import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.Field /** * * Copyright 2019 Robert Heyes. All Rights Reserved * * This software is free for Private Use. You may use and modify the software without distributing it. * If you make a fork, and add new code, then you should create a pull request to add value, there is no * guarantee that your pull request will be merged. * * You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties without permission * from the copyright holder * Software is provided without warranty and your use of it is at your own risk. * */ @Field Integer extraProbesPerPass = 0 @Field Boolean wantBufferCaching = false // should probably remove this? definition( name: 'LIFX Master', namespace: 'robheyes', author: 'Robert Alan Heyes', description: 'Provides for discovery and control of LIFX devices', category: 'Discovery', iconUrl: '', iconX2Url: '', iconX3Url: '' ) preferences { page(name: 'mainPage') page(name: 'discoveryPage') page(name: 'namedColorsPage') page(name: 'testBedPage') } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def mainPage() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "Options", install: true, uninstall: true) { section { input 'interCommandPause', 'number', defaultValue: 50, title: 'Time between commands (milliseconds)', submitOnChange: true input 'maxPasses', 'number', title: 'Maximum number of passes', defaultValue: 2, submitOnChange: true input 'refreshInterval', 'number', title: 'Discovery page refresh interval (seconds).
WARNING: high refresh rates may interfere with discovery.', defaultValue: 6, submitOnChange: true input 'namePrefix', 'text', title: 'Device name prefix', description: 'If you specify a prefix then all your device names will be preceded by this value', submitOnChange: true input 'baseIpSegment', 'text', title: 'IP subnet(s)', description: 'e.g. 192.168.0 or 192.168.1, separate multiple subnets with commas', submitOnChange: true input 'savePreferences', 'button', title: 'Save', submitOnChange: true } discoveryPageLink() colorsPageLink() testBedPageLink() includeStyles() } } def mainPageLink() { section { href( name: 'Main page', page: 'mainPage', description: 'Back to main page' ) } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def discoveryPage() { dynamicPage(name: 'discoveryPage', title: 'Discovery', refreshInterval: refreshInterval()) { section { paragraph "RECOMMENDATION: The device network id (DNI) for a LIFX device is based on its IP address. It is, therefore, advisable to configure your router's DHCP settings to use fixed IP addresses for all LIFX devices" paragraph '''ADVICE: I would suggest that it's a good idea to create groups for all your devices, and not just LIFX ones. This will make your rules and other automations dependent only on the groups and not the actual hardware, making it easier to replace devices at a later date with minimal disruption.
If you do this, then you may want to set the device prefix on the settings page to provide a way of clearly distinguishing between the group name and the device name.''' input 'discoverBtn', 'button', title: 'Discover devices' paragraph 'If you have added a new device, or not all of your devices are discovered the first time around, try the Discover only new devices button below' paragraph( null == atomicState.scanPass ? '' : ('DONE' == atomicState.scanPass) ? 'Scanning complete' : """Scanning your network for devices from subnets [${describeSubnets()}]
h3.pre { background: #81BC00; font-size: larger; font-weight: bolder } h4.pre { background: #81BC00; font-size: larger } ul { list-style-type: none; } ul.device-group { background: #81BC00; padding: 0; } ul.device { background: #D9ECB1; } li.device-group { font-weight: bold; } li.device { font-weight: normal; } li.device-error { font-weight: bold; background: violet } button.hrefElem span.state-incomplete-text { display: block } button.hrefElem span { display: none } button.hrefElem br { display: none } /* Progress bar - modified from */ .meter { height: 20px; /* Can be anything */ position: relative; background: #D9ECB1; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px; } .meter > span { display: block; height: 100%; border-top-right-radius: 2px; border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; background-color: #81BC00; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } /$ } String colorListHTML(String sortOrder) { builder = new StringBuilder() builder << '' colorList(sortOrder).each { builder << ''' ''' builder << '' builder << "" builder << "" builder << '' } builder << '
' builder.toString() } private String discoveryTextKnownDevices() { if ((atomicState.numDevices == null) || (0 == atomicState.numDevices)) { return 'No devices known' } def deviceList = describeDevices() // don't inline this // log.debug(deviceList) "I have found ${atomicState.numDevices} useable LIFX devices so far: ${deviceList}" } private String describeDevices() { def sorted = getKnownIps().sort { a, b -> (a.value.label as String).compareToIgnoreCase(b.value.label as String) } def grouped = sorted.groupBy { } def builder = new StringBuilder() builder << '' builder.toString() } private String getDeviceNameLink(device) { def realDevice = getChildDevice(device.ip) "$device.label" } Integer interCommandPauseMilliseconds(int pass = 1) { (settings.interCommandPause ?: 40) + 10 * (pass - 1) } Integer maxScanPasses() { settings.maxPasses ?: 2 } Integer refreshInterval() { settings.refreshInterval ?: 6 } String deviceNamePrefix() { settings.namePrefix ? settings.namePrefix + ' ' : "" } String ipSegment() { settings.baseIpSegment } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def updated() { logDebug 'LIFX updating' atomicState.subnets = null initialize() } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def installed() { logDebug 'LIFX installed' initialize() } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def uninstalled() { logDebug 'LIFX uninstalling - removing children' removeChildren() unsubscribe() } def initialize() { updateKnownDevices() } private void updateKnownDevices() { def knownDevices = knownDeviceLabels() atomicState.numDevices = knownDevices.size() } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def appButtonHandler(btn) { if (btn == "discoverBtn") { clearKnownIps() clearDeviceDefinitions() atomicState.packets = null removeChildren() discover() } else if (btn == 'discoverNewBtn') { clearKnownIpsWithErrors() discoverNew() } else if (btn == 'refreshExistingBtn') { refreshExisting() } else if (btn == 'clearCachesBtn') { clearCachedDescriptors() clearDeviceDefinitions() clearBufferCache() } else if (btn == 'testBtn') { testColorMapBuilder() } else if (btn == 'fetchBtn') { loadFromMultizone() } } def loadFromMultizone() { if (!multizone) { logDebug 'No multizone device' return } } def testColorMapBuilder() { Map map = buildColorMaps(settings.colors) def hsbkMaps = makeColorMaps map, settings.pattern as String } def setScanPass(pass) { atomicState.scanPass = pass ?: null } def refresh() { removeChildren() discovery('discovery') } def discoverNew() { endDiscovery() discovery('discovery') } def refreshExisting() { endDiscovery() } private void discover() { logInfo("Discovery started") String[] subnets = getSubnets() if (0 == subnets.size()) { log.warn "Can't discover the hub's subnet!" return } clearCachedDescriptors() int scanPasses = maxScanPasses() Map queue = prepareQueue(makeVersionPacket()) subnets.each { String subnet = it 1.upto(scanPasses) { setScanPass(it) scanNetwork queue, subnet, it } } // sendEvent name: 'progress', value: 0 queue.size = queue.ipAddresses.size() runInMillis(50, 'processQueue', [data: queue]) } private String makeVersionPacket() { makeDiscoveryPacketString typeOfMessage('DEVICE.GET_VERSION') } private void scanNetwork(Map queue, String subnet, Number pass) { 1.upto(pass + extraProbesPerPass) { 1.upto(254) { def ipAddress = subnet + it queue.ipAddresses << ipAddress } } } def handleOutstandingDevices(Map outstandingDevices, Map queue) { logDebug("Processing outstanding devices") queue.attempts++ if (queue.attempts > 5) { return } outstandingDevices.each { mac, data -> queue.ipAddresses << data.ip } queue.size = queue.ipAddresses.size() runInMillis(50, 'processQueue', [data: queue]) } private Map prepareQueue(String packet, int delay = 20) { [packet: packet, ipAddresses: [], delay: delay, attempts: 0] } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private processQueue(Map queue) { def oldPercent = calculateQueuePercentage(queue) if (isQueueEmpty(queue)) { endDiscovery() return } def data = getNext(queue) sendPacket data.ipAddress, data.packet def newPercent = calculateQueuePercentage(queue) if (oldPercent != newPercent) { showProgress(newPercent) } runInMillis(queue.delay, 'processQueue', [data: queue]) } private Map getNext(Map queue) { String first = queue.ipAddresses.first() queue.ipAddresses = queue.ipAddresses.tail() [ipAddress: first, packet: queue.packet] } private isQueueEmpty(Map queue) { queue.ipAddresses.isEmpty() } private int calculateQueuePercentage(Map queue) { 100 - (int) ((queue.ipAddresses.size() * 100) / queue.size as Long) } private void sendPacket(String ipAddress, String bytes) { broadcast bytes, ipAddress } private void broadcast(String stringBytes, String ipAddress) { sendHubCommand( new hubitat.device.HubAction( stringBytes, hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN, [ type : hubitat.device.HubAction.Type.LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT, destinationAddress: ipAddress + ":56700", encoding : hubitat.device.HubAction.Encoding.HEX_STRING, ignoreWarning : true, callback : "discoveryParse" ] ) ) } String discoveryType() { return atomicState.discoveryType } private void discovery(String discoveryType) { atomicState.discoveryType = discoveryType atomicState.scanPass = null updateKnownDevices() clearDeviceDefinitions() atomicState.progressPercent = 0 // def discoveryDevice = addChildDevice 'robheyes', 'LIFX Discovery', 'LIFX Discovery' // subscribe discoveryDevice, 'lifxdiscovery.complete', removeDiscoveryDevice // subscribe discoveryDevice, 'lifxdiscovery.outstanding', handleOutstandingDevices // subscribe discoveryDevice, 'progress', progress discover() } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def progress(evt) { def percent = evt.getIntegerValue() showProgress(percent) } private void showProgress(int percent) { Integer delta = percent - (atomicState.progressPercent ?: 0) if (delta.abs() > 10) { atomicState.progressPercent = percent } } def getProgressPercentage() { def percent = atomicState.progressPercent ?: 0 "$percent%" } void endDiscovery() { logInfo 'Discovery complete' // unsubscribe() atomicState.scanPass = 'DONE' try { deleteChildDevice 'LIFX Discovery' } catch (Exception e) { // don't care, let it fail } } void removeChildren() { logInfo "Removing child devices" childDevices.each { if (it != null) { deleteChildDevice it.deviceNetworkId } } clearKnownIps() updateKnownDevices() } @SuppressWarnings("unused") def enableLevelChange( device) { sendEvent(device, [name: "cancelLevelChange", value: 'no', displayed: false]) } Map deviceOnOff(String value, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { def actions = makeActions() actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_POWER', [powerLevel: value == 'on' ? 65535 : 0, duration: duration * 1000]) << [name: "switch", value: value, displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]] actions } Map deviceSetZones( device, Map zoneMap, Boolean extMZ, Boolean displayed = true, String power = 'on') { def actions = makeActions() if (extMZ) { actions.commands << makeCommand('MULTIZONE.SET_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES', zoneMap) } else { for (int i = 0; i < zoneMap.zone_count; i++) { if (zoneMap.colors[i]) { actions.commands << makeCommand('MULTIZONE.SET_COLOR_ZONES', [start_index: i, end_index: i, color: zoneMap.colors[i], duration: zoneMap.duration]) } } actions.commands << makeCommand('MULTIZONE.SET_COLOR_ZONES', [color: [:], apply: 2]) } if (null != power && device.currentSwitch != power) { def powerLevel = 'on' == power ? 65535 : 0 actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_POWER', [powerLevel: powerLevel, duration: zoneMap.duration * 1000]) << [name: "switch", value: power, displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]] } actions } Map deviceSetMultiZoneEffect(String effectType, Integer speed, String direction) { def actions = makeActions() def params = new int[8] params[1] = direction == 'reverse' ? 0 : 1 actions.commands << makeCommand('MULTIZONE.SET_MULTIZONE_EFFECT', [instanceId: 5439, type: effectType == 'MOVE' ? 1 : 0, speed: effectType == 'OFF' ? 0 : speed * 1000, parameters: params]) actions } Map deviceSetTileEffect(String effectType, Integer speed, Integer palette_count, List colors) { def actions = makeActions() Integer typeInt switch (effectType) { case 'OFF': typeInt = 0 case 'MORPH': typeInt = 2 case 'FLAME': typeInt = 3 } actions.commands << makeCommand('TILE.SET_TILE_EFFECT', [instanceId: 5439, type: typeInt, speed: speed * 1000, palette_count: palette_count, palette: hsbkList]) actions } Map deviceSetColor( device, Map colorMap, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { def hsbkMap = getCurrentHSBK device hsbkMap << getScaledColorMap(colorMap) hsbkMap.duration = (colorMap.duration ?: duration) deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, hsbkMap, displayed) } Map deviceSetColor( device, String colorMap, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { deviceSetColor(device, stringToMap(colorMap), displayed, duration) } Map deviceSetHue( device, Number hue, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { def hsbkMap = getCurrentHSBK device hsbkMap.hue = scaleUp100 hue hsbkMap.duration = duration deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, hsbkMap, displayed) } Map deviceSetSaturation( device, Number saturation, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { def hsbkMap = getCurrentHSBK device hsbkMap.saturation = scaleUp100 saturation hsbkMap.duration = duration deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, hsbkMap, displayed) } Map deviceSetColorTemperature( device, Number temperature, level = null, Boolean displayed=false, duration = 0) { def hsbkMap = [kelvin: temperature, duration: duration, brightness: scaleUp(level ?: device.currentLevel as Long, 100)] deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, hsbkMap, displayed) } Map deviceSetIRLevel( device, Number level, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { def actions = makeActions() actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_INFRARED', [irLevel: scaleUp100(level)]) << [name: "IRLevel", value: level, displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]] actions } Map deviceSetLevel( device, Number level, Boolean displayed, Number duration = 0.0) { if ((null == level || level <= 0) && 0 == duration) { return deviceOnOff('off', displayed) } if (level > 100) { level = 100 } def hsbkMap = getCurrentHSBK(device) if (device.hasCapability('ColorMode') && (device.currentValue('colorMode') == 'CT') || hsbkMap.saturation == 0) { hsbkMap.brightness = scaleUp100 level hsbkMap.hue = 0 hsbkMap.saturation = 0 hsbkMap.duration = duration } else { hsbkMap = [ hue : scaleUp100(device.currentHue), saturation: scaleUp100(device.currentSaturation), brightness: scaleUp100(level), kelvin : device.currentColorTemperature, duration : duration, ] } deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, hsbkMap, displayed) } Map deviceSetState( device, Map myStateMap, Boolean displayed, duration = 0) { String power = myStateMap.power Number level = (myStateMap.level ?: myStateMap.brightness) as Number def kelvin = myStateMap.kelvin ?: myStateMap.temperature String color = myStateMap.color ?: myStateMap.colour duration = (myStateMap.duration ?: duration) as Integer if (color) { Map myColor myColor = (null == color) ? null : lookupColor(color.replace('_', ' ')) Map realColor = [ hue : scaleUp(myColor.h ?: 0, 360), saturation: scaleUp100(myColor.s ?: 0), brightness: scaleUp100(level ?: (myColor.v ?: 50)), kelvin : kelvin ?: device.currentColorTemperature, // not sure this makes any sense duration : duration ] if ( { = } return deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, realColor, displayed, power) } if (kelvin) { Map realColor = [ hue : 0, // does this make sense? Yes, because of Groovy truth saturation: 0, kelvin : kelvin, brightness: scaleUp100(level ?: 100), duration : duration, name : null ] return deviceSetHSBKAndPower(device, duration, realColor, displayed, power) } if (level) { return deviceSetLevel(device, level, displayed, duration) } return [:] // do nothing } Map deviceSetWaveform( device, Boolean isTransient, Map colorMap, Integer period, Float cycles, Float skew_ratio, String waveform) { def actions = makeActions() Map waveMap = [SAW: 0, SINE: 1, HALF_SINE: 2, TRIANGLE: 3, PULSE: 4] Integer waveInt = waveMap[waveform] ?: 1 //default to SINE Integer scaled_skew = 0 if (waveInt == 4) { scaled_skew = (skew_ratio * 65535) - 32768 } String namedColor = colorMap.color ?: colorMap.colour Map realColor = getCurrentHSBK device if (namedColor) { Map myColor myColor = (null == namedColor) ? null : lookupColor(namedColor.replace('_', ' ')) realColor << [ hue : scaleUp(myColor.h ?: 0, 360), saturation: scaleUp100(myColor.s ?: 0), brightness: scaleUp100(myColor.v ?: 50) ] } else { realColor << getScaledColorMap(colorMap) } actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_WAVEFORM', [transient: isTransient ? 