ocean biome is an advanced\n" "biome. Passive mobs like animals will\n" "not spawn. Hostile mobs \n" "(including Guardians) will\n" "spawn normally." msgstr "" msgid "Ice Plains" msgstr "" msgid "" "The ice-plains biome is an advanced biome.\n" "Mobs will spawn naturally.\n" "including polar-bears" msgstr "" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "{0} <{1}>" msgstr "" msgid "§9Player Permissions" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eClick here to return to\n" "§eyour island group''s info." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0}''§9s Permissions" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eHover over an icon to view\n" "§ea permission. Change the\n" "§epermission by clicking it." msgstr "" msgid "§fThis player §acan" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to remove this permission." msgstr "" msgid "§fThis player §ccannot" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to grant this permission." msgstr "" msgid "Island Group Members" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Group Members: §2{0}§7/§e{1}" msgstr "" msgid "§aMore players can be invited to this island." msgstr "" msgid "§cThis island is full." msgstr "" msgid "" "§eHover over a player''s icon to\n" "§eview their permissions. The\n" "§eleader can change permissions\n" "§eby clicking a player''s icon." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0}''s§9 Permissions" msgstr "" msgid "Leader" msgstr "" msgid "Member" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Can {0}" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Cannot {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§e" msgstr "" msgid "Island Log" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eClick here to return to\n" "§ethe main island screen." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lIsland Log" msgstr "" msgid "Island Biome" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Biome: {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§2§lThis is your current biome." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick to change to this biome." msgstr "" msgid "You cannot use this biome." msgstr "" msgid "§2chunk" msgstr "" msgid "§call" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§e{0}" msgstr "" msgid "§c-" msgstr "" msgid "Decrease radius of biome-change" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Current radius: {0}" msgstr "" msgid "§2+" msgstr "" msgid "Increase radius of biome-change" msgstr "" msgid "§7Current page" msgstr "" msgid "§7First Page" msgstr "" msgid "§7Last Page" msgstr "" msgid "Island Create Menu" msgstr "" msgid "§a§lStart an Island" msgstr "" msgid "" "Start your skyblock journey\n" "by starting your own island.\n" "Complete challenges to earn\n" "items and skybucks to help\n" "expand your skyblock. You can\n" "invite others to join in\n" "building your island empire!\n" "§e§lClick here to start!" msgstr "" msgid "§aClick to create!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§cNo access!\n" "§7({0})" msgstr "" msgid "§a§lReturn to Spawn" msgstr "" msgid "Teleport to the spawn area." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lJoin an Island" msgstr "" msgid "" "Want to join another player''s\n" "island instead of starting\n" "your own? If another player\n" "invites you to their island\n" "you can click here or use\n" "§e/island accept§f to join them.\n" "§e§lClick here to accept an invite!\n" "§e§l(You must be invited first)" msgstr "" msgid "Island Menu" msgstr "" msgid "§a§lReturn Home" msgstr "" msgid "" "Return to your island''s home\n" "point. You can change your home\n" "point to any location on your\n" "island using §b/island sethome\n" "§e§lClick here to return home." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lChallenges" msgstr "" msgid "" "View a list of §9challenges that\n" "you can complete on your island\n" "to earn skybucks, items, perks,\n" "and titles." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to view challenges." msgstr "" msgid "§4§lChallenges disabled." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lIsland Level" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eCurrent Level: §a{0,number,##.#}" msgstr "" msgid "" "Gain island levels by expanding\n" "your skyblock and completing\n" "certain challenges. Rarer blocks\n" "will add more to your level.\n" "§e§lClick here to refresh.\n" "§e§l(must be on island)" msgstr "" msgid "Island Group" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eMembers: §2{0}/{1}" msgstr "" msgid "" "View the members of your island\n" "group and their permissions. If\n" "you are the island leader, you\n" "can change the member permissions.\n" "§e§lClick here to view or change." msgstr "" msgid "Change Island Biome" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§eCurrent Biome: §b{0}" msgstr "" msgid "" "The island biome affects things\n" "like grass color and spawning\n" "of both animals and monsters." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to change biomes." msgstr "" msgid "§c§lYou can't change the biome." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lIsland Lock" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eLock Status: §aActive\n" "§fYour island is currently §clocked.\n" "§fPlayers outside of your group\n" "§fare unable to enter your island." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to unlock your island." msgstr "" msgid "§c§lYou can't change the lock." msgstr "" msgid "" "§eLock Status: §8Inactive\n" "§fYour island is currently §aunlocked.\n" "§fAll players are able to enter your\n" "§fisland, but only you and your group\n" "§fmembers may build there." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to lock your island." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lIsland Warp" msgstr "" msgid "" "§eWarp Status: §aActive\n" "§fOther players may warp to your\n" "§fisland at anytime to the point\n" "§fyou set using §d/island setwarp." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to deactivate." msgstr "" msgid "§c§lYou can't change the warp." msgstr "" msgid "" "§eWarp Status: §8Inactive\n" "§fOther players can't warp to your\n" "§fisland. Set a warp point using\n" "§d/island setwarp §fbefore activating." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to activate." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lIsland Log" msgstr "" msgid "" "View a log of events from\n" "your island such as member,\n" "biome, and warp changes.\n" "§e§lClick to view the log." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lChange Home Location" msgstr "" msgid "" "When you teleport to your\n" "island you will be taken to\n" "this location.\n" "§e§lClick here to change." msgstr "" msgid "§a§lChange Warp Location" msgstr "" msgid "" "When your warp is activated,\n" "other players will be taken to\n" "this point when they teleport\n" "to your island." msgstr "" msgid "§e§lClick here to change." msgstr "" msgid "§c§lRestart Island" msgstr "" msgid "" "Restarts your island.\n" "§4WARNING! §cwill remove your items and island!" msgstr "" msgid "§c§lLeave Island" msgstr "" msgid "" "Leaves your island.\n" "§4WARNING! §cwill remove all your items!" msgstr "" msgid "§cClick to leave" msgstr "" msgid "Island Restart Menu" msgstr "" msgid "§eYou do not have access to that island-schematic!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cClick within §9{0}§c to leave!" msgstr "" msgid "§a§lReturn to the main menu" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§cClick within §9{0}§c to restart!" msgstr "" msgid "§aClick to restart!" msgstr "" msgid "Caps On" msgstr "" msgid "§9Text Editor" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "Too many requests for Mojangs API ({0} within {1}), sleeping {2}" msgstr "" msgid "§9Hold your horses! You have to be patient..." msgstr "" msgid "§9Not really patient, are you?" msgstr "" msgid "§9Be patient, young padawan" msgstr "" msgid "§9Patience you MUST have, young padawan" msgstr "" msgid "§9The two most powerful warriors are patience and time." msgstr "" msgid "§eSending you to spawn." msgstr "" msgid "§eThe island has been §cLOCKED§e." msgstr "" msgid "§4Unable to find a safe home-location on your island!" msgstr "" msgid "§cWARNING: §eTeleporting you to mid-air." msgstr "" msgid "§aTeleporting you to your island." msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aYou will be teleported in {0} seconds." msgstr "" msgid "§4Unable to warp you to that player''s island!" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§aTeleporting you to {0}''s island." msgstr "" msgid "§7Teleport cancelled" msgstr "" msgid "READY" msgstr "" msgid "" "§cWARNING:§e Could not transfer all the required items to your inventory!" msgstr "" msgid "§cNot enough items in chest to complete challenge!" msgstr "" msgid "Something went wrong saving the island and/or party data!" msgstr "" msgid "Converting data to UUID, this make take a while!" msgstr "" msgid "§cMAINTENANCE:§e uSkyBlock is currently in maintenance mode" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "" "§buSkyBlock§e depends on §9{0}§e >= §av{1}§e but only §cv{2}§e was found!\n" msgstr "" #, java-format msgid "§buSkyBlock§e depends on §9{0}§e >= §av{1}" msgstr "" msgid "§4Player is already assigned to this island!" msgstr "" msgid "§cYour island is in the process of generating, you cannot create now." msgstr "" msgid "Could not create your Island. Please contact a server moderator." msgstr "" msgid "§eGetting your island ready, please be patient, it can take a while." msgstr "" msgid "§cCommand is currently disabled!" msgstr "" msgid "North" msgstr "" msgid "North-East" msgstr "" msgid "East" msgstr "" msgid "South-East" msgstr "" msgid "South" msgstr "" msgid "South-West" msgstr "" msgid "West" msgstr "" msgid "North-West" msgstr ""