#!/bin/bash ######################################################################### # Title: XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater # # Author: Roni Väyrynen # # Repository: https://github.com/ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater # ######################################################################### # image url is static and not configurable by user IMAGE_URL="https://xo-image.yawn.fi/downloads/image.xva.gz" function OSCheck { set -e if [[ -z $(command -v xe 2>/dev/null) ]]; then echo "this scripts needs xe command. make sure you're on xenserver/xcp-ng host" exit 1 fi echo echo "Welcome. This script will import a preconfigured Debian 11 VM image which has Xen Orchestra installed using https://github.com/ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater" echo "You need at least 2vCPU/4GB/10GB disk free resources to import VM" echo echo "Please report any issues to this github project" echo } function NetworkChoose { set +e # get network name/uuid of all available networks configured in the pool # shellcheck disable=SC1117 IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a networks <<<"$(xe network-list | grep "uuid\|name-label" | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //' | paste - -)" echo echo "Which network should the VM use?" echo local PS3="Pick a number. CTRL+C to exit: " select network in "${networks[@]}"; do # get only the network uuid from array which we need later on when adding vif read -r -a network_split <<<"$network" networkuuid=${network_split[0]} # print a menu where to choose network from case $network in *) # save network uuid for later vifuuid="$networkuuid" break ;; esac done } function StorageChoose { set +e # get storage name/uuid of all available storages with content-type=user which should match all usable storage repositories # shellcheck disable=SC1117 IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a storages <<<"$(xe sr-list content-type=user | grep "uuid\|name-description" | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //' | paste - -)" # bail out if no storage repositories are found if [[ ${#storages[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No storage repositories found, can't import VM" echo "Create SR and try again. More information: https://xcp-ng.org/docs/storage.html" exit 1 fi echo "Which storage repository should the VM use?" echo "default will attempt to use pool default SR" echo local PS3="Pick a number. CTRL+C to exit: " select storage in "${storages[@]}" "default"; do # get only the storage repository uuid which we need later on when importing image read -r -a storage_split <<<"$storage" storageuuid=${storage_split[0]} # print a menu where to choose storage from case $storage in default) # this value is handled during import if set to default sruuid=default break ;; *) # save storage uuid for later sruuid=$storageuuid break ;; esac done } function NetworkSettings { set -e ipregex="^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$" echo echo "Set network settings for VM. Leave IP-address as blank to use DHCP" echo # read ip address from user input. dhcp is default if left empty read -r -p "IP address: " ipaddress ipaddress=${ipaddress:-dhcp} # if not using dhcp, we need more information if [[ "$ipaddress" != "dhcp" ]]; then # get network details from user and prompt again if input doesn't match ip address regex while ! [[ $ipaddress =~ $ipregex ]]; do echo "Check IP address format" read -r -p "IP address: " ipaddress done read -r -p "Netmask []: " netmask netmask=${netmask:-} while ! [[ $netmask =~ $ipregex ]]; do echo "Check gateway format" read -r -p "Netmask []: " netmask netmask=${netmask:-} done read -r -p "Gateway: " gateway while ! [[ $gateway =~ $ipregex ]] && [[ $gateway != "" ]]; do echo "Check gateway format" read -r -p "Gateway: " gateway done read -r -p "DNS []: " dns dns=${dns:-} while ! [[ $dns =~ $ipregex ]]; do echo "Check dns format" read -r -p "DNS []: " dns dns=${dns:-} done fi } function VMImport { set -e echo echo "Downloading and importing XVA image..." echo # Import image. We pipe through zcat because xe vm-import should transparently decompress gzipped image, but doesn't seem to understand when stream ends when piped through curl/wget whatnot. # if SR was not defined, we leave that parameter out if [[ $sruuid == "default" ]]; then uuid=$(curl "$IMAGE_URL" | zcat | xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin) else uuid=$(curl "$IMAGE_URL" | zcat | xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin sr-uuid="$sruuid") fi # exit if import failed for any reason # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ $? != "0" ]]; then echo "Import failed" exit 1 fi echo echo "Import complete" # no network interface included in the image, we need to create one based on network uuid set by user earlier xe vif-create network-uuid="$vifuuid" vm-uuid="$uuid" device=0 >/dev/null # VM startup script reads network details from xenstore and configures interface based on that so set values based on user input earlier if [[ "$ipaddress" != "dhcp" ]]; then xe vm-param-set uuid="$uuid" xenstore-data:vm-data/ip="$ipaddress" xenstore-data:vm-data/netmask="$netmask" xenstore-data:vm-data/gateway="$gateway" xenstore-data:vm-data/dns="$dns" fi # remove all other boot options except disk to speed startup xe vm-param-remove uuid="$uuid" param-name=HVM-boot-params param-key=order xe vm-param-set uuid="$uuid" HVM-boot-params:"order=c" echo echo "Starting VM..." xe vm-start uuid="$uuid" set +e # loop max 300 seconds for VM to startup and xen tools to announce ip-address value count=0 limit=10 ip=$(xe vm-param-get uuid="$uuid" param-name=networks param-key=0/ip 2>/dev/null) while [[ -z "$ip" ]] && [[ "$count" -lt "$limit" ]]; do echo "Waiting for VM to start and announce it got IP-address" sleep 30 ip=$(xe vm-param-get uuid="$uuid" param-name=networks param-key=0/ip 2>/dev/null) ((count++)) done # network details are needed in xenstore only during first startup so remove them at this point since VM should be running if [[ "$ipaddress" != "dhcp" ]]; then xe vm-param-remove param-name=xenstore-data param-key=vm-data/ip uuid="$uuid" 2>/dev/null xe vm-param-remove param-name=xenstore-data param-key=vm-data/netmask uuid="$uuid" 2>/dev/null xe vm-param-remove param-name=xenstore-data param-key=vm-data/gateway uuid="$uuid" 2>/dev/null xe vm-param-remove param-name=xenstore-data param-key=vm-data/dns uuid="$uuid" 2>/dev/null fi # if we got ip-address value from VM, we print how to access it... if [[ "$ip" != "" ]]; then echo echo "VM Started successfully" echo echo "You can access Xen Orchestra at https://$ip and via SSH at $ip" echo "Default credentials for UI: admin@admin.net/admin" echo "Default credentials for SSH: xo/xopass" echo echo "Remember to change both passwords before putting VM to use!" # ... and print the same without ip-address information if ip-address value was missing else echo echo "VM started but we couldn't fetch it's ip-address from xentools" echo echo "Check VM status/ip-address manually. If VM started correctly, it should have Web UI and SSH accessible at it's ip-address" echo "Default credentials for UI: admin@admin.net/admin" echo "Default credentials for SSH: xo/xopass" echo echo "Remember to change both passwords before putting VM to use!" fi } # run all functions in a specific order OSCheck StorageChoose NetworkChoose NetworkSettings VMImport