/*********************************************************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2024 roguetech * * License: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * Name: Master * Source: https://github.com/roguetech2/hubitat/edit/master/Master.groovy * Version: * ***********************************************************************************************************************/ // Add tooltips for use caseswith apps // Add toggle to disable them /*********************************************************************************************************************** * * Speech device is set as "speechSynthesis". The device capability must be set in the driver, or change this to * "voice". * ***********************************************************************************************************************/ definition( name: 'Master', namespace: 'master', singleInstance: true, author: 'roguetech', description: 'Parent app for automation suite', category: 'Convenience', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roguetech2/hubitat/master/Master.groovy', iconUrl: 'http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/home2-icn@2x.png', iconX2Url: 'http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/home2-icn@2x.png' ) infoIcon = '' errorIcon = '' warningIcon = '' moreOptions = ' (click for more options)' expandText = ' (Click to expand/collapse)' // logLevel sets number of log messages // 0 for none // 1 for errors only // 2 for warnings + errors // 3 for info + errors + warnings // 4 for trace + info + errors + warnings // 5 for debug + trace + info + errors + warnings def getLogLevel(){ return 5 } def displayLabel(text, width = 12){ if(!text) return paragraph('
' + text + '
',width:width) } def displayInfo(text,noDisplayIcon = null, width=12){ if(!text) return if(noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + text + '
',width:width) if(!noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + infoIcon + ' ' + text + '
',width:width) helpTip = '' } def displayError(text,noDisplayIcon = null, width=12){ if(!text) return if(noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + text + '
',width:width) if(!noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + errorIcon + ' ' + text + '
',width:width) errorMessage = '' } def displayWarning(text,noDisplayIcon = null, width=12){ if(!text) return if(noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + text + '
',width:width) if(!noDisplayIcon) paragraph('
' + warningIcon + ' ' + text + '
',width:width) warningMessage = '' } def highlightText(text, width=12){ if(!text) return return '
' + text + '
' } preferences { page(name: 'mainPage', install: true, uninstall: true){ section(){ getAppCounts() if(!atomicState?.masterInstalled) displayInfo ('Click "Done" to save.') if(!allDevices) displayAllDevicesOption() displayHiRezHue() } displayHideTips() displaySchedules() displaySensors() displayPicos() displayMagicCubes() displayContactSensors() displayPresence() if(allDevices) displayAllDevicesOption() } } def getAppCounts(){ scheduleCount = 0 presenceCount = 0 picoCount = 0 magicCubeCount = 0 contactCount = 0 sensorCount = 0 childApps.each {Child-> if(Child.label){ if(Child.label.startsWith('Time - ')) scheduleCount++ if(Child.label.startsWith('Presence - ')) presenceCount++ if(Child.label.startsWith('Pico - ')) picoCount++ if(Child.label.startsWith('MagicCube - ')) magicCubeCount++ if(Child.label.startsWith('Contact - ')) contactCount++ if(Child.label.startsWith('Sensor - ')) sensorCount++ } } } def displayAllDevicesOption(){ fieldName = 'allDevices' fieldTitle = 'Select all devices:' if(allDevices){ section(){ displayInfo('All devices should be selected. This is used to make the app suite of easier to use, but is not required. You can deselect any devices that are never used and/or any virtual devices.') input name: fieldName, title: fieldTitle, type: 'capability.*', multiple: true, filter:true,width:12,submitOnChange:true } } if(!allDevices) { input name: fieldName, title: fieldTitle, type: 'capability.*', multiple: true, filter:true,width:12,submitOnChange:true displayInfo('Select all devices ("Toggle All On"). This is used to make the app suite of easier to use, but is not required. You can deselect any devices that are never used and/or any virtual devices.') } } def displayHiRezHue(){ input name: 'hiRezHue', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable Hue in degrees (0-360)', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange:true displayInfo('Select if light devices have been set to degrees. Leave unselected by default, but failure to match device settings may result in hue settings not working correctly.') } def displayHideTips(){ section(){ fieldName = 'hideTips' fieldTitle = 'Hide tips' input name: fieldName, title: fieldTitle, type: 'bool', submitOnChange:true } } def displaySchedules(){ title = 'Click to add a schedule' if(scheduleCount != 0) title = 'Click to add or edit schedules (' + scheduleCount + ' total)' displayScheduleTip() section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - Time', namespace: 'master', title: 'New Schedule', multiple: true) } } def displayPicos(){ section(){ displayPicoTip() title = 'Click to add ' if(picoCount == 0) title += 'a Pico' if(picoCount != 0) title += 'or edit Picos (' + picoCount + ' total)' section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - Pico', namespace: 'master', title: 'New Pico', multiple: true) } } } def displayMagicCubes(){ section(){ displayMagicCubeTip() title = 'Click to add ' if(magicCubeCount == 0) title += 'a MagicCube' if(magicCubeCount != 0) title += 'or edit MagicCubes (' + magicCubeCount + ' total)' section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - MagicCube', namespace: 'master', title: 'New MagicCube', multiple: true) } } } def displaySensors(){ section(){ title = 'Click to add ' if(sensorCount == 0) title += 'a Sensor' if(sensorCount != 0) title += 'or edit sensors (' + sensorCount + ' total)' section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - Sensor', namespace: 'master', title: 'New Sensor', multiple: true) } } } def displayContactSensors(){ section(){ title = 'Click to add ' if(contactCount == 0) title += 'a contact/door sensor' if(contactCount != 0) title += "or edit contact/door sensors ($contactCount total)" section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - Contact', namespace: 'master', title: 'New Contact Sensor', multiple: true) } } } def displayPresence(){ section(){ title = 'Click to add ' if(presenceCount == 0) { title += 'a presence setting' } else { title += "or edit presence settings ($presenceCount total)" } section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title) { app(name: 'childApps', appName: 'Master - Presence', namespace: 'master', title: 'New Presence', multiple: true) } } } /* if(notificationDevice && people){ section(""){ def i = 0 people.each{ i++ paragraph "
