import 'dart:async'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'src/clock.dart'; /// FacebookLogin is a plugin for authenticating your users using the native /// Android & iOS Facebook Login SDKs. /// /// The login methods return a [FacebookLoginResult] that contains relevant /// information about whether the user logged in, cancelled the login dialog, /// or if the login flow resulted in an error. /// /// For example, this sample code illustrates how to handle the different /// cases: /// /// ```dart /// final facebookLogin = FacebookLogin(); /// final result = /// await facebookLogin.logInWithPermissions(['email']); /// /// switch (result.status) { /// case FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn: /// _sendTokenToServer(result.accessToken.token); /// _showLoggedInUI(); /// break; /// case FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser: /// _showConvincingMessageOnUI(); /// break; /// case FacebookLoginStatus.error: /// _showErrorOnUI(); /// break; /// } /// /// Before using this plugin, some initial setup is required for the Android /// and iOS clients. See the README for detailed instructions. /// ``` class FacebookLogin { static const channel = MethodChannel('com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login'); FacebookLoginBehavior _loginBehavior = FacebookLoginBehavior.nativeWithFallback; /// Controls how the login dialog should be presented. /// /// For example, setting this to [FacebookLoginBehavior.webViewOnly] will /// render the login dialog using a WebView. /// /// NOTE: Updating the login behavior won't do anything immediately; the value /// is taken into account just before the login dialog is about to show. /// /// Ignored on iOS, as it's not supported by the iOS Facebook Login SDK anymore. set loginBehavior(FacebookLoginBehavior behavior) { assert(behavior != null, 'The login behavior cannot be null.'); _loginBehavior = behavior; } /// Returns whether the user is currently logged in and the access token is /// still valid or not. /// /// Convenience method for checking if the [currentAccessToken] is null and not /// expired. Future get isLoggedIn async => (await currentAccessToken)?.isValid() ?? false; /// Retrieves the current access token for the application. /// /// This could be useful for logging in the user automatically in the case /// where you don't persist the access token in your Flutter app yourself. /// /// For example: /// /// ```dart /// final accessToken = await facebookLogin.currentAccessToken; /// /// if (accessToken != null && accessToken.isValid()) { /// _fetchFacebookNewsFeed(accessToken); /// } else { /// _showLoginRequiredUI(); /// } /// ``` /// /// NOTE: This might return an access token that has expired. If you need to be /// sure that the token is still valid, call [isValid] on the access token. Future get currentAccessToken async { final Map accessToken = await channel.invokeMethod('getCurrentAccessToken'); if (accessToken == null) { return null; } return FacebookAccessToken.fromMap(accessToken.cast()); } /// Logs the user in with the requested read permissions. /// /// This will throw an exception from the native side if the [permissions] /// list contains any permissions that are not classified as read permissions. /// /// Returns a [FacebookLoginResult] that contains relevant information about /// the current login status. For sample code, see the [FacebookLogin] class- /// level documentation. Future logIn( List permissions, ) async { final Map result = await channel.invokeMethod('logIn', { 'behavior': _currentLoginBehaviorAsString(), 'permissions': permissions, }); return _deliverResult( FacebookLoginResult._(result.cast())); } /// Logs the currently logged in user out. /// /// NOTE: On iOS, this behaves in an unwanted way. As far the Login SDK is /// concerned, the access token and session is cleared upon logging out. /// However, ViewController managed by Safari remembers the user indefinitely. /// /// This blocks the user from logging in with any other account than the one /// they used the first time. /// /// For more, see: Future logOut() async => channel.invokeMethod('logOut'); String _currentLoginBehaviorAsString() { assert(_loginBehavior != null, 'The login behavior was unexpectedly null.'); switch (_loginBehavior) { case FacebookLoginBehavior.nativeWithFallback: return 'nativeWithFallback'; case FacebookLoginBehavior.nativeOnly: return 'nativeOnly'; case FacebookLoginBehavior.webOnly: return 'webOnly'; case FacebookLoginBehavior.webViewOnly: return 'webViewOnly'; } throw StateError('Invalid login behavior.'); } /// There's a weird bug where calling Navigator.push (or any similar method) /// straight after getting a result from the method channel causes the app /// to hang. /// /// As a hack/workaround, we add a new task to the task queue with a slight /// delay, using the [Future.delayed] constructor. /// /// For more context, see this issue: /// Future _deliverResult(T result) { return Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () => result); } } /// Different behaviors for controlling how the Facebook Login dialog should /// be presented. /// /// Ignored on iOS, as it's not supported by the iOS Facebook Login SDK anymore. enum FacebookLoginBehavior { /// Login dialog should be rendered by the native Android or iOS Facebook app. /// /// If the user doesn't have a native Facebook