For when features were tested, see TESTING. Current as of FreeVMS 0.3. Qemu use: qemu -fda diskimage/a.img -hda diskimage/c.img -boot a -monitor stdio -net none (qemu-system-i386/qemu-system-x86_64) When booting bochs, there are mainly 2 usable choices: freevms.ext2.dcl freevms.ext2.default The DCL choice jumps straight into DCL (just as if you had a conversational boot, set startup_p1 "min" and set /startup opa0:), the default does a subset of startup, and you have to press a key to get a DCL CLI. Note for Ext2, do not use any write on Ext2 file system. running commands: DCL: typically command note: abbreviation may or may not work General utilities: DCL: if not too much crashed, it can be rebooted with ctrl-p Ctrl-D/E/F/H and backspace also works. Set symbol: sym = val ANALYZE /SYSTEM: show device, show locks, show spinlocks and exit COPY: copy/import/export CREATE /DIRECTORY: create /directory name Use plain name without [], in directory where it is to be created ODS-2 only. DEFINE: define logical equivalence DELETE: file or symbol qualifier /symbol DIRECTORY: directory qualifiers: /file /size /date /acl INSTALL: install add/priv=(list) file MOUNT: Local ODS2 image Go to image directory Mount dqa002 (if using ext2 root). SEARCH: as is, no qualifiers SET DEFAULT: set default pathname SET PROCESS: qualifiers: /name /priority SET PROMPT: set prompt string OR set prompt SET WORKING_SET: adds or subtracts to working set quota does not work exactly to specs set working_set /quota=delta set working_set /extent=delta SHOW DEFAULT: show default SHOW DEVICES: at current only shows drivers show devices SHOW LOGICAL: show logical /table table logical SHOW MEMORY: show memory SHOW STATUS: show status SHOW SYMBOL: show symbol sym SHOW SYSTEM: show system SHOW TIME: show time SHOW WORKING_SET: show working_set TYPE: as is, no qualifiers WRITE: no qualifiers yet parameters logical something-to-write