1 : 0, color: realColor, period: period * 1000, cycles: cycles, skew_ratio: scaled_skew, waveform: waveInt]) actions } List parseForDevice(device, String description, Boolean displayed, Boolean updateDevice = false) { Map header = parseHeaderFromDescription description switch (header.type) { case messageType["DEVICE.STATE_VERSION"]: log.warn("STATE_VERSION type ignored") return [] case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_LABEL']: if (updateDevice) { def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_LABEL', header device.setLabel(officialDeviceName(data.label.trim())) } return [] case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_GROUP']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_GROUP', header String group = data.label return [[name: 'group', value: group]] case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_LOCATION']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_LOCATION', header String location = data.label return [[name: 'location', value: location]] case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_HOST_INFO']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_HOST_INFO', header break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_HOST_FIRMWARE']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_HOST_FIRMWARE', header String version = "${data.version_major}.${data.version_minor}" return [[name: 'firmware', data: version, displayed: false]] break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_INFO']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_INFO', header break case messageType['LIGHT.STATE']: def data = parsePayload 'LIGHT.STATE', header if (updateDevice) { def label = data.label.trim() def deviceName = officialDeviceName(label) device.setName deviceName device.setLabel deviceName } List result = [[name: "level", value: intScaleDown100(data.color.brightness), displayed: displayed]] if (device.hasCapability('Color Control')) { result.add([name: "hue", value: intScaleDown100(data.color.hue), displayed: displayed]) result.add([name: "saturation", value: intScaleDown100(data.color.saturation), displayed: displayed]) } if (device.hasCapability('Color Temperature')) { result.add([name: "colorTemperature", value: data.color.kelvin as Integer, displayed: displayed]) } if (device.hasCapability('Switch')) { result.add([name: 'switch', value: (data.power == 65535) ? 'on' : 'off', displayed: displayed]) } return result case messageType['LIGHT.STATE_INFRARED']: def data = parsePayload 'LIGHT.STATE_INFRARED', header return [[name: 'IRLevel', value: intScaleDown100(data.irLevel), displayed: displayed]] case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_POWER']: Map data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_POWER', header return [[name: "switch", value: (data.powerLevel as Integer == 0 ? "off" : "on"), displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]],] case messageType['LIGHT.STATE_POWER']: Map data = parsePayload 'LIGHT.STATE_POWER', header return [ [name: "switch", value: (data.powerLevel as Integer == 0 ? "off" : "on"), displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]], [name: "level", value: (data.powerLevel as Integer == 0 ? 0 : 100), displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]] ] /* case messageType['DEVICE.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT']: Byte sequence = header.sequence clearExpectedAckFor device, sequence return [] */ case messageType['MULTIZONE.STATE_MULTIZONE']: Map data = parsePayload 'MULTIZONE.STATE_MULTIZONE', header def theZones = getChildDevice(device.getDeviceNetworkId()).loadLastMultizone() theZones.currentIndex = data.index theZones.zone_count = data.zone_count for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { theZones.colors[(i + data.index)] = data.colors[i] } def multizoneHtml = renderMultizone(theZones) return [ [name: 'multizone', value: multizoneHtml, data: theZones, displayed: true] ] case messageType['MULTIZONE.STATE_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES']: Map data = parsePayload 'MULTIZONE.STATE_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES', header // String compressed = compressMultizoneData data def multizoneHtml = renderMultizone(data) return [ [name: 'multizone', value: multizoneHtml, data: data, displayed: true], ] case messageType['MULTIZONE.STATE_MULTIZONE_EFFECT']: Map data = parsePayload 'MULTIZONE.STATE_MULTIZONE_EFFECT', header return [ [name: 'effect', value: data.type == 1 ? 'MOVE' : 'OFF', displayed: true] ] case messageType['TILE.STATE_TILE_EFFECT']: Map data = parsePayload 'TILE.STATE_TILE_EFFECT', header def effects = ['OFF', 'RESERVED', 'MORPH', 'FLAME'] return [ [name: 'effect', value: effects[data.type as int], displayed: true] ] default: logWarn "Unhandled response for ${header.type}" return [] } return [] } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void discoveryParse(response) { def description = response.description def actions = makeActions() Map deviceParams = parseDeviceParameters description String ip = convertIpLong(deviceParams.ip as String) Map parsed = parseHeader deviceParams final String mac = deviceParams.mac switch (parsed.type) { case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_VERSION']: if (isKnownIp(ip)) { break } def existing = getDeviceDefinition mac if (!existing) { createDeviceDefinition parsed, ip, mac } actions.commands << [ip: ip, type: messageType['DEVICE.GET_GROUP']] break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_LABEL']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_LABEL', parsed def device = updateDeviceDefinition mac, ip, [label: officialDeviceName(data.label as String)] if (device) { sendEvent ip, [name: 'label', value: officialDeviceName(data.label as String)] sendEvent ip, [name: 'deviceName', value: officialDeviceName(data.label as String)] } break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_GROUP']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_GROUP', parsed def device = updateDeviceDefinition mac, ip, [group: data.label] if (device) { sendEvent ip, [name: 'group', value: data.label] } actions.commands << [ip: ip, type: messageType['DEVICE.GET_LOCATION']] break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_LOCATION']: def data = parsePayload 'DEVICE.STATE_LOCATION', parsed def device = updateDeviceDefinition mac, ip, [location: data.label] if (device) { sendEvent ip, [name: 'location', value: data.label] } actions.commands << [ip: ip, type: messageType['DEVICE.GET_LABEL']] break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_WIFI_INFO']: break case messageType['DEVICE.STATE_INFO']: break } sendDiscoveryActions actions } private void sendDiscoveryActions(Map actions) { actions.commands?.eachWithIndex { item, index -> sendDiscoveryCommand item.ip as String, item.type as int, 1 } { sendEvent it } } private void sendCommand(String deviceAndType, Map payload = [:], boolean responseRequired, Closure sender) { def buffer = [] sender makePacket(buffer, deviceAndType, payload, responseRequired) } private void sendDiscoveryCommand(String ipAddress, int messageType, int pass = 1) { String stringBytes = makeDiscoveryPacketString messageType sendPacket ipAddress, stringBytes pauseExecution(interCommandPauseMilliseconds(pass)) } private Map getPacketStringCache() { if (null == atomicState.packets) { atomicState.packets = new HashMap() } atomicState.packets } private storePacket(String messageType, Object bytes) { packets = getPacketStringCache() packets[messageType] = bytes atomicState.packets = packets } private Object getCachedPacket(String messageType) { def cache = getPacketStringCache() def bytes = cache.get(messageType) bytes } private String makeDiscoveryPacketString(int messageType) { def bytes = getCachedPacket(messageType as String) if (bytes) { return bytes as String } def buffer = [] simpleMakePacket buffer, messageType, true, [] def rawBytes = asByteArray(buffer) String stringBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString rawBytes storePacket(messageType as String, stringBytes) stringBytes } byte[] asByteArray(List buffer) { (buffer.each { it as byte }) as byte[] } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void lifxQuery( device, String deviceAndType, Closure sender) { sendCommand deviceAndType, [:], true, sender } void lifxQuery( device, String deviceAndType, Map payload, Closure sender) { sendCommand deviceAndType, payload, true, sender } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void lifxQuery( device, List deviceAndType, Closure sender) { deviceAndType.each { sendCommand it, [:], true, sender } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void lifxCommand( device, String deviceAndType, Map payload, Closure sender) { sendCommand deviceAndType, payload, false, sender } List makePacket(List buffer, String deviceAndType, Map payload, Boolean responseRequired = true) { def tryCache = responseRequired && payload.isEmpty() if (tryCache) { def bytes = getCachedPacket(deviceAndType) if (bytes) { return bytes as List } } def listPayload = makePayload(deviceAndType, payload) int messageType = messageType[deviceAndType] simpleMakePacket(buffer, messageType, responseRequired, listPayload) storePacket(deviceAndType, buffer) buffer } private List simpleMakePacket(List buffer, int messageType, Boolean responseRequired = false, List payload = []) { byte[] targetAddress = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] createFrame buffer, targetAddress.every { it == 0 } createFrameAddress buffer, targetAddress, false, responseRequired, 0 as byte createProtocolHeader buffer, messageType as short createPayload buffer, payload as byte[] put buffer, 0, buffer.size() as short return buffer } Boolean isKnownIp(String ip) { def knownIps = getKnownIps() null != knownIps[ip] } private void expectAckFor( device, Byte sequence, List buffer) { def expected = atomicState.expectedAckFor ?: [:] expected[device.getDeviceNetworkId() as String] = [sequence: sequence, buffer: buffer] atomicState.expectedAckFor = expected } private Byte ackWasExpected( device) { def expected = atomicState.expectedAckFor ?: [:] expected[device.getDeviceNetworkId() as String]?.sequence as Byte } private void clearExpectedAckFor( device, Byte sequence) { def expected = atomicState.expectedAckFor ?: [:] expected.remove(device.getDeviceNetworkId()) atomicState.expectedAckFor = expected } private List getBufferToResend( device, Byte sequence) { def expected = atomicState.expectedAckFor ?: [:] Map expectation = expected[device.getDeviceNetworkId()] if (null == expectation) { null } if (expectation?.sequence == sequence) { expectation?.buffer } else { null } } int typeOfMessage(String deviceAndType) { messageType[deviceAndType] } void clearCachedDescriptors() { atomicState.cachedDescriptors = null } String getSubnet() { if (null != settings.baseIpSegment) { def baseIp = parseIPSegment(settings.baseIpSegment) if (baseIp != null) { return baseIp } } def ip = getHubIP() def m = ip =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}/ if (!m) { logWarn('ip does not match pattern') return null } return } String describeSubnets() { def subnets = getSubnets() subnets.join ',' } String[] getSubnets() { if (atomicState.subnets != null) { return atomicState.subnets } def baseIps = getBaseIps() if (baseIps?.size() != 0) { atomicState.subnets = baseIps return baseIps } def ip = getHubIP() def m = ip =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}/ if (!m) { logWarn "ip $ip does not match pattern" return null } atomicState.subnets = [] return atomicState.subnets } String[] getBaseIps() { String ipSegment = settings.baseIpSegment return ipSegment == null ? [] : ipSegment.split(/,/)?.collect { return parseIPSegment(it) } } private String parseIPSegment(String ipSegment) { def m = ipSegment =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ if (!m) { logDebug 'null segment' return null } def segment = (segment.endsWith('.')) ? segment : segment + '.' } // returns [h, s, v, name] private Map lookupColor(String color) { Map foundColor if (color?.startsWith('#')) { foundColor = getHexColor(color) = color return foundColor } if (color == "random") { foundColor = pickRandomColor() } else { foundColor = fullColorMap.find { ( as String).equalsIgnoreCase(color) } if (!foundColor) { throw new RuntimeException("No color found for $color") } } return transformNamedColor(foundColor) } private Map transformNamedColor(Map foundColor) { Map theColor = foundColor.hsv as Map = theColor } private Map getHexColor(String color) { Map rgb = hexToColor color rgbToHSV rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 'high' } private Map expandRgb(Map colorDef) { Map rgb = hexToColor(colorDef.rgb) Map hsv = rgbToHSV rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 'high' [name:, rgb: colorDef.rgb, rgbMap: rgb, hsv: hsv] } private Map pickRandomColor() { def colors = fullColorMap def tempRandom = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % colors.size()) colors[tempRandom] } private List colorList(String sortOrder) { if (!(!sortOrder || '0' == sortOrder)) { switch (sortOrder) { case '1': List colorMapHSV = fullColorMap colorMapHSV.sort { a, b -> compareHSV(a.hsv, b.hsv) } return colorMapHSV case '2': List colorMapHSV = fullColorMap colorMapHSV.sort { a, b -> compareVHS(a.hsv, b.hsv) } return colorMapHSV case '3': List colorMapRGB = fullColorMap colorMapRGB.sort { a, b -> compareRGB(b.rgbMap, a.rgbMap) } return colorMapRGB } } colorMap } private int compareRGB(Map a, Map b) { def result = (a.r as short).compareTo(b.r as short) if (0 == result) { result = (a.g as short).compareTo(b.g as short) } if (0 == result) { result = (a.b as short).compareTo(b.b as short) } result } private int compareHSV(Map a, Map b) { def result = (a.h as float).compareTo(b.h as float) if (0 == result) { result = (a.s as float).compareTo(b.s as float) } if (0 == result) { result = (a.v as float).compareTo(b.v as float) } result } private int compareVHS(Map a, Map b) { def result = (a.v as float).compareTo(b.v as float) if (0 == result) { result = (a.h as float).compareTo(b.h as float) } if (0 == result) { result = (a.s as float).compareTo(b.s as float) } result } private Map buildColorMaps(String jsonString) { def slurper = new JsonSlurper() Map map = slurper.parseText jsonString Map result = [:] map.each { key, value -> result[key] = getScaledColorMap transformColorValue(value) } result } private Map buildColorMaps(Map map) { Map result = [:] map.each { key, value -> result[key] = getScaledColorMap transformColorValue(value) } result } private Map transformColorValue(String value) { transformColorValue(lookupColor(value)) } private Map transformColorValue(Map hsv) { [hue: hsv.h, saturation: hsv.s, brightness: hsv.v] } private List makeColorMaps(Map namedColors, String descriptor) { List result = [] def darkPixel = [hue: 0, saturation: 0, brightness: 0, kelvin: 0] descriptor.findAll(~/(\w+):(\d+)/) { section -> String name = section[1] Integer count = section[2].toInteger() def color = namedColors[name] 1.upto(count) { result << color ?: darkPixel } } result } private Map deviceSetHSBKAndPower( device, Number duration, Map hsbkMap, boolean displayed, String power = 'on') { def actions = makeActions() logDebug("deviceSetHSBKAndPower: $hsbkMap") if (hsbkMap) { actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_COLOR', [color: hsbkMap, duration: (hsbkMap.duration ?: 0) * 1000]) = + makeColorMapEvents(hsbkMap, displayed) } if (null != power && device.currentSwitch != power) { def powerLevel = 'on' == power ? 