use chrono::{Local, Timelike}; use core::time::Duration; use egui::{ epaint::Shadow, scroll_area::ScrollBarVisibility, style::{HandleShape, NumericColorSpace, Selection, TextCursorStyle, Widgets}, vec2, Color32, FontFamily::Proportional, FontId, Painter, Pos2, Rounding, ScrollArea, Sense, Stroke, TextStyle::{self, Body, Button, Heading, Monospace, Name, Small}, Ui, Vec2, Visuals, }; fn dark_mode_override() -> Visuals { Visuals { dark_mode: true, override_text_color: Some(Color32::from_gray(252)), widgets: Widgets::default(), selection: Selection::default(), hyperlink_color: Color32::from_rgb(90, 170, 255), faint_bg_color: Color32::from_additive_luminance(5), // visible, but barely so extreme_bg_color: Color32::from_gray(10), // e.g. TextEdit background code_bg_color: Color32::from_gray(64), warn_fg_color: Color32::from_rgb(255, 143, 0), // orange error_fg_color: Color32::from_rgb(255, 0, 0), // red window_rounding: Rounding::same(6.0), window_shadow: Shadow { offset: vec2(10.0, 20.0), blur: 15.0, spread: 0.0, color: Color32::from_black_alpha(96), }, window_fill: Color32::from_rgb(23, 18, 25), window_stroke: Stroke::new(1.0, Color32::from_gray(60)), window_highlight_topmost: true, menu_rounding: Rounding::same(6.0), panel_fill: Color32::from_rgb(23, 18, 25), popup_shadow: Shadow { offset: vec2(10.0, 20.0), blur: 15.0, spread: 0.0, color: Color32::from_black_alpha(96), }, resize_corner_size: 12.0, text_cursor: Default::default(), clip_rect_margin: 3.0, // should be at least half the size of the widest frame stroke + max WidgetVisuals::expansion button_frame: true, collapsing_header_frame: false, indent_has_left_vline: true, striped: false, slider_trailing_fill: false, handle_shape: HandleShape::Rect { aspect_ratio: 1.0 }, interact_cursor: None, image_loading_spinners: true, numeric_color_space: NumericColorSpace::GammaByte, } } pub fn light_mode_override() -> Visuals { Visuals { dark_mode: false, override_text_color: Some(Color32::from_rgb(4, 3, 15)), widgets: Widgets::light(), selection: Selection::default(), hyperlink_color: Color32::from_rgb(0, 155, 255), faint_bg_color: Color32::from_additive_luminance(5), // visible, but barely so extreme_bg_color: Color32::from_gray(255), // e.g. TextEdit background code_bg_color: Color32::from_gray(230), warn_fg_color: Color32::from_rgb(255, 100, 0), // slightly orange red. it's difficult to find a warning color that pops on bright background. error_fg_color: Color32::from_rgb(255, 0, 0), // red window_shadow: Shadow { offset: vec2(10.0, 20.0), blur: 15.0, spread: 0.0, color: Color32::from_black_alpha(25), }, window_fill: Color32::from_gray(255), window_stroke: Stroke::new(1.0, Color32::from_gray(190)), panel_fill: Color32::from_gray(255), popup_shadow: Shadow { offset: vec2(6.0, 10.0), blur: 8.0, spread: 0.0, color: Color32::from_black_alpha(25), }, text_cursor: TextCursorStyle { stroke: Stroke::new(2.0, Color32::from_rgb(0, 83, 125)), ..Default::default() }, ..Visuals::dark() } } /// We derive Deserialize/Serialize so we can persist app state on shutdown. #[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] #[serde(default)] // if we add new fields, give them default values when deserializing old state pub struct CistercianClockApp { // Example stuff: label: String, #[serde(skip)] // This how you opt-out of serialization of a field value: f32, } impl Default for CistercianClockApp { fn default() -> Self { Self { // Example stuff: label: "Hello World!".to_owned(), value: 2.7, } } } impl CistercianClockApp { /// Called once before the first frame. pub fn new(cc: &eframe::CreationContext<'_>) -> Self { // This is also where you can customize the look and feel of egui using // `cc.egui_ctx.set_visuals` and `cc.egui_ctx.set_fonts`. // Load previous app state (if any). // Note that you must enable the `persistence` feature for this to work. if let Some(storage) = { return eframe::get_value(storage, eframe::APP_KEY).unwrap_or_default(); } Default::default() } } struct Colours { colour_0: Color32, colour_1: Color32, colour_2: Color32, colour_3: Color32, colour_4: Color32, colour_6: Color32, } fn paint_unit_number( painter: &mut Painter, centre: Pos2, scale: f32, colours: &Colours, number: u32, ) { let width = scale * (34.0 / 2.0 - 1.0); let stroke_width = if scale < 2.0 { 2.0 } else { scale * 1.0 }; let Colours { colour_0, colour_1, colour_2, colour_3, colour_4, colour_6, } = colours; let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_0); painter.line_segment( [centre - vec2(0.0, width), centre + vec2(0.0, width)], stroke, ); if number == 1 || number == 5 || number == 7 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_1); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(0.0, width), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 2 || number == 8 