#!/bin/bash # WARNING: 1. Use are you own risk! This script comes with no warranty, express or implied. # 2. DO NOT run as root. I could have done things different ways, and this keeps scripts uniform and build capable. # OTHER NOTES: 1. If you are behind a webfilter and need weblogin, try w3m. # 2. Nothing more at this point. Should figure out way to add in updates relevant to individual setup. # echo =============================== echo Retreiving updated packages echo =============================== apt-get update echo =============================== echo Installing updated packages echo =============================== apt-get -y dist-upgrade echo =============================== echo update firmware/kernel echo =============================== rpi-update echo =============================== echo Cleaning up packages echo =============================== apt-get -y autoremove apt -y autoremove apt-get clean echo =============================== echo manual updates echo ===============================