65535 : 0 actions.commands << makeCommand('LIGHT.SET_POWER', [powerLevel: powerLevel, duration: duration * 1000]) << [name: "switch", value: power, displayed: displayed, data: [syncing: "false"]] } actions } private List makeColorMapEvents(Map hsbkMap, Boolean displayed) { List events = [] if (hsbkMap.hue || hsbkMap.saturation) { events << [name: 'colorMode', value: 'RGB', displayed: displayed] hsbkMap.hue ? events << [name: 'hue', value: intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.hue), displayed: displayed] : null hsbkMap.saturation ? events << [name: 'saturation', value: intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.saturation), displayed: displayed] : null hsbkMap.brightness ? events << [name: 'level', value: intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.brightness), displayed: displayed] : null events << [name: 'RGB', value: hsbkMap.RGB ?: hsvToRgbString(intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.hue), intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.saturation), intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.brightness)), displayed: displayed] } else if (hsbkMap.kelvin) { events << [name: 'colorMode', value: 'CT', displayed: displayed] events << [name: 'colorTemperature', value: hsbkMap.kelvin as Integer, displayed: displayed] hsbkMap.brightness ? events << [name: 'level', value: intScaleDown100(hsbkMap.brightness), displayed: displayed] : null } events << [name: 'colorName', value: ?: 'Unknown', displayed: displayed] events } private Map getScaledColorMap(Map colorMap) { def result = [:] def brightness = colorMap.level ?: colorMap.brightness colorMap.hue instanceof Integer ? result.hue = scaleUp100(colorMap.hue) as Integer : null colorMap.saturation instanceof Integer ? result.saturation = scaleUp100(colorMap.saturation) as Integer : null brightness instanceof Integer ? result.brightness = scaleUp100(brightness) as Integer : null colorMap.kelvin instanceof Integer ? result.kelvin = colorMap.kelvin : null logDebug(result) result } private Map makeCommand(String command, Map payload) { [cmd: command, payload: payload] } private Map makeActions() { [commands: [], events: []] } private Map getCurrentHSBK( theDevice) { [ hue : scaleUp(theDevice.currentHue ?: 0, 100), saturation: scaleUp(theDevice.currentSaturation ?: 0, 100), brightness: scaleUp(theDevice.currentLevel as Integer ?: 0, 100), kelvin : theDevice.currentcolorTemperature ] } /** Scaling */ private Float scaleDown100(value) { scaleDown(value, 100) } private Integer scaleUp100(value) { scaleUp(value, 100) as Integer } private Float scaleDown(value, maxValue) { Float result = ((value * maxValue) / 65535) result.round(2) } private Integer intScaleDown100(value) { return scaleDown100(value) as Integer } private Long scaleUp(value, maxValue) { (value * 65535) / maxValue } private Map parseHeader(Map deviceParams) { List headerDescriptor = makeDescriptor('size:w,misc:w,source:i,target:ba8,frame_reserved:ba6,flags:b,sequence:b,protocol_reserved:ba8,type:w,protocol_reserved2:w') parseBytes(headerDescriptor, (hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToIntArray(deviceParams.payload) as List).each { it & 0xff }) } private void createDeviceDefinition(Map parsed, String ip, String mac) { List stateVersionDescriptor = makeDescriptor('vendor:i,product:i,version:i') def version = parseBytes stateVersionDescriptor, parsed.remainder as List def device = deviceVersion version device['ip'] = ip device['mac'] = mac saveDeviceDefinition device } private Map getDeviceDefinition(String mac) { Map devices = getDeviceDefinitions() devices[mac] } private void clearDeviceDefinitions() { atomicState.devices = [:] } public Map getDeviceDefinitions() { if (atomicState.devices == null) { atomicState.devices = [:] } atomicState.devices } private void saveDeviceDefinitions(Map devices) { atomicState.devices = devices } private void saveDeviceDefinition(Map device) { Map devices = getDeviceDefinitions() devices[device.mac] = device saveDeviceDefinitions devices } private void deleteDeviceDefinition(Map device) { Map devices = getDeviceDefinitions() devices.remove device.mac saveDeviceDefinitions devices } private String updateDeviceDefinition(String mac, String ip, Map properties) { Map device = getDeviceDefinition mac if (!device) { // perhaps it's a real device? return getChildDevice(ip) } properties.each { key, val -> (device[key] = val) } isDeviceComplete(device) ? makeRealDevice(device) : saveDeviceDefinition(device) null } private List knownDeviceLabels() { getKnownIps().values().each { officialDeviceName(it.label) }.asList() } private void makeRealDevice(Map device) { addToKnownIps device try { addChildDevice( 'robheyes', device.deviceName, device.ip, null, [ group :, label : device.label, location: device.location ] ) addToKnownIps device updateKnownDevices() logInfo "Added device $device.label of type $device.deviceName with ip address $device.ip and MAC address $device.mac" } catch ( e) { logWarn "${e.message} - you need to install the appropriate driver" device.error = "No driver installed for $device.deviceName" addToKnownIps(device) } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { // Intentionally ignored. Expected if device already present } deleteDeviceDefinition device } private String officialDeviceName(String name) { return deviceNamePrefix() + name } private void addToKnownIps(Map device) { def knownIps = getKnownIps() knownIps[device.ip as String] = device atomicState.knownIps = knownIps } private void clearKnownIps() { atomicState.knownIps = [:] } private void clearKnownIpsWithErrors() { Map ips = atomicState.knownIps ips = ips.findAll { k, v -> !v.containsKey('error') } atomicState.knownIps = ips } private Map getKnownIps() { atomicState.knownIps ?: [:] } private Boolean isDeviceComplete(Map device) { List missing = matchKeys device, ['ip', 'mac', 'group', 'label', 'location'] missing.isEmpty() } private List matchKeys(Map device, List expected) { def result = [] expected.each { if (!device.containsKey(it)) { result << it } } result } private String convertIpLong(String ip) { sprintf '%d.%d.%d.%d', hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToIntArray(ip) } private String applySubscript(String descriptor, Number subscript) { descriptor.replace('!', subscript.toString()) } private Map deviceVersion(Map device) { switch (device.product) { case 1: return [ name : 'Original 1000', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 3: return [ name : 'Color 650', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 10: return [ name : 'White 800 (Low Voltage)', deviceName: 'LIFX White', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 6500], chain : false ] ] case 11: case 19: return [ name : 'White 800 (High Voltage)', deviceName: 'LIFX White', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 6500], chain : false ] ] case 18: return [ name : 'White 900 BR30 (Low Voltage)', deviceName: 'LIFX White', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 6500], chain : false ] ] case 20: return [ name : 'Color 1000 BR30', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 22: return [ name : 'Color 1000', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 27: case 43: case 62: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 97: return [ name : 'LIFX A19', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 28: case 44: case 63: case 94: case 98: return [ name : 'LIFX BR30', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 29: case 45: case 64: case 109: case 111: return [ name : 'LIFX+ A19', deviceName: 'LIFXPlus Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : true, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 30: case 46: case 65: case 110: return [ name : 'LIFX+ BR30', deviceName: 'LIFXPlus Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : true, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 31: return [ name : 'LIFX Z', deviceName: 'LIFX Multizone', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : true, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 32: return [ name : 'LIFX Z 2', deviceName: 'LIFX Multizone', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : true, temperature_range : [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false, min_ext_mz_firmware: 1532997580 ] ] case 36: case 37: case 40: return [ name : 'LIFX Downlight', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 38: return [ name : 'LIFX Beam', deviceName: 'LIFX Multizone', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : true, temperature_range : [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false, min_ext_mz_firmware: 1532997580 ] ] case 39: return [ name : 'LIFX Downlight white to warm', deviceName: 'LIFX Day and Dusk', features : [ color : false, chain : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 1500, max: 9000] ] ] case 49: case 59: return [ name : 'LIFX Mini Color', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 50: case 60: return [ name : 'LIFX Mini Day and Dusk', deviceName: 'LIFX Day and Dusk', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 