library(fpp3) # Lab Session 1 download.file("", tourism_file <- tempfile()) my_tourism <- readxl::read_excel(tourism_file) |> mutate(Quarter = yearquarter(Quarter)) |> as_tsibble( index = Quarter, key = c(Region, State, Purpose) ) my_tourism |> as_tibble() |> group_by(Region, Purpose) |> summarise(Trips = mean(Trips), .groups="drop") |> filter(Trips == max(Trips)) state_tourism <- my_tourism |> group_by(State) |> summarise(Trips = sum(Trips)) # Lab Session 2 aus_production |> autoplot(Bricks) pelt |> autoplot(Lynx) gafa_stock |> autoplot(Close) vic_elec |> autoplot(Demand) + labs( y = "Demand (MW)", title = "Half-hourly electricity demand", subtitle = "Victoria, Australia" ) # Dygraphs example library(dygraphs) library(tsbox) vic_elec |> select(Demand) |> tsbox::ts_xts() |> dygraph() |> dyRangeSelector() # Lab Session 3 snowy <- tourism |> filter(Region == "Snowy Mountains") |> select(-State, -Region) snowy |> autoplot(Trips) snowy |> gg_season(Trips) snowy |> gg_subseries(Trips) # Produce a calendar plot for the `pedestrian` data from one location and one year. library(sugrrants) (tsibble::pedestrian |> filter(year(Date) == 2016, Sensor == "Southern Cross Station") |> frame_calendar(x = Time, y = Count, date = Date) |> ggplot(aes(x = .Time, y = .Count, group = Date)) + geom_line()) |> prettify() # Lab Session 4 aus_production |> gg_lag(Bricks) aus_production |> ACF(Bricks) |> autoplot() pelt |> gg_lag(Lynx) pelt |> ACF(Lynx) |> autoplot() amzn_stock <- gafa_stock |> filter(Symbol == "AMZN") amzn_stock |> gg_lag(Close) amzn_stock |> ACF(Close) |> autoplot() vic_elec |> gg_lag(Demand, period = 1, lags = c(1, 2, 24, 48, 336, 17532)) vic_elec |> ACF(Demand, lag_max = 672) |> autoplot() # Lab Session 5 dgoog <- gafa_stock |> filter(Symbol == "GOOG", year(Date) >= 2018) |> mutate(diff = difference(Close)) dgoog |> autoplot(diff) dgoog |> ACF(diff) |> autoplot() gafa_stock |> mutate(diff = difference(Close)) |> ACF(diff) |> autoplot() # Lab Session 6 global_economy |> autoplot(GDP / Population, alpha = 0.3) + guides(colour = "none") avg_gdp_pc <- global_economy |> as_tibble() |> group_by(Country) |> summarise( # Average GDP per capita for each country gdp_pc = mean(GDP / Population, na.rm = TRUE), # Most recent GDP per capita for each country last = last((GDP / Population)[! / Population)]) ) avg_gdp_pc |> arrange(desc(gdp_pc)) max_gdp_pc <- global_economy |> semi_join( avg_gdp_pc |> filter(gdp_pc == max(gdp_pc, na.rm = TRUE)), by = "Country" ) # install.packages("ggrepel") # Using goem_label_repel() gives nicer label positions than geom_label() # If the ggrepel package is not available, you can use geom_label() instead library(ggrepel) global_economy |> ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = GDP / Population, group = Country)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.3) + geom_line(colour = "red", data = max_gdp_pc) + geom_label_repel( aes(label = Country, x = 2020, y = last), data = top_n(avg_gdp_pc, 5, last), ) holidays <- tourism |> filter(Purpose == "Holiday") |> group_by(State) |> summarise(Trips = sum(Trips)) holidays |> model(stl = STL(Trips ~ season(window = 13) + trend(window = 21))) |> components() |> autoplot() # Lab Session 7 global_economy |> filter(Code == "USA") |> autoplot(box_cox(GDP, 0.3)) aus_livestock |> filter( State == "Victoria", Animal == "Bulls, bullocks and steers" ) |> autoplot(log(Count)) vic_elec |> autoplot(log(Demand)) aus_production |> autoplot(box_cox(Gas, 0.1)) canadian_gas |> autoplot() # Lab Session 8 ## Changing the size of the windows changes the trend and seasonal components ## A smaller window gives a more flexible (fast changing) component ## A longer window gives a smoother (slow changing) component canadian_gas |> model(STL(Volume)) |> components() |> autoplot() canadian_gas |> model(STL(Volume ~ season(window =7) + trend(window = 21))) |> components() |> autoplot() canadian_gas |> model(STL(Volume ~ season(window = 7) + trend(window = 21))) |> components() |> gg_season(season_year) canadian_gas |> model(STL(Volume ~ season(window = 7) + trend(window = 21))) |> components() |> select(Month, season_adjust) |> autoplot(season_adjust) # Lab Session 9 library(GGally) tourism |> features(Trips, feat_stl) |> select(-Region, -State, -Purpose) |> mutate( seasonal_peak_year = factor(seasonal_peak_year), seasonal_trough_year = factor(seasonal_trough_year), ) |> ggpairs() tourism |> group_by(State) |> summarise(Trips = sum(Trips)) |> features(Trips, feat_stl) |> select(State, seasonal_peak_year) # Lab Session 10 library(broom) ## Compute features PBS_feat <- PBS |> features(Cost, feature_set(pkgs = "feasts")) |> select(-`...26`) |> na.omit() ## Compute principal components PBS_prcomp <- PBS_feat |> select(-Concession, -Type, -ATC1, -ATC2) |> prcomp(scale = TRUE) |> augment(PBS_feat) ## Plot the first two components PBS_prcomp |> ggplot(aes(x = .fittedPC1, y = .fittedPC2)) + geom_point() ## Pull out most unusual series from first principal component outliers <- PBS_prcomp |> filter(.fittedPC1 > 7) outliers ## Visualise the unusual series PBS |> semi_join(outliers, by = c("Concession", "Type", "ATC1", "ATC2")) |> autoplot(Cost) + facet_grid(vars(Concession, Type, ATC1, ATC2), scales = "free_y") + labs(title = "Outlying time series in PC space") # Lab Session 11 hh_budget |> autoplot(Wealth) hh_budget |> model(drift = RW(Wealth ~ drift())) |> forecast(h = "5 years") |> autoplot(hh_budget, show_gap=FALSE) aus_takeaway <- aus_retail |> filter(Industry == "Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services") |> summarise(Turnover = sum(Turnover)) aus_takeaway |> autoplot(Turnover) aus_takeaway |> model(snaive = SNAIVE(log(Turnover) ~ drift())) |> forecast(h = "3 years") |> autoplot(aus_takeaway) # Lab Session 12 beer_model <- aus_production |> model(snaive = SNAIVE(Beer)) beer_model |> forecast(h = "3 years") |> autoplot(aus_production) beer_model |> gg_tsresiduals() augment(beer_model) |> features(.resid, ljung_box, lag = 8, dof = 0) # Lab Session 13 hh_budget_train <- hh_budget |> filter(Year <= max(Year) - 4) hh_budget_forecast <- hh_budget_train |> model( mean = MEAN(Wealth), naive = NAIVE(Wealth), drift = RW(Wealth ~ drift()) ) |> forecast(h = "4 years") hh_budget_forecast |> autoplot(hh_budget, level = NULL) hh_budget_forecast |> accuracy(hh_budget) |> group_by(.model) |> summarise_if(is.numeric, mean) aus_takeaway_train <- aus_takeaway |> filter(year(Month) <= max(year(Month)) - 4) aus_takeaway_forecast <- aus_takeaway_train |> model( mean = MEAN(Turnover), naive = NAIVE(Turnover), drift = RW(Turnover ~ drift()), snaive = SNAIVE(Turnover) ) |> forecast(h = "4 years") aus_takeaway_forecast |> accuracy(aus_takeaway) # Time series cross-validation aus_takeaway_stretch <- aus_takeaway |> stretch_tsibble(.init = 24) fit <- aus_takeaway_stretch |> model( mean = MEAN(Turnover), naive = NAIVE(Turnover), drift = RW(Turnover ~ drift()), snaive = SNAIVE(Turnover) ) |> forecast(h = "4 years") fit |> group_by(.id, .model) |> mutate(h = row_number()) |> ungroup() |> filter(h==12) |> as_fable(dist=Turnover, response="Turnover") |> accuracy(aus_takeaway, by=".model") # Lab Session 14 global_economy |> filter(Country == "China") |> autoplot(box_cox(GDP, 0.2)) fit <- global_economy |> filter(Country == "China") |> model( ets = ETS(GDP), ets_damped = ETS(GDP ~ trend("Ad")), ets_bc = ETS(box_cox(GDP, 0.2)), ets_log = ETS(log(GDP)) ) fit report(fit) fit |> select(ets) |> report() glance(fit) tidy(fit) coef(fit) fit |> forecast(h = "20 years") |> autoplot(global_economy, level = NULL) # Lab Session 15 gas <- aus_production |> select(Gas) autoplot(gas) fit <- gas |> model( auto = ETS(Gas), damped = ETS(Gas ~ trend("Ad")), log = ETS(log(Gas)), snaive = SNAIVE(Gas) ) fit fc <- fit |> forecast(h = "4 years") fc |> autoplot(aus_production, level = NULL) fc |> autoplot( filter( aus_production, Quarter > yearquarter("2000 Q4") ), level = NULL ) fc |> accuracy(aus_production) # Lab Session 16 us_gdp <- global_economy |> filter(Code == "USA") us_gdp |> autoplot(log(GDP)) us_gdp_model <- us_gdp |> model( arima_notransform = ARIMA(GDP), arima = ARIMA(log(GDP)), arima1 = ARIMA(log(GDP) ~ pdq(d = 1)), ) us_gdp_model glance(us_gdp_model) us_gdp_model |> forecast(h = "10 years") |> autoplot(us_gdp, level = NULL) us_gdp_model |> select(Country, arima) |> forecast(h = "10 years") |> autoplot(us_gdp) # Lab Session 17 tourism_models <- tourism |> filter(Purpose == "Holiday") |> model(arima = ARIMA(Trips)) tourism_models tourism_fc <- forecast(tourism_models) tourism_fc tourism_fc |> filter(Region == "Snowy Mountains") |> autoplot(tourism) tourism_fc |> filter(Region == "Melbourne") |> autoplot(tourism) # Lab Session 18 vic_elec_daily <- vic_elec |> filter(year(Time) == 2014) |> index_by(Date = date(Time)) |> summarise( Demand = sum(Demand) / 1e3, Temperature = max(Temperature), Holiday = any(Holiday) ) |> mutate( Day_Type = case_when( Holiday ~ "Holiday", wday(Date) %in% 2:6 ~ "Weekday", TRUE ~ "Weekend" ) ) elec_model <- vic_elec_daily |> model(fit = ARIMA(Demand ~ Temperature + I(pmax(Temperature - 23.5, 0)) + (Day_Type == "Weekday"))) report(elec_model) elec_model |> gg_tsresiduals() augment(elec_model) |> features(.resid, ljung_box, dof = 9, lag = 14) vic_next_day <- new_data(vic_elec_daily, 1) |> mutate(Temperature = 26, Day_Type = "Holiday") forecast(elec_model, vic_next_day) vic_elec_future <- new_data(vic_elec_daily, 14) |> mutate( Temperature = 26, Holiday = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 13)), Day_Type = case_when( Holiday ~ "Holiday", wday(Date) %in% 2:6 ~ "Weekday", TRUE ~ "Weekend" ) ) forecast(elec_model, vic_elec_future) |> autoplot(vic_elec_daily) + labs(y = "Electricity demand (GW)") # Lab Session 19 vic_elec_daily <- vic_elec |> index_by(Date = date(Time)) |> summarise( Demand = sum(Demand) / 1e3, Temperature = max(Temperature), Holiday = any(Holiday) ) |> mutate( Day_Type = case_when( Holiday ~ "Holiday", wday(Date) %in% 2:6 ~ "Weekday", TRUE ~ "Weekend" ) ) elec_model <- vic_elec_daily |> model(fit = ARIMA(Demand ~ fourier("year", K = 10) + PDQ(0, 0, 0) + Temperature + I(pmax(Temperature - 23, 0)) + (Day_Type == "Weekday"))) report(elec_model) augment(elec_model) |> gg_tsdisplay(.resid, plot_type = "histogram") augment(elec_model) |> features(.resid, ljung_box, dof = 9, lag = 14) vic_next_day <- new_data(vic_elec_daily, 1) |> mutate(Temperature = 26, Day_Type = "Holiday") forecast(elec_model, vic_next_day) vic_elec_future <- new_data(vic_elec_daily, 14) |> mutate( Temperature = 26, Holiday = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 13)), Day_Type = case_when( Holiday ~ "Holiday", wday(Date) %in% 2:6 ~ "Weekday", TRUE ~ "Weekend" ) ) forecast(elec_model, vic_elec_future) |> autoplot(filter(vic_elec_daily, year(Date) > 2013)) + labs(y = "Electricity demand (GW)") # Lab Session 20 PBS_aggregated <- PBS |> aggregate_key( Concession * Type * ATC1, Cost = sum(Cost) / 1e6 ) fit <- PBS_aggregated |> filter(Month <= yearmonth("2005 Jun")) |> model( ets = ETS(Cost), arima = ARIMA(Cost), snaive = SNAIVE(Cost) ) fc <- fit |> reconcile( ets_adj = min_trace(ets), arima_adj = min_trace(arima), snaive_adj = min_trace(snaive) ) |> forecast(h = "3 years") accuracy(fc, PBS_aggregated) |> group_by(.model) |> summarise(MASE = mean(MASE)) |> arrange(MASE)