version: '3' services: smtp4dev: image: rnwood/smtp4dev:v3 restart: always ports: # Change the number before : to the port the web interface should be accessible on - '5000:80' # Change the number before : to the port the SMTP server should be accessible on - '25:25' # Change the number before : to the port the IMAP server should be accessible on - '143:143' volumes: # This is where smtp4dev stores the database.. - smtp4dev-data:/smtp4dev environment: # Uncomment to customise these settings # This is not a complete list of the available settings. # See the documentation in appsettings.json for a full list. #Specifies the virtual path from web server root where SMTP4DEV web interface will be hosted. e.g. "/" or "/smtp4dev" #- ServerOptions__BasePath=/smtp4dev #Specifies the URLs the web UI will use inside the container. - ServerOptions__Urls=http://*:80 #Specifies the server hostname. Used in auto-generated TLS certificate if enabled. - ServerOptions__HostName=smtp4dev #Locks settings from being changed by user via web interface #- ServerOptions__LockSettings=true #Specifies the path where the database will be stored relative to APPDATA env var on Windows or XDG_CONFIG_HOME on non-Windows. Specify "" to use an in memory database. #- ServerOptions__Database=database.db #Specifies the number of messages to keep #- ServerOptions__NumberOfMessagesToKeep=100 #Specifies the number of sessions to keep #- ServerOptions__NumberOfSessionsToKeep=100 #Specifies the TLS mode to use. None=Off. StartTls=On demand if client supports STARTTLS. ImplicitTls=TLS as soon as connection is established. #- ServerOptions__TlsMode=None #Specifies the TLS certificate to use if TLS is enabled/requested. Specify "" to use an auto-generated self-signed certificate (then see console output on first startup) #- ServerOptions__TlsCertificate= #Sets the name of the SMTP server that will be used to relay messages or "" if messages should not be relayed #- RelayOptions__SmtpServer= #Sets the port number for the SMTP server used to relay messages. #- RelayOptions__SmtpPort=25 #Specifies a comma separated list of recipient addresses for which messages will be relayed. An empty list means that no messages are relayed. #- RelayOptions__AllowedEmailsString= #Specifies the address used in MAIL FROM when relaying messages. (Sender address in message headers is left unmodified). The sender of each message is used if not specified. #- RelayOptions__SenderAddress= #The username for the SMTP server used to relay messages. If "" no authentication is attempted. #- RelayOptions__Login= #The password for the SMTP server used to relay messages #- RelayOptions__Password= #Specifies the port the IMAP server will listen on - allows standard email clients to view/retrieve messages #"ServerOptions__ImapPort"=143 volumes: smtp4dev-data: