import pronouncing import markovify import re import random import numpy as np import os from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import LSTM depth = 4 # depth of the network. changing will require a retrain maxsyllables = 16 # maximum syllables per line. Change this freely without retraining the network train_mode = False artist = "jay_z" # used when saving the trained model rap_file = "neural_rap.txt" # where the rap is written to def create_network(depth): # Sequential() creates a linear stack of layers model = Sequential() # Adds a LSTM layer as the first layer in the network with # 4 units (nodes), and a 2x2 tensor (which is the same shape as the # training data) model.add(LSTM(4, input_shape=(2, 2), return_sequences=True)) # adds 'depth' number of layers to the network with 8 nodes each for i in range(depth): model.add(LSTM(8, return_sequences=True)) # adds a final layer with 2 nodes for the output model.add(LSTM(2, return_sequences=True)) # prints a summary representation of the model model.summary() # configures the learning process for the network / model # the optimizer function rmsprop: optimizes the gradient descent # the loss function: mse: will use the "mean_squared_error when trying to improve model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='mse') if artist + ".rap" in os.listdir(".") and train_mode == False: # loads the weights from the hdf5 file saved earlier model.load_weights(str(artist + ".rap")) print "loading saved network: " + str(artist) + ".rap" return model def markov(text_file): read = open(text_file, "r").read() # markovify goes line by line of the lyrics.txt file and # creates a model of the text which allows us to use # make_sentence() later on to create a bar for lyrics # creates a probability distribution for all the words # so it can generate words based on the current word we're on text_model = markovify.NewlineText(read) return text_model # used when generating bars and making sure the length is not longer # than the max syllables, and will continue to generate bars until # the amount of syllables is less than the max syllables def syllables(line): count = 0 for word in line.split(" "): vowels = 'aeiouy' word = word.lower().strip(".:;?!") if word[0] in vowels: count += 1 for index in range(1, len(word)): if word[index] in vowels and word[index - 1] not in vowels: count += 1 if word.endswith('e'): count -= 1 if word.endswith('le'): count += 1 if count == 0: count += 1 return count / maxsyllables # writes a rhyme list to a rhymes file that allows for use when # building the dataset, and composing the rap def rhymeindex(lyrics): if str(artist) + ".rhymes" in os.listdir(".") and train_mode == False: print "loading saved rhymes from " + str(artist) + ".rhymes" return open(str(artist) + ".rhymes", "r").read().split("\n") else: rhyme_master_list = [] print "Alright, building the list of all the rhymes" for i in lyrics: # grabs the last word in each bar word = re.sub(r"\W+", '', i.split(" ")[-1]).lower() # pronouncing.rhymes gives us a word that rhymes with the word being passed in rhymeslist = pronouncing.rhymes(word) # need to convert the unicode rhyme words to UTF8 rhymeslist = [x.encode('UTF8') for x in rhymeslist] # rhymeslistends contains the last two characters for each word # that could potentially rhyme with our word rhymeslistends = [] for i in rhymeslist: rhymeslistends.append(i[-2:]) try: # rhymescheme gets all the unique two letter endings and then # finds the one that occurs the most rhymescheme = max(set(rhymeslistends), key=rhymeslistends.count) except Exception: rhymescheme = word[-2:] rhyme_master_list.append(rhymescheme) # rhyme_master_list is a list of the two letters endings that appear # the most in the rhyme list for the word rhyme_master_list = list(set(rhyme_master_list)) reverselist = [x[::-1] for x in rhyme_master_list] reverselist = sorted(reverselist) # rhymelist is a list of the two letter endings (reversed) # the reason the letters are reversed and sorted is so # if the network messes up a little bit and doesn't return quite # the right values, it can often lead to picking the rhyme ending next to the # expected one in the list. But now the endings will be sorted and close together # so if the network messes up, that's alright and as long as it's just close to the # correct rhymes rhymelist = [x[::-1] for x in reverselist] f = open(str(artist) + ".rhymes", "w") f.write("\n".join(rhymelist)) f.close() print rhymelist return rhymelist # converts the index of the most common rhyme ending # into a float def rhyme(line, rhyme_list): word = re.sub(r"\W+", '', line.split(" ")[-1]).lower() rhymeslist = pronouncing.rhymes(word) rhymeslist = [x.encode('UTF8') for x in rhymeslist] rhymeslistends = [] for i in rhymeslist: rhymeslistends.append(i[-2:]) try: rhymescheme = max(set(rhymeslistends), key=rhymeslistends.count) except Exception: rhymescheme = word[-2:] try: float_rhyme = rhyme_list.index(rhymescheme) float_rhyme = float_rhyme / float(len(rhyme_list)) return float_rhyme except Exception: return None # grabs each line of the lyrics file and puts them # in their own index of a list, and then removes any empty lines # from the lyrics file and returns the list as bars def split_lyrics_file(text_file): text = open(text_file).read() text = text.split("\n") while "" in text: text.remove("") return text # only ran when not training def generate_lyrics(lyrics_file): bars = [] last_words = [] lyriclength = len(open(lyrics_file).read().split("\n")) count = 0 markov_model = markov(lyrics_file) while len(bars) < lyriclength / 9 and count < lyriclength * 2: # By default, the make_sentence method tries, a maximum of 10 times per invocation, # to make a sentence that doesn't overlap too much with the original text. # If it is successful, the method returns the sentence as a string. # If not, it returns None. ( bar = markov_model.make_sentence() # make sure the bar isn't 'None' and that the amount of # syllables is under the max syllables if type(bar) != type(None) and syllables(bar) < 1: # function to get the last word of the bar def get_last_word(bar): last_word = bar.split(" ")[-1] # if the last word is punctuation, get the word before it if last_word[-1] in "!.?,": last_word = last_word[:-1] return last_word last_word = get_last_word(bar) # only use the bar if it is unique and the last_word # has only been seen less than 3 times if bar not in bars and last_words.count(last_word) < 3: bars.append(bar) last_words.append(last_word) count += 1 return bars # used to construct the 2x2 inputs for the LSTMs # the lyrics being passed in are lyrics (original lyrics if being trained, # or ours if it's already trained) def build_dataset(lyrics, rhyme_list): dataset = [] line_list = [] # line_list becomes a list of the line from the lyrics, the syllables for that line (either 0 or 1 since # syllables uses integer division by maxsyllables (16)), and then rhyme returns the most common word # endings of the words that could rhyme with the last word of line for line in lyrics: line_list = [line, syllables(line), rhyme(line, rhyme_list)] dataset.append(line_list) x_data = [] y_data = [] # using range(len(dataset)) - 3 because of the way the indices are accessed to # get the lines for i in range(len(dataset) - 3): line1 = dataset[i][1:] line2 = dataset[i + 1][1:] line3 = dataset[i + 2][1:] line4 = dataset[i + 3][1:] # populate the training data # grabs the syllables and rhyme index here x = [line1[0], line1[1], line2[0], line2[1]] x = np.array(x) # the data is shaped as a 2x2 array where each row is a # [syllable, rhyme_index] pair x = x.reshape(2, 2) x_data.append(x) # populate the target data y = [line3[0], line3[1], line4[0], line4[1]] y = np.array(y) y = y.reshape(2, 2) y_data.append(y) # returns the 2x2 arrays as datasets x_data = np.array(x_data) y_data = np.array(y_data) # print "x shape " + str(x_data.shape) # print "y shape " + str(y_data.shape) return x_data, y_data # only used when not training def compose_rap(lines, rhyme_list, lyrics_file, model): rap_vectors = [] human_lyrics = split_lyrics_file(lyrics_file) # choose a random line to start in from given lyrics initial_index = random.choice(range(len(human_lyrics) - 1)) # create an initial_lines list consisting of 2 lines initial_lines = human_lyrics[initial_index:initial_index + 8] starting_input = [] for line in initial_lines: # appends a [syllable, rhyme_index] pair to starting_input starting_input.append([syllables(line), rhyme(line, rhyme_list)]) # predict generates output predictions for the given samples # it's reshaped as a (1, 2, 2) so that the model can predict each # 2x2 matrix of [syllable, rhyme_index] pairs starting_vectors = model.predict(np.array([starting_input]).flatten().reshape(4, 2, 2)) rap_vectors.append(starting_vectors) for