module tuning_m use type_m use constants_m use parameters_m , only : T_ , F_ , static public :: ad_hoc_tuning private logical , save :: ad_hoc_verbose_ = T_ contains ! ! ! !================================ subroutine ad_hoc_tuning( univ ) !================================ implicit none type(universe) , intent(inout) :: univ ! edit structure ... !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! univ % atom(:) % etc ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !----------------------------------- ! define %atom !----------------------------------- !----------------------------------- ! define %residue !----------------------------------- !----------------------------------- ! define %nr !----------------------------------- !------------------------------------ ! define %DPF (Dipole Fragment) !------------------------------------ !--------------------------------------------------- ! define %QMMM ! default is QMMM = QM; set QMMM = MM for classical atoms ... !--------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------- ! define %El : mandatory !! !--------------------------------------------------- where( univ % atom % residue == "BZA" ) univ % atom % El = .true. !--------------------------------------------------- ! define %Hl : must be T_ for El/Hl calcs ... !--------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! define %fragment !---------------------------------------------------- !default: %El => DONOR If( any(univ % atom%El) ) then where( univ % atom % El ) univ % atom % fragment = "D" else if(.NOT. static) stop ">> execution stopped, must define eletron ...%El in ad_hoc_tuning; is ad_hoc = T_? <<" end If !...................................................................... If( ad_hoc_verbose_ ) then Print 46 ad_hoc_verbose_ = F_ end If ! just touching univ ... univ = univ include 'formats.h' end subroutine ad_hoc_tuning end module tuning_m ! ! ! ! module MM_tuning_routines use constants_m , only: large use parameters_m , only: T_ , F_ , static use MM_types , only: MM_atomic, DefineBonds, DefineAngles private public :: ad_hoc_MM_tuning , SpecialBonds, SpecialAngs ! module variables ... type(DefineBonds) , allocatable :: SpecialBonds(:) type(DefineAngles), allocatable :: SpecialAngs(:) contains !================================================ subroutine ad_hoc_MM_tuning( atom , instance ) !================================================ implicit none type(MM_atomic) , optional , intent(inout) :: atom(:) character(*) , intent(in) :: instance select case ( instance ) !================================== case ("General") !---------------------------------- ! define SPECIAL atoms !---------------------------------- !---------------------------------- ! define MM atom types !---------------------------------- !---------------------------------- ! define my_species !---------------------------------- !---------------------------------- ! define residues !---------------------------------- !---------------------------------- ! define nr !---------------------------------- !atom(:)% nr = 1 !---------------------------------- ! charge of the atoms !---------------------------------- case ("MegaMass") !---------------------------------- ! Selective_Dynamics !---------------------------------- case( 'SpecialBonds' ) !---------------------------------- ! define SPECIAL bonds !