1500, max: 4000], chain : false ] ] case 51: case 61: case 66: case 87: case 88: return [ name : 'LIFX Mini White', deviceName: 'LIFX White Mono', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 2700], chain : false ] ] case 52: return [ name : 'LIFX GU10', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] case 55: return [ name : 'LIFX Tile', deviceName: 'LIFX Tile', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 1500, max: 9000], chain : true ] ] case 56: return [ name : 'LIFX Beam', deviceName: 'LIFX Multizone', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : true, temperature_range: [min: 2500, max: 9000], chain : false, ] ] case 81: case 96: return [ name : 'LIFX Candle Warm to White', deviceName: 'LIFX Day and Dusk', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2200, max: 6500], chain : false ] ] case 82: case 100: return [ name : 'LIFX Filament Clear', deviceName: 'LIFX White Mono', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2100, max: 2100], chain : false ] ] case 85: case 101: return [ name : 'LIFX Filament Amber', deviceName: 'LIFX White Mono', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2000, max: 2000], chain : false ] ] case 57: case 68: return [ name : 'LIFX Candle', deviceName: 'LIFX Color', features : [ color : true, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 1500, max: 9000], chain : false ] ] // case 96: // return [ // name : 'LIFX Candle White', // deviceName: 'LIFX White Mono', // features : [ // color : false, // infrared : false, // multizone : false, // temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 2700], // chain : false // ] // ] default: return [ name: "Unknown LIFX device with product id ${device.product} treating it as LIFX White Mono for now", deviceName: 'LIFX Unknown', features : [ color : false, infrared : false, multizone : false, temperature_range: [min: 2700, max: 2700], chain : false ] ] } } /** Color related */ private Map rgbToHSV(red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255, resolution = "low") { // Takes RGB (0-255) and returns HSV in 0-360, 0-100, 0-100 // resolution ("low", "high") will return a hue between 0-100, or 0-360, respectively. List hsv = hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.rgbToHSV([red, green, blue]) def hsvMap = [h: hsv[0] * (resolution == 'high' ? 3.6d : 1d), s: hsv[1], v: hsv[2]] return hsvMap } private String hsvToRgbString(hue, saturation, level) { def rgb = hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.hsvToRGB([hue, saturation, level]) return hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.rgbToHEX(rgb) } private Map hexToColor(String hex) { List rgbList = hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.hexToRGB(hex) return [r: rgbList[0], g: rgbList[1], b: rgbList[2]] } /** Device parsing */ private Map parseDeviceParameters(String description) { def deviceParams = [:] description.findAll(~/(\w+):(\w+)/) { (deviceParams[it[1]] = it[2]) } deviceParams } private Map parseHeaderFromDescription(String description) { parseHeader parseDeviceParameters(description) } private Map parsePayload(String deviceAndType, Map header) { parseBytes descriptors[deviceAndType], getRemainder(header) } private Map parseBytes(String descriptor, List bytes) { parseBytes makeDescriptor(descriptor), bytes } private Map parseBytes(List descriptor, List bytes) { Map result = new HashMap() int offset = 0 for (item in descriptor) { String kind = item.kind // partition the data int totalLength = item.size * item.count int nextOffset = offset + totalLength List data = bytes.subList offset, nextOffset assert (data.size() <= totalLength) if (item.isArray) { def itemSize = item.size as Number def numItems = data.size().intdiv(itemSize) nextOffset = offset + numItems * item.size // NB this only works if the variable length array is at the end def subMap = [:] for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { def startOffset = i * itemSize def endOffset = (i + 1) * itemSize processSegment subMap, data.subList(startOffset, endOffset), item, i, true } result.put, subMap } else { processSegment result, data, item, } offset = nextOffset } if (offset < bytes.size()) { result.put 'remainder', bytes[offset..-1] } return result } private void processSegment(Map result, List data, Map item, name, boolean logIt = false) { switch (item.kind) { case 'B': case 'W': case 'I': case 'L': data = data.reverse() storeValue result, data, item.size, name break case 'F': data = data.reverse() Long value = 0 data.each { value = (value * 256) + it } def theFloat = Float.intBitsToFloat(value) result.put name, theFloat break case 'T': result.put name, new String((data.findAll { it != 0 }) as byte[]) break case 'H': Map color = parseBytes 'hue:w;saturation:w;brightness:w,kelvin:w', data result.put name, color break default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected item kind '$kind'") } } private void storeValue(Map result, List data, numBytes, index, boolean trace = false) { BigInteger value = 0 data.each { value = (value * 256) + it } def theValue switch (numBytes) { case 1: theValue = (value & 0xFF) as long break case 2: theValue = (value & 0xFFFF) as long break case 3: case 4: theValue = (value & 0xFFFFFFFF) as long break default: // this should complain if longer than 8 bytes theValue = (value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) as long } result.put index, theValue } private List makePayload(String deviceAndType, Map payload) { def descriptor = makeDescriptor(descriptors[deviceAndType]) def result = [] descriptor.each { Map item -> if ('H' == item.kind) { if (item.isArray) { for (int i = 0; i < item.count; i++) { Map hsbk = payload.colors[i] as Map add result, (hsbk?.hue ?: 0) as short add result, (hsbk?.saturation ?: 0) as short add result, (hsbk?.brightness ?: 0) as short add result, (hsbk?.kelvin ?: 0) as short } } else { add result, (payload.color['hue'] ?: 0) as short add result, (payload.color['saturation'] ?: 0) as short add result, (payload.color['brightness'] ?: 0) as short add result, (payload.color['kelvin'] ?: 0) as short } return } def value = payload[] ?: 0 //TODO possibly extend this to the other types A,S & B if ('F' == item.kind) { add result, Float.floatToIntBits(value) return } switch (item.size as int) { case 1: add result, value as byte break case 2: add result, value as short break case 3: case 4: if (item.isArray) { for (int i = 0; i < item.count; i++) { add result, value[i] as int } } else { add result, value as int } break default: // this should complain if longer than 8 bytes add result, value as long } } result as List } private List getRemainder(header) { header.remainder as List } private Number itemLength(String kind) { switch (kind) { case 'B': return 1 case 'W': return 2 case 'I': return 4 case 'L': return 8 case 'H': return 8 case 'F': return 4 case 'T': return 1 // length of character default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected item kind '$kind'") } } private List makeDescriptor(String desc) { desc.findAll(~/(\w+):([bBwWiIlLhHfFtT][aA]?)(\d+)?/) { full -> def theKind = full[2].toUpperCase() def baseKind = theKind[0] def isArray = theKind.length() > 1 && theKind[1] == 'A' [ name : full[1], kind : baseKind, isArray: isArray, count : full[3]?.toInteger() ?: 1, size : itemLength(baseKind) ] } } private String getHubIP() { def hub = location.hubs[0] hub.localIP } private void clearBufferCache() { atomicState.bufferCache = [:] } private List lookupBuffer(String hashKey) { def cache = getBufferCache() cache[hashKey] } private Map getBufferCache() { atomicState.bufferCache ?: [:] } private void storeBuffer(String hashKey, List buffer) { def cache = getBufferCache() cache[hashKey] = buffer atomicState.bufferCache = cache } private Byte sequenceNumber() { atomicState.sequence = ((atomicState.sequence ?: 0) + 1) % 128 } /** Protocol packet building */ private def createFrame(List buffer, boolean tagged) { add buffer, 0 as short add buffer, 0x00 as byte add buffer, (tagged ? 0x34 : 0x14) as byte add buffer, lifxSource() } private int lifxSource() { 0x48454C44 // = HELD: Hubitat Elevation LIFX Device :) } private def createFrameAddress(List buffer, byte[] target, boolean ackRequired, boolean responseRequired, Byte sequenceNumber) { add buffer, target add buffer, 0 as short fill buffer, 0 as byte, 6 add buffer, ((ackRequired ? 0x02 : 0) | (responseRequired ? 