// ==UserScript== // @name [HFR] Recherche Google et DuckDuckGo // @version 2.1.1 // @namespace roger21.free.fr // @description Remplace le bouton de recherche du forum (en haut à droite) par un champ de recherche par Google, DuckDuckGo ou les deux. // @icon %2F%2F%2F8AAADxjxvylSrzmzf5wYLzmjb%2F9er%2F%2Fv70nj32q1b5woT70qT82rT827b%2F%2B%2FjxkSHykybykyfylCjylCnzmDDzmjX0nTv1o0b1qFH2qVL2qlT3tGn4tmz4uHD4uXL5vHf83Lf83Lj937394MH%2B587%2B69f%2F8%2BX%2F8%2Bf%2F9On%2F9uz%2F%2BPH%2F%2BvT%2F%2FPmRE1AgAAAAwElEQVR42s1SyRbCIAysA7W2tdZ93%2Ff1%2F39PEtqDEt6rXnQOEMhAMkmC4E9QY9j9da1OkP%2BtTiBo1caOjGisDLRDANCk%2FVIHwwkBZGReh9avnGj2%2FWFg%2Feg5hD1bLZTwqdgU%2FlTSdrqZJWN%2FKImPOnGjiBJKhYqMvikxtlhLNTuz%2FgkxjmJRRza5mbcXpbz4zldLJ0lVEBY5nRL4CJx%2FMEfXE4L9j4Qr%2BZakpiandMpX6FO7%2FaPxxUTJI%2FsJ4cd4AoSOBgZnPvgtAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC // @include https://forum.hardware.fr/* // @author roger21 // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roger21/hfr/master/hfr_recherche_google.user.js // @installURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roger21/hfr/master/hfr_recherche_google.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roger21/hfr/master/hfr_recherche_google.user.js // @supportURL https://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/Discussions/Viepratique/sujet_116015_1.htm // @homepageURL http://roger21.free.fr/hfr/ // @noframes // @grant GM.openInTab // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== /* Copyright © 2012-2022 roger21@free.fr This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // $Rev: 3673 $ // historique : // 2.1.1 (04/12/2022) : // - détection du topic sur la page de réponse / édition normale // 2.1.0 (01/09/2022) : // - Why Not Both? // 2.0.0 (20/08/2022) : // - nouveau nom : [HFR] Recherche Google -> [HFR] Recherche Google et DuckDuckGo // - possibilité de choisir entre Google et DuckDuckGo // - possibilité de contextualiser la recherhce jusqu'au topic // - ajout d'une fenêtre de configuration // - refonte de l'interface // 1.5.6 (03/01/2022) : // - mise à jour des cats / sous-cats (ajout de la sous-cat windows 11) // 1.5.5 (13/02/2020) : // - utilisation d'une url en data pour l'icône du script et changement d'hébergeur -> // (free.fr -> github.com) // 1.5.4 (01/01/2020) : // - mise à jour des cats / sous-cats // 1.5.3 (02/10/2019) : // - suppression de la directive "@inject-into" (mauvaise solution, changer solution) // - correction de la gestion de la compatibilité gm4 (pour violentmonkey) // 1.5.2 (18/09/2019) : // - ajout de la directive "@inject-into content" pour isoler le script sous violentmonkey // 1.5.1 (29/11/2018) : // - ajout de l'avis de licence AGPL v3+ // 1.5.0 (12/08/2018) : // - nouveau nom : [HFR] recherche google -> [HFR] Recherche Google // - ajout de la metadata @author (roger21) // 1.4.0 (26/05/2018) : // - ajout du support pour la cat shop // - gestion de la compatibilité gm4 // - utilisation de keydown au lieu de keypress // - recodage en event.key au lieu de event.keyCode deprecated // - check du code dans tm et restylage du code (moins barbare) // - maj de la metadata @homepageURL // - suppression des @grant inutiles // - reformatage du code (Online JavaScript beautifier : -> // "2 spaces, unlimited newlines, do not wrap, braces with" et rien coché) // 1.3.1 (28/11/2017) : // - passage au https // 1.3.0 (30/10/2016) : // - force l'ouverture de la recherche google au premier plan (ajout d'un paramètre -> // modifiable dans le code) // 1.2.8 (06/08/2016) : // - compression de l'image du bouton (pngoptimizer) // - correction des styles css du bouton et du champ de recherche // - mise à jour des cats / sous-cats mais y'avait rien de nouveau :o // - modification de l'année dans les dates de l'historique : passage de 2 a 4 chiffres // 1.2.7 (20/01/2016) : // - correction d'un deprecated dans string.replace() // - ajout d'un padding left dans l'input de recherche