// ==UserScript== // @name HFRLive // @namespace http://scripts.theboredengineers.com/ // @version // @description Update automatique des messages sur HFR // @author psykhi // @downloadURL http://scripts.theboredengineers.com/HFRLive.user.js // @include https://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php* // @include https://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== // historique modifs r21 : // (03/12/2017) : // - passage au https //Globals //jQuery Loader :) function addJQuery(callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src", "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"); script.addEventListener('load', function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);(" + callback.toString() + ")();"; document.body.appendChild(script); }, false); document.body.appendChild(script); } function main(){ var options = { refresh_enabled: false, refresh_interval: 4000, notifications_enabled: false }; /** * String that holds the template href to add to the response button * @type type */ var href_string; var button; /** * We keep this variable so we know a previous refresh is not running * @type Boolean|Boolean|Boolean */ var ready_to_refresh = true; placeButton(); //We save the href template to respond to a message href_string = getElementByXpath ('//*[@id="mesdiscussions"]/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/div[1]/span/a/a'). href; href_string = href_string.replace(/numrep=(.*?)&/, "numrep=trav&"); if(hfr_GM_getValue(getCurrentPageIndex(),false)||hfr_GM_getValue(getCurrentPageIndex()-1,false)) { hfr_GM_setValue(getCurrentPageIndex()-1,false); refresh_enabled = true; onButtonClick(); } //functions function getElementByXpath (path) { return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } /** * @brief Finds the URL to a given message * @param {type} message * @returns {@exp;href_string@call;replace} */ function getMessageLink(message) { var message_value = message.find('a[href^="#t"]').get(0).hash.substring(2); return href_string.replace("trav", message_value); } /** * @brief Fixes the missing href link for the reply button * @param {type} message * @returns {undefined} */ function appendMissingQuoteHref(message) { var to_modify = jQ(message).find('img[src="https://forum-images.hardware.fr/themes_static/images_forum/1/quote.gif"]').get(0); jQ(to_modify).wrap(''); } function placeButton(){ button = document.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("id","live_button"); button.setAttribute("value","LIVE"); button.style.background = "#f39c12"; button.className="live_button"; button.style.fontWeight ="bold"; buttonText =document.createTextNode("LIVE"); button.appendChild(buttonText); button2 = document.createElement("button"); button2.setAttribute("id","live_button"); button2.setAttribute("value","LIVE"); button2.style.background = "#f39c12"; button2.className="live_button"; button2.className+=" pagepresuiv"; buttonText =document.createTextNode("LIVE"); button2.appendChild(buttonText); //Next to the printer icon right=getElementByXpath('//*[@id="mesdiscussions"]/table[2]/tbody/tr[1]/th/div'); right.insertBefore(button, right.childNodes[0]); jQ(".fondForum2PagesBas ").find(".pagepresuiv").last().after(button2); jQ(".live_button").click(onButtonClick); } /** * * @returns current page ex "33256" */ function getCurrentPageIndex() { return jQ(".cBackHeader").find("b:last").last().get(0).innerHTML; } /** * @brief Gets the latest page index * @param {type} html * @returns last page ex :"33256" */ function getLatestPageIndex(html) { return jQ(html).find(".cBackHeader .left ").children().last().get(0).innerHTML; } /** * @brief Goes to the next forum page * @param {type} html * @returns {undefined} */ function goToNextPage(html) { var url = jQ(html).find(".pagepresuiv a").get(0).href; window.location.href = jQ(html).find(".pagepresuiv a").get(0).href; var request = { redirect: url, options: options }; } /** * @brief Refreshes the page * @returns {undefined} */ function refresh() { //console.log("refreshing"); //We look where the last message is if (ready_to_refresh) { ready_to_refresh = false; var page_len = jQ(".messagetable").length; jQ.get(document.URL, function(data) { try { // New page HTML var html = jQ.parseHTML(data); // Message count of current page var mess_table = jQ(html).find(".messagetable") var mess_count = mess_table.length; var current_page = getCurrentPageIndex(); var last_page = getLatestPageIndex(html); if (current_page !== last_page) { goToNextPage(html); return; } if (mess_count !== page_len) { var target = jQ(".messagetable").last(); var message; for (i = page_len; i < mess_count; i++) { //We append the new message message = mess_table.get(i); appendMissingQuoteHref(jQ(message)); jQ(".messagetable").last().after(message).fadeIn(1000); } jQ('html, body').on("scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup", function() { jQ('html, body').stop(); }); //We scroll to the last read message jQ('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top }, 2000, function() { jQ('html, body').off("scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup"); }); } ready_to_refresh = true; } catch (err) { ready_to_refresh = true; } }); } else { //console.log("not ready to refresh."); } } function onButtonClick() { options.refresh_enabled = !options.refresh_enabled; if(options.refresh_enabled) { timer = setInterval(refresh, options.refresh_interval); document.getElementById("live_button").innerHTML = "LIVE"; jQ(".live_button").css("background","#4BC730"); hfr_GM_setValue(getCurrentPageIndex(),true); } else { clearInterval(timer); document.getElementById("live_button").innerHTML = "LIVE"; jQ(".live_button").css("background", "#f39c12"); hfr_GM_setValue(getCurrentPageIndex(),false); } } function hfr_GM_setValue( cookieName, cookieValue, lifeTime ) { if( !cookieName ) { return; } if( lifeTime == "delete" ) { lifeTime = -10; } else { lifeTime = 31536000; } document.cookie = escape( cookieName ) + "=" + escape( hfr_getRecoverableString( cookieValue ) ) + ";expires=" + ( new Date( ( new Date() ).getTime() + ( 1000 * lifeTime ) ) ).toGMTString() + ";path=/"; } function hfr_GM_getValue( cookieName, oDefault ) { var cookieJar = document.cookie.split( "; " ); for( var x = 0; x < cookieJar.length; x++ ) { var oneCookie = cookieJar[x].split( "=" ); if( oneCookie[0] == escape( cookieName ) ) { try { eval('var footm = '+unescape( oneCookie[1] )); } catch(e) { return oDefault; } return footm; } } return oDefault; } function hfr_getRecoverableString(oVar,notFirst) { var oType = typeof(oVar); if( ( oType == 'null' ) || ( oType == 'object' && !oVar ) ) { //most browsers say that the typeof for null is 'object', but unlike a real //object, it will not have any overall value return 'null'; } if( oType == 'undefined' ) { return 'window.uDfXZ0_d'; } if( oType == 'object' ) { //Safari throws errors when comparing non-objects with window/document/etc if( oVar == window ) { return 'window'; } if( oVar == document ) { return 'document'; } if( oVar == document.body ) { return 'document.body'; } if( oVar == document.documentElement ) { return 'document.documentElement'; } } if( oVar.nodeType && ( oVar.childNodes || oVar.ownerElement ) ) { return '{error:\'DOM node\'}'; } if( !notFirst ) { Object.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (oBn) { if( this.tempLockIgnoreMe ) { return '{\'LoopBack\'}'; } this.tempLockIgnoreMe = true; var retVal = '{', sepChar = '', j; for( var i in this ) { if( i == 'toRecoverableString' || i == 'tempLockIgnoreMe' || i == 'prototype' || i == 'constructor' ) { continue; } if( oBn && ( i == 'index' || i == 'input' || i == 'length' || i == 'toRecoverableObString' ) ) { continue; } j = this[i]; if( !i.match(hfr_basicObPropNameValStr) ) { //for some reason, you cannot use unescape when defining peoperty names inline for( var x = 0; x < cleanStrFromAr.length; x++ ) { i = i.replace(cleanStrFromAr[x],cleanStrToAr[x]); } i = '\''+i+'\''; } else if( window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') + 1 && !navigator.__ice_version && window.ScriptEngine && ScriptEngine() == 'JScript' && i.match(/^\d+jQ/) ) { //IE mac does not allow numerical property names to be used unless they are quoted i = '\''+i+'\''; } retVal += sepChar+i+':'+hfr_getRecoverableString(j,true); sepChar = ','; } retVal += '}'; this.tempLockIgnoreMe = false; return retVal; }; Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString = Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; Array.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { if( this.tempLock ) { return '[\'LoopBack\']'; } if( !this.length ) { var oCountProp = 0; for( var i in this ) { if( i != 'toRecoverableString' && i != 'toRecoverableObString' && i != 'tempLockIgnoreMe' && i != 'prototype' && i != 'constructor' && i != 'index' && i != 'input' && i != 'length' ) { oCountProp++; } } if( oCountProp ) { return this.toRecoverableObString(true); } } this.tempLock = true; var retVal = '['; for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { retVal += (i?',':'')+hfr_getRecoverableString(this[i],true); } retVal += ']'; delete this.tempLock; return retVal; }; Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return ''+this+''; }; Date.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return 'new Date('+this.getTime()+')'; }; Function.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+jQ/g,'').replace(/^function\s*\w*\([^\)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native\s+code\]\s*\}jQ/i,'function () {[\'native code\'];}'); }; Number.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { if( isNaN(this) ) { return 'Number.NaN'; } if( this == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY'; } if( this == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY'; } return ''+this+''; }; RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return '\/'+this.source+'\/'+(this.global?'g':'')+(this.ignoreCase?'i':''); }; String.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { var oTmp = escape(this); if( oTmp == this ) { return '\''+this+'\''; } return 'unescape(\''+oTmp+'\')'; }; } if( !oVar.toRecoverableString ) { return '{error:\'internal object\'}'; } var oTmp = oVar.toRecoverableString(); if( !notFirst ) { //prevent it from changing for...in loops that the page may be using delete Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Date.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Function.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Number.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete String.prototype.toRecoverableString; } return oTmp; } } //Actual scripts // load jQuery and execute the main function addJQuery(main);