{ "id": "lucky-flight-takedown", "title": "Lucky Flight Takedown!", "description": "Lucky Flight Takedown is an example adventure for the Cy_Borg game system originally released in the Cy_Borg core rulebook. This module includes pre-generated NPCs, roll tables, and scenes for use with the adventure. Running the adventure requires the Cy_Borg game rule book.", "version": "2.0.0", "authors": [ { "name": "RPGxNihilo", "discord": "", "url": "https://www.rpgxnihilo.com/", "flags": {} } ], "compatibility": { "minimum": "0.8.6", "verified": "10.286" }, "packs": [ { "name": "module-actors", "label": "Lucky Flight NPCs", "path": "packs/actors", "type": "Actor", "system": "cy-borg", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" }, "flags": {} }, { "name": "module-scenes", "label": "Lucky Flight Casino", "path": "packs/scenes", "type": "Scene", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" }, "flags": {} }, { "name": "module-journal-entries", "label": "Lucky Flight License", "path": "packs/journal-entries", "type": "JournalEntry", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" }, "flags": {} }, { "name": "module-roll-tables", "label": "Lucky Flight Roll Tables", "path": "packs/roll-tables", "type": "RollTable", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" }, "flags": {} } ], "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rpgxnihilo/lucky-flight-takedown/main/module.json", "download": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rpgxnihilo/lucky-flight-takedown/main/lucky-flight-takedown.zip" }