# 📝 Release notes ## 0.7.4 *November 19th, 2023* - [Support optional access in templates.][4038307] This allows you to use the `.?` operator in templates to optionally access a field in templates, for example `{{ hooks?.pre }}` will return `None` and not error if `pre` is not present in `hooks`. You will now receive a deprecation warning if you use the `get` filter which does the same thing. Custom templates might have to be updated, for example if you were using a custom `defer` template you would need to update it to the following. ```toml [templates] defer = "{{ hooks?.pre | nl }}{% for file in files %}zsh-defer source \"{{ file }}\"\n{% endfor %}{{ hooks?.post | nl }}" ``` [4038307]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/40383074c54c3935908bf76401b42878285510cd ## 0.7.3 *May 16th, 2023* - [Add configurable hooks in templates.][#150] This allows you to specify arbitrary hooks for a plugin that can be used in templates. These are specified under `plugins..hooks`. The default `source` templates have been updated to support hooks with the names `pre` and `post`. The `pre` hook will be inserted before the plugin is sourced and the `post` after the plugin is sourced. If you are using a custom template like `defer` it will need to be updated to support hooks. For example this can be used to set variables after a plugin is sourced. ```toml [plugins.enhancd] github = "b4b4r07/enhancd" [plugins.enhancd.hooks] post = 'export ENHANCD_HOOK_AFTER_CD = "ls"' ``` Custom templates might have to be updated, for example if you were using a custom `defer` template you would need to update it to the following. ```toml [templates] defer = "{{ hooks | get: \"pre\" | nl }}{% for file in files %}zsh-defer source \"{{ file }}\"\n{% endfor %}{{ hooks | get: \"post\" | nl }}" ``` *Contributed by [**@mkroli**](https://github.com/mkroli)* [#150]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/150 ## 0.7.2 *May 13th, 2023* - [Add --non-interactive option to suppress prompts.][#163] This option is defined as a global option so it must be specified before the subcommand. ```sh sheldon --non-interactive init --shell zsh ``` - [Add experimental fish shell support.][#128] It is now possible to initialize Sheldon to use the Fish shell. ``` sheldon init --shell fish ``` This makes Sheldon change the global matches and templates to be tailored to Fish. Add the following to your Fish config ``` eval "$(sheldon source)" ``` - [Fix 'PermissionDenied' during rename of temporary clone directory.][#162] *Contributed by [**sceneq**](https://github.com/sceneq)* [#128]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/128 [#162]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/162 [#163]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/163 [22b81e3]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/22b81e3a1a04fefa856cc9c187715bd0e2a2b95f ## 0.7.1 *November 1st, 2022* - [Fix bug with custom config file.][#156] Previously, the default config directory still needed to exist for Sheldon to work properly. - [Add `compact` release profile.][#145] This profile is optimized for binary size. ``` cargo install --profile compact sheldon ``` *Contributed by [**@mkroli**](https://github.com/mkroli)* [#156]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/156 [#145]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/145 ## 0.7.0 *October 13th, 2022* ### Breaking changes - [Use XDG directories by default.][c3f87dd] Previously Sheldon tried to automatically detect whether the user wanted to use XDG. This proved difficult and Sheldon now follows the [XDG directory structure] by default. Sheldon will log a warning if the old directory `~/.sheldon` is still used as the config directory. To use the new location you should move the config file from `~/.sheldon/plugins.toml` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sheldon/plugins.toml`, which will be `~/.config/sheldon/plugins.toml` if the XDG variable is unset. You can then safely delete the old `~/.sheldon` directory. If you wish to preserve the existing behaviour you can simply set the following environment variables. ```sh SHELDON_CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.sheldon" SHELDON_DATA_DIR="$HOME/.sheldon" ``` - [Update template engine.][c2127c3] Stop using Handlebars in favour of [Jinja-like templating](https://github.com/rossmacarthur/upon). This will only affect you if you were using custom templates. - [Only apply templates per plugin.][708bd9e] This effectively removes the `each` field from the template configuration. Any templates that are applied to each file in a plugin need to now use a for loop. Previously, you could use ```toml [templates] defer = { value = 'zsh-defer source "{{ file }}"', each = true } ``` You must now use a `for` loop ```toml [templates] defer = """{% for file in files %} zsh-defer source "{{ file }}" {% endfor %}""" ``` Having templates only applied per plugin and not both per plugin and per file in a plugin makes rendering a lot simpler and the config easier to understand. - [Remove clone, download dir and lock file options.][4bbbff4] These paths are no longer configurable, only the data directory is configurable. ### Features - [Conditional sourcing of plugins using profiles.][#143] This allows you to