#Inc-Dec-Value **v0.1.21** - [#40](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/40) enums: fixed for values with few "-" and with "(" ")" **v0.1.20** - [#41](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/41) Insert cutting preceding characters **v0.1.19** - [#30](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/30) cursor duplicates... **v0.1.18** - [#33](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/33) added settings for RGB instead RGBA **v0.1.17** - [#34](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/34) space after comma in rgba **v0.1.16** - [#32](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/32) convert from rgba() to short notation if its possible **v0.1.15** - convert from rgba(x,x,x,1): remove /* alpha: 1 */ if alpha == 1 **v0.1.14** - [#37](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/pull/37) New Feature & Bug Fixes **v0.1.13** - [#35](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/35) Cycle through enum with Java capitalization **v0.1.12** - [#27](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/27) Ability to autosave after incrementing **v0.1.11** - [#31](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/31) ST3: Getting TypeError in console when using the number inc/dec functions **v0.1.10** - [#31](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/31) ST3: Getting TypeError in console when using the number inc/dec functions **v0.1.9** - Fixed apply_integer (x -> -x when cursor before x) **v0.1.8** - [#29](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/pull/29) Fix apply_hex_color exception **v0.1.7** - [#19](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/19) Swapping the color notation in CSS **v0.1.6** - [#20](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/20) (upper, lower, capitalize) works on non-ascii strings **v0.1.5** - [#15](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/issues/15) Don't place action in undo history when nothing happens **v0.1.4** - [#14](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/pull/14) Saving the position of the cursors/selections on the change **v0.1.3** - added support for the mouse wheel --- ## increase / decrease of numbers (integer and fractional), dates, hex color values, opposite relations or cycled enumerations on the configured value and a bonus - string actions (upper, lower, capitalize) Instead of the arrows can use your mouse wheel. **Forum Thread** http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2395 ### Support Multiple Selections ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_number.gif) ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_hex_color.gif) ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_opposite.gif) ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_float.gif) ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_dates.gif) ![Inc-Dec-Value](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_strings.gif) ### Example of the correct values: * **positive and negative integer numbers** => ... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... * **positive and negative floating-point numbers** => ... -1.1, -1.19, 0.119, 1.1119, 2.11119, ... If value is floating-point - increases/decreases applies from last position. for example 1.19 + `alt+up` = 1.20 and 1.11200 + `alt+down` = 1.11199 * **positive and negative (integer and floating-point) numbers and any text after them** => 12px, -5em, 100%, 42sometext, (24), [12, -13], {77: -88}, 0.1em, 62.5%/1.5 * **hex colors** => #f01 #f00456 Pressing the key `alt+up/down` increases/decreases the one character to the left on +1/-1 (regardless of the settings) If the cursor between the '#' and the hex number in the #f01 the action applies to first character 'f' Pressing the key `super+up/down`(Linux) or `super+alt+up/down`(Windows & OSX) increases/decreases the total value of the hex color on +111/-111 or +111111/-111111 (regardless of the settings) Pressing the key `super+alt+up/down`(Linux) or `super+ctrl+up/down`(Windows) or `super+alt+ctrl+up/down`(OSX) swapping the color notation in CSS: from: color: rgba(0, 17, 34, 0.4); to: color: #012; /* alpha: 0.4 */ again: color: rgba(0, 17, 34, 0.4); * **dates in ISO format `YYYY-MM-DD`** => 2011-11-15 The increase in year / month / day is its own, without checking the validity of the resulting date. For days, the value of loops between 1 and 31, for months - loops between 1 and 12. * **opposite relations or cycled enumerations** => `true > false, True > False, FALSE > TRUE, left > right` also => `truE > false, tRUe > false, FaLsE > true, LeFT > right` Pressing the key `super+alt+up/down`(Linux) or `super+ctrl+up/down`(Windows) or `super+alt+ctrl+up/down`(OSX) changes the value under the cursor ("true" or "false") to the opposite Version 0.1.0 adds the ability to cycle more than two values: => "Jan" > "Feb" > "Mar" > ... > "Dec" > "Jan" Version 0.1.13 adds the ability to cycle through enum with Java capitalization => "centerX" > "centerY", "screenLeft" > "screenRight" Version 0.1.21 fixed for values with few "-" and with "(" ")" => "last-child" > "last-of-type" > "nth-child()" Example of settings see in inc\_dec\_value.sublime-settings * **any string** => string String STRING Pressing the key `alt+up` makes the first letter in the word in Uppercase (Capitalize) without affecting the remaining characters. Pressing the key `super+up`(Linux) or `super+alt+up`(Windows & OSX) makes the word in UPPERCASE. Pressing the key `alt+down` or `super+down`(Linux) or `super+alt+down`(Windows & OSX) makes the word in lowercase. **Important !** There will be no change of words, which were applied different rules. For example, the integer "12px" will not be given "px" to upper case, as a rule is applied to modify this value to "13px". ### Not supported: * **numbers in the text and after** => qwe42asd, text42 * **incorrect hex colors** => #1 #12 #1234 #12345 #1234567... * **and may be something else that would like to see...** *let me know if you find an error* *or you will have new ideas* ### [inc_dec_value.sublime-settings](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/blob/master/inc_dec_value.sublime-settings) { "file": "inc_dec_value.sublime-settings" , "action_inc_min": 1 // default: 1, key: Alt + Up , "action_dec_min": -1 // default: -1, key: Alt + Down , "action_inc_max": 10 // default: 10, key: Super + Up , "action_dec_max": -10 // default: -10, key: Super + Down , "action_inc_all": 100 // default: 10, key: Super + Alt + Up , "action_dec_all": -100 // default: -10, key: Super + Alt + Down , "enums": [ // write values to the list only in lowercase ["yes", "no"] , ["true", "false"] , ["block", "none", "inline", "inline-block"] , ["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"] ] , "force_use_upper_case_for_hex_color": false , "autosave": false , "space_after_comma_in_rgba": true , "RGB_instead_RGBA": false } ### Default (Linux).sublime-keymap [ { "keys": ["alt+up"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_min" } }, { "keys": ["alt+down"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_min" } }, { "keys": ["super+up"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_max" } }, { "keys": ["super+down"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_max" } }, { "keys": ["super+alt+up"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_all" } }, { "keys": ["super+alt+down"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_all" } } ] ### Copyright **Copyright (c) 2011 Razumenko Maksim ** Minor contrib by * Denis Ryzhkov * Vitaly Pikulik * Alexandra Ignatyeva MIT License, see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT