Break = "<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\n" notice = " R programs for meta-analyzing complex L2 studies. Copyright (C) 2022-present Reza Norouzian,\n" message(Break, notice, Break) Break = "\n***********************************************************************************\n" cite <- "To cite this package, use:\n\nNorouzian, R., & Bui, G. (2024). Meta-analysis of Second Language Research with\nComplex Research Designs. Studies in Second Languages Acquisition, 46(1), 251-276." message(Break, cite, Break) # H=============================================================================================================================== trim_ <- function(X){ X <- setNames(X, trimws(names(X))) y <- sapply(names(X), function(x) is.character(as.vector(X[[x]]))) X[y] <- lapply(X[y], trimws) return(X) } # H=============================================================================================================================== abber_case <- function(X, abb_except = NULL, abb_length = 10){ y <- names(Filter(function(i) is.character(i) | is.factor(i), X[setdiff(names(X), abb_except)])) X[y] <- lapply(X[y], abbreviate, minlength=abb_length, named=FALSE) return(X) } # H=============================================================================================================================== numerize_case <- function(X, num_except = NULL, num_zero = FALSE){ y <- names(Filter(function(i) is.character(i) | is.factor(i), X[setdiff(names(X), num_except)])) X[y] <- lapply(X[y], function(k) as.integer(as.factor(k))-if(num_zero) 1 else 0) return(X) } # H================================================================================================================================ rm.allrowNA <- function(X) { X[rowSums( | X == "" | X == "NA" | X == "NULL" | is.null(X) ) != ncol(X), , drop = FALSE] } # H=============================================================================================================================== rm.allcolNA <- function(X) { X[, colSums( | X == "" | X == "NA" | X == "NULL" | is.null(X) ) != nrow(X), drop = FALSE] } # H=============================================================================================================================== rm.colrowNA <- function(X){ rm.allcolNA(rm.allrowNA(X)) } # M=============================================================================================================================== # Functions for intact class assignment in studies (Hedges, 2007) g_cluster <- function(g, n_cluster, Nt, Nc, icc = .15) { N_tot <- Nt + Nc n_bar <- N_tot / n_cluster g * sqrt(1 - ((2 * (n_bar - 1) * icc) / (n_cluster * n_bar - 2))) } # M================================================================================================================================================= #g_vi_cluster <- function(g, n_class, # Nt, Nc, # icc = .15){ # N_tot <- Nt + Nc # n_bar <- N_tot / n_class # eta <- 1 + ((n_bar- 1)*icc) # DF <- (( (N_tot-2)-((2 * ((N_tot/n_class)-1))*icc) )^2) / # ((N_tot-2)*((1-icc)^2))+((N_tot/n_class)*(N_tot-(2*(N_tot/n_class)) )*icc^2)+ # (2* ( N_tot-(2*(N_tot/n_class)) )*icc*(1-icc) ) # w <- 1 # w_factor(DF) # z <- (((N_tot-2)*(1-icc)^2) + (n_bar*(N_tot-2*n_bar)*icc^2) + (2*(N_tot-2*n_bar)*icc*(1-icc))) / # (2*((N_tot-2) - 2*(n_bar-1)*icc)^2) # (w*sqrt( (((Nt+Nc)/(Nt*Nc))*eta) + g^2*z))^2 #} # M================================================================================================================================================= g_vi_cluster <- function(g, n_cluster, Nt, Nc, icc = .15){ N_tot <- Nt + Nc n_bar <- N_tot / n_cluster ((Nt+Nc)/(Nt*Nc))*(1 + ((n_bar- 1)*icc)) + ( g^2 * ( (((N_tot -2)*(1-icc)^2 ) + (n_bar*(N_tot - 2*n_bar)*icc^2) + (2* (N_tot - 2*n_bar) * icc * (1 - icc)) ) / ((2* (N_tot-2)) * ( (N_tot-2) - (2* (n_bar-1)*icc) )) ) ) } # H================================================================================================================================================= w_factor <- function (df) { w <- ifelse(df <= 1, NA_real_, exp(lgamma(df/2) - log(sqrt(df/2)) - lgamma((df - 1)/2))) return(w) } # M================================================================================================================================================= LRR_vi_cluster <- function(vi, n_cluster, Nt, Nc, icc = .15) { N_tot <- Nt + Nc n_bar <- N_tot / n_cluster DEF <- (n_bar - 1) * icc + 1 DEF*vi } # End of functions for intact class assignment in studies # H================================================================================================================================================= add_sig_funnel <- function(funnel, level=.05, col="magenta", sig_cex=1, pch=21, bg="cyan", digits=2, refline = 0){ right <- level/2 x <- funnel$x y <- funnel$y crit <- qnorm(right, mean=refline, lower.tail = FALSE) ci1 <- crit*y x1 <- x[x > ci1] y1 <- y[x > ci1] points(x1, y1, col=col, pch=pch, bg=bg, cex=sig_cex) ci2 <- -crit*y x2 <- x[x < ci2] y2 <- y[x < ci2] total <- c(x1,x2) points(x2, y2, col=col, pch=pch, bg=bg, cex=sig_cex) out <- data.frame(total = length(total), total_perc=length(total)/length(x)*100, left = length(x2), perc_left = length(x2) / length(x)*100, right = length(x1), perc_right = length(x1) / length(x)*100, sig = level) round(setNames(out, c("Total","Total(%)","Left","Left(%)","Right","Right(%)","Sig.")), digits = digits) } # M================================================================================================================================================= contour_funnel <- function(fit = NULL, x, vi, level = c(95), shade = c("white"), xlab = "Effect Size", yaxis = "sei", sig = FALSE, sig_level=.05, sig_col = "magenta", sig_cex=NULL, sig_pch=21, sig_bg="cyan", sig_digits=2, refline = 0, cex=1, ...){ yaxis <- if(sig) "sei" else yaxis x <- if(!is.null(fit)) fit$yi else x y <- if(!is.null(fit)) fit$vi else vi if(refline!=0 & sig) { message("'refline' reset to '0'.") refline <- 0 } if(is.null(sig_cex)) sig_cex <- cex f1 <- metafor::funnel.default( x = x, vi = y, level = level, shade = shade, xlab = xlab, yaxis = yaxis, refline = refline, cex = cex, ...) if(sig) add_sig_funnel(f1, refline=refline, level=sig_level, col=sig_col, pch=sig_pch, bg=sig_bg, sig_cex=sig_cex, digits=sig_digits) } # H=============================================================================================================================== get_vars_ <- function(gls_fit, as_fml = TRUE){ m <- sub("[^:]+\\(([^)]+).*", "\\1",attr(terms(gls_fit), "term.labels")) if(as_fml) sapply(paste0("~",m), as.formula) else m } # H=============================================================================================================================== is_qdrg <- function(rma_fit){ is.null(rma_fit$call$yi) } # H=============================================================================================================================== make_nested <- function (x) { if (length(x) == 1) return(x) y <- x for (i in 2:length(x)) { names(y)[i] <- paste(names(x)[1:i], collapse = "/") y[i] <-, c(x[1:i], sep = "/")) } y } # H=============================================================================================================================== rma_clusters <- function (obj) { level_dat <- vector(mode = "integer") cluster_dat <- data.frame(row.names = 1:obj$k) if (obj$withG) { g_nm <- tail(obj$g.names,1) level_dat[[g_nm]] <- obj$g.nlevels[[2]] cluster_dat[[g_nm]] <- obj$mf.g$outer } if (obj$withH) { h_nm <- tail(obj$h.names,1) level_dat[[h_nm]] <- obj$h.nlevels[[2]] cluster_dat[[h_nm]] <- obj$mf.h$outer } if (obj$withS) { s_levels <- obj$s.nlevels names(s_levels) <- obj$s.names level_dat <- c(level_dat, s_levels) mf_r <- lapply(obj$mf.r, make_nested) mf_all <-, mf_r) mf_s <- mf_all[obj$s.names] cluster_dat <- cbind(cluster_dat, mf_s) cluster_dat <- droplevels(cluster_dat) } list(level_dat = level_dat, cluster_dat = cluster_dat) } # H=============================================================================================================================== is_nested <- function (cluster, fac) { if (is.list(fac)) { res <- sapply(fac, is_nested, cluster = cluster) return(res) } groupings <- tapply(cluster, fac, function(x) length(unique(x))) all(groupings == 1L) } # M================================================================================================================================ add_blank_row <- function(data, n_blank_row = 1, by = "study", file_name = NULL, na = "") { data <- full_clean(data) dat <- group_split(data, !!rlang::sym(by)) %>% map_dfr(~ .x[1:(nrow(.x) + n_blank_row),]) if(!is.null(file_name)){ file_name <- paste0(file_name, ".csv") write_csv(dat, file_name, na = na) } return(dat) } # M================================================================================================================================ mask <- function(data, what, full = FALSE){ data[] <- lapply(data, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x), = TRUE)) f1 <- function(x) as.numeric(factor(x, levels = unique(x))) f2 <- function(x) { temp <- substr(x, 1, 1) paste0(temp, ave(x, temp, FUN = function(y) match(y, unique(y)))) } cols <- names(data)[sapply(data, is.numeric)] num.cols <- cols[cols %in% what] cols <- names(data)[sapply(data, is.character)] char.cols <- cols[cols %in% what] if(!full){ if(length(num.cols)) data[num.cols] <- lapply(data[num.cols], f1) if(length(char.cols)) data[char.cols] <- lapply(data[char.cols], f2) }else{ data[what] <- lapply(data[what], f1) } return(data) } # H=============================================================================================================================== tran_detect <- function(rma_fit){ if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, c("RR","OR","PETO","IRR","ROM", "D2OR","D2ORL","D2ORN","CVR", "VR","PLN","IRLN","SDLN","MNLN", "CVLN","ROMC","CVRC","VRC","REH","HRR"))) { "log" } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "PLO")) { "logit" } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "PAS")) { emmeans::make.tran("asin.sqrt", 1) } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "IRS")) { "sqrt" } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, c("ZPHI","ZTET","ZPB","ZBIS","ZCOR","ZPCOR","ZSPCOR"))) { r2z_tran } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "AHW")) { AHW_tran } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "ABT")) { ABT_tran } else if (is.element(rma_fit$measure, "ZR2")){ ZR2_tran } else FALSE } # H=============================================================================================================================== sigma_detect <- function(rma_fit){ if (!inherits(rma_fit, c(""))) { sqrt(rma_fit$tau2) } else { 0 } } # H=============================================================================================================================== df_detect <- function(rma_fit){ if($ddf[1])) Inf else min(rma_fit$ddf, na.rm = TRUE) } # H=============================================================================================================================== get_data_ <- function(fit){ f <- function (object) { if ("data" %in% names(object)) { data <- object$data } else { dat_call <- object$call$data envir_names <- sys.frames() data <- simpleError("start") i <- 1L while (inherits(data, "simpleError") & i <= length(envir_names)) { data <- tryCatch(eval(dat_call, envir = envir_names[[i]]), error = function(e) e) i <- i + 1L } } if (inherits(data, "simpleError")) return(NULL) naAct <- object[["na.action"]] if (!is.null(naAct)) { data <- if (inherits(naAct, "omit")) { data[-naAct, ] } else if (inherits(naAct, "exclude")) { data } else eval(object$call$na.action)(data) } subset <- object$call$subset if (!is.null(subset)) { subset <- eval(asOneSidedFormula(subset)[[2]], data) data <- data[subset, ] } data } data_ <- try(f(fit), silent = TRUE) if(!inherits(data_, "try-error")) data_ else recover_data(fit) } # H=============================================================================================================================== odds_. <- function(x) subset(x, x %% 2 != 0) # H=============================================================================================================================== print.post_rma <- function(post_rma_call){ print(post_rma_call$table) } # H=============================================================================================================================== print.con_rma <- function(con_rma_call){ print(con_rma_call$table) } # H=============================================================================================================================== print.contrast_rma <- function(contrast_rma_call){ print(contrast_rma_call$table) } # H=============================================================================================================================== full_clean <- function(data) rm.colrowNA(trim_(data)) # H=============================================================================================================================== odiag <- function(x) suppressMessages(x[col(x) != row(x)]) # H=============================================================================================================================== shift_rows <- function(data, user_index, up = TRUE){ indx <- seq_len(nrow(data)) remain <- indx[!indx %in% user_index] data[if(up) c(user_index, remain) else c(remain, user_index), ] } # H=============================================================================================================================== get_error_rho <- function(fit){ is_V <- any(odiag(fit$V) != 0) if(is_V) { u <- unique(odiag(round(cov2cor(fit$V), 7))) u[u!=0] } else 0 } # H=============================================================================================================================== is_crossed <- function(obj){ if(!inherits(obj, "")) return(FALSE) mod_struct <- rma_clusters(obj) highest_cluster <- names(mod_struct$level_dat)[which.min(mod_struct$level_dat)] cluster <- mod_struct$cluster_dat[[highest_cluster]] out <- !is_nested(cluster, fac = mod_struct$cluster_dat) return(out) } # H=============================================================================================================================== pluralify_ <- function (x, keep.original = FALSE, irregular = lexicon::pos_df_irregular_nouns) { stopifnot( hits <- match(tolower(x), tolower(irregular[[1]])) ends <- "(sh?|x|z|ch)$" plural_ <- ifelse(grepl(ends, x), "es", "s") out <- gsub("ys$", "ies", paste0(x, plural_)) out[which(!] <- irregular[[2]][hits[which(!]] c(if (keep.original) { x }, out) } # M================================================================================================================================ cat_pattern <- function(data, cluster, ..., blank_sign = "*"){ data <- full_clean(data) cluster <- rlang::ensym(cluster) cat_mod <- rlang::ensyms(...) cat_nms <- purrr::map_chr(cat_mod, rlang::as_string) c_nm <- as_string(cluster) nms <- c(c_nm, cat_nms) idx <- nms %in% names(data) if(!all(idx)) stop(toString(dQuote(nms[!idx]))," not found in the 'data'.", call. = FALSE) setNames(purrr::map(cat_mod, ~ { studies_cats <- data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!cluster, !!.x) %>% dplyr::summarise(effects = n(), .groups = 'drop') nm1 <- rlang::as_string(.x) cat_names <- paste0(nm1, c(".x", ".y")) studies_cats <- studies_cats %>% dplyr::inner_join(studies_cats, by = rlang::as_string(cluster)) %>% dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(cat_names)) %>% dplyr::summarise( studies = n(), effects = sum(effects.x), .groups = 'drop') %>% dplyr::mutate(n = paste0(studies, " (", effects, ")") ) out1 <- studies_cats %>% dplyr::select(-studies, -effects) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = cat_names[2], values_from = n, names_sort = TRUE) %>% dplyr::rename_with(~nm1, cat_names[1]) %>% dplyr::arrange(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(nm1))) %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(nm1), as.character)) out2 <- out1[-1] out2[upper.tri(out2)] <- blank_sign dplyr::bind_cols(out1[1],out2) }), cat_nms) } # M=============================================================================================================================== bw <- function(data, cluster_name, var_names){ all_names <- trimws(names(data)) id <- grep("study", all_names, value=TRUE, if(!all(cluster_name %in% all_names)) { stop(paste(toString(dQuote(cluster_name)), "not found for 'cluster_name' in the 'data'.", if(length(id)>0) paste("\nPossibly you meant to use", toString(dQuote(id)), "as 'cluster_name'?")), call. = FALSE) } ok <- var_names %in% all_names if(!all(ok)) message(paste("\n", toString(dQuote(var_names[!ok])), "not found in the 'data' thus ignored.")) var_names <- var_names[ok] dum_vars <- all_names[sapply(data, function(i)is.character(i)|is.factor(i))] dum_names <- var_names[var_names %in% dum_vars] is_dum <- length(dum_names) > 0 num_names <- var_names[!(var_names %in% dum_vars)] is_num <- length(num_names) > 0 if(is_num){ data <- data %>% group_by(across(all_of(cluster_name))) %>% mutate(across(all_of(num_names), list(wthn = ~ . - mean(.), btw = ~ mean(.)))) %>% } if(is_dum){ data <- data %>% dummy_cols(select_columns = dum_names) %>% group_by(across(all_of(cluster_name))) %>% mutate(across(starts_with(paste0(dum_names, "_")), list(wthn = ~ . - mean(.), btw = ~ mean(.)))) %>% } return(data) } # M================================================================================================================================ lo_ave_up <- function(var_names, x, at_vals = NA, digits = 0){ data <- if(inherits(x, c("rma.uni", ""))) { get_data_(x) } else if(inherits(x, c("data.frame","tibble"))){ x } else { stop("'x' must be either a 'data.frame' or an 'rma.uni'/'' object.") } data <- full_clean(data) var_names <- if(is_bare_formula(var_names, lhs=FALSE)) .all.vars(var_names) else if(is.character(var_names)) var_names else stop("'var_names=' can be either a character vector (ex. 'year') or a one-sided formula (ex. ~year).", call. = FALSE) idx <- var_names %in% names(data) if(!all(idx)) stop(toString(dQuote(var_names[!idx])," not found in the data."), call. = FALSE) num_var_names <- names(Filter(is.numeric, data[var_names])) if(all( & length(at_vals) != length(var_names)) at_vals <- rep(at_vals, length(var_names)) out <- ifelse( & var_names %in% num_var_names, sapply(num_var_names, function(x) round(setNames(mean(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE) + c(-1, 0, 1)*sd(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE), paste0(x, c('-1SD', '.Mean', '+1SD'))), digits), simplify = FALSE) , type.convert(lapply(seq_along(var_names), function(i) at_vals[i]), ) out <- if(length(out)==0) NULL else setNames(out, var_names) out <- Filter(Negate(anyNA), out) lapply(out, function(i) if(inherits(i, "list")) unlist(i, recursive=FALSE) else i) } # H================================================================================================================================ data.tree_ <- function(data, toplab = NULL, cex = 1, rowcount = FALSE, cex_top = 1, ...){ toplab <- if(is.null(toplab)) names(data) else toplab sizetree2(data, toplab = toplab, stacklabels = FALSE, border = 0, base.cex = cex, showcount = rowcount, cex_top = cex_top, ...) } # M=============================================================================================================================== UN_cor_fixer <- function(data, inner, outer, min_cooccur=4) { data <- full_clean(data) mat <- crossprod(table(data[c(outer,inner)])>0) lower <- mat[lower.tri(mat)] ifelse(lower < min_cooccur, 0, NA) } # M=============================================================================================================================== meta_tree <- function(data, ..., effect = TRUE, highest_level_name = NULL, structure = c("simple","typical","complex"), toplab = NULL, main = NULL, main_extra = NULL, rowcount = FALSE, abb_names = FALSE, abb_length = 6, abb_except = NULL, num_names = FALSE, num_except = NULL, num_zero = FALSE, panel_label = TRUE, cex = 1, cex_main = 1, rev_order = TRUE, rev_page = FALSE, reset = TRUE, index = NULL, cex_top = 1, detail=TRUE, subset) { data <- full_clean(data) %>% dplyr::mutate(effect = dplyr::row_number()) if(!missing(subset)) { s <- substitute(subset) data <- filter(data, eval(s)) } dot_cols <- rlang::ensyms(...) if(length(dot_cols)==0) stop("Input at least one variable from the 'data'.", call. = FALSE) if(length(dot_cols)==1) effect <- TRUE dot_cols <- if(effect) append(dot_cols, rlang::sym("effect")) else dot_cols str_cols <- purrr::map_chr(dot_cols, rlang::as_string) ss <- dot_cols[[1]] sss <- str_cols[1] idx <- str_cols %in% names(data) if(!all(idx)) stop(toString(dQuote(str_cols[!idx])," not found in the data."), call. = FALSE) main_org <- main if(!is.null(highest_level_name) & abb_names) abb_except <- c(sss, abb_except) if(!is.null(highest_level_name) & num_names) num_except <- c(sss, num_except) if(abb_names) data <- abber_case(data, abb_length = abb_length, abb_except = abb_except) if(num_names) data <- numerize_case(data, num_except = num_except, num_zero = num_zero) if(reset){ org.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(org.par)) } data <- data %>% dplyr::select(!!!dot_cols) if(is.null(highest_level_name)){ struc <- match.arg(structure) hlist <- data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!sym(sss)) %>% dplyr::mutate(grp = dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(str_cols[-1]), if(detail) ~ { tmp <- dplyr::n_distinct(.) dplyr::case_when(tmp == 1 ~ 1, tmp == n() ~ 2, tmp > 1 & tmp < n() ~ 3, TRUE ~ 4) } else { ~ n_distinct(.) == 1 }) %>% purrr::reduce(stringr::str_c, collapse = "")) %>% dplyr::ungroup(.) %>% dplyr::group_split(grp, .keep = FALSE) hlist <- if(rev_order) rev(hlist) else hlist res <- Filter(NROW, hlist) LL <- length(res) if(!is.null(index)){ index <- index[index <= LL & index >= 1] if(length(index)==0) index <- NULL } res <- if(!is.null(index)) res[index] else res main_no. <- sapply(res, function(i) length(unique(i[[sss]]))) typic <- function(vec) round(median(vec)) # vec[ceiling(length(vec)/2)] nms <- lapply(res, function(i){ nr <- sapply(split(i, i[[sss]]), nrow); study_type <- if(struc == "typical") {typic(as.numeric(names(table(nr)))) } else if(struc == "simple") {min(as.numeric(names(table(nr)))) } else {max(as.numeric(names(table(nr))))}; names(nr)[nr == study_type][1] }) list2plot <- lapply(seq_along(res),function(i) filter(res[[i]], !!ss == nms[i])) LL <- length(list2plot) if(LL > 1L) { dev <- if(!rev_page) n2mfrow(LL) else rev(n2mfrow(LL)) par(mfrow = dev) } main <- if(is.null(main)) stringr::str_to_title(ifelse(main_no. > 1, pluralify_(sss), sss)) else main main <- if(is.null(main_org)) paste(main_no., main) else main if(panel_label) { pan_lab <- make.unique(rep(LETTERS,1e1))[seq_along(list2plot)] main <- paste0("(",pan_lab,") ", main) } if(!is.null(main_extra)) main <- paste0(main, " [",main_extra,"]") invisible(lapply(seq_along(list2plot), function(i) data.tree_(list2plot[[i]], main = main[i], toplab, cex, rowcount, cex.main = cex_main, cex_top = cex_top))) invisible(if(panel_label) setNames(res, pan_lab) else res) } else { highest_level_name <- trimws(highest_level_name) highest_level_names <- unique(data[[sss]]) idx <- highest_level_name %in% highest_level_names if(!all(idx)) stop(toString(dQuote(highest_level_name[!idx]))," not found in variable ", paste0("'",sss,"'", "."), call. = FALSE) list2plot <- lapply(highest_level_name, function(i) filter(data, !!ss == i)) LL <- length(list2plot) if(!is.null(index)){ index <- index[index <= LL & index >= 1] if(length(index)==0) index <- NULL } list2plot <- if(!is.null(index)) list2plot[index] else list2plot LL <- length(list2plot) if(LL > 1L) { dev <- if(!rev_page) n2mfrow(LL) else rev(n2mfrow(LL)) par(mfrow = dev) } invisible(lapply(seq_along(list2plot), function(i) data.tree_(list2plot[[i]], main = main[i], toplab, cex, rowcount, cex.main = cex_main, cex_top = cex_top))) invisible(list2plot) } } # M================================================================================================================================================ interactive_outlier <- function(fit, cook = NULL, st_del_res_z = NULL, cex_add_point = .5, cex_multi_point = 1.2, whisker_coef = 2.5, cex_text_outlier = .6, cex_main = .9, parallel = "no", ncpus = 1, reestimate = FALSE, file_name_cook = NULL, file_name_res_z = NULL, view = 1, pos = 2) { if(!inherits(fit,c(""))) stop("Model is not ''.", call. = FALSE) datziola <- get_data_(fit) %>% mutate(obsss = fit$slab) hat <- if(is.null(cook)){ cook <-, progbar=TRUE, parallel = parallel, ncpus = ncpus, reestimate = reestimate) if(!is.null(file_name_cook)){ filenm <- paste0(file_name_cook,".rds") saveRDS(cook, filenm) message("\nNote: Check folder '", basename(getwd()),"' for the ", dQuote(filenm)," file.\n") } } if(is.null(st_del_res_z)){ st_del_res_z <-, progbar=TRUE, parallel = parallel, ncpus = ncpus, reestimate = reestimate)$z st_del_res_z <- setNames(st_del_res_z, seq_along(st_del_res_z)) if(!is.null(file_name_res_z)){ filenm <- paste0(file_name_res_z,".rds") saveRDS(st_del_res_z, filenm) message("\nNote: Check folder '", basename(getwd()),"' for the ", dQuote(filenm)," file.\n") } } # Make visual size of effects proportional to their hat/cook's distance (estimate influence) cex <- cex_add_point+cex_multi_point*sqrt(if(view == 1)cook else hat) outlier_limits <- qnorm(c(.025,.5,.975)) ylim <- range(c(outlier_limits, st_del_res_z)) # Plot Leverage against Studentized residuals proportioned on cook's distances plot(if(view == 1) hat else cook, st_del_res_z, cex=cex, las=1, mgp=c(1.5,.3,0), xlab = if(view == 1) "Leverage (Hat Value)" else "Effect Influence (Cook's Dis.)", ylab = "Outlier (Standardized Del. Value)",pch=19,cex.axis = .9,tcl = -.3, col = adjustcolor(1, .5), ylim = ylim) title(if(view == 1) "Size of points denote \nestimate-influencing effects\n (Cook's distances)" else "Size of points denote \nleverage effects\n (Hat value)", cex.main = cex_main, line = .3) abline(h=outlier_limits, lty=c(3,1,3), lwd=c(1,2,1)) max_hat <- max(mean(range(hat)), boxplot.stats(hat, coef = whisker_coef)$stats[5]) max_cook <- max(mean(range(cook)), boxplot.stats(cook, coef = whisker_coef)$stats[5]) abline(v = if(view == 1) max_hat else max_cook, col=2) # To be outlier, an estimate must simultaneously (a) be outlying (per studentized value) # (b) have high leverage (per hat value), and (c) high model influence (per cook's distance) i <- abs(st_del_res_z) > outlier_limits[3] j <- hat > max_hat k <- cook > max_cook L <- which(i & j & k) if(length(L)==0) { message("Note: No interactive outlier detected.") return(NA) } u <- par()$usr if(any(st_del_res_z[L]>0)) rect(if(view == 1) max_hat else max_cook, outlier_limits[3], u[2], u[4], col = adjustcolor(2, .2), border = NA) if(any(st_del_res_z[L]<0)) rect(if(view == 1) max_hat else max_cook, outlier_limits[1], u[2], u[3], col = adjustcolor(2, .2), border = NA) # Show which effects meet all the three conditions text(if(view == 1) hat[L] else cook[L], st_del_res_z[L], labels = names(L), pos = pos, col = "magenta", cex = cex_text_outlier, xpd = NA) points(if(view == 1) hat[L] else cook[L], st_del_res_z[L], cex=cex[L]) LL <- names(L) removed <- filter(datziola, obsss %in% LL) new_data <- filter(datziola, !obsss %in% LL) return(list(removed = removed, new_data = new_data)) } # H================================================================================================================================================= term_names_ <- function(post_rma_fit, sep = get_emm_option("sep"), na.rm =TRUE){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, c("post_rma","contrast_rma"))) stop("post_rma_fit is not 'post_rma()' or 'contrast_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) ems <- if(inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) post_rma_fit$ems else post_rma_fit$con if(na.rm) nas <- disp <- if(is.null(ems@misc$display)) seq_len(nrow(ems@linfct)) else ems@misc$display if(na.rm) disp <- disp[!nas] largs <- as.list(ems@grid[disp, seq_along(ems@levels), drop = FALSE]) largs$sep <- sep, largs) } # H================================================================================================================================================= fixed_form_rma <- function(fit){ a <- fit$formula.yi b <- fit$formula.mods y <- fit$call$yi if(!is.null(a) & !is.null(b)) a else if(!is.null(a) & is.null(b)) a else if(is.null(a) & !is.null(b)) as.formula(paste(as.character(y), paste(as.character(b), collapse = ""))) else as.formula(paste(as.character(y), "~ 1")) } # H================================================================================================================================================= shorten_ <- function(vec, n = 3) { gsub("\\s+", "", sub(sprintf("^(([^,]+, ){%s}).*, ([^,]+)$", n), "\\1...,\\3", toString(vec))) } # H================================================================================================================================================= random_left <- function(random_fml) { as.formula(as.character(parse(text = sub("\\|.*", "", random_fml)))) } # H================================================================================================================================================= rma2gls <- function(fit){ fit <- if(!is_qdrg(fit)){ fit } else { cl <- fit$call cl[[1]] <- quote(escalc) escalc_ <- suppressWarnings(eval(cl)) form_ <- if(fit$int.only) { yi~1 } else { as.formula(paste0("yi", paste(as.character(fit$formula.mods),collapse = "")))} rma(form_, vi=vi, data=escalc_, test = fit$test, method = fit$method) } data_. <- get_data_(fit) form_. <- fixed_form_rma(fit) rownames(fit$b)[rownames(fit$b) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" rownames(fit$beta)[rownames(fit$beta) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" rownames(fit$vb)[rownames(fit$vb) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" colnames(fit$vb)[colnames(fit$vb) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" fit2 <- nlme::gls(form_., data = data_., na.action = "na.omit", control = glsControl(singular.ok = TRUE)) fit2$call$model <- form_. fit2$call$data <- data_. fit2$coefficients <- coef.rma(fit) fit2$varBeta <- fit$vb return(fit2) } # H================================================================================================================================================ clean_reg <- function(fm, nm, uniq = TRUE) { vars <- vapply(attr(terms(fm), "variables"), deparse, "")[-1L] subpat <- paste0(gsub("([()])", "\\\\\\1", vars), collapse = "|") l <- rapply(strsplit(nm, ":"), sub, how = "list", perl = TRUE, pattern = sprintf("^(?!(%1$s)$)(%1$s)(.+)$", subpat), replacement = "\\3") vec <- vapply(l, paste0, "", collapse = ":") if(uniq) vec <- make.unique(vec) vec[vec=="intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" return(vec) } # H================================================================================================================================================= any_num_vec <- function(vec){ any(grepl("^[0-9]{1,}$", gsub(":", "", vec))) } # M================================================================================================================================================= results_rma <- function(fit, digits = 3, robust = FALSE, blank_sign = "", cat_shown = 1, shift_up = NULL, shift_down = NULL, drop_rows = NULL, drop_cols = NULL, QM = TRUE, QE = FALSE, sig = TRUE, clean_names = NULL, tidy = FALSE, tol_large = 1e4, random_only = FALSE){ if(!inherits(fit, "")) stop("Model is not ''.", call. = FALSE) fixed_eff <- is.null(fit$random) cr <- if(!fixed_eff) is_crossed(fit) else FALSE lm_fit <- lm(fixed_form_rma(fit), data = get_data_(fit), na.action = "na.omit") cl <- clean_reg(lm_fit, names(coef(lm_fit))) if(is.null(clean_names)){ if(any_num_vec(cl)) { clean_names <- FALSE } else { clean_names <- TRUE } } if(clean_names) names(lm_fit$coefficients) <- cl if(clean_names) fit <- clean_reg_names(fit) lm_coef <- coef(lm_fit) is_singular <- anyNA(lm_coef) if(is_singular) message("Note:",dQuote(toString(names(lm_coef)[])), " dropped due to lack of data.\n") if(robust & any(cr) || robust & fixed_eff) { robust <- FALSE message("Note: Robust estimation not available for models with", if(any(cr))" crossed random-" else " only fixed-", "effects.\n") } res <- if(!robust) { a <- coef(summary(fit)) nm <- c("Estimate","SE","t","Df","p-value","Lower","Upper") nm <- if(fit$test == "t") { nm } else { nm[3] <- "z"; nm[-4] } setNames(a, nm) } else { a <- suppressWarnings(, vcov = "CR2"))[-1]) b <- suppressWarnings(coef_test(fit, vcov = "CR2")) a$p <- b$p_Satt a$t <- b$tstat a <- a[c(1:2,7,3,6,4:5)] setNames(a, c("Estimate","SE","t","Df","p-value","Lower","Upper")) } rn <- rownames(res)[1] if(rn == "intrcpt") rownames(res)[1] <- "(Intercept)" res_org <- res res <- na.omit(res) if(robust & nrow(res) != nrow(res_org)) message("Note:",dQuote(toString(setdiff(rownames(res_org),rownames(res)))), " dropped due to inestimablity under Robust estimation.\n") if(random_only) { QE <- FALSE QM <- FALSE sig <- FALSE drop_cols <- 1:7 drop_rows <- 1:(nrow(res)+1) } if(QE){ qe <- data.frame(Estimate = fit$QE, Df = nobs.rma(fit), pval = fit$QEp, row.names = "QE") %>% dplyr::rename("p-value"="pval") res <- bind_rows(res, qe) } if(QM){ mc <- try(clubSandwich::Wald_test(fit, constrain_zero(fit$btt), "CR2"), silent = TRUE) bad <- inherits(mc,"try-error") if(robust){ if(bad || !bad &&$p_val)) { robust <- FALSE message("Note: Robust QM unavailable,likely: \n1- Some moderators in <2 clusters OR/AND \n2- High # of coefficients vs. # of highest clusters.\n3- Some combination of variables in the interactive model are missing.\nQM results are model-based.\n") } if(!bad && mc$Fstat>tol_large) { message("Note: Robust QM is unreasonably large, likely robust estimation is unfit for the model (use 'robust=FALSE').") } } qm <- if(robust) { data.frame(Estimate = mc$Fstat, Df = mc$df_num, pval = mc$p_val, row.names = "QM") %>% dplyr::rename("p-value"="pval") } else { data.frame(Estimate = fit$QM, Df = fit$QMdf[1], pval = fit$QMp, row.names = "QM") %>% dplyr::rename("p-value"="pval") } res <- bind_rows(res, qm) } u <- get_error_rho(fit) cte <- length(u) == 1 d6 <- data.frame(r = if(cte) u else mean(u, na.rm = TRUE), row.names = paste0("Within Corr. (",if(cte) "constant" else "average",")")) blk <- paste0(paste0(rep(" ",digits-1), collapse=""), "NA", collapse ="") if(fixed_eff) { out <- roundi(dplyr::bind_rows(res, d6), digits = digits) out[out== blk] <- blank_sign if(sig){ p.values <- as.numeric(out$"p-value") Signif <- symnum(p.values, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")) out <- add_column(out, Sig. = Signif, .after = "p-value") } if(!is.null(shift_up)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_up) if(!is.null(shift_down)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_down, up = FALSE) if(!is.null(drop_rows)) out <- out[-drop_rows, ] out <- dplyr::select(out, -tidyselect::all_of(drop_cols)) if(tidy) out <- cbind(Terms = rownames(out), set_rownames_(out, NULL)) return(out) } res <- rbind(res, "|RANDOM|" = NA) #on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL")) #Sys.setlocale(locale = "Greek") if(fit$withS){ cr <- cr[names(cr) %in% fit$s.names] d1 <- data.frame(Sigma = sqrt(fit$sigma2), row.names = paste0(names(cr), ifelse(cr," [crossed]"," [nested]"))) #d1 <- setNames(d1, intToUtf8(963)) } else { d1 <- NULL} if(fit$withG){ out_nm <- tail(fit$g.names,1) outer_nm <- paste(out_nm, if(out_nm %in% names(cr)) "[crossed]" else "[nested]") h <- paste(fit$struct[1], "Corr.") is_un <- fit$struct[1] == "UN" is_gen <- fit$struct[1] == "GEN" is_diag <- fit$struct[1] == "DIAG" is_simple <- length(fit$tau2) == 1 rnm <- paste("Outer:", outer_nm) clnm <- clean_GH_names(fit) d2 <- data.frame(Tau = sqrt(fit$tau2), row.names = paste0(if(!is_simple) clnm else fit$g.names[1], paste0(if(is_diag)" (Uncor. " else " (Cor. ",if(!is_simple & !is_gen) paste0(" ", fit$g.names[1]),")"))) #d2 <- setNames(d2, intToUtf8(964)) d2 <- rbind(NA, d2) rownames(d2)[1] <- rnm d3 <- data.frame(Rho = fit$rho, row.names = if(is_un || is_gen) apply(combn(clnm,2),2,paste0, collapse = "~") else paste0(h," (",shorten_(clnm, cat_shown),")")) #d3 <- setNames(d3, intToUtf8(961)) } else { d2 <- NULL; d3 <- NULL} if(fit$withH){ out_nm <- tail(fit$h.names,1) outer_nm <- paste(out_nm, if(out_nm %in% names(cr)) "[crossed]" else "[nested]") h <- paste(fit$struct[2], "Corr.") is_un <- fit$struct[2] == "UN" is_gen <- fit$struct[2] == "GEN" is_diag <- fit$struct[2] == "DIAG" is_simple <- length(fit$gamma2) == 1 rnm <- paste("Outer:", paste0(outer_nm," ")) clnm <- clean_GH_names(fit, G=FALSE) d4 <- data.frame(Gamma = sqrt(fit$gamma2), row.names = paste0(if(!is_simple) clnm else fit$h.names[1], paste0(if(is_diag)" (Uncor. " else " (Cor. ",if(!is_simple) paste0(" ",if(!is_gen)fit$h.names[1]),") "))) #d4 <- setNames(d4, intToUtf8(933)) d4 <- rbind(NA, d4) rownames(d4)[1] <- rnm d5 <- data.frame(Phi = fit$phi, row.names = if(is_un || is_gen) apply(combn(clnm,2),2,paste0, collapse = "~ ") else paste0(h," (",shorten_(clnm, cat_shown),") ")) # d5 <- setNames(d5, intToUtf8(966)) } else { d4 <- NULL; d5 <- NULL} out <- roundi(dplyr::bind_rows(res, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6), digits = digits) out[out== blk] <- blank_sign if(sig){ p.values <- as.numeric(out$"p-value") Signif <- symnum(p.values, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")) out <- add_column(out, Sig. = Signif, .after = "p-value") } if(!is.null(shift_up)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_up) if(!is.null(shift_down)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_down, up = FALSE) if(!is.null(drop_rows)) out <- out[-drop_rows, ] if(!is.null(drop_cols)) out <- dplyr::select(out, -tidyselect::all_of(drop_cols)) if(tidy) out <- cbind(Terms = rownames(out), set_rownames_(out, NULL)) return(out) } # H================================================================================================================================================= roundi <- function(x, digits = 7, except = NULL){ if(!inherits(x, c("data.frame","tibble","matrix"))) stop("'x' must be a 'data.frame' or a 'matrix'.", call. = FALSE) if(inherits(x,"matrix")) x <- num <- names(Filter(function(i) is.numeric(i), x[setdiff(names(x), except)])) x[num] <- lapply(x[num], function(i) formatC(round(i, digits), digits, format = "f")) return(x) } # H================================================================================================================================================= random_GH_form <- function(fit, G = TRUE){ fm <- fit$random if(G) fm[[1]] else fm[[2]] } # H================================================================================================================================================= clean_GH_names <- function(fit, G = TRUE) { fmla <- random_left(random_GH_form(fit, G = G)) vec <- if(G) rownames(fit$G) else rownames(fit$H) clean_reg(fmla, vec) } # H================================================================================================================================================= clean_reg_names <- function(fit) { fmla <- fixed_form_rma(fit) vec <- rownames(fit$b) vec <- clean_reg(fmla, vec) if(fit$int.only) vec[vec=="(Intercept)"||vec==""] <- "Overall Effect" rownames(fit$b) <- vec rownames(fit$beta) <- vec rownames(fit$vb) <- colnames(fit$vb) <- vec return(fit) } # H================================================================================================================================================= set_rownames_ <- function (object = nm, nm) { rownames(object) <- nm object } # M================================================================================================================================================= smooth_vi <- function(data, study, vi, digits = 8, fun = sd, ylab = "Studies", xlab = NULL, max_bar = FALSE, return_list = TRUE, breaks = "Sturges", main = "Closeness of Sampling Variances\n (in each study)"){ dot_cols <- rlang::ensyms(study, vi, fun) str_cols <- purrr::map_chr(dot_cols, rlang::as_string) d_clean <- full_clean(data) out <- map_dfr(group_split(d_clean, study), ~data.frame(study = unique(.[[str_cols[[1]]]]), sd = round(fun(.[[str_cols[[2]]]]),digits))) names(out)[2] <- str_cols[[3]] res <- hist(out[[2]], plot = FALSE, breaks = breaks) hist(out[[2]], breaks = breaks, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", cex.axis = .8, mgp = c(1.5,.4,0), xlab = if(is.null(xlab)) toupper(str_cols[[3]]) else xlab, main = main, cex.lab = .9, ylab = ylab, cex.main = .8) axis(1, at = res$breaks, las=1, cex.axis=.8, mgp=c(1.5,.4,0)) axis(2, at = c(axTicks(2), max(res$counts)), las=1, cex.axis=.8, mgp=c(1.5,.55,0)) text(res$mids[res$counts!=0], res$counts[res$counts!=0], res$counts[res$counts!=0], pos = 3, col = 4, font = 2, xpd = NA, cex = .75) whichbar <- findInterval(out[[2]], res$breaks) mm <- sort(unique(whichbar[!])) out <- if(!max_bar) setNames(lapply(mm, function(i) na.omit(out[whichbar==i,])), paste0("Bar",seq_along(mm))) else na.omit(out[whichbar==which.max(res$counts),]) return(invisible(if(return_list) out else dplyr::bind_rows(out, .id = "Bar"))) } # M================================================================================================================================================= post_rma <- function(fit, specs = NULL, cont_var = NULL, by = NULL,p_value = TRUE, ci = TRUE, mutos_vars_null = NULL, mutos_vars_contrast = NULL, block = FALSE, adjust = "none", compare = FALSE, plot_pairwise = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, digits = 3, xlab = "Estimated Effect", shift_up = NULL, shift_down = NULL, drop_rows = NULL, drop_cols = NULL, contrast_contrasts=FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, robust = FALSE, cluster, show0df = FALSE, sig = TRUE, contr, horiz = TRUE, at=NULL, at_vals=NA, get_rows = NULL, get_cols = NULL, df = NULL, tran = NULL, sigma=NULL, data=NULL, round_except=NULL, ...) { if(!inherits(fit, c("rma.uni", ""))) stop("Model is not 'rma()/'.", call. = FALSE) dot_args <- list(...) dot_args_nm <- names(dot_args) cl <- if(!is.null(mutos_vars_null) & !is.null(mutos_vars_contrast)) { message("Note: Only 'mutos_vars_null' results are shown.") mutos_vars_contrast <- NULL } if(!is.null(mutos_vars_contrast)) { mutos_vars_null <- NULL specs <- mutos_vars_contrast <- if(is_bare_formula(mutos_vars_contrast, lhs=FALSE)) .all.vars(mutos_vars_contrast) else if(is.character(mutos_vars_contrast)) mutos_vars_contrast } if(!is.null(mutos_vars_null)) { mutos_vars_contrast <- NULL specs <- mutos_vars_null <- if(is_bare_formula(mutos_vars_null, lhs=FALSE)) .all.vars(mutos_vars_null) else if(is.character(mutos_vars_null)) mutos_vars_null } data_. <- if(is.null(data)) get_data_(fit) else data infer <- c(ci, p_value) if(robust) { if(inherits(fit, "")){ fixed_eff <- is.null(fit$random) cr <- if(!fixed_eff) is_crossed(fit) else FALSE if(any(cr) || fixed_eff) { robust <- FALSE message("Robust estimation not available for models with", if(any(cr))" crossed random-" else " only fixed-", "effects.") } vcov_. <- try(as.matrix(vcovCR(fit, type = "CR2", cluster = cluster)), silent=TRUE) if(inherits(vcov_., "try-error")) { robust <- FALSE message("Robust tests unavailable (likely having <2 clusters for some moderators).\nResults are model-based.") } } else { if(missing(cluster)) { cluster <- 1:nrow(data_.) ; message("The missing 'cluster=' was set to corrospond to each row.")} vcov_. <- try(as.matrix(vcovCR(fit, type = "CR2", cluster = cluster)), silent=TRUE) if(inherits(vcov_., "try-error")) { robust <- FALSE message("Robust tests unavailable. Results are model-based.") } } } rma.mv_fit <- fit type. <- if('type' %in% dot_args_nm) dot_args$type else FALSE if(!is.null(at)) { at <- if(is_bare_formula(at, lhs=FALSE) || is.character(at)) { lo_ave_up(at, data_., at_vals) } else at } df. <- if(is.null(df)) { df_detect(rma.mv_fit) } else df tran. <- if(is.null(tran)) { tran_detect(rma.mv_fit) } else { tran } sigma. <- if (is.null(sigma)) { sigma_detect(rma.mv_fit) } else { sigma } lookup <- c(Contrast="contrast",Estimate="estimate",Mean="emmean",Response="response",t="t.ratio", Df="df","p-value"="p.value",Lower="lower.CL",Upper="upper.CL", Df1="df1", Df2="df2","F"="F.ratio",Term="model term", Lower="asymp.LCL", Upper="asymp.UCL", z="z.ratio", Ratio = "ratio") if(!is.null(mutos_vars_contrast) & block || !is.null(mutos_vars_null) & block) names(lookup)[13] <- "Block Term" if(!is.null(mutos_vars_contrast) & !block || !is.null(mutos_vars_null) & !block) names(lookup)[13] <- "(M)UTOS Term" fit <- rma2gls(fit) if(!is.null(specs) & !is.character(specs) & !is_bare_formula(specs)) {stop("The 'specs' must be either a character or a formula containing '~'.", call.=FALSE)} if(is.null(specs)) specs <- as.formula(bquote(~.(terms(fit)[[3]]))) if(robust) { rownames(vcov_.)[rownames(vcov_.) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" colnames(vcov_.)[colnames(vcov_.) %in% "intrcpt"] <- "(Intercept)" fit$varBeta <- vcov_. } is_contr <- !missing(contr) ems <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(if(is.null(cont_var)){ if(!isFALSE(tran.)) emmeans(object = fit, specs = specs, infer = infer, adjust = adjust, contr = contr, data = data_., tran = tran., sigma = sigma., df = df., at=at, ...) else emmeans(object = fit, specs = specs, infer = infer, adjust = adjust, contr = contr, data = data_., sigma = sigma., df = df., at=at, ...) } else { if(!is_contr){ emtrends(object = fit, specs = specs, var = cont_var, infer = infer, adjust = adjust, data = data_., tran = tran., sigma = sigma., df = df., at=at, ...) } else { emtrends(object = fit, specs = specs, var = cont_var, infer = infer, adjust = adjust, contr = contr, data = data_., tran = tran., sigma = sigma., df = df., at=at, ...) } }, silent = TRUE))) if(inherits(ems,"try-error")) stop("Wrong specification OR no relavant data found for the comparisons.", call.=FALSE) con_methods <- c("pairwise","revpairwise","tukey","consec", "poly","trt.vs.ctrl","trt.vs.ctrlk","trt.vs.ctrl1", "dunnett","mean_chg","eff","del.eff","identity") is_pair <- any(con_methods %in% as.character(specs)) if(!is.null(cont_var) & is_pair) names(lookup)[2] <- paste0(cont_var,".dif") out <- if(is_pair){ methd <- as.character(specs[2]) ems <- ems[[if(!contrast_contrasts) 1 else 2]] if(plot_pairwise) print(plot(ems, by = by, comparisons = compare, horizontal = horiz, adjust = adjust, xlab = xlab)) pp <- if(isFALSE(tran.)) contrast(ems, method = methd, each="simple", infer=infer, reverse=reverse, adjust=adjust,...) else contrast(ems, method = methd, each="simple", infer=infer, reverse=reverse, adjust=adjust,tran = tran.,...) if(!is_contr) pp else if(!isFALSE(tran.)) contrast(pp, contr, tran = tran.,...) else contrast(pp, contr, ...) } else { if(!is.null(mutos_vars_contrast)) { mutos_vars_contrast <- if(is_bare_formula(mutos_vars_contrast, lhs=FALSE)) .all.vars(mutos_vars_contrast) else if(is.character(mutos_vars_contrast)) mutos_vars_contrast if(!block){ message("Testing jointly if EMMs for levels of each categorical moderator are equal to each other.") joint_tests(ems, by = by, adjust = adjust, show0df = show0df, tran = tran., ...) } else { if(length(mutos_vars_contrast) < 2) stop("A block needs at least two categorical moderators.", call. = FALSE) com <- comb_facs(ems, mutos_vars_contrast) message("Testing jointly if the EMMs *across* multiple categorical moderators (a block of them) are equal to each other.") joint_tests(com) } } else if (!is.null(mutos_vars_null)){ is_fm <- is_bare_formula(mutos_vars_null, lhs=FALSE) mutos_vars_null <- if(is_fm) .all.vars(mutos_vars_null) else if(is.character(mutos_vars_null)) mutos_vars_null if(!block){ zz <- cbind(mod=mutos_vars_null,,~emmeans::test(emmeans(ems,.),joint=TRUE)))) names(zz)[1] <- "(M)UTOS Term" message("Testing jointly if EMMs for levels of each categorical moderator are equal to their null (e.g., 0).") zz } else { if(length(mutos_vars_null) < 2) stop("A block needs at least two categorical moderators.", call. = FALSE) zz <- cbind(mod=paste0(mutos_vars_null, collapse="."),, joint=TRUE))) names(zz)[1] <- "Block Term" message("Testing jointly if the EMMs *across* multiple categorical moderators (a block of them) are equal to their null (e.g., 0).") zz } } else { ems } } out <-, adjust = adjust, infer = infer, tran = tran., ...) %>% dplyr::rename(tidyselect::any_of(lookup)) %>% dplyr::select(-tidyselect::any_of("note")) out <- set_rownames_(out,NULL) if(p_value){ p.values <- as.numeric(out$"p-value") if(all( { stop("Comparison(s)/moderator adjustments are non-estimable,\nlikely some combination of moderating or control variables are missing.\nTake those variables out of the model one by one and re-run.", call. = FALSE) } if(sig){ Signif <- symnum(p.values, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")) out <- tibble::add_column(out, Sig. = Signif, .after = "p-value") } } out0 <- roundi(out, digits = digits, except=round_except) if(na.rm) out <- na.omit(out) out <- roundi(out, digits = digits, except = round_except) if(!is.null(shift_up)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_up) if(!is.null(shift_down)) out <- shift_rows(out, shift_down, up = FALSE) if(!is.null(drop_rows)) out <- out[-drop_rows, ] if(!is.null(get_rows)) out <- out[get_rows, ] if(!is.null(drop_cols)) out <- dplyr::select(out, -tidyselect::all_of(drop_cols)) if(!is.null(get_cols)) out <- dplyr::select(out, tidyselect::all_of(get_cols)) out <- list(table = out, table0 = out0, specs = specs, call = cl, fit = fit, rma.mv_fit = rma.mv_fit, ems = ems, tran. = tran., type. = type., df. = df., sigma. = sigma., digits = digits, is_contr = is_contr) class(out) <- "post_rma" return(out) } # M================================================================================================================================================= R2_rma <- function(..., robust = TRUE, digits = 3, model_names = NULL, null_model = NULL, level_names = NULL, blank_sign = "", null_name = "No (M)UTOS", tol_large = 1e4) { LL <- list(...) if(!all(sapply(LL,inherits,""))) stop("All models must be ''.", call. = FALSE) bad <- sapply(LL, function(i) i$withG || i$withH || i$withR || is.null(i$random)) if(any(bad)) stop("Model not supported.", call. = FALSE) ok <- length(unique(map(LL,~map_chr(strsplit(.$s.names,"/",fixed=TRUE),tail,1))))==1 if(!ok) stop("Models must have the exact same random-effects.", call.=FALSE) first <- LL[[1]] Model <- if(is.null(model_names)) as.character(substitute(...())) else model_names .zolqui_. <- as.formula(paste0(as.character(fixed_form_rma(first))[2],"~1")) null_fit <- if(is.null(null_model)) update.rma(first, yi = .zolqui_.) else null_model lvl_names <- if(is.null(level_names)) sapply(strsplit(null_fit$s.names,"/",fixed=TRUE),tail,1) else level_names sigmasn <- setNames(sqrt(null_fit$sigma2), lvl_names) sigma_totaln <- sqrt(sum(sigmasn^2)) null_res <- data.frame(Model = null_name,._A_.= sigma_totaln,._D_.=NA,R2=NA) null_res <- add_column(null_res,, .after = "._A_.") z <- function(nm) paste0("Sigma(",nm,")") # on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL")) # Sys.setlocale(locale = "Greek") f <- function(fit){ if(robust){ mc <- try(clubSandwich::Wald_test(fit, constrain_zero(fit$btt), "CR2"), silent=TRUE) bad <- inherits(mc,"try-error") if(bad || !bad &&$p_val)) { robust <- FALSE message("Note: Robust QM unavailable,likely: \n1- Some moderators in <2 clusters OR/AND \n2- High # of coefficients vs. # of highest clusters.\n3- Some combination of variables in the interactive model are missing.\nQM results are model-based.\n") } if(!bad && mc$Fstat>tol_large) { message("Note: Robust estimation seems unfit for the model (use 'robust=FALSE').") } } p <- if(robust) mc$p_val else fit$QMp sigmas <- setNames(sqrt(fit$sigma2), lvl_names) sigma_total <- sqrt(sum(sigmas^2)) R2 <- (sigma_totaln - sigma_total) / sigma_totaln*1e2 if(R2<0) message("Negative R2 was set to 0.") R2 <- if(R2>0) R2 else 0 c(._A_.=sigma_total,sigmas,._D_.=p, R2=R2) } out <- map_dfr(LL, f) %>% %>% add_column(Model = Model, .before = "._A_.") res <- roundi(bind_rows(null_res, out), digits = digits) res[-1,]$R2 <- paste0(res[-1,]$R2,"%") names(res)[names(res) %in% c("._A_.",lvl_names,"._D_.")] <- c(z(c("total",lvl_names)),"p-value") blk <- paste0(paste0(rep(" ",digits-1), collapse=""), "NA", collapse ="") res[res == blk] <- blank_sign return(res) } # H================================================================================================================================================= sizetree2 <- function (x, left = 0, top, right = 1, lastcenter = NA, showval = TRUE, showcount = FALSE, stacklabels = TRUE, firstcall = TRUE, col = NULL, border = NA, toplab = NULL, base.cex = 1, cex_top = 1, ...) { dimx <- dim(x) colname <- names(x)[1] if (firstcall) { x <- x[, x), ] oldmar <- par("mar") par(mar = c(1, 2, 2, 1)) top <- sum(![, 1])) if (top < dimx[1]) cat(dimx[1] - top, "NA values dropped from first stack.\n") plot(0, xlim = c(0, dimx[2]), ylim = c(0, top), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) } xfreq <- table(x[, 1]) lenxf <- length(xfreq) if (firstcall) { if (is.null(col)) { col <- list() for (index in 1:dimx[2]) col[[index]] <- rainbow(length(table(x[, index]))) } for (index in 1:dimx[2]) if (is.null(names(col[[index]]))) names(col[[index]]) <- names(table(x[, index])) } if (lenxf) { if (is.list(col)) { barcol <- col[[1]] barcol <- barcol[names(col[[1]]) %in% names(xfreq)] } else barcol <- col[names(col) %in% names(xfreq)] labels <- names(xfreq) squeeze <- (right - left)/10 for (bar in 1:lenxf) { if (length(xfreq[bar])) { if (![bar])) { if (xfreq[bar] > 0) { rect(left + squeeze, top - xfreq[bar], right - squeeze, top, col = barcol[bar], border = border) labelheight <- strheight(labels[bar]) cex <- ifelse((1.5 * labelheight) > xfreq[bar], base.cex * 0.75 * xfreq[bar]/labelheight, base.cex) if (showval) { textcol <- ifelse(colSums(col2rgb(unlist(barcol[bar])) * c(1.4, 1.4, 0.5)) < 350, "white", "black") bartext <- ifelse(showcount, paste(labels[bar], " (", xfreq[bar], ")", sep = ""), labels[bar]) text((left + right)/2, top - xfreq[bar]/2, bartext, cex = cex, col = textcol) } if (! segments(left + squeeze, top - xfreq[bar]/2, left - squeeze, lastcenter) xvalue <- ifelse(is.numeric(x[, 1]), as.numeric(labels[bar]), labels[bar]) if (dimx[2] > 1) { newcol <- col newcol[[1]] <- NULL nextx <- subset(x, x[, 1] == xvalue, 2:dimx[2]) sizetree2(nextx, right, top, right + 1, lastcenter = top - xfreq[bar]/2, showval = showval, showcount = showcount, stacklabels = stacklabels, firstcall = FALSE, col = newcol, border = border, base.cex = base.cex) } } } } top <- top - xfreq[bar] } if (stacklabels) mtext(colname, side = 1, at = (left + right)/2, line = -0.4) } if (firstcall) { if (!is.null(toplab)) { par(xpd = TRUE) top <- sum(![, 1])) text(seq(0.5,dimx[2] - 0.5,by=1), 1.01 * top, toplab, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = cex_top) par(xpd = FALSE) } par(mar = oldmar) } } #================================================================================================================================================ contr_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, contr_index){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit is not 'post_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) is_contr <- post_rma_fit$is_contr post_rma_fit <- if(!is_contr) post_rma_fit$table0 else filter(post_rma_fit$table0, Contrast == ".") ind <- rep(0, nrow(post_rma_fit)) ind[abs(contr_index)] <- sign(contr_index) return(ind) } #=================================================================================================================================================== ## From clubSandwich package kept as the function is get depricated. unblock <- function (A, block = attr(A, "groups")) { if (is.null(block)) block <- factor(rep(names(A), times = sapply(A, function(x) dim(x)[1]))) n <- length(block) mat <- matrix(0, n, n) for (i in levels(block)) { index <- i == block mat[index, index] <- A[[i]] } return(mat) } isPosDef <- function (x) { x_na <- mis_rows <- apply(x_na, 1, all) mis_cols <- apply(x_na, 2, all) if (all(mis_rows) | all(mis_cols)) return(TRUE) x_nomiss <- x[!mis_rows, !mis_cols] x_eig <- eigen(x_nomiss) all(x_eig$values > 0) } check_PD <- function (vcov_list) { PD <- sapply(vcov_list, isPosDef) if (!all(PD)) { NPD_clusters <- names(vcov_list)[!PD] warn_text <- paste(c("The following clusters have non-positive definite covariance matrices:", NPD_clusters), collapse = "\n") warning(warn_text) } else { NULL } } impute_covariance_matrix <- function (vi, cluster, r, ti, ar1, smooth_vi = FALSE, subgroup = NULL, return_list = identical(as.factor(cluster), sort(as.factor(cluster))), check_PD = TRUE) { cluster <- droplevels(as.factor(cluster)) vi_list <- split(vi, cluster) if (smooth_vi) vi_list <- lapply(vi_list, function(x) rep(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), length(x))) if (missing(r) & missing(ar1)) stop("You must specify a value for r or for ar1.") if (!missing(r)) { r_list <- rep_len(r, length(vi_list)) if (missing(ar1)) { vcov_list <- Map(function(V, rho) (rho + diag(1 - rho, nrow = length(V))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)), V = vi_list, rho = r_list) } } if (!missing(ar1)) { if (missing(ti)) stop("If you specify a value for ar1, you must provide a vector for ti.") ti_list <- split(ti, cluster) ar_list <- rep_len(ar1, length(vi_list)) if (missing(r)) { vcov_list <- Map(function(V, time, phi) (phi^as.matrix(stats::dist(time))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)), V = vi_list, time = ti_list, phi = ar_list) } else { vcov_list <- Map(function(V, rho, time, phi) (rho + (1 - rho) * phi^as.matrix(stats::dist(time))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)), V = vi_list, rho = r_list, time = ti_list, phi = ar_list) } vcov_list <- lapply(vcov_list, function(x) { attr(x, "dimnames") <- NULL x }) } if (!is.null(subgroup)) { si_list <- split(subgroup, cluster) subgroup_list <- lapply(si_list, function(x) sapply(x, function(y) y == x)) vcov_list <- Map(function(V, S) V * S, V = vcov_list, S = subgroup_list) } if (check_PD) check_PD(vcov_list) if (return_list) { return(vcov_list) } else { vcov_mat <- unblock(vcov_list) cluster_index <- order(order(cluster)) return(vcov_mat[cluster_index, cluster_index]) } } #=================================================================================================================================================== prob_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, target_effect = 0, condition = c("or larger", "or smaller"), gain = FALSE, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ Term <- term_names_(post_rma_fit=post_rma_fit, sep=sep, na.rm = TRUE) fit <- post_rma_fit$rma.mv_fit if(fit$withG || fit$withH || fit$withR || is.null(fit$random)) stop("Model not supported.", call. = FALSE) specs <- post_rma_fit$specs digits <- post_rma_fit$digits ems <- if(inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) post_rma_fit$ems else post_rma_fit$con post_rma_fit <- type.convert(post_rma_fit$table, cond <- match.arg(condition) lower.tail <- switch(cond, "or larger" = FALSE, "or smaller" = TRUE) lower_ave_eff <- post_rma_fit$Lower upper_ave_eff <- post_rma_fit$Upper ave_eff <- na.omit(round(predict(ems), digits = digits)) ci <-, ...)) all_lvls <- ci[odds_.(seq_len(nrow(ci))), , drop=FALSE] #total_sd: estimate, lower, upper total_sd <- if(!gain) sqrt(colSums(all_lvls)) else sqrt(2)*sqrt(ci[nrow(ci),]) #sqrt(2) * sqrt(colSums(all_lvls[-1, ,drop=FALSE])) # Probability at the estimates Probability <- paste0(formatC(round(pnorm(target_effect, ave_eff, total_sd[1], lower.tail=lower.tail), 4)*1e2,digits = 2, format = "f"),"%") # Probability at the lowest ave_eff and highest variability min_Probability <- paste0(formatC(round(pnorm(target_effect, lower_ave_eff, total_sd[3], lower.tail=lower.tail), 4)*1e2,digits = 2, format = "f"),"%") # Probability at the highest ave_eff and lowest variability max_Probability <- paste0(formatC(round(pnorm(target_effect, upper_ave_eff, total_sd[2], lower.tail=lower.tail), 4)*1e2, digits = 2, format = "f"),"%") data.frame(Term=Term, Target_Effect = paste(target_effect, cond, collapse = " "), Probability = Probability, Min = min_Probability, Max = max_Probability) } #M============================================================================================================================================== sense_rma <- function(post_rma_fit = NULL, var_name, fit = NULL, r = (3:7)*.1, cluster = NULL, clean_names = NULL, regression = NULL, label_lines = TRUE, cex_labels = .55, plot_coef = TRUE, plot_hetro = TRUE, digits = 3, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ if(is.null(fit) & is.null(post_rma_fit)) stop("Provide either 'fit=' or 'post_rma_fit='.", call. = TRUE) if(!is.null(fit) & !inherits(fit, "")) stop("Model is not ''.", call. = FALSE) if(is.null(fit)) fit <- post_rma_fit$rma.mv_fit if(!is.null(post_rma_fit) & !inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit is not 'post_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) if(fit$withG || fit$withH || fit$withR || is.null(fit$random)) stop("Model not supported.", call. = FALSE) dat <- get_data_(fit) regression <- if(is.null(regression) & !is.null(post_rma_fit)) { if("cont_var" %in% as.character(post_rma_fit$call)) TRUE else FALSE } else if(is.null(regression) & is.null(post_rma_fit)) TRUE else regression if(regression){ lm_fit <- lm(fixed_form_rma(fit), data = dat, na.action = "na.omit") cl <- clean_reg(lm_fit, names(coef(lm_fit))) if(is.null(clean_names)){ if(any_num_vec(cl)) { clean_names <- FALSE } else { clean_names <- TRUE } } if(clean_names) names(lm_fit$coefficients) <- cl if(clean_names) fit <- clean_reg_names(fit) } if(!is.null(post_rma_fit)){ tran. <- post_rma_fit$tran. type. <- post_rma_fit$type. specs <- post_rma_fit$specs ems <- post_rma_fit$ems Term <- term_names_(post_rma_fit=post_rma_fit, sep=sep, na.rm=FALSE) } cluster_name <- if(is.null(cluster)) strsplit(fit$s.names,"/",fixed=TRUE)[[1]] else cluster V_list <- lapply(r, function(i) impute_covariance_matrix(vi = dat[[var_name]], cluster=dat[[cluster_name]], r=i)) model_list <- lapply(V_list, function(i) suppressWarnings(update.rma(fit, V = i))) xaxis_lab <- paste0("r=",r) total_hetros <- sapply(model_list, function(i) sqrt(sum(i$sigma2))) if(plot_coef & plot_hetro){ org.