ttest = function(n1 = 5, n2 = 5, min.score = 0, max.score = 20, simulation = FALSE, n.sim = 1, sim.time, paired = FALSE, subjects = FALSE, descriptives = TRUE, correlation = .7, researcher.tool = FALSE, effect.size = .5, ... ){ ttest.sim = function(){ options(warn = -1) if(min.score >= max.score){ stop("\n\tYour \"min.score\" must be smaller than your \"max.score\".") } if(paired & n1 != n2){ warning(message("\n\tIn a paired design, Your \"n1\" must be equal to your \"n2\".\n")) ; n2 = n1 } if(!researcher.tool){ beta = qnorm(c(1e-10, .9999999999)) q = c(min.score, max.score) mu.sigma = solve(cbind(1L, beta), q) mean = mu.sigma[[1]] sd = mu.sigma[[2]] coeff = effect.size*sd aa = mean + .5*mean bb = mean + .3*mean cc = aa - coeff mean.g2 = min(bb, cc) mean.g1 = mean.g2 + coeff TRUE.d = (mean.g1 - mean.g2) / sd } if(n1 < 2L) { n1 = 2L } ; if(n2 < 2L) { n2 = 2L } if(!paired & !researcher.tool){ y = as.vector(unlist(mapply(FUN = rnorm, n = c(n1, n2), mean = c(mean.g1, mean.g2), sd = c(sd, sd) ))) } if(paired & !researcher.tool){ cor.pop = correlation # true correlation between normal pops. mu <- c(0, 0) cov.pop <- matrix(c(1, cor.pop, cor.pop, 1), nrow = 2) if(!require(MASS)) install.packages("MASS") library(MASS) mvnorm.mat <- mvrnorm(n1, Sigma = cov.pop, mu = mu) a <- mvnorm.mat[ , 1] * sd + mean.g1 b <- mvnorm.mat[ , 2] * sd + mean.g2 y = c(a, b) } if(researcher.tool & !paired){ message("\n\tNOTE: When using \"researcher.tool\" no effect size other than \"0\" could be used due to the Binomial data-generating processes in place." ) p1 = .5 ; p2 = .5 y = as.vector(unlist(mapply(FUN = rbinom, n = c(n1, n2), size = c(max.score, max.score), prob = c(p1, p2)))) m1 = max.score*p1 m2 = max.score*p2 sd1 = sqrt(m1*(1-p1)) sd2 = sqrt(m2*(1-p2)) TRUE.d = (m1-m2) / sqrt((((n1 - 1)*((sd1^2))) + (n2 - 1)*((sd2^2)))/((n1+n2)-2)) } if(researcher.tool & paired){ message("\n\tNOTE: When using \"researcher.tool\" no effect size other than \"0\" could be used due to the Binomial data-generating processes in place." ) a = function(rho, p, q) { rho * sqrt(p*q*(1-p)*(1-q)) + (1-p)*(1-q) } # # Specify the parameters. # trials = max.score p = .5 q = .5 rho = correlation m1 = max.score*p m2 = max.score*q sd1 = sqrt(m1*(1-p)) sd2 = sqrt(m2*(1-q)) TRUE.d = (m1-m2) / sqrt((((n1 - 1)*((sd1^2))) + (n2 - 1)*((sd2^2)))/((n1+n2)-2)) a.0 <- a(rho, p, q) prob <- c(`(0,0)`= a.0, `(1,0)`=1-q-a.0, `(0,1)`= 1-p-a.0, `(1,1)`= a.0+p+q-1) if (min(prob) < 0) { print(prob) stop("Error: a probability is negative.") } # # Illustrate generation of correlated Binomial variables. # n <- n1 u <-, n * trials, replace=TRUE, prob=prob) y <- floor((u-1)/2) x <- 1 - u %% 2 bi1 <- colSums(matrix(x, nrow=trials)) # Sum in groups of `max.score` bi2 <- colSums(matrix(y, nrow=trials)) # Sum in groups of `max.score` y = c(bi1, bi2) } if(!paired) { groups = factor(rep(1:2, times = c(n1, n2)), labels = c("Treatment", "Control") ) } else { groups = factor(rep(1:2, times = c(n1, n2)), labels = c("Post-Test", "Pre-Test") ) } mean.g1 = if(!paired) mean(y[groups == "Treatment"]) else mean(y[groups == "Post-Test"]) mean.g2 = if(!paired) mean(y[groups == "Control"]) else mean(y[groups == "Pre-Test"]) sd.g1 = if(!paired) sd(y[groups == "Treatment"]) else sd(y[groups == "Post-Test"]) sd.g2 = if(!paired) sd(y[groups == "Control"]) else sd(y[groups == "Pre-Test"]) groups.for.t = factor( rep(1:2, times = c(n1, n2)) ) test = t.test(y ~ groups.for.t, var.equal = TRUE, paired = ifelse(paired, TRUE, FALSE)) t.value = unname(test$statistic) ; p.value = test$p.value N = ifelse(paired, n1, (n1*n2)/(n1+n2) ) Cohend = t.value / sqrt(N) lab1 = if(n1 < 10 || n2 < 10) paste0("subj #", rev(1L:n1)) else c(paste0("subj #", rev(n1)[1]), paste0(rep(".", n1 - 2)), paste0("subj #", 1L)) lab2 = if(n1 < 10 || n2 < 10) paste0("subj #", rev(1L:n2)) else c(paste0("subj #", rev(n2)[1]), paste0(rep(".", n2 - 2)), paste0("subj #", 1L)) original.