Sing Happy Birthday for $it:
" if(i == 1) paragraph "This sets Google Home to sing Happy Birthday on the individual's birthday between the times entered, a few minutes after they (or a few minutes after the start time, if they're already home). It can be set to wait for everyone to be home before singing." if(!settings["happyBDay$i"]){ input "happyBDay${i}", "bool", title: "Do not sing Happy Birthday for $it? Click to sing.", submitOnChange:true } else { input "happyBDay${i}", "bool", title: "Sing Happy Birthday for $it? Click to not sing.", submitOnChange:true } if(settings["happyBDay$i"]){ input "dateBDay${i}", "date", title: "Enter birthday date for $it." if(!settings["bDayEveryone$i"]){ input "bDayEveryone${i}", "bool", title: "Sing regardless of who else is home. Click to only sing with everyone.", submitOnChange:true } else { input "bDayEveryone${i}", "bool", title: "Only sing when everyone is home. Click to sing regardless who's home.", submitOnChange:true } input "timeStart", "time", title: "Only sing between start time", required: true, width: 6, submitOnChange:true input "timeStop", "time", title: "and stop time", required: true, width: 6, submitOnChange:true } } } } */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* */ /* End display functions. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* */ /* End display functions. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* */ /* End display functions. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* */ /* End display functions. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ */ /* */ /* End display functions. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************ */ def installed() { atomicState.masterInstalled = true initialize() } def updated() { initialize() } def initialize() { _getTable() } // Returns app name with app title prepended def appendAppTitle(appName,appTitle){ //Compare length of name (eg "test") to appTitle length minus 6 (eg "Master - Time - " minus "Master - "; "Time - " is min length) if(appName.length() < appTitle.length() - 6){ returnValue = appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length()) + ' - ' + appName //Compare first part of name (eg "Testing") to middle part of appTitle (eg "Master - Time" minus "Master - " plus " - ") } else if(appName.substring(0,appTitle.length() - 9) != appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length())){ returnValue = appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length()) + ' - ' + appName } else { returnValue = appName } return returnValue } // Lock or unlock a group of locks def multiLock(action, multiDevice, appId = app.id){ multiDevice.each{ singleLock(action,it,appId) } } // Lock or unlock a single lock def singleLock(action, singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(action == 'lock'){ singleDevice.lock() } else if(action == 'unlock'){ singleDevice.unlock() } else { putLog(330,'error','Invalid value for action "' + action + '" sent to singleLock function',appId) } putLog(332,'info',action + 'ed ' + singleDevice,appId) } // Returns true if level value is either valid or null def validateLevel(value, appId = app.id){ if(!value) return true value = value as int if(value < 1) return false if(value > 100) return false return true } // Returns true if temp value is either valid or null def validateTemp(value, appId = app.id){ if(!value) return true value = value as int if(value < 1800) return false if(value > 6500) return false return true } // Returns true if temp value is either valid or null def validateHue(value, appId = app.id){ if(!value) return true value = value as int if(value < 1) return false if(value > 360) return false return true } // Returns true if temp value is either valid or null def validateSat(value, appId = app.id){ if(!value) return true value = value as int if(value < 1) return false if(value > 100) return false return true } def validateMultiplier(value, appId = app.id){ if(value){ if(value < 1 || value > 100){ putLog(377,'error',"ERROR: Multiplier $value is not valid",appId) return } } return value } def checkIsDimmable(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(singleDevice) return singleDevice.hasCapability('SwitchLevel') } def checkIsTemp(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(singleDevice) return singleDevice.hasCapability('ColorTemperature') } def checkIsColor(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(singleDevice) return singleDevice.hasCapability('ColorMode') } // Used by child apps to determine if UI shows dim/brighten, temp or color options def checkIsDimmableMulti(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return for(int i = 0; i < multiDevice.size(); i++){ if(multiDevice[i].hasCapability('SwitchLevel')) return true } } def checkIsTempMulti(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return for(int i = 0; i < multiDevice.size(); i++){ if(multiDevice[i].hasCapability('ColorTemperature')) return true } } def checkIsColorMulti(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return for(int i = 0; i < multiDevice.size(); i++){ if(multiDevice[i].hasCapability('ColorMode')) return true } } def checkIsFan(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(singleDevice) return singleDevice.hasCapability('FanControl') } // Test state of a single switch def checkIsOn(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ // If no deviceState, set it if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'on') return true if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'off') return false if(singleDevice.currentValue('switch') == 'on') return true } // Used by Sensor // Test state of a group of switches // Return true if any are on def checkAnyOnMulti(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return returnStatus = false multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> if(checkIsOn(singleDevice,appId)) returnStatus = true } return returnStatus } def checkPeopleHome(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return true peopleHome = true multiDevice.each{it -> if(it.currentPresence != 'present') peopleHome = false } return peopleHome } def checkNoPeopleHome(multiDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return true nooneHome = true multiDevice.each{it -> if(it.currentPresence == 'present') nooneHome = false } return nooneHome } // hiRezHue is currently boolean global option in master // It should allow setting it for specific devices // Possibly could automate: // Loop through all devices used in any schedule, store device.currentHue // Store current state (on/off) of device // Set device currentHue to 360 // Check if devic.currentHue reports 100 // Set device hiRezHue // Set device currentHue to stored value // Set device state to stored value def settingHiRezHue(appId = app.id){ return settings['hiRezHue'] } // Minimum incremental cycle for an "active" schedule (people home, right mode, device is on) // Must be greater than CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis * 4, or else app won't complete fast enough def CONSTScheduleMinimumActiveFrequencyMilli(){ return 8000 } // Minimum incremental cycle for an "active" schedule (people not home, wrong mode, device is off) // Should be longer than CONSTScheduleMinimumActiveFrequencyMilli // Must be greater than CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis * 4, or else app won't complete fast enough def CONSTScheduleMinimumInactiveFrequencyMilli(){ return 30000 } def CONSTScheduleMaximumIncrements(){ return 200 } def CONSTDayInMilli(){ return 86400000 } // Used for notifications, for some reason def CONSTHourInMilli(){ return 3600000 } def CONSTMinuteInMilli(){ return 60000 } def CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis(){ return 200 } def CONSTProgressiveDimmingDelayTimeMillis(){ return 750 } def CONSTPushDimmingTotalSteps(){ return 10 } def CONSTHoldDimmingTotalSteps(){ return 15 } def CONSTDeviceDefaultBrightness(){ return 100 } def CONSTDeviceDefaultTemp(){ return 3250 } def getTimeOfDayInMillis(time,appId = app.id){ if(!time) return timeAtMidnight = new Date(time).clearTime().getTime() return time - timeAtMidnight } def getDatetimeFromTimeInMillis(time,appId = app.id){ if(!time) return timeAtMidnight = new Date(now()).clearTime().getTime() return time + timeAtMidnight } // Returns app name with app title prepended def appendChildAppTitle(appName,appTitle){ //Compare length of name (eg "test") to appTitle length minus 6 (eg "Master - Time - " minus "Master - "; "Time - " is min length) if(appName.length() < appTitle.length() - 6) return appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length()) + ' - ' + appName //Compare first part of name (eg "Testing") to middle part of appTitle (eg "Master - Time" minus "Master - " plus " - ") if(appName.substring(0,appTitle.length() - 9) != appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length())) return appTitle.substring(9,appTitle.length()) + ' - ' + appName return appName } def getAppIdForDeviceFromTable(singleDeviceId,type,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDeviceId) return return atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDeviceId}"?."${type}"?.'appId' } def getTimeForDeviceFromTable(singleDeviceId,type,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDeviceId) return return atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDeviceId}"?."${type}"?.'time' } def getDeviceList(){ return allDevices } def processDates(includeDates, excludeDates, days, processErrors = false, appId){ // Need to figure out how to have error message currentYear = new Date(now()).format('yyyy').toInteger() daysInYear = new Date(currentYear, 11, 31).format('D').toInteger() includeList = [] excludeList = [] if(!includeDates){ for (int day = 1; day <= daysInYear; day++) { if(days){ def date = new Date(currentYear, 0, day) def weekday = date.format('EEEE') if (days.contains(weekday)) includeList.add(day) } if(!days) includeList.add(day) } //if(includeList.size() == new Date(currentYear, 11, 31).format('D').toInteger()) return // If all days, return //return includeList } includeDates = cleanDateString(includeDates) excludeDates = cleanDateString(excludeDates) if(includeDates){ includeDateStrings = includeDates.split(",|;") includeDateStrings.each { dateString -> if(!dateString.contains('-')) { dateValue = processDateStringIndividual(dateString,appId, processErrors) if(!dateValue) return if (dateValue.format('yyyy') == String.valueOf(currentYear)) includeList.add(dateValue.format('D').toInteger()) } if(dateString.contains('-')) includeList += processDateStringRange(dateString, appId, processErrors) } } if(excludeDates){ excludeDateStrings = excludeDates.split(",|;") excludeDateStrings.each { dateString -> if(!dateString.contains('-')) { dateValue = processDateStringIndividual(dateString,appId, processErrors) if(dateValue.format('yyyy') == String.valueOf(currentYear)) excludeList.add(dateValue.format('D').toInteger()) } if(dateString.contains('-')) excludeList += processDateStringRange(dateString, appId, processErrors) } } finalList = includeList.findAll { !excludeList.contains(it) } finalList = cleanCompleteDateList(finalList) if(finalList.size() == daysInYear) return // If all days, return return finalList } def cleanDateString(dateString,appId = app.id){ if(!dateString) return dateString = dateString.replaceAll("\\\\", "/") dateString = dateString.replaceAll("\\s","") return dateString } def processDateStringIndividual(dateString, processErrors,appId = app.id){ if(dateString.contains('-')) return currentYear = new Date(now()).format('yyyy').toInteger() // Check for ddd format if (dateString.matches('\\d{1,3}')) { returnDate = Date.parse('D yyyy', dateString + ' ' + currentYear) if(dateString.toInteger() == returnDate.format('D').toInteger()) return returnDate if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid date dateString = ' + dateString + ' resolves to ' + dateValue + '
' return } if(!dateString.contains('/') && !dateString.contains('.')){ if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid2 date "' + dateString + '".
' return } // Convert m/d, d.m/yy, etc to mm/dd/yyyy dateValueParts = dateString.split('/').toList() if(dateValueParts.size() > 3) { if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid3 date "' + dateString + '".
' return } if(dateValueParts.size() < 2) { if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid4 date "' + dateString + '".
' return } dateValueParts[0] = ('0' + dateValueParts[0])[-2..-1] dateValueParts[1] = ('0' + dateValueParts[1])[-2..-1] if (dateValueParts.size() > 2) dateValueParts[2] = dateValueParts[2][-4..-1] if(dateValueParts.size() < 3){ [dateValueParts].flatten().findAll { it != null } // Convert array to list dateValueParts.add(2) // Add another element (do we need this with a list?) dateValueParts[2] = currentYear } if(dateString.contains('/')) returnDate = dateValueParts[0] + '/' + dateValueParts[1] + '/' + dateValueParts[2] if(dateString.contains('.')) returnDate = dateValueParts[1] + '/' + dateValueParts[0] + '/' + dateValueParts[2] if(returnDate == Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', returnDate).format('MM/dd/yyyy')) return Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', returnDate) if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid5 date "' + dateString + '".