0x01 : 0)) as byte add buffer, sequenceNumber as byte } private def createProtocolHeader(List buffer, short messageType) { fill buffer, 0 as byte, 8 add buffer, messageType add buffer, 0 as short } private def createPayload(List buffer, byte[] payload) { add buffer, payload } /** LOW LEVEL BUFFER FILLING */ private void add(List buffer, byte value) { buffer.add Byte.toUnsignedInt(value) } private void add(List buffer, short value) { def lower = value & 0xff add buffer, lower as byte add buffer, ((value - lower) >>> 8) as byte } private void add(List buffer, int value) { def lower = value & 0xffff add buffer, lower as short add buffer, Integer.divideUnsigned(value - lower, 0x10000) as short } private void add(List buffer, long value) { def lower = value & 0xffffffff add buffer, lower as int add buffer, Long.divideUnsigned(value - lower, 0x100000000) as int } private void add(List buffer, byte[] values) { for (value in values) { add buffer, value } } private void add(List buffer, List other) { for (value in other) { add buffer, value } } private void fill(List buffer, byte value, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { add buffer, value } } private void put(List buffer, int index, byte value) { buffer.set index, Byte.toUnsignedInt(value) } private void put(List buffer, int index, short value) { def lower = value & 0xff put buffer, index, lower as byte put buffer, index + 1, ((value - lower) >>> 8) as byte } /** LOGGING **/ private void logDebug(msg) { log.debug msg } private void logInfo(msg) { msg } private void logWarn(String msg) { log.warn msg } private List getFullColorMap() { colorMap.collect { expandRgb it } } @Lazy @Field List fullColorMap = getFullColorMap() /** Many of these colours are taken from */ @Field static final List colorMap = [ [name: 'Absolute Zero', rgb: '#0048BA'], [name: 'Acajou', rgb: '#4C2F27'], [name: 'Acid Green', rgb: '#B0BF1A'], [name: 'Aero', rgb: '#7CB9E8'], [name: 'Aero Blue', rgb: '#C9FFE5'], [name: 'African Violet', rgb: '#B284BE'], [name: 'Air Superiority Blue', rgb: '#72A0C1'], [name: 'Alabama Crimson', rgb: '#AF002A'], [name: 'Alabaster', rgb: '#F2F0E6'], [name: 'Alice Blue', rgb: '#F0F8FF'], [name: 'Alizarin Crimson', rgb: '#E32636'], [name: 'Alloy Orange', rgb: '#C46210'], [name: 'Almond', rgb: '#EFDECD'], [name: 'Aloeswood Brown', rgb: '#5A6457'], [name: 'Aloewood Color', rgb: '#6A432D'], [name: 'Aluminum', rgb: '#D6D6D6'], [name: 'Aluminum Foil', rgb: '#D2D9DB'], [name: 'Amaranth', rgb: '#E52B50'], [name: 'Amaranth Deep Purple', rgb: '#9F2B68'], [name: 'Amaranth Pink', rgb: '#F19CBB'], [name: 'Amaranth Purple', rgb: '#AB274F'], [name: 'Amaranth Red', rgb: '#D3212D'], [name: 'Amazon', rgb: '#3B7A57'], [name: 'Amber', rgb: '#FFBF00'], [name: 'Amber (Kohaku-iro)', rgb: '#CA6924'], [name: 'Amber (SAE/ECE)', rgb: '#FF7E00'], [name: 'American Blue', rgb: '#3B3B6D'], [name: 'American Bronze', rgb: '#391802'], [name: 'American Brown', rgb: '#804040'], [name: 'American Gold', rgb: '#D3AF37'], [name: 'American Green', rgb: '#34B334'], [name: 'American Orange', rgb: '#FF8B00'], [name: 'American Pink', rgb: '#FF9899'], [name: 'American Purple', rgb: '#431C53'], [name: 'American Red', rgb: '#B32134'], [name: 'American Rose', rgb: '#FF033E'], [name: 'American Silver', rgb: '#CFCFCF'], [name: 'American Violet', rgb: '#551B8C'], [name: 'American Yellow', rgb: '#F2B400'], [name: 'Amethyst', rgb: '#9966CC'], [name: 'Amur Cork Tree', rgb: '#F3C13A'], [name: 'Anti-Flash White', rgb: '#F2F3F4'], [name: 'Antique Brass', rgb: '#CD9575'], [name: 'Antique Bronze', rgb: '#665D1E'], [name: 'Antique Fuchsia', rgb: '#915C83'], [name: 'Antique Ruby', rgb: '#841B2D'], [name: 'Antique White', rgb: '#FAEBD7'], [name: 'Apple', rgb: '#66B447'], [name: 'Apple Green', rgb: '#8DB600'], [name: 'Apricot', rgb: '#FBCEB1'], [name: 'Aqua', rgb: '#00FFFF'], [name: 'Aqua Blue', rgb: '#86ABA5'], [name: 'Aquamarine', rgb: '#7FFFD4'], [name: 'Arctic Lime', rgb: '#D0FF14'], [name: 'Argent', rgb: '#C0C0C0'], [name: 'Army Green', rgb: '#4B5320'], [name: 'Artichoke', rgb: '#8F9779'], [name: 'Arylide Yellow', rgb: '#E9D66B'], [name: 'Asparagus', rgb: '#87A96B'], [name: 'Ateneo Blue', rgb: '#003A6C'], [name: 'Atomic Tangerine', rgb: '#FF9966'], [name: 'Auburn', rgb: '#A52A2A'], [name: 'Aureolin', rgb: '#FDEE00'], [name: 'Avocado', rgb: '#568203'], [name: 'Awesome', rgb: '#FF2052'], [name: 'Axolotl', rgb: '#6E7F80'], [name: 'Azure', rgb: '#007FFF'], [name: 'Azure Mist', rgb: '#F0FFFF'], [name: 'Azureish White', rgb: '#DBE9F4'], [name: "B'dazzled Blue", rgb: '#2E5894'], [name: 'Baby Blue', rgb: '#89CFF0'], [name: 'Baby Blue Eyes', rgb: '#A1CAF1'], [name: 'Baby Pink', rgb: '#F4C2C2'], [name: 'Baby Powder', rgb: '#FEFEFA'], [name: 'Baiko Brown', rgb: '#857C55'], [name: 'Baker-Miller Pink', rgb: '#FF91AF'], [name: 'Ball Blue', rgb: '#21ABCD'], [name: 'Banana Mania', rgb: '#FAE7B5'], [name: 'Banana Yellow', rgb: '#FFE135'], [name: 'Bangladesh Green', rgb: '#006A4E'], [name: 'Barbie Pink', rgb: '#E94196'], /* omitted lots of other Barbie Pink shades*/ [name: 'Barn Red', rgb: '#7C0A02'], [name: 'Battery Charged Blue', rgb: '#1DACD6'], [name: 'Battleship Grey', rgb: '#848482'], [name: 'Bayside', rgb: '#5FC9BF'], [name: 'Beige', rgb: '#F5F5DC'], [name: 'Bisque', rgb: '#FFE4C4'], [name: 'Blanched Almond', rgb: '#FFEBCD'], [name: 'Blue', rgb: '#0000FF'], [name: 'Blue Violet', rgb: '#8A2BE2'], [name: 'Brown', rgb: '#A52A2A'], [name: 'Burly Wood', rgb: '#DEB887'], [name: 'Cadet Blue', rgb: '#5F9EA0'], [name: 'Chartreuse', rgb: '#7FFF00'], [name: 'Chocolate', rgb: '#D2691E'], [name: 'Cool White', rgb: '#F3F6F7'], [name: 'Coral', rgb: '#FF7F50'], [name: 'Corn Flower Blue', rgb: '#6495ED'], [name: 'Corn Silk', rgb: '#FFF8DC'], [name: 'Crimson', rgb: '#DC143C'], [name: 'Cyan', rgb: '#00FFFF'], [name: 'Dark Blue', rgb: '#00008B'], [name: 'Dark Cyan', rgb: '#008B8B'], [name: 'Dark Golden Rod', rgb: '#B8860B'], [name: 'Dark Gray', rgb: '#A9A9A9'], [name: 'Dark Green', rgb: '#006400'], [name: 'Dark Khaki', rgb: '#BDB76B'], [name: 'Dark Magenta', rgb: '#8B008B'], [name: 'Dark Olive Green', rgb: '#556B2F'], [name: 'Dark Orange', rgb: '#FF8C00'], [name: 'Dark Orchid', rgb: '#9932CC'], [name: 'Dark Red', rgb: '#8B0000'], [name: 'Dark Salmon', rgb: '#E9967A'], [name: 'Dark Sea Green', rgb: '#8FBC8F'], [name: 'Dark Slate Blue', rgb: '#483D8B'], [name: 'Dark Slate Gray', rgb: '#2F4F4F'], [name: 'Dark Turquoise', rgb: '#00CED1'], [name: 'Dark Violet', rgb: '#9400D3'], [name: 'Daylight White', rgb: '#F2F2F2'], [name: 'Deep Pink', rgb: '#FF1493'], [name: 'Deep Sky Blue', rgb: '#00BFFF'], [name: 'Dim Gray', rgb: '#696969'], [name: 'Dodger Blue', rgb: '#1E90FF'], [name: 'Fire Brick', rgb: '#B22222'], [name: 'Floral White', rgb: '#FFFAF0'], [name: 'Forest Green', rgb: '#228B22'], [name: 'Fuchsia', rgb: '#FF00FF'], [name: 'Gainsboro', rgb: '#DCDCDC'], [name: 'Ghost White', rgb: '#F8F8FF'], [name: 'Gold', rgb: '#FFD700'], [name: 'Golden Rod', rgb: '#DAA520'], [name: 'Gray', rgb: '#808080'], [name: 'Green', rgb: '#008000'], [name: 'Green Yellow', rgb: '#ADFF2F'], [name: 'Honeydew', rgb: '#F0FFF0'], [name: 'Hot Pink', rgb: '#FF69B4'], [name: 'Indian Red', rgb: '#CD5C5C'], [name: 'Indigo', rgb: '#4B0082'], [name: 'Ivory', rgb: '#FFFFF0'], [name: 'Khaki', rgb: '#F0E68C'], [name: 'Lavender', rgb: '#E6E6FA'], [name: 'Lavender Blush', rgb: '#FFF0F5'], [name: 'Lawn Green', rgb: '#7CFC00'], [name: 'Lemon Chiffon', rgb: '#FFFACD'], [name: 'Light Blue', rgb: '#ADD8E6'], [name: 'Light Coral', rgb: '#F08080'], [name: 'Light Cyan', rgb: '#E0FFFF'], [name: 'Light Golden Rod Yellow', rgb: '#FAFAD2'], [name: 'Light Gray', rgb: '#D3D3D3'], [name: 'Light Green', rgb: '#90EE90'], [name: 'Light Pink', rgb: '#FFB6C1'], [name: 'Light Salmon', rgb: '#FFA07A'], [name: 'Light Sea Green', rgb: '#20B2AA'], [name: 'Light Sky Blue', rgb: '#87CEFA'], [name: 'Light Slate Gray', rgb: '#778899'], [name: 'Light Steel Blue', rgb: '#B0C4DE'], [name: 'Light Yellow', rgb: '#FFFFE0'], [name: 'Lime', rgb: '#00FF00'], [name: 'Lime Green', rgb: '#32CD32'], [name: 'Linen', rgb: '#FAF0E6'], [name: 'Maroon', rgb: '#800000'], [name: 'Medium Aquamarine', rgb: '#66CDAA'], [name: 'Medium Blue', rgb: '#0000CD'], [name: 'Medium Orchid', rgb: '#BA55D3'], [name: 'Medium Purple', rgb: '#9370DB'], [name: 'Medium Sea Green', rgb: '#3CB371'], [name: 'Medium Slate Blue', rgb: '#7B68EE'], [name: 'Medium Spring Green', rgb: '#00FA9A'], [name: 'Medium Turquoise', rgb: '#48D1CC'], [name: 'Medium Violet Red', rgb: '#C71585'], [name: 'Midnight Blue', rgb: '#191970'], [name: 