---------------------------------- ! allocate(SpecialBonds(2)) ! SpecialBonds(1) % label = 'bond_gb16' ! SpecialBonds(1) % kbond0(1) = 392459.2 ! SpecialBonds(1) % kbond0(2) = 0.14010 ! SpecialBonds(2) % label = 'bond_gb53' ! SpecialBonds(2) % kbond0(1) = 392459.2 ! SpecialBonds(2) % kbond0(2) = 0.14580 !---------------------------------- ! define SPECIAL angles !---------------------------------- ! allocate(SpecialAngs(2)) ! SpecialAngs(1) % label = 'angle_ga07' ! SpecialAngs(1) % kang0(1) = 527.184 ! SpecialAngs(1) % kang0(2) = 108.000 ! SpecialAngs(2) % label = 'angle_ga27' ! SpecialAngs(2) % kang0(1) = 527.184 ! SpecialAngs(2) % kang0(2) = 120.000 !===================================== end select end subroutine ad_hoc_MM_tuning end module MM_tuning_routines ! ! ! module syst real*8 :: bath_T, press, talt, talp, Initial_density end module syst ! ! ! module for_force integer :: forcefield real*8, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: vscut, fscut real*8 :: rcut, vrecut, frecut, rcutsq, KAPPA real*8 :: ecoul, eintra, evdw real*8 :: bdpot, harm_bond, morse_bond, Morspot, angpot real*8 :: dihpot, proper_dih, ryck_dih, harm_dih, imp_dih real*8 :: LJ_14, LJ_intra, Coul_14, Coul_intra real*8 :: pot_INTER, pot_total character(4) :: Dihedral_Potential_Type end module for_force ! ! ! module atomicmass real*8 , parameter , dimension(1:107) :: Atomic_mass = (/ & 1.00795d0, 4.00260d0, 6.94122d0, 9.01218d0, 10.81172d0, 12.01078d0, 14.00672d0, & 15.99943d0, 18.99840d0, 20.17976d0, 22.98970d0, 24.30506d0, 26.98153d0, 28.08553d0, & 30.97376d0, 32.06552d0, 35.45322d0, 39.94812d0, 39.09830d0, 40.07842d0, 44.95591d0, & 47.86710d0, 50.94151d0, 51.99616d0, 54.93805d0, 55.84500d0, 58.93320d0, 58.69344d0, & 63.54600d0, 65.38200d0, 69.72310d0, 72.64100d0, 74.92160d0, 78.96340d0, 79.90410d0, & 83.79822d0, 85.46783d0, 87.62120d0, 88.90585d0, 91.22422d0, 92.90638d0, 95.96220d0, & 98.94000d0, 101.07220d0, 102.90550d0, 106.42120d0, 107.86820d0, 112.41182d0, 114.81830d0, & 118.71000d0, 121.76000d0, 127.60320d0, 126.90477d0, 131.29362d0, 132.90540d0, 137.32770d0, & 138.90548d0, 140.11612d0, 140.90765d0, 144.24232d0, 146.91510d0, 150.36220d0, 151.96412d0, & 157.25320d0, 158.92535d0, 162.50012d0, 164.93032d0, 167.25932d0, 168.93421d0, 173.05452d0, & 174.96681d0, 178.49200d0, 180.94788d0, 183.84000d0, 186.20710d0, 190.23320d0, 192.21730d0, & 195.08490d0, 196.96654d0, 200.59000d0, 204.38332d0, 207.20000d0, 208.98040d0, 208.98400d0, & 209.98710d0, 222.01760d0, 223.01970d0, 226.02540d0, 227.02780d0, 232.03806d0, 231.03588d0, & 238.02891d0, 237.00000d0, 244.00000d0, 243.00000d0, 247.00000d0, 247.00000d0, 251.00000d0, & 252.00000d0, 257.00000d0, 256.00000d0, 254.00000d0, 257.00000d0, 13.01900d0, 14.02700d0, & 15.03500d0, 15.03500d0 /) character*2 , dimension(1:107) :: aicon = (/ & ' H', 'HE', 'LI', 'BE', ' B', ' C', ' N', & ' O', ' F', 'NE', 'NA', 'MG', 'AL', 'SI', & ' P', ' S', 'CL', 'AR', ' K', 'CA', 'SC', & 'TI', ' V', 'CR', 'MN', 'FE', 'CO', 'NI', & 'CU', 'ZN', 'GA', 'GE', 'AS', 'SE', 'BR', & 'KR', 'RB', 'SR', ' Y', 'ZR', 'NB', 'MO', & 'TC', 'RU', 'RH', 'PD', 'AG', 'CD', 'IN', & 'SN', 'SB', 'TE', ' I', 'XE', 'CS', 'BA', & 'LA', 'CE', 'PR', 'ND', 'PM', 'SM', 'EU', & 'GD', 'TB', 'DY', 'HO', 'ER', 'TM', 'YB', & 'LU', 'HF', 'TA', ' W', 'RE', 'OS', 'IR', & 'PT', 'AU', 'HG', 'TL', 'PB', 'BI', 'PO', & 'AT', 'RN', 'FR', 'RA', 'AC', 'TH', 'PA', & ' U', 'NP', 'PU', 'AM', 'CM', 'BK', 'CF', & 'ES', 'FM', 'MD', 'NO', 'LW', ' C', ' C', & ' C', ' C' /) end module atomicmass