# SSH Config Language Provides highlighting and snippets for [`~/.ssh/config`][man-ssh-config] and [`/etc/ssh/sshd_config`][man-sshd-config] files. ## Installation This package [is available][pkg] via [Package Control][pkg-ctrl]. You can install it by searching for SSH in the "Install Package" interface or by cloning this repository in your Sublime Text "Packages" directory. ### SSH Config - `host`: create a new Host entry - `match`: create a new Match entry - Keyword completion for many \*Nix and \*BSD options - Symbol Index for hosts and aliases (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R) Note that `~/.ssh/config` is not linked to the SSH Config syntax highlighting out of the box. This is because the filename is shared by other formats (e.g. `.git/config`) and we don't want to set the wrong highlighting for those. Here are three ways to change that: 1. Use the "Open SSH Config" command to open your config, which proactively sets the right highlighting unless you disable it. 2. Choose "Open all with current extension as..." from the syntax highlighting selection menu. 3. Install and configure [ApplySyntax][] to examine the whole path of the file and set the syntax highlighting after load. Sample configuration [shown here][applysyntax-config] ### SSHD Config - Keyword completion for many \*Nix and \*BSD options - Symbol Index for active and commented-out config options (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R) ## Commands - Open SSH Config File - Open SSHD Config File If these commands open the wrong file for you, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P), search for "SSH Config: Settings", and put in content like this: ``` jsonc { "file_locations": { "ssh_config": "~/.ssh/config", "sshd_config": "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "known_hosts": "~/.ssh/known_hosts", "authorized_keys": "~/.ssh/authorized_keys", }, } ``` ## Extras - `authorized_keys` and `known_hosts` also have + Syntax highlighting + Symbol index + (unmapped) "Open file" commands - PEM, PKCS1, PKCS8, and SSH keys have + Syntax + Symbol index for cert bundles - Completion and highlighting for crypto stuff + Key types + KEX algorithms + Encryption ciphers + MACs ## Testing - Install this repository under Sublime Text `Packages` and name it `SSH Config` + You can clone it there directly, move it, or symlink it. - Open the project from under `Packages/SSH Config` - Open a syntax test file located in the Tests directory - Run `Build With: Syntax Tests` command + supplied by the `Default` Sublime Package + available on the command palette when a test file is open The PackageDev package is helpful for writing tests, but not required. [man-ssh-config]: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/ssh_config.5.html [man-sshd-config]: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/sshd_config.5.html [pkg]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SSH%20Config [pkg-ctrl]: https://packagecontrol.io [applysyntax]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ApplySyntax [applysyntax-config]: https://github.com/robballou/sublimetext-sshconfig/issues/8#issuecomment-686492850