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_2); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width + (scale * 10.0)), ], stroke, ); } if number == 3 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_3); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(0.0, width), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width + scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number == 4 || number == 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_4); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width), ], stroke, ); } if number > 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_6); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, -width + scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } } fn paint_tens_number( painter: &mut Painter, centre: Pos2, scale: f32, colours: &Colours, number: u32, ) { let width = scale * (34.0 / 2.0 - 1.0); let stroke_width = if scale < 2.0 { 2.0 } else { scale * 1.0 }; let Colours { colour_1, colour_2, colour_3, colour_4, colour_6, .. } = colours; if number == 1 || number == 5 || number == 7 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_1); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(scale * 10.0, width), centre + vec2(0.0, -width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 2 || number == 8 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_2); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(0.0, -width + scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number == 3 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_3); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(0.0, -width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 4 || number == 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_4); painter.line_segment( [ centre - vec2(scale * 10.0, width), centre + vec2(0.0, -width + scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number > 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_6); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, -width), centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, -width + scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } } fn paint_hundreds_number( painter: &mut Painter, centre: Pos2, scale: f32, colours: &Colours, number: u32, ) { let width = scale * (34.0 / 2.0 - 1.0); let stroke_width = if scale < 2.0 { 2.0 } else { scale * 1.0 }; let Colours { colour_1, colour_2, colour_3, colour_4, colour_6, .. } = colours; if number == 1 || number == 5 || number == 7 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_1); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(0.0, width), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 2 || number == 8 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_2); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number == 3 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_3); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(0.0, width), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number == 4 || number == 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_4); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width), ], stroke, ); } if number > 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_6); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(scale * 10.0, width), ], stroke, ); } } fn paint_thousands_number( painter: &mut Painter, centre: Pos2, scale: f32, colours: &Colours, number: u32, ) { let width = scale * (34.0 / 2.0 - 1.0); let stroke_width = if scale < 2.0 { 2.0 } else { scale * 1.0 }; let Colours { colour_1, colour_2, colour_3, colour_4, colour_6, .. } = colours; if number == 1 || number == 5 || number == 7 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_1); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width), centre + vec2(0.0, width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 2 || number == 8 || number == 9 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_2); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number == 3 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_3); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(0.0, width), ], stroke, ); } if number == 4 || number == 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_4); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width), centre + vec2(0.0, width - scale * 10.0), ], stroke, ); } if number > 5 { let stroke = Stroke::new(stroke_width, *colour_6); painter.line_segment( [ centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width - scale * 10.0), centre + vec2(-scale * 10.0, width), ], stroke, ); } } fn paint_number( ui: &mut Ui, colours: &Colours, number: u32, scale: Option, show_arabic_numeral: Option, ) { let scale = scale.unwrap_or(1.0); assert!((0..=9_999).contains(&number)); if let Some(true) = show_arabic_numeral { match number { 0..=999 => ui.label(number.to_string()), _ => ui.label(format!