[{ "version": "2.5.6-beta", "notes": [ "MacOS Catalina capatibility.", "Migration of backend systems.", "Authentication system updates.", "Internal improvements and dependency updates." ] },{ "version": "2.5.5-stable", "notes": [ "Everything from 2.5.5-beta.", "MacOS Catalina capability" ] },{ "version": "2.5.5-beta", "notes": [ "Logging fixes and improvements." ] },{ "version": "2.5.3-beta", "notes": [ "Added the help desk.", "Fixed line coloring issue.", "Fixed internal logging issues.", "Added exit buttons for modals (pop ups).", "Fixed issue with max preheat temp setting being too low/high." ] },{ "version": "2.5.0-stable", "notes": [ "All previous beta additions.", "Fixed line coloring for ROR->Exit Temp after adding theming.", "Added hover hints over sidebar icons.", "Added recipe deletion.", "Added recipe cloning." ] },{ "version": "2.5.0-beta", "notes": [ "Added `Messages` area", "Pull in release notes and announcements.", "Added recently viewed roasts section to the dashboard.", "Fixed issue with overlay not working after first cancel.", "Fixed C->F issue where F makes chart `bounce` around.", "Renamed `Error Log` to `Log` for clarity." ] },{ "version": "2.4.0-beta", "notes": [ "Added a `Copy ID` button to post roast view for support to help debugging.", "Fixed a bug with editing IR/BT triggers.", "Allowed cancelling of playback in preheat mode.", "Added a button allowing you to switch between IBTS and Probe temperatures in recipes.", "Updated text on roaster charged notification.", "Added time on chart hover when viewin your roast.", "Removed redundant `View Roast Notes` button.", "Added overlaying profiles when not roasting.", "Allowed overlaying other profiles even when in recipe or playback mode.", "Improved roaster logging for support team." ] }]