--- title: "Render plotly MathJax inside rmarkdown" output: html_document --- Some HTML-based MathJax: $$ \alpha+\beta $$ You _could_ print this **plotly** graph with SVG-based rendering, but it would break the HTML-based rendering of **rmarkdown**! ```{r message = FALSE} library(plotly) p <- plotly_empty() %>% add_trace(x = 1, y = 1, text = TeX("\\alpha"), mode = "text", size = I(1000)) %>% config(mathjax = "cdn") ``` Instead, use something like the **widgetframe** package to create a responsive iframe which ensure the SVG-based rendering that plotly requires is done independently of **rmarkdown**'s HTML-based rendering. ```{r} widgetframe::frameableWidget(p) ``` Or, do it the old-fashioned way: save your plotly graph to an HTML file via `htmlwidgets::saveWidget()` then use an HTML `