Clang Format ============ [![Package Control](]( What it does ------------ Clang-format is a tool for formatting C++, built on LLVM. This is a package that allows you to run it easily from within Sublime Text. ![demo]( About ----- In this package, we provide an alternative wrapper around clang-format for use within Sublime Text 3. Whilst LLVM does provide a very simple plugin to work with Sublime Text [here](, it doesn't really exploit any of the Sublime Text package functionality. We add new features such as customising the style from a settings file, selecting styles using the Command Palette, and easier installation. Installing ---------- - Install `clang-format` in one of the following ways: - Install using your package manager, e.g. `sudo apt-get install clang-format` or `sudo apt-get install clang-format-5.0`. - Download the [entire LLVM toolchain]( and extract the `clang-format` binary. Just extract the `.tar.xz` file and copy `bin/clang-format` into your PATH (e.g. `/usr/local/bin`). - Install this package through Package Control in the usual way. - Set the path to the clang-format binaries. You can do this from within Sublime Text by choosing `Clang Format - Set Path` from the command palette. Hint: the path should look something like this `[path/to/clang]/clang/bin/clang-format`. If clang-format is in your system path, you shouldn't need to do anything. Use --- - Default shortcut is `super+option+a` on OSX and `option+cmd+a` otherwise. This will apply clang-format to the selection. - From the command palette, you can select the formatting type by using `Clang Format: Select Style`. You will find the small number of defaults, and also a new 'Custom' entry. Selecting this entry allows you to customise the style through a settings file. You can access it from the main menu, under `Package Settings`. In this file you can add custom rules, such as `Allmen` style braces, and different indents. For examples see - Settings for the 'Custom' format and others are available through the Sublime Text preferences. - It is possible to run the formatter on every save to a file, change settings to `"format_on_save": true`. - To change settings on a per-package basis, add them under `ClangFormat` key, example project.sublime-settings: ```json { "folders": [], "settings": { "ClangFormat": { "format_on_save": true } } } ``` If You Liked This ----------------- - ... And want to contribute, PR's gladly accepted! - Maybe you'll like my other plugin, [iOpener]( It lets you open files by path, with completion, history, and other goodies. - Otherwise, why not pop on over and star this repo on GitHub? Credits ------- Thanks to the LLVM project for doing the hard work, including writing clang format, and also the original Sublime Text plugin on which this package is based. Also thanks to [y0ssar1an](, [Bendtherules]( and other contributors for their improvements! Finally -------- Why not go and watch the video that got me interested in clang-format in the first place? [The Care and Feeding of C++'s Dragons](