specify a profile that a plugin is applicable to. The plugin will only be included when Sheldon is run with that profile. A separate lock file will be used for each profile. Plugins can specify the profiles using the `profiles` key. ```toml [plugins.example] github = "owner/repo" profiles = [""] ``` You can specify the profile in two ways: - Command line flag: `--profile ` - Environment variable: `SHELDON_PROFILE=`. *Contributed by [**@mkroli**](https://github.com/mkroli)* - [Support cargo-binstall.][#144] This allows Sheldon to be installed using `cargo binstall sheldon` which will fetch the release artifact for Sheldon from the GitHub release. *Contributed by [**@Jackenmen**](https://github.com/Jackenmen)* ### Fixes - [Fix not updating Git source branches after force pushes.][d254a6a] Previously repositories with a branch that was force pushed wouldn't be updated by `sheldon lock --update`. - Many other fixes and internal improvements. [#143]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/143 [#144]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/144 [c3f87dd]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/c3f87dde3017e98845378148acc4cd2268572a7a [4bbbff4]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/4bbbff4a423002498e028a56f62897e4425be6a6 [708bd9e]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/708bd9e3337f107410f977618dc47d6824191a16 [c2127c3]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/c2127c39f4d131f255f45dda289f496c07272bec [d254a6a]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/d254a6aea79ffddc84aa849002328ed017f33bf2 ## 0.6.6 *January 29th, 2022* - [Support and bundle shell completions.][#129] [#129]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/129 ## 0.6.5 *October 27th, 2021* - [Fix `libgit2` compatibility issues.][#124] [#124]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/124 ## 0.6.4 *July 14th, 2021* - [Fix broken symlink handling.][8df07e3] If a glob match includes a broken symlink Sheldon will now emit an error. - [Fix glob behaviour with `uses`.][a831709] [8df07e3]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/8df07e3295247259213565c632ce0c8d2fd90735 [a831709]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/a8317097b0feb9c1df02bbe9d0ae7c2e4518b290 ## 0.6.3 *March 27th, 2021* - [Support Git proxy settings.][#116] *Contributed by [**@iclac**](https://github.com/iclac)* [#116]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/116 ## 0.6.2 *March 13th, 2021* - [Fix edit bug.][a4a0602] If the edit file existed and you chose the "Abort" option the file would be deleted by mistake. - [Always include details section in version output.][92a23b5] This was previously excluded if there was no Git information. [a4a0602]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/a4a06023f5ec582964fdcf3ad036998dace02616 [92a23b5]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/92a23b5289c4c206a228e6bf11ce937c4649047b ## 0.6.1 *February 12th, 2021* - [Embed Git and Rustc information in binary.][f3c7483] Git (if available) and Rustc information will now be displayed when passing `--version` to Sheldon. - [Switch to `curl` instead of `reqwest`.][129490a] This significantly reduces compile time and binary size. - [Fix temporary file issues when using `edit`.][#111] Now the same file is used for editing, if it already exists then Sheldon will prompt the user to either re-open it or overwrite. [f3c7483]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/f3c748324fce1a098fd00f9b645771e1164d0a53 [129490a]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/129490a08e893f2313f2da902bc4b53bfcd0d42c [#111]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/111 ## 0.6.0 *October 16th, 2020* ### Breaking changes - [Support XDG directory structure.][#110] If any XDG environment variable is set then Sheldon will adopt the [XDG directory structure] by default. The config file will be located at `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sheldon/plugins.toml` and downloaded data will be located in `$XDG_CONFIG_DATA/sheldon`. *Contributed by [**@tapeinosyne**](https://github.com/tapeinosyne)* - [Change the default lock file location.][10c64a3] For non-XDG directory structures the lock file now always defaults to `$SHELDON_DATA_DIR/plugins.lock`. It previously was the config file path with a `.lock` extension. - [Remove the Sheldon root.][#112] The `root` directory has been replaced by individual directories for configuration and data: `config_dir` and `data_dir`. Both default to `$HOME/.sheldon`, the old default `root`. *Contributed by [**@tapeinosyne**](https://github.com/tapeinosyne)* If you used Sheldon's defaults, everything will just keep working as it did; no action needs to be taken. Otherwise, you may refer to this migration table: | | Old | New | | -----------------: | --------------------- | --------------------------- | | Config paths | `/plugins.toml` | `/plugins.toml` | | Data paths | `/plugins.lock` | `/plugins.lock` | | | `/repos` | `/repos` | | | `/downloads` | `/downloads` | | Env variables | `SHELDON_ROOT` | `SHELDON_CONFIG_DIR` | | | | `SHELDON_DATA_DIR` | | CLI options | `--root` | `--config-dir` | | | | `--data-dir` | | Template variables | `{{ root }}` | `{{ data_dir }}` | - [Auto-detect whether to