# Phaser3 Nine Patch Changelog: ## v2.0.9 - Modified `INinePatchCreator` and `INinePatchFactory` interfaced not to extend from Phaser base types, to keep type definition readability and avoid some confusing situations related to it. - Updated `INinePatchScene` interface based on `creator` and `factory` modifications. ## v2.0.8 - Type declaration fixes - Added `addConfigToCache` static function to `NinePatchPlugin`, which will generate unique cache key for your asset based on it's `key` and `frame` values, to avoid situations when there are two or more assets in different atlases with same `frameName`. Which was causing wrong configuration issue. ```javascript NinePatchPlugin.addConfigToCache(key, frame, patchConfig) ``` ## v2.0.7 - Removed `source-map` from the bundle. - The installed bundle is now `minified` and `uglified`!
*if you're going to read the code, please navigate to our repo* ## v2.0.6 - Optimized the package size. The whole repo won't be downloaded when installing the package ## v2.0.5 - Added `INinePatchScene` interface which allows to avoid manual override of `factory` and `creator` objects inside scene. Now Phaser.Scene needs just to implement this interface. ```typescript export class MyScene extends Phaser.Scene implements INinepatchScene {...} ``` - Added ninePatch custom cache object, which means, that `this.scene.cache.custom.ninePatch` is accessible for you and you have no need to type code like this `(this.scene.cache.custom as any)['ninePatch'].add(...)` to add nine patch asset configs to the cache. - Added default ninePatch config. This means, that even if you haven't added/provided nine patch config for the asset, it will take default config ```javascript { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, } ``` - `setTexture` function will change object texture and you can provide different key for it (before you could do that by just using same spritesheet and different frame via `setFrame`). `setFrame` stills there and does what it was doing. - Fixed mistake in `package.json` where `webpack.cli` was a main dependency for this package, which caused the editor to show webpack related classes in your import suggestions list. ## v2.0.4 - `README.md` and `CHANGELOG.md` updated. ## v2.0.3 - Now NinePatch extends from `Phaser.GameObjects.Container` and implements `Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Texture` and uses `Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Texture` (public) properties in place of custom (private) properties. ## Phaser3 Nine Patch 2.0.0 ### v2.0.1 #### Added - Add `setTint`, `setTintFill` and `clearTint` methods to be able to change tint. ### v2.0.0 #### Added - Now NinePatch class extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container instead of Phaser.GameObjects.RenderTexture to not add additional draws and calls. ### v1.1.5 #### Fixed - Minor fixings. ### v1.1.4 #### Fixed - Minor fixings. ### v1.1.3 #### Fixed - Fix canvas rendering issue. ### v1.1.2 #### Added - Add `setTexture` and `setFrame` methods to be able to change texture and/or frame dynamically (see #18). #### Fixed - Fix `addToScene` to be optional for nine patch creator. ### v1.1.1 - Planned stable version - fixed resize method to be chainable