' return returnDate } def processDateStringRange(dateString, processErrors,appId = app.id){ if(!dateString.contains('-')) return dates = dateString.split('-') if(dates.size() != 2) { if(processErrors) atomicState.dateProcessingErrors += 'WARNING: Invalid1 date "' + dateString + '".
' return } listOfDays = [] currentYear = new Date(now()).format('yyyy').toInteger() firstDate = processDateStringIndividual(dates[0], appId, processErrors) secondDate = processDateStringIndividual(dates[1], appId, processErrors) if(dates[0].length() < 6 && dates[1].length() < 6) { if(firstDate > secondDate) { numberDaysInYear = new Date(currentYear, 11, 31).format('D').toInteger() start = firstDate.format('D').toInteger() end = numberDaysInYear while (start <= end) { listOfDays.add(start) start++ } start = 1 end = secondDate.format('D').toInteger() while (start <= end) { listOfDays.add(start) start++ } return listOfDays } } if(dates[0].length() > 5 && dates[1].length() < 6) { firstYear = processDateStringIndividual(dates[0], appId, processErrors).format('yyyy').toInteger() secondYear = processDateStringIndividual(dates[1], appId, processErrors).format('yyyy').toInteger() yearDifference = secondYear - firstYear firstDate = Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', firstDate.format('MM/dd/yyyy').replaceAll('\\d{4}$', (firstDate.format('yyyy').toInteger() + yearDifference).toString())) } if(dates[0].length() < 6 && dates[1].length() > 5) { firstYear = processDateStringIndividual(dates[0], appId, processErrors).format('yyyy').toInteger() secondYear = processDateStringIndividual(dates[1], appId, processErrors).format('yyyy').toInteger() yearDifference = firstYear - secondYear secondDate = Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', secondDate.format('MM/dd/yyyy').replaceAll('\\d{4}$', (secondDate.format('yyyy').toInteger() + yearDifference).toString())) } if(firstDate > secondDate){ if(processErrors) state.dateProcessingErrors += 'Error: firstDate is greater than secondDate with "' + dateString + '".
' return } // here, change years if dates[0].length() < 6 && dates[1].length() < 6 and firstDate > secondDate while (firstDate <= secondDate) { if(firstDate.format('yyyy').toInteger() == currentYear) listOfDays.add(firstDate.format('D').toInteger()) firstDate = firstDate.plus(1) } return listOfDays } def getDateProcessingErrors(appId = app.id){ returnValue = atomicState.dateProcessingErrors // Need to add appId to the atomicState atomicState.remove('dateProcessingErrors') return returnValue } def checkDateInDayList(dateValue,appId = app.id){ if(!settings['days']) return true dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('EEEE') dateFormat.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) testDay = dateFormat.format(Date.parse('D', dateValue.toString())) if(settings['days'].contains(testDay)) return true } def cleanCompleteDateList(dateList, appId = app.id){ if(!dateList) return filteredDateList = [] dateList.each { value -> if(value){ if (checkDateInDayList(value)) filteredDateList.add(value) } } if(!filteredDateList) return dateList = filteredDateList.unique().sort() return dateList } // Returns true if today is in $days map // Returns true for null values def checkNowInDayList(days,appId = app.id){ if(!days) return true dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('EEEE') dateFormat.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) dayToday = dateFormat.format(new Date()) if(days.contains(dayToday)) return true } // Checks if current datetime is beteeen two datetimes def checkNowBetweenScheduledStartStopTimes(startTime, stopTime,appId = app.id){ if(!startTime) return if(!stopTime) return if(startTime > stopTime) { if(now() < startTime) { startTime -= CONSTDayInMilli() } else { stopTime += CONSTDayInMilli() } } if(now() < startTime) return if(now() > stopTime) return return true } // Returns true if now is between two times // Returns true for null values def checkNowBetweenTimes(timeStart, timeStop,appId = app.id){ if(!timeStart) return if(!timeStop) return varNow = now() if(varNow < timeStart) return if(varNow > timeStop) return return true } def checkTempWithinVariance(originalTemp, newTemp, colorMode, appId = app.id){ if(!originalTemp) return if(!newTemp) return if(colorMode == 'RGB') return if(originalTemp == newTemp) return true tempDifference = Math.abs(originalTemp - newTemp) tolerance = originalTemp / 100 if (tempDifference < tolerance) return true } def getPrintDateTimeFormat(datetime, appId = app.id){ return new Date(datetime).format('h:mma MMM dd, yyyy', location.timeZone) } def getSunriseSunset(type, appId = app.id){ if(!type) return if(type == 'sunrise') return getSunrise('',appId) if(type == 'sunset') return getSunset('',appId) } // Returns date/time of sunrise in format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZ // negative is true of false def getSunrise(offset = false, appId = app.id){ if(offset) return getSunriseAndSunset().sunrise.getTime() + (offset * CONSTMinuteInMilli()) if(!offset) return getSunriseAndSunset().sunrise.getTime() } // Returns date/time of sunset in format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZ def getSunset(offset = false,appId = app.id){ if(offset) return getSunriseAndSunset().sunset.getTime() + (offset * CONSTMinuteInMilli()) if(!offset) return getSunriseAndSunset().sunset.getTime() } def checkToday(time,appId = app.id){ if(time + CONSTDayInMilli() > now()) return true } def resumeDeviceScheduleMulti(multiDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> // Needs to just set appId to... scheduleId or null? _resumeDeviceScheduleSingle(singleDevice,appId) } } // Should be added to Table // Lock or unlock a group of locks def setLockMulti(multiDevice, action, appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> setLockSingle(singleDevice,action,appId) } } // Lock or unlock a single lock def _setLockSingle(singleDevice, action, appId = app.id){ if(action == 'lock') singleDevice.lock() if(action == 'unlock') singleDevice.unlock() putLog(887,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] ' + action + 'ed ',appId) } // Sets devices to match state def setDeviceMulti(multiDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!multiDevice) return anyChange = false // Separate device loops for if there are multiple devices, don't pause per device, pause per action multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> deviceChange = setDeviceBrightnessSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(!anyChange) anyChange = deviceChange } if(anyChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) anyChange = false multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> deviceChange = setDeviceTempSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(!anyChange) anyChange = deviceChange } if(anyChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) anyChange = false multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> deviceChange = setDeviceHueSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(!anyChange) anyChange = deviceChange } if(anyChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) anyChange = false multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> deviceChange = setDeviceSatSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(!anyChange) anyChange = deviceChange } if(anyChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) multiDevice.each{singleDevice-> setDeviceStateSingle(singleDevice,appId) } } // Sets devices to match state def setDeviceSingle(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}") return deviceChange = setDeviceBrightnessSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(deviceChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) deviceChange = false deviceChange = setDeviceTempSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(deviceChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) deviceChange = false deviceChange = setDeviceHueSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(deviceChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) deviceChange = false deviceChange = setDeviceSatSingle(singleDevice,appId) if(deviceChange) pauseExecution(CONSTDeviceActionDelayMillis()) setDeviceStateSingle(singleDevice,appId) } def setDeviceBrightnessSingle(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!checkIsDimmable(singleDevice,appId)) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state') return // Should set state to current device state? if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'off') return newLevel = atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'currentLevel' if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'stopTime'){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'stopTime' < now()) newLevel = null //If from expired schedule, it doesn't count } if(!newLevel) { if(checkIsFan(singleDevice,appId)) return // Fans don't have default, so if no new level, exit putLog(963,'debug','[' + singleDevice + '] brightness default ' + CONSTDeviceDefaultBrightness(),appId) newLevel = CONSTDeviceDefaultBrightness() } oldLevel = _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'brightness',appId) if(newLevel == oldLevel) return if(checkIsFan(singleDevice,appId)) singleDevice.setSpeed(newLevel) if(!checkIsFan(singleDevice,appId)) singleDevice.setLevel(newLevel) putLog(972,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] brightenss ' + newLevel + ' (from ' + oldLevel + ')',appId) return true } // Need to confirm colorMode? def setDeviceTempSingle(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!checkIsTemp(singleDevice,appId)) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'off') return //if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'currentLevel' && atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'stopTime' > now()) return //if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'currentLevel' && atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'stopTime' > now()) return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'currentLevel' && atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'time' > atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'temp'?.'time') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'currentLevel' && atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'time' > atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'temp'?.'time') return newLevel = atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'temp'?.'currentLevel' if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'temp'?.'stopTime'){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'temp'?.'stopTime' < now()) newLevel = null //If from expired schedule, it doesn't count } oldLevel = _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'temp',appId) if(newLevel == oldLevel) return if(!newLevel) { putLog(998,'debug','[' + singleDevice + '] temp default of ' + CONSTDeviceDefaultTemp(),appId) newLevel = CONSTDeviceDefaultTemp() } //if(checkTempWithinVariance(_getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'temp',appId),newLevel,singleDevice.currentColorMode,appId) && singleDevice.currentColorMode == 'CT') return singleDevice.setColorTemperature(newLevel) putLog(1005,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] temp ' + newLevel + ' (from ' + oldLevel + ')',appId) return true } // Need to confirm colorMode? def setDeviceHueSingle(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!checkIsColor(singleDevice,appId)) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'currentLevel') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'off') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'stopTime'){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'stopTime' < now()) return //If from expired schedule, it doesn't count } newLevel = atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'hue'?.'currentLevel' if(!settings['hiRezHue']) newLevel = Math.round(newLevel / 3.6) //if(newLevel == _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'hue',appId) && singleDevice.currentColorMode == 'RGB') return singleDevice.setHue(newLevel) putLog(1025,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] hue to ' + newLevel + ' (from ' + _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'hue',appId) + ')',appId) return true } // Need to confirm colorMode? def setDeviceSatSingle(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!checkIsColor(singleDevice,appId)) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'currentLevel') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'off') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'time'){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'time' + CONSTDayInMilli() < now()) return //If from yesterday, it doesn't count } if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'stopTime'){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'stopTime' < now()) return //If from expired schedule, it doesn't count } newLevel = atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'sat'?.'currentLevel' //if(newLevel == _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'sat',appId) && singleDevice.currentColorMode == 