Rosé Pine for Sublime Text

All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist

## Usage For Sublime Text 4, should also work on version 3. To install manually, from the menu go to Preferences > Browse Packages. Then download this reposity to a new directory called "Theme - Rose Pine" inside the "Packages" directory. This package is also available on [Package Control]( This package consists of both Color Schemes (for syntax highlighting) and Themes (for the application UI). For the best result select a matching combination for both: ```json { "theme": "Rosé Pine.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Rosé Pine.sublime-color-scheme", } ``` The three palettes are availabe for each: - Rosé Pine - Rosé Pine Moon - Rosé Pine Dawn ## Gallery Rosé Pine in Sublime Text ## Update The themes use the same implementation using Sublime's "extend" feature. Any changes to `Rosé Pine.sublime-theme` are immediately reflected in the other derived themes. For the color schemes, update the template file and synchronise the others using this command: ```sh npx @rose-pine/build -t template.sublime-color-scheme -o . ``` ## Thanks to - [ThatOneCalculator](