pour voir ce con de curseur :o // 1.2.6 (29/11/2015) : // - nouvelle mise à jour des cats / sous-cats (nouvelle cat diy) // 1.2.5 (11/11/2015) : // - mise à jour des cats / sous-cats // 1.2.4 (05/09/2015) : // - nouveau logo google // 1.2.3 (07/03/2015) : // - ajout de la metadata @noframes (interdit l'execution du script dans une frame -> // pour plus de sécurité) // 1.2.2 (04/04/2014) : // - modification de la description // - ajout d'une icone au script // - ajout des dates dans l'historique // 1.2.1 (18/03/2014) : // - modification de la description // - maj des metadata @grant et indentation des metadata // - correction d'une typo dans l'historique // 1.2.0 (14/09/2013) : // - nodeValue -> textContent pour gérer les nodes element des pages > 1 // 1.1.1 (14/09/2012) : // - ajout des metadata @grant // 1.1.0 (02/09/2012): // - gestion des NO_BREAK_SPACE qui apparaissent comme ça par magie, merci md de merde /* ---------------------------- */ /* gestion de compatibilité gm4 */ /* ---------------------------- */ if(typeof GM === "undefined") { this.GM = {}; } if(typeof GM_openInTab !== "undefined" && typeof GM.openInTab === "undefined") { GM.openInTab = function(...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { resolve(GM_openInTab.apply(null, args)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }; } if(typeof GM_getValue !== "undefined" && typeof GM.getValue === "undefined") { GM.getValue = function(...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { resolve(GM_getValue.apply(null, args)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }; } if(typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined" && typeof GM.setValue === "undefined") { GM.setValue = function(...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { resolve(GM_setValue.apply(null, args)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }; } let gmMenu = GM.registerMenuCommand || GM_registerMenuCommand; /* ---------- */ /* les images */ /* ---------- */ const img_google = "%2F9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7DAAAOwwHHb6hkAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQB3d3cuaW5rc2NhcGUub3Jnm%2B48GgAAAgNJREFUOI2lkjto02EUxX%2Ff90%2BszaPB0iaVLkaCQiIIidJKl1gf6FCXVuiondwEJw0SpWhRxKEiLdJB3Yov8AHSksRQxKFJXBRxEotV0epi0zzJ%2FzqYpDESEL3T5Xyc851z74X%2FLNUMfD%2Fc12EWK2OCGkHhA1wotSxCXAzzes98%2BnVLgZX9u8Ii6i7Q1eJDE1FRd2LxYg2w1Jqv%2B3YfEuERYK1CAiyB5EH5qnhRNOlGRQ2QjXg9KG6vk%2BWZVkbAHU953fG039igu4BJUzPkiS3O%2FRGhHLOcKWa6J%2FLxXtDyMltwDniTyUKLGL9VNYIabgt9w9Kbo%2FRi8%2FnuqUydvHd8NYBVb2wmGmUpxaKOV7UZ%2BACMnlzZGX47x1SDRUPdx5TtzQKmwQ%2FApf%2FGZouy1iMUTWO5TVdcHyr27FkJ9kNiYd2CuopIJ4CIdCilItWHT3WBdxXH8%2FclZ%2BDy2s5NRVNfCt88Npg8fqsAkIjYZ2pagxPZ08ivXkSSUF3jlXwwOr4W%2FFwUA5Tak21ffdp356i%2FRgw9HrL1z0yeQ8wLVUi0oW5AwyWGZkcOKuQJDYcksKQgC2wFbEbej%2B3LCbTpuhaPOE7WHQBkRu%2FNK60PACv19LAF2AHYACrtb8h5pmc7ffZT9RE1j3bg4RFnKW8dA4YFtQ3EBXwEWVAwnRp9kGq1ln%2Bqn%2FOsr7FXPj6GAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const img_duckduckgo = "%2B48GgAAAV9QTFRFAAAA2Vkz21Ux3F0u3Vcy3lg03lcz4Fw54Fs44Fs44Fw45oRp5oVq5oZr5oRp5oVq54Zr6pV96pZ%2B6pV96paA65mE6pV96pZ%2B6pd%2F65mC65qD6piD65qE7qiV7qqW762aZbxHabxLbblGno49ur%2FSvHQ5wnA4wszeyOe90OrG193p3lgz3lkz3lk13lo131sy31wx314632pL4JR14WIw4WdF4WhH4WlI4mpJ4pR%2B4pqF4vLc5G8s5IRq5LKZ5Xtd5n9i5n9j5oBk5oFl5oNn5qKR54No54Rp54Vp54Vq54Zr57er6H4m6IAr6aOL6fTn6oUk6qGM6rKl6u706%2FXs7NHK7Y8g7ban7ffp7pIg7pYe766c766d76%2Bd77Cf8J0c8LWl8Obk8bam8b%2By8qUZ8ryt8%2FDh9Pb59rUc9vb3%2BMEj%2BPn6%2Buzo%2Bvr8%2Bvv8%2FNEk%2FPz9%2Fvv6%2F%2Fnd%2F%2Fvq%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FjITPgAAACB0Uk5TABQVFlJUVYKDhIXY2dna2tv19fb29vf39%2Ff3%2BPj%2B%2Fv66jP7VAAAAz0lEQVQYV2NgwAaYufilpfk5mWF8NolodzMz9xgxVihf1iE81V5bW9tRFizCLO6gF5hTmGCore0kzAQU4IrWtg3OK0kPAqqJ5QAKCHhou%2BZqlRSo6Gpre%2FIABWTMtC2z1UtK0nzjA8ylgAJSptpGmSVF%2BVkpPjpmokABPjdt7cSS4ozIsCh9L5AWziRt7dCSEgsTGwPtOHaQtRIu2t4R1sZqqtrOQowgh7DKu1lpKigqKTvLsUCcyiqS7K8R4mcnCOUzMDBx8EpLcrOD1WMAAG67I%2F%2Bh5MSaAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const