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(org.par)) par(mfrow = c(2,1), mgp = c(1.5, 0.14, 0), mar = c(1.5, 2.6, 1.5, .5), tck = -0.02) } output <- if(regression){ fixed_eff_list <- lapply(model_list, function(i) setNames(coef(summary(i))$estimate, rownames(fit$b))) if(plot_coef){ matplot(t(, type = "l", xaxt = "n", ylab = "Estimates", ...) axis(1, at = axTicks(1), labels = xaxis_lab,...) mn <- mean(seq_len(length(fixed_eff_list))) if(label_lines) text(mn,[,mn], rownames(fit$b), cex = cex_labels) } output <-, fixed_eff_list))) setNames(output, xaxis_lab) } else { if(!is.null(post_rma_fit)){ post_rma_list <- lapply(model_list, function(i) setNames(predict(post_rma(i, specs, tran = tran., type = type.)$ems),Term)) } else { stop("Please provide a 'post_rma_fit' or use 'regression=TRUE'.", call. = FALSE) } if(plot_coef){ matplot(t(, type = 'l', xaxt = "n", ylab = "Mean Effect", xlab = NA,...) axis(1, at = axTicks(1), labels = xaxis_lab, ...) mn <- mean(seq_len(length(post_rma_list))) if(label_lines) text(mn,[,mn], Term, cex = cex_labels) } output <-, post_rma_list))) setNames(output, xaxis_lab) } if(plot_hetro){ rng <- range(total_hetros) mrng <- mean(rng) plot(total_hetros, type = "l", ylim = rng+c(-mrng,mrng), xaxt = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = "Total Variation (SD)",...) axis(1, at = axTicks(1), labels = xaxis_lab, ...) } out <- na.omit(rbind(output, Total_variation_in_SD = total_hetros)) out <- cbind(out, sd =apply(out, 1, sd), change_rate =apply(out, 1, function(i) coef(lm(i~r))[2])) roundi(rownames_to_column(out, "Term"), digits = digits) } #M================================================================================================================================================ con_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, method, type, digits = 3, ci = TRUE, p_value = TRUE, adjust = "none", na.rm = TRUE, sig = TRUE, round_except=NULL, ...){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit is not 'post_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) infer <- c(ci, p_value) lookup <- c(Contrast="contrast",Estimate="estimate",Mean="emmean",Response="response",t="t.ratio", Df="df","p-value"="p.value",Lower="lower.CL",Upper="upper.CL", Df1="df1", Df2="df2","F"="F.ratio",Term="model term", Lower="asymp.LCL", Upper="asymp.UCL", z="z.ratio", Ratio = "ratio") tran. <- post_rma_fit$tran. con <- if(!isFALSE(tran.)) contrast(post_rma_fit$ems, method = method, type = type, infer = infer, tran = tran., ...) else contrast(post_rma_fit$ems, method = method, infer = infer, ...) out <-, adjust = adjust, infer=infer, ...) %>% dplyr::rename(tidyselect::any_of(lookup)) %>% dplyr::select(-tidyselect::any_of("note")) if(p_value){ p.values <- as.numeric(out$"p-value") if(all( { return(message("Error: Comparison(s) are non-estimable,\nlikely some combination of moderating or control variables are missing.\nTake variables out of model one by one and re-run.")) } if(sig){ Signif <- symnum(p.values, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")) out <- tibble::add_column(out, Sig. = Signif, .after = "p-value") } } out0 <- roundi(out, digits = digits, except=round_except) if(na.rm) out <- na.omit(out) out <- roundi(out, digits = digits, except=round_except) out <- list(table = out, table0 = out0, specs = post_rma_fit$specs, call = post_rma_fit$call, fit = post_rma_fit$fit, rma.mv_fit = post_rma_fit$rma.mv_fit, ems = post_rma_fit$ems, tran. = post_rma_fit$tran., type. = post_rma_fit$type., con = con, digits = digits) class(out) <- "contrast_rma" return(out) } # H================================================================================================================================================ add_signs <- function(post_rma_fit, con_index, sep = get_emm_option("sep")) { term_names <- term_names_(post_rma_fit=post_rma_fit, sep=sep) uniq <- unique(con_index) ind_abs <- abs(con_index) uniq_abs <- unique(abs(uniq)) same_val <- length(uniq_abs)==1 dup <- duplicated(ind_abs) rps <- any(dup) last_sgn <- if(rps) tail(sign(con_index[dup|duplicated(ind_abs, fromLast=TRUE)]), 1) else FALSE if(same_val & last_sgn > 0) return({ message("Note: No contrast made for ", toString(dQuote(unique(term_names[ind_abs[dup]]))) ,", just returned from the inputted EMM table.\n") term_names[uniq_abs] }) if(same_val & last_sgn < 0) return({ message("Note: No contrast made for ", toString(dQuote(unique(term_names[ind_abs[dup]]))), ", just returned with opposite sign from the inputted EMM table.\n") paste("-", term_names[uniq_abs]) }) if(rps & last_sgn > 0) { message("Note: No contrast made for ", toString(dQuote(unique(term_names[ind_abs[dup]]))) ,", just used from the inputted EMM table.\n") } if(rps & last_sgn < 0) { message("Note: No contrast made for ", toString(dQuote(unique(term_names[ind_abs[dup]]))), ", just used with opposite sign from the inputted EMM table.\n") } merged <- paste(ifelse(con_index < 0, '-', '+'), term_names[abs(con_index)], collapse = sep) sub('^\\+ ', '', merged) } # H=============================================================================================================================================== #not.integer_ <- function(x) { # f <- function(y) (abs((y) - floor((y) + .5)) > 1e-7) # if(is.list(x)) lapply(x, f) else f(x) #} # M================================================================================================================================================ contrast_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, con_list, ..., auto_name=FALSE, sep=get_emm_option("sep"), pretest_name = "baseline", brief=FALSE, posttest_base_name = "posttest", gain_dif = FALSE, gain_dif_type = c("all","same","different"), emm_style=FALSE) { # if(!missing(con_list) & !emm_style) { # emm_style <- any(sapply(not.integer_(con_list), any)) # } if(!emm_style){ if(missing(con_list)) { con_list <- con_gain_list(post_rma_fit, pretest_name, brief, posttest_base_name, gain_dif, gain_dif_type, sep)$con_list } if(is.numeric(con_list)) con_list <- list(con_list) con_methods <- c("pairwise","revpairwise","tukey","consec", "poly","trt.vs.ctrl","trt.vs.ctrlk","trt.vs.ctrl1", "dunnett","mean_chg","eff","del.eff","identity") if(is.character(con_list) && any(!con_list %in% con_methods)) stop("If not a list, 'con_list' can be one of: ", toString(dQuote(con_methods)), ".", call. = FALSE) con_indx <- if(is.list(con_list)) { con_list <- if(auto_name) { sapply(seq_along(con_list), function(i) { nm <- if(is.null(names(con_list)[i]) || names(con_list)[i] == "") { add_signs(post_rma_fit, con_list[[i]], sep=sep) } else { names(con_list)[i] } return(setNames(con_list[i], nm)) }) } else { con_list } lapply(con_list, contr_rma, post_rma_fit = post_rma_fit) } else { con_list } con_rma(post_rma_fit, con_indx, ...) } else { con_rma(post_rma_fit, con_list, ...) } } # M====================================================================================================================================================== plot_rma <- function(fit, formula, ylab, CIs=TRUE, PIs=FALSE, CIarg = list(lwd = .5, alpha = 1), PIarg = list(lwd = 1.25, alpha = 0.33), linearg = list(lwd = .5, linetype = "solid"), cov.reduce = TRUE, tran = NULL, sigma = NULL, df = NULL, at = NULL, at_vals = NA, interpolate_length = 150, dodge=.15, ...){ if(!inherits(fit, c("post_rma", "", "rma.uni"))) stop("fit is not 'post_rma()','' or 'rma.uni()'.", call. = FALSE) dots <- list(...) dot_nms <- names(dots) cl <- no_ciarg <- is.null(cl$CIarg) no_piarg <- is.null(cl$PIarg) no_linearg <- is.null(cl$linearg) is_post_rma <- inherits(fit, "post_rma") df. <- if(is.null(df)) { if(!is_post_rma) df_detect(fit) else fit$df. } else { df } data_. <- if(is_post_rma) get_data_(fit$rma.mv_fit) else get_data_(fit) if(!is.null(at)) { at <- if(is_bare_formula(at, lhs=FALSE) || is.character(at)) { lo_ave_up(at, data_., at_vals) } else at } tran. <- if(is.null(tran)) { if(!is_post_rma) tran_detect(fit) else fit$tran. } else { tran } sigma. <- if (is.null(sigma)) { if(!is_post_rma) sigma_detect(fit) else fit$sigma. } else { sigma } is_var1 <- is_post_rma & "cont_var" %in% names(as.list(fit$call)) if(is_var1) { var <- fit$call$cont_var if(length(var)>1) stop("Only one continous variable can be supplied to 'var='/'cont_var='.", call. = FALSE) is_post_rma <- FALSE fit <- fit$rma.mv_fit num_var <- data_.[[var]] at_add <- setNames(list(seq(min(num_var, na.rm=TRUE),max(num_var, na.rm=TRUE),length.out=interpolate_length)), var) at <- c(at, at_add) } is_var2 <- any(c("cont_var","var") %in% dot_nms) if(is_var2) { var <- if(!is.null(cl$cont_var)) cl$cont_var else cl$var var <- if(is.character(var)) var else stop("'var='/'cont_var=' must be a single-element character vector (ex. 'year').", call. = FALSE) if(length(var)>1) stop("Only one continous variable can be supplied to 'var='/'cont_var='.", call. = FALSE) num_var <- data_.