'RGB') return singleDevice.setSaturation(newLevel) putLog(1050,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] saturation to ' + newLevel + ' (from ' + _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'sat',appId) + ')',appId) return true } def getStateChangeAppId(singleDevice, appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!appId) return return atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'appId' } def setDeviceStateSingle(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(!singleDevice) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state') return if(singleDevice.currentValue('switch') == atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'state'.'state') return if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'state'.'state' == 'on') { singleDevice.on() putLog(1067,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] on',appId) return true } if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'state'.'state' == 'off') { singleDevice.off() putLog(1072,'info','[' + singleDevice + '] off',appId) // clear state settings newVar = atomicState.'devices' if(!newVar?."${singleDevice.id}") return toRemove = [] newVar?."${singleDevice.id}".each{key, value -> if(value?.'appType'){ if(value?.'appType' != 'time') toRemove.add(key) } } toRemove.each{clearTableKey(singleDevice.id,it, appId)} atomicState.'devices' = newVar return true } } def _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,type,appId = app.id){ if(type == 'brightness') { if(checkIsFan(singleDevice)) return singleDevice.currentSpeed if(!checkIsFan(singleDevice)) return singleDevice.currentLevel as Integer } if(type == 'temp') return singleDevice.currentColorTemperature as Integer // Adjust currentHue for hiRezHue // Requires change to pico.getCycleColorValue if(type == 'hue') return singleDevice.currentHue as Integer if(type == 'sat') return singleDevice.currentSaturation as Integer } def _getCurrentLevel(singleDeviceId,type,appId = app.id){ return atomicState?.'devices'?."${singleDeviceId}"?."${type}"?.'currentLevel' } // Do reverse, and wrap around def _computeIncrementalHueRange(singleDevice,appId = app.id){ if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'?.'hueDirection' == 'reverse') return 360 - Math.abs(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'.'stopLevel' + atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'.'startLevel') if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'?.'hueDirection' != 'reverse') return Math.abs(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'.'stopLevel' - atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'hue'.'startLevel') } def getStateMapSingle(singleDevice,action,appId = app.id){ if(!action) return if(!singleDevice) return if(action != 'on' && action != 'off' && action != 'toggle') return if(action == 'toggle'){ action = 'on' if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state') { if(singleDevice.currentValue('switch') == 'on') action = 'off' } if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == 'on') action = 'off' } return ['state':['state':action,'time':now(),'appId':appId]] // appId used by sensor } def getLevelMap(type,level,stopTime = '',appId = app.id){ if(!type) return if(!level) return if(!appId) return if(type != 'brightness' && type != 'temp' && type != 'hue' && type != 'sat') return if(stopTime) return [(type):['currentLevel':level,'time':now(),'appId':appId,'stopTime':stopTime,'appType':_getAppTypeFromId(appId)]] if(!stopTime) return [(type):['currentLevel':level,'time':now(),'appId':appId,'appType':_getAppTypeFromId(appId)]] } def _getAppTypeFromId(appId = app.id){ if(appId == app.id) return 'manual' childApps.find { Child -> if (Child.id == appId) { // These should be pared down to just 'manual', 'time' and maybe 'auto' // Leaving for testing if(Child.label.startsWith('Time - ')) returnValue = 'time' if(Child.label.startsWith('Presence - ')) returnValue = 'presence' if(Child.label.startsWith('Pico - ')) returnValue = 'pico' if(Child.label.startsWith('MagicCube - ')) returnValue = 'magicCube' if(Child.label.startsWith('Contact - ')) returnValue = 'contact' if(Child.label.startsWith('Sensor - ')) returnValue = 'sensor' } } if(!returnValue) return 'manual' return returnValue } def updateTableCapturedState(singleDevice,action,appId = app.id){ if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' == action) return putLog(1155, 'trace', '[' + singleDevice + '] captured state ' + action + ' (table was ' + atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?.'state'?.'state' + '; actually was ' + singleDevice.currentState + ')',appId) stateMap = getStateMapSingle(singleDevice,action,app.id) mergeMapToTable(singleDevice.id,stateMap,appId) if(action == 'on') setDeviceSingle(singleDevice,appId) // With device on, set levels } def updateTableCapturedLevel(singleDevice,type,appId = app.id){ if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?."${type}"?.'currentLevel') return if(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?."${type}"?.'currentLevel' == _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,type,appId)) return if(type == 'hue' && !settings['hiRezHue']) { if(Math.round(atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?."${type}"?.'currentLevel' * 3.6) == _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,type,appId)) return } currentLevel = _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,type,appId) putLog(1170,'trace','[' + singleDevice + '] captured ' + type + ' to ' + currentLevel + ' (table was ' + atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDevice.id}"?."${type}"?.'currentLevel' + ')',appId) levelMap = getLevelMap(type,currentLevel,'manual','',appId) mergeMapToTable(singleDevice.id,levelMap,appId) } def _getNextLevelDimmable(singleDevice, action, dimFactor = 1.61,appId = app.id){ if(!dimFactor) dimFactor = 1.61 if(checkIsFan(singleDevice,childLabel)) return _getNextLevelFan(singleDevice,action,childLabel) if(!checkIsDimmable(singleDevice,childLabel)) return if(action != 'dim' && action != 'brighten') return if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'currentLevel') level = atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'brightness'.'currentLevel' if(!atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'currentLevel') level = _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'brightness',childLabel) newLevel = level if(action == 'dim' && level < 2) return if(action == 'brighten' && level > 99) return oldLevel = level if (action == 'dim'){ newLevel = Math.round(convertToInteger(level) / dimFactor) if (newLevel == level) newLevel -= 1 if(newLevel < 1) newLevel = 1 } if (action == 'brighten'){ newLevel = Math.round(convertToInteger(level) * dimFactor) if (newLevel == level) newLevel++ if(newLevel > 100) newLevel = 100 } return newLevel } def _getNextLevelFan(singleDevice, action, appId = app.id){ if(!checkIsFan(singleDevice,appId)) return if(action != 'dim' && action != 'brighten') return if(atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'currentLevel') level = atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}".'brightness'.'currentLevel' if(!atomicState.'devices'."