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(original.par)) if(subjects) { par(font.lab = 2, xaxt = "n", ...) dotchart(y, groups = groups, color = c("blue", "red")[groups], font = 2, pch = 19, gcolor = c("blue", "red"), xlab = "Participants' Scores", pt.cex = ifelse(n1 <= 20 || n2 <= 20, 1.5, 1), labels = c(lab1, lab2), main = NA, cex.main = 2) } else { par(font.lab = 2, xaxt = "n", ...) dotchart(y, groups = groups, color = c("blue", "red")[groups], font = 2, pch = 19, gcolor = c("blue", "red"), xlab = "Participants' Scores", pt.cex = ifelse(n1 <= 20 || n2 <= 20, 1.5, 1), labels = NA, main = NA) } par(xaxt = "s") ; if(researcher.tool) axis(1, at = min(y):max(y), font = 2) else axis(1, font = 2) gpos = rev(cumsum(rev(tapply(groups, groups, length)) + 2) - 1) decimal <- function(x, k){ if(is.character(x)) { return(x) }else{ format(round(x, k), nsmall = k, scientific = ifelse(x >= 1e5 || x <= -1e5 || x <= 1e-5 & x >= -1e-5, TRUE, FALSE) ) } } pars = par("usr") segments( c(mean.g2, mean.g1), c(pars[3], pars[4]), c(mean.g2, mean.g1), rep( gpos[[2]], 2), lty = 2, col = c("red", "blue") ) arrows(mean.g2, gpos[[2]], mean.g1, gpos[[2]], code = 3, length = .1, col = "green4") mean.diff = mean.g1 - mean.g2 text( (mean.g1+mean.g2)/2, gpos[[2]], bquote(bold("Mean diff." == .(decimal((mean.diff), 2)))), font = 2, pos = 3, col = "green4", cex = 1.15 ) legend("topright", legend = bquote(bold("Cohen's"~ bolditalic(d) == .(decimal(Cohend, 2)) )), bty = "n", text.col = "red4", cex = 1.15, bg = NA) if(descriptives) { legend("topleft", legend = bquote(bold(Mean == .(decimal(mean.g1, 2)))), text.col = "blue", bty = "n", bg = NA) legend("topleft", legend = bquote(bold(sd == .(decimal(sd.g1, 2)))), text.col = "blue", bty = "n", bg = NA, inset = .03, adj = c(.2, 0.5) ) legend("bottomleft", legend = bquote(bold(Mean == .(decimal(mean.g2, 2)))), text.col = "red", bty = "n", bg = NA, inset = .03, adj = .1) legend("bottomleft", legend = bquote(bold(sd == .(decimal(sd.g2, 2)))), text.col = "red", bty = "n", bg = NA, adj = c(-.1, 0.5)) } invisible(list(Cohend = Cohend, mean.diff = mean.diff, t.value = t.value, TRUE.d = TRUE.d, p.value = p.value)) } if(simulation){ if(missing(sim.time)) sim.time = .7 Cohend.sim = numeric(n.sim) mean.diff.sim = numeric(n.sim) t.value.sim = numeric(n.sim) for(i in 1:n.sim){ a = ttest.sim() Cohend.sim[i] <- a$Cohend mean.diff.sim[i] <- a$mean.diff t.value.sim[i] <- a$t.value Sys.sleep(sim.time) } cbind("TRUE.Cohen.d" = a$TRUE.d, "Cohen.d" = decimal(Cohend.sim, 2), "Mean.diff" = decimal(mean.diff.sim, 2), t.value = decimal(t.value.sim, 2), "" = decimal(sd(Cohend.sim), 2), "" = decimal(sd(mean.diff.sim), 2), "Cohend.Range" = decimal(max(Cohend.sim) - min(Cohend.sim), 2), "Mean.diff.Range" = decimal(max(mean.diff.sim) - min(mean.diff.sim), 2)) } else { b = ttest.sim() list(t.value = b$t.value, Cohend = b$Cohend, "TRUE.Cohen's d" = b$TRUE.d, p.value = b$p.value) } } #Example of use: ttest(n1 = 30, n2 = 30, sim.time = .7, min.score = 0, max.score = 20, simulation = TRUE, n.sim = 20, researcher.tool = FALSE, effect.size = 0)