use colored output.][2be1da7] A new `--color` option was added with three values `always`, `auto`, or `never`. By default Sheldon will now automatically whether to use colored output or not (`auto`). But you can still force Sheldon to always use color or never use color with the `--color always` option or `--color never`. The previous `--no-color` option has been removed. [XDG directory structure]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html [#110]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/110 [#112]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/112 [10c64a3]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/10c64a3cd0e1f95536a821016a165728dde59779 [2be1da7]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/2be1da71076247518d1f5c78c190d488bb8743cf ### Fixes - [Fix performance bug introduced in version 0.5.4.][abf2027] A significant drop in performance was introduced by switching to the Rust `rayon` package. This change has been reverted. - [Fix `--relock` not being implied for other flags.][bc5f9d7] This fixes a bug where passing `--update` or `--reinstall` to the `source` command didn't imply `--relock` like the documentation says. [abf2027]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/abf202737fa30b30465fbed6c47a034d4d0e9911 [bc5f9d7]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/bc5f9d7ae759cf5e3af7822d45e2bf7fb545d219 ## 0.5.4 *August 14th, 2020* ### Features - [Support extended glob syntax.][a972c35] This means that `{a,b}` and `!` glob patterns can now be used. For example, the following is now valid. ```toml [plugins.ohmyzsh] github = "ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh" dir = "lib" use = ["{!git,!nvm,*}.zsh] ``` ### Fixes - [Fix not erroring out when no files matched for plugin.][aa69e0c] This fixes cases where no files would be matched for a plugin and Sheldon would silently continue, resulting in no source rendered by `sheldon source`. - [Update default templates for Bash, `path` and `fpath` are now removed.][2a60788] These templates were meaningless in a Bash context. [a972c35]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/a972c3543d3c5ed339028ab316b1c48f733aed7 [aa69e0c]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/aa69e0c6c6ae56e98c9d19de3be191e9ce9a974b [2a60788]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/2a607885ead211ec78e3494f32cad91476bd4184 ## 0.5.3 *July 28th, 2020* ### Features - [Add `init` command.][131576d] Adds a new command to Sheldon which initializes a config file. Simply run `sheldon init`. - [Add `shell` config key.][ed872e9] Indicates to Sheldon what type of shell is being used. Certain other config values will have different defaults if this value is set. - [Support updating of plugins via `--update` option.][5a8254d] Simply run `sheldon lock --update` to update all plugin sources. [131576d]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/131576dfddc53ec76e87ce6ee64326ae119a383c [ed872e9]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/ed872e9ca6e7ca23569ed68bcdc09d43c6973374 [5a8254d]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/5a8254d36c73e79cf67782160cf63e9e6f5c3d9b ## 0.5.2 *June 4th, 2020* ### Fixes - [Fix not erroring out on a bad HTTP status code.][4ae6432] This fixes remote sources from silently not being downloaded correctly. - [Fix missing status log.][4ba5822] This fixes a missing status log for when fetching remote sources. [4ae6432]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/4ae64325fd8239dfb6e35f9efc05067c9c4a24d4 [4ba5822]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/4ba58227be394e961d721804d7e6b02b882495ec ### Other - [Only ship musl binaries.][3ef9d7a] The [download script](https://github.com/rossmacarthur/install) will figure this out automatically. [3ef9d7a]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/3ef9d7a7a8fd6b429e8405ba3e9ba7c621326543 ## 0.5.1 *May 11th, 2020* - [Using `--reinstall` on source command now implies `--relock`.][081f940] - [Support aarch64 linux.][eb6aaf4] - [Update Docker images to use OpenSSL 1.1.1g.][4b14975] This affects the shipped musl binaries which statically bundle OpenSSL. [081f940]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/081f940bc75711d3a587673178c738dd9ad40258 [eb6aaf4]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/eb6aaf49bacbccff00359ec86135d1f4050a6d35 [4b14975]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/4b14975238412a9ae83fcc9a202586bd725b331b ## 0.5.0 *May 2nd, 2020* ### Features - [Add `add` and `remove` commands to edit config.][140d171] These commands will edit the config file for you. For example ```sh sheldon add example --github owner/repo --tag v0.1.0 ``` will add the following to the config file ```toml [plugins.example] github = "owner/repo" tag = "v0.1.0" ``` The following will remove it again. ```sh sheldon remove example ``` - [Add `edit` command.][5b63843] Adds a new command to Sheldon which allows you to open the config file in the default editor. Simply run `sheldon edit`. - [Add initial config file.][75a39b3] When running `add` or `edit` Sheldon will attempt to initialize a new config file at `~/.sheldon/plugins.toml`. - [Warn about unused config keys.][11ff287] Anytime Sheldon loads the config file it will log warnings when