${singleDevice.id}"?.'brightness'?.'currentLevel') level = _getDeviceCurrentLevel(singleDevice,'brightness',appId) if(action == 'brighten'){ if(level == 'low' || level == 'medium-low') return 'medium' if(level == 'medium' || level == 'medium-high') return 'high' if(!level || level == 'off') return 'low' } if(!level) return if(level == 'high') return 'medium' if(level == 'medium-high') return 'medium' if(level == 'medium') return 'low' if(level == 'medium-low') return 'low' } def computeOptiomalGeometricProgressionFactor(numberOfSteps,appId = app.id){ if(!numberOfSteps) return currentTotal = 1 factor = 1.5 factorTestSteps = computeGeometricProgressionSteps(factor) if(factorTestSteps < numberOfSteps){ while (factorTestSteps < numberOfSteps){ factor -= 0.1 factorTestSteps = computeGeometricProgressionSteps(factor) } factorTestSteps = numberOfSteps } if(factorTestSteps > numberOfSteps){ while (factorTestSteps > numberOfSteps){ factor += 0.1 factorTestSteps = computeGeometricProgressionSteps(factor) } factorTestSteps = numberOfSteps } if(factorTestSteps == numberOfSteps){ factorTestSteps = 0 while (factorTestSteps != numberOfSteps){ factor += 0.01 factorTestSteps = computeGeometricProgressionSteps(factor) } } return factor } // computes the number of steps to get from 1 to 100 by x * 1.y def computeGeometricProgressionSteps(factor,appId = app.id){ if(factor < 1) return if(factor > 2) return priorStep = 1 count = 0 while (priorStep < 100) { thisStep = Math.round(factor * priorStep) if(thisStep > priorStep) priorStep = thisStep if(thisStep == priorStep) priorStep++ count++ } return count } // Sets cron string based on: // timeMillis = time from now in milliseconds, or // timeValue = time in timestamp // Checks child app getDisabled // If active, passes cronString, functionName, and formated parameters back to child app, to set the schedule def scheduleChildEvent(timeMillis = '',timeValue = '',functionName,parameters,appId = app.id){ // noPerformDisableCheck is reversed, so that null does not equal False // true = not check, False = check if(!appId) return if(!timeMillis && !timeValue) return if(timeMillis < 0) { putLog(1278,'warn','scheduleChildEvent given negative timeMillis from appId ' + appId + ' (' + functionName + ' timeMillis = ' + timeMillis + ')',appId) return } if(timeValue) { def currentTimeMillis = now() def targetTimeMillis = new Date(timeValue).time timeMillis = targetTimeMillis - currentTimeMillis if(timeMillis < 0) timeMillis += CONSTDayInMilli() } if(parameters) parametersMap = ['data':parameters] childApps.find {Child-> if(Child.id == appId) { if(!functionName) { putLog(1292,'warn','scheduleChildEvent given null for functionName from appId ' + appId + ' (timeMillis = ' + timeMillis + ', timeValue = ' + TimeValue + ')',appId) return } Child.setScheduleFromParent(timeMillis,functionName,parametersMap) if(parameters) parameters = ' (with parameters: ' + parameters + ')' putLog(1297,'debug','Scheduled ' + functionName + parameters + ' for ' + new Date(timeMillis + now()).format('hh:mma MM/dd ') + ' (in ' + Math.round(timeMillis / 1000) + ' seconds)',appId) } } } def changeMode(mode, appId = app.id){ if(location.mode == mode) return message = 'Changed Mode from ' + oldMode + ' to ' setLocationMode(mode) putLog(1306,'debug',message + mode,appId) } // Send SMS text message to $phone with $message //SMS IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED def sendPushNotification(phone, message, appId = app.id){ def now = new Date()getTime() seconds = (now - atomicState.contactLastNotification) / 1000 if(seconds < 361) { putLog(1315,'info','Did not send push notice for ' + evt.displayName + ' ' + evt.value + 'due to notification sent ' + seconds + ' ago.',appId) return } atomicState.contactLastNotification = now speechDevice.find{it -> if(it.id == deviceId) { if(it.deviceNotification(message)) putLog(1322,'debug','Sent phone message to ' + phone + ' "' + message + '"',appId) } } } def sendVoiceNotification(deviceId,message, appId = app.id){ if(!deviceId) return speechDevice.find{it -> if(it.id == deviceId) { if(it.speak(text)) putLog(1331,'debug','Played voice message on ' + deviceId + ' "' + message + '"',appId) } } } def addMaps(map1, map2 , map3 = '', map4 = '', map5 = '',appId = app.id){ returnMap = [:] if(map1) returnMap += map1 if(map2) returnMap += map2 if(map3) returnMap += map3 if(map4) returnMap += map4 if(map5) returnMap += map5 return returnMap } //THIS CAN BE REWRITTEN TO OVERWRITE WITH SUBKEYS FROM NEW MAP // newMap in format of [[type:'brightness/temp/sat/hus',time:datetime as long,stopTime:datetime as long,addId:nnnn,appType:string],ETC] def mergeMapToTable(singleDeviceId, newMap, appId = app.id){ if(!singleDeviceId) return if(!newMap) return if(atomicState.'devices') mainMap = atomicState.'devices' if(!atomicState.'devices') mainMap = [:] if(!mainMap?."${singleDeviceId}") mainMap[(singleDeviceId)] = [:] newMap.each{newKey,newValue-> mainMap."${singleDeviceId}"."${newKey}" = newValue } if(mainMap?."${singleDeviceId}") atomicState.'devices' = mainMap } def clearTableKey(singleDeviceId,type, appId = app.id){ if(!singleDeviceId) return if(!atomicState.'devices'?."${singleDeviceId}"?."${type}") return tempMap = atomicState.'devices' tempMap."${singleDeviceId}".remove(type) atomicState.'devices' = tempMap return true } def clearScheduleDevicesValue(appId = app.id){ //atomicState.remove('scheduleControlDevice') if(!atomicState.scheduleControlDevice) { atomicState.scheduleControlDevice = [:] return } newVar = atomicState.scheduleControlDevice newVar.each { deviceId, appIdList -> appIdList.removeAll { it == appId } } // Remove appId values newVar = newVar.findAll { _, value -> value } // Remove keys with empty lists atomicState.scheduleControlDevice = newVar } def addScheduleDevices(singleDeviceId, appId = app.id){ if(!atomicState.scheduleControlDevice) { // No devices atomicState.scheduleControlDevice = [singleDeviceId:[appId]] return } if(!atomicState.scheduleControlDevice?."${singleDeviceId}") { // New device newVar = atomicState.scheduleControlDevice newVar."${singleDeviceId}" = [appId] atomicState.scheduleControlDevice = newVar return } if(atomicState.scheduleControlDevice?."${singleDeviceId}".contains(appId)) return // Already in it newVar = atomicState.scheduleControlDevice newVar."${singleDeviceId}".add(appId) // Add it atomicState.scheduleControlDevice = newVar } def convertToInteger(value, appId = app.id){ if(value instanceof Integer) return value if(value instanceof Long) return value if(value instanceof String && value.isInteger()) return value.toInteger() return } def displayScheduleTip(){ if(hideTips) return section(){ scheduleText = 'Schedules allow performing actions on switches and lights (e.g. turn on, off, dim, set color, etc.) at specific times, \ and will run daily. Devices can be set to progressively change by setting both start and stop values for brightness or color. If a \ device is turned off, the schedule continues to run, so when it is turned on, it will do so at the correct level(s). You \ can also select specific weekdays and dates, and other factors like Mode. Schedules also support sunrise and sunset. Use cases:
\ • Set a porch light to turn on at sunset and off at sunrise
\ • Set room lights to turn on and get dimmer as it gets later in the evening
\ • Set room lights to be dimmer as it gets later in the evening, when and if they are turned on
\ • Set lights to turn off at night
\ • Set a bedroom light to turn on in the morning, on weekdays (and progressively brighten for a couple minutes)
\ • Set irrigation (or pool) controls for different times based on the season (by setting a schedule for each season, limited to those dates)
\ • Turn off all devices when everyone leaves, within a certain time (or any time, by setting start time the same as stop time)
\ • Turn on certain devices when someone arrives, within a certain time (or any time, by setting start time the same as stop time)
\ • Set a color of a light based on who is home, based on the time (e.g. if a child is not home an hour after sunset, set a light to red)
\ • Send a notification based on who is home (e.g. a child arriving/departing, during a certain time, or in general).' displayInfo(scheduleText) } } def displayPicoTip(){ if(hideTips) return section(){ picoText = 'The Pico app is designed for Lutron Caseta switches and Pico remotes. It may or may not work for other 2, 4 or 5 button devices. \ Actions include on, off, toggle, dim, brighten, and "resume schedule" (more on that below). It supports push, and hold (no double tap yet). \ It allows quickly setting up remotes to work (select a Pico, set a device, and save), or more advanced options of defining specific actions for each button, \ and/or defining different devices per button. It allows scheduling, such that a remote can do different things at different times, as well as presence. \ The "resume" option resets back to a schedule. For instance, if the brightness set by a schedule is overridden, selecting resume has the schedule take \ back over. Use cases:
\ • Control a light or group of lights
\ • Control any (smart) switched device (i. e. blinds, irrigation, fans, etc.)
\ • With 5-button Picos, set center button to toggle the ceiling fan (and other buttons control the lights)
\ • Using a 2 button Pico, control two bedside lamps by setting both as "toggle"
\ • When turning on a bedroom lamp, turn off the living room (or porch) light
\ • Set push to control one light, but hold to control lights in an adjacent room
\ • Set push to dim, but hold to progressively dim
\ • Set light switch to send a notification during the day as a honeypot for would be intruders (notifications aren\'t yet a feature, but soon)
\ • Set switches for a pool pump or irrigation for pool cleaner/landscaper for their time and day, but repurpose the switch for outdoor lighting at other times
\ • Schedule a porch light to be dim, but set the "on" button to set it to full brightness, and "off" button has it go back to dim per the schedule.' displayInfo(picoText) } } def displayMagicCubeTip(){ if(hideTips) return section(){ magicCubeText = 'MagicCubes are sold by Xiaomi under the Aqara brand. They are, aptly, cubes (and perhaps magic). Actions supported are flip 90, flip 180, shake, \ rotate left, and rotate right. (Support for side up number to be added.) Each action can be set to control different devices and/or perform different actions. Actions include on, off, dim, \ brighten, and resum schedule. The "resume" option grants control back to a schedule if the schedule is overridden (see Pico app note for more info).\ Use cases:
\ • Control a light by flipping the Cube.
\ • Control multiple devices, such as having a lamp toggle with flip 90, another lamp toggle with flip 180, and a ceiling fan toggle with shake.
\ • When turning on a bedroom lamp, turn off the living room (or porch) light
\ • Control light brightness with rotate right (brighten) and left (dim) (like a volume knob)
\ • Control a (smart) media player volume... like a volume knob, as well as power, skip track, etc.
\ • Train a pet to flip it to indicate to be let outside (notifications not yet supported).' displayInfo(magicCubeText) } } def checkLog(type,logLevel){ switch(type) { case 'error': if(logLevel > 0) return true break case 'warn': if(logLevel > 1) return true break case 'info': if(logLevel > 2) return true break case 'trace': if(logLevel > 3) return true case 'debug': if(logLevel > 4) return true break } return false } //lineNumber should be a number, but can be text //message is the log message, and is not required //type is the log type: error, warn, info, debug, or trace, not required; defaults to trace def putLog(lineNumber, type = 'trace', message, appId = app.id, isChild = null){ if(appId == app.id) logLevel = getLogLevel() if(appId != app.id) logLevel = (getChildAppById(appId)).getLogLevel() if(!checkLog(type,logLevel)) return if(isChild) text = '[' + (getChildAppById(appId)).label + ' :: ' + lineNumber + '] -- ' + message if(!isChild && appId != app.id) text = '[' + (getChildAppById(appId)).label + '] [Master :: ' + lineNumber + '] -- ' + message // Within parent, but called from app if(!isChild && appId == app.id) text = '[Master :: ' + lineNumber + '] -- ' + message // Within parent, and not called from app if(type == 'error') text = '' + text + '' if(type == 'warn') text = '' + text + '' switch(type) { case 'error': log.error(text) return case 'warn': log.warn(text) return case 'info': log.info(text) return case 'debug': log.debug(text) return case 'trace': log.trace(text) } }