("{},{:003}", number / 1000, number % 1000)), }; } let size = Vec2::splat(scale * 34.0); let (response, mut painter) = ui.allocate_painter(size, Sense::hover()); let rect = response.rect; let c =; let unit = number % 10; paint_unit_number(&mut painter, c, scale, colours, unit); if number > 9 { let tens = (number % 100) / 10; paint_tens_number(&mut painter, c, scale, colours, tens); } if number > 99 { let hundreds = (number % 1_000) / 100; paint_hundreds_number(&mut painter, c, scale, colours, hundreds); } if number > 999 { let thousands = (number % 10_000) / 1_000; paint_thousands_number(&mut painter, c, scale, colours, thousands); } } const DARK_CISTERCIAN_NUMERAL_COLOURS: Colours = Colours { colour_0: Color32::from_gray(242), colour_1: Color32::from_rgb(58, 134, 255), colour_2: Color32::from_rgb(251, 86, 7), colour_3: Color32::from_rgb(162, 106, 241), colour_4: Color32::from_rgb(255, 0, 110), colour_6: Color32::from_rgb(255, 190, 11), }; const LIGHT_CISTERCIAN_NUMERAL_COLOURS: Colours = Colours { colour_0: Color32::from_rgb(4, 3, 15), colour_1: Color32::from_rgb(93, 93, 91), colour_2: Color32::from_rgb(0, 122, 94), colour_3: Color32::from_rgb(27, 42, 65), colour_4: Color32::from_rgb(150, 2, 0), colour_6: Color32::from_rgb(0, 122, 163), }; fn paint_number_row(ui: &mut Ui, colours: &Colours, start: u32, end: u32) { ui.horizontal(|ui| { for number in start..end { ui.horizontal_top(|ui| paint_number(ui, colours, number, None, Some(true))); } }); } impl eframe::App for CistercianClockApp { /// Called by the frame work to save state before shutdown. fn save(&mut self, storage: &mut dyn eframe::Storage) { eframe::set_value(storage, eframe::APP_KEY, self); } /// Called each time the UI needs repainting, which may be many times per second. fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { // Put your widgets into a `SidePanel`, `TopPanel`, `CentralPanel`, `Window` or `Area`. // For inspiration and more examples, go to egui::TopBottomPanel::top("top_panel").show(ctx, |ui| { if ui.visuals().dark_mode { ctx.set_visuals(dark_mode_override()); } else { ctx.set_visuals(light_mode_override()); }; // The top panel is often a good place for a menu bar: egui::menu::bar(ui, |ui| { // NOTE: no File->Quit on web pages! let is_web = cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32"); if !is_web { ui.menu_button("File", |ui| { if ui.button("Quit").clicked() { ctx.send_viewport_cmd(egui::ViewportCommand::Close); } }); ui.add_space(16.0); } egui::widgets::global_theme_preference_switch(ui); }); }); let mut style = (*; style.text_styles = [ (Heading, FontId::new(30.0, Proportional)), (Name("clock".into()), FontId::new(64.0, Proportional)), (Body, FontId::new(18.0, Proportional)), (Monospace, FontId::new(14.0, Proportional)), (Button, FontId::new(14.0, Proportional)), (Small, FontId::new(10.0, Proportional)), ] .into(); ctx.set_style(style); egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { let colours = if ui.visuals().dark_mode { DARK_CISTERCIAN_NUMERAL_COLOURS } else { LIGHT_CISTERCIAN_NUMERAL_COLOURS }; ui.ctx().request_repaint_after(Duration::new(1, 0)); // The central panel the region left after adding TopPanel's and SidePanel's ui.heading("Cistercian Time"); ui.add_space(30.0); let now = Local::now(); let hours_minutes: u32 = now.hour() * 100 + now.minute(); let seconds: u32 = now.second(); let time = now.format("%H:%M %S").to_string(); ui.horizontal(|ui| { paint_number(ui, &colours, hours_minutes, Some(4.0), None); paint_number(ui, &colours, seconds, Some(4.0), None); }); ui.add_space(20.0); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(TextStyle::Name("clock".into())); ui.label(time) }); ui.add_space(20.0); ui.separator(); ScrollArea::vertical() .auto_shrink(false) .scroll_bar_visibility(ScrollBarVisibility::default()) .show(ui, |ui| { ui.heading("Cistercian Numbers"); ui.add_space(30.0); paint_number_row(ui, &colours, 0, 10); ui.add_space(30.0); for tens in 1..10 { paint_number_row(ui, &colours, 10 * tens, (tens + 1) * 10); ui.add_space(15.0); } ui.add_space(30.0); ui.horizontal(|ui| { for number in 1..5 { ui.horizontal_top(|ui| { paint_number(ui, &colours, number * 100, None, Some(true)); }); } }); ui.add_space(30.0); ui.horizontal(|ui| { for number in 1..5 { ui.horizontal_top(|ui| { paint_number(ui, &colours, number * 1_000, None, Some(true)); }); } }); ui.add_space(30.0); ui.separator(); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::bottom_up(egui::Align::LEFT), |ui| { powered_by_egui_and_eframe(ui); egui::warn_if_debug_build(ui); }); }); }); }); } } fn powered_by_egui_and_eframe(ui: &mut egui::Ui) { ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing.x = 0.0; ui.label("Powered by "); ui.hyperlink_to("egui", ""); ui.label(" and "); ui.hyperlink_to( "eframe", "", ); ui.label("."); }); }