there are unused config keys. Great for catching typos! [11ff287]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/11ff2875e5ecb04851b435c3e95fecbe7e453a97 [75a39b3]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/75a39b398bb2982ef77e44bf1269cbd6f762bf99 [5b63843]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/5b6384370128d410e82153b52c398dcfd1f8422c [140d171]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/140d17142d5be2b0653f559612aebffbd3c39ce1 ### Breaking changes - [Update default root directory and clone directory.][1845483] The root directory now defaults to `~/.sheldon` and the clone directory now defaults to `{root}/repos`. To migrate you should do the following: ```sh mv ~/.zsh ~/.sheldon mv ~/.sheldon/repositories ~/.sheldon/repos ``` Or to preserve the old behavior you should export the following before running Sheldon. ```sh export SHELDON_ROOT="$HOME/.zsh" export SHELDON_CLONE_DIR="$SHELDON_ROOT/repositories" ``` ### Fixes - [Download/clone sources to a temporary path first.][7293cbf] This fixes an issue ([#99]) where if someone tried to reinstall they would be left without any plugins because they would all be nuked up front prior to trying to download them. [#99]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/issues/99 [7293cbf]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/7293cbf61240a40333ef139b6ac6e7ab173f0f97 ### Deprecations Most of these are still supported, however Sheldon will log a deprecation warning if you use them. - [Rename `filename` to `file`][c62600a] This affects both the the config file and the template rendering context. - [Rename `directory` to `dir`.][f8d5647] This affects both the the config file and the template rendering context. - [Rename `protocol` plugin config key to `proto`.][ce4d8e2] - [Rename `revision` plugin config key to `rev`.][92bb588] [1845483]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/18454834cb6f1b2b1ebf2ef52617449b58917f28 [c62600a]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/c62600a46116457c4bd682e348af344c00709e67 [f8d5647]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/f8d564770e5fac66d92511fdb404869f2cbb6f4f [ce4d8e2]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/ce4d8e29e19d52a7ab9d5c83b93cfe91b643a227 [92bb588]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/commit/92bb588612e58498fe668e0f7f4fa274b6f9cb11 ## 0.4.8 *November 3rd, 2019* - [Auto clean clone and download directories][#87]. Unused source directories and files will now be automatically removed. - [Support Git submodules.][#84] After cloning and checking out a repository submodules will now be recursively fetched. - [Support Git source cloning using Git and SSH protocols.][#83] This adds an optional `protocol` field to plugin configuration which can be used to specify the protocol for Gist and GitHub sources. Additionally, Git sources can now specify URLs with protocols `git://` and `ssh://`. [#87]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/87 [#84]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/84 [#83]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/83 ## 0.4.7 *October 22nd, 2019* - [Add `--clone-dir` and `--download-dir` options.][#76] The directories where Git plugin sources are cloned to, and remote sources are downloaded to, are now configurable. Environment variables for setting these options are also now available. - [Fix `--config-file` and `--lock-file` options.][#72] These two options were previously ignored and only the environment variables were recognized. [#76]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/76 [#72]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/72 ## 0.4.6 *August 18th, 2019* - [Support globs in local plugin directories.][#66] Globs should match only one directory. - [Support for inline plugins.][#65] [#66]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/66 [#65]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/65 ## 0.4.5 *July 19th, 2019* - [Require mutex to run a Sheldon command.][#58] Makes sure multiple instances of Sheldon do not interfere with each other! [#58]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/58 ## 0.4.4 *July 7th, 2019* - [Warn instead of erroring when running `sheldon source`.][#54] This allows at least some plugins to be sourced, this only happens if there is already a lock file. [#54]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/54 ## 0.4.3 *July 3rd, 2019* - [Verify that locked directories and filenames exist when running `sheldon source`.][#47] If they do not then `sheldon lock` will be run again. [#47]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/47 ## 0.4.2 *June 27th, 2019* - [Improve output granularity and add `--verbose` option.][#44] [#44]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/44 ## 0.4.1 *June 2nd, 2019* - [Add `--no-color` option.][#43] - [Replace home directory with tilde in output.][#43] - [Support directory key for plugins.][#42] The plugin directory can now be configured to be a sub directory of the source. [#43]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/43 [#42]: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon/pull/42 ## 0.4.0 *May 26th, 2019* Complete refactor including breaking changes to the configuration file from prior versions.