img_gooduck = ""; let img_help = "%2F9hAAACmUlEQVR42q2TX0haYRjGz8XYxW53s6sgbVQUiQ6i2IgxmIxgBDkKpAXRaCPZqFgsFhaFUrEoCIqkRDkjxTA0jEZSoigpiZKxMPzEKDwHQUnxz6Fo8exMhhFEV33wu%2FueHzwv70tR9%2F0s%2B5dCc%2FBCafKfE8Mel%2FvpzeV0nixZdqWVi44z4Z1ho5%2BTrfgKbCh%2BiYNTDsFYtkjopABftIDpDZadXI%2FLbg3TuzmZ1p3JHzLncP5OQr1KIJ%2F1o216D4P0AWw%2BFoHjLL4bSH6QProp0TjTgoWdFHMQ57DuT6CFDw3QIZAEh0iigNmNKKRqN%2FQ7x%2FBG0uhZ2Ge65gKCkmBmkx3ZJTlsh1JonvDi5bAThYsrHvznCi0TLkjHHFjzMjDvMmhVu0dKgtHVYxLguw7Rh2gadqBxaBuELWBxKwqj5wQcLzB6YhD1WdCz6IM7nMSrITspCfp1YS4Yy6BZ5ULDNzvEAzb%2BsxVL9giS2QucJjkoVwKo6TWj4asVvsgZxAorVxJ0zwW4QDSD1%2BMuiPqtqPtiQe1nCzLcHxwxWUgUZlR2G%2FCUR6IwwUtSKO80Xgtkag%2FxHKWg0AQg7rOhVrGG6k%2BrqPpgLFLxnkZFhw6CDi3a1Fuwhxg8btVeV%2BD7jOjsUVh9DBr6baVgIn0O5oxDmXy5SIVcA3onAhVf54F0%2FnqIEsW6oO7jGrPpZ6DfJhD1miDo1KN3zlHkX7i8fR5TpiBMriioplmGej4juLELZfIV2ZN2Om%2FxnsDojuGdahPVXVpUdizhrdIKvT0Mg5OAqv%2BRp55N3r6Nj5o1sodvFthReg%2B%2FgnG4wokiG%2F5TDGo8oMRqlqpTye6%2BphczQqpxWknVTxFKMpGjROocVTtOqJoxJVU1Krz36%2F0Lr2rVjUwVEAIAAAAASUVORK5CYII="; let img_info = "%2F9hAAABG0lEQVR42mNgoAZwrZy1C4jfAfFrIjFI7SpkAz4D8X907FEzF4yxyQHxC2QDPiBLupTP%2BO9Xv%2BD%2FjN2X%2Fs%2Fae%2Fm%2FX8MCsBiaAc9wGuBYNv1%2F9vQt%2F2Egb8ZWsBjRBoBscyqb8b9j3bH%2F03dd%2BB%2FQtJB4F4AUhrUu%2Bd%2B%2F5dT%2FvTde%2Fd917fn%2FxL41%2F52INQCkMGXiuv%2F3v8B98D99ykbSvOAOxIWztyMMmLQR6KXppAUiyNm%2FyDUApDiuZ9X%2F70DNf4E4qX8d6bEwC5gGYGDW7sukpQMXIC6Ytf3%2FpvOP%2Fm%2B68AjI3orNgKfIBnxxr5r9HxmDkrB37TwwBrHR5YGWvIQbIBJcvkc6ouatdFjVa6JwRM07kcCy1VTJyQAWb%2BM0%2Fl9lTAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; let img_save = "%2F9hAAACdklEQVR42q2TX0iTYRTGz1UXCRIMMWOIbKi4pJSU%2FWEbTpnQNowxYyYW1Ihwig4klGijDAtn1IaTqTTRiTbcaAqFCS4skUAkuuvPRxGCIypsoOz26XwftBZkVx544L14f8857znnJTrsqIyTUjFP3tIoCUWPaE82wQqTIAuRtzBAyv%2FC5TFyyKOUNkbluJFyY3jdK2lgtRO14WOgIUrTIDn%2BCXNWR%2FE07V9ZsiG06Uffi6uwLzVKEs%2FBzWF0LDSB%2Bmif9bdJWZQUxRHaEWHxYnOyHqZELfQLp2FkNbDM8TMIvL6LC3MmkJt26BopcgbyCPm0UyVSZhEWQW3sJNTzVVDPVUI3V4XI1iisMQ2CbKIYPAK6TL6cQdEECQOpTnhSLpjiNdA8VjFYAc0sK1qB6TdhZDIZvN3eQs%2BzDvQtdYDaSMgZHA1Q9v7GLbQk9TDEqrmSEax%2BXIZ2pgpTW2MS%2FGP3O3qeXoR1pgbDqQGQjbJ%2FmnCPsv51H2wJLVoSBnz%2B%2BkmCPqTf5WD3Yht04VJYIqfgT%2FWDmvMNBkm4vuxC78olGGdVcMbN2P72RYJ3f%2B7C%2FeQ86kMl0LNBV7IVvTEnqCnvCXSTfKqRAgQ27sA8o4IuokTrfAPW3q%2BgZ7EddaPHoQ6egDFUhsBLHwo9BGrMayJ5eCQ8GmdUjwevbqNxshyG8TJox%2BTQBEWJcCkernlhG6sB6XiMurwxSuHi5WinfXukHkE26U46YZmsxtlxFbr5CQGGLaFqUB0vku6AbWQDB9kpLesn9CacGHruwdCyB%2B6YHQVdXLaaV1l7EPw7zvGHsZKXuyyQgfYY2OOMAsvL2ZWH%2Fnt%2FATnRYAIAzln5AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; let img_close = "%2F9hAAABzElEQVR42p2Sz0sCURDHH%2BbiU9ToB4LiD8Iu8ihQKBI0WEEUwYMdOkiXLp0i69CpDkERUVBQRBAUHTp0MCEKCipJi37QD%2Bj%2FWZlmXhpKu0UNPHaWt5%2BZ73xnGftjXPn9NsPLh3g8gEcY3V%2F6%2FeLM6y0cu93DuvBTIgGPqgp3g4NCD74OBKASCsGhy3W0390d%2Bga%2FZrPy3A8NQbWv76vIuc8nsADcRiLwkskA5dudnYU1p9PUKMDvo9HaczoN7%2Fk8UDEsANiRJEu4Gg4D3ddhbdXhUFok3g4M8Gp%2Fv%2FYQi8FbLgf0LPf0AHaXxZ6SSZlvtrcTzHVNwvk4QhpJpVGoI4GkCJXABsIrRnCTWfzU6609p1JwgR0xBxwR1p3O2q8wxYnHQ3PLbWAOJTzoD80N81ar%2BBHGjwV1vOntlR4QiCuV7hfdbliy22FaUYQhTB3LwaAEqTOapS3a7TXcOVSEgAOXC2YtFhhnrLUI%2Flmi1ATjO6x8wnzOauUziqJtdXRIZTs4ymRbG4w2F8E%2FSyWI1laswws225dhCPAJk4nWB7tdXTBlNsMIY2qLCjRJ3UOpyygZzfrm9hhjPM%2BYpgs3Ak1S9eBGoGxuCP83PgCikeJyFDsSMAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; /* -------------- */ /* les constantes */ /* -------------- */ const script_name = "[HFR] Recherche Google et DuckDuckGo"; const google_url = "https://www.google.com/search?q="; const duckduckgo_url = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q="; const insite = " site:forum.hardware.fr"; /* ------------------------- */ /* les paramètres par défaut */ /* ------------------------- */ // "google", "duckduckgo" ou "both" const gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine_default = "duckduckgo"; // 0, 1, 2 ou 3 (forum, cat, sous-cat ou topic) const gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level_default = 2; // true ou false const gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground_default = true; /* ---------------------- */ /* les variables globales */ /* ---------------------- */ let gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine; let gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level; let gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground; let cat, subcat, topic, search_input, search_img; let do_debug = false; /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* les correspondances cats / sous-cats <=> url */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ let cats = { cat0: { key: "service-client-shophfr", name: "Service client shop.hardware.fr" }, cat1: { key: "Hardware", name: "Hardware", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "carte-mere", name: "Carte mère" }, subcat1: { key: "Memoire", name: "Mémoire" }, subcat2: { key: "Processeur", name: "Processeur" }, subcat3: { key: "2D-3D", name: "Carte graphique" }, subcat4: { key: "Boitier", name: "Boitier" }, subcat5: { key: "Alimentation", name: "Alimentation" }, subcat6: { key: "HDD", name: "Disque dur" }, subcat7: { key: "SSD", name: "Disque SSD" }, subcat8: { key: "lecteur-graveur", name: "CD/DVD/BD" }, subcat9: { key: "minipc", name: "Mini PC" }, subcat10: { key: "Benchs", name: "Bench" }, subcat11: { key: "Materiels-problemes-divers", name: "Matériels & problèmes divers" }, subcat12: { key: "conseilsachats", name: "Conseil d'achat" }, subcat13: { key: "hfr", name: "HFR" }, subcat14: { key: "actualites", name: "Actus" } } }, cat2: { key: "HardwarePeripheriques", name: "Hardware - Périphériques", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Ecran", name: "Ecran" }, subcat1: { key: "Imprimante", name: "Imprimante" }, subcat2: { key: "Scanner", name: "Scanner" }, subcat3: { key: "webcam-camera-ip", name: "Webcam / Caméra IP" }, subcat4: { key: "Clavier-Souris", name: "Clavier / Souris" }, subcat5: { key: "Joys", name: "Joys" }, subcat6: { key: "Onduleur", name: "Onduleur" }, subcat7: { key: "Divers", name: "Divers" } } }, cat3: { key: "OrdinateursPortables", name: "Ordinateurs portables", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "portable", name: "Portable" }, subcat1: { key: "Ultraportable", name: "Ultraportable" }, subcat2: { key: "Transportable", name: "Transportable" }, subcat3: { key: "Netbook", name: "Netbook" }, subcat4: { key: "Composant", name: "Composant" }, subcat5: { key: "Accessoire", name: "Accessoire" }, subcat6: { key: "Conseils-d-achat", name: "Conseils d'achat" }, subcat7: { key: "SAV", name: "SAV" } } }, cat4: { key: "OverclockingCoolingModding", name: "Overclocking, Cooling & Modding", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "CPU", name: "CPU" }, subcat1: { key: "GPU", name: "GPU" }, subcat2: { key: "Air-Cooling", name: "Air Cooling" }, subcat3: { key: "Water-Xtreme-Cooling", name: "Water & Xtreme Cooling" }, subcat4: { key: "Silence", name: "Silence" }, subcat5: { key: "Modding", name: "Modding" }, subcat6: { key: "Divers-8", name: "Divers" } } }, cat5: { key: "electroniquedomotiquediy", name: "Electronique, domotique, DIY", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "conception_depannage_mods", name: "Conception, dépannage, mods" }, subcat1: { key: "nano-ordinateur_microcontroleurs_fpga", name: "Nano-ordinateur, microcontrôleurs, FPGA" }, subcat2: { key: "domotique_maisonconnectee", name: "Domotique et maison connectée" }, subcat3: { key: "mecanique_prototypage", name: "Mécanique, prototypage" }, subcat4: { key: "imprimantes3D", name: "Imprimantes 3D" }, subcat5: { key: "robotique_modelisme", name: "Robotique et modélisme" }, subcat6: { key: "divers", name: "Divers" } } }, cat6: { key: "gsmgpspda", name: "Technologies Mobiles", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "autres-os-mobiles", name: "Autres OS Mobiles" }, subcat1: { key: "operateur", name: "Opérateur" }, subcat2: { key: "telephone-android", name: "Téléphone Android" }, subcat3: { key: "telephone-windows-phone", name: "Téléphone Windows Phone" }, subcat4: { key: "telephone", name: "Téléphone" }, subcat5: { key: "tablette", name: "Tablette" }, subcat6: { key: "android", name: "Android" }, subcat7: { key: "windows-phone", name: "Windows Phone" }, subcat8: { key: "GPS-PDA", name: "GPS / PDA" }, subcat9: { key: "accessoires", name: "Accessoires" } } }, cat7: { key: "apple", name: "Apple", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Mac-OS-X", name: "Mac OS X" }, subcat1: { key: "Applications", name: "Applications" }, subcat2: { key: "Mac", name: "Mac" }, subcat3: { key: "Macbook", name: "Macbook" }, subcat4: { key: "Iphone-amp-Ipod", name: "Iphone & Ipod" }, subcat5: { key: "Ipad", name: "Ipad" }, subcat6: { key: "Peripheriques", name: "Périphériques" } } }, cat8: { key: "VideoSon", name: "Video & Son", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "HiFi-HomeCinema", name: "HiFi & Home Cinema" }, subcat1: { key: "Materiel", name: "Matériel" }, subcat2: { key: "Traitement-Audio", name: "Traitement Audio" }, subcat3: { key: "Traitement-Video", name: "Traitement Vidéo" } } }, cat9: { key: "Photonumerique", name: "Photo numérique", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Appareil", name: "Appareil" }, subcat1: { key: "Objectif", name: "Objectif" }, subcat2: { key: "Accessoire", name: "Accessoire" }, subcat3: { key: "Photos", name: "Photos" }, subcat4: { key: "Technique", name: "Technique" }, subcat5: { key: "Logiciels-Retouche", name: "Logiciels & Retouche" }, subcat6: { key: "Argentique", name: "Argentique" }, subcat7: { key: "Concours", name: "Concours" }, subcat8: { key: "Galerie-Perso", name: "Galerie Perso" }, subcat9: { key: "Divers-7", name: "Divers" } } }, cat10: { key: "JeuxVideo", name: "Jeux Video", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "PC", name: "PC" }, subcat1: { key: "Consoles", name: "Consoles" }, subcat2: { key: "Achat-Ventes", name: "Achat & Ventes" }, subcat3: { key: "Teams-LAN", name: "Teams & LAN" }, subcat4: { key: "Tips-Depannage", name: "Tips & Dépannage" }, subcat5: { key: "VR-Realite-Virtuelle", name: "Réalité virtuelle" }, subcat6: { key: "mobiles", name: "Mobiles" } } }, cat11: { key: "WindowsSoftware", name: "Windows & Software", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "windows-11", name: "Win 11" }, subcat1: { key: "windows-10", name: "Win 10" }, subcat2: { key: "windows-8", name: "Win 8" }, subcat3: { key: "Windows-7-seven", name: "Win 7" }, subcat4: { key: "Windows-vista", name: "Win Vista" }, subcat5: { key: "Windows-nt-2k-xp", name: "Win NT/2K/XP" }, subcat6: { key: "Win-9x-me", name: "Win 9x/Me" }, subcat7: { key: "Securite", name: "Sécurité" }, subcat8: { key: "Virus-Spywares", name: "Virus/Spywares" }, subcat9: { key: "Stockage-Sauvegarde", name: "Stockage/Sauvegarde" }, subcat10: { key: "Logiciels", name: "Logiciels" }, subcat11: { key: "Tutoriels", name: "Tutoriels" } } }, cat12: { key: "reseauxpersosoho", name: "Réseaux grand public / SoHo", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "FAI", name: "FAI" }, subcat1: { key: "Reseaux", name: "Réseaux" }, subcat2: { key: "Routage-et-securite", name: "Sécurité" }, subcat3: { key: "WiFi-et-CPL", name: "WiFi et CPL" }, subcat4: { key: "Hebergement", name: "Hébergement" }, subcat5: { key: "Tel-TV-sur-IP", name: "Tel / TV sur IP" }, subcat6: { key: "Chat-visio-et-voix", name: "Chat, visio et voix" }, subcat7: { key: "Tutoriels", name: "Tutoriels" } } }, cat13: { key: "systemereseauxpro", name: "Systèmes & Réseaux Pro", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Reseaux", name: "Réseaux" }, subcat1: { key: "Securite", name: "Sécurité" }, subcat2: { key: "Telecom", name: "Télécom" }, subcat3: { key: "Infrastructures-serveurs", name: "Infrastructures serveurs" }, subcat4: { key: "Stockage", name: "Stockage" }, subcat5: { key: "Logiciels-entreprise", name: "Logiciels d'entreprise" }, subcat6: { key: "Management-SI", name: "Management du SI" }, subcat7: { key: "poste-de-travail", name: "Poste de travail" } } }, cat14: { key: "OSAlternatifs", name: "Linux et OS Alternatifs", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Codes-scripts", name: "Codes et scripts" }, subcat1: { key: "Debats", name: "Débats" }, subcat2: { key: "Divers-2", name: "Divers" }, subcat3: { key: "Hardware-2", name: "Hardware" }, subcat4: { key: "Installation", name: "Installation" }, subcat5: { key: "Logiciels-2", name: "Logiciels" }, subcat6: { key: "Multimedia", name: "Multimédia" }, subcat7: { key: "reseaux-securite", name: "réseaux et sécurité" } } }, cat15: { key: "Programmation", name: "Programmation", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "ADA", name: "Ada" }, subcat1: { key: "Algo", name: "Algo" }, subcat2: { key: "Android", name: "Android" }, subcat3: { key: "API-Win32", name: "API Win32" }, subcat4: { key: "ASM", name: "ASM" }, subcat5: { key: "ASP", name: "ASP" }, subcat6: { key: "Big-Data", name: "BI/Big Data" }, subcat7: { key: "C", name: "C" }, subcat8: { key: "CNET-managed", name: "C#/.NET managed" }, subcat9: { key: "C-2", name: "C++" }, subcat10: { key: "Delphi-Pascal", name: "Delphi/Pascal" }, subcat11: { key: "Flash-ActionScript", name: "Flash/ActionScript" }, subcat12: { key: "HTML-CSS-Javascript", name: "HTML/CSS" }, subcat13: { key: "iOS", name: "iOS" }, subcat14: { key: "Java", name: "Java" }, subcat15: { key: "Javascript-Node-js", name: "Javascript/Node.js" }, subcat16: { key: "Langages-fonctionnels", name: "Langages fonctionnels" }, subcat17: { key: "Perl", name: "Perl" }, subcat18: { key: "PHP", name: "PHP" }, subcat19: { key: "Python", name: "Python" }, subcat20: { key: "Ruby", name: "Ruby/Rails" }, subcat21: { key: "Shell-Batch", name: "Shell/Batch" }, subcat22: { key: "SGBD-SQL", name: "SQL/NoSQL" }, subcat23: { key: "VB-VBA-VBS", name: "VB/VBA/VBS" }, subcat24: { key: "Windows-Phone", name: "Windows Phone" }, subcat25: { key: "XML-XSL", name: "XML/XSL" }, subcat26: { key: "Divers-6", name: "Divers" } } }, cat16: { key: "Graphisme", name: "Graphisme", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Cours", name: "Cours" }, subcat1: { key: "Galerie", name: "Galerie" }, subcat2: { key: "Infographie-2D", name: "Infographie 2D" }, subcat3: { key: "PAO-Desktop-Publishing", name: "PAO / Desktop Publishing" }, subcat4: { key: "Infographie-3D", name: "Infographie 3D" }, subcat5: { key: "Webdesign", name: "Web design" }, subcat6: { key: "Arts-traditionnels", name: "Arts traditionnels" }, subcat7: { key: "Concours-2", name: "Concours" }, subcat8: { key: "Ressources", name: "Ressources" }, subcat9: { key: "Divers-5", name: "Divers" } } }, cat17: { key: "AchatsVentes", name: "Achats & Ventes", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Hardware", name: "Hardware" }, subcat1: { key: "pc-portables", name: "PC Portables" }, subcat2: { key: "tablettes", name: "Tablettes" }, subcat3: { key: "Photo-Audio-Video", name: "Photo" }, subcat4: { key: "audio-video", name: "Audio, Vidéo" }, subcat5: { key: "Telephonie", name: "Téléphonie" }, subcat6: { key: "Softs-livres", name: "Softs, livres" }, subcat7: { key: "Divers-4", name: "Divers" }, subcat8: { key: "Avis-estimations", name: "Avis, estimations" }, subcat9: { key: "Feedback", name: "Feed-back" }, subcat10: { key: "Regles-coutumes", name: "Règles et coutumes" } } }, cat18: { key: "EmploiEtudes", name: "Emploi & Etudes", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Marche-emploi", name: "Marché de l'emploi" }, subcat1: { key: "Etudes-Orientation", name: "Etudes / Orientation" }, subcat2: { key: "Annonces-emplois", name: "Annonces d'emplois" }, subcat3: { key: "Feedback-entreprises", name: "Feedback sur les entreprises" }, subcat4: { key: "Aide-devoirs", name: "Aide aux devoirs" } } }, cat19: { key: "Setietprojetsdistribues", name: "Seti et projets distribués", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "BOINC", name: "BOINC" }, subcat1: { key: "SETI", name: "SETI" }, subcat2: { key: "projets-distribues", name: "Autres projets distribués" }, subcat3: { key: "Divers-3", name: "Divers" } } }, cat20: { key: "Discussions", name: "Discussions", subcats: { subcat0: { key: "Actualite", name: "Actualité" }, subcat1: { key: "politique", name: "Politique" }, subcat2: { key: "Societe", name: "Société" }, subcat3: { key: "Cinema", name: "Cinéma" }, subcat4: { key: "Musique", name: "Musique" }, subcat5: { key: "Arts-Lecture", name: "Arts & Lecture" }, subcat6: { key: "TV-Radio", name: "TV, Radio" }, subcat7: { key: "Sciences", name: "Sciences" }, subcat8: { key: "Sante", name: "Santé" }, subcat9: { key: "Sports", name: "Sports" }, subcat10: { key: "Auto-Moto", name: "Auto / Moto" }, subcat11: { key: "Cuisine", name: "Cuisine" }, subcat12: { key: "Loisirs", name: "Loisirs" }, subcat13: { key: "voyages", name: "Voyages" }, subcat14: { key: "Viepratique", name: "Vie pratique" } } } }; /* -------------- */ /* les styles css */ /* -------------- */ let l_style = document.createElement("style"); l_style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); l_style.textContent = // styles pour la fenêtre d'aide "#gmhfrrgedr21_help_window{position:fixed;width:200px;height:auto;z-index:1003;" + "background-color:#e3ebf5;visibility:hidden;border:2px solid #6995c3;border-radius:8px;" + "padding:4px 7px 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"gmhfrrgedr21_help_window"); document.body.appendChild(help_window); // fonction de création du bouton d'aide function create_help_button(p_width, p_text) { let l_help_button = document.createElement("img"); l_help_button.setAttribute("src", img_help); l_help_button.setAttribute("alt", "Aide"); l_help_button.setAttribute("class", "gmhfrrgedr21_help_button"); l_help_button.addEventListener("mouseover", function(p_event) { help_window.style.width = p_width + "px"; help_window.textContent = p_text; help_window.style.left = (p_event.clientX + 32) + "px"; help_window.style.top = (p_event.clientY - 16) + "px"; help_window.style.visibility = "visible"; }, false); l_help_button.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { help_window.style.visibility = "hidden"; }, false); return l_help_button; } // création du voile de fond pour la fenêtre de configuration let config_background = document.createElement("div"); config_background.setAttribute("id", "gmhfrrgedr21_config_background"); 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"duckduckgo" : "both"); gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level = forum_radio.checked ? 0 : (cat_radio.checked ? 1 : (subcat_radio.checked ? 2 : 3)); gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground = open_foreground_checkbox.checked; // enregistrement des paramètres Promise.all([ GM.setValue("gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine", gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine), GM.setValue("gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level", gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level), GM.setValue("gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground", gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground), ]); // mise à jour du champ de recherche update_search(); } // fonction de fermeture de la fenêtre de configuration function hide_config_window() { config_window.style.opacity = "0"; config_background.style.opacity = "0"; } // fonction de fermeture de la fenêtre de configuration par la touche echap function esc_config_window(p_event) { if(p_event.key === "Escape") { hide_config_window(); } } // fonction de gestion de la fin de la transition d'affichage / // disparition de la fenêtre de configuration function background_transitionend() { if(config_background.style.opacity === "0") { config_window.style.visibility = "hidden"; config_background.style.visibility = "hidden"; document.removeEventListener("keydown", esc_config_window, false); } if(config_background.style.opacity === "0.8") { document.addEventListener("keydown", esc_config_window, false); } } // fonction d'affichage de la fenêtre de configuration function show_config_window() { // initialisation des paramètres google_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine === "google"; duckduckgo_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine === "duckduckgo"; both_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine === "both"; forum_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 0; cat_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 1; subcat_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 2; topic_radio.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 3; open_foreground_checkbox.checked = gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground; // affichage de la fenêtre config_window.style.visibility = "visible"; config_background.style.visibility = "visible"; config_window.style.left = parseInt((document.documentElement.clientWidth - config_window.offsetWidth) / 2, 10) + "px"; config_window.style.top = parseInt((document.documentElement.clientHeight - config_window.offsetHeight) / 2, 10) + "px"; config_background.style.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth + "px"; config_background.style.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "px"; config_window.style.opacity = "1"; config_background.style.opacity = "0.8"; } // ajout d'une entrée de configuration dans le menu de l'extension gmMenu("\u200b" + script_name + " -> Configuration", show_config_window); /* ------------------ */ /* fonctions globales */ /* ------------------ */ function update_search() { if(search_input && search_img) { let search_title, search_image; if(gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine === "google") { search_title = "[HFR] Recherche Google"; search_image = img_google; } else if(gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine === "duckduckgo") { search_title = "[HFR] Recherche DuckDuckGo"; search_image = img_duckduckgo; } else { search_title = script_name; search_image = img_gooduck; } let context = gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 0 ? "forum" : (gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 1 ? "cat" : (gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level === 2 ? "sous-cat" : "topic")); search_title += " (" + context + ")"; search_input.setAttribute("title", search_title); search_img.setAttribute("src", search_image); search_img.setAttribute("title", search_title); } } function gogogo() { let inurl = ""; if(gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level > 0 && cat) inurl += " inurl:" + cat.key; if(gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level > 1 && subcat) inurl += "/" + subcat.key; if(gmhfrrgedr21_max_context_level > 2 && topic) inurl += "/" + topic; if(gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine !== "duckduckgo") { // "google" ou "both" GM.openInTab(google_url + encodeURIComponent(search_input.value + insite + inurl), !gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground); } if(gmhfrrgedr21_search_engine !== "google") { // "duckduckgo" ou "both" GM.openInTab(duckduckgo_url + encodeURIComponent(search_input.value + insite + inurl), !gmhfrrgedr21_open_in_foreground); } } function goinput(p_event) { if(p_event.key === "Enter") { p_event.preventDefault(); gogogo(); } } function goimg(p_event) { p_event.preventDefault(); if(p_event.button === 2) { show_config_window(); } else { gogogo(); } } /* ------------------------ */ /* récupération du contexte */ /* ------------------------ */ // cat let tree2 = document.querySelector("#md_arbo_tree_2"); tree2 = tree2 ? 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