const { OpenAIClient, AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/openai"); class OpenAIChatCompletionsStreamingWithDataClass { constructor(openAIEndpoint, openAIAPIKey, openAIChatDeploymentName, openAISystemPrompt, searchEndpoint, searchAPIKey, searchIndexName, openAIEmbeddingsEndpoint) { this.openAISystemPrompt = openAISystemPrompt; this.openAIChatDeploymentName = openAIChatDeploymentName; this.client = new OpenAIClient(openAIEndpoint, new AzureKeyCredential(openAIAPIKey)); this.azureExtensionOptions = { azureExtensionOptions: { extensions: [ { type: "AzureCognitiveSearch", endpoint: searchEndpoint, key: searchAPIKey, indexName: searchIndexName, embeddingEndpoint: openAIEmbeddingsEndpoint, embeddingKey: openAIAPIKey, queryType: "vectorSimpleHybrid" }, ], } } this.clearConversation(); } clearConversation() { this.messages = [ { role: 'system', content: this.openAISystemPrompt } ]; } async getChatCompletions(userInput, callback) { this.messages.push({ role: 'user', content: userInput }); let contentComplete = ''; const events = await this.client.streamChatCompletions(this.openAIChatDeploymentName, this.messages, this.azureExtensionOptions); for await (const event of events) { for (const choice of event.choices) { let content =; if (choice.finishReason === 'length') { content = `${content}\nERROR: Exceeded token limit!`; } if (content != null) { if(callback != null) { callback(content); } await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 50)); // delay to simulate real-time output, word by word contentComplete += content; } } } this.messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content: contentComplete }); return contentComplete; } } exports.OpenAIChatCompletionsStreamingWithDataClass = OpenAIChatCompletionsStreamingWithDataClass;