app installed, this falls back /// to using the web browser based auth dialog. /// /// This is the default login behavior. /// /// Might have logout issues on iOS; see the [FacebookLogin.logOut] documentation. nativeWithFallback, /// Login dialog should be rendered by the native Android or iOS Facebook app /// only. /// /// If the user hasn't installed the Facebook app on their device, the /// login will fail when using this behavior. /// /// On iOS, this behaves like the [nativeWithFallback] option. This is because /// the iOS Facebook Login SDK doesn't support the native-only login. nativeOnly, /// Login dialog should be rendered by using a web browser. /// /// Might have logout issues on iOS; see the [FacebookLogin.logOut] documentation. webOnly, /// Login dialog should be rendered by using a WebView. webViewOnly, } /// The result when the Facebook login flow has completed. /// /// The login methods always return an instance of this class, whether the /// user logged in, cancelled or the login resulted in an error. To handle /// the different possible scenarios, first see what the [status] is. /// /// To see a comprehensive example on how to handle the different login /// results, see the [FacebookLogin] class-level documentation. class FacebookLoginResult { /// The status after a Facebook login flow has completed. /// /// This affects the [accessToken] and [errorMessage] variables and whether /// they're available or not. If the user cancelled the login flow, both /// [accessToken] and [errorMessage] are null. final FacebookLoginStatus status; /// The access token for using the Facebook APIs, obtained after the user has /// successfully logged in. /// /// Only available when the [status] equals [FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn], /// otherwise null. final FacebookAccessToken accessToken; /// The error message when the log in flow completed with an error. /// /// Only available when the [status] equals [FacebookLoginStatus.error], /// otherwise null. final String errorMessage; FacebookLoginResult._(Map map) : status = _parseStatus(map['status']), accessToken = map['accessToken'] != null ? FacebookAccessToken.fromMap( map['accessToken'].cast(), ) : null, errorMessage = map['errorMessage']; static FacebookLoginStatus _parseStatus(String status) { switch (status) { case 'loggedIn': return FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn; case 'cancelledByUser': return FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser; case 'error': return FacebookLoginStatus.error; } throw StateError('Invalid status: $status'); } } /// The status after a Facebook login flow has completed. enum FacebookLoginStatus { /// The login was successful and the user is now logged in. loggedIn, /// The user cancelled the login flow, usually by closing the Facebook /// login dialog. cancelledByUser, /// The Facebook login completed with an error and the user couldn't log /// in for some reason. error, } /// The access token for using Facebook APIs. /// /// Includes the token itself, along with useful metadata about it, such as the /// associated user id, expiration date and permissions that the token contains. class FacebookAccessToken { /// The access token returned by the Facebook login, which can be used to /// access Facebook APIs. final String token; /// The id for the user that is associated with this access token. final String userId; /// The date when this access token expires. final DateTime expires; /// The list of accepted permissions associated with this access token. /// /// These are the permissions that were requested with last login, and which /// the user approved. If permissions have changed since the last login, this /// list might be outdated. final List permissions; /// The list of declined permissions associated with this access token. /// /// These are the permissions that were requested, but the user didn't /// approve. Similarly to [permissions], this list might be outdated if these /// permissions have changed since the last login. final List declinedPermissions; /// Is this access token expired or not? /// /// If the access token has not been expired yet, returns true. Otherwise, /// returns false. bool isValid() =>; /// Constructs a access token instance from a [Map]. /// /// This is used mostly internally by this library. FacebookAccessToken.fromMap(Map map) : token = map['token'], userId = map['userId'], expires = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch( map['expires'], isUtc: true, ), permissions = map['permissions'].cast(), declinedPermissions = map['declinedPermissions'].cast(); /// Transforms this access token to a [Map]. /// /// This is used mostly internally by this library. Map toMap() { return { 'token': token, 'userId': userId, 'expires': expires.millisecondsSinceEpoch, 'permissions': permissions, 'declinedPermissions': declinedPermissions, }; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is FacebookAccessToken && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && token == other.token && userId == other.userId && expires == other.expires && const IterableEquality().equals(permissions, other.permissions) && const IterableEquality().equals( declinedPermissions, other.declinedPermissions, ); @override int get hashCode => token.hashCode ^ userId.hashCode ^ expires.hashCode ^ permissions.hashCode ^ declinedPermissions.hashCode; }