import minqlx import time import os import pysftp import re import io RECORDS_KEY = "minqlx:uberstats_records:{}" WEAPON_RECORDS = { "kill_machine": ["KILL MACHINE", "{:0.2f} frags/min"], "counterstrike": ["BEST COUNTERSTRIKE PLAYER", "{:0.2f} K/D ratio"], "most_damage": ["DESTRUCTICATOR", "{:,} dmg given"], "longest_spree": ["RAMBO", "{} kill streak"], "best_rail_accuracy": ["LASER EYES", "{:0.2f} percent rail accuracy"], "most_nade_kills": ["PINEAPPLE POWER", "{} grenade frags"], "most_pummels": ["PUMMEL LORD", "{} pummels"], "most_dmg_taken": ["BIGGEST PINCUSHION", "{:,} dmg taken"], "most_world_deaths": ["CLUMSIEST FOOL", "{:,} deaths by world"], "most_dmg_per_kill": ["GOOD SAMARITAN", "{:0.2f} damage per frag"], "most_lines_of_chat": ["BIGGEST CHATTERBOX", "{} lines of chat"] } FILE_PATTERN = re.compile('[\W_]+') # Hex-colored spans for decimal color codes ^0 - ^9 _dec_spans = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] # Color code patterns _dec_colors = re.compile(r'\^(\d)') _all_colors = _dec_colors class uberstats(minqlx.Plugin): def __init__(self): self.set_cvar_once("qlx_uberstats_sftp_hostname", "") self.set_cvar_once("qlx_uberstats_sftp_username", "") self.set_cvar_once("qlx_uberstats_sftp_password", "") self.set_cvar_once("qlx_uberstats_sftp_remote_path", "") self.sftp_hostname = self.get_cvar("qlx_uberstats_sftp_hostname") self.sftp_username = self.get_cvar("qlx_uberstats_sftp_username") self.sftp_password = self.get_cvar("qlx_uberstats_sftp_password") self.sftp_remote_path = self.get_cvar("qlx_uberstats_sftp_remote_path") self.add_command("score", self.cmd_score) self.add_command("highscores", self.cmd_highscores) self.add_command("clearhighscores", self.cmd_clear_highscores, 5) self.add_hook("stats", self.handle_stats) self.add_hook("chat", self.handle_chat) self.add_hook("map", self.handle_map) self.add_hook("game_end", self.handle_game_end) self.weapons = ["PLASMA", "ROCKET", "PROXMINE", "RAILGUN", "CHAINGUN", "NAILGUN", "GRENADE", "LIGHTNING", "SHOTGUN", "MACHINEGUN", "HMG", "BFG", "GAUNTLET"] self.weapon_sprees = ["PLASMORGASM", "ROCKET RENEGADE", "MINE MASTER", "RAIL RANGER", "CHAIN GANG", "GNARLY NAILER", "GRENADE GOON", "LIGHTNING LASHER", "SHOTGUN SAMURAI", "MACHINEGUN PECKER", "HMG HARASSER", "BFG BOSS", "GUANTLET GOD"] self.kill_streak = {} for weapon in self.weapons: self.kill_streak[weapon] = {} self.outputted_accuracy_players = [] self.kamikaze_stats = {} self.best_kpm_names = [] self.best_kpm = 0 self.best_kd_names = [] self.best_kd = 0 self.most_damage_names = [] self.most_damage = 0 self.longest_spree_names = [] self.longest_spree = 0 self.best_rail_accuracy_names = [] self.best_rail_accuracy = 0 self.best_rail_hits = 0 self.best_rail_shots = 0 self.most_nade_kills_names = [] self.most_nade_kills = 0 self.most_pummels_names = [] self.most_pummels = 0 self.most_dmg_taken_names = [] self.most_dmg_taken = 0 self.world_death_types = ["UNKNOWN", "WATER", "SLIME", "LAVA", "CRUSH", "FALLING", "TRIGGER_HURT", "HURT"] self.world_death_stats = {} self.most_world_deaths_names = [] self.most_world_deaths = 0 self.most_dmg_per_kill_names = [] self.most_dmg_per_kill = 0 self.most_lines_of_chat_stats = {} self.most_lines_of_chat_names = [] self.most_lines_of_chat = 0 def cmd_score(self, player, msg, channel): if != "spectator": sorted_players = sorted(self.players(), key = lambda p: p.stats.score, reverse=True) player_index = sorted_players.index(player) + 1 player.tell("^2{} - ^3Score: ^7{} - ^3K/D: ^7{} - ^3DMG: ^7{} - ^3TIME: ^7{} - ^3PING: ^7{}".format( self.ordinal(player_index), player.stats.score, str(player.stats.kills) + "/" + str(player.stats.deaths), player.stats.damage_dealt, int((player.stats.time/(1000*60))%60), ) ) def handle_chat(self, player, msg, channel): if is not None: if == "in_progress" and channel == "chat" and str(player.steam_id)[:1] != "9": if not in self.most_lines_of_chat_stats: self.most_lines_of_chat_stats[] = 1 else: self.most_lines_of_chat_stats[] += 1 def handle_stats(self, stats): if is not None: if == "in_progress": if stats['TYPE'] == "PLAYER_DEATH": if stats['DATA']['VICTIM']['STEAM_ID'] != "0": # ignore bots victim_name = stats['DATA']['VICTIM']['NAME'] #remove