# WhooshSearch A plugin for [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/) ## About WhooshSearch is a ST3 plugin which allows to index sublime projects of any size and to search for any string of text within a project blazingly fast. Search results are presented as a standard ST3 "Find Results" view with an ability to jump into files containing search hits. WhooshSearch plugin is extremely useful for working on huge projects or on codebases located remotely with high ping latency. WhooshSearch uses [Whoosh Search Engine](https://whoosh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) code under the hood and does not require any additional software for its work. Just install the plugin and enjoy! ## Installation 1. Using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) - Recommended 2. Download [WhooshSearch](https://github.com/rokartnaz/WhooshSearch) repository from github and put it under ST3 Packages folder. ## Usage 1. ctrl+alt+i / super+alt+i - build a project index from scratch if it does not exists or incremetally (only files that were changed from last index build will be reindexed). 2. ctrl+alt+x / super+alt+x - reset the index. 3. ctrl+alt+g / super+alt+g - open WhooshSearch input panel. Use arrows **UP** and **DOWN** to navigate on search history. 4. ctrl+s / super+s - saving current file triggers reindexing of the file if it belongs to project. 5. **Whoosh Find Results** - double click on search hit to jump into the file on specific line where hit was located. Edit **Default (Windows).sublime-keymap** (Linux or OSX) to change default plugin hotkeys. **Note:** WhooshSearch uses status bar (bottom side) to notify users about all its activities. ## Settings ```javascript { // Choose folders to skip while indexing "skip_folders": [ ".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS", "CMpub", "linux30", "linux50" ], // Choose file extensions to skip while indexing "skip_file_extensions": [ "txt" ], // Choose file names (without path) to skip while indexing "skip_files": [ "TODO.txt" ], // Store files content in index. Allows not to reread files while searching. // Indexing time and index space are increased if this option is set to true. // Search time is reduced if this option is set to true. "store_content" : true, // Maximum amount of memory in Mb to use while indexing. "ram_limit_mb" : 256 } ``` Edit **WhooshSearch.sublime-settings** to change the default plugin configuration. **Note:** a sublime project won't be reindexed automatically when plugin configuration is changed.