'Mint Cream', rgb: '#F5FFFA'], [name: 'Misty Rose', rgb: '#FFE4E1'], [name: 'Moccasin', rgb: '#FFE4B5'], [name: 'Navajo White', rgb: '#FFDEAD'], [name: 'Navy', rgb: '#000080'], [name: 'Old Lace', rgb: '#FDF5E6'], [name: 'Olive', rgb: '#808000'], [name: 'Olive Drab', rgb: '#6B8E23'], [name: 'Orange', rgb: '#FFA500'], [name: 'Orange Red', rgb: '#FF4500'], [name: 'Orchid', rgb: '#DA70D6'], [name: 'Pale Golden Rod', rgb: '#EEE8AA'], [name: 'Pale Green', rgb: '#98FB98'], [name: 'Pale Turquoise', rgb: '#AFEEEE'], [name: 'Pale Violet Red', rgb: '#DB7093'], [name: 'Papaya Whip', rgb: '#FFEFD5'], [name: 'Peach Puff', rgb: '#FFDAB9'], [name: 'Peru', rgb: '#CD853F'], [name: 'Pink', rgb: '#FFC0CB'], [name: 'Plum', rgb: '#DDA0DD'], [name: 'Powder Blue', rgb: '#B0E0E6'], [name: 'Purple', rgb: '#800080'], [name: 'R.A.F. Blue', rgb: '#5D8AA8'], [name: 'Red', rgb: '#FF0000'], [name: 'Rosy Brown', rgb: '#BC8F8F'], [name: 'Royal Blue', rgb: '#4169E1'], [name: 'Saddle Brown', rgb: '#8B4513'], [name: 'Salmon', rgb: '#FA8072'], [name: 'Sandy Brown', rgb: '#F4A460'], [name: 'Sea Green', rgb: '#2E8B57'], [name: 'Sea Shell', rgb: '#FFF5EE'], [name: 'Sienna', rgb: '#A0522D'], [name: 'Silver', rgb: '#C0C0C0'], [name: 'Sky Blue', rgb: '#87CEEB'], [name: 'Slate Blue', rgb: '#6A5ACD'], [name: 'Slate Gray', rgb: '#708090'], [name: 'Snow', rgb: '#FFFAFA'], [name: 'Soft White', rgb: '#B6DA7C'], [name: 'Spring Green', rgb: '#00FF7F'], [name: 'Steel Blue', rgb: '#4682B4'], [name: 'Tan', rgb: '#D2B48C'], [name: 'Teal', rgb: '#008080'], [name: 'Thistle', rgb: '#D8BFD8'], [name: 'Tomato', rgb: '#FF6347'], [name: 'Turquoise', rgb: '#40E0D0'], [name: 'U.S.A.F. Blue', rgb: '#00308F'], [name: 'Violet', rgb: '#EE82EE'], [name: 'Warm White', rgb: '#B0B893'], [name: 'Wheat', rgb: '#F5DEB3'], [name: 'White', rgb: '#FFFFFF'], [name: 'White Smoke', rgb: '#F5F5F5'], [name: 'Yellow', rgb: '#FFFF00'], [name: 'Yellow Green', rgb: '#9ACD32'], ] /** Create a map of types by the name */ private Map flattenMessageTypes() { def result = [:] msgTypes.each { k, v -> v.each { k2, v2 -> result["$k.$k2"] = v2 } } result } private Map flattenedTypes() { flattenMessageTypes().collectEntries { k, v -> [(k): v.type] } } private Map flattenedDescriptors() { flattenMessageTypes().collectEntries { k, v -> [(k): v.descriptor] } } @Lazy @Field Map messageType = flattenedTypes() @Lazy @Field Map descriptors = flattenedDescriptors() @Field static final Map msgTypes = [ DEVICE : [ GET_SERVICE : [type: 2, descriptor: ''], STATE_SERVICE : [type: 3, descriptor: 'service:b;port:i'], GET_HOST_INFO : [type: 12, descriptor: ''], STATE_HOST_INFO : [type: 13, descriptor: 'signal:f;tx:i;rx:i,reservedHost:w'], GET_HOST_FIRMWARE : [type: 14, descriptor: ''], STATE_HOST_FIRMWARE: [type: 15, descriptor: 'build:l;reservedFirmware:l;version_minor:w;version_major:w'], GET_WIFI_INFO : [type: 16, descriptor: ''], STATE_WIFI_INFO : [type: 17, descriptor: 'signal:f;tx:i;rx:i,reservedWifi:w'], GET_WIFI_FIRMWARE : [type: 18, descriptor: ''], STATE_WIFI_FIRMWARE: [type: 19, descriptor: 'build:l;reservedFirmware:l;version:i'], GET_POWER : [type: 20, descriptor: ''], SET_POWER : [type: 21, descriptor: 'powerLevel:w'], STATE_POWER : [type: 22, descriptor: 'powerLevel:w'], GET_LABEL : [type: 23, descriptor: ''], SET_LABEL : [type: 24, descriptor: 'label:t32'], STATE_LABEL : [type: 25, descriptor: 'label:t32'], GET_VERSION : [type: 32, descriptor: ''], STATE_VERSION : [type: 33, descriptor: 'vendor:i;product:i;version:i'], GET_INFO : [type: 34, descriptor: ''], STATE_INFO : [type: 35, descriptor: 'time:l;uptime:l;downtime:l'], ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : [type: 45, descriptor: ''], GET_LOCATION : [type: 48, descriptor: ''], SET_LOCATION : [type: 49, descriptor: 'location:ba16;label:t32;updated_at:l'], STATE_LOCATION : [type: 50, descriptor: 'location:ba16;label:t32;updated_at:l'], GET_GROUP : [type: 51, descriptor: ''], SET_GROUP : [type: 52, descriptor: 'group:ba16;label:t32;updated_at:l'], STATE_GROUP : [type: 53, descriptor: 'group:ba16;label:t32;updated_at:l'], ECHO_REQUEST : [type: 58, descriptor: 'payload:ba64'], ECHO_RESPONSE : [type: 59, descriptor: 'payload:ba64'], ], LIGHT : [ GET_STATE : [type: 101, descriptor: ''], SET_COLOR : [type: 102, descriptor: "reservedColor:b;color:h;duration:i"], SET_WAVEFORM : [type: 103, descriptor: "reservedWaveform:b;transient:b;color:h;period:i;cycles:f;skew_ratio:w;waveform:b"], SET_WAVEFORM_OPTIONAL: [type: 119, descriptor: "reservedWaveform:b;transient:b;color:h;period:i;cycles:f;skew_ratio:w;waveform:b;setColor:h"], STATE : [type: 107, descriptor: "color:h;reserved1State:w;power:w;label:t32;reserved2state:l"], GET_POWER : [type: 116, descriptor: ''], SET_POWER : [type: 117, descriptor: 'powerLevel:w;duration:i'], STATE_POWER : [type: 118, descriptor: 'powerLevel:w'], GET_INFRARED : [type: 120, descriptor: ''], STATE_INFRARED : [type: 121, descriptor: 'irLevel:w'], SET_INFRARED : [type: 122, descriptor: 'irLevel:w'], ], MULTIZONE: [ SET_COLOR_ZONES : [type: 501, descriptor: "start_index:b;end_index:b;color:h;duration:i;apply:b"], GET_COLOR_ZONES : [type: 502, descriptor: 'start_index:b;end_index:b'], STATE_ZONE : [type: 503, descriptor: "zone_count:b;index:b;color:h"], STATE_MULTIZONE : [type: 506, descriptor: "zone_count:b;index:b;colors:ha8"], GET_MULTIZONE_EFFECT : [type: 507, descriptor: ''], SET_MULTIZONE_EFFECT : [type: 508, descriptor: 'instanceId:i;type:b;reserved1Effect:w;speed:i;duration:l;reserved2Effect:i;reserved3Effect:i;parameters:ia8'], STATE_MULTIZONE_EFFECT : [type: 509, descriptor: 'instanceId:i;type:b;reserved1Effect:w;speed:i;duration:l;reserved2Effect:i;reserved3Effect:i;parameters:ia8'], SET_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES : [type: 510, descriptor: 'duration:i;apply:b;index:w;colors_count:b;colors:ha82'], GET_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES : [type: 511, descriptor: ''], STATE_EXTENDED_COLOR_ZONES: [type: 512, descriptor: 'zone_count:w;index:w;colors_count:b;colors:ha82'], ], TILE: [ GET_TILE_EFFECT : [type: 718, descriptor: ''], SET_TILE_EFFECT : [type: 719, descriptor: 'reserved1Effect:b;reserved2Effect:b;instanceId:i;type:b;speed:i;duration:l;reserved3Effect:i;reserved4Effect:i;parameters:ia8;palette_count:b;palette:ha8'], STATE_TILE_EFFECT: [type: 720, descriptor: 'reserved1Effect:b;instanceId:i;type:b;speed:i;duration:l;reserved2Effect:i;reserved3Effect:i;parameters:ia8;palette_count:b;palette:ha8'], ] ] String renderMultizone(HashMap hashMap) { def builder = new StringBuilder(); builder << '' def count = (hashMap.colors_count ?: hashMap.zone_count) as Integer Map colours = hashMap.colors builder << '' for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { colour = colours[i]; def rgb = renderDatum(colours[i]) builder << '
 ' } builder << '
' def result = builder.toString() result } String renderDatum(Map item) { def rgb = hsvToRgbString( scaleDown100((item?.hue ?: 0) as Long), scaleDown100((item?.saturation ?: 0) as Long), scaleDown100((item?.brightness ?: 0) as Long) ) "$rgb" } Map stringToHsbk(String data) { def m = data =~ /^(\p{XDigit}{4})(\p{XDigit}{4})(\p{XDigit}{4})(\p{XDigit}{4})(\p{XDigit}{0,2})$/ if (m) { def hue = Long.parseLong(, 16) def sat = Long.parseLong(, 16) def bri = Long.parseLong(, 16) def kel = Long.parseLong(, 16) def count = 1 if ( { count = Integer.parseInt(, 16) } [hue: hue, saturation: sat, brightness: bri, kelvin: kel, count: count] } } List unpack(String packed) { def matcher = packed =~ /\p{XDigit}{16}/ List result = matcher[0..-1].collect() { it as String } result } List unRle(String compressed) { def matcher = compressed =~ /\p{XDigit}{18}/ List temp = matcher[0..-1].collect() { it as String } List result = [] temp.each { def value = it.substring(0, 16) def count = Integer.parseInt(it.substring(16), 16) for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { result << value } } result } List decompress(String compressed) { if (compressed.startsWith('@')) { unpack(compressed.substring(1)) } else if (compressed.startsWith('*')) { unRle(compressed.substring(1)) } else { [] } } Map getZones(String compressed) { List colors = decompress(compressed).collect { stringToHsbk(it) } def numZones = colors.size() while (colors.size() < 82) { colors << [hue: 0, saturation: 0, brightness: 0, kelvin: 0] } def realColors = [:] colors.eachWithIndex { v, k -> realColors[k] = v } [index: 0, zone_count: numZones, colors_count: numZones, colors: realColors] }