player from kill streak counters when they die for weapon in self.weapons: if self.kill_streak[weapon]: if victim_name in self.kill_streak[weapon]: self.kill_streak[weapon][victim_name] = 0 #count player world deaths if stats['DATA']['MOD'] in self.world_death_types: victim_name = stats['DATA']['VICTIM']['NAME'] if victim_name not in self.world_death_stats: self.world_death_stats[victim_name] = 1 else: self.world_death_stats[victim_name] += 1 elif stats['TYPE'] == "PLAYER_KILL" and stats['DATA']['MOD'] in self.weapons: if stats['DATA']['KILLER']['STEAM_ID'] != "0": # ignore bots killer_name = stats['DATA']['KILLER']['NAME'] weapon = stats['DATA']['MOD'] if killer_name != stats['DATA']['VICTIM']['NAME']: if killer_name not in self.kill_streak[weapon]: self.kill_streak[weapon][killer_name] = 1 else: self.kill_streak[weapon][killer_name] += 1 if self.kill_streak[weapon][killer_name] == 1: self.handle_kill_streak(killer_name, weapon) elif stats['TYPE'] == "PLAYER_KILL" and stats['DATA']['MOD'] == "KAMIKAZE": if stats['DATA']['KILLER']['STEAM_ID'] != "0": # ignore bots killer_name = stats['DATA']['KILLER']['NAME'] if killer_name != stats['DATA']['VICTIM']['NAME']: if killer_name not in self.kamikaze_stats: self.kamikaze_stats[killer_name] = 1 else: self.kamikaze_stats[killer_name] += 1 if self.kamikaze_stats[killer_name] == 1: self.handle_kamikaze_stats(killer_name) if stats['TYPE'] == "PLAYER_STATS": #these stats come at end of game after MATCH_REPORT for each player if stats['DATA']['QUIT'] == 0 and stats['DATA']['WARMUP'] == 0: if stats['DATA']['PLAY_TIME'] >= 120 and stats['DATA']['STEAM_ID'] != "0": #ignore bots: player_name = stats['DATA']['NAME'] #player accuracies (sent to each player in tell) player = self.player(int(stats['DATA']['STEAM_ID'])) #dont show if player is in spec, also handle multiple output bug as well if != "spectator" and player.steam_id not in self.outputted_accuracy_players: accuracy_output = "^2YOUR ACCURACY:" for weapon in self.weapons: weapon_shots = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS'][weapon]["S"] weapon_hits = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS'][weapon]["H"] if weapon_shots > 0: if weapon_hits > 0: weapon_accuracy = 100 * (weapon_hits / weapon_shots) else: weapon_accuracy = 0.00 accuracy_output += " - ^3{}: ^1{:0.2f}".format(weapon, weapon_accuracy) player.tell(accuracy_output) self.outputted_accuracy_players.append(player.steam_id) player_kpm = stats['DATA']['KILLS'] / (stats['DATA']['PLAY_TIME'] / 60) if stats['DATA']['DEATHS'] != 0: #we don't want to divide by 0! player_kd = stats['DATA']['KILLS'] / stats['DATA']['DEATHS'] else: player_kd = stats['DATA']['KILLS'] player_dmg = stats['DATA']['DAMAGE']['DEALT'] player_longest_spree = stats['DATA']['MAX_STREAK'] player_rail_hits = 0 player_rail_shots = 0 if stats['DATA']['WEAPONS']['RAILGUN']['S'] >= 15: player_rail_hits = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS']['RAILGUN']['H'] player_rail_shots = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS']['RAILGUN']['S'] player_rail_accuracy = 100 * (player_rail_hits / player_rail_shots) else: player_rail_accuracy = 0 player_nade_kills = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS']['GRENADE']['K'] player_pummels = stats['DATA']['WEAPONS']['GAUNTLET']['K'] player_dmg_taken = stats['DATA']['DAMAGE']['TAKEN'] player_dmg_per_kill = 0 if stats['DATA']['KILLS'] > 0: #we don't want to divide by 0! player_dmg_per_kill = stats['DATA']['DAMAGE']['DEALT'] / stats['DATA']['KILLS'] if not self.best_kpm_names: self.best_kpm_names = [player_name] self.best_kpm = player_kpm elif player_kpm > self.best_kpm: self.best_kpm_names = [player_name] self.best_kpm = player_kpm elif player_kpm == self.best_kpm: self.best_kpm_names.append(player_name) if not self.best_kd_names: self.best_kd_names = [player_name] self.best_kd = player_kd elif player_kd > self.best_kd: self.best_kd_names = [player_name] self.best_kd = player_kd elif player_kd == self.best_kd: self.best_kd_names.append(player_name) if not self.most_damage_names: self.most_damage_names = [player_name] self.most_damage = player_dmg elif player_dmg > self.most_damage: self.most_damage_names = [player_name] self.most_damage = player_dmg elif player_dmg == self.most_damage: self.most_damage_names.append(player_name) if not self.longest_spree: self.longest_spree_names = [player_name] self.longest_spree = player_longest_spree elif player_longest_spree > self.longest_spree: self.longest_spree_names = [player_name] self.longest_spree = player_longest_spree elif player_longest_spree == self.longest_spree: self.longest_spree_names.append(player_name) if not self.best_rail_accuracy_names: self.best_rail_accuracy_names = [player_name] self.best_rail_accuracy = player_rail_accuracy self.best_rail_hits = player_rail_hits self.best_rail_shots = player_rail_shots elif player_rail_accuracy > self.best_rail_accuracy: self.best_rail_accuracy_names = [player_name] self.best_rail_accuracy = player_rail_accuracy self.best_rail_hits = player_rail_hits self.best_rail_shots = player_rail_shots elif player_rail_accuracy == self.best_rail_accuracy: self.best_rail_accuracy_names.append(player_name) if not self.most_nade_kills_names: self.most_nade_kills_names = [player_name] self.most_nade_kills = player_nade_kills elif player_nade_kills > self.most_nade_kills: self.most_nade_kills_names = [player_name] self.most_nade_kills = player_nade_kills elif player_nade_kills == self.most_nade_kills: self.most_nade_kills_names.append(player_name) if not self.most_pummels_names: self.most_pummels_names = [player_name] self.most_pummels = player_pummels elif player_pummels > self.most_pummels: self.most_pummels_names = [player_name] self.most_pummels = player_pummels elif player_pummels == self.most_pummels: self.most_pummels_names.append(player_name) if not self.most_dmg_taken_names: self.most_dmg_taken_names = [player_name] self.most_dmg_taken = player_dmg_taken elif player_dmg_taken > self.most_dmg_taken: self.most_dmg_taken_names = [player_name] self.most_dmg_taken = player_dmg_taken elif player_dmg_taken == self.most_dmg_taken: self.most_dmg_taken_names.append(player_name) if not self.most_dmg_per_kill_names: self.most_dmg_per_kill_names = [player_name] self.most_dmg_per_kill = player_dmg_per_kill elif player_dmg_per_kill > self.most_dmg_per_kill: self.most_dmg_per_kill_names = [player_name] self.most_dmg_per_kill = player_dmg_per_kill elif player_dmg_per_kill == self.most_dmg_per_kill: self.most_dmg_per_kill_names.append(player_name) @minqlx.delay(2) @minqlx.thread def handle_game_end(self, data): if not data["ABORTED"] and self.best_kpm: self.msg("^5***UBERSTATS***") stats_output = "^1KILL MACHINE: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.best_kpm_names): record_response = self.check_record("kill_machine", float(self.best_kpm), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.best_kpm_names) > 1 and len(self.best_kpm_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:0.2f} frags/min".format(self.best_kpm) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) stats_output = "^1BEST COUNTERSTRIKE PLAYER: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.best_kd_names): record_response = self.check_record("counterstrike", float(self.best_kd), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.best_kd_names) > 1 and len(self.best_kd_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:0.2f} K/D ratio".format(self.best_kd) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) stats_output = "^1DESTRUCTICATOR: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_damage_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_damage", float(self.most_damage), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_damage_names) > 1 and len(self.most_damage_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:,} dmg given".format(self.most_damage) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) time.sleep(3) if self.longest_spree > 1: stats_output = "^1RAMBO: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.longest_spree_names): record_response = self.check_record("longest_spree", float(self.longest_spree), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.longest_spree_names) > 1 and len(self.longest_spree_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {} kill streak".format(self.longest_spree) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) if self.best_rail_accuracy > 0: stats_output = "^1LASER EYES: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.best_rail_accuracy_names): record_response = self.check_record("best_rail_accuracy", float(self.best_rail_accuracy), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.best_rail_accuracy_names) > 1 and len(self.best_rail_accuracy_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:0.2f} percent rail accuracy ({} hits / {} shots)".format(self.best_rail_accuracy, self.best_rail_hits, self.best_rail_shots) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) if self.most_nade_kills > 0: stats_output = "^3PINEAPPLE POWER: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_nade_kills_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_nade_kills", float(self.most_nade_kills), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_nade_kills_names) > 1 and len(self.most_nade_kills_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {} grenade frags".format(self.most_nade_kills) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) time.sleep(2) if self.most_pummels > 0: stats_output = "^1PUMMEL LORD: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_pummels_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_pummels", float(self.most_pummels), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_pummels_names) > 1 and len(self.most_pummels_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {} pummels".format(self.most_pummels) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) stats_output = "^6BIGGEST PINCUSHION: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_dmg_taken_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_dmg_taken", float(self.most_dmg_taken), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_dmg_taken_names) > 1 and len(self.most_dmg_taken_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:,} ^6dmg taken".format(self.most_dmg_taken) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) stats_output = "^6CLUMSIEST FOOL: " record_response = "" for name, world_deaths in self.world_death_stats.items(): if not self.most_world_deaths_names: self.most_world_deaths_names = [name] self.most_world_deaths = world_deaths elif world_deaths > self.most_world_deaths: self.most_world_deaths_names = [name] self.most_world_deaths = world_deaths elif world_deaths == self.most_world_deaths: self.most_world_deaths_names.append(name) if self.most_world_deaths > 0: for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_world_deaths_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_world_deaths", float(self.most_world_deaths), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_world_deaths_names) > 1 and len(self.most_world_deaths_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:,} deaths by world".format(self.most_world_deaths) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) time.sleep(2) if not in ["Duel", "Instagib"]: stats_output = "^6GOOD SAMARITAN: " record_response = "" for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_dmg_per_kill_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_dmg_per_kill", float(self.most_dmg_per_kill), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_dmg_per_kill_names) > 1 and len(self.most_dmg_per_kill_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {:0.2f} damage per frag".format(self.most_dmg_per_kill) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) stats_output = "^6BIGGEST CHATTERBOX: " record_response = "" for name, lines_of_chat in self.most_lines_of_chat_stats.items(): if not self.most_lines_of_chat_names: self.most_lines_of_chat_names = [name] self.most_lines_of_chat = lines_of_chat elif lines_of_chat > self.most_lines_of_chat: self.most_lines_of_chat_names = [name] self.most_lines_of_chat = lines_of_chat elif lines_of_chat == self.most_lines_of_chat: self.most_lines_of_chat_names.append(name) if self.most_lines_of_chat > 0: for i, player_name in enumerate(self.most_lines_of_chat_names): record_response = self.check_record("most_lines_of_chat", float(self.most_lines_of_chat), player_name) stats_output += "^7" + player_name if len(self.most_world_deaths_names) > 1 and len(self.most_lines_of_chat_names) - 1 != i: stats_output += ", " stats_output += "^2 - {} lines of chat".format(self.most_lines_of_chat) self.msg(record_response + stats_output) if self.sftp_hostname: self.high_scores("endgame") @minqlx.delay(8) def handle_kill_streak(self, player_name, weapon): if int(self.kill_streak[weapon][player_name]) >= 4: self.play_sound("sound/uberstats/{}.ogg".format(weapon.lower())) self.center_print("{}^1 {}".format(player_name, self.weapon_sprees[self.weapons.index(weapon)])) self.msg("{} ^1{}: ^2({} {} frags in 8s)".format(player_name, self.weapon_sprees[self.weapons.index(weapon)], self.kill_streak[weapon][player_name], weapon)) self.kill_streak[weapon][player_name] = 0 @minqlx.delay(5) def handle_kamikaze_stats(self, player_name): kami_msg = "{}^7's ^3 KAMI: ^7{} ^1FRAGS".format(player_name, self.kamikaze_stats[player_name]) self.center_print(kami_msg) self.msg(kami_msg) self.kamikaze_stats[player_name] = 0 @minqlx.delay(10) def handle_map(self, mapname, factory): self.best_kpm_names = [] self.best_kpm = 0 self.best_kd_names = [] self.best_kd = 0 self.most_damage_names = [] self.most_damage = 0 self.longest_spree_names = [] self.longest_spree = 0 self.best_rail_accuracy_names = [] self.best_rail_accuracy = 0 self.best_rail_hits = 0 self.best_rail_shots = 0 self.most_nade_kills_names = [] self.most_nade_kills = 0 self.most_pummels_names = [] self.most_pummels = 0 self.most_dmg_taken_names = [] self.most_dmg_taken = 0 self.world_death_stats = {} self.most_world_deaths_names = [] self.most_world_deaths = 0 self.most_dmg_per_kill_names = [] self.most_dmg_per_kill = 0 self.most_lines_of_chat_stats = {} self.most_lines_of_chat_names = [] self.most_lines_of_chat = 0 self.kamikaze_stats = {} for weapon in self.weapons: self.kill_streak[weapon] = {} self.outputted_accuracy_players = [] self.high_scores("triggered") def check_record(self, record_name, score, player_name): current_record = self.db.get(RECORDS_KEY.format(record_name) + ":high_score") if current_record is None: current_record = 0 else: current_record = float(current_record) if score > current_record: self.db.set(RECORDS_KEY.format(record_name) + ":high_score", score) self.db.delete(RECORDS_KEY.format(record_name) + ":players") self.db.sadd(RECORDS_KEY.format(record_name) + ":players", player_name) self.play_sound("sound/vo_evil/new_high_score") return "^5NEW HIGH SCORE! - " elif score == current_record: self.db.sadd(RECORDS_KEY.format(record_name) + ":players", player_name) return "^5TIED HIGH SCORE! - " else: return "" def cmd_highscores(self, player, msg, channel): self.high_scores("triggered") @minqlx.thread def high_scores(self, method): if method == "triggered" and self.db.get(RECORDS_KEY.format("kill_machine") + ":high_score") is not None: self.msg("^5***UBERSTATS HIGH SCORES***") elif method == "endgame": html = "\n" + \ "" #make nice filename from hostname uberfilename = re.sub(' +', '_', (re.sub("[^a-zA-Z.\d\s]", "", + "-uberstats.html").lower()) with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(html) f.close() cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None srv = pysftp.Connection(host = self.sftp_hostname, username = self.sftp_username, password = self.sftp_password, cnopts=cnopts) srv.chdir(self.sftp_remote_path) srv.put(uberfilename) def cmd_clear_highscores(self, player, msg, channel): for key, val in WEAPON_RECORDS.items(): self.db.delete(RECORDS_KEY.format(key) + ":players") self.db.delete(RECORDS_KEY.format(key) + ":high_score") #UTILITY FUNCTIONS def ordinal(self, value): try: value = int(value) except ValueError: return value if value % 100//10 != 1: if value % 10 == 1: ordval = u"%d%s" % (value, "st") elif value % 10 == 2: ordval = u"%d%s" % (value, "nd") elif value % 10 == 3: ordval = u"%d%s" % (value, "rd") else: ordval = u"%d%s" % (value, "th") else: ordval = u"%d%s" % (value, "th") return ordval def html_colors(self, qstr='', limit=None): if not qstr or qstr == "": return ""; if len(qstr) > 0: qstr = "^7" + qstr html = _dec_colors.sub(lambda match: _dec_spans[int(], qstr) return html + "" * len(_all_colors.findall(qstr))