i in range(49): rap_vectors.append(model.predict(np.array([rap_vectors[-1]]).flatten().reshape(4, 2, 2))) return rap_vectors def vectors_into_song(vectors, generated_lyrics, rhyme_list): print "\n\n" print "About to write rap (this could take a moment)..." print "\n\n" # compare the last words to see if they are the same, if they are # increment a penalty variable which grants penalty points for being # uncreative def last_word_compare(rap, line2): penalty = 0 for line1 in rap: word1 = line1.split(" ")[-1] word2 = line2.split(" ")[-1] # remove any punctuation from the words while word1[-1] in "?!,. ": word1 = word1[:-1] while word2[-1] in "?!,. ": word2 = word2[:-1] if word1 == word2: penalty += 0.2 return penalty # vector_half is a single [syllable, rhyme_index] pair # returns a score rating for a given line def calculate_score(vector_half, syllables, rhyme, penalty): desired_syllables = vector_half[0] desired_rhyme = vector_half[1] # desired_syllables is the number of syllables we want desired_syllables = desired_syllables * maxsyllables # desired rhyme is the index of the rhyme we want desired_rhyme = desired_rhyme * len(rhyme_list) # generate a score by subtracting from 1 the sum of the difference between # predicted syllables and generated syllables and the difference between # the predicted rhyme and generated rhyme and then subtract the penalty score = 1.0 - (abs((float(desired_syllables) - float(syllables))) + abs( (float(desired_rhyme) - float(rhyme)))) - penalty return score # generated a list of all the lines from generated_lyrics with their # line, syllables, and rhyme float value dataset = [] for line in generated_lyrics: line_list = [line, syllables(line), rhyme(line, rhyme_list)] dataset.append(line_list) rap = [] vector_halves = [] for vector in vectors: # vectors are the 2x2 rap_vectors (predicted bars) generated by compose_rap() # separate every vector into a half (essentially one bar) where each # has a pair of [syllables, rhyme_index] vector_halves.append(list(vector[0][0])) vector_halves.append(list(vector[0][1])) for vector in vector_halves: # Each vector (predicted bars) is scored against every generated bar ('item' below) # to find the generated bar that best matches (highest score) the vector predicted # by the model. This bar is then added to the final rap and also removed from the # generated lyrics (dataset) so that we don't get duplicate lines in the final rap. scorelist = [] for item in dataset: # item is one of the generated bars from the Markov model line = item[0] if len(rap) != 0: penalty = last_word_compare(rap, line) else: penalty = 0 # calculate the score of the current line total_score = calculate_score(vector, item[1], item[2], penalty) score_entry = [line, total_score] # add the score of the current line to a scorelist scorelist.append(score_entry) fixed_score_list = [] for score in scorelist: fixed_score_list.append(float(score[1])) # get the line with the max valued score from the fixed_score_list max_score = max(fixed_score_list) for item in scorelist: if item[1] == max_score: # append item[0] (the line) to the rap rap.append(item[0]) print str(item[0]) # remove the line we added to the rap so # it doesn't get chosen again for i in dataset: if item[0] == i[0]: dataset.remove(i) break break return rap def train(x_data, y_data, model): # fit is used to train the model for 5 'epochs' (iterations) where # the x_data is the training data, and the y_data is the target data # x is the training and y is the target data # batch_size is a subset of the training data (2 in this case) # verbose simply shows a progress bar, np.array(y_data), batch_size=2, epochs=5, verbose=1) # save_weights saves the best weights from training to a hdf5 file model.save_weights(artist + ".rap") def main(depth, train_mode): model = create_network(depth) # change the lyrics file to the file with the lyrics you want to be trained on text_file = "jayz_lyrics.txt" if train_mode == True: bars = split_lyrics_file(text_file) if train_mode == False: bars = generate_lyrics(text_file) rhyme_list = rhymeindex(bars) if train_mode == True: x_data, y_data = build_dataset(bars, rhyme_list) train(x_data, y_data, model) if train_mode == False: vectors = compose_rap(bars, rhyme_list, text_file, model) rap = vectors_into_song(vectors, bars, rhyme_list) f = open(rap_file, "w") for bar in rap: f.write(bar) f.write("\n") main(depth, train_mode)