[[var]] is_num_var <- is.numeric(num_var) at_add <- if(is_num_var) setNames(list(seq(min(num_var, na.rm=TRUE),max(num_var, na.rm=TRUE),length.out=interpolate_length)), var) else stop("'var='/'cont_var=' must be a continous variable.") at <- c(at, at_add) } if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste0("Effect Size (",as.character(fixed_form_rma(if(is_post_rma) fit$rma.mv_fit else fit))[2],")") is_var <- any(is_var1, is_var2) if(no_ciarg & CIs & is_var) CIarg <- list(lwd = 2, alpha = 0.08) if(no_piarg & PIs & is_var) PIarg <- list(lwd = 5, alpha = 0.08) if(no_linearg & CIs & is_var || no_linearg & PIs & is_var) linearg <- list(size=1, alpha=1, linetype="solid") fit <- if(!is_post_rma) { ref_grid(rma2gls(fit), cov.reduce = cov.reduce, df = df., sigma = sigma., tran = tran., at = at, ...) } else fit emmip(object=if(is_post_rma) fit$ems else fit, formula=formula, ylab=ylab, CIs=CIs, PIs=PIs, CIarg=CIarg, PIarg=PIarg, linearg=linearg, cov.reduce=cov.reduce, tran=tran., at=at, dodge=dodge, ...) } # M=============================================================================================================================================== pct_dif_tran <- list( linkfun = function(mu) log(mu/100 + 1), linkinv = function(eta) 100 * (exp(eta) - 1), mu.eta = function(eta) 100 * exp(eta), name = "log(pct_dif)" ) # M============================================================================================================================================== coef.post_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit can be either from 'post_rma()' or 'contrast_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) ems <- post_rma_fit$ems Term <- term_names_(post_rma_fit=post_rma_fit, sep=sep) setNames(predict(ems), Term) } # M================================================================================================================================================ coef.contrast_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "contrast_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit can be either from 'post_rma()' or 'contrast_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) ems <- post_rma_fit$con Term <- term_names_(post_rma_fit=post_rma_fit, sep=sep) setNames(predict(ems), Term) } # M================================================================================================================================================ vcov.post_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "post_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit can be either from 'post_rma()' or 'contrast_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) object <- post_rma_fit$ems vcov.emmGrid = function(object, ..., sep) { tol = get_emm_option("estble.tol") if (!is.null(hook <- object@misc$vcovHook)) { if (is.character(hook)) hook = get(hook) hook(object, tol = tol, ...) } else { if(is.null(disp <- object@misc$display)) disp = seq_len(nrow(object@linfct)) X = object@linfct[disp, , drop = FALSE] estble = estimability::is.estble(X, object@nbasis, tol) X[!estble, ] = NA X = X[, !, drop = FALSE] rtn = X %*% tcrossprod(object@V, X) largs = as.list(object@grid[disp, seq_along(object@levels), drop = FALSE]) largs$sep = sep rownames(rtn) = colnames(rtn) =, largs) return(rtn) } } vcov.emmGrid(object = object, ..., sep = sep) } # M================================================================================================================================================ vcov.contrast_rma <- function(post_rma_fit, ..., sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ if(!inherits(post_rma_fit, "contrast_rma")) stop("post_rma_fit can be either from 'post_rma()' or 'contrast_rma()'.", call. = FALSE) object <- post_rma_fit$con vcov.emmGrid = function(object, ..., sep) { tol = get_emm_option("estble.tol") if (!is.null(hook <- object@misc$vcovHook)) { if (is.character(hook)) hook = get(hook) hook(object, tol = tol, ...) } else { if(is.null(disp <- object@misc$display)) disp = seq_len(nrow(object@linfct)) X = object@linfct[disp, , drop = FALSE] estble = estimability::is.estble(X, object@nbasis, tol) X[!estble, ] = NA X = X[, !, drop = FALSE] rtn = X %*% tcrossprod(object@V, X) largs = as.list(object@grid[disp, seq_along(object@levels), drop = FALSE]) largs$sep = sep rownames(rtn) = colnames(rtn) =, largs) return(rtn) } } vcov.emmGrid(object = object, ..., sep = sep) } # M================================================================================================================================================ AHW_tran <- list( linkfun = function(mu) transf.ahw(mu), linkinv = function(eta) transf.iahw(eta), mu.eta = function(eta) 3*(1-eta)^2, valideta = function (eta) all(is.finite(eta)) && all(eta <= 1) && all(eta >= 0), name = "AHW" ) # M================================================================================================================================================ ZR2_tran <- list( linkfun = function(mu) transf.r2toz(mu), linkinv = function(eta) transf.ztor2(eta), mu.eta = function(eta) 2*sinh(eta)/cosh(eta)^3, valideta = function (eta) all(is.finite(eta)) && all(eta <= 1) && all(eta >= 0), name = "ZR2" ) # M================================================================================================================================================ ABT_tran <- list( linkfun = function(mu) transf.abt(mu), linkinv = function(eta) transf.iabt(eta), mu.eta = function(eta) 1/(1-eta), valideta = function (eta) all(is.finite(eta)) && all(eta <= 1) && all(eta >= 0), name = "ABT" ) # M=============================================================================================================================================== r2z_tran <- list( linkfun = function(mu) atanh(mu), linkinv = function(eta) tanh(eta), mu.eta = function(eta) 1/cosh(eta)^2, valideta = function (eta) all(is.finite(eta)) && all(abs(eta) <= 1), name = "r2z" ) # M================================================================================================================================================= # Requires posttest_base_name followed by a number with no space con_gain_list <- function(post_rma_fit, pretest_name = "baseline", brief=FALSE, posttest_base_name = "posttest", gain_dif = FALSE, gain_dif_type = c("all","same","different"), sep = get_emm_option("sep")){ tms <- unlist(strsplit(term_names_(post_rma_fit), split = sep)) specs <- post_rma_fit$specs cond <- match.arg(gain_dif_type) posttest_suffix <- "\\d+" if(!pretest_name %in% tms) stop("Wrong 'pretest_name='.", call. = FALSE) if(!posttest_base_name %in% str_remove(tms, posttest_suffix)) stop("Wrong 'posttest_base_name=' or 'posttest_suffix'.", call. = FALSE) varis <- if(is_bare_formula(specs, lhs=FALSE)) .all.vars(specs) else if(is.character(specs)) specs else stop("Only models with '~moderator * Time' are acceptable.", call. = FALSE) if(length(varis) > 2) stop("Only models with no more than TWO interacting variables (~moderator * Time) are acceptable.", call. = FALSE) DAT <- get_data_(post_rma_fit$rma.mv_fit) sec <- names(which(sapply(DAT, function(i) pretest_name %in% i))) varis <- varis[order(varis == sec)] tab <- post_rma_fit$table0[varis] DATA <- mutate(tab, Variables = apply(tab, 1, paste, collapse="_"), Row = 1:nrow(tab)) gain <- DATA %>% filter(!grepl(pretest_name, Variables)) %>% mutate(Variables2 = sub(paste0(posttest_base_name,posttest_suffix), pretest_name, Variables), Variables = paste0("(", Variables, " - ", Variables2, ")")) %>% right_join(filter(DATA, grepl(pretest_name, Variables)), by = c("Variables2" = "Variables"), suffix = c("_post", "_pre")) %>% group_by(Variables) %>% summarize(Variables, Row = list(c(Row_post, -Row_pre))) %>% tibble::deframe() if(brief){ nms <- sub(paste0("^.([^_]+)\\D+(", posttest_suffix, ").*"), "Gain\\2(\\1)", names(gain)) gain <- setNames(gain, nms) } out <- if(gain_dif){ gd_all <-, combn(length(gain), 2, FUN = function(i) setNames(list(c(gain[[i[1]]], -gain[[i[2]]])), paste(names(gain)[i], collapse = " - ")), simplify = FALSE)) if(brief){ typ <- strcapture("Gain([0-9]+).*Gain([0-9]+)", names(gd_all), list(g1=0L, g2=0L)) if(cond=="all") { gd_all } else if(cond=="same") { gd_all[with(typ, g1==g2)] } else { gd_all[with(typ, g1!=g2)] } } } else { gain } res <- list(post_rma_fit = post_rma_fit, con_list = out) class(res) <- "gain_list" return(res) } #================================================================================================================================================ effect_count <- function(data, cluster, ..., arrange_by = NULL, show0 = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, subset){ data <- full_clean(data) if(!missing(subset)) { s <- substitute(subset) data <- filter(data, eval(s)) } cluster <- rlang::ensym(cluster) cat_mod <- rlang::ensyms(...) cat_nms <- purrr::map_chr(cat_mod, rlang::as_string) c_nm <- as_string(cluster) clus_nm <- paste("n", c_nm) nms <- c(c_nm, cat_nms) idx <- nms %in% names(data) if(!all(idx)) stop(toString(dQuote(nms[!idx]))," not found in the 'data'.", call. = FALSE) dat <- data %>% count(!!cluster, !!!rlang::syms(cat_nms)) %>% group_by(!!!rlang::syms(cat_nms)) %>% summarize(!!clus_nm := n(), `n effect` = sum(n)) %>% ungroup() if(na.rm) dat <- drop_na(dat) if(show0) { dat <- dat %>% tidyr::complete(!!!rlang::syms(cat_nms), fill = list2(!!clus_nm := 0, `n effect` = 0)) } dat %>% arrange(across(if(is.null(arrange_by)) all_of(cat_nms) else all_of(arrange_by))) } #======================== WCF Meta Dataset ====================================================================================================== wcf <- read.csv("") dat_design <- structure(list(Participant = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L, 51L), Order = c("s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "s2c", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s", "c2s"), Time = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), Task = c("simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "complex", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple", "simple"), Questionnaire = c("Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng.", "Motiv./Eng." ), Outcomes = c("com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc", "com_MLTU", "com_DC/T", "com_CN/T", "com_CN/C", "ac_EFC/C", "lex_Vocd", "lex_WRDFRQmc" )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -56L)) #================================================================================================================================================= needzzsf <- c('metafor', 'clubSandwich', 'nlme', 'effects', 'lexicon', 'plotrix', 'rlang', 'emmeans','tidyverse','fastDummies') not.have23 <- needzzsf[!(needzzsf %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(not.have23)) install.packages(not.have23) suppressWarnings( suppressMessages({ invisible(lapply(needzzsf, base::require, character.only = TRUE)) })) options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)