format-version: 1.2 data-version: releases/2022-04-19 saved-by: batchelorc synonymtypedef: non-mining_synonym "Non-mining synonym" EXACT ontology: chmo property_value: "CHMO, the chemical methods ontology, describes methods used to collect data in chemical experiments, such as mass spectrometry and electron microscopy prepare and separate material for further analysis, such as sample ionisation, chromatography, and electrophoresis synthesise materials, such as epitaxy and continuous vapour deposition It also describes the instruments used in these experiments, such as mass spectrometers and chromatography columns. It is intended to be complementary to the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI)." xsd:string property_value: "Chemical Methods Ontology" xsd:string property_value: [Term] id: BFO:0000002 name: continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000004 name: independent continuant def: "b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])" [] is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "ic" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "IndependentContinuant" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a chair" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a heart" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a leg" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a molecule" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a spatial region" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an atom" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an orchestra." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an organism" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the bottom right portion of a human torso" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the interior of your mouth" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000412 xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000601 "For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000601 "For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002] " xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001] " xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002] " xsd:string property_value: IAO:0010000 property_value: IAO:0010000 property_value: IAO:0010000 property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000015 name: process [Term] id: BFO:0000016 name: disposition is_a: BFO:0000017 ! realizable_entity [Term] id: BFO:0000017 name: realizable_entity is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000019 name: quality is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000020 name: specifically dependent continuant is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000023 name: role is_a: BFO:0000017 ! realizable_entity [Term] id: BFO:0000031 name: generically dependent continuant is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000034 name: function is_a: BFO:0000017 ! realizable_entity [Term] id: BFO:0000040 name: material entity is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant [Term] id: BFO:0000140 name: continuant fiat boundary [Term] id: CHEBI:23367 name: molecular entity def: "Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity." [] is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity [Term] id: CHEBI:23377 name: copper molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity intersection_of: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity intersection_of: BFO:0000110 CHEBI:28694 ! has continuant part at all times copper atom relationship: BFO:0000110 CHEBI:28694 ! has continuant part at all times copper atom [Term] id: CHEBI:28262 name: dimethyl sulfoxide is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:28694 name: copper atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33418 name: graphite is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33819 name: oxygen-17 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:35255 name: chloroform is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36928 name: carbon-13 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36940 name: fluorine-19 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:46729 name: vitreous silica is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:50594 name: carbon nanotube is_a: CHEBI:50796 ! nanotube [Term] id: CHEBI:50795 name: nanostructure is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:50796 name: nanotube is_a: CHEBI:50795 ! nanostructure [Term] id: CHEBI:50803 name: nanoparticle is_a: CHEBI:50795 ! nanostructure [Term] id: CHEBI:50825 name: gold nanoparticle is_a: CHEBI:50803 ! nanoparticle [Term] id: CHEBI:52230 name: tin-119 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:52455 name: lead-207 is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:52456 name: vanadium-51 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:52458 name: lithium-7 atom is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:52462 name: tungsten-183 is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:60004 name: mixture is_a: CHMO:0000993 ! portion of material [Term] id: CHEBI:60027 name: polymer is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHMO:0000001 name: colorimetry def: "The determination of the spectral absorbance of a solution. This method is often used to determine the concentration of a chemical in a solution." [] synonym: "colorimetric method" EXACT [] synonym: "colourimetry" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000002 name: gravimetric sorption analysis def: "The determination of the mass of a gas or vapour adsorbed to a surface." [] synonym: "gravimetric sorption" EXACT [] synonym: "gravimetric sorption-desorption" EXACT [] synonym: "gravimetric sorption-desorption analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "gravimetric sorption/desorption" EXACT [] synonym: "gravimetric sorption/desorption analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002739 ! quantitative determination method [Term] id: CHMO:0000003 name: electrochemical analysis alt_id: FIX:0000764 def: "The use of an electrochemical cell to measure a qualitative or quantitative response." [FIX:0000764, OrangeBook:8.1] synonym: "electroanalytical method" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical assay" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical method" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000443 ! analyte assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000004 name: amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is controlled." [FIX:0000783, OrangeBook:8.5.2] synonym: "amperometric method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000003 ! electrochemical analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000005 name: chrono-amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the time dependence of the cell current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is controlled." [FIX:0000785, OrangeBook:8.5.2] synonym: "chronoamperometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000004 ! amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000006 name: high-speed chrono-amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the time dependence of the cell current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is controlled. Measurements are taken every 1 to 5 s." [] synonym: "high-speed chronoamperometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000005 ! chrono-amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000007 name: potential step chrono-amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the time dependence of the cell current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is varied as a step function." [] synonym: "potential step chronoamperometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000005 ! chrono-amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000008 name: constant potential amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is held at a constant value (sufficient to oxidize or reduce the sample)." [] synonym: "constant-potential amperometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CPA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000004 ! amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000009 name: direct current amperometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell direct current is measured whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is controlled." [] synonym: "DC amperometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dc amperometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-current amperometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000004 ! amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000010 name: conductometry alt_id: FIX:0000768 alt_id: FIX:0000770 def: "The measurement of the conductance of a solution as a function of concentration. Measurements are made indirectly across the resistance of the solution with alternating current." [Orange:8.5.4] synonym: "conductimetry" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000011 name: high-frequency conductometry alt_id: FIX:0000773 def: "The measurement of the conductance of a solution as a function of concentration. Measurements are made indirectly across the resistance of the solution with high-frequency alternating current (>0.1 MHz)." [] synonym: "high frequency conductimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "high frequency conductometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000010 ! conductometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000012 name: coulometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the total Coulombs of electricity required to complete (fully oxidise or fully reduce the sample in) an electrochemical reaction is measured." [Orange:8.5.1] is_a: CHMO:0000003 ! electrochemical analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000013 name: amperostatic coulometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the total Coulombs of electricity required to complete (fully oxidise or fully reduce the sample in) an electrochemical reaction is measured whilst the current is held at a constant value." [OrangeBook:8.5.1] synonym: "controlled current coulometry" EXACT [] synonym: "controlled-current coulometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000012 ! coulometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000014 name: chrono-coulometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the time-dependence of the total Coulombs of electricity required to complete (fully oxidise or fully reduce the sample in) an electrochemical reaction is measured whilst the current is held at a constant value." [FIX:0000786,] synonym: "chronocoulometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000013 ! amperostatic coulometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000015 name: potentiostatic coulometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the total Coulombs of electricity required to complete (fully oxidise or fully reduce the sample in) an electrochemical reaction is measured whilst the potential of the working electrode is held at a constant value." [FIX:0000787, OrangeBook:8.5.2] synonym: "bulk electrolysis" EXACT [] synonym: "controlled potential coulometry" EXACT [] synonym: "controlled-potential coulometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000012 ! coulometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000016 name: potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [FIX:0000775, OrangeBook:8.5.1] synonym: "potentiometric method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000003 ! electrochemical analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000017 name: chrono-potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the time-dependence of the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [FIX:0000780, OrangeBook:8.5.1] synonym: "chronopotentiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000016 ! potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000018 name: stripping potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped'. During removal the time-dependence of the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] synonym: "chronopotentiometric stripping" EXACT [] synonym: "SP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000017 ! chrono-potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000019 name: anodic stripping potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by re-oxidation using either oxidants in the sample or by applying a small constant current, or a combination of both. During removal the time-dependence of the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] synonym: "anodic-stripping voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "ASP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000018 ! stripping potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000020 name: cathodic stripping potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by re-reduction. During removal the time-dependence of the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] synonym: "cathodic-stripping voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "CSP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000018 ! stripping potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000021 name: controlled-current potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium and held at a constant (non-zero) value." [FIX:0000778, OrangeBook:8.5.1] synonym: "controlled current potentiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000016 ! potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000022 name: ion-selective potentiometry def: "An electrochemical technique where the potential difference between an ion-selective indicator electrode and the reference electrode is measured under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] is_a: CHMO:0000016 ! potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000023 name: oscillographic potentiometry def: "An *obsolete* electrochemical technique where the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured using an oscillograph under conditions where the current passed is sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] synonym: "oscillo potentiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000016 ! potentiometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000024 name: voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes." [FIX:0000765, OrangeBook:8.5.3] synonym: "voltammetric method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000003 ! electrochemical analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000025 name: cyclic voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied linearly and inverts at the end point resulting in a cycle." [FIX:0000099, OrangeBook:8.5.3] synonym: "CV" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "cyclic triangular wave voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclovoltammetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000026 name: fast-scan cyclic voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied linearly and inverts at the end point resulting in a cycle which repeats approximately every 100 ms." [FIX:0000761,] synonym: "fast cyclic voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "fast scan cyclic voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "FCV" EXACT [] synonym: "FSCV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000025 ! cyclic voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000027 name: hydrodynamic voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current flowing during convective mass transfer (the movement of material by the action of a fluid) is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied linearly and inverts at the end point resulting in a cycle." [FIX:0000792, Orange: 8.5.3] synonym: "linear scan hydrodynamic voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "linear-scan hydrodynamic voltammetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000028 name: linear-sweep voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied linearly and stops at an end point." [FIX:0000791, OrangeBook:8.5.3] synonym: "chrono amperometry with linear potenial sweep" EXACT [] synonym: "chronoamperometry with linear sweep" EXACT [] synonym: "electrode voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "linear sweep voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "LSV" EXACT [] synonym: "stationary electrode voltammetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000029 name: pulse voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied using pulses of increasing amplitude." [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000030 name: differential pulse voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied using pulses of increasing amplitude and the current is sampled before and after each voltage pulse." [] synonym: "differential-pulse voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "DPV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000029 ! pulse voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000031 name: normal pulse voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied using pulses of increasing amplitude and the current is sampled after each voltage pulse." [ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "normal-pulse voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "NPV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000029 ! pulse voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000032 name: polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used." [FIX:0000794, OrangeBook:8.5.3] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000033 name: alternating current polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the alternating current (ac) component of the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the ac potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used." [FIX:0000814, OrangeBook:8.5.3] synonym: "AC polarography" EXACT [] synonym: "AC-polarography" EXACT [] synonym: "alternating-current polarography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000032 ! polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000034 name: Kalousek polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the ac component of the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the ac potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. The cell current is sampled on alternate half cycles and the potential is applied as a small amplitude square wave superimposed on a linear sweep." [] is_a: CHMO:0000033 ! alternating current polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000035 name: square-wave polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the ac component of the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the ac potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. The cell current is sampled (only once per drop lifetime) on alternate half cycles and the potential is applied as a large amplitude square wave superimposed on a linear sweep." [FIX:0000816, OrangeBook:8.5.3] synonym: "square wave polarography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000033 ! alternating current polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000036 name: differential pulse polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. The potential is varied using pulses of linearly increasing amplitude (one pulse during each drop lifetime) and the current is sampled before and after each voltage pulse." [FIX:0000813,] is_a: CHMO:0000032 ! polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000037 name: normal pulse polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. The potential is varied using pulses of linearly increasing amplitude (one pulse during each drop lifetime) and the current is sampled after each voltage pulse." [FIX:0000812,] is_a: CHMO:0000032 ! polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000038 name: oscillo polarography def: "An *obsolete* electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes using an oscillograph. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used." [ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "oscillo-polography" EXACT [] synonym: "oscillopolography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000032 ! polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000039 name: tast polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The working electrode is a dropping mercury (or other liquid conductor) electrode and unstirred solutions are used. The current is sampled only during a specific time interval of the life of each drop of the droppping mercury electrode." [FIX:0000795, OrangeBook:8.5.3] is_a: CHMO:0000032 ! polarography [Term] id: CHMO:0000040 name: square-wave voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied as a square wave and the current is measured at the end of each half-wave, just prior to potential change." [FIX:0000816,] synonym: "square wave voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "SWV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000041 name: stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first deposited (usually by electroplating) onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped'. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes." [] synonym: "SV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000024 ! voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000042 name: anodic stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by applying an oxidising potential. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes." [] synonym: "ASV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000041 ! stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000043 name: differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by applying an oxidising potential (as a series of voltage pulses of increasing amplitude). During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The current is sampled before and after each voltage pulse." [] synonym: "DPASV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000042 ! anodic stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000044 name: pseudo polarography def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by applying an oxidising potential. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. A plot of stripping peak current versus deposition potential resembles a polarogram." [ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "pseudo-polarography" EXACT [] synonym: "pseudopolarography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000042 ! anodic stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000045 name: square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by applying an oxidising potential. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied as a square wave superimposed on a linear sweep." [] synonym: "square wave anodic stripping voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "square-wave ASV" EXACT [] synonym: "SWASV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000042 ! anodic stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000046 name: adsorptive stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first adsorbed onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped'. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes." [] synonym: "adsorptive-stripping voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "AdSV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000041 ! stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000047 name: cathodic stripping voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is first electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped' by applying a reducing potential. During removal the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes." [] synonym: "CSV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000041 ! stripping voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000049 name: chemical imaging def: "The simultaneous measurement of spectra and images. A radiation source illuminates the sample and a series of spatially resolved spectra are collected." [] synonym: "chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CIS" EXACT [] synonym: "hyperspectral imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multispectral imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "spectral imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "spectroscopic imaging" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000185 ! imaging assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000050 name: infrared microscopy alt_id: CHMO:0000583 def: "The collection of spatially resolved infrared spectra of a sample during optical microscopy." [FIX:0000696, ISBN:2884490736] synonym: "infra-red chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared mapping" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared microspectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-MSP" EXACT [] synonym: "IRI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001818 ! vibrational microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000051 name: Fourier transform infrared microscopy alt_id: CHMO:0000584 def: "The collection of spatially resolved infrared spectra of a sample during optical microscopy. The infrared spectra are obtained by single pulse of infrared radiation, and are subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier-transform infrared microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR-MSP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000050 ! infrared microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000052 name: near-infrared microscopy def: "The collection of spatially resolved near-infrared spectra (0.8 to 2 micrometres) of a sample during microscopy." [FIX:0000699,] synonym: "near infra red chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra red chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared microscopy spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-infra-red microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-infrared microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-infrared spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-IR spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NOIM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000050 ! infrared microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000053 name: imaging mass spectrometry def: "The collection of spatially resolved mass spectra of a sample during microscopy which are used to visualise the spatial distribution of compounds by their molecular masses." [] synonym: "I-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "imaging MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000049 ! chemical imaging [Term] id: CHMO:0000054 name: matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation imaging mass spectrometry def: "The collection of spatially resolved mass spectra of a sample during microscopy where a pulse laser is used to produce both ionisation and vapourisation and the sample is held in a matrix (such as dihydrobenzoic acid) to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules. The spectra are used to visualise the spatial distribution of (typically) biomolecules by their molecular masses." [] synonym: "MALDI-IMS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-MS imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000053 ! imaging mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000055 name: secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging def: "The collection of spatially resolved mass spectra of a sample during microscopy where the sample is bombarded with a stream of primary mass-selected particles and the secondary ions ejected from the sample are detected. The spectra are used to visualise the spatial distribution of compounds by their molecular masses." [] synonym: "secondary ion mass spectroscopy imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "SIMS imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "SIMS microscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000960 is_a: CHMO:0000053 ! imaging mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000056 name: Raman microscopy alt_id: CHMO:0000673 alt_id: FIX:0000697 def: "The collection of spatially resolved Raman spectra of a sample during optical microscopy." [] synonym: "laser Raman microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "LRMA" EXACT [] synonym: "micro Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "micro Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MRS" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman mapping" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman micro spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman micro spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman microprobe spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman spectral imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "RCIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001818 ! vibrational microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000057 name: luminescence detection alt_id: FIX:0000427 def: "The detection of luminescence from a sample." [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0000058 name: chemiluminescence detection def: "The detection of luminescence emitted from a sample as a result of a chemical reaction." [] synonym: "CL detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000057 ! luminescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000059 name: sonochemiluminescence detection def: "The detection of chemiluminescence caused the emission of light by tiny bubbles in a liquid excited by sound." [] synonym: "SCL detection" EXACT [] synonym: "sono chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] synonym: "sono-chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] synonym: "sonodynamic chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000058 ! chemiluminescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000060 name: fluorescence detection def: "The measurement or detection of luminescence which results from the molecular absorption of a photon which triggers the emission of a photon with a longer wavelength." [FIX:0000421,] synonym: "fluorescence (FL) detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001257 ! photoluminescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000061 name: flow cytometry def: "A method for analysing microscopic particles suspended in a stream of fluid. The particles are individually passed through a laser beam and the resulting fluorescence and scattered light is detected." [] synonym: "flow cytometric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "flow cytometric studies" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000062 name: Forster resonance energy transfer def: "A method for determining the distance between molecules using an energy transfer between two chromophores (a donor and an acceptor) in close proximity (typically <10 nm) via a nonradiative, long-range dipole-dipole coupling mechanism." [] synonym: "Forster resonant energy transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "FRET" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "Förster resonance energy transfer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000760 ! resonance energy transfer [Term] id: CHMO:0000063 name: bioluminescence resonance energy transfer def: "Forster resonance energy transfer in a bioluminescent system, usually between a luciferase (donor) and a green fluorescent protein (acceptor)." [] comment: The luciferase is bioluminescent therefore external illumination is not required. synonym: "BRET" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000062 ! Forster resonance energy transfer [Term] id: CHMO:0000064 name: fluorescence resonance energy transfer alt_id: FIX:0000472 alt_id: FIX:0000473 def: "A method for determining the distance between molecules using an energy transfer between two fluorescent chromophores (a donor and an acceptor) in close proximity (typically <10 nm) via a nonradiative, long-range dipole-dipole coupling mechanism. Energy transfer usually occurs between a cyan fluorescent protein (donor) and a yellow fluorescent protein (acceptor)." [] synonym: "fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescent resonance energy transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "FRET" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000062 ! Forster resonance energy transfer [Term] id: CHMO:0000065 name: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching def: "A method for determining the mobility of fluorescent molecules by photobleaching a sub-set of the sample during fluorescence microscopy and monitoring the movement of the remaining fluorescent molecules." [] synonym: "FRAP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000066 name: time-resolved fluorescence quenching def: "The measurement of the fluorescence decay time of probes solubilised in micellar surfactant solutions in the presence of quenchers." [] synonym: "time resolved fluorescence quenching" EXACT [] synonym: "time resolved fluorescence quenching spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved fluorescence quenching spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved fluorescence quenching spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TRFQ" EXACT [] synonym: "TRFQ analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "TRFQ measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "TRFQ spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "TRFQ spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002406 ! fluorescence quenching method [Term] id: CHMO:0000067 name: microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000005 def: "Any technique where a microscope is used to view a small object (or specimen) by producing a magnified image." [] is_a: OBI:0000185 ! imaging assay relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000953 ! has participant microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000068 name: electron microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000051 def: "Microscopy where the specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV under vacuum. The interaction of the electrons with the specimen produces transmitted, secondary, backscattered and diffracted electrons and characteristic X-rays which are detected." [] synonym: "EM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001088 ! has participant electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000069 name: field-emission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam produced by field emission with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV under vacuum. The interaction of the electrons with the specimen produces transmitted, secondary, backscattered and diffracted electrons and characteristic X-rays which are detected." [Orange:17.2.7] synonym: "FEM" EXACT [] synonym: "field electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-emission microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000070 name: low-energy electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) low energy (1-100 eV) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV under vacuum. The interaction of the electrons with the specimen produces transmitted, secondary, backscattered and diffracted electrons and characteristic X-rays which are detected." [] synonym: "LE EM" EXACT [] synonym: "LEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "low energy electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "low energy EM" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy EM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000071 name: spin-polarised low energy electron microscopy def: "Low-energy electron microscopy where a magnet is used to align all electron spins parallel to the sample surface." [] synonym: "spin polarised LEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "spin polarised low energy electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin polarized LEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarised LEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarised low-energy electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized LEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPLEEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000070 ! low-energy electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000072 name: reflection electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV under vacuum. The electrons elastically scattered by the specimen are detected." [] synonym: "reflection EM" EXACT [] synonym: "REM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000073 name: scanning electron microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000124 def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV is scanned across the specimen under vacuum and the interaction of the electrons with the specimen is determined." [] synonym: "scanning electronic microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000074 name: field-emission scanning electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam produced by thermionic emission heating (field emission) and with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV is scanned across the specimen under vacuum and the interaction of the electrons with the specimen is determined." [] synonym: "FE SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FE-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FE/SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FEG-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FEGSEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FESEM" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission gun scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FSEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000075 name: cold-field-emission scanning electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam produced by applying a high voltage to a tungsten crystal (cold-field emission) and with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV is scanned across the specimen under vacuum and the interaction of the electrons with the specimen is determined." [ISBN:0763701920] synonym: "CFE SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFE-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFE/SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFEG-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFEGSEM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFSEM" EXACT [] synonym: "cold field emission gun scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold field emission scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold-field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold-field-emission scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold-field-gun scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000074 ! field-emission scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000076 name: environmental scanning electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV is scanned across the specimen in a gaseous environment and the interaction of the electrons with the specimen is determined." [] synonym: "E-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "environmental SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "ESEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000077 name: scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50-150 kV is scanned across the specimen under vacuum. The interaction of electrons with the specimen produces X-rays (with energies characteristic of atomic number) which are detected as a function of wavelength." [] synonym: "scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM EDX" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM-EDX" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM-EDXA" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM/EDX" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM/EDXA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000078 name: scanning electron acoustic microscopy def: "Microscopy where a pulsed electron beam is scanned over the surface of the specimen in order to generate elastic waves which are reflected and detected." [] synonym: "SEAM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000079 name: scanning Auger microscopy def: "Microscopy where a focused electron beam of small diameter is used to produce Auger electrons which are detected." [] synonym: "SAM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "scanning Auger electron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000080 name: transmission electron microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000126 def: "Electron microscopy where the intensities of the electrons through an electron-transparent specimen are measured." [] synonym: "TEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000081 name: cryogenic transmission electron microscopy def: "Transmission electron microscopy where the specimen is cooled in liquid ethane to 180 °C." [] synonym: "cryo TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "cryo-TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "cryogenic TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "low-temperature transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LT-TEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy is_a: CHMO:0002413 ! cryogenic electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000082 name: energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy def: "Transmission electron microscopy where the intensities of transmitted electrons of particular kinetic energies are measured." [] synonym: "EF-TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "EF/TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "EFTEM" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spectroscopic imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "energy filtered TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "energy filtered transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy-filtered TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000083 name: freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy def: "Transmission electron microscopy where the electron-transparent specimen (normally a fresh tissue or cell suspension) is prepared by rapid freezing using liquid nitrogen, then fractured, and the cold fractured surface is coated with Pt or Au by evaporation." [] synonym: "FF-TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FF/TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "FFTEM" EXACT [] synonym: "freeze fracture TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "freeze fracture transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "freeze-fracture TEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000084 name: high-resolution transmission electron microscopy def: "Transmission electron microscopy where the phase contrast between the transmitted interfering electron waves is used to produce an image." [] synonym: "high resolution (HR) TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HR TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HR/TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HRTEM" EXACT [] synonym: "phase contrast TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "phase contrast transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "phase-contrast TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000085 name: high-voltage transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where an electron-transparent specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 700–3000 kV under vacuum and the intensities of the transmitted electrons are measured." [] synonym: "high voltage TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "high voltage transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-voltage TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HV TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HV-TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HV/TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HVTEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000086 name: scanning transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV is scanned across an electron-transparent specimen under vacuum and the intensities of the transmitted electrons are measured." [] synonym: "scanning TEM" EXACT [] synonym: "STEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000087 name: fluorescence microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000123 def: "Any type of microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with light of specific wavelengths. These specimens are called fluorophores." [] synonym: "fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence microscopic imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "FM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000088 name: fluorescence laser scanning microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by scanning a laser spot of specific wavelength over its surface." [FIX:0000380,] synonym: "FLSM" EXACT [] synonym: "laser scanning fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser scanning microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LSM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000089 name: confocal laser scanning microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by scanning a gas (Ar or Kr) laser spot of specific wavelength over its surface and using a spatial pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus fluorescence." [] synonym: "CLSM" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal-laser scanning microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence confocal microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence confocal scanning laser microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LSCM" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000088 ! fluorescence laser scanning microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000090 name: multi-photon laser scanning microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by scanning a solid-state (Ti sapphire) laser spot of specific wavelength over its surface to produce multi-photon fluorescence (i.e. the fluorophore simultaneously absorbs multiple photons of typically one half to one third of the energy required for single-photon excitation)." [] synonym: "MPLSM" EXACT [] synonym: "multi photon laser scanning microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton laser scanning microscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000383 is_a: CHMO:0000088 ! fluorescence laser scanning microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000091 name: fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with light of specific wavelengths and the spatial distribution of mean fluorescence lifetimes (usually on the ns scale) is mapped within the microscopic images." [] synonym: "FLIM" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000092 name: infrared fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with radiation in the infra-red region (2.5–16 μm)." [] synonym: "infra-red fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000093 name: near-infrared fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with radiation in the near infra-red region (0.8–2.5 μm)." [] synonym: "near infra-red fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-infrared fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIRF microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIRFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000092 ! infrared fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000094 name: total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen (a fluorophore) can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with light of specific wavelength. The light is totally internally reflected to generate an evanescent wave at the glass microscope slide-water interface. The evanescent wave selectively illuminates and excites fluorophores in a restricted region of the specimen allowing fluorophores on the surface to be imaged (normally the fluorescence of surface fluorophores is overwhelmed by background fluorescence)." [] synonym: "TIRF microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TIRFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000095 name: ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with radiation in the ultra-violet region (4–380 nm)." [ISBN:0632034335] synonym: "ultra-violet fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVF microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000096 name: visible fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with radiation in the visible region (380–750 nm)." [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000097 name: ion microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000962 def: "Microscopy where ions are used to produce an image." [] synonym: "IM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000098 name: field ion microscopy def: "Microscopy where atoms of an inert gas in the vicinty of the specimen (which is in the form of a very sharp tip <10 m diameter) are ionised by the application of a strong electric field to the tip and an image is produced by the projection of the ions onto a fluorescent screen. The image consists of a pattern of spots of light which correspond to individual atoms on the specimen surface." [Orange:17.2.7] synonym: "field ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-ion microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FIM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000097 ! ion microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000099 name: atom probe field ion microscopy def: "Microscopy where atoms in the vicinty of the specimen (which is in the form of a very sharp tip <10 m diameter) are ionised by the application of a strong electric field to the tip and an image is produced by the projection of the ions onto a fluorescent screen. The image consists of a pattern of spots of light which correspond to individual atoms on the specimen surface. When a sudden voltage pulse is applied to the tip, atoms from the surface of the specimen itself are be ejected and travel down a drift tube where their arrival time (a measure of the mass of the atom) can be determined. This allows the atomic composition of the specimen to be determined." [] synonym: "AP field ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AP field ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AP field-ion microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AP field-ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AP field-ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AP FIM" EXACT [] synonym: "AP-FIM" EXACT [] synonym: "AP/FIM" EXACT [] synonym: "APFIM" EXACT [] synonym: "atom probe field ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atom probe field ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atom probe field-ion microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atom probe field-ionisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atom probe field-ionization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atom-probe field-ion microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000098 ! field ion microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000100 name: helium-ion microscopy def: "Microscopy where atoms of He gas in the vicinty of the specimen are ionised and an image is produced by the projection of the ions onto a fluorescent screen. The image consists of a pattern of spots of light which correspond to individual atoms on the specimen surface." [] is_a: CHMO:0000098 ! field ion microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000101 name: scanning ion microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000963 def: "Microscopy where an ion beam is scanned over the specimen surface and the secondary electrons emitted are detected." [] synonym: "SIM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000097 ! ion microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000102 name: optical microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000113 def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with visible light and a system of lenses is used to produce an image." [] synonym: "light microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "OM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000103 name: confocal microscopy def: "Microscopy where visible light coming from the specimen is collected and guided through a pinhole before it is detected. The pinhole allows only light from the focal point to pass to the detector, reducing background interference." [ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000104 name: bright-field microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with light transmitted from a source on the opposite side of the specimen from the objective." [] synonym: "bright field microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "bright-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "transmitted light microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "transmitted-light microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000105 name: comparison light microscopy def: "Microscopy where two specimens can be compared by illuminating them with visible light using two identical sets of microscope lenses which are linked by an optical bridge." [ISBN:0-85404-539-2] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000106 name: optical interference microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with visible light split into two beams, which then interfere to produce fringes whose spacing is proportional to the height of the specimen." [] synonym: "interference optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IOM" EXACT [] synonym: "OIM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000107 name: differential interference contrast microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with polarised visible light split into two beams, which then interfere to produce fringes whose spacing is proportional to the height of the specimen." [] synonym: "DIC" EXACT [] synonym: "DIC microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIC" EXACT [] synonym: "NIC microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Nomarski interference contrast microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Nomarski microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000106 ! optical interference microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000108 name: low coherence interference microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with short-coherence length visible light split into two beams, which then interfere to produce fringes whose spacing is proportional to the height of the specimen." [ISBN:0824742524] is_a: CHMO:0000106 ! optical interference microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000109 name: coherence probe microscopy def: "Microscopy where the surface of the specimen is illuminated with short-coherence length visible light split into two beams, which then interfere to produce fringes whose spacing is proportional to the profile of the specimen." [ISBN:0824742524] synonym: "coherence-probe microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CPM" EXACT [] synonym: "phase correlation microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000108 ! low coherence interference microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000110 name: phase contrast microscopy def: "Microscopy where a transparent specimen is illuminated with visible light and small phase shifts in the light passing through the specimen are used to produce an image." [] synonym: "PCM" EXACT [] synonym: "phase-contrast microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000111 name: polarising light microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen placed between two orthogonal polarising filters and illuminated with visible light." [] synonym: "optical polarisation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optical polarising microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optical polarization microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PLM" EXACT [] synonym: "polarised light microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarised optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized light microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized light optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarizing light microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarizing optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "POM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000102 ! optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000112 name: scanning probe microscopy def: "Microscopy which uses a probe to scan the surface of the specimen and measure some form of interaction between surface and probe. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the probe-surface interaction as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [FIX:0000121, ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "scanning-probe microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000113 name: atomic force microscopy def: "Microscopy which uses a sharp spike (known as a 'tip') mounted on the end of a cantilever to scan the surface of the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the force experienced by the tip as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [FIX:0000114,] synonym: "AFM" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-force microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning force microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000114 name: piezoresponse force microscopy def: "Microscopy where an electric field is applied to a sharp spike (known as a 'tip') which is mounted on the end of a cantilever. The tip scans the surface of a piezoelectric specimen and the distortion of the electric field by the specimen is measured as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "PFM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "piezo-force microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000113 ! atomic force microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000115 name: magnetic force microscopy def: "Microscopy which uses a sharp magnetic spike (known as a 'tip') mounted on the end of a cantilever to scan the surface of a magnetic specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the tip in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the magnetic force experienced by it as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [FIX:0000118, ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "magnetic-force microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000113 ! atomic force microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000116 name: photonic force microscopy def: "Microscopy where optical tweezers are used to trap a small fluorescent latex bead which is then scanned across biological specimens in aqueous solution. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the bead in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the fluorescence intensity as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the bead and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "PFM" EXACT [] synonym: "photonic-force microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000117 name: scanning capacitance microscopy def: "Microscopy which uses a small electrode to scan the surface of the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the electrostatic capacitance of the surface as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the electrode and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "SCAM" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning-capacitance microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000118 name: scanning near-field microscopy def: "Any type of microscopy where a probe is positioned very close to the surface of the specimen (in the near-field). An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the probe-surface interaction as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "near-field scanning microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000119 name: photon scanning tunnelling microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with a near-field of photons. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving an optical fibre probe in a raster scan over the specimen, line by line, and detecting any photons which tunnel from the specimen to the probe as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the optical fibre probe and surface during scanning." [USPatent:5018865] synonym: "photon scanning tunneling microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photon-scanning tunneling microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photon-scanning tunnelling microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PSTM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000118 ! scanning near-field microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000120 name: scanning near-field optical microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe consisting of a laser transmitted through a tapered optical fibre is positioned very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. The tip is coated with metal (to prevent light from escaping from the sides) and near-field (or evanescent field) light is emitted through a small opening or 'aperture' (50–100 nm in diameter) at the apex of the probe. An image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the disturbance of the near-field as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [FIX:0000385, ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "aperture NSOM" EXACT [] synonym: "aperture scanning near-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "aperture SNOM" EXACT [] synonym: "aperture-NSOM" EXACT [] synonym: "aperture-SNOM" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field scanning optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NSOM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNOM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000118 ! scanning near-field microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000121 name: fluorescence scanning near-field optical microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe consisting of a laser of a specific wavelength transmitted through a tapered optical fibre is positioned very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. The tip is coated with metal (to prevent light from escaping from the sides) and near-field (or evanescent field) light is emitted through a small opening or 'aperture' (50–100 nm in diameter) at the apex of the probe. An image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the fluorescence intensity from fluorophores on the surface of the specimen as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] is_a: CHMO:0000120 ! scanning near-field optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000122 name: infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe consisting of an infrared laser transmitted through a tapered optical fibre is positioned very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. The tip is coated with metal (to prevent light from escaping from the sides) and near-field (or evanescent field) infrared radiation is emitted through a small opening or 'aperture' (50–100 nm in diameter) at the apex of the probe. An image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the disturbance of the infrared near-field as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "infra-red near-field scanning optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red scanning near-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared near-field scanning optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-NSOM" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-SNOM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNFIM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNIM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNIM imaging" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000120 ! scanning near-field optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000123 name: microwave scanning near-field microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe consisting of a microwave radiation source transmitted through a tapered optical fibre is positioned very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. The tip is coated with metal (to prevent light from escaping from the sides) and near-field (or evanescent field) microwave radiation is emitted through a small opening or 'aperture' (50-100 nm in diameter) at the apex of the probe. An image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the disturbance of the microwave near-field as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "microwave near-field scanning microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field scanning microwave microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NSMM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNMM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000120 ! scanning near-field optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000124 name: apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy def: "Microscopy where a laser spot is focused on a solid sharp metallic probe producing a confined light field very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. An image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the scattering of the incident light by the probe as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "aNSOM" EXACT [] synonym: "apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "aSNOM" EXACT [] synonym: "scattering type apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scattering type apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scattering type near-field scanning optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scattering type scanning near-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000118 ! scanning near-field microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000125 name: scanning plasmon near-field microscopy def: "Microscopy where a laser spot is focused on a solid sharp noble metal probe very close to (<10 nm from) the surface of the specimen. The laser spot excites plasmons at the probe-surface interface and an image is produced by scanning the probe over the specimen and detecting the electromagnetic field as a function of position. A force feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "scanning-plasmon near-field microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPNM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000124 ! apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000126 name: scanning near-field thermal microscopy def: "Microscopy where a thermocouple probe is positioned very close to the surface of the specimen (in the near-field). An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the thermocouple probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the surface–probe heat transfer as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "near-field scanning thermal microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NSThM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNThM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000118 ! scanning near-field microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000127 name: scanning electrochemical microscopy def: "Microscopy where an electrode probe is positioned very close to the surface of the specimen (in the near-field). The surface is mechanically scanned by the electrode in a raster scan and the height required by a feedback loop in order to maintain a constant electrical conductance between the electrode and the specimen is recorded as a function of position." [ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "scanning-electrochemical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SECM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000128 name: scanning ion conductance microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe consisting of a glass nano- or micro- pipette filled with electrolyte is positioned very close to (in the near-field of) a specimen which is held in an oppositely charge electrolyte. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the pipette in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the ion conductance as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "scanning-ion conductance microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SICM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000129 name: scanning probe acoustic microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe vibrating at its resonant frequency is scanned over the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the resonant frequency (or the amplitude of vibration) of the tip as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "SAM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "scanning acoustic microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPAM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000130 name: scanning near-field acoustic microscopy def: "Microscopy where a probe vibrating at its resonant frequency is positioned very close to the surface of the specimen (in the near-field). An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the resonant frequency (or amplitude of vibration) of the tip as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "near-field scanning acoustic microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NSAM" EXACT [] synonym: "SNAM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000129 ! scanning probe acoustic microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000131 name: scanning thermal microscopy def: "Microscopy where an Wollaston wire probe is scanned over the surface of the specimen and the height required by a feedback loop in order to maintain a constant temperature between the probe and the specimen is recorded as a function of position." [ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "scanning-thermal microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SThM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001098 ! has participant Wollaston wire [Term] id: CHMO:0000132 name: scanning tunnelling microscopy alt_id: FIX:0000112 def: "Microscopy which uses a sharp conducting probe (or 'tip') held very close (1 nm) to the surface of the specimen. A bias voltage is applied between the tip and specimen which causes a tunnelling current to flow. An image is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the tunnelling current as a function of position." [ISBN:1-86094-199-0] synonym: "scanning tunneling electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning tunnelling electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning-tunneling electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning-tunnelling microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "STM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000112 ! scanning probe microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000133 name: thermal lens microscopy def: "Microscopy where an excitation laser and a probe laser are focused onto a specimen forming a refractive index distribution which results in a concave excitation beam. The strength of this lens is proportional to the sample concentration and is detected by a change in transmittance in the probe beam." [] synonym: "thermal-lens microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TLM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002894 ! has participant excitation laser relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002895 ! has participant probe laser [Term] id: CHMO:0000134 name: ultra-violet thermal lens microscopy def: "Thermal lens microscopy where the excitation laser is an ultraviolet laser." [] synonym: "ultra-violet thermal-lens microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet thermal lens microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet thermal-lens microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-TLM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000133 ! thermal lens microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000135 name: profilometry def: "The measurement of the profile of a surface in order to quantify its roughness." [] synonym: "SP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "surface profilometry" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000185 ! imaging assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000136 name: contact profilometry def: "A method where the profile of a surface is determined by moving a diamond stylus laterally across it at a specified contact force and measuring its vertical displacement." [] is_a: CHMO:0000135 ! profilometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000137 name: optical profilometry def: "A method where the profile of a surface is determined by illuminating the sample with a beam of light which has been split into two paths, one of which is directed at the sample and the other at a reference mirror. When the reflections are recombined any interference contains information about the contours of the surface." [] synonym: "non-contact profilometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000135 ! profilometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000138 name: Fourier profilometry def: "A method where the profile of a surface is determined by illuminating the sample with a beam of light which has been split into two paths, one of which is directed at the sample and the other at a reference mirror. When the reflections are recombined a Fourier transform is applied to the phase of the interference pattern which contains information about the contours of the surface." [ISBN:9051993080] synonym: "Fourier transform profilometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "FTP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000137 ! optical profilometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000139 name: phase profilometry def: "A method where the profile of a surface is determined by illuminating the sample with a beam of light which has been split into two paths, one of which is directed at the sample and the other at a reference mirror. When the reflections are recombined any distortions of periodic shadows due to interference contain information about the contours of the surface." [] synonym: "PP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000137 ! optical profilometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000140 name: reciprocal-space method def: "Any detection or measurement method for a set of points in reciprocal space." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000141 name: diffraction method def: "Any detection or measurement method where the structure of a crystal or molecule can be determined by directing a beam of particles or radiation at a sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [FIX:0000004, FIX:0000217,] synonym: "crystallography" EXACT [] synonym: "diffraction analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000140 ! reciprocal-space method [Term] id: CHMO:0000142 name: electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of electrons (the energies of which are controlled by their acceleration voltage) and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [FIX:0000009, ISBN:90190280031-0] synonym: "ED" EXACT [] synonym: "electron crystallography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron diffraction analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron diffractometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000141 ! diffraction method [Term] id: CHMO:0000143 name: electron backscatter diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of electrons at the sample (the energies of which are controlled by their acceleration voltage) and recording the resulting diffraction pattern of any backscattered electrons." [] synonym: "backscatter Kikuchi diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "BKD" EXACT [] synonym: "EBSD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000142 ! electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000144 name: high energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of high energy (10–200 keV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [Orange:17.3] synonym: "HEED" EXACT [] synonym: "high-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000142 ! electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000145 name: transmission high energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of high energy (10–200 keV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any electrons transmitted through the sample." [Orange:17.3] synonym: "SADP" EXACT [] synonym: "SAED" EXACT [] synonym: "selected area electron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "selected-area electron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "THEED" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission high-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000144 ! high energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000146 name: reflection high energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of high energy (10–200 keV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any reflected or elastically scattered electrons." [] synonym: "reflection high-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "RHEED" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000144 ! high energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000147 name: low energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of low energy (<500 eV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [ISBN:90190280031-0, Orange:17.3] synonym: "LEED" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000142 ! electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000148 name: convergent beam low energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a highly convergent beam (nm diameter) of low energy (<500 eV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [] synonym: "CBLEED" EXACT [] synonym: "convergent beam low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "convergent-beam low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000147 ! low energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000149 name: elastic low energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of low energy (<500 eV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any elastically scattered (scattering where kinetic energy is conserved) electrons." [] synonym: "elastic low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "ELEED" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000147 ! low energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000150 name: inelastic low energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of low energy (<500 eV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any inelastically scattered (scattering where kinetic energy is not conserved) electrons." [] synonym: "ILEED" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000147 ! low energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000151 name: transmission low energy electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of high energy (<500 eV) electrons at the sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any electrons transmitted through the sample." [] synonym: "TLEED" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission low-energy electron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000147 ! low energy electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000152 name: photoelectron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure during photoelectron spectroscopy. Photons are directed at the sample and diffraction patterns resulting from the emission of electrons are recorded." [Orange:] synonym: "PD" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "PED" RELATED [] synonym: "PhD" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000142 ! electron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000153 name: aziμthal photoelectron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure during photoelectron spectroscopy. Photons are directed at a sample and diffraction patterns resulting from the emission of electrons are determined as a function of emission angle." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "APD" EXACT [] synonym: "APED" EXACT [] synonym: "aziμthal-photoelectron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000152 ! photoelectron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000154 name: normal photoelectron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure during photoelectron spectroscopy. Photons are directed at a sample and diffraction patterns resulting from the emission of electrons at 90° from the surface are recorded." [Orange:] synonym: "normal-photoelectron diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "NPD" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "NPED" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000152 ! photoelectron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000155 name: X-ray photoelectron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure during X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. X-rays are directed at a sample and diffraction patterns resulting from the emission of electrons are recorded." [Orange:] synonym: "XPD" EXACT [] synonym: "XPED" EXACT [] synonym: "XPhD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000152 ! photoelectron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000156 name: X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [FIX:0000007, ISBN:90190280031-0] synonym: "X-ray analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "X-Ray crystallographic analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray crystallography" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray diffraction analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray diffractometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray structure determination" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000141 ! diffraction method [Term] id: CHMO:0000157 name: in situ micro-X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by detecting the positions and intensities of X-rays, that have been generated in microstructural domain, as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [Orange:17.3] synonym: "Kossel technique" EXACT [] synonym: "Kossel-technique" EXACT [] synonym: "micro in situ XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "micro X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "micro XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "MXRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001137 ! in situ X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000158 name: powder X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at a powdered solid sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] synonym: "powder XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "PXD" EXACT [] synonym: "PXRD" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray powder diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "XRPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000159 name: single crystal X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at a single crystal sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is used for protein crystallography." [] synonym: "single crystal X-ray crystallography" EXACT [] synonym: "single-crystal X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000160 name: scattering method def: "Any detection or measurement method where reciprocal space structure can be determined by measuring the change in direction or energy of incident particles or radiation scattered by a sample." [] is_a: CHMO:0000140 ! reciprocal-space method [Term] id: CHMO:0000161 name: alpha-particle scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered alpha-particles." [] synonym: "alpha scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method [Term] id: CHMO:0000162 name: atom scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered atoms." [OrangeBook:17.7.5] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method [Term] id: CHMO:0000163 name: inelastic atom scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction and energy of scattered He atoms. The He atoms suffer energy loss upon scattering by colliding inelastically with surfaces leading to the absorption or emission of surface phonons." [] is_a: CHMO:0000162 ! atom scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000164 name: electron scattering def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, extended range of kinetic energies is scattered by a surface and the energy and position of the scattered electrons is measured." [FIX:0000401, FIX:0000666, OrangeBook:] synonym: "electron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ESS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000165 name: nanowire electron scattering def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, extended range of kinetic energies is scattered by a sample supported on a nano-sized wire (such as a carbon nanotube) and the energy loss the electrons suffer upon scattering is measured." [] synonym: "nanowire electron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanowire electron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NESS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000164 ! electron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000166 name: light scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered visible light. Light is scattered by the electrons surrounding the atomic nuclei in the sample." [FIX:0000402,] synonym: "light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LiSSP" EXACT [] synonym: "LSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method property_value: non-mining_synonym "LS" xsd:string {has_synonym_type="EXACT"} [Term] id: CHMO:0000167 name: dynamic light scattering def: "A method for determining the size distribution of a sample of small particles in solution by illuminating the sample with a light source (usually a laser) and measuring the time-dependent fluctuations in the intensity of the scattered light caused by Brownian motion." [ISBN:0471705160] synonym: "DLS" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic laser scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PCS" EXACT [] synonym: "photocorrelation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photon correlation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photon correlation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "QELS" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi-elastic light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi-elastic light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi-elastic light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000168 name: multi-angle light scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered visible light at a number of different angles, none of which are close to the angle of incidence of the light." [] synonym: "MALLS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALS" EXACT [] synonym: "multi angle light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-angle laser light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-angle light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-angle light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiangle light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple angle laser light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple angle laser light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple angle laser light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple angle light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple angle light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000169 name: Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light." [FIX:0000059,] synonym: "elastic light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "laser Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "laser Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "Rayleigh scattering method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000170 name: interferometric Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light which has been passed through an inferometer." [] synonym: "interferometric Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "interferometric Rayleigh scattering method" EXACT [] synonym: "interferometric Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000171 name: hyper Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the structure of a liquid sample by measuring the change in direction or energy of hyper-Rayleigh scattered visible light (scattering where photons from the incident laser–-with frequency –-are scattered into photons of the second harmonic–-photons with frequency 2)." [ISBN:0849389097] synonym: "HRLS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "hyper Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "second harmonic Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "SHLS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000172 name: non-resonance Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light, where the wavelength of the incident light does not correspond to any absorption bands in the scattering molecules." [] synonym: "non-resonance Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "non-resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "non-resonant Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "off-resonance Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000173 name: near-resonance Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light, where the wavelength of the incident light corresponds to an energy which is near to an absorption band in the scattering molecules." [] synonym: "near-Rayleigh resonance scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "near-Rayleigh resonant scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "near-resonance Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "near-resonance Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "near-resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near-resonant Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "near-resonant Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "NRRLS" EXACT [] synonym: "NRRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000174 name: resonance Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light, where the wavelength of the incident light corresponds to an absorption band in the scattering molecules." [] synonym: "resonance Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "RRLS" EXACT [] synonym: "RRS" EXACT [] synonym: "RRS detection" EXACT [] synonym: "RRSD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000175 name: time-resolved resonance Rayleigh scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of Rayleigh scattered visible light, as a function of time, where the wavelength of the incident light corresponds to an absorption band in the scattering molecules." [] synonym: "time resolved resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "time resolved resonance Rayleigh spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "time resolved resonant Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "time resolved resonant Rayleigh spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved resonant Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved resonant Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000174 ! resonance Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000176 name: forced Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy def: "A method for determining structure where a grating created by the interference of two laser beams is written into a sample and a further laser beam is Rayleigh scattered by the grating. The change in direction or energy of the light and the temporal evolution of the scattered beam are measured." [] synonym: "forced Rayleigh light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "forced Rayleigh light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "forced Rayleigh light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "forced Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "forced Rayleigh scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FRLS" EXACT [] synonym: "FRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000169 ! Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000177 name: thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering def: "A method for determining structure where a grating created by the interference of two laser beams is written into a sample which contains a small amount of dye. The intensity grating is converted into a temperature grating which, in turn, causes a concentration grating by thermal diffusion. A further laser beam is Rayleigh scattered by the grating and the change in direction or energy of the light and the temporal evolution of the scattered beam are measured." [] synonym: "S-FRS" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FRSM" EXACT [] synonym: "SFRS" EXACT [] synonym: "SFRSM" EXACT [] synonym: "Soret forced Rayleigh scattering method" EXACT [] synonym: "TDFRS" EXACT [] synonym: "TDFRS analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "TDFRS method" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal-diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000176 ! forced Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000178 name: infrared thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering def: "A method for determining structure where a grating created by the interference of infrared laser beams is written into a sample which contains a small amount of dye. The intensity grating is converted into a temperature grating which, in turn, causes a concentration grating by thermal diffusion. A further infrared laser beam is Rayleigh scattered by the grating and the change in direction or energy of the light and the temporal evolution of the scattered beam are measured." [] synonym: "infrared thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-TDFRS" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-TDFRS analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-TDFRS method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000177 ! thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000179 name: small-angle light scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of visible light scattered at a small angle (0.1–10°) to the incident light." [FIX:0000254,] synonym: "LALLS" EXACT [] synonym: "LALLSS" EXACT [] synonym: "LALS" EXACT [] synonym: "LALSS" EXACT [] synonym: "low angle laser light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "low angle laser light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "low angle light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "low angle light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low angle light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SALS" EXACT [] synonym: "SALSS" EXACT [] synonym: "small angle light scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000180 name: static light scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the total or time-averaged scattering intensity of scattered visible light as a function of angle." [] synonym: "classical light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "differential light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "differential light-scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "differential static light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "DLSS" EXACT [] synonym: "integrated light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "SLS" RELATED [] synonym: "static light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "static light scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "static light scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TILS" EXACT [] synonym: "total intensity light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "traditional light scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000181 name: neutron scattering alt_id: FIX:0000400 def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample and the intensity of the scattering is given by the scattering vector Q = (4/)sin(pi/2)." [ISBN:0824719948] synonym: "neutron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method [Term] id: CHMO:0000182 name: coherent neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample and phase is conserved." [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000183 name: elastic neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample and retain all of their kinetic energy during collisions." [] synonym: "elastic neutron scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000184 name: small-angle neutron scattering alt_id: FIX:0000253 def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons at small angles (corresponding to a scattering vector Q = (4/)sin(\\pi/2) = 0.005–0.2 inverse degrees)." [ISBN:9056993003] synonym: "low-Q neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "SANS" EXACT [] synonym: "small angle neutron scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000185 name: grazing incidence small-angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of neutrons scattered at low angles. The incident neutron beam strikes the sample under a small angle close to the critical angle of total external neutron reflection." [] synonym: "GISANS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000184 ! small-angle neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000186 name: ultra small angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons at ultra-small angles (corresponding to Q = 0.000003–0.01 inverse degrees)." [] synonym: "ultra-high resolution small-angle neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "USANS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000184 ! small-angle neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000187 name: wide angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons at wide angles (corresponding to Q >1 inverse degrees)." [FIX:0001130,] synonym: "WANS" EXACT [] synonym: "wide angle neutron scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000188 name: incoherent neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample and phase is not conserved." [] synonym: "INS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000189 name: elastic incoherent neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, phase is not conserved and the neutrons retain all of their kinetic energy during collisions." [] synonym: "EINS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000188 ! incoherent neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000190 name: quasi-elastic neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in a liquid sample which is in thermal motion. Phase is not conserved and although the neutrons retain all of their kinetic energy during collisions, the thermal motion of the sample causes a broadening of the energy range of the scattered neutrons." [ISBN:082475056X] synonym: "QENS" EXACT [] synonym: "QINS" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi elastic neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi elastic neutron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi elastic neutron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000189 ! elastic incoherent neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000191 name: inelastic incoherent neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, phase is not conserved and the neutrons suffer a loss of kinetic energy during collisions." [] synonym: "IINS" EXACT [] synonym: "incoherent inelastic neutron scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000188 ! incoherent neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000192 name: inelastic neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, and suffer a loss of kinetic energy during collisions." [Orange:17.7.5] synonym: "inelastic coherent neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic neutron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "INS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000193 name: neutron backscattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of backscattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, and suffer a loss of kinetic energy during collisions." [] synonym: "neutron backscattering" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron backscattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron backscattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000192 ! inelastic neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000194 name: neutron time-of-flight scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered neutrons and the time since the indicent pulse ('time-of-flight') for each neutron. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, and suffer a loss of kinetic energy during collisions." [] is_a: CHMO:0000192 ! inelastic neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000195 name: triple-axis neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction, energy and momentum of scattered neutrons. Neutrons are scattered by the atomic nuclei in the sample, and suffer a loss of kinetic energy during collisions." [] synonym: "TAS" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-axis neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-axis neutron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-axis neutron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-axis neutron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000192 ! inelastic neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000196 name: spin-echo neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the velocity of neutrons in known magnetic fields before and after scattering by the sample. The neutrons are scattered by the interaction of neutron spin with spins in the sample ('spin echo')." [] synonym: "neutron spin echo spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron spin echo spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron spin-echo spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron spin-echo spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-echo neutrons scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000181 ! neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000197 name: spin-echo small angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the velocity of neutrons in known magnetic fields before and after scattering at small angles by the sample. The neutrons are scattered by the interaction of neutron spin with spins in the sample ('spin echo')." [] synonym: "non-magnetic SEANS" EXACT [] synonym: "non-magnetic spin-echo SANS" EXACT [] synonym: "non-magnetic spin-echo small angle neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "SEANS" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-echo SANS" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-echo small angle neutron scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000196 ! spin-echo neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000198 name: magnetic spin-echo small angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the velocity of neutrons in known magnetic fields before and after scattering at small angles by a magnetic sample. The neutrons are scattered by the interaction of neutron spin with spins in the sample ('spin echo')." [] synonym: "magnetic SEANS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000196 ! spin-echo neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000199 name: spin-echo wide angle neutron scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the velocity of neutrons in known magnetic fields before and after scattering at wide angles by the sample. The neutrons are scattered by the interaction of neutron spin with spins in the sample ('spin echo')." [] is_a: CHMO:0000196 ! spin-echo neutron scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000200 name: X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample." [FIX:0000073,] synonym: "XRS" EXACT [] synonym: "XS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method [Term] id: CHMO:0000201 name: inelastic X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the energy loss of X-rays scattered by a sample." [] synonym: "inelastic X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic X-ray scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic X-ray scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IXS" EXACT [] synonym: "IXSS" EXACT [] synonym: "non-resonant inelastic X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "non-resonant inelastic X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000200 ! X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000202 name: resonant inelastic X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the energy loss of X-rays scattered by a sample where the incident X-ray energy is chosen to coincide with an electronic transition in the sample." [] synonym: "resonant inelastic X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant inelastic X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RIXES" EXACT [] synonym: "RIXS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000201 ! inelastic X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000203 name: angle-resolved resonant X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the energy loss of X-rays scattered by a sample as a function of emission angle, where the incident X-ray energy is chosen to coincide with an electronic transition in the sample." [] synonym: "angle-resolved resonant X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angular-resolved resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000202 ! resonant inelastic X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000204 name: small-angle X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample at low angles (0–10°)." [FIX:0000223,] synonym: "SAXS" EXACT [] synonym: "small angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000200 ! X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000205 name: grazing-incidence X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample. The incident X-ray beam strikes the sample under a small angle close to the critical angle of total external X-ray reflection." [] synonym: "GISAXS" EXACT [] synonym: "GIXS" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing incidence X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000204 ! small-angle X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000206 name: ultra-small angle X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample at ultra-low angles (corresponding to Q = 0.00005–0.005 inverse°)." [] synonym: "ultra small angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra small-angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "USAXS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000204 ! small-angle X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000207 name: wide-angle X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample at wide angles (>10°). Wide-angle X-ray scattering is used for determining the structure of polymers." [FIX:0001128,] synonym: "WAXS" EXACT [] synonym: "wide angle X-ray scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000200 ! X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000208 name: reflection method def: "Any method for determining structure where the change in direction or intensity of reflected radiation or particles is detected." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000209 name: reflectometry def: "Any method for determining structure by directing a beam of particles or X-rays onto an extremely flat surface and measuring the intensity of the reflected radiation as a function of angle." [] synonym: "reflectivity" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000208 ! reflection method [Term] id: CHMO:0000210 name: neutron reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of neutrons onto an extremely flat surface and measuring the intensity of the reflected neutrons as a function of angle and neutron wavelength." [] synonym: "neutron reflection" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "specular neutron reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "specular neutron reflectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000209 ! reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000211 name: optical reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with visible light and measuring the intensity of the reflected light as a function of angle. The reflected light has two polarised components, s (perpendicular) and p (parallel). The reflectivity of s-polarised light depends on the angle of incidence, but the reflectivity of p-polarised light vanishes at the Brewster angle." [] synonym: "light laser reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "light laser reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "light reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "light reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical laser reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "OR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000209 ! reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000212 name: fixed angle reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with visible light and measuring the intensity of the light reflected at the Brewster angle." [ISBN:0824700007] synonym: "fixed angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "fixed-angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "fixed-angle reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical fixed angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical fixed angle reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical fixed-angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical fixed-angle reflectometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000211 ! optical reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000213 name: optical coherence-domain reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with visible light and interfering the light reflected from the sample at the Brewster angle with light reflected from a reference mirror. Intereference only occurs when the difference in the optical path lengths between the two mirrors is within the coherence length of the optical source." [ISBN:089603-574-3] synonym: "OCDR" EXACT [] synonym: "OLCR" EXACT [] synonym: "optical coherence-domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical low-coherence domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical low-coherence domain reflectometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000212 ! fixed angle reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000214 name: optical frequency-domain reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with light from a pulsed laser and interfering the light reflected from the sample at the Brewster angle with light reflected from a reference mirror. Intereference only occurs when the difference in the optical path lengths between the two mirrors is within the coherence length of the optical source. The frequency of the laser pulse is proportional to the time delay between each of the signals returning." [ISBN:3540231048] synonym: "OFDR" EXACT [] synonym: "optical frequency domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical frequency domain reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical frequency-domain reflectivity" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000213 ! optical coherence-domain reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000215 name: optical time-domain reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing an optical pulse through an optical fibre and measuring the intensity of light reflected at the Brewster angle as a function of time." [ISBN:0471820539] synonym: "optical time domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical time domain reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical time-domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "optical time-domain reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "OTDR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000212 ! fixed angle reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000216 name: polarisation optical time-domain reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing an optical pulse through an optical fibre and measuring the polarisation state of light reflected at the Brewster angle as a function of time." [ISBN:0471820539] synonym: "PODTR" EXACT [] synonym: "polarisation optical time domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "polarisation optical time domain reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarisation optical time-domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "polarisation OTDR" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization optical time domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization optical time domain reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization optical time-domain reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization OTDR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000215 ! optical time-domain reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000217 name: stagnation point adsorption reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with visible light and monitoring the intensity of light reflected at the Brewster angle during the adsorption of particles on the surface." [] synonym: "SPAR" EXACT [] synonym: "stagnation point adsorption reflectivity" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000212 ! fixed angle reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000218 name: scanning angle reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an extremely flat surface with visible light and measuring the intensity of light reflected at different angles around the Brewster angle." [ISBN:0824700007] synonym: "scanning angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning-angle reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning-angle reflectometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000211 ! optical reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000219 name: X-ray reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at an extremely flat surface and measuring the intensity of the reflected X-rays as a function of angle. X-ray reflectometry is used to determine the structure of thin films." [] synonym: "X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "XRR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000209 ! reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000220 name: diffuse X-ray reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at an extremely flat surface (at angle theta minus omega to the surface) and measuring the intensity of the X-rays which undergo diffuse reflection (and are emitted at angle theta plus omega from the surface)." [] synonym: "diffuse X-ray reflectance" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse XRR" EXACT [] synonym: "off-specular X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "off-specular X-ray reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "off-specular XRR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000219 ! X-ray reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000221 name: relative X-ray reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at an extremely flat surface (at a grazing angle) and measuring the intensity of the reflected X-rays as a function of angle." [] synonym: "relative X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "RXR" EXACT [] synonym: "RXRR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000219 ! X-ray reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000222 name: specular X-ray reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at an extremely flat surface (at angle theta to the surface) and measuring the intensity of the X-rays which undergo specular reflection (and are emitted at angle theta from the surface)." [] synonym: "specular X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "specular XRR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000219 ! X-ray reflectometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000223 name: ellipsometry def: "Any method for determining structure where the sample is illuminated with light and the intensity and change in polarisation of the reflected light are measured." [ISBN:0412581604] synonym: "optical ellipsometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000779 ! polarimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000224 name: single-wavelength ellipsometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating a sample with a monochromatic light source and measuring the intensity and change in polarisation of the reflected light." [] is_a: CHMO:0000223 ! ellipsometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000225 name: spectroscopic ellipsometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating a sample with a continuous-wavelength light source and measuring the intensity and change in polarisation of the reflected light as a function of wavelength." [ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "SE" EXACT [] synonym: "spectral ellipsometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000223 ! ellipsometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000226 name: infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating a sample with a continuous infrared wavelength light source and measuring the intensity and change in polarisation of the reflected light as a function of wavelength." [FIX:0000662,] synonym: "infra-red spectroscopic ellipsometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared ellipsometric spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IRSE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000225 ! spectroscopic ellipsometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000227 name: magneto-optic generalised ellipsometry def: "A method for determining structure by illuminating an anisotropic sample with a continous infrared wavelength light source in a magnetic field and measuring the intensity and change in polarisation of the reflected light as a function of wavelength." [] synonym: "MOGE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000226 ! infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000228 name: spectroscopy def: "The study of the interaction of a sample with radiation or particles for measurement or detection." [] synonym: "spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000800 ! has_specified_output spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000229 name: acoustic emission spectrometry def: "Spectrometry where the noise generated by the movement of bubbles or particles is detected." [ISBN:3527605029] synonym: "acoustic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000802 ! has_specified_output acoustic emission spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000230 name: alpha-particle spectroscopy def: "Spectrometry where the alpha-particles (or 4He nuclei) spontaneously emitted from radioisotopes are detected." [] synonym: "alpha spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000803 ! has_specified_output alpha-particle spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000232 name: electronic spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000032 def: "Any spectroscopic method which probes the electronic degrees of freedom of an atom or molecule." [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000811 ! has_specified_output electronic spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000233 name: atomic spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000054 def: "Any spectroscopic technique which is based upon the ability of atoms to absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation. In atomic spectroscopy the sample is vaporised and then atomised." [] synonym: "atomic spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000232 ! electronic spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000804 ! has_specified_output atomic spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000234 name: atomic absorption spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000926 def: "A type of atomic spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with ultraviolet or visible light which is absorbed by the non-excited atoms at characteristic wavelengths." [ISBN:0-19-280031-0] synonym: "AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000233 ! atomic spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000235 name: atomic absorption glow-discharge spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where a glow discharge (a potential difference applied across two electrodes immersed in the sample gas) is used to atomise the sample before it absorbs ultra-violet or visible light atoms at characteristic wavelengths." [] synonym: "atomic absorption glow-discharge spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "GD-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "GDAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000236 name: cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where no vaporisation step is required because the sample is a volatile heavy metal such as mercury, which is a vapour at room temperature." [] synonym: "cold vapor AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapour AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CV-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CVAAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000237 name: electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where the sample is atomised using a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [ISSN:1430-4171] synonym: "electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ET-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "ETAAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000238 name: capillary electrophoresis-electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A method where a liquid sample is first separated by capillary electrophoresis, then vaporised and atomised using a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it. The sample is then analysed by illuminating it with ultraviolet or visible light which is absorbed by the non-excited atoms at characteristic wavelengths." [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CE-ETAAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000237 ! electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000237 ! electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0000239 name: graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where the sample is atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [FIX:0000951,] synonym: "GF-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "GFAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "graphite-furnace atomic-absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000237 ! electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000240 name: slurry sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where a solid sample is ground into a fine powder and suspensed in a diluent such as 0.1% HNO3 to form a 'slurry'. The sample is then atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [ISBN:1566701554] synonym: "slurry sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000239 ! graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000241 name: solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where a solid sample is atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "direct solid samples graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid samples graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid samples graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solid samples graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-GF-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-GFAAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000239 ! graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000242 name: quartz tube atomic absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where a solid sample is atomised by placing it in a small quartz tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "QT-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "QTAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "quartz tube atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000237 ! electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000243 name: flame atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where the sample is aspirated, aerosolised, and mixed with combustible gases, such as acetylene and air or acetylene and nitrous oxide. The mixture is then ignited and atomised in a flame whose temperature ranges from 2100–2800 \\degC. During combustion, atoms of the element of interest in the sample absorb light at characteristic wavelengths." [FIX:0000929,] synonym: "F-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "flame atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000244 name: thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where sample is forced through a heated metal capillary tip before atomisation in a flame." [] synonym: "(TS-FF)-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TS-FF-AAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000237 ! electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000245 name: flow injection thermospray flame furnace absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where the sample is carried to the spectrometer by flow injection and forced through a heated metal capillary tip before atomisation in a flame furnace." [] synonym: "FI-TS-FF-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection thermospray flame furnace absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000244 ! thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000246 name: flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where flow injection is used to transfer a sample to the spectrometer." [] synonym: "FI-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FIAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000247 name: flow injection electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where flow injection is used to carry a sample to an electrothermal atomiser where it is atomised using a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "FI-ETAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FIETAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000246 ! flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000248 name: flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where flow injection is used to carry a gas phase sample to flame where it is atomised." [] synonym: "FI-FAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FIFAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000246 ! flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000249 name: hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry where metal samples such as As, Sb and Se are vaporised by converting them into volatile hydrides." [] synonym: "HG-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "HGAAS" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride-generation atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000250 name: line-source atomic absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic absorption spectrometry using a line source of radiation." [] synonym: "line source atomic absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LS-AAS" EXACT [] synonym: "LSAAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000234 ! atomic absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000251 name: atomic emission spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000927 def: "A type of atomic spectroscopy where the atoms in the sample are excited and the emission of electromagnetic radiation at characteristic wavelengths is detected." [ISBN:0-19-280031-0] synonym: "AES" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "OES" EXACT [] synonym: "optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000233 ! atomic spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000252 name: electrothermal atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is atomised using a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "electrothermal atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ETAES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000253 name: graphite furnace atomic emission spectrometry def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "GF-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "GF-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "GFAES" EXACT [] synonym: "GFOES" EXACT [] synonym: "graphite furnace atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "graphite furnace optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "graphite furnace optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000252 ! electrothermal atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000254 name: furnace atomic nonthermal excitation spectrometry def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it, then excited using a glow discharge (a potential difference applied across two electrodes immersed in the sample gas)." [ISBN:0471974188] synonym: "FANES" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomic non thermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomic non-thermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomic non-thermal excitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomic nonthermal excitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000253 ! graphite furnace atomic emission spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000255 name: flame atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is excited using an N2/oxide–acetylene flame." [FIX:0000928, FIX:0000935,] synonym: "F-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "FAES" EXACT [] synonym: "flame atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "flame emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000256 name: glow discharge atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a glow discharge (a potential difference applied across two electrodes immersed in the sample gas) is used to excite the sample." [] synonym: "GD-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "GD-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001130 ! has participant glow discharge ion source relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001130 ! has participant glow discharge ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000257 name: laser-induced atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a laser pulse is used as the excitation source." [] synonym: "laser-induced atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LIP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "LIP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000258 name: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a high energy laser pulse is used to generate a plasma which acts as the excitation source." [] synonym: "laser induced plasma spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser induced plasma spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced breakdown atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced breakdown atomic-emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced plasma spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced plasma spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LIBS" EXACT [] synonym: "LIPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000257 ! laser-induced atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000259 name: femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a high energy femtosecond laser pulse is used to generate a plasma which acts as the excitation source." [] synonym: "fs-LIBS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000258 ! laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000260 name: laser-induced shock wave plasma spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a high energy laser pulse is used to generate a plasma which acts as the excitation source. A second laser pulse then illuminates the sample resulting in a reheating of the laser plasma produced by the first pulse, leading to signal enhancement." [] synonym: "double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "double-pulse LIBS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced shock wave spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LISPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000258 ! laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000261 name: micro laser-induced breakdown atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a finely focused (<10 m diameter) high energy laser pulse is used to generate a plasma which acts as the excitation source." [] synonym: "micro LIBS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000258 ! laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000262 name: nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a high energy nanosecond laser pulse is used to generate a plasma which acts as the excitation source." [] synonym: "nanosecond laser induced breakdown spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanosecond LIBS" EXACT [] synonym: "ns-LIBS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000258 ! laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000263 name: plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Any type of atomic emission spectrometry where a plasma is used as the excitation source." [ISSN:1430-4171] synonym: "plasma AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000264 name: capacitively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a plasma generated by a potential difference between two electrodes, one of which is grounded and one of which is live." [] synonym: "capacitively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CCP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "CCP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000263 ! plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000265 name: direct current plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a plasma generated by passing an electrical discharge between two electrodes is used as the excitation source." [] synonym: "d.c. AES" EXACT [] synonym: "d.c. plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "d.c. plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DCP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "DCPAES" EXACT [] synonym: "direct current plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000263 ! plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000266 name: furnace atomisation plasma emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a furnace is used to atomise the sample and a plasma is used as the excitation source." [ISBN:0471974188] synonym: "FAPES" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomisation plasma emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace atomization plasma emission spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000285 ! plasma atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000267 name: inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where a plasma generated by electromagnetic induction is used as the excitation source." [ISSN:1430-4171] synonym: "ICP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP OES" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000263 ! plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000268 name: hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Atomic emission spectrometry of metal samples such as As, Sb and Se that are vaporised by converting them into volatile hydrides and excited using a plasma generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "HG-ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "HG-ICP-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000267 ! inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000269 name: laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is vaporised by laser ablation." [] synonym: "LA ICP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "LA ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation ICP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000267 ! inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001132 ! has proper occurrent part laser ablation [Term] id: CHMO:0000270 name: laser microprobe inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is vaporised by laser ablation with a finely focused (<10 m diameter) laser." [] synonym: "laser microprobe ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "LM-ICP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000269 ! laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000271 name: liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy where the sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography." [] synonym: "LC-ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-ICP-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001004 ! liquid chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001004 ! liquid chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000267 ! has proper occurrent part inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000267 ! has proper occurrent part inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000272 name: nebulisation inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "Inductively-coupled atomic emission spectrometry where the sample mixture is first passed through a nebuliser to form a mist of finely dispersed droplets using compressed air." [] synonym: "nebulisation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nebulization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nebulization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000267 ! inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000273 name: ultrasonic nebulisation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample mixture is first passed through a nebuliser to form a mist of finely dispersed droplets (using high frequency vibrations) and then excited using a plasma generated by electromagnetic inductance." [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulisation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulisation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulisation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "USN-ICP-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "USN-ICP-OES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000272 ! nebulisation inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000274 name: solid phase extraction inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample mixture is first separated by solid phase extraction and then excited using a plasma generated by electromagnetic inductance." [] synonym: "SPE-ICP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000267 ! inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000275 name: flow injection solid phase extraction inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample mixture is first separated by solid phase extraction, carried to the spectrometer by flow injection and then excited using a plasma generated by electromagnetic inductance." [] synonym: "FI-SPE-ICP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000274 ! solid phase extraction inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000276 name: metastable transfer emission spectrometry def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where atoms are excited by energy transfer from metastable N2 species in a nitrogen plasma." [] synonym: "metastable transfer emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MTES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000263 ! plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000277 name: microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000931 def: "Atomic emission spectrometry where a plasma generated by microwave bombardment is used as the excitation source." [ISSN:1430-4171] synonym: "microwave-induced plasma atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MIP AES" EXACT [] synonym: "MIP-AES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000263 ! plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000278 name: spark atomic emission spectrometry def: "Atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is excited by an arc or spark between two electrodes." [] synonym: "spark AES" EXACT [] synonym: "spark atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spark OES" EXACT [] synonym: "spark optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-excitation atomic emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-excitation atomic emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-OES" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-optical emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-optical emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000251 ! atomic emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000279 name: atomic fluorescence spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000290 def: "Atomic spectroscopy where an atom absorbs then spontaneously emits a photon." [] synonym: "AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000233 ! atomic spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000280 name: cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where no vaporisation step is required because the sample is a volatile heavy metal such as mercury, which is a vapour at room temperature." [] synonym: "cold vapor AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapour AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CV-AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "CVAFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000281 name: electrothermal atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where the sample is atomised using a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it." [] synonym: "electrothermal atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ETAFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000282 name: flame atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where the sample is atomised using a flame." [FIX:0000930,] synonym: "FAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "FFS" EXACT [] synonym: "flame atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flame fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flame fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000283 name: hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy of metal samples such as As, Sb and Se which are vaporised by converting them into volatile hydrides." [] synonym: "HG-AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "HGAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000284 name: laser-enhanced atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where a laser is used to excite the atoms in the sample." [] synonym: "laser-enhanced atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LEAF" EXACT [] synonym: "LEAFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000285 name: plasma atomic fluorescence spectroscopy def: "A type of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where a plasma is used to excite the atoms in the sample." [] synonym: "plasma AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma atomic fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000279 ! atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000286 name: inductively coupled plasma atomic fluorescence spectrometry def: "A type of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy where a plasma generated by electromagnetic induction is used to excite the atoms in the sample." [] synonym: "ICP AFS" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma atomic fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000285 ! plasma atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000287 name: fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the intensity of the fluorescence emitted by molecules excited by ultraviolet light is detected as a function of wavelength or time." [FIX:0000028,] synonym: "fluorescence emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spectrofluorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "spectrofluorometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection is_a: CHMO:0002415 ! luminescence spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000815 ! has_specified_output fluorescence spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000288 name: fluorescence correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample are measured and correlated within a very small detection volume. Ultraviolet light is used to stimulate fluorescence." [FIX:0000352,] synonym: "FCS" EXACT [] synonym: "fluroescence correlation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000287 ! fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000289 name: fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample are measured at two distinct wavelengths and correlated within a very small detection volume. Ultra-violet light is used to stimulate fluorescence." [] synonym: "FCCS" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence cross-correlation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000290 name: fluorescence anisotropy alt_id: FIX:0000128 def: "A method for measuring the binding interaction between two labelled molecules. The sample is excited with vertically polarised light and the polarization of the fluorescence is measured." [] synonym: "FA" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence anisotropy measurement" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence polarisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence polarization spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000291 name: spectrophotometry alt_id: FIX:0000011 alt_id: FIX:0000943 def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the range ultraviolet to near-infrared (0.1–2.5 μm) resulting in electronic transitions within the sample." [ISBN:1566701783] synonym: "MAS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "molecular absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular electronic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000232 ! electronic spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002232 ! has participant spectrophotometer [Term] id: CHMO:0000292 name: ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry alt_id: FIX:0000016 def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the range ultraviolet to visible (190-800 nm) resulting in electronic transitions within the sample." [] synonym: "absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electronic absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet-visible absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet-visible spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis molecular absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis molecular absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/vis" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis absorption spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000291 ! spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000293 name: differential optical absorption spectrophotometry def: "Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy where the difference between incident and transmitted radiation is measured for a gaseous sample." [] synonym: "differential optical absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "differential optical absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "differential optical absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "differential optical absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DOAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000292 ! ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000294 name: reflectance ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry def: "Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy where the reflection or scattering of radiation from the sample surface is detected." [] synonym: "reflectance ultra-violet-visible spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance ultra-violet–visible spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance UV-VIS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance UV-VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance UV/VIS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance UV/VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection ultra-violet-visible spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection ultraviolet-visible spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection UV-VIS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection UV-VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection UV/VIS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection UV/VIS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet-visible reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000292 ! ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000295 name: equimolar spectrophotometry def: "A method where the absorption of radiation in the ultraviolet to near-infrared (0.1-2.5 μm) is used to calculate stability constants by equimolar dilution." [] is_a: CHMO:0000291 ! spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000296 name: vacuum ultraviolet spectrophotometry def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet region (0.1-200 nm) resulting in electronic transitions within the sample." [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultraviolet spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VUV spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VUV spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VUV spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001253 ! ultraviolet spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000297 name: X-ray spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the absorption or emission of X-rays is detected." [FIX:0000019,] synonym: "X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000298 name: X-ray absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with X-rays and the X-ray absorption coefficient of the sample is measured. When the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron in an atom there is a decrease in the intensity of transmitted X-rays resulting in an absorption edge." [FIX:0000107,] synonym: "X-ray absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000297 ! X-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000299 name: X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient around the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are measured as a function of incident X-ray energy." [] synonym: "X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XAFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000298 ! X-ray absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000300 name: extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient measured 500–1000 eV below the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are determined as a function of incident X-ray energy." [FIX:0000106,] synonym: "EXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "EXAFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EXAFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EXAFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000299 ! X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000301 name: quick extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient measured 500–1000 eV below the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are determined as a function of incident X-ray energy. A monochromator is scanned continuously and rapidly around the absorption edge resulting in measurement times of seconds (normal EXAFS measurements take minutes)." [] synonym: "QEXAFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "QEXAFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "QEXAFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "quick extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quick-scanning EXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "quick-scanning EXAFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "quick-scanning extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quick-scanning extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000300 ! extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000302 name: reflection extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient measured 500–1000 eV below the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are determined as a function of incident X-ray energy. Measurements are taken under total reflection conditions." [] synonym: "reflection extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "REFLEXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "reflEXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "REFLEXAFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "REFLEXAFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflEXAFSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000300 ! extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000303 name: surface extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient and the Auger emission of the sample are measured 500–1000 eV below the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) as a function of incident X-ray energy." [FIX:0000686,] synonym: "SEXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "SEXAFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SEXAFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SEXAFSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000300 ! extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000304 name: total-reflection X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient around the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are measured as a function of incident X-ray energy. Measurements are taken under total reflection conditions." [] synonym: "total-reflection X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "TR-XAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "TR-XAFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "TRXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "TRXAFSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000299 ! X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000305 name: near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy def: "X-ray absorption spectroscopy where changes in the X-ray absorption coefficient measured within 40 eV of the absorption edge (the part of the spectrum where the incident X-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron) are determined as a function of incident X-ray energy." [FIX:0000025, FIX:0000376,] synonym: "near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NEXAF spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NEXAFS" EXACT [] synonym: "NEXAFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NEXAFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray absorption near edge structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray absorption near-edge structure" EXACT [] synonym: "XANES" EXACT [] synonym: "XANES spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XANES spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000299 ! X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000306 name: X-ray microprobe spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with a finely focused X-ray beam (<10 m diameter) and the X-ray absorption coefficient of the sample is measured." [] synonym: "X-ray micro-probe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microprobe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microprobe spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XMPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000298 ! X-ray absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000307 name: X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with X-rays or particles and the energies and intensities of the X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions (known as 'X-ray fluorescence') are detected." [FIX:0000100, FIX:0000673, ISBN:90190280031-0] synonym: "X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XES" EXACT [] synonym: "XRES" EXACT [] synonym: "XRF" EXACT [] synonym: "XRF spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XRF spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000297 ! X-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000308 name: alpha-particle X-ray spectroscopy def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the sample is irradiated with alpha-particles and the energies of the backscattered alpha-particles and X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions are measured." [] synonym: "alpha X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "APXS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000309 name: energy-dispersive X-ray emission spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000104 alt_id: FIX:0000677 def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the energy spectrum of the X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions is measured using a semiconductor detector." [OrangeBook:16.2] synonym: "EDAX" EXACT [] synonym: "EDCS" EXACT [] synonym: "EDS" EXACT [] synonym: "EDS analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "EDX" EXACT [] synonym: "EDX analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "EDXA" EXACT [] synonym: "EDXRF" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy distribution curve spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy distribution spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "energy-dispersive spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "energy-dispersive X-ray emission analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000310 name: non-resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with incident X-rays of a wavelength which does not correspond to a specific electronic transition within the atoms of the sample, and the energies and intensities of the emitted X-rays are measured." [] synonym: "non-resonant X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NRIXS" EXACT [] synonym: "NRXES" EXACT [] synonym: "NXES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000311 name: particle-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the X-rays are generated by bombarding the sample with a focused beam of high-energy particles." [FIX:0000101,] synonym: "particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "PIXE" EXACT [] synonym: "PIXES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000312 name: microbeam particle-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the X-rays are generated by bombarding the sample with a finely focused (<10 m diameter) beam of high-energy particles." [] synonym: "microbeam PIXE" EXACT [] synonym: "PIXE microanalysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000311 ! particle-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000313 name: electron probe X-ray microanalysis alt_id: FIX:0000105 alt_id: FIX:0000674 def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the X-rays are generated by bombarding a flat polished sample with a finely focused (<10 μm diameter) beam of electrons which results in the ionisation of the inner shells of sample atoms. The decay of the ionised states results in the emission of characteristic X-rays." [] synonym: "electron micro-probe analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron microprobe analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron probe microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "EMPA" EXACT [] synonym: "EPMA" EXACT [] synonym: "EPXMA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000312 ! microbeam particle-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000314 name: wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy def: "X-ray emission spectroscopy where the energy spectrum of the X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions is measured using a diffraction grating or crystal." [Orange:16.2] synonym: "wavelength dispersive X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "WD-XRF" EXACT [] synonym: "WDS" EXACT [] synonym: "WDX" EXACT [] synonym: "WDXRF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000315 name: X-ray microemission spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 m diameter) X-ray beam and the energies and intensities of the X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions (known as 'X-ray fluorescence') are detected." [] synonym: "X-ray microemission" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microfluorescence" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microfluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray microfluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XRME" EXACT [] synonym: "XRME spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XRME spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XRMF" EXACT [] synonym: "XRMF spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XRMF spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000316 name: soft X-ray emission spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000672 def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with low energy X-rays and the energies and intensities of the X-rays emitted due to valence-to-core transitions are detected." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "soft X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "soft X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "soft X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SXES" EXACT [] synonym: "valence band X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence band X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence band X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence band X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core XES" EXACT [] synonym: "valence to core XFS" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core XES" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-to-core XFS" EXACT [] synonym: "VBXES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000317 name: ultra soft X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with ultra-low energy (<1 keV) X-rays and the energies and intensities of the X-rays emitted due to valence-to-core transitions are detected." [10.1051/jphyscol:19879119] synonym: "ultra soft X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra soft X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra soft X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-soft X-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-soft X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-soft X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "USX" EXACT [] synonym: "USX spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "USX spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "USXES" EXACT [] synonym: "USXS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000316 ! soft X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000318 name: synchrotron radiation excited X-ray spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with radiation is generated in a synchrotron and the energies and intensities of the emitted X-rays are detected." [] synonym: "synchrotron radiation excited X-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000297 ! X-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000319 name: X-ray reflection spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with X-rays and the energies of reflected X-rays are measured." [] synonym: "X-ray reflection spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray reflectivity spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray reflectivity spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000297 ! X-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000320 name: total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with X-rays and the energies of totally reflected X-rays are measured." [] synonym: "total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "TXRF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000319 ! X-ray reflection spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000321 name: beta-particle spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the beta-particles spontaneously emitted from radioisotopes are detected." [ISBN:0-19-280031-0] synonym: "beta spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "beta spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "beta-particle spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000805 ! has_specified_output beta-particle spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000322 name: liquid scintillation counting def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous emission of a beta-particle produces a flash of light (known as a 'scintillation') which is detected." [ISBN:0-19-280102-3] is_a: CHMO:0000321 ! beta-particle spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000323 name: circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised light by a sample." [FIX:0000043, ISBN:0-19-280031-0] synonym: "CD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "circular dichrosim spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct transmittance circular dichroism" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000775 ! dichroism spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000808 ! has_specified_output circular dichroism spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000324 name: fluorescence detected circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised luminescence." [] synonym: "FDCD" EXACT [] synonym: "FDCD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FDCD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence detected circular dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000323 ! circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000325 name: magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised photon radiation in the presence of a magnetic field." [FIX:0000044,] synonym: "magnetic circular dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MCD" EXACT [] synonym: "MCD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MCD spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000323 ! circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000326 name: X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised X-ray radiation in the presence of a magnetic field." [FIX:0001136,] synonym: "X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XMCD" EXACT [] synonym: "XMCD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XMCD spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000325 ! magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000327 name: vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised infrared radiation during a vibrational transition." [FIX:0000231, ISBN:0471330035] synonym: "VCD" EXACT [] synonym: "VCD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VCD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrating circular dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational CD" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational circular dichroism" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000323 ! circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000328 name: electron spin resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to a perturbing magnetic field is measured." [FIX:0000023,] synonym: "electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spin resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "ESR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000743 ! electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000329 name: continuous-wave electron spin resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000033 def: "Spectroscopy where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to a perturbing magnetic field is measured as a function of the frequency of a periodic perturbation." [ISBN:9780137217625] synonym: "c.w. EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "c.w. ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave electron spin resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave electron spin resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000328 ! electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000330 name: pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000034 def: "Spectroscopy where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to short (ns) pulses of microwave radiation in a magnetic field is measured." [] synonym: "pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse electron spin resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000328 ! electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000331 name: electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the absorption or emission of electrons is detected." [FIX:0000064, OrangeBook:17.2] synonym: "electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000332 name: appearance potential spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by the appearance of relaxation products (Auger electrons or X-rays) or by a change in the electron beam current." [OrangeBook:17.2.3] synonym: "appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "APS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000333 name: Auger electron appearance potential spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by a sudden increase in secondary electron current." [OrangeBook:17.2.3] synonym: "AEAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger electron appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EAAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-excited Auger electron appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-excited Auger electron appearance potential spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IEMM" EXACT [] synonym: "incident energy modulation method spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "incident energy modulation method spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000334 name: disappearance potential spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by the sudden disappearance of electrons from the beam." [Orange:17.2.3] synonym: "DAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "disappearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000335 name: electron appearance potential fine structure analysis def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by a sudden change in the electron beam current. The fine structure close to the threshold is analysed by measuring the change in electron beam current." [Orange:17.2.3] synonym: "EAPFS" EXACT [] synonym: "EAPFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron appearance potential fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron appearance potential fine structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "extended appearance potential fine structure analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "extended appearance potential fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "extended appearance potential fine structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000336 name: total current spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is determined by measuring the total electron current incident on the sample target." [Orange:17.2.3] synonym: "target current spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "target current spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TCS" EXACT [] synonym: "total current spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000337 name: X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by the sudden appearance of soft X-ray fluorescence." [Orange:17.2.3] synonym: "EEXAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-excited X-ray appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-excited X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EXAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "soft X-ray appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "soft X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SXAPS" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XAPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000338 name: X-ray excited electron appearance potential spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with an electron beam and the energy threshold for excitation is indicated by the sudden appearance of peaks in the photoelectron spectrum." [Orange:17.2.3] synonym: "X-ray excited electron appearance potential spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XEAPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000332 ! appearance potential spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000339 name: Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a high energy photon ionises a core electron and an electron from a higher energy level descends to take its place, releasing sufficient energy to eject a second so-called 'Auger' electron and the energy of the Auger electron is detected as a function of incident photon energy." [ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "AEES" EXACT [] synonym: "AES" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "Auger electron emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000340 name: angular dependent Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "ADAS" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angular dependent Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ARAES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000341 name: resonant Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The wavelength of the incident photons is scanned over an absorption edge in the sample and the Auger electrons emitted are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "RAES" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance AES" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant AES" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000342 name: angle-resolved resonant Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The wavelength of the incident photons is scanned over an absorption edge in the sample and the Auger electrons emitted are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "angle-resolved resonance Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved resonance Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved resonant Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000341 ! resonant Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000343 name: Auger electron partial yield spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. Only the Auger electrons emitted at a particular photon energy are detected." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "APYS" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger electron partial yield spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000344 name: electron-excited Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where electron bombardment of a sample results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electron and the energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of incident electron energy." [Orange:17.2.4] synonym: "EAES" EXACT [] synonym: "EEAES" EXACT [] synonym: "EIAES" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-excited Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-induced Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-induced Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000345 name: electron microprobe Auger spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where bombardment of a sample with a finely focused (<10 m diameter) beam of electrons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of incident electron energy." [] synonym: "Auger electron microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron microprobe Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EMAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000344 ! electron-excited Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000346 name: ion-excited Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where ion bombardment of a sample results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected as a function of incident ion energy." [Orange:17.2.4] synonym: "IAES" EXACT [] synonym: "IEAES" EXACT [] synonym: "IIAES" EXACT [] synonym: "INS" RELATED [] synonym: "ion neutralisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion neutralisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion neutralization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion neutralization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-excited Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-induced Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-induced Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ionelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000347 name: He+-excited Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the bombardment of a sample with He+ ions results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected as a function of incident He+ ion energy." [] synonym: "HAES" EXACT [] synonym: "He+-excited Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000346 ! ion-excited Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000348 name: proton-induced Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the bombardment of a sample with protons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected as a function of incident proton energy." [] synonym: "PAES" EXACT [] synonym: "proton-induced Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000346 ! ion-excited Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000349 name: angle-resolved ion-excited Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where ion bombardment of a sample results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "AIRES" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ion-electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ion-electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000346 ! ion-excited Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000350 name: scanning Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a high-energy photon beam is scanned over the surface of a sample resulting in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of incident photon energy." [] synonym: "SAES" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000351 name: spin-polarised Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of incident photon energy and a magnet is used to align all electron spins parallel to the emitting surface." [OrangeBook:17.2.4] synonym: "SPAES" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000352 name: spin-polarised angle-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the bombardment of a sample with high-energy photons results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons. The energies of these Auger electrons are detected as a function of emission angle and a magnet is used to align all electron spins parallel to the emitting surface." [] synonym: "SPARPES" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized angle-resolved Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000351 ! spin-polarised Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000353 name: X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where X-ray bombardment of a sample results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected as a function of incident X-ray energy." [Orange:17.2.4] synonym: "X-ray excited Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray induced Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray induced Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XAES" EXACT [] synonym: "XEAES" EXACT [] synonym: "XIAES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000339 ! Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000354 name: continuous X-ray-induced Auger electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the bombardment of a sample with a continuous X-ray source (X-rays generated when electrons, or other high energy charged particles such as protons or alpha-particles, lose energy whilst passing through the Coulomb field of a nucleus) results in the ionisation of core electrons and the emission of so-called 'Auger' electrons, which are detected." [ISBN:0824706005] synonym: "bremsstrahlung Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung Auger electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous X-ray-induced Auger electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous X-ray-induced Auger spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous X-ray-induced Auger spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CX-AES" EXACT [] synonym: "CXAES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000353 ! X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000355 name: electron coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where two or more particles (electrons, photons or ions) originating from a single event, such as an ionisation, are detected as a function of energy." [Orange:17.2.5] synonym: "ECS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000356 name: Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with X-rays resulting in the emission of photoelectrons and 'Auger' electrons which are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "AEPECS" EXACT [] synonym: "APECS" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger electron photoelectron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger electron-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Auger-photoelectron electron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000357 name: electron-electron coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of a pair of electrons which are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "E2E" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-electron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000358 name: angle-resolved electron-electron coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of a pair of electrons which are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "angle-resolved E2E" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved electron-electron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ARE2E" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000357 ! electron-electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000359 name: electron-electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of an ion and a pair of electrons which are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "EEICO" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-electron ion coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000360 name: angle-resolved electron-electron ion coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of an ion and a pair of electrons which are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "angle-resolved electron-electron ion coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "AREEICO" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000359 ! electron-electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000361 name: electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of an ion and an electron which are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "EICO" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-ion coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000362 name: metastable-quenched electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with metastable atoms resulting in the emission of two or more particles (electrons, photons or ions) which are detected as a function of energy." [Orange:17.2.6] synonym: "metastable-quenched electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MQES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000363 name: resonance-ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with metastable atoms resulting in the emission of an electron (by resonant ionisation) and an Auger electron." [Orange:17.2.6] synonym: "resonance-ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000362 ! metastable-quenched electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000364 name: surface Penning-ionisation electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with metastable atoms resulting in the emission of an electron (by Penning ionisation) and an Auger electron." [Orange:17.2.6] synonym: "SPIES" EXACT [] synonym: "surface Penning-ionisation electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface Penning-ionization electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface Penning-ionization electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000362 ! metastable-quenched electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000365 name: photoion-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with high-energy photons resulting in the emission of a photoelectron and its corresponding ion which are detected as a function of energy." [] synonym: "photoion photoelectron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoion photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoion-photoelectron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoionphotoelectron coincidence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoionphotoelectron coincidence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PIPECO" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000355 ! electron coincidence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000366 name: electron energy loss spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies (50–200 eV) interacts with a surface and the energy loss (0.005–100 eV) the electrons suffer as a result of the interaction is measured." [FIX:0000663, FIX:0000664,, ISBN:0-19-280031-0] synonym: "EELS" EXACT [] synonym: "EIS" RELATED [] synonym: "electron energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron impact spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ELS" RELATED [] synonym: "IESS" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic electron scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic electron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "REELS" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection electron energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000810 ! has_specified_output electron energy-loss spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000367 name: characteristic energy-loss spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and the number of electrons with a given characteristic energy loss is measured." [ISBN:0387258000] synonym: "CELS" EXACT [] synonym: "characteristic energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "characteristic energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "characteristic energy-loss spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000368 name: extended electron energy loss fine structure spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, extended range of kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and the energy loss the electrons suffer upon reflection is measured. Measurements are taken from the absorption edge onset to several hundred eV above it." [FIX:0000668,] synonym: "EELFS" EXACT [] synonym: "ELFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ELFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EXEELFS" EXACT [] synonym: "EXELFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EXELFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "extended electron energy loss fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "extended energy loss fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "extended energy loss fine structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000369 name: surface extended electron energy loss fine structure spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, extended range of kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and the Auger emission is measured. Measurements are taken from the absorption edge onset to several hundred eV above it." [] synonym: "EXFAS" EXACT [] synonym: "extended fine Auger structures" EXACT [] synonym: "SEELFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000368 ! extended electron energy loss fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000370 name: high-resolution energy loss spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and the small energy loss (0.02–1 eV) the electrons suffer upon reflection is measured." [FIX:0000646,] synonym: "HEELS" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-EELS" EXACT [] synonym: "HREELS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRELS" EXACT [] synonym: "VELS" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational ELS" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000371 name: ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the loss in energy of electrons produced by ionisation is measured." [FIX:0000670, OrangeBook:] synonym: "CLS" EXACT [] synonym: "core level characteristic loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "core-level characteristic loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ILS" RELATED [] synonym: "ionisation loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ionisation loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ionization loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ionization loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000372 name: low-energy electron loss spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of low kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and the energy loss the electrons suffer upon reflection is measured." [] synonym: "LEELS" EXACT [] synonym: "low energy electron energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy electron energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy electron energy loss spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000373 name: transmission electron energy loss spectroscopy alt_id: CHMO:0002296 def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies is transmitted through a sample and the energy distribution of the transmitted electrons is measured." [] synonym: "electron transmission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron transmission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ETS" EXACT [] synonym: "TEELS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000374 name: vibrational electron energy loss spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies is reflected by a surface and energy loss the electrons suffer (corresponding to vibrational modes in the sample) is measured." [] synonym: "VEELS" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational electron energy loss spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000366 ! electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000375 name: field-emission electron spectroscopy def: "Any type of electron spectroscopy where electrons are emitted from a cathode by application of an intense electric field." [Orange:17.2.7] synonym: "FEED spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FEED spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FES" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission energy distribution spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission energy distribution spectroscopy FEEDS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000376 name: field-emission electron spin-polarization spectroscopy def: "Any type of electron spectroscopy where electrons are emitted from a cathode by application of an intense electric field and a magnet is used to align all electron spins parallel to the sample surface." [] synonym: "FEESP" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission electron spin-polarization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field-emitted electron spin-polarization spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000375 ! field-emission electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000377 name: inverse photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons and the photons emitted are detected." [FIX:0000687, OrangeBook:] synonym: "inverse photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inverse photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inverse photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IPES" EXACT [] synonym: "IPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000378 name: bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation." [Orange:] synonym: "BIS" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung isochromat spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "bremsstrahlung spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000377 ! inverse photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000379 name: angle-resolved bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation which is detected as a function of emission angle." [] is_a: CHMO:0000378 ! bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000380 name: momentum-resolved bremsstrahlung spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation which is detected as a function of photon momentum." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "BS" EXACT [] synonym: "momentum-resolved bremsstrahlung spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000688 is_a: CHMO:0000378 ! bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000381 name: ultraviolet bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation in the ultraviolet region." [] synonym: "ultra-violet bremsstrahlung isochromat spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet bremsstrahlung spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet bremsstrahlung isochromat spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet bremsstrahlung spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet bremsstrahlung spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVBIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000378 ! bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000382 name: X-ray bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation in the X-ray region." [] synonym: "X-ray bremsstrahlung spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XBIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000378 ! bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000383 name: k-resolved inverse photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with electrons which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation which is detected as a function of the vector k (where k is the difference between the wave vectors of the incident and scattered radiation)." [] synonym: "k-resolved inverse photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "k-resolved inverse photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "k-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "k-resolved IPE spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "k-resolved IPE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "KRIPES" EXACT [] synonym: "KRIPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000377 ! inverse photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000384 name: spin-polarised inverse photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a magnetised ferromagnetic sample is bombarded with electrons of a specific spin polarisation which decay in unoccupied states emitting bremsstrahlung radiation." [Orange:] synonym: "spin-polarized inverse photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SPIPES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000377 ! inverse photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000385 name: metastable de-excitation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where energy transfer from a metastable atom in close proximity to (~5 ) the sample gives rise to a characteristic ejected electron energy spectrum." [] synonym: "MDS" EXACT [] synonym: "metastable de-excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "metastable deexcitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "metastable deexcitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000386 name: spin-polarized metastable de-excitation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where energy transfer from a metastable atom in close proximity to (~5 ) the sample gives rise to a characteristic ejected electron energy spectrum. A magnet is used to align all the electron spins parallel to the surface." [] synonym: "SP-MDS" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized metastable de-excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized metastable de-excitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized metastable deexcitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized metastable deexcitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPMDS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000385 ! metastable de-excitation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000387 name: photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured. The energy of the incident photons is usually greater than the ionisation energy of the sample and the photoelectrons are emitted with the excess in the form of kinetic energy." [FIX:0000040,] synonym: "PES" EXACT [] synonym: "photo emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photo emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000388 name: angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons which are detected as a function of emission angle." [FIX:0000665,] synonym: "angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ARP" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPES" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000389 name: depth-selective photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with gamma-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [FIX:0000675,] synonym: "depth-selective photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "DSPES" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000390 name: photoelectron extended fine structure spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons which are detected as a function of energy. The spectrum is recorded over an extended energy range, from the photon absorption edge onset to several hundred eV above it." [] synonym: "PEFS" EXACT [] synonym: "PEFS spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "PEFS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PEFSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000391 name: angle-resolved photoelectron extended fine structure spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons which are detected as a function of emission angle. The spectrum is recorded over an extended energy range, from the photon absorption edge onset to several hundred eV above it." [] synonym: "angle-resolved photoelectron extended fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved photoemission extended fine structure spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved photoemission extended fine structure spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPEFS" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPEFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPES spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ARPES spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000390 ! photoelectron extended fine structure spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000392 name: photoelectron microspectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a finely focused (<10 m) photon beam causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "PEMS" EXACT [] synonym: "PESM" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron micro-spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron micro-spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron microspectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000393 name: extreme ultraviolet photoelectron microspectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a finely focused (<10 m) extreme ultraviolet (10–121 nm) photon beam causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [ISBN:1-55752-706-7] synonym: "EUV photoelectron micro-spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EUV photoelectron microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "extreme ultra-violet photoelectron microspectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000392 ! photoelectron microspectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000394 name: synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [FIX:0000676, OrangeBook:] synonym: "SRPES" EXACT [] synonym: "SRPS" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000395 name: angle-resolved synchotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons which are detected as a function of emission angle." [Orange:] synonym: "angle-resolved synchotron radiation photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000396 name: constant-final-state spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons. The energy distribution of electrons which have been promoted to a specific conduction band is measured." [FIX:0000681, OrangeBook:] synonym: "CFSS" EXACT [] synonym: "constant final state spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "constant-final-state spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000397 name: constant-initial-state spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons. The energy distribution of electrons which have been promoted from a specific valence band is measured." [Orange:] synonym: "CISS" EXACT [] synonym: "constant initial state spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "constant-initial-state spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000398 name: photoelectron yield spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons. All photoelectrons emitted at a particular photon energy are detected." [FIX:0000678, OrangeBook:] synonym: "PEYS" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron yield spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "total yield spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000399 name: partial-yield spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons. All of the photoelectrons emitted within a certain energy interval are detected." [FIX:0000679, OrangeBook:] synonym: "partial photoyield spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "partial yield spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "partial yield spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PYS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000400 name: resonance-enhanced photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation (X-ray–ultraviolet) generated in a synchrotron causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons. The energy of the incoming photons is adjusted such that it coincides with an electronic transition of the molecule." [FIX:0000685, OrangeBook:] synonym: "REPS" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000394 ! synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000401 name: ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with ultraviolet (10–400 nm) photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [FIX:0000042,] synonym: "ultra-violet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy ultra-violet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UPES" EXACT [] synonym: "UPS" EXACT [] synonym: "UVPES" EXACT [] synonym: "UVPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000402 name: angle-resolved ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with ultraviolet (10–400 nm) photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, which are detected as a function of emission angle." [FIX:0000683,] synonym: "angle-integrated ultra-violet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultra-violet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultraviolet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultraviolet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-integrated ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultra-violet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultra-violet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultraviolet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVAIUPES" EXACT [] synonym: "UVAIUPS" EXACT [] synonym: "UVARUPES" EXACT [] synonym: "UVARUPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000401 ! ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000403 name: vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with vacuum ultraviolet (10–20 nm) photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultra-violet photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "VUVPES" EXACT [] synonym: "VUVPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000404 name: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000041 def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with X-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "electron spectrometry for chemical analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spectrometry for chemical applications" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spectroscopy for chemical applications" EXACT [] synonym: "ESCA" EXACT [] synonym: "PESIS" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron spectroscopy of the inner shell" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron scattering (XPS) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XPES" EXACT [] synonym: "XPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000405 name: angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with X-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, which are detected as a function of emission angle." [FIX:0000684,] synonym: "angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ARXPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000404 ! X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000406 name: high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with monochromatic X-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution X-ray photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution X-ray photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution X-ray photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-XPS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRXPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000404 ! X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000407 name: soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with 'soft' (<300 eV) X-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [Orange:] synonym: "soft X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SXPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000404 ! X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000408 name: high-resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with monochromatic 'soft' (<300 eV) X-rays causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "high resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution soft X-ray photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution soft X-ray photoemission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-SXPS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRSXPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000407 ! soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000409 name: valence-shell photoionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation of the valence shell and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "valence-shell photoionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "valence-shell photoionization spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000410 name: zero kinetic energy electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with photons causing ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured. The energy of the incident photons matches the ionisation energy of the sample so emitted electrons have zero kinetic energy." [ISBN:0-19-855785-X] synonym: "ZEKE spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "zero kinetic energy electron spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000411 name: secondary electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where primary electrons interact with a sample and the electrons emitted as a result of the interaction (secondary electrons) are detected." [] synonym: "SES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000412 name: angle-resolved secondary electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where primary electrons interact with a sample and the electrons emitted as a result of the interaction (secondary electrons) are detected as a function of emission angle." [] synonym: "angle-resolved secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angular resolved secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "angular resolved secondary electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ARSES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000413 name: spin-polarised secondary electron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where primary electrons interact with a sample and the electrons emitted as a result of the interaction (secondary electrons) are detected. A magnet is used to align all electron spins parallel to the surface of the sample." [] synonym: "polarised secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized secondary electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarised secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarised secondary electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-polarized secondary electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-resolved secondary electron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-resolved secondary electron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000331 ! electron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000414 name: gamma-ray spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energies of gamma-rays emitted or absorbed by a sample is measured." [] synonym: "gamma ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000049 is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000816 ! has_specified_output gamma-ray spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000415 name: particle-induced gamma-ray emission spectroscopy def: "A type of gamma-ray emission spectroscopy where the gamma-rays are produced by bombarding the sample with a focused beam of ions." [] synonym: "particle induced gamma-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-induced gamma-ray emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-induced prompt-photon spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-induced prompt-photon spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PIGE" EXACT [] synonym: "PIGE spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "PIGE spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000414 ! gamma-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000416 name: gamma-ray scattering spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where gamma-rays are absorbed by a sample resulting in the ejection of an electron and the emission of light which is detected." [] synonym: "gamma-ray scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000414 ! gamma-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000417 name: Mossbauer spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the intensity of a gamma-rays beam transmitted through a solid sample is detected." [] synonym: "Moessbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Mossbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Mössbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Mößbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "recoil-free gamma-ray resonance absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000050 is_a: CHMO:0000414 ! gamma-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000418 name: depth-selective Mossbauer spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where gamma-rays are absorbed by a sample resulting in the ejection of conversion electrons, the energy distribution of which is measured." [] synonym: "DC EMS" EXACT [] synonym: "DCEMS" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Mossbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Moßbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Moßbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Mößbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective conversion electron Mößbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mossbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mossbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Moßbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Moßbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mössbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mössbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mößbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective electron Mößbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Mossbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Moßbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Moßbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Mössbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Mößbauer spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "depth-selective Mößbauer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DS EMS" EXACT [] synonym: "DS MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DSEMS" EXACT [] synonym: "DSMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000417 ! Mossbauer spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000419 name: nuclear spectroscopy def: "A type of gamma-ray emission spectroscopy where atomic nuclei are excited (by a heavy ion beam or by collision with another nucleus) and their decaying gamma-ray emissions are measured." [] synonym: "nuclear spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000414 ! gamma-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000420 name: nuclear activation analysis def: "A type of activation analysis where atomic nuclei are excited (by a heavy ion beam or by collision with another nucleus) and their decaying gamma-ray emissions are measured and compared to reference spectra." [] synonym: "NAA" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001224 ! activation analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000421 name: impedance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the change in impedance (the resistance of alternating current) of a sample during excitation is measured as a function of frequency." [] synonym: "dielectric spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000422 name: alternating current impedance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the change in impedance (the resistance of alternating current) of a sample during excitation with an alternating-current voltage is measured." [] synonym: "AC-impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Ac-impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "AC-impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Ac-impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ac-impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "AC-IS" EXACT [] synonym: "ACIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000421 ! impedance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000423 name: electrochemical-induced impedance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the change in impedance (the resistance of alternating current) of an electrochemical cell is measured." [] synonym: "EIS" RELATED [] synonym: "electrical impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electrical-impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electrical-impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical-induced impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000421 ! impedance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000424 name: laser-induced impedance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the change in impedance (the resistance of alternating current) of a sample during laser excitation is measured." [] synonym: "impedance laser spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser induced impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser induced impedance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced impedance spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000421 ! impedance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000425 name: ion spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the absorption of emission of ions is detected." [] synonym: "ion spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000426 name: ion-beam spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a focused beam of ions is directed at a sample and the secondary ions emitted are detected." [] synonym: "IBS" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-beam spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000425 ! ion spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000427 name: direct recoil spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a focused beam of ions is directed at a sample causes binary collisions with surface molecules which result in molecular decomposition and the emission of atoms." [] synonym: "direct recoil spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000426 ! ion-beam spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000428 name: ion microprobe spectroscopy def: "Spectrocsopy where a finely focused (<10 m diameter) beam of ions is directed at a sample and the secondary ions emitted are detected." [] synonym: "ion micro-probe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion microprobe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion microprobe spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000426 ! ion-beam spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000429 name: low-energy radioactive ion-beam spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a focused beam of proton is directed at a uranium sample and the secondary ions emitted are detected." [] synonym: "LeRIBS" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy radioactive ion beam spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy radioactive ion beam spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy radioactive ion-beam spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000426 ! ion-beam spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000430 name: ion mobility spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the velocity of gas phase ions in an electric field is measured." [ISBN:0849322472] synonym: "IMS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "ion mobility spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-mobility spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000425 ! ion spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000431 name: differential mobility spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the velocity of gas phase ions in an electric field is measured. A radio frequency voltage forces the ions to oscillate between two electrodes causing some ions to be transmitted while others collide with the walls of the electrodes." [] synonym: "DMS" RELATED [] synonym: "FAIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "high field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000430 ! ion mobility spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000432 name: drift tube ion mobility spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the velocity of gas phase ions in an electric field is measured. The ions are gated into a region of constant electric field strength and the ions with highest mobility arrive at the detector first." [] synonym: "drift tube ion mobility spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "DTIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000430 ! ion mobility spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000433 name: ion scattering def: "A method for determining structure where the sample is bombarded with ions (100–1000 eV) and the energies and positions of the scattered ions are detected." [ISBN:3527296344] synonym: "ion scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ISS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000160 ! scattering method [Term] id: CHMO:0000434 name: Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with He+ or H+ ions (500–1500 eV) and the energies and positions of any backscattered ions are detected." [ISBN:3527296344] synonym: "backscattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HE IS" EXACT [] synonym: "HE ISS" EXACT [] synonym: "HE-IS" EXACT [] synonym: "HE-ISS" EXACT [] synonym: "heavy ion scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "heavy ion scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "heavy-ion scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "heavy-ion scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HEIS" EXACT [] synonym: "HEISS" EXACT [] synonym: "high-energy ion scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-energy ion scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RBS" EXACT [] synonym: "Rutherford backscattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Rutherford scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Rutherford scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000425 ! ion spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000433 ! ion scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000435 name: laser spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with one or more laser beams and the absorption or emission of light by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "laser spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000436 name: laser absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with one or more laser beams and the absorption of light by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "LAS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000435 ! laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000437 name: direct laser absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with one or more laser beams and light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "direct laser absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct laser absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DLAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000436 ! laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000438 name: collinear laser spectroscopy def: "Any type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is in the form of an accelerated beam of particles (atoms or ions) which is superimposed on a resonant laser beam (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample) and light absorption is measured." [] is_a: CHMO:0000437 ! direct laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000439 name: collinear fast atom-beam spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is in the form of a high-speed accelerated beam of atoms which is superimposed on a resonant laser beam (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample) and light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "CLABS" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear fast atom beam spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear fast atom beam spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000438 ! collinear laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000440 name: collinear laser ion-beam spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is in the form of an accelerated beam of ions which is superimposed on a resonant laser beam (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample) and light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "CLIBS" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear laser beam spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear laser beam spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear laser ion beam spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear laser ion-beam spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear laser ion-beam spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000438 ! collinear laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000441 name: collinear fast ion-beam laser spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is in the form of a high-speed accelerated beam of ions which is superimposed on a resonant laser beam (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample) and light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "CFIBLS" EXACT [] synonym: "collinear fast ion beam laser spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000440 ! collinear laser ion-beam spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000442 name: tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where a diode laser is tuned to a specific absorption line of interest in the sample and the intensity of the transmitted radiation is measured." [] synonym: "TDLAS" EXACT [] synonym: "tunable diode laser absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "tunable diode laser absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000437 ! direct laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000443 name: laser electric resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where a fixed-wavelength infrared or ultraviolet laser is used to excite the sample which is placed in an electric field. By varying the strength of the applied electric field some vibrational–rotational transitions can be made to coincide with the laser wavelength and the absorption of the laser light is measured." [FIX:0000074, ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "laser electric resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser Stark spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser Stark spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Stark spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000437 ! direct laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000444 name: frequency modulation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a laser which is tuned to match an absorption frequency of the molecules in the sample." [] synonym: "FMS" EXACT [] synonym: "frequency modulation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000437 ! direct laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000445 name: indirect laser absorption spectroscopy def: "Any type of laser spectroscopy where an effect induced by the absorption of laser light is detected." [] synonym: "ILAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000436 ! laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000446 name: intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy def: "Any type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is placed inside the laser cavity and an effect induced by the absorption of laser light is detected." [] synonym: "ICAS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICL spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ICL spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ICLAS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICLS" EXACT [] synonym: "ILS" RELATED [] synonym: "intra cavity laser absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "intra-cavity laser absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "intra-cavity laser spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "intra-cavity laser spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "intracavity laser absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "intracavity laser spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "intracavity spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000447 name: cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is placed inside a highly reflective laser cavity and an effect induced by the absorption of laser light is detected. The laser light is tuned to match the frequency of the cavity bandwidth." [] synonym: "cavity enhanced absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CEAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000446 ! intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000448 name: optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is placed inside a v-shaped optical cavity and an effect induced by the absorption of laser light is detected. The laser light is allowed to feed back to the laser diode." [] synonym: "OF-CEAS" EXACT [] synonym: "optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000447 ! cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000449 name: super continuum cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is placed inside a highly reflective laser cavity and an effect induced by the absorption of a supercontinuum light source is detected. The light source is tuned to match the frequency of the cavity bandwidth." [] synonym: "SC-CEAS" EXACT [] synonym: "super continuum cavity enhanced absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000447 ! cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000450 name: cavity ring-down spectroscopy def: "A type of laser spectroscopy where the sample is placed inside a highly reflective laser cavity and an effect induced by the absorption of laser light is detected. The decay time for light exiting the cavity is determined as a function of pulsed laser wavelength." [ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "cavity ring-down laser absorption spectrometry cavity ringdown spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cavity ring-down laser absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cavity ring-down spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "cavity ringdown spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CRDS" EXACT [] synonym: "CRLAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000446 ! intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000451 name: concentration modulated absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a pump laser is used to excite a chromophore and the transmitted power of a probe laser is used to determine the state concentration (excited vs. non-excited) of the sample." [] synonym: "COMAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000452 name: laser dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a laser and molecules in the sample dissociate following the absorption of one or more high-energy photons." [] synonym: "laser dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photo-fragmentation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photo-fragmentation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photodissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photodissociation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photofragmentation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser photofragmentation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced fragmentation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced fragmentation spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000453 name: multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a laser and molecules in the sample dissociate following the absorption of two or more high-energy photons." [] is_a: CHMO:0000452 ! laser dissociation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000454 name: resonance enhanced multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a resonant laser (a laser which is tuned to match a transition within the sample) and molecules in the sample dissociate following the absorption of two or more high-energy photons." [] synonym: "REMPD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "REMPD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000453 ! multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000455 name: resonance ion dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample in the form of ions is illuminated with a resonant laser (a laser which is tuned to match a transition within the sample) and molecules in the sample dissociate following the absorption of one or more high-energy photons." [] synonym: "resonance ion dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "RID spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "RID spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000452 ! laser dissociation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000456 name: laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with a laser causing molecules in the sample to be electronically excited. The photons emitted as a result of the decay of the molecules back down to the ground state are measured." [] synonym: "laser induced fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced fluorescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LIF spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LIF spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000457 name: thermal lens spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy generated by nonradiative thermal relaxation after laser light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "thermal lens spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "TLS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000458 name: visible thermal lens spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy generated by nonradiative thermal relaxation after visible laser light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "visible TLS" EXACT [] synonym: "visible-TLS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000457 ! thermal lens spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000459 name: ultraviolet thermal lens spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy generated by nonradiative thermal relaxation after ultraviolet laser light absorption is measured." [] synonym: "ultra-violet thermal lens spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet thermal lens spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet thermal lens spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet thermal lens spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV TLS" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-TLS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000457 ! thermal lens spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000460 name: laser emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a thermally-excited vapour sample is illuminated with an ultraviolet or visible laser and the photon emission spectrum of the sample is observed." [] synonym: "laser emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LES" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000435 ! laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000461 name: laser micro emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a thermally-excited vapour sample is illuminated with a finely focused (<10 m diameter) ultraviolet or visible laser and the photon emission spectrum of the sample is observed." [] synonym: "LAMES" EXACT [] synonym: "laser micro emission spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000460 ! laser emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000462 name: laser ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample is illuminated with a laser and photoexcitation is used to promote an atom or molecule above its ionisation potential to create an ion." [] synonym: "laser ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LIS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000435 ! laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000463 name: resonance ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample is illuminated with resonant laser light (using a laser which is tuned to match an electronic transition within the sample) and photoexcitation is used to promote an atom or molecule above its ionisation potential to create an ion." [] synonym: "reonance enhanced ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced ionisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RIS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000462 ! laser ionisation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000464 name: laser-enhanced ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where resonant laser illumination (using a laser which is tuned to match an electronic transition within the sample) is used to ehanced the collisional ionisation of atoms (or molecules) occurring in a flame." [] synonym: "laser enhanced ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser enhanced ionisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser enhanced ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser enhanced ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-enhanced ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-enhanced ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LEI spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LEI spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LEIS" EXACT [] synonym: "r resonance-enhanced laser ionisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "r resonance-enhanced laser ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000463 ! resonance ionisation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000465 name: laser multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample is illuminated with a laser and photoexcitation (by the absorption of two or more photons) is used to promote an atom or molecule above its ionisation potential to create an ion." [] synonym: "laser multiphoton ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser multiphoton ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000462 ! laser ionisation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000466 name: resonance enhanced multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample is illuminated with resonant laser light (using a laser which is tuned to match an electronic transitions within the sample) and photoexcitation (by the absorption of two or more photons) is used to promote an atom or molecule above its ionisation potential to create an ion." [] synonym: "REMPI" EXACT [] synonym: "REMPI spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "REMPI spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced multiphoton ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000465 ! laser multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000467 name: laser microprobe spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with one or more finely focused (<10 m diameter) laser beams and the absorption or emission of light by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "laser micro-probe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "laser microprobe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser microprobe spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000435 ! laser spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000468 name: resonance-enhanced laser microprobe spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with one or more finely focused (<10 m diameter) resonant laser beams (lasers which have been tuned to match an electronic transition within the sample) and the absorption or emission of light by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "resonance enhanced laser microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enchanced laser micro-probe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced laser microprobe spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced laser microprobe spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000467 ! laser microprobe spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000469 name: optogalvanic spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the current passing through a gas discharge is monitored as a laser light source is tuned through the frequencies of allowed transitions for excited atoms in the discharge." [] synonym: "optogalvanic spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000470 name: mass spectrometry def: "Spectrometry where the sample is converted into gaseous ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [FIX:0000047,] synonym: "mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000806 ! has_specified_output mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000471 name: acceleration mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised and the ions are accelerated to very high kinetic energies." [FIX:0000707,] synonym: "accelerator mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "accelerator mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "accelerator MS" EXACT [] synonym: "AMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000472 name: chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction (electron or proton transfer) with reagent (N2, O2, H2O) gaseous ions at low pressure. Reagent ions are produced by electron ionisation." [FIX:0000088,] synonym: "chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LCPIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LP-CI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LPCI-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000807 ! has_specified_output chemical ionisation mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000473 name: atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction (electron or proton transfer) with reagent (N2, O2, H2O) gaseous ions at atmospheric pressure. Reagent ions are produced by electron ionisation with electrons from a radioactive beta-source or a corona discharge." [FIX:0000866, ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "APCI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APCI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000472 ! chemical ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000474 name: desorption chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is dissolved in a volatile solvent and dropped onto a heated filament before being ionised by interaction (electron or proton transfer) with reagent (N2, O2, H2O) gaseous ions at low pressure. Reagent ions are produced by electron ionisation." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "DCI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DCI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct chemical ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "in-beam ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "in-beam ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "in-beam ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "in-beam ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000472 ! chemical ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000475 name: negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction with reagent gaseous anions at low pressure." [ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000472 ! chemical ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000476 name: positive ion chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction with reagent gaseous cations at low pressure." [ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "positive ion chemical ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion chemical ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000472 ! chemical ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000477 name: collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised and selected ions are allowed to collide with neutral gas molecules resulting in fragmentation." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "collision induced dissociation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collision induced dissociation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "collisionally activated dissociation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collisionally-activated dissociation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MS-CAD" EXACT [] synonym: "MS-CID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001938 ! has proper occurrent part collision-induced dissociation relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001938 ! has proper occurrent part collision-induced dissociation [Term] id: CHMO:0000478 name: electron capture negative ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction with thermal electrons (electrons with energy 0.1 eV or less)." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "ECNI" EXACT [] synonym: "electron capture negative ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electron capture negative ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant electron capture negative ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant electron capture negative ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant electron capture negative ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant electron capture negative ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000480 name: electron ionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: CHMO:0000479 alt_id: FIX:0000089 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by electrons (energy 70 eV) which have been emitted from a glowing filament and accelerated through an electric field." [ISBN:9780534981445] synonym: "EI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron impact ionisation mass spectrometry" NARROW [] synonym: "electron impact mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electron ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electron ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-impact ionisation mass spectrosopy" NARROW [] synonym: "electron-impact ionization mass spectrosopy" NARROW [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000481 name: furnace atomisation electron ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is atomised using an electrothermal (resistively-heated) furnace and then ionised by electrons (energy 70 eV) which have been emitted from a glowing filament and accelerated through an electric field." [USPat:5316955] synonym: "furnace atomization electron ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000480 ! electron ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000482 name: electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000079 def: "Spectrometry where the sample is ionised by electrospray ionization. The ions are then characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ES-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESMS" EXACT [] synonym: "MS (EI)" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 MS:1000073 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionization relationship: BFO:0000118 MS:1000073 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionization relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0000812 ! has_specified_output electrospray ionisation mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000483 name: cold-spray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small cold (10-80 C) capillary (at a flow rate of 1-10 L min1)." [] synonym: "cold-spray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cold-spray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "cold-spray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CSI-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000484 name: desorption electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by directing charged solvent droplets (which are formed by forcing the solvent through a small heated capillary into an electric field) at the sample surface. The droplets form a thin film on the sample surface, dissolving the analyte of interest." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "DESI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DESIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000485 name: high-resolution electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. When the ions are analysed using their mass-to-charge ratios the exact mass is determined as opposed to the nominal mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRESIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000486 name: ionspray mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000862 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing an aqueous solution of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1-10 L min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "ion spray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion spray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ionspray mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ionspray MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ISI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ISI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ISMS" EXACT [] synonym: "pneumatically-assisted electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pneumatically-assisted electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pneumatically-assisted electrospray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pneumatically-assisted electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "turbo ion-spray mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "turbo ion-spray mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000487 name: microelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [ISBN:0824740823] synonym: "micro-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "microelectrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "microelectrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "microESI-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000488 name: nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of nL min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [ISBN:0824740823] synonym: "nano-electrospray mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nano-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoESI-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000489 name: high-performance liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "A method where the sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of nL min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The ions are then characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [ISBN:0824740823] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-nano-HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-nanoESI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000488 ! nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000751 ! liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000796 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000488 ! nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000490 name: secondary electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample ionised by spraying it with a very fine mist of charged droplets which was produced by forcing a solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "secondary electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "secondary electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SESI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000491 name: field ionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000913 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction with a high electric field." [] synonym: "FI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000492 name: field desorption mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is deposited on a solid surface known as an 'emitter' and ionised by interaction with a high electric field." [FIX:0000087,] synonym: "FD mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FD-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "field desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000491 ! field ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000493 name: pyrolysis field desorption mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is pyrolysed then deposited on a solid surface known as an 'emitter' and ionised by interaction with a high electric field." [] synonym: "Py-FDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "py-FDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "PyFDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyFDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis field desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field desorption mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000492 ! field desorption mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000495 ! pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000492 ! field desorption mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001502 ! has proper occurrent part pyrolysis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001502 ! has proper occurrent part pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000494 name: high resolution field ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by interaction with a high electric field. When the ions are analysed using their mass-to-charge ratios the 'exact' mass is determined as opposed to the 'nominal' mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-FIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRFIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000491 ! field ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000495 name: pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is pyrolysed then ionised by interaction with a high electric field." [] synonym: "Py-FIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "py-FIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "PyFIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyFIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000491 ! field ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000491 ! field ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001502 ! has proper occurrent part pyrolysis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001502 ! has proper occurrent part pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000496 name: temperature-resolved pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is pyrolysed then ionised by interaction with a high electric field. The ions are analysed using their mass-to-charge ratios as a function of temperature during pyrolysis." [] synonym: "temperature programmed pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature programmed pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature programmed pyrolysis field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature programmed pyrolysis field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature resolved pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature resolved pyrolysis field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-programmed pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-programmed pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-programmed pyrolysis field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-programmed pyrolysis field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-resolved pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-resolved pyrolysis field ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-resolved pyrolysis field ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-resolved pyrolysis field ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000493 ! pyrolysis field desorption mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000492 ! field desorption mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001518 ! has proper occurrent part stepwise pyrolysis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001518 ! has proper occurrent part stepwise pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000497 name: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000921 def: "Any method where a sample mixture is first separated by gas chromatography then ionised and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "gas chromatography mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography/mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "GC MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GCMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000498 name: high-resolution mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the 'exact' mass of the molecular ions in the sample is determined as opposed to the 'nominal' mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000499 name: ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry def: "Spectrometry where the ionic species associated with the peaks in an ion mobility spectrum are identified by a mass spectrometer." [] synonym: "IMS MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IMS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IMS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IMSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "ion mobility spectrometry mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion mobility spectroscopy mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion mobility spectroscopy-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000430 ! has proper occurrent part ion mobility spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000430 ! has proper occurrent part ion mobility spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000500 name: ion trap mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric or magnetic field." [FIX:0000917,] synonym: "ion trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion trap MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IT MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IT-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ITMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000501 name: ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is determined by measuring their cyclotron frequency (the frequency at which they precesses in a fixed magnetic field)." [] synonym: "ICR mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ICR mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ICR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "ion cyclotron resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-cyclotron-resonance mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-cyclotron-resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000500 ! ion trap mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000502 name: Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is determined by measuring their cyclotron frequency (the frequency at which they precesses in a fixed magnetic field) and subjecting it to a Fourier transform." [FIX:0000083,] synonym: "Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT ICR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-ICR mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-ICR mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-ICR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-ICR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-ICRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT/ICR mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT/ICR mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTICRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTMS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICR-FT-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "in-beam Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "ion cyclotron resonance Fourier transform mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000501 ! ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0002925 ! Fourier transform mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000503 name: high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is determined by measuring their cyclotron frequency (the frequency at which they precesses in a fixed magnetic field). The 'exact' mass of the sample ions is determined as opposed to the 'nominal' mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR FT/ICR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-FT-ICR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-FT-ICR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-FT-ICRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-FTICRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000502 ! Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000504 name: quadrupole mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by four parallel electrodes." [FIX:0000094, FIX:0000095,] synonym: "QMS" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrapole mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupolar mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupolar mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole ion trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole ion-trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000500 ! ion trap mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000505 name: three-dimensional quadrupole mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by three electrodes." [] synonym: "3D Q-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "3D QMS" EXACT [] synonym: "3D quadrupole MS" EXACT [] synonym: "3D-Q-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "3D-QMS" EXACT [] synonym: "three-dimensional quadrupole mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000504 ! quadrupole mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000506 name: isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the relative abundance of isotopes in a sample is determined." [] synonym: "IR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "isotope-ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "isotopic ratios mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "isotopic ratios mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000507 name: elemental analysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is first subject to elemental analysis (dropped onto a heated reactor which contains an oxidant–-such as copper and chromium oxide–-and combusted at 900 C to produce N2, NOx, H2O and CO2 which are reduced in a stream of helium) before the relative abundance of isotopes in the sample is determined." [] synonym: "EA-IR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "EA-IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "elemental analyser isotope ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "elemental analyser isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "elemental analysis isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001075 ! has proper occurrent part elemental analysis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001075 ! has proper occurrent part elemental analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000508 name: gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by gas chromatography before being characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance of isotopes." [] synonym: "gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "GC IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-IR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-IRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000497 ! gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000509 name: liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before it is ionised and the relative abundance of isotopes in the sample is determined." [] synonym: "LC IR MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-IR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000510 name: isotope dilution mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the relative abundance of isotopes in a sample is determined by using an isotope dilution standard (the sample labelled with a rare isotope)." [] synonym: "ID-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "isotope dilution mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000511 name: isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by a plasma which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The relative abundance of isotopes in the sample is then determined by using an isotope dilution standard (the sample labelled with a rare isotope)." [] synonym: "ID-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ID-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000510 ! isotope dilution mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000512 name: high-performance liquid chromatography-isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised by a plasma which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The ions are then characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and the relative abundance of isotopes in the sample is determined using an isotope dilution standard (the sample labelled with a rare isotope)." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ID-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ID-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000509 ! liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000511 ! isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000796 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000511 ! isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000513 name: isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by a plasma which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The mass-to-charge ratios of the ions in the sample are then measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by four parallel electrodes. The relative abundance of isotopes in the sample is determined by using an isotope dilution standard (the sample labelled with a rare isotope)." [] synonym: "ID-ICP-Q-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ID-ICP-QMS" EXACT [] synonym: "isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000511 ! isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000514 name: stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the relative abundance of non-radioactive isotopes in a sample is determined." [] synonym: "S-IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "SIRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "stable isotope ratio mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000515 name: laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000080 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser." [] synonym: "laser desorption mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionisation mass analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionisation MS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionization mass analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ionization MS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-ionisation mass analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-ionization mass analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LDIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LDMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LIMA" EXACT [] synonym: "LIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000516 name: laser microprobe mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is vaporised and ionised using a finely focused (<10 um diameter) high-energy pulsed laser." [] synonym: "LAMMA" EXACT [] synonym: "LAMMS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser micro mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser micro-probe mass analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "laser micro-probe mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser microprobe mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser microprobe mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted mass microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "LMMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000517 name: negative ion laser desorption mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry using negative ionisation where a high-energy pulsed laser is used for sample vaporisation." [] synonym: "negative ion laser desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "negative ion laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000518 name: positive ion laser desorption mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry using positive ionisation where a high-energy pulsed laser is used for sample vaporisation." [] synonym: "positive ion laser desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "positive ion laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000519 name: matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000001 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is held in a matrix (such as crystallised dihydrobenzoic acid) to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "MALDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) MS" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000515 ! laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002202 ! has participant matrix assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0000520 name: matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000920 def: "Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry where the sample ions are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "MADI-TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS)" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-associated laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000519 ! matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000521 name: sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is held in a sol-gel matrix to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules." [] synonym: "SGALDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SGALDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000519 ! matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000522 name: surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is mixed with a matrix compound (such as crystallised dihydrobenzoic acid) and deposited on a surface, with some chemical functionality, to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules." [] synonym: "SALDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SELDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SELDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000519 ! matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000523 name: liquid chromatography-matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance. The sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is held in a matrix (such as dihydrobenzoic acid) to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules." [] synonym: "LC-MALDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000519 ! matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000519 ! matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000524 name: liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000924 def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "iquid chromatography/mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LC MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LCMS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000525 name: photoionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000906 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is irradiated with an ultraviolet laser. The sample absorbs one or more photons resulting in ionisation." [] synonym: "photoionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000526 name: atmospheric pressure photoionisation mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000907 def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is irradiated with an ultraviolet laser at atmospheric pressure. The sample absorbs one or more photons resulting in ionisation." [] synonym: "APPI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APPI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APPIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure photoionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000525 ! photoionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000527 name: multiphoton ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is irradiated with an ultraviolet laser. The sample absorbs two or more photons resulting in ionisation." [] synonym: "MPI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MPIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "multi photon ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multi photon ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "μPI-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000525 ! photoionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000528 name: resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is irradiated with a resonant laser (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample). The sample absorbs one or more photons resulting in ionisation." [] synonym: "REMPI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000527 ! multiphoton ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000529 name: resonance ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is irradiated with a resonant laser (a laser beam with a wavelength that corresponds to an atomic transition in the sample). The sample absorbs two or more photons resulting in ionisation." [] synonym: "resonance ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000712 ! laser mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000530 name: sonic spray mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where ionisation is achieved using a pneumatic nebuliser which turns the sample solution into a supersonic spray of small droplets. Ions are formed when the solvent evaporates and the statistically unbalanced charge distribution on the droplets leads to a net charge." [] synonym: "sonic spray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sonic spray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sonic spray mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SSI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SSI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SSIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000531 name: thermospray mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a pressurised solution of the sample is forced through a heated metal capillary tip. Ions are formed when the solvent evaporates and the statistically unbalanced charge distribution on the droplets leads to a net charge." [] synonym: "thermospray mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TMS" EXACT [] synonym: "TSP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TSP-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000532 name: thermal ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where ionisation is achieved by loading the sample onto a heated filament." [FIX:0000912, ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "suface ionisation mass spetroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "suface ionization mass spetroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal-ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal-ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000533 name: particle beam mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a liquid sample passes through a desolvation chamber producing a beam of microscopic solid particles." [] synonym: "particle beam mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-beam mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-beam mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PB MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PB-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000534 name: plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas, such as Ar, containing free electrons)." [] synonym: "plasma source mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PS-MS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000535 name: capacitively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Plasma mass spectrometry where the plasma has been generated by a potential difference between two electrodes, one of which is grounded and one of which is live." [] synonym: "capacitively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CCP MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000536 name: electron cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry def: "Plasma mass spectrometry where the plasma has been generated by superimposing a static magnetic field and a high-frequency electromagnetic field at the electron cyclotron resonance frequency (the frequency at which an electron precesses in a magnetic field)." [] synonym: "ECR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ECR/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "electron cyclotron resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000537 name: glow-discharge mass spectrometry def: "Plasma mass spectrometry where the plasma has been generated by passing an electrical discharge between two electrodes under reduced pressure. The ions are then characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "GD-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GD/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "glow-discharge mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000741 ! discharge mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001130 ! has participant glow discharge ion source relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0001130 ! has participant glow discharge ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000538 name: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000863 def: "Plasma mass spectrometry where the plasma has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000539 name: electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry alt_id: FIX:0000864 def: "Plasma mass spectrometry where the sample is vaporised by depositing it on a probe which is rapidly heated (to >1000 deg C) by passing a current through it." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ETV-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ETV-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000540 name: slurry electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "ETV-ICP-MS where the solid sample is prepared by grinding into a fine powder and suspension in a diluent such as 0.1% HNO3." [ISBN:1566701554] synonym: "slurry electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000539 ! electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000541 name: slurry nebulisation electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a solid sample is ground to a fine powder and suspended in a diluent (such as 0.1% HNO3) before being vaporised by a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it. The vaporised sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "slurry nebulisation electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry nebulization electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slurry nebulization electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SN-ETV-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SN-ETV-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000540 ! slurry electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000542 name: solid sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a solid sample is vaporised by depositing it on a probe which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it. The vaporised sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "direct solid sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid-sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid-sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid-sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct solid-sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solid sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-sampling electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-ETV-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-ETV-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000539 ! electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000543 name: high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high pressure liquid chromatography inductively coupled mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC ICP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC/ICP-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000552 ! liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000796 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000544 name: high-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-FD-ICP-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000543 ! high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000545 name: high-performance liquid chromatography photodiode array-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography photodiode array inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography photodiode array inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-PDA-ICP-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000543 ! high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000546 name: high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The 'exact' mass of the sample ions is then determined as opposed to the 'nominal' mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000547 name: inductively coupled plasma field sector mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The beam of ions is then directed into magnetic field, the orientation of which is perpendicular to the beam. The magnetic field forces the charged particles into different circular trajectories, the radii of which depend on the strength of the magnetic field, the accelerating voltage, and the mass of the ion." [] synonym: "ICP-SF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma field sector mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000548 name: inductively coupled plasma three dimensional quadrupole mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is then measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by three electrodes." [] synonym: "ICP-three dimensional-Q-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-three dimensional-QMS" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma three dimensional quadrupole mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000549 name: inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The sample ions with different masses are then accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured." [] synonym: "ICP-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-ToF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-TOFMS" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000550 name: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is vaporised using a laser pulse then ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "LA ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LA-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LA-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000551 name: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is vaporised using a laser pulse then ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The sample ions with different masses are then accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured." [] synonym: "LA-ICP-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LA-ICP-ToF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000550 ! laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000552 name: liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [FIX:0000865,] synonym: "LC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000553 name: multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. A series of collectors ised used to detect several ion beams simultaneously." [] synonym: "MC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "multi collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000554 name: size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry alt_id: CHMO:0000755 def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by size-exclusion chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "SEC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SEC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "SEC/ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography inductively coupled mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography inductively coupled mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001013 ! has proper occurrent part size-exclusion chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001013 ! has proper occurrent part size-exclusion chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000555 name: size-exclusion chromatography-high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by size-exclusion and high-performance liquid chromatographies before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000543 ! high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000554 ! size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001013 ! has proper occurrent part size-exclusion chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001013 ! has proper occurrent part size-exclusion chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000556 name: solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a sample mixture (a solution in dilute HNO3) is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "solution ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "solution ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solution-ICP-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000557 name: solution nebulisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a sample mixture (a solution in dilute HNO3) is passed through a nebuliser to form a mist of finely dispersed droplets before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "SN-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "solution nebulisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "solution nebulization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solution nebulization inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000556 ! solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000558 name: microwave-induced plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by microwave radiation." [] synonym: "microwave induced plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave induced plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MIP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MIP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MIPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000559 name: plasma desorption mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by bombarding the sample (mounted on a thin foil) with a highly energietic fission fragment from 252Cf." [ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "PD-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PD/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PDMS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "plasma desorption ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma desorption ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma desorption mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000560 name: secondary ion mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is bombarded with a stream of primary mass-selected particles and the secondary ions ejected from the sample are detected." [FIX:0000122, OrangeBook:17.3] synonym: "secondary ion mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000561 name: dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is bombarded with a continuous focused beam of primary mass-selected ions which remove material from the surface of the sample by sputtering. The secondary ions ejected from the sample are then detected." [] synonym: "DMS" RELATED [] synonym: "DSIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sputtered mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sputtered mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000560 ! secondary ion mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000562 name: sputtered neutral atom mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is bombarded with a continuous focused beam of primary mass-selected ions which remove material from the surface of the sample by sputtering. The neutral atoms ejected from the sample are ionised and detected." [ISBN:3527296344] synonym: "dynamic neutral atom mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic neutral atom mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic neutral particle mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic neutral particle mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "secondary neutral atom mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "secondary neutral atom mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "secondary neutral particle mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "secondary neutral particle mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SNMS" EXACT [] synonym: "sputtered neutral atom mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sputtered neutral particle mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000561 ! dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000563 name: fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (which is held in a liquid matrix) is bombarded with a stream of primary noble gas atoms and the secondary ions ejected from the sample are detected." [] synonym: "FAB-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "FABMS" EXACT [] synonym: "fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fast-atom bombardment mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid secondary ion mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LSI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LSIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "MS (FAB)" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000086 is_a: CHMO:0000560 ! secondary ion mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000564 name: mass spectrometry of recoiled ions def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is bombarded with a stream of primary mass-selected particles and the secondary elemental ions (usually H+, D+ or He+) ejected from the sample are detected." [] synonym: "mass spectroscopy of recoiled ions" EXACT [] synonym: "MSRI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000560 ! secondary ion mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000565 name: time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is bombarded with a stream of primary mass-selected particles and the secondary ions ejected from the sample are detected by accelerating them to the same (known) kinetic energy and measuring the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [FIX:0000959,] synonym: "time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF-SIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "ToF-SIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000560 ! secondary ion mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000566 name: secondary electron emission mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a surface is bombarded with sample ions and the secondary electrons emitted are detected." [] synonym: "secondary electron emission mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SEEM-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SEEM/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000567 name: 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 15N nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:36934, FIX:0000136, rsc:pr] synonym: "15N NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "15N NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "15N NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "15N-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000568 name: sector field mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample ions are directed into magnetic field, the orientation of which is perpendicular to the beam. The magnetic field forces the charged particles into different circular trajectories, the radii of which depend on the strength of the magnetic field, the accelerating voltage, and the mass of the ion." [FIX:0000093,] synonym: "magnetic sector mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sector field mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sector-field mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sector-field mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SFMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000569 name: selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by introducing it into a tube containing fast flowing He gas and ions such as H3O+, NO+ and O2+." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "selected ion flow tube mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SIFT-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000570 name: proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by introducing it into a tube containing fast flowing He gas and H3O+ ions." [FIX:0000919,] synonym: "proton transfer reaction mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PTR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PTR/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PTRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000569 ! selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000571 name: selective ion monitoring def: "Mass spectrometry where the intensities of one or more specific ion beams are recorded rather than the entire mass spectrum." [] synonym: "selected ion monitoring" EXACT [] synonym: "selected-ion monitoring" EXACT [] synonym: "selective-ion monitoring" EXACT [] synonym: "SIM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000572 name: single-ion monitoring def: "Mass spectrometry where the intensity of a specific ion beam is recorded rather than the entire mass spectrum." [] synonym: "single ion monitoring" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000571 ! selective ion monitoring [Term] id: CHMO:0000573 name: multiple-ion monitoring def: "Mass spectrometry where the intensities of multiple specific ion beams are recorded rather than the entire mass spectrum." [] synonym: "multiple ion monitoring" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000571 ! selective ion monitoring [Term] id: CHMO:0000574 name: spark source mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by a vacuum spark discharge, which is generated by a pulsed high (25–100 kV) potential difference between two electrodes." [FIX:0000903,] synonym: "spark ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark source mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-source mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spark-source mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SSMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000575 name: tandem mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry involving multiple mass-selection steps, with some form of fragmentation occurring between each stage." [FIX:0000084,] synonym: "double mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "tandem MS" EXACT [] synonym: "tandem-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000576 name: collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry involving multiple mass-selection steps, where the sample ions are allowed to collide with neutral gas molecules (resulting in fragmentation) between each mass-selection stage." [] synonym: "CAD-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CAD-MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "CID-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CID-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CID-MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "collision induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collision induced dissociation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "collision-induced dissociation-tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "collision-induced dissociation-tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "collisionally activated dissociation tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000577 name: electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry involving multiple mass-selection steps, with some form of fragmentation occurring between each stage. Sample ionisation is achieved by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 uL min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-MS2" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000578 name: high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where the sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of it through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 uL min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The ions are then characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance by two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high pressure liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high pressure liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC ESI MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC ESI MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ESI-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ESI-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-ESI-MS2" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000577 ! electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000579 name: tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry involving multiple mass-selection steps, with some form of fragmentation occurring between each stage. The mass-to-charge ratios of the sample ions are measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by four parallel electrodes." [] synonym: "tandem quadrupole mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TQ-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TQMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000580 name: time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where sample ions with different masses are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [FIX:0000082,] synonym: "time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ToF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TOFMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000581 name: microspectroscopy def: "Any type of chemical imaging spectroscopy where an optical microscope is used to image the sample and locate a small area for spectral analysis." [] synonym: "microspectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000049 ! chemical imaging [Term] id: CHMO:0000582 name: microspectrophotometry def: "Spectroscopy where an optical microscope is used to image the sample and locate a small area for spectral analysis with radiation in the ultraviolet to near infrared range." [] synonym: "MSP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000581 ! microspectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000585 name: rotational spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy which probes the rotational degrees of freedom of a molecule." [] xref: FIX:0000031 is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000586 name: microwave spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with radiation in the microwave region (1–1000 mm)." [ISBN:048661798X] synonym: "microwave spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000018 is_a: CHMO:0000585 ! rotational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000587 name: Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is irradiated with a single pulse of radiation in the microwave region (1–1000 mm) and the spectrum is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform microwave spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-MW spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-MW spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTMW spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FTMW spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000586 ! microwave spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000588 name: molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample (in the form of a molecular beam) is irradiated with a single pulse of radiation in the microwave region (1–1000 mm) and the spectrum is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "MB-FTMW spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MB-FTMW spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000587 ! Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000589 name: laser ablation molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample (in the form of a molecular beam) is vaporised by laser ablation before being irradiated with a single pulse of radiation in the microwave region (1–1000 mm) and the spectrum is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "LA-MB-FTMW spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LA-MB-FTMW spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation molecular beam Fourier transform microwave (LA-MB-FTMW) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation molecular beam FT microwave spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000588 ! molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000590 name: neutron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a beam of neutrons is used to probe atomic and magnetic dynamics." [] synonym: "inelastic neutron scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slow neutron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "slow neutron spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000591 name: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation." [rsc:pr] comment: NMR in practice usually refers to pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, CHMO:0000613 synonym: "NMR" NARROW [] synonym: "NMR spectrometry" NARROW [] synonym: "NMR spectroscopy" NARROW [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy" NARROW [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" NARROW [] xref: FIX:0000022 is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000592 name: one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them, and the spectrum is obtained by plotting chemical shift vs. frequency." [FIX:0000055,] synonym: "1-D NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1D NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1D NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "1D NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "1D nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "1D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000593 name: 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 1H nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "proton NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000134 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000594 name: 11B nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 11B nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52451, FIX:0001106, rsc:pr] synonym: "11B NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "11B NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "11B NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "11B nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "11B-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000595 name: 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 13C nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "13C NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "C-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "carbon NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000135 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:36928 ! probes_atom carbon-13 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:36928 ! probes_atom carbon-13 atom [Term] id: CHMO:0000596 name: distortionless enhancement with polarization transfer def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 13C nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them.The 13C NMR signals are enhanced by transferring 1H magnetisation to 13C nuclei and the phase of the signals reflects the multiplicity i.e. CH, CH2 or CH3). Separate methyl, methylene and methine spectra may be obtained." [FIX:0000459, rsc:pr] synonym: "DEPT" EXACT [] synonym: "DEPT NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "distortionless enhancement by polarisation transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "distortionless enhancement with polarisation transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "distortionless enhancement with polarization transfer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000595 ! 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000597 name: 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 19F nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "19F NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "19F NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "19F NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "19F-NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000137 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:36940 ! probes_atom fluorine-19 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:36940 ! probes_atom fluorine-19 atom [Term] id: CHMO:0000598 name: two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment in which a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between interacting nuclei." [FIX:0000056, rsc:pr] synonym: "2-D NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "2D nuclear magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000599 name: correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between nuclei which are J-coupled (usually <=3 bonds apart)." [FIX:0000543, rsc:pr] synonym: "correlated spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "correlated spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "correlation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "COSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000598 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000600 name: heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and heteronuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HETCOR" EXACT [] synonym: "HETCORR" EXACT [] synonym: "HETCOSY" EXACT [] synonym: "hetCOSY" EXACT [] synonym: "HETEROCOR" EXACT [] synonym: "heteronuclear COSY" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0001025 is_a: CHMO:0000931 ! heteronuclear two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000601 name: heteronuclear multiple bond coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and nuclei which are 2–3 bonds removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "HMBC" EXACT [] synonym: "HMBC NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000180 is_a: CHMO:0000931 ! heteronuclear two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000602 name: gradient-selected heteronuclear multiple bond coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where pulsed-field gradients are used and a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and nuclei which are 2–3 bonds removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "GHMBC" EXACT [] synonym: "gHMBC" EXACT [] synonym: "gradient heteronuclear multiple bond coherence" EXACT [] synonym: "gradient-selected HMBC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000601 ! heteronuclear multiple bond coherence [Term] id: CHMO:0000603 name: heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and the nuclei to which they are covalently bound. In HMQC the magnetisation of both nuclei is allowed to evolve over time." [rsc:pr] synonym: "HMQC" EXACT [] synonym: "HMQC NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000149 is_a: CHMO:0000931 ! heteronuclear two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000604 name: heteronuclear single quantum coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and the nuclei to which they are covalently bound. In HSQC only the magnetisation of one nucleus is allowed to evolve over time." [rsc:pr] synonym: "HSQC" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000148 is_a: CHMO:0000931 ! heteronuclear two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000605 name: total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy which reveal correlations between all nuclei of a spin-system." [rsc:pr] synonym: "HOHAHA spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HOHAHA spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "homonuclear Hartmann Hahn spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "homonuclear Hartmann,Hahn spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "total correlated spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "total correlation spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000133 xref: FIX:0000556 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000606 name: J-spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear proton–proton NMR spectroscopy where chemical shift and J-coupling information are separated onto different frequency axes." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D J-resolved spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "2D J-spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "2DJ spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "J-RES" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "J-resolved spectroscopy NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "J-spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "JRES" EXACT [] synonym: "JRES NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional J-spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000598 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000607 name: nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (⩽6 Å apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D exchange spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "2D EXSY" EXACT [] synonym: "exchange spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "exchange spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EXSY" EXACT [] synonym: "NOE experiments" EXACT [] synonym: "NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "NOEsy" EXACT [] synonym: "nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "NOESY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear Overhauser effect spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000143 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000608 name: heteronuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (⩽6 Å apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "heteronuclear Overhauser effect spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "heteronuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "heteronuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "HOESY NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0001085 is_a: CHMO:0000725 ! two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000609 name: flip-back nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy incorporating a water flip-back sequence, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (⩽6 Å apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "fb-NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "fb-nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "fb-NOESY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "flip-back nuclear Overhauser effect spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flip-back nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "flip-back nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000725 ! two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000610 name: rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (⩽6 Å apart). Spin-locking is employed to ensure that correlation between spins, which are close in space but have zero NOE, are seen. This technique is used for molecules whose tumbling regime lies at the border of positive and negative NOE responses." [rsc:pr] synonym: "CAMELPSIN" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-relaxation appropriate for minimolecules eμlated by locked spins" EXACT [] synonym: "ROESY" EXACT [] synonym: "rOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "ROESY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "rotating frame Overhauser effect spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "rotating frame Overhauser enhancement spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "rotating frame Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "rotational Overhauser effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000150 is_a: CHMO:0000725 ! two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000611 name: steady-state nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (<=6 \\AA apart). In this technique, the saturation of a particular proton resonance (signal) perturbs the intensities of signals from spatially proximate nuclei." [] synonym: "steady state NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "steady state nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "steady-state NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "steady-state nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "steady-state nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000725 ! two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000612 name: insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarisation transfer def: "A heteronuclear NMR experiment in which magnetisation arising from 1H nuclei is transferred to covalently bound heteronuclei, thereby enhancing the NMR signal of the heteronuclei." [FIX:0000458, rsc:pr] synonym: "INEPT" EXACT [] synonym: "INEPT NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarization transfer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000613 name: pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] comment: this is what is usually meant nowadays by NMR. synonym: "NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000591 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000614 name: solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000649 def: "Spectroscopy where the response of nuclei with non-zero spin, in a solid sample, to a perturbing magnetic field is detected. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "solid state NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "SSNMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000615 name: magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000471 def: "NMR spectroscopy using a solid sample and involving magic angle spinning." [] synonym: "magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "MAS NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "SS-MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "ss-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0002911 ! has proper occurrent part magic angle spinning relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0002911 ! has proper occurrent part magic angle spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0000616 name: combined rotation and multiple pulse spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy using a solid sample. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field).The combination of multiple-pulse NMR experiments and magic angle spinning. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [ISBN:0824783328] synonym: "combined rotation and multiple pulse spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CRAMPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000617 name: cross-polarisation magic angle spinning alt_id: FIX:0001002 def: "Magic angle spinning spectroscopy where cross polarisation is used to enhance the signal from weakly coupled nuclei." [ISBN:0-19-855567-9] synonym: "CP-MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CP-MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "CP/MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CP/MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "CPMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CPMAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "cross polarisation magic angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "cross polarisation magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cross polarization magic angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-polarisation magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-polarization magic angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000618 name: high-resolution magic angle spinning def: "Magic angle spinning spectroscopy using a high resolution magnetic susceptibility matching probe." [rsc:pr] synonym: "high resolution magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "HR MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR/MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRMAS NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000619 name: photoacoustic spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000700 def: "Spectroscopy where the sound emitted when a gaseous sample is exposed to an intense laser beam, which is rapidly interrupted by a rotating slotted disk, is measured." [] synonym: "laser-induced optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LIOAS" EXACT [] synonym: "OAS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PAS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000620 name: infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000661 def: "Spectroscopy where the sound emitted when a gaseous sample is exposed to an intense infrared laser beam, which is rapidly interrupted by a rotating slotted disk, is measured." [] synonym: "infra-red optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IR optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IR photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IROAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IRPAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000619 ! photoacoustic spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002885 ! has participant slotted disc [Term] id: CHMO:0000621 name: Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy def: "Infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy where the spectrum is then subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR optoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR optoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR photoacoustic spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR photoacoustic spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT/IR OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT/IR PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR-OAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR-PAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIROAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIRPAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000620 ! infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000622 name: photothermal spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where light energy absorbed by the sample results in heating and the subsequent change in temperature, pressure or density is measured." [] synonym: "photothermal spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000623 name: scanning tunnelling spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a scanning tunnelling microscope is used to measure the I-V characteristics of the sample." [] synonym: "scanning tunneling spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning tunneling spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning tunnelling spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "STS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000624 name: surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000393 def: "Spectroscopy where the resonant excitation of surface plasmons (usually on a noble metal e.g. Au or Ag surface) by ultraviolet or visible light is measured. The light source is incident on the noble metal surface through a prism, at a range of angles that are above the critical angle where total internal reflection occurs. At a certain angle excitation of the surface plasmons occurs, leading to a miniμm in the reflected light. The resonance angle shifts whenever the optical density of the sample in contact with the noble metal undergoes a change, and thus it allows detection of the adsorption or desorption of molecules." [] synonym: "SPR" EXACT [] synonym: "SPR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SPR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPRS" EXACT [] synonym: "surface plasmon resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface plasmon resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000625 name: electrochemical surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the resonant excitation of surface plasmons on a surface, which is the working electrode in an electrochemical experiment, by ultraviolet or visible light is measured." [] synonym: "EC SPRS" EXACT [] synonym: "EC-SPR EC SPR" EXACT [] synonym: "EC-SPR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "EC-SPR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EC-SPRS" EXACT [] synonym: "ECSPR" EXACT [] synonym: "ECSPRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000624 ! surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000626 name: surface plasmon resonance imaging def: "Spectroscopy where the resonant excitation of surface plasmons (usually on a Au or Ag surface) by ultraviolet or visible light is measured, during which the reflectivity of the sample is measured at a fixed angle or wavelength." [] synonym: "SPRI" EXACT [] synonym: "SPRi" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000624 ! surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000627 name: terahertz time-domain spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy using short pulses of radiation from the terahertz range (1 millimetre to 100 micrometres)." [] synonym: "terahertz time-domain spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Thz-TDS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000628 name: vibrational spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy which probes the vibrational degrees of freedom of a molecule." [] synonym: "vibrational spectroscopic analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000629 name: inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a metal-molecule-metal sandwich is formed and electrons tunnel from metal to metal through the molecules. Any additional molecules adsorbed onto the inner layer of the sandwhich can affect the tunneling via the excitation of vibrational states." [] synonym: "IETS" EXACT [] synonym: "inelastic electron tunnelling spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000630 name: infrared absorption spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000015 alt_id: FIX:0000658 def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation from the infrared region (0.78 to 1000 micrometres)." [FIX:0000015, FIX:0000658, ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared (IR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "IR absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000631 name: infrared evanescent wave spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy using radiation in the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm) where an evanescent wave is generated using an optical fibre." [] synonym: "infra-red evanescent wave spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared evanescent wave spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared evanescent wave spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-EWS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000632 name: far-infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the far infrared region (15–1000 μm)." [FIX:0000643, ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "far infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "far-infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "far-infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "far-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "far-IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FIR" EXACT [] synonym: "FIR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000585 ! rotational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000633 name: infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation from the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm) with sufficient energy to cause photodissociation by the absorption of two or more photons." [] synonym: "infra-red multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IRMPD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IRMPD spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000634 name: resonant infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs resonant radiation from the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm) with sufficient energy to cause photodissociation by the absorption of two or more photons." [] synonym: "IR REMPD" EXACT [] synonym: "IR REMPD spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR REMPD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-REMPD" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced infrared multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonance-enhanced infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant infra-red multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant infra-red multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant infrared multiphoton dissociation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000633 ! infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000635 name: mid-infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the mid infrared region (3–8 μm)." [FIX:0000642, ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "mid infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000636 name: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000110 def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs a single pulse of radiation from the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm) and the spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier-transform infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000637 name: micro infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation from a finely focused beam (<10 μm diameter) of infrared light (0.78–1000 μm)." [] synonym: "infrared microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "micro infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000638 name: near-infrared absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation from the near infrared region (0.8–2 μm)." [FIX:0000321, ISBN:978-3-540-74597-6] synonym: "near infra-red absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "near-infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIRS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000639 name: Fourier transform near infrared absorbance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs a single pulse of radiation from the near infrared region (0.8–2 μm) and the spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infra-red absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infra-red spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infrared absorbance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infrared absorbance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infrared absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform near infrared absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT NIRS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-NIRS" EXACT [] synonym: "FTNIRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000638 ! near-infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000640 name: non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the difference in infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) bsorption of a sample cell against a reference cell is measured." [ISBN:0824753593] synonym: "NDIR" EXACT [] synonym: "NDIR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NDIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "non-dispersive infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "non-dispersive infra-red spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "non-dispersive infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000641 name: surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the rough metal surface of a sample absorbs radiation in the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm)." [] synonym: "SEIRA" EXACT [] synonym: "SEIRA spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SEIRA spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced infra-red absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced infra-red absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced infrared absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000642 name: transient infrared spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0001068 def: "Spectroscopy where transient species such as radicals, ions or reactive intermediates are studied using pulses from an infrared laser. The infrared absorbance of the sample before and after an excitation laser pulse is measured." [ISBN:9810217498] synonym: "infrared laser transient absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared transient absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR laser transient absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR transient absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TIRS" EXACT [] synonym: "transient infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "transient infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0000643 name: infrared reflectance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000652 def: "Spectroscopy where the reflection or scattering of infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) by a sample is detected." [] synonym: "infra-red reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared reflection spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "IR reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IR reflection spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000644 name: diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000656 def: "Spectroscopy where the diffuse reflection of infrared radiation by a sample is measured." [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000643 ! infrared reflectance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000645 name: diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the diffuse reflection of a single pulse of infrared radiation by a sample is measured, and the spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [FIX:0000657,] synonym: "diffuse reflectance infra-red Fourier transform spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy by Fourier transform" EXACT [] synonym: "DRIFT" EXACT [] synonym: "DRIFTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000644 ! diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000646 name: near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the reflection or scattering of near infrared radiation (0.8-2 micrometres) by a sample is detected." [] synonym: "near infra-red reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "NIRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000643 ! infrared reflectance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000647 name: reflection–absorption infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the absorption and reflection of low incident angle infrared light by the surface molecules of a highly reflective or polished sample is measured." [FIX:0000659, ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "infrared reflection absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IRAS" EXACT [] synonym: "IRRAS" EXACT [] synonym: "RA-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "RAIRS" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption (RA) IR" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000648 name: attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where infrared light is introduced into a prism at an angle exceeding the critical angle for internal reflection. This produces an evanescent wave at the reflecting surface (a surface which is transparent to infrared such as thallium bromide) on which the sample is supported, and the distortion of the evanescent wave by the sample is measured." [ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "ATR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR-IR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR-IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR/IR" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR/IRS" EXACT [] synonym: "attenuated total reflectance infra-red spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "attenuated total reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "internal reflection spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "internal reflection spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "IRS" RELATED [] synonym: "MIRS" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple internal reflection spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple internal reflection spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000653 is_a: CHMO:0000643 ! infrared reflectance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000649 name: infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated and the infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected." [FIX:0000651,] synonym: "IES" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000650 name: flame infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated in a flame and the infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected." [] synonym: "FIRE" EXACT [] synonym: "flame infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flame infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000649 ! infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000651 name: Fourier transform flame infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated in a flame and the infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected. The spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform FIRE" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform flame infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform flame infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-FIRE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000650 ! flame infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000652 name: Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy def: "IR emission spectroscopy where the spectrum is obtained by a single pulse of (UV) radiation, and is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infra-red emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform IRES" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IRES" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIRES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000649 ! infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000653 name: mid-infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated and the mid infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected." [ISBN:0-534-98144-5] synonym: "mid-infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-infrared emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "mid-infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MIRES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000649 ! infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000654 name: planar array infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated and the infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected with a two-dimensional focal plane array infrared camera." [] synonym: "PA IR" EXACT [] synonym: "PA IRES" EXACT [] synonym: "PA-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "PA-IRES" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array infrared emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array IR emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array IR emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "planar array IRES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000649 ! infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000655 name: single-photon infrared emission spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is heated using ultraviolet excitation (single photon) and the infrared radiation (0.78–1000 μm) emitted during cooling is detected." [] synonym: "single photon infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "single photon infra-red emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "single-photon infra-red emission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "single-photon infrared emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPIRES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000649 ! infrared emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000656 name: Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range by a sample is detected." [FIX:0000058,] synonym: "Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002414 ! scattering spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000657 name: chiral Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where vibrational optical activity is measured by means of a small difference in the intensity of Raman scattering from chiral molecules of right- and left-circularly polarised incident light." [] synonym: "chiral Raman" EXACT [] synonym: "chiral Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman optical activity" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000658 name: coherent Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light from three lasers (known as pump, probe and Stokes/anti-Stokes) by a sample is detected. multiphoton excitation is used to produce a signal in which the emitted waves are coherent." [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000659 name: coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light by a sample is detected. An anti-Stokes frequency stimulation beam is used and a Stokes frequency beam is observed. multiphoton excitation is used to produce a signal in which the emitted waves are coherent." [] synonym: "coherent Stokes Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "coherent Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "coherent Stokes Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CSRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000658 ! coherent Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000660 name: coherent Stokes resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light by a sample is detected. An anti-Stokes frequency stimulation beam is used and a Stokes frequency beam is observed and the difference between the pump and the Stokes beams coincides with the frequency of an electronic transition within the molecule. multiphoton excitation is used to produce a signal in which the emitted waves are coherent." [] is_a: CHMO:0000659 ! coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000661 name: coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light by a sample is detected. A Stokes frequency stimulation beam is used and an anti-Stokes frequency beam is observed. multiphoton excitation is used to produce a signal in which the emitted waves are coherent." [FIX:0000075,] synonym: "CARS" EXACT [] synonym: "coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000658 ! coherent Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000662 name: coherent anti-Stokes resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light by a sample is detected. A Stokes frequency stimulation beam is used and an anti-Stokes frequency beam is observed and the difference between the pump and the anti-Stokes beams coincides with the frequency of an electronic transition within the molecule. multiphoton excitation is used to produce a signal in which the emitted waves are coherent." [] is_a: CHMO:0000661 ! coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000663 name: confocal Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light is detected. An aperture is used to discriminate between Raman signal coming from the focused laser spot and Raman signal coming from the out-of-focus region of the sample." [ISBN:0824703693] synonym: "confocal Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "CRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000664 name: confocal Raman microscopy def: "The collection of spatially resolved Raman spectra of a sample during optical microscopy. An aperture is used to discriminate between Raman signal coming from the laser spot and that coming from the out-of-focus region of the sample." [ISBN:0824703693] synonym: "confocal micro Raman" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal Raman microanalysis" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal Raman microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal Raman microspectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000056 ! Raman microscopy is_a: CHMO:0000663 ! confocal Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000665 name: Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of light (produced by a single laser pulse) by a sample is detected and the spectrum is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "Fourier transform Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-Raman" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000384 is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000666 name: hyper Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of light by a (liquid) sample is detected. During scattering, photons from the incident laser (with frequency ω) are scattered by sample into photons of the second harmonic (photons with frequency 2ω)." [] synonym: "hyper Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "hyper-Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000667 name: polarised Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the polarisation of light which has been subjected to Raman scattering by a sample is determined." [] synonym: "polarised Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "polarized Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000668 name: resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Raman spectroscopy where the energy of the incoming laser is adjusted such that it or the scattered light coincides with an electronic transition in the sample." [] synonym: "resonance Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "resonant Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "RR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RRS" RELATED [] xref: FIX:0000060 is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000669 name: Kerr-gated resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range, by a sample is detected. The energy of the incoming laser is adjusted such that it or the scattered light coincides with an electronic transition within the sample, and the laser is combined with a Kerr gate fluorescence rejection system." [] synonym: "Kerr-gated Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000668 ! resonance Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000670 name: surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a visible laser, by a sample adsorbed onto a metal (Au, Ag or Cu) surface is detected. The energy of the incoming laser is adjusted such that it or the scattered light coincides with an electronic transition within the sample." [] synonym: "SERRS" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced resonance Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000077 is_a: CHMO:0000668 ! resonance Raman spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000677 ! surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000671 name: ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from an ultraviolet laser, by a sample is detected. The energy of the incoming laser is adjusted such that it or the scattered light coincides with an electronic transition within the sample." [] synonym: "ultra-violet resonance Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVRR" EXACT [] synonym: "UVRRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000668 ! resonance Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000672 name: deep ultra-violet resonance Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a deep ultraviolet (<300 nm) laser, by a sample is detected. The energy of the incoming laser is adjusted such that it or the scattered light coincides with an electronic transition within the sample." [] is_a: CHMO:0000671 ! ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000674 name: spatially-offset Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a laser, by a sample is detected. Scattered light is collected from regions laterally offset from the excitation laser spot." [] synonym: "SORS" EXACT [] synonym: "SORSS" EXACT [] synonym: "spatially offset Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spatially offset Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "spatially offset Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "spatially offset Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000675 name: stimulated Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from two lasers ('pump' and 'probe') by a sample is detected." [ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "SRS" EXACT [] synonym: "stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "stimulated Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "stimulated scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000676 name: femosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a femtosecond laser pulse, by a sample is detected. The laser pulse is generated by the mixing of two lasers ('pump' and 'probe')." [] synonym: "emtosecond broadband stimulated Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "femosecond stimulated Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "femosecond stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femosecond stimulated Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FSRS" EXACT [] synonym: "FSRSS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000675 ! stimulated Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000677 name: surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a visible laser, by a sample adsorbed onto a metal (Au, Ag or Cu) surface is detected." [FIX:0000076,] synonym: "SERS" EXACT [] synonym: "SERS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000678 name: tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a visible laser (500–650 nm), by metal surfaces, where scattering is enhanced by the optical near-field of a metal-coated scanning probe microscopy tip, is detected." [,] synonym: "TERS" EXACT [] synonym: "tip-enhanced Raman scattering spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "tip-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000679 name: ultra-high vacuum tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of visible laser light, by metal surfaces, where scattering is enhanced by the optical near field of a scanning tunnelling tip, under ultra-high vacuum is detected." [] synonym: "UHV-TERS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000678 ! tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000680 name: ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from an ultraviolet laser, by a sample is detected." [] synonym: "ultra-violet Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UVR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000681 name: thermal analysis def: "Any measurement technique in which a physical property of the sample is measured as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.1] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000682 name: calorimetry def: "The measurement of thermodynamic parameters (e.g. enthalpy) during a chemical or biochemical reaction." [] synonym: "enthalpimetric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "enthalpimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000683 name: isothermal titration calorimetry def: "The measurement of thermodynamic parameters (e.g. enthalpy) at constant temperature during a titration." [FIX:0000388,] synonym: "isothermal titration microcalorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "ITC" EXACT [] synonym: "titration calorimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002076 ! isothermal calorimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000684 name: differential scanning calorimetry def: "The measurement of thermodynamic parameters (e.g. enthalpy) during a chemical or biochemical reaction of both a sample and a reference, by the known variation (step-wise or linear) of one variable, whilst a second is kept constant." [FIX:0000387, OrangeBook:5.2.2] synonym: "differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "differential scanning calorimetric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "DSC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002078 ! scanning calorimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000685 name: heat-flux differential scanning calorimetry def: "The measurement of thermodynamic parameters (e.g. enthalpy) during a chemical or biochemical reaction of both a sample and a reference, by the known variation (step-wise or linear) of one variable, whilst a second is kept constant using a heat-flux differential scanning calorimeter." [] synonym: "heat-flux DSC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000684 ! differential scanning calorimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000686 name: power-compensation differential scanning calorimetry def: "The measurement of thermodynamic parameters (e.g. enthalpy) during a chemical or biochemical reaction of both a sample and a reference, by the known variation (step-wise or linear) of one variable, whilst a second is kept constant using a power compensation differential scanning calorimeter." [] synonym: "power-compensation DSC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000684 ! differential scanning calorimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000687 name: differential thermal analysis def: "The measurement of the temperature difference between the sample and a reference material." [Orange:5.2.2] synonym: "DTA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000688 name: thermoacoustimetry def: "Thermal analysis where the characteristics of imposed acoustic wave passing through the sample are measured." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000689 name: thermodilatometry def: "The measurement of a dimension of the sample under negligible load as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000690 name: thermogravimetry def: "The measurement of the mass of a sample as a function of temperature." [] synonym: "TG" EXACT [] synonym: "TG analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "TG measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "TGA" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal gravimetric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "thermo-gravimetric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetric (TG) analyses" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetric (TG) analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetric analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000691 name: thermomagnetometry def: "The measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of a sample as a function of temperature." [] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000692 name: thermoptometry def: "The measurement of an optical characteristic of a sample as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000693 name: thermoluminescence def: "The measurement of the luminescence of a sample as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000692 ! thermoptometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000694 name: thermophotometry def: "The measurement of the total light, or the light of a specific wavelength emitted by a sample as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000692 ! thermoptometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000695 name: thermorefractometry def: "The measurement of the refractive index of a sample as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000692 ! thermoptometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000696 name: glass refractive index measurement def: "The measurement of the refractive index of small glass fragments as a function of temperature. The glass fragments are placed in silicone oil and observed as the temperature is raised. At the point where the glass fragment disappear the refractive index of the oil and glass are equal." [ISBN:0-85404-539-2] synonym: "GRIM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000695 ! thermorefractometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000697 name: thermosonimetry def: "The measurement of the sound emitted by a sample as a function of temperature." [Orange:5.2.2] is_a: CHMO:0000681 ! thermal analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000698 name: neutron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of cold or thermal neutrons at a sample and recording the resulting diffraction pattern." [FIX:0000008,] synonym: "neutron crystallography" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron diffraction analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "neutron diffractometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000141 ! diffraction method [Term] id: CHMO:0000699 name: neutron powder diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of cold or thermal neutrons at a powdered solid sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted neutrons." [] synonym: "NPD" RELATED [] synonym: "powder neutron diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000698 ! neutron diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000700 name: X-ray–ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is illuminated with radiation in the range Xray–ultraviolet, which causes ionisation and the emission of photoelectrons, the energies of which are measured." [] synonym: "XU photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XU photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XUPES" EXACT [] synonym: "XUPS" EXACT [] synonym: "XUV photoelectron spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "XUV photoelectron spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XUVPES" EXACT [] synonym: "XUVPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000387 ! photoelectron spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000701 name: liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being ionised and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance using two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "LC-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LCMSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000702 name: capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry def: "Any method where the sample is first separated by capillary electrophoresis, before being analysed by mass spectrometry." [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis/mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CE-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CE/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CEMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000706 ! electrophoresis-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0000703 name: capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a sample mixture is first separated by capillary electrophoresis, before being ionised in a plasma which has been generated by electromagnetic induction and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary electrophoresis-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "CE-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "CE-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "CE/ICP/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000702 ! capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001024 ! has proper occurrent part capillary electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0000704 name: direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by a corona discharge within a He atmosphere." [] synonym: "DART mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "DART mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DART MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DART-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DART/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "direct analysis in real time mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000710 ! ambient ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000705 name: electrospray ionisation Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 microlitre min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The mass-to-charge ratio of the ions is then determined by measuring their cyclotron frequency (the frequency at which they precesses in a fixed magnetic field) and subjecting it to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "electrospray ionisation Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-FT-ICR-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000502 ! Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000706 name: electrophoresis-mass spectrometry def: "Any method where the sample is first separated by electrophoresis, before being analysed by mass spectrometry." [] synonym: "E-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "electrophoresis mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electrophoresis-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001019 ! has proper occurrent part electrophoresis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001019 ! has proper occurrent part electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0000707 name: two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, before being converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "2DE-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional gel electrophoresis mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001029 ! has proper occurrent part two dimensional gel electrophoresis relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001029 ! has proper occurrent part two dimensional gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0000708 name: direct analysis in real time time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by a corona discharge within a He atmosphere. Sample ions with different masses are then accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "DART-TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "direct analysis in real time time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000704 ! direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000709 name: resonance light scattering synonym: "resonant light scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000710 name: ambient ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Any mass spectrometry technique where the sample is ionised at low or ambient temperature." [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000711 name: low-temperature plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) generated by an alternating current." [] synonym: "low temperature plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low temperature plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LTP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LTP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LTP/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000712 name: laser mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is illuminated with a laser." [] synonym: "L-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "laser mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000713 name: continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Spectra are obtained by scanning a range of radio frequencies." [rsc:pr] synonym: "c.w. NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000591 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000714 name: high-performance liquid chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before the energy states of spin-active nuclei in the sample, placed in a static magnetic field, are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002708 ! liquid chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000715 name: ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by ultra-performance liquid chromatography before being converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "ultra performance LC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-performance LC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "UPLC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "UPLC/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000796 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000795 ! has proper occurrent part ultra high performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000795 ! has proper occurrent part ultra high performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000716 name: high-performance liquid chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance-mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before the energy states of spin-active nuclei in the sample, placed in a static magnetic field, are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. The sample is then converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-NMR-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC/NMR/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000796 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000613 ! has proper occurrent part pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000613 ! has proper occurrent part pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000717 name: extractive electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a neutral sample, in the form of a gas or aerosol flow, is ionised by directing it into a plume of charged droplets, generated by forcing a solution of pure solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1-10 microlitres per minute) into an electric field." [] synonym: "EESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "EESI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "extractive electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "extractive electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000718 name: Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence alt_id: FIX:0000215 def: "A pulse sequence which is applied during nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure spin–spin (T2) relaxation times. For the pulse sequence see Rev. Sci. Inst., (1958), 29, pg 688." [] synonym: "Carr, Purcell,Meiboom,Gill pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "CPMG" EXACT [] synonym: "CPMG pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "CPMG sequence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001841 ! nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence [Term] id: CHMO:0000719 name: quadrupolar Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence def: "A pulse sequence which is applied during nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei, to measure spin–spin (T2) relaxation times. In the solid state, the sequence is used to achieve sensitivity enhancement for nuclei with low gyromagnetic ratios. For the pulse sequence see J. Phys. Chem. A, (1997), 101, pg 8597." [rsc:pr] synonym: "QCPMG" EXACT [] synonym: "QCPMG NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "QCPMG pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "QCPMG sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupolar Carr, Purcell,Meiboom, Gill pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupolar Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000718 ! Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence [Term] id: CHMO:0000720 name: 33S nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 33S nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:37980, rsc:pr] synonym: "33S NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "33S NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "33S NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "33S nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "33S-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000721 name: ultra-high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static (>900 MHz) magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "ultra high field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra high-field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrahigh-field NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000722 name: 77Se nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 77Se nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52457, rsc:pr] synonym: "77Se NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "77Se NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "77Se NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "77Se-NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000701 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000723 name: high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of spin-active nuclei placed in a static (>300 MHz) magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "high field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000724 name: one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where only one frequency dimension is employed, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (<=6 angstrom apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1D NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "1D nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "1D nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "1D-NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "1D-nOesy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000607 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000725 name: two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed, based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (<=6 angstrom apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D homonuclear NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "2D nOesy" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NOESY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-nOesy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000607 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000726 name: high resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (which is held in a liquid matrix) is bombarded with a stream of primary noble gas atoms and the secondary ions ejected from the sample are detected. The 'exact' mass of these secondary is then determined, as opposed to the 'nominal' mass (the number of protons and neutrons)." [] synonym: "high resolution FAB mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HR FAB-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "HRFABMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000563 ! fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000727 name: 2H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 2H nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:29237, FIX:0000588, rsc:pr] synonym: "2H NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "D-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "deuterium NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "deuteron NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000728 name: selective insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarization transfer def: "A heteronuclear NMR experiment in which magnetisation arising from 1H nuclei is transferred to covalently bound heteronuclei, thereby enhancing the NMR signal of the heteronuclei. Selective pulses, that only excite or 'select' some of the signals in the spectrum are used in this experiment." [rsc:pr] synonym: "selective INEPT" EXACT [] synonym: "selective insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarisation transfer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000612 ! insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarisation transfer [Term] id: CHMO:0000729 name: annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV is scanned across an electron-transparent specimen under vacuum. The beam of electrons is scattered or diffracted before reaching the specimen, and the image results from a weakening of the beam by its interaction with the sample. An annular aperture is used to select electrons that have passed through given symmetric zones within the objective lens of the microscope." [] synonym: "ADF-STEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002472 ! dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000730 name: high-angular annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV is scanned across an electron-transparent specimen under vacuum. The beam of electrons is scattered or diffracted at high angles before reaching the specimen, and the image results from a weakening of the beam by its interaction with the sample. An annular aperture is used to select electrons that have passed through given symmetric zones within the objective lens of the microscope." [] synonym: "HAADF-STEM" EXACT [] synonym: "high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high angular annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000729 ! annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000731 name: bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV is scanned across an electron-transparent specimen under vacuum. The beam of electrons passes directly through an aperture before reaching the specimen. The image results from a weakening of the direct beam by its interaction with the sample." [] synonym: "BF-STEM" EXACT [] synonym: "bright field scanning transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000086 ! scanning transmission electron microscopy is_a: CHMO:0002470 ! bright-field transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000732 name: synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. The X-rays are generated by the acceleration of charged particles through magnetic fields." [] synonym: "SR-XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron XRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000733 name: diffusion-ordered spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy using pulsed-field gradients where the rate of decay of NMR signals in each component of a sample mixture is measured across a series of experiments. The rate of signal decay is proportional to the diffusion coefficient for each component." [FIX:0000563, rsc:pr] synonym: "diffusion NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion ordered spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-edited NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-edited spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-ordered nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DOSY" EXACT [] synonym: "DOSY NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001117 ! nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000734 name: matrix-assisted laser desorption–ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is held in a matrix (such as dihydrobenzoic acid) to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules. In the first stage the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by four parallel electrodes (a quadrupole). In the second stage the sample ions are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "MALDI-QTOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-QTOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight mass" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000580 ! time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000735 name: gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by gas chromatography then sample ions with different masses are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "GC-TOF-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000497 ! gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000580 ! time-of-flight mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000580 ! time-of-flight mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000736 name: electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets and where sample ions with different masses are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "ESI TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-ToF-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000737 name: liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets and where sample ions with different masses are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "LC-ESI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ESI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000736 ! electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000751 ! liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000736 ! electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000738 name: reversed-phase liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where the sample mixture is first separated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of it through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 uL min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The ions are then characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance by two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "reverse-phase liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RPLC-LC-ESI-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "RPLC-LC-ESI-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "RPLC-LC-ESI-MS2" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000577 ! electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000701 ! liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000577 ! electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001050 ! has proper occurrent part reversed-phase liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001050 ! has proper occurrent part reversed-phase liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000739 name: 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 31P nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:37971, FIX:0000138, rsc:pr] synonym: "31P NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "31P NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "31P NMR Spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "31P NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "31P-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000740 name: 51V nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 51V nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52456, FIX:0000998, rsc:pr] synonym: "51V NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "51V NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "51V NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "51V nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "51V-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "vanadium-51 NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000741 name: discharge mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by an electrical discharge." [] synonym: "discharge MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000742 name: dielectric barrier discharge ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an alternating-voltage electrical discharge between a Cu sheet electrode and a discharge electrode separated by a glass slide. The glass slide acts as dielectric barrier and sample molecules on the surface of the glass slide are desorbed and ionised by the plasma." [] synonym: "DBDI mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "DBDI MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DBDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "dielectric barrier discharge ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "dielectric barrier discharge ionization mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dielectric barrier discharge ionization mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000741 ! discharge mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000743 name: electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Any type of magnetic resonance spectroscopy involving unpaired electrons." [] synonym: "EMR" EXACT [] synonym: "EMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001215 ! magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000744 name: electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where one electron spin resonance is detected though its effect on another." [FIX:0000171, ISBN:0306465337] synonym: "DEER" EXACT [] synonym: "DEER spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "double electron–electron resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "ELDOR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-electron double resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-electron double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000328 ! electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000745 name: pulsed electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where two microwave frequency pulse sequences are used to excite two electron resonance transitions and the effect of the first transition on the second is measured." [ISBN:0306465337] synonym: "PELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "PELDOR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse ELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed ELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electron double resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electron double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electron-electron double resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electron-electron double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000172 is_a: CHMO:0000744 ! electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000746 name: continuous wave electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is irradiated by two microwave frequencies which match electron resonance transitions. The effect of the higher power frequency ('pump') transition on the lower power ('observed') transitionsis measured." [ISBN:9810232950] synonym: "c.w. ELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave electron-electron double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-wave electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cw ELDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-ELDOR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000744 ! electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000747 name: electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a nuclear resonance is detected though its effect on an electron spin resonance." [FIX:0000024, ISBN:0124759637] synonym: "electron nuclear double resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "ENDOR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR detected NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000743 ! electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000748 name: pulsed electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a microwave frequency pulse is used to saturate the electron resonance transitions in a sample, and a radio frequency pulse is used excite a nuclear transition." [FIX:0000038,] synonym: "pulse ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse ENDOR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed ENDOR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000747 ! electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000749 name: continuous-wave electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where a sample is irradiated by a microwave frequency which matches an electron resonance transition, whilst nuclei in the vicinty of the unpaired eletron are excited by a radio frequency sweep." [FIX:0000039,] synonym: "c.w. ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "continous wave ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "cw ENDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-ENDOR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000747 ! electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000750 name: capillary liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by capillary liquid chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "cap-LC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CapLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "capLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001049 ! has proper occurrent part capillary liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001049 ! has proper occurrent part capillary liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000751 name: liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing the solution (usually in an organic solvent) through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "LC-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-ESIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ESIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000752 name: nanoflow liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography (with a flow rate of nL min-1) before being ionised by forcing the solution (usually in an organic solvent) through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The ions are then characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "NanoLC-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-ESI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-ESI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoliquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000751 ! liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000753 name: liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry def: "Amethod where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography before being ionised, and the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric or magnetic field." [] synonym: "LC-ITMS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography ion trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000500 ! ion trap mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000500 ! ion trap mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000754 name: nanoflow liquid chromatography chip enabled ion trap mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by liquid chromatography (flow rate nL min-1) before being passed though a 'chip' (a microfluidic device) to the mass spectrometer where the mass-to-charge ratio of the sample ions is measured whilst the ions are held in a stable orbit by an electric or magnetic field." [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography chip ion trap mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-CHIP-ITMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-chip-ITMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-CHIP/ITMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-chip/ITMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoliquid chromatography chip ion trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoliquid chromatography-CHIP/ion trap mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000753 ! liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000756 name: atmospheric pressure glow discharge mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised under atmospheric pressure in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an electrical discharge between two electrodes." [] synonym: "APGD-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APGD/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure glow discharge desorption mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure glow discharge mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "flowing afterglow atmospheric pressure glow discharge mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000537 ! glow-discharge mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000757 name: atmospheric pressure glow discharge tandem mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised under atmospheric pressure in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an electrical discharge between two electrodes. multiple mass-selection steps are used, with some form of fragmentation occurring between each stage." [] synonym: "APGD-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APGD-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "APGD-MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure glow discharge desorption tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "flowing afterglow atmospheric pressure glow discharge tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000575 ! tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000758 name: synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at a powder sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. The X-rays are generated by the acceleration of charged particles through magnetic fields." [] synonym: "SR-PXD" EXACT [] synonym: "SR-XRPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000158 ! powder X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000759 name: plasmon resonance energy transfer def: "Spectroscopy where by intentionally matching the plasmon resonance frequency of a gold nanoparticle with the frequency of the electronic transition energy of a biomolecule, energy transfer occurs which gives rise to resonant quenching dips in the Rayleigh scattering spectrum of the particle." [] synonym: "plasmonic resonance energy transfer" EXACT [] synonym: "PRET" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000760 ! resonance energy transfer [Term] id: CHMO:0000760 name: resonance energy transfer def: "Any method where a biological sample is illuminated with a light source and the energy transfer between molecules can be used for imaging and to measure inter-molecular distances." [] synonym: "RET" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000057 ! luminescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000761 name: confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample are measured and correlated within a very small detection volume. The light emitted during fluorescence is collected and guided through a pinhole before it is detected, reducing background interference." [FIX:0000379,] synonym: "confocal FCS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000762 name: scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample are measured and correlated within a very small detection volume which is moving with respect to the sample." [] synonym: "scanning FCS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000763 name: attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where infrared light is introduced into a prism at an angle exceeding the critical angle for internal reflection. This produces an evanescent wave at the reflecting surface (a surface which is transparent to infrared such as thallium bromide) on which the sample is supported. The distortion of the evanescent wave by the sample is measured producing a spectrum which is then subject to a Fourier transform." [FIX:0000644, ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "ATR FT-IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR FTIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "ATR-FTIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform attenuated total reflectance infra-red" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform attenuated total reflectance infra-red spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform attenuated total reflectance infrared" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR-ATR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000648 ! attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000764 name: colloidal probe atomic force microscopy def: "Microscopy which uses a microparticle (usually made of silica) mounted on the end of a cantilever to scan the surface of a colloidal specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the force between the two colloidal surfaces as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "colloid force microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "colloidal probe AFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000113 ! atomic force microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000765 name: total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where ultraviolet light is used to stimulate fluorescence in a sample, and the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations are measured and correlated within a very small detection volume. To generate total internal reflection the UV light is either passed through a prism to generate high enough incident angles, or the UV light is focused through the periphery of a high numerical aperture objective which is directly coupled to the sample surface." [] synonym: "TIR-FCS" EXACT [] synonym: "total internal reflection FCS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000766 name: supercritical angle fluorescence correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample emitted at supercritical angles are measured and correlated within a very small detection volume. Ultra-violet light is used to stimulate fluorescence." [rsc:b718132a] synonym: "SA-FCS" EXACT [] synonym: "supercritical angle FCS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000767 name: image correlation spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the spontaneous fluorescence intensity fluctuations of a sample are measured at several different points in parallel and correlated within very small detection volumes. Ultra-violet light is used to stimulate fluorescence." [] synonym: "ICS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000288 ! fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000768 name: negative-stain electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is stained with heavy metals salts (to improve contrast) before being bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV under vacuum. The interaction of the electrons with the specimen produces transmitted, secondary, backscattered and diffracted electrons and characteristic X-rays which are detected." [] synonym: "negative stain electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "negative stain EM" EXACT [] synonym: "negative-stain EM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000769 name: high resolution scanning electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where a finely focused electron beam is scanned across the specimen under vacuum and the secondary and backscattered electrons produced are detected." [] synonym: "high resolution SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution scanning electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HR SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-SEM" EXACT [] synonym: "HRSEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000073 ! scanning electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000770 name: single molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a visible laser, by a single molecule sample adsorbed onto a metal (Au, Ag or Cu) surface is detected." [] synonym: "single molecule surface enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "single molecule surface enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "single molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "single molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "single molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SM SERS" EXACT [] synonym: "SM-SERRS" EXACT [] synonym: "SM-SERS" EXACT [] synonym: "SM-SERS spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SMSERS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000677 ! surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000771 name: multiphoton fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where fluorophores in the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by absorption of two or more photons." [] synonym: "multi-photon excitation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-photon fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-photon fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton excitation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "multiphoton fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000772 name: two photon fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where fluorophores in the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by the near-simultaneous absorption of two photons." [] synonym: "two photon excitation microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "two photon fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "two-photon excitation imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "two-photon fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "two-photon fluorescence microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000771 ! multiphoton fluorescence microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000773 name: photoluminescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where luminesence (the emission of visible light) from molecules irradiated with light, is detected as a function of wavelength." [FIX:0000235,] synonym: "photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoluminescence spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "PL spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "PL spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001257 ! photoluminescence detection [Term] id: CHMO:0000774 name: transverse relaxation optimised spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR experiment employed for protein samples in which relaxation mechanisms are optimised in order to suppress transverse relaxation times (T2) and deliver only the sharpest signal present in a multiplet." [rsc:pr] synonym: "transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TROSY" EXACT [] synonym: "TROSY NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000565 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000775 name: dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of polarised light by a sample." [] synonym: "dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000776 name: linear dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption (parallel and perpendicular to the orientation axis) of linearly polarised light by a sample." [FIX:0000228,] synonym: "LD" EXACT [] synonym: "LD spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "linear dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "linear dichroism spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000775 ! dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000777 name: diffuse reflectance circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential diffuse reflectance of left- and right-handed circularly polarised light by a sample." [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance CD" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance circular dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "DRCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001161 ! reflectance circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000778 name: anomalous X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in phase of X-rays scattered by a sample. Normally incident X-rays continue in the same phase after encountering the scatterer. However, if the energy of the incident X-rays is at or above the absorption edge of the scatterer, a phase shift occurs." [] synonym: "anomalous X-ray dispersion" EXACT [] synonym: "AXD" EXACT [] synonym: "AXS" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray anomalous dispersion" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray anomalous scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000200 ! X-ray scattering [Term] id: CHMO:0000779 name: polarimetry alt_id: FIX:0000230 def: "The measurement of the extent to which a sample interacts with polarized electromagnetic radiation by transmission, reflection, refraction, or diffraction." [] synonym: "optical rotation measurement" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000208 ! reflection method relationship: OBI:0000299 CHMO:0002897 ! has_specified_output polarimeter [Term] id: CHMO:0000780 name: variable-temperature nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the response of a nucleus with non-zero spin to a perturbing magnetic field is detected at temperatures above or below the ambient probe temperature. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "variable temperature NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "variable temperature nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "variable-temperature NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "VT NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "VT-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000781 name: hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of two-dimensional EPR spectroscopy based on the electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) effect, where a sequence of four microwave pulses is applied to the sample and the stimulated spin-echo produced is measured." [] synonym: "2D-HYSCORE" EXACT [] synonym: "hyperfine sublevel correlation" EXACT [] synonym: "HYSCORE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000782 name: neutron activation analysis def: "A type of activation analysis where a sample is bombarded with neutrons, the capture of which results in the generation of radioactive nuclei for most elements in the sample. These activated nuclei then decay according to their characteristic half-lives." [] synonym: "NAA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001224 ! activation analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0000783 name: infrared dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption or reflection of polarised infrared light by a sample." [ISBN:0387989366] synonym: "ID" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared dichroism measurements" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000775 ! dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000784 name: site-specific infrared dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential absorption of polarised infrared light by a set of isotopically labelled sites in a sample. The introduction of a labelled atom e.g. 13C=16O, results in a shift of the corresponding absorption frequency." [ISBN:0387281460] synonym: "site specific infrared dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "site-specific ID" EXACT [] synonym: "site-specific infrared dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "SSID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000783 ! infrared dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000785 name: optical rotatory dispersion def: "The measurement of light rotation as a function of wavelength." [FIX:0000045, ISBN:0387448993] synonym: "ORD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000786 name: 129Xe nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 129Xe nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52453, FIX:0000139, rsc:pr] synonym: "129Xe NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "129Xe NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "129Xe NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "129Xe nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "129Xe-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000787 name: 197Au nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 197Au nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52454, FIX:0000749, rsc:pr] synonym: "197Au NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "197Au NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "197Au nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "197Au-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000788 name: 119Sn nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 119Sn nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "119Sn NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "119Sn NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "119Sn nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "119Sn-NMR" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0000741 is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52230 ! probes_atom tin-119 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52230 ! probes_atom tin-119 atom [Term] id: CHMO:0000789 name: pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where a spatially inhomogeneous magnetic field with a defined gradient is used, either to select a particular signal or to render unwanted signals undetectable." [rsc:pr] synonym: "PFG-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000790 name: high-resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy using pulsed-field gradients where the rate of decay of NMR signals in each component of a sample mixture is measured across a series of experiments. The rate of signal decay is proportional to the diffusion coefficient for each component. The diffusion coefficient for each peak is measured and this information is used to construct a 2D spectrum." [ISBN:8177648551] synonym: "high resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution DOSY" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution DOSY" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-DOSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000733 ! diffusion-ordered spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000791 name: diffusion-ordered spectrum def: "A two- or three-dimensional plot of one- or two-dimensional NMR spectra vs. the diffusion coefficients of the species involved." [,] synonym: "diffusion-edited NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-edited NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-edited spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-edited spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "diffusion-ordered spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "DOSY spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000792 name: ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometry def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation in the range ultraviolet to near-infrared (190–2000 nm) resulting in electronic transitions within the sample." [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible-near infrared absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS-NIR" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible-near IR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible-near IR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000291 ! spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000793 name: assay output def: "An information content entity that is output by an assay." [,] synonym: "experimental data" EXACT [] is_a: IAO:0000027 ! data item intersection_of: IAO:0000027 ! data item intersection_of: OBI:0000312 OBI:0000070 ! is_specified_output_of assay relationship: OBI:0000312 OBI:0000070 ! is_specified_output_of assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000794 name: cyclic voltammogram def: "A plot of cell current vs. the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes obtained from a cyclic voltammetry experiment." [] synonym: "CV graph" EXACT [] synonym: "CV graphs" EXACT [] synonym: "CV scan" EXACT [] synonym: "CV scans" EXACT [] synonym: "CVs" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclic voltammograms" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000922 ! voltammogram [Term] id: CHMO:0000795 name: ultra high performance liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small (< 2 microm) particles and the inlet pressure is relatively high." [] synonym: "ultra-performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "UPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001009 ! high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000796 name: high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000524 ! liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000797 name: orthogonal acceleration mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised and the ions are accelerated to very high kinetic energies by an ion source that works by sampling an ion beam travelling in a direction orthogonal to the axis of the flight path in the mass-to-charge analyser." [] synonym: "oa-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "orthogonal accelerator mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000471 ! acceleration mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000798 name: orthogonal acceleration time of flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised and the ions are accelerated to the same (known) very high kinetic energies by an ion source that works by sampling an ion beam travelling in a direction orthogonal to the axis of the flight path in the mass-to-charge analyser. The time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "oa-TOF mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "oa-TOF MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000797 ! orthogonal acceleration mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000799 name: electronic absorption spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance vs. wavelength, obtained by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed by a sample as a function of the wavelength of incident radiation, which reflects the electronic degrees of freedom of an atom or molecule." [] synonym: "electronic absorption spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000801 ! absorption spectrum is_a: CHMO:0000811 ! electronic spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000800 name: spectrum def: "A plot of a measured quantity against some experimental parameter." [] synonym: "spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "spectrum plot" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000793 ! assay output relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000228 ! is_specified_output_of spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000801 name: absorption spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed by a sample as a function of the wavelength of incident radiation." [] synonym: "absorbance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "absorbance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "absorption spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000802 name: acoustic emission spectrum def: "A plot of decibels vs. frequency obtained by measuring the amount of noise generated by a sample as a function of frequency of incident radiation." [] synonym: "acoustic emission spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000229 ! is_specified_output_of acoustic emission spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000803 name: alpha-particle spectrum def: "A plot of alpha-particle count vs. energy obtained by measuring the number and kinetic energies of alpha-particles emitted by a sample." [] synonym: "alpha particle spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha particle spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "alpha-particle spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "α-particle spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "α-particle spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000230 ! is_specified_output_of alpha-particle spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000804 name: atomic spectrum def: "A plot of absorption or emission radiation vs. frequency that reflects the internal degrees of freedom of an atom, obtained in an experiment where the sample is vaporised and then atomised." [] synonym: "atomic spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000223 ! is_specified_output_of ellipsometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000805 name: beta-particle spectrum def: "A plot of beta-particle count vs. energy obtained by measuring the number and energy of beta-particles emitted by a sample." [] synonym: "beta particle spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "beta particle spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "beta-particle spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000321 ! is_specified_output_of beta-particle spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000806 name: mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment." [] synonym: "mass spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000470 ! is_specified_output_of mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000807 name: chemical ionisation mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the ions are obtained by the sample interacting with reagent (N2, O2, H2O) gaseous ions at low pressure." [] synonym: "chemical ionisation mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical ionization mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical ionization mass spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000472 ! is_specified_output_of chemical ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000808 name: circular dichroism spectrum def: "A plot of ellipticity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised photon radiation as a function of wavelength." [] synonym: "CD spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "CD spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "circular dichroic spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "circular dichroic spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "circular dichroism (CD) spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "circular dichroism spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000323 ! is_specified_output_of circular dichroism spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000809 name: atomic force spectrum def: "A plot of force vs. distance obtained by measuring the force experienced by a tip against position on a surface." [] synonym: "atomic force spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "force curve" EXACT [] synonym: "force curves" EXACT [] synonym: "force profile" EXACT [] synonym: "force profiles" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000810 name: electron energy-loss spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. energy loss obtained by measuring the energy lost by electrons on interacting with a surface." [ISBN:3540738851] synonym: "EELS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "EELS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "electron energy-loss spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000366 ! is_specified_output_of electron energy loss spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000811 name: electronic spectrum def: "A spectrum that reflects the electronic degrees of freedom of an atom or molecule." [] synonym: "electronic spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000232 ! is_specified_output_of electronic spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000812 name: electrospray ionisation mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the ions are obtained by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "electrospray ionisation mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionization mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionization mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-MS spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000482 ! is_specified_output_of electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000813 name: emission spectrum def: "A plot of emission against wavelength obtained by measuring the emitted spectral radiant power against a quantity related to photon energy such as frequency, wavenumber or wavelength." [] synonym: "emission spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000814 name: corrected emission spectrum def: "A plot of emission against wavelength obtained by measuring the emitted spectral radiant power against a quantity related to photon energy such as frequency, wavenumber or wavelength and corrected for wavelength-dependent instrumental and sample effects." [] synonym: "corrected emission spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000813 ! emission spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000815 name: fluorescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity against wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation emitted by a sample through fluorescence against the frequency of the incident radiation." [] synonym: "fluorescence emission spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence emission spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000865 ! photoluminescence spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000287 ! is_specified_output_of fluorescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000816 name: gamma-ray spectrum def: "A plot of gamma-ray count vs. energy spectrum obtained by measuring the number and energy of gamma-rays emitted or absorbed by a sample." [] synonym: "gamma ray spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma ray spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "gamma-ray spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "γ-ray spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "γ-ray spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum relationship: OBI:0000312 CHMO:0000414 ! is_specified_output_of gamma-ray spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000817 name: impedance spectrum def: "A plot of impedance (Ω) vs. frequency that reflects the change in impedance of a sample during excitation." [] synonym: "dielectric spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "impedance spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000818 name: infrared spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance or emission vs. wavelength/wavenumber/frequency obtained by measuring the absorption or emission of infrared radiation by a sample." [] synonym: "infra-red spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "infra-red spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared (IR) spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared (IR) spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "infrared spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000801 ! absorption spectrum is_a: CHMO:0000813 ! emission spectrum is_a: CHMO:0000829 ! vibrational spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000819 name: microspectrum def: "A spectrum obtained from a very small portion of a sample, for example by means of a microscope." [] synonym: "microspectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000820 name: microwave spectrum def: "A plot of emission vs. wavelength obtained through a Fourier transform of the time series of the radiation emitted by a sample of gas phase molecules that have been excited by a microwave-frequency pulse." [] synonym: "microwave spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000821 name: photoacoustic spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the sound emitted when a gaseous sample is exposed to an intense laser beam, which is rapidly interrupted by a rotating slotted disk." [] synonym: "photoacoustic spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000822 name: photoelectron spectrum def: "A plot of photoelectron count vs. kinetic energy." [] synonym: "photoelectron spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000823 name: Raman spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. Raman shift (cm-1) obtained by measuring the Raman scattering of monochromatic light from a sample." [] synonym: "Raman spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000824 name: rotational spectrum def: "A spectrum that reflects the rotational degrees of freedom of a molecule." [] synonym: "rotational spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000825 name: surface plasmon resonance spectrum def: "A plot of reflectance vs. incident frequency or angle obtained by measuring the resonant excitation of surface plasmons (usually on a Au or Ag surface) by ultraviolet or visible light." [] synonym: "SPR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "SPR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "surface plasmon resonance spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000826 name: 13C magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 13C nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "13C MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000595 ! 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001080 ! 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000827 name: thermospray mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the ions are obtained by forcing a pressurised solution of the sample through a heated metal capillary tip." [] synonym: "thermospray mass spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000828 name: time-of-flight mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the mass-to-charge ratio is determined from the time they take to reach a detector." [] synonym: "time-of-flight mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF mass spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000829 name: vibrational spectrum def: "A spectrum that reflects the vibrational degrees of freedom of a molecule." [] synonym: "vibration spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "vibration spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000830 name: X-ray spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. energy obtained by measuring the number and energy of X-rays absorbed or emitted by a sample." [] synonym: "X-ray spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000831 name: action spectrum def: "A plot of a relative biological or chemical photoresponse per number of incident photons against wavelength or energy of radiation under the same radiant power of light." [] synonym: "action spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000832 name: conversion spectrum def: "A plot of a quantity related to the absorption, for example absorbance or cross section, multiplied by the quantum yield for the process considered against a measure of photon energy such as frequency, wavenumber or wavelength." [] synonym: "conversion spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000833 name: excitation spectrum def: "A plot of the spectral radiant exitance or of the spectral photon exitance against the frequency (or wavenumber, or wavelength) of excitation." [] synonym: "excitation spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000834 name: excitation-emission spectrum def: "A three-dimensional spectrum generated by scanning the emission spectrum at incremental steps of excitation wavelength." [] synonym: "excitation-emission spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "excitation-emission spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000835 name: nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "Any spectrum that shows the response of spin-active nuclei to radio frequency radiation in an applied magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000836 name: electron spin resonance spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. magnetic field strength obtained by measuring the absorption of radiation due to spin-state transitions of unpaired electrons against a perturbing magnetic field, in the presence of fixed-frequency microwave radiation. EPR spectra are often represented without axes." [, rsc:pr] synonym: "electron paramagnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spin resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "electron spin resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "ESR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ESR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000837 name: carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for carbon-13 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "13C NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "carbon-13 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "carbon-13 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000838 name: proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity and possibly other parameters for hydrogen-1 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "1H spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "proton NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "proton NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000839 name: phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for phosphorus-31 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "31P NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "31P NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphorus-31 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphorus-31 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000840 name: Mossbauer spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. velocity obtained by measuring the intensity and kinetic energy of a beam of gamma-rays transmitted through a solid sample." [] synonym: "Moessbauer spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "Moessbauer spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "Mossbauer spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "Mössbauer spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "Mössbauer spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000841 name: phosphorescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation emitted by a sample through phosphorescence against the wavelength of the incident radiation." [] synonym: "phosphorescence spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000865 ! photoluminescence spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000842 name: ultraviolet–visible spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed by a sample as a function of the wavelength of incident radiation in the ultraviolet to visible (190–800 nm) range." [] synonym: "spectrophotometric data" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet–visible spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–VIS absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–VIS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/vis spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/vis spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/visible spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/visible spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000799 ! electronic absorption spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000843 name: boron-11 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for boron-11 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "11B NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "11B NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "boron-11 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "boron-11 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000844 name: nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for nitrogen-15 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "15N NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "15N NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "nitrogen-15 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "nitrogen-15 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000845 name: fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for fluorine-19 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "19F NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "19F NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorine-19 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorine-19 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000846 name: sulfur-33 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for sulfur-33 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "33S NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "33S NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "sulfur-33 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "sulfur-33 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "sulphur-33 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "sulphur-33 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000847 name: vanadium-51 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of the resonance frequency of vanadium-51 nuclei in the same magnetic environment on a scale relative to their resonance frequency and with intensities proportional to the populations of nuclei in those environments." [] synonym: "51V NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "51V NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "vanadium-51 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "vanadium-51 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000848 name: selenium-77 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for selenium-77 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "77Se NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "77Se NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "selenium-77 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "selenium-77 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000849 name: crystallographic data def: "Data which is obtained from a diffraction experiment." [] synonym: "crystal data" EXACT [] synonym: "diffraction data" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001910 ! structure data [Term] id: CHMO:0000850 name: X-ray diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from an X-ray diffraction experiment." [] synonym: "X-ray crystallographic data" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "x-ray diffraction pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray diffraction spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD data" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD diffractogram" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD profile" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000849 ! crystallographic data [Term] id: CHMO:0000851 name: powder X-ray diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from an X-ray diffraction experiment where the specimen is a powder." [] synonym: "powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "powder X-ray diffractogram" EXACT [] synonym: "powder X-ray diffractograms" EXACT [] synonym: "powder XRD data" EXACT [] synonym: "powder XRD pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "PXD data" EXACT [] synonym: "PXD pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "PXRD data" EXACT [] synonym: "PXRD pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "XRD powder pattern" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000850 ! X-ray diffraction data [Term] id: CHMO:0000852 name: single-crystal X-ray diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from an X-ray diffraction experiment where the specimen is a single crystal." [] synonym: "single crystal X-ray diffraction data" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000850 ! X-ray diffraction data [Term] id: CHMO:0000853 name: Fourier transform infrared spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance or emission vs. wavelength/wavenumber/frequency obtained through a Fourier transform of the times series of the absorption of a sample that has been excited by an infrared-frequency pulse." [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000818 ! infrared spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000854 name: Auger spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. kinetic energy obtained when a high energy photon ionises a core electron and an electron from a higher energy level descends to take its place, releasing sufficient energy to eject a second so-called 'Auger' electron." [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000855 name: 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 31P nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "31P MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "31P MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "31P-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000739 ! 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000856 name: magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum alt_id: CHMO:0002440 def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum in which line broadening has been averaged to zero by spinning the solid sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "MAS NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "MAS spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001299 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000857 name: carbon-13 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are carbon-13 nuclei and in which line broadening has been averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C MAS NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "13C MAS-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "13C MAS-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000856 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000858 name: phosphorus-31 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are phosphorus-31 nuclei and in which line broadening has been averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "31P MAS NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "31P MAS-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000839 ! phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum is_a: CHMO:0000856 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000859 name: thermogravimetry-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy def: "The FTIR analysis of volatile compounds released during the measurement of the mass of a sample as a function of temperature." [] synonym: "TG-FT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "TG-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "TG/FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "TGA-FT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "TGA-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetry coupled to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetry-FTIR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000636 ! Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000690 ! thermogravimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000860 name: thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry def: "The MS analysis of volatile compounds released during the measurement of the mass of a sample as a function of temperature." [] synonym: "TG-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TG/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TGA-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "TGA/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "thermogravimetry coupled to mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000690 ! thermogravimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000861 name: high-temperature X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample which is heated from 25–2000 °C and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] synonym: "high temperature X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "high temperature XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "high-temperature XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "HT-XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "HTXRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000862 name: high-resolution X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a parallel beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [ISBN:0306458039] synonym: "high resolution X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "high resolution XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "high-resolution XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "HR-XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "HRXRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000863 name: positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy def: "A method for probing the free volume between polymer chains in which the anti-particle of an electron (a positron) is injected, from a radioactive source into the sample. When the positron is annihilated a characteristic energy is emitted, and the time from injection to energy emission is measured." [] synonym: "PALS" EXACT [] synonym: "positron lifetime spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000864 name: luminescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity against wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation emitted by a sample through luminescence against the frequency of the incident radiation." [] is_a: CHMO:0000813 ! emission spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000865 name: photoluminescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the intensity of radiation emitted by a sample through photoluminescence (emission of light as a result of stimulation with light) against the frequency/wavelength of the incident radiation." [] synonym: "photoluminescence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "PL emission spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "PL emission spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "PL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "PL spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000864 ! luminescence spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000866 name: room-temperature photoluminescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation emitted by a sample through photoluminescence (emission of visible light) against the frequency of the incident radiation at room temperature." [] synonym: "room temperature photoluminescence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "room temperature photoluminescence spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "room-temperature photoluminescence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "RT-PL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "RT-PL spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "RTPL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "RTPL spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000865 ! photoluminescence spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000867 name: low-temperature photoluminescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation emitted by a sample through photoluminescence (emission of visible light) against the frequency of the incident radiation at low temperature." [] synonym: "low temperature photoluminescence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "low temperature photoluminescence spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "low-temperature photoluminescence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LT-PL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LT-PL spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LTPL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LTPL spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000865 ! photoluminescence spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000868 name: sol–gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is held in a sol–gel matrix to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules. The sample molecular ions are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "SGALDI TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SGALDI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SGALDI-TOF/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000521 ! sol-gel-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000869 name: surface-enhanced laser desorption–ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser. The sample is mixed with a matrix compound (such as crystallised dihydrobenzoic acid) and deposited on a surface, with some chemical functionality, to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules. The sample molecular ions are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "SALDI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SALDI-TOF/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "SELDI-TOF-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000522 ! surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000870 name: near-infrared Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of near-infrared radiation (radiation in the range 0.8–2 μm) is detected." [] synonym: "near-infrared Raman" EXACT [] synonym: "NIR Raman" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000871 name: dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction. The sample is held in a dynamic reaction cell which contains a reagent gas that reacts preferentially with certain species, in order to allow only the analyte ions into the mass-to-charge analyser and the detector." [] synonym: "DRC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ICP-DRC-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000872 name: gas chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by gas chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-ICP/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000497 ! gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000873 name: ion-exchange chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by ion-exchange chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "IC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IC-ICP/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "IEC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: CHMO:0000538 ! inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001014 ! has proper occurrent part ion-exchange chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001014 ! has proper occurrent part ion-exchange chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0000874 name: conductive atomic force microscopy def: "Conductive AFM is used for collecting simultaneous topography imaging and current imaging. Specifically, standard conductive AFM operates in contact AFM mode. Variations in surface conductivity can be distinguished using this mode. Conductive AFM operates in contact AFM mode by using a conductive AFM tip. The contact tip is scanned in contact with the sample surface. Just like contact AFM, the feedback loop uses the DC cantilever deflection signal to maintain a constant force between the tip and the sample to generate the topography image. At the same time, a DC bias is applied to the tip. The sample is held at ground potential." [] synonym: "C-AFM" EXACT [] synonym: "CAFM" EXACT [] synonym: "conductive AFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000113 ! atomic force microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000875 name: electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, from a visible laser, at a metal (Au, Ag or Cu) electrochemcial interface is detected." [] synonym: "EC-SERS" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical SERS" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical surface enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000677 ! surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000876 name: Fourier transform electrochemical-induced impedance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the change in impedance (the resistance of alternating current) of an electrochemical cell is measured. A Fourier transform is then applied to the spectrum." [] synonym: "FT-EIS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000423 ! electrochemical-induced impedance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000877 name: time-resolved X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a short (ns or ps) pulse beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate as a function of time." [ISBN:0792346858] synonym: "time resolved X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "TR-XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "TRXRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000878 name: microphotoluminescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the luminesence (the emission of visible light) from a small area (<10 microns diameter) of a sample which has been illuminated with light, is detected." [] synonym: "micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-PL spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "μ-PL spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "μPL spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000773 ! photoluminescence spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000879 name: high-frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to short (ns) pulses of high-frequency microwave radiation (mm wavelength) in a high magnetic field is measured." [ISBN:0306483165] synonym: "HF-EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "HF-ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "high frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field electron spin resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "high-field ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "high-frequency EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "high-frequency ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000880 name: low-frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to short (ns) pulses of low-frequency microwave, L-band (cm wavelength) or radio frequency (m wavelength) radiation in a magnetic field is measured." [ISBN:0306483165] synonym: "low frequency EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "low frequency ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "low-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "low-frequency EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "low-frequency ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000881 name: saturation-transfer electron spin resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy used to measure very slow rotational motions where the response of an atom with an unpaired electron to short (ns) pulses of microwave radiation in a magnetic field is measured. The microwave energy absorbed by the spins is such that there is an equal population of upper and lower spin states (described as 'saturated')." [ISBN:0199637474] synonym: "saturation transfer electron spin resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "saturation transfer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "saturation-transfer EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "saturation-transfer ESR" EXACT [] synonym: "saturation-transfer spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ST-EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "ST-ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000882 name: longitudinally detected electron spin resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the longitudinal response of an atom with an unpaired electron in a magnetic field to two transverse waves is detected." [] synonym: "LODESR" EXACT [] synonym: "longitudinally-detected EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "longitudinally-detected ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000329 ! continuous-wave electron spin resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000883 name: plasma-assisted desorption–ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) is directed onto the surface of interest causing desorption of sample molecules from the surface and subsequent ionisation." [] synonym: "PADI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "PADI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-assisted desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-assisted desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000534 ! plasma mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000884 name: electrospray-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where neutral molecules are desorbed from the sample (usually biological) using a nitrogen laser and then ionised by collision with charged solvent droplets which are formed by forcing the solvent through a small heated capillary into an electric field." [] synonym: "ELDI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ELDI/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray ionisation laser desorption mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray-assisted laser desorption-ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-LD-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000515 ! laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000885 name: surface-enhanced chiral Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where vibrational optical activity from a sample absorbed onto a metal (Au, Ag or Cu) surface is measured by means of a small difference in the intensity of Raman scattering from chiral molecules of right- and left-circularly polarised incident light." [] synonym: "SEROA" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced chiral Raman spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "surface enhanced Raman optical activity" EXACT [] synonym: "surface-enhanced Raman optical activity" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000657 ! chiral Raman spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000886 name: dual-inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where purified gas obtained from a sample is alternated rapidly with a standard gas (of known isotopic composition) by means of a system of valves, so that a number of comparative measurements are made of both gases. The relative abundance of isotopes in a sample is then determined." [] synonym: "DI-IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "DI/IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "dual inlet IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "dual inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "dual-inlet IRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000887 name: continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the relative abundance of isotopes in a sample is determined. Measurements are taken immediately after sample preparation and separately to the standard gas." [] synonym: "CF-IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "CF/IRMS" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-flow IRMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000506 ! isotope ratio mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000888 name: proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where (J/scalar) couplings to 1H nuclei are cancelled by applying radio frequency radiation to saturate or otherwise manipulate the 1H spins such that no evolution of the coupling occurs." [rsc:pr] synonym: "proton-decoupled NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "proton-decoupled NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000889 name: proton-decoupled 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where (J/scalar) couplings between 31P and 1H nuclei are cancelled by applying radio frequency radiation to saturate or otherwise manipulate the 1H spins such that no evolution of the coupling occurs." [rsc:pr] synonym: "31P{1H}-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "31P{1H}-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000739 ! 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000888 ! proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000890 name: proton-decoupled 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where (J/scalar) couplings between 13C and 1H nuclei are cancelled by applying radio frequency radiation to saturate or otherwise manipulate the 1H spins such that no evolution of the coupling occurs." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C{1H}-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "13C{1H}-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000595 ! 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000888 ! proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000891 name: proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where (J/scalar) coupling patterns between protons and heteronuclei have been removed." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000892 name: proton-decoupled phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are phosphorus-31 nuclei and (J/scalar) coupling patterns between protons and phosphorus-31 nuclei have been removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "31P{1H} NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "31P{1H}-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000839 ! phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum is_a: CHMO:0000891 ! proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000893 name: proton-decoupled carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are carbon-13 nuclei and (J/scalar) coupling patterns between protons and carbon-13 nuclei have been removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C{1H} NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "13C{1H}-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000891 ! proton-decoupled nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000894 name: electron diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from an electron diffraction experiment." [] synonym: "ED data" EXACT [] synonym: "ED pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "electron diffraction pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "electron diffraction patterns" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000849 ! crystallographic data [Term] id: CHMO:0000895 name: transmission high-energy electron diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from a transmission high-energy electron diffraction experiment." [] synonym: "SADP data" EXACT [] synonym: "SAED data" EXACT [] synonym: "SAED pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "selected area electron diffraction data" EXACT [] synonym: "selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "THEED data" EXACT [] synonym: "THEED pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission high energy electron diffraction data" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000894 ! electron diffraction data [Term] id: CHMO:0000896 name: rotational-echo double-resonance spectroscopy def: "A magic angle spinning NMR experiment in which the evolution of dipolar couplings between nuclei is controlled by applying pulses at appropriate points in the rotational period, allowing the determination of the size of the coupling and, thus, yielding distance information." [FIX:0000973, rsc:pr] synonym: "REDOR" EXACT [] synonym: "rotational echo double resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000897 name: saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where radio frequency pulses are used to induce an equal population of upper and lower spin states in ('saturate') certain selected protons, removing their signal from the NMR spectrum. The resulting spectrum is then subtracted from a reference spectrum obtained without saturation. Saturation-transfer NMR is used to detect the transient binding of small molecule ligands to macromolecular receptors." [rsc:pr] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer difference (STD) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer difference spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "saturation transfer difference (STD) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "STD" EXACT [] synonym: "STD-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "STD-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000607 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000898 name: saturation transfer double difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A type of NMR spectroscopy where radio frequency pulses are used to induce an equal population of upper and lower spin states in ('saturate') certain selected protons, removing their signal from the NMR spectrum. The signal from two different samples is obtained simultaneously and common signals are cancelled automatically. Saturation-transfer double-difference NMR is used to detect the transient binding of small molecule ligands to macromolecular receptors." [rsc:pr] synonym: "saturation-transfer double-difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "STDD-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000897 ! saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000899 name: diffuse reflectance ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry def: "Spectroscopy where the diffuse reflection of radiation in the range ultraviolet to visible (190–800 nm) by a sample is measured." [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance UV-visible" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance UV–vis spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-DRS" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–vis-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–vis–DRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000292 ! ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000900 name: X-ray photoelectron spectrum def: "A plot of photoelectron count vs. kinetic energy (following illumination of the sample with X-rays)." [] synonym: "X-Ray photoelectron spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "X-Ray photoelectron spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "XPS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "XPS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "XPS survey spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "XPS survey spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000822 ! photoelectron spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000901 name: neutron diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from a neutron diffraction experiment." [] is_a: CHMO:0000849 ! crystallographic data [Term] id: CHMO:0000902 name: temperature-resolved X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate as a function of temperature." [] synonym: "temperature-resolved XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "variable-temperature X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "VT-XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray thermodiffractometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000903 name: chemical shift anisotropy experiment def: "An NMR experiment in which differences in chemical shift are used to give information about the orientation of those spins with respect to the field and, thus, the orientation of the molecule." [rsc:pr] synonym: "CSA experiment" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000904 name: paramagnetic relaxation enhancement def: "An NMR technique whereby paramagnetic ions are introduced to a sample which cause enhanced relaxation of the spins in proximity of the paramagnetic spin label, giving long-range (up to 24 Å) structural information. Also used in binding studies, allowing identification of the atoms involved in binding." [rsc:pr] synonym: "paramagnetic relaxation enhancements" EXACT [] synonym: "PRE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000905 name: spin diffusion experiment def: "An NMR experiment which exploits the increased efficiency of energy (magnetisation) transfer between nuclei via dipolar coupling in rigid or semi-rigid samples. The rate at which polarisation is transferred between spins is measured giving information on the proximity and orientation of the interacting spins within the sample." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000906 name: spin counting experiment def: "An NMR experiment which measures the variation in amplitude of signals from dipolar-coupled nuclei over time, yielding information about the number of coupled nuclei in the system." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method [Term] id: CHMO:0000907 name: 1H spin diffusion experiment def: "An NMR experiment which exploits the increased efficiency of energy (magnetisation) transfer between 1H nuclei via dipolar coupling in rigid or semi-rigid samples. The rate at which polarisation is transferred between spins is measured giving information on the proximity and orientation of the interacting spins within the sample." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0000905 ! spin diffusion experiment [Term] id: CHMO:0000908 name: 19F spin diffusion experiment def: "An NMR experiment which exploits the increased efficiency of energy (magnetisation) transfer between 19F nuclei via dipolar coupling in rigid or semi-rigid samples. The rate at which polarisation is transferred between spins is measured giving information on the proximity and orientation of the interacting spins within the sample." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0000905 ! spin diffusion experiment [Term] id: CHMO:0000909 name: polarisation inversion and spin exchange at the magic angle def: "Magic angle spinning NMR experiments in which dipolar coupling is reintroduced to obtain information on the proximity of nuclei within the sample." [FIX:0001006, rsc:pr] synonym: "dipolar recoupling distance experiment" EXACT [] synonym: "dipolar recoupling experiment" EXACT [] synonym: "PISEMA" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization inversion and spin exchange at the magic angle" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000910 name: separated-local-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A two-dimensional NMR experiment which exploits the differential dipolar couplings which nuclei exhibit to their neighboring protons within local magnetic fields. The experiment consist of two time intervals: during the first time period the dipolar couplings are encoded in the NMR signal, while in the detection period the signals of different nuclei are separated on the basis of their differences in chemical shift." [ISBN:1402053274] synonym: "2D separated local field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D SLF" EXACT [] synonym: "2D SLF NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-SLF" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-SLF NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separate local field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separate-local-field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separated local field (SLF) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separated local field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separated local field spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "separated-local field (SLF) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separated-local field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "separated-local-field spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SLF NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "SLF spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000598 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000911 name: 15N separated-local-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "A two-dimensional NMR experiment which exploits the differential dipolar couplings which 15N nuclei exhibit to their neighboring protons within local magnetic fields. The experiment consist of two time intervals: during the first time period the dipolar couplings are encoded in the NMR signal, while in the detection period the signals of different nuclei are separated on the basis of their differences in chemical shift." [] synonym: "15N separated-local-field NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "15N SLF NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "2D 15N SLF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000910 ! separated-local-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000912 name: 19F spin counting experiment def: "An NMR experiment which measures the variation in amplitude of signals from dipolar-coupled 19F nuclei over time, yielding information about the number of coupled nuclei in the system." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0000906 ! spin counting experiment [Term] id: CHMO:0000913 name: 15N chemical shift anisotropy experiment def: "An NMR experiment in which differences in chemical shift of 15N nuclei under isotropic (unaligned media) and anisotropic (aligned media) conditions are used to give information about the orientation of those spins with respect to the field and, thus, the orientation of the molecule." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0000903 ! chemical shift anisotropy experiment [Term] id: CHMO:0000914 name: differential scanning calorimetry curve def: "A plot of enthalpy vs. temperature obtained by measuring the enthalpy required to increase the temperature of a sample as a function of temperature." [] synonym: "DSC curve" EXACT [] synonym: "DSC heating curve" EXACT [] synonym: "DSC plot" EXACT [] synonym: "DSC thermogram" EXACT [] synonym: "DSC thermograms" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000915 name: rheometry def: "The study of the flow of fluids which cannot be defined by a single value of viscosity. Rheometry is the measurement of the relationship between deformation and stress for these liquids." [] synonym: "rheological measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "rheology" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000916 name: shear rheometry def: "The characterisation of flow or deformation of a liquid, which cannot be defined by a single value of viscosity, as a result of shear stress." [] synonym: "shear rheology" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000915 ! rheometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000917 name: temperature-dependent rheometry def: "The study of the temperature dependence of the relationship between deformation and stress for fluids which cannot be defined by a single value of viscosity." [] synonym: "temperature dependent rheology" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature dependent rheometry" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-dependent rheological measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-dependent rheology" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000915 ! rheometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000918 name: flow curve def: "A plot of stress vs. flow rate obtained from rheological measurements." [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000919 name: grazing-angle X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. The incident X-ray beam strikes the sample at a small angle (<5°) close to the critical angle of total external X-ray reflection." [] synonym: "GAXRD" EXACT [] synonym: "GID" EXACT [] synonym: "GIXRD" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing angle X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing incidence X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing incidence XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-angle X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-incidence XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing angle X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing incidence X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing incidence XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-angle incidence X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-angle incidence XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-incidence diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "grazing-incidence XRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001152 ! small-angle X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0000920 name: variable angle correlation spectroscopy def: "A two-dimensional solid-state NMR experiment which correlates the chemical shift anisotropy of a nucleus with its isotropic chemical shift by performing a series of experiments each at a different spinning angle relative to the magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D VACSY" EXACT [] synonym: "2D VACSY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "VACSY" EXACT [] synonym: "VACSY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "variable-angle correlation spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000909 ! polarisation inversion and spin exchange at the magic angle [Term] id: CHMO:0000921 name: Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry def: "An electrochemical technique where the cell current is measured as a function of time and as a function of the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes. The potential is varied as a square wave and there is one square wave cycle per staircase step." [ISBN:0471594628] synonym: "Osteryoung square wave voltammetry" EXACT [] synonym: "OSWV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000040 ! square-wave voltammetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000922 name: voltammogram def: "A plot of cell current vs. the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes obtained from a voltammetry experiment." [] synonym: "voltammetric profile" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000923 name: square-wave voltammogram def: "A plot of cell current vs. the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes obtained from a square-wave voltammetry experiment." [] synonym: "square wave voltammogram" EXACT [] synonym: "square wave voltammograms" EXACT [] synonym: "square-wave voltammograms" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000922 ! voltammogram [Term] id: CHMO:0000924 name: magnetometry alt_id: FIX:0000048 def: "The measurement of the strength and/or direction of magnetic fields, or the magnetic susceptibility of a sample." [] synonym: "magnetic susceptibility measurements" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000925 name: vibrating-sample magnetometry def: "The measurement of the change in magnetic field caused by the vibration of a sample." [] synonym: "vibrating sample magnetometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VSM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000924 ! magnetometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000926 name: superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry def: "The measurement of very small magnetic fields (5 x 10-18 T) using a superconducting quantum interference device." [] synonym: "SQUID magnetometry" EXACT [] synonym: "SQUID measurements" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000924 ! magnetometry [Term] id: CHMO:0000927 name: velocimetry def: "The measurement of the velocity of a moving object or medium." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0000928 name: particle-tracking velocimetry def: "A method for determining the velocity of fluids by tracking the diffracted or fluorescent light emitted from individual particles in successive digital camera images." [] synonym: "particle tracking velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "PTV" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0002042 ! optical velocimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0000929 name: frequency-switched Lee-Goldberg cross polarization def: "A magic angle spinning NMR dipolar recoupling technique used to determine dipolar couplings between 1H and 13C nuclei. A FSLG sequence is used to remove homonuclear couplings (by spin-locking the 1H nuclei) and polarization transfer from the protons to the 13C via dipolar coupling manifests as a splitting of the detected 13C signal." [rsc:pr] synonym: "frequency switched Lee-Goldberg cross polarisation" EXACT [] synonym: "frequency switched Lee-Goldberg cross polarization" EXACT [] synonym: "frequency-switched Lee-Goldberg cross polarisation" EXACT [] synonym: "FSLG-CP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000909 ! polarisation inversion and spin exchange at the magic angle [Term] id: CHMO:0000930 name: cold-spray ionisation mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment , where the ions are obtained by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small cold (10–80 °C) capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "cold-spray ionisation mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "CSI-MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "CSI-MS spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000812 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000931 name: heteronuclear two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Any type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed." [FIX:0000147, rsc:pr] synonym: "heteronuclear 2D NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000598 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000932 name: two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A two-dimensional plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for spin-active nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field. Signals are defined in terms of two frequencies; by the chemical shift of a particular nucleus in one dimension and, in the other, by the chemical shift of a correlated nucleus." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000933 name: distortionless enhancement with polarization transfer spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the where the nuclei of interest are carbon-13 nuclei, the signals from which are enhanced by the transfer of magnetisation from 1H nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "DEPT NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "DEPT spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000837 ! carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000934 name: heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum def: "A two-dimensional NMR spectrum in which peaks appear at the chemical shift of (usually) protons in one dimension and at the chemical shift of their covalently-bound heteroatoms in the other dimension." [rsc:pr] synonym: "heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "HSQC spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "HSQC spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000932 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000935 name: heteronuclear multiple bond coherence spectrum def: "A heteronuclear NMR spectrum where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between nuclei which are 2–3 bonds removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "HMBC spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "HMBC spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000932 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000936 name: reflectance spectroscopy def: "The study of radiation as a function of wavelength that has been reflected from or scattered by a sample." [] synonym: "reflectance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000937 name: reflectance spectrum def: "A plot of reflectance (%) vs. wavenumber obtained by measuring the amount of radiation reflected by a sample." [] synonym: "reflectance spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000938 name: transmission spectroscopy def: "The study of radiation as a function of wavelength that has been transmitted through a sample." [] synonym: "transmission spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "transmittance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "transmittance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000939 name: transmission spectrum def: "A plot of transmittance vs. wavelength." [] synonym: "transmission spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "transmittance spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0000940 name: vector piezoresponse force microscopy def: "Microscopy where an electric field is applied to a sharp spike (known as a 'tip') which is mounted on the end of a cantilever. The tip scans the surface of a piezoelectric specimen and the distortion of the electric field by the specimen is measured as components from three directions (one vertical and two lateral). A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [] synonym: "vector PFM" EXACT [] synonym: "VPFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000114 ! piezoresponse force microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0000941 name: scanning electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to produce an enlarged image of a specimen by scanning a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage of 50–150 kV across the specimen under vacuum and measuring the interaction of the electrons with the specimen." [] synonym: "SEM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001088 ! electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000942 name: field-emission scanning electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to produce an enlarged image of a specimen by scanning a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam produced by thermionic emission heating (field emission) with an acceleration voltage of 50–150 kV across the specimen under vacuum and measuring interaction of the electrons with the specimen." [] synonym: "FE-SEM" RELATED [] synonym: "FEG-SEM" RELATED [] synonym: "field emission scanning electron microscope" EXACT [] synonym: "field emission SEM" RELATED [] synonym: "field-emission SEM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000941 ! scanning electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000943 name: scanning probe microscope def: "A microscope which uses a probe to scan the surface of the specimen, mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the probe-surface interaction as a function of position, producing an image of the surface. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the probe and surface during scanning." [CHMO:0000112] synonym: "SPM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000945 name: dynamic reaction cell def: "A piece of apparatus that contains a reagent gas that reacts preferentially with certain species in order to allow only the analyte ions into the mass-to-charge analyser and the detector." [] synonym: "DRC" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device relationship: BFO:0000175 CHMO:0000955 ! proper part of continuant at some time inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0000946 name: optical tweezers def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of a laser, an optical microscope, a condenser and a CCD camera, that is used to manipulate microscopic particles." [] synonym: "optical trap" EXACT [] synonym: "optical tweezer" EXACT [] synonym: "single-beam gradient force optical trap" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000947 name: optical microscope def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of an eyepiece, an objective lens, object turret, stage, and light source, which collects electromagnetic radiation in the visible range." [] synonym: "light microscope" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0000948 name: charge-coupled device def: "A piece of apparatus, based on a semiconductor chip, which converts the intensity of light falling onto its surface at different points into a charge. When a photon is absorbed by the chip, a single electron is released. Electrodes covering the chip surface hold these electrons in place in an array of wells, or pixels, so that during exposure of the chip to light, a pattern of charge builds up that corresponds to the pattern of light." [] synonym: "CCD" EXACT [] synonym: "CCD array" EXACT [] synonym: "charge coupled device" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device relationship: BFO:0000175 CHMO:0002181 ! proper part of continuant at some time charge-coupled-device camera [Term] id: CHMO:0000949 name: charge-coupled device diffractometer def: "A diffractometer in which the detector is a charge-coupled device." [] synonym: "CCD diffractometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000950 ! diffractometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000950 ! diffractometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000948 ! has proper continuant part at some time charge-coupled device relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000948 ! has proper continuant part at some time charge-coupled device [Term] id: CHMO:0000950 name: diffractometer def: "A piece of apparatus which illuminates a sample with X-rays, electrons or neutrons and measures the diffraction pattern produced. It typically will contain at least one monochromator to ensure the incident radiation is of a specific energy, a goniometer which allows the geometry of the sample and detector to be precisely specified, and a detector." [] is_a: CHMO:0002793 ! sensor [Term] id: CHMO:0000951 name: atomic force microscopy tip def: "A sharp spike which is mounted on the end of a cantilever and used to scan the surface of a specimen in atomic force microscopy." [] synonym: "AFM tip" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force microscope (AFM) tip" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force microscope tip" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000952 name: atomic force microscopy cantilever def: "A cantilever used in atomic force microscopy to transmit force from the tip to a recording device." [] synonym: "AFM cantilever" EXACT [] synonym: "AFM lever" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force microscope cantilever" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000953 name: microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to generate an image of the surface of a specimen, whether by focusing reflected light onto where it can be collected or by scanning a given area of the surface." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000954 name: atomic force microscope def: "A microscope which uses a sharp spike (known as a 'tip') mounted on the end of a cantilever to scan the surface of the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the force experienced by the tip as a function of position. A feedback loop is used to maintain a fixed relationship between the tip and surface during scanning." [CHMO:0000113] synonym: "AFM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000951 ! has proper continuant part at some time atomic force microscopy tip relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000952 ! has proper continuant part at some time atomic force microscopy cantilever [Term] id: CHMO:0000955 name: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer that uses an inductively coupled plasma torch, an ion source that consists of a torch that is surrounded by a radio frequency generator that ionises argon gas inside the torch to form a high-temperature (up to 10 000 K) plasma that can be used to ionise analytes." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "ICP MS" RELATED [] synonym: "ICP-MS" RELATED [] synonym: "plasma emission spectrometer (ICP)" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000956 ! has proper continuant part at some time inductively coupled plasma torch relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000956 ! has proper continuant part at some time inductively coupled plasma torch [Term] id: CHMO:0000956 name: inductively coupled plasma torch def: "An ion source that consists of a torch that is surrounded by a radio frequency generator that ionises argon gas inside the torch to form a high-temperature (up to 10 000 K) plasma that can be used to ionise analytes." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "ICP torch" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000960 ! ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000957 name: chemical ionisation source def: "An ion source that consists of a high-pressure ionisation chamber containing a reagent gas (for example N2, O2 or H2O) which is ionised by high-energy electrons from a heated strip of metal and goes on to react with the analyte to ionise it." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "chemical ionization source" EXACT [] synonym: "CI source" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000960 ! ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000958 name: electron ionisation mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer that uses an electron ionisation source, which consists of a thin strip of metal that is heated electrically to incandescence or a temperature at which it emits free electrons that are accelerated through a potential to an energy where they ionise the sample." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "EI MS" RELATED [] synonym: "electron ionization mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000959 ! has proper continuant part at some time electron ionisation source relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000959 ! has proper continuant part at some time electron ionisation source [Term] id: CHMO:0000959 name: electron ionisation source def: "An ion source that consists of an ionisation chamber and a thin strip of metal that is heated electrically to incandescence or a temperature at which it emits free electrons that are accelerated through a potential to an energy where they ionise the sample." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "EI source" EXACT [] synonym: "electron impact source" EXACT [] synonym: "electron ionization source" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000960 ! ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000960 name: ion source def: "A piece of apparatus that takes an analyte and generates ions which are passed to the rest of a mass spectrometer for analysis." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000961 name: orthogonal-acceleration ion source def: "An ion source that works by sampling an ion beam travelling in a direction orthogonal to the axis of the flight path in the mass-to-charge analyser." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: CHMO:0000960 ! ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000962 name: orthogonal-acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer which uses a time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser to separate ions. Ions introduced into the mass analyzer are accelerated along the axis perpendicular to their initial direction of motion." [] synonym: "oa-TOF MS" RELATED [] synonym: "oa-TOF-MS" RELATED [] synonym: "oaTOF mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "oaTOF MS" RELATED [] synonym: "oaTOF-MS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000961 ! has proper continuant part at some time orthogonal-acceleration ion source relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000961 ! has proper continuant part at some time orthogonal-acceleration ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0000963 name: quadrupole mass spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus that consists of an ion source, a mass-to-charge analyser, a detector and a vacuum system and is used to measure mass spectra. The detector is a quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser, which holds the ions in a stable orbit by an electric field generated by four parallel electrodes." [] synonym: "QMS" RELATED [] synonym: "quadrapole mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000966 ! has proper continuant part at some time quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000966 ! has proper continuant part at some time quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000964 name: ion cyclotron resonance cell def: "A piece of apparatus consisting of paired trapping plates, receiver plates and transmitter plates which provides a magnetic field that coherently excites ions according to their cyclotron frequencies which depend on their mass-to-charge ratio." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000965 name: Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer that uses an ion cyclotron resonance cell (a piece of apparatus that measures the frequency at which ions precesses in a fixed magnetic field and subjects the frequency output to a Fourier transform) as a mass-to-charge analyser and detector." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "FT-ICR MS" RELATED [] synonym: "FTICR MS" RELATED [] synonym: "FTICR spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002657 ! ion trap mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0002657 ! ion trap mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000964 ! has proper continuant part at some time ion cyclotron resonance cell relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000964 ! has proper continuant part at some time ion cyclotron resonance cell [Term] id: CHMO:0000966 name: quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser def: "A mass-to-charge analyser that uses a quadrupolar potential (generated by four parallel electrodes) to constrain the trajectories of ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio." [] synonym: "QIT" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrapole mass analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrapole mass-to-charge analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole ion trap" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole mass analyser" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000978 ! mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000967 name: transmission quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser def: "A mass-to-charge analyser that consists of a set of four linear electrodes and allows only ions of a given mass-to-charge ratio, set according to the direct current and radio frequency potentials, to reach a detector." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "QMF" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole mass filter" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000966 ! quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000968 name: Orbitrap def: "A mass-to-charge analyser that consists of two coaxial axially symmetric electrodes, the outer one in the shape of a barrel, the inner one in the shape of a spindle, that traps ions in oscillating trajectories along the z-axis according to their mass-to-charge ratio." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: CHMO:0000966 ! quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000969 name: linear quadrupole ion trap mass-to-charge analyser def: "A mass-to-charge analyser that uses a two-dimensional quadrupole field (generated by four parallel electrodes) to constrain ions radially into trajectories that correspond to their mass-to-charge ratio." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "2D QIT" EXACT [] synonym: "linear quadrapole ion trap mass-to-charge analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "linear quadrapole mass analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "linear quadrupole ion trap mass analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "linear quadrupole mass analyser" EXACT [] synonym: "QLT" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole linear ion trap" EXACT [] synonym: "quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000966 ! quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000970 name: three-dimensional quadrupole ion trap mass-to-charge analyser def: "A mass-to-charge analyser that uses a three-dimensional quadrupole field (generated by four parallel electrodes) to trap ions in orbits that correspond to their mass-to-charge ratio." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "3D QIT" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000966 ! quadrupole mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000971 name: support-coated open-tubular column def: "An open-tubular column in which a layer of porous particles deposited from a suspension coats the inner wall and serves as a support for a liquid stationary phase." [Orange:] synonym: "SCOT column" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000972 ! porous-layer open-tubular column [Term] id: CHMO:0000972 name: porous-layer open-tubular column def: "An open-tubular column in which a porous layer, achieved by either etching a non-porous layer or by deposition of porous particles from a suspension, coats the inner wall and may serve as a support for a liquid stationary phase or as the stationary phase itself." [Orange:] synonym: "PLOT column" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000974 ! open-tubular column [Term] id: CHMO:0000973 name: wall-coated open-tubular column def: "An open-tubular column in which the liquid stationary phase is coated on the unmodified smooth inner wall of the tube." [Orange:] synonym: "WCOT column" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000974 ! open-tubular column [Term] id: CHMO:0000974 name: open-tubular column def: "A chromatography column in which either the inner tube wall or a liquid or active solid held stationary on the tube wall acts as the stationary phase and there is an open, unrestricted path for the mobile phase." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000997 ! chromatography column [Term] id: CHMO:0000975 name: packed column def: "A chromatography column that contains a solid packing." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000997 ! chromatography column [Term] id: CHMO:0000976 name: high-performance liquid chromatography column def: "A chromatography column that contains very small particles and is capable of taking a high inlet pressure." [] synonym: "HPLC column" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000997 ! chromatography column [Term] id: CHMO:0000977 name: reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer which uses a time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser and a reflectron to separate ions. The reflectron uses a constant electrostatic field to reflect the ion beam toward the detector. The more energetic ions penetrate deeper into the reflectron, and take a slightly longer path to the detector. Less energetic ions of the same charge-to-mass ratio penetrate a shorter distance into the reflectron and, correspondingly, take a shorter path to the detector." [] synonym: "reflectron TOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "reTOF MS" EXACT [] synonym: "reTOF-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000981 ! time-of-flight mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000979 ! has proper continuant part at some time reflectron intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000980 ! has proper continuant part at some time time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000979 ! has proper continuant part at some time reflectron relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000980 ! has proper continuant part at some time time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000978 name: mass-to-charge analyser def: "A piece of apparatus which separates ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000979 name: reflectron def: "A piece of apparatus which produces an electric field that accelerates ions in a mass-to-charge analyser in a direction opposite to their direction of travel, acting as an ion mirror to separate ions of the same mass-to-charge ratio that have different kinetic energy." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000980 name: time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser def: "A piece of apparatus which accelerates a sample of ions so that they all have the same kinetic energy across a field-free drift region of length 1–2 m to a detector, thus separating the ions by their velocity, which is proportional to their mass-to-charge ratio." [] is_a: CHMO:0000978 ! mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000981 name: time-of-flight mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer which uses a time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser to separate ions." [] synonym: "TOF MS" RELATED [] synonym: "TOF-MS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000980 ! has proper continuant part at some time time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0000980 ! has proper continuant part at some time time-of-flight mass-to-charge analyser [Term] id: CHMO:0000982 name: mass spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus that consists of at least an ion source, a mass-to-charge analyser, a detector and a vacuum system and is used to measure mass spectra." [] is_a: CHMO:0001234 ! spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0000983 name: separation capillary def: "A piece of apparatus that has the form of a tube with an internal diameter of 20–100 micrometres and hosts the separation medium in capillary electrophoresis." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000984 name: liquid stationary phase def: "A liquid that plays the role of the stationary component in chromatography, and may be chemically bonded or immobilized onto a solid." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000986 ! stationary phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000985 name: solid stationary phase def: "A solid that plays the role of the stationary component in chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000986 ! stationary phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000986 name: stationary phase def: "A solid, gel or liquid that plays the role of the stationary component in chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000994 ! chromatographic phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000987 name: capillary column def: "A piece of apparatus that has the form of a tube with a diameter of less than a millimetre and hosts the stationary bed in chromatography." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000988 name: chromatography paper def: "An open chromatographic bed that consists of a sheet of paper, often filter paper." [] is_a: CHMO:0000990 ! open chromatographic bed [Term] id: CHMO:0000989 name: thin-layer chromatography plate def: "An open chromatographic bed that consists of a thin (0.10 to 0.25 mm) layer of sorbent applied to a firm backing of glass, aluminium or a plastic sheet to act as a support. Numerous sorbents have been used including silica gel, cellulose, aluminium oxide and polyamide." [ISBN:9780854045358] synonym: "TLC plate" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000990 ! open chromatographic bed [Term] id: CHMO:0000990 name: open chromatographic bed def: "A piece of apparatus that is planar and is or hosts the stationary bed in chromatography." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000991 name: liquid mobile phase def: "A liquid that percolates through the stationary bed in chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000995 ! mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000992 name: supercritical mobile phase def: "A supercritical fluid that percolates through the stationary bed in chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000995 ! mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000993 name: portion of material def: "An independent material continuant that is self-connected and retains its identity over time." [] is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity [Term] id: CHMO:0000994 name: chromatographic phase def: "One of the portions of material between which the components to be separated are distributed in chromatography." [] is_a: CHMO:0000993 ! portion of material [Term] id: CHMO:0000995 name: mobile phase alt_id: CHMO:0002468 def: "A fluid that percolates through or along the stationary bed in chromatography." [Orange:] synonym: "eluent" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000994 ! chromatographic phase intersection_of: CHMO:0000994 ! chromatographic phase intersection_of: BFO:0000085 CHMO:0002742 ! has function at some time elution relationship: BFO:0000085 CHMO:0002742 ! has function at some time elution [Term] id: CHMO:0000996 name: gaseous mobile phase def: "A gas that percolates through the stationary bed in chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0000995 ! mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0000997 name: chromatography column def: "A piece of apparatus that has the form of a tube with a diameter between 5 to 50 mm and hosts the stationary bed in chromatography." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0000999 name: separation method alt_id: FIX:0000002 def: "A method that results in the separation of two or more components according to some property." [] synonym: "partition" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001000 name: chromatography alt_id: FIX:0000053 def: "A separation method where the components are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary, while the other moves in a definite direction." [] synonym: "analytical chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "chromatographic analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "preparative chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001001 name: column chromatography alt_id: CHMO:0002118 def: "A chromatography method where the stationary bed is within a tube (of standard length 25 cm). The particles of the solid stationary phase or support coated with a liquid stationary phase may fill the whole inside volume of the tube (packed column) or be concentrated on or along the inside tube wall leaving an open, unrestricted path for the mobile phase in the middle part of the tube (open-tubular column)." [,] synonym: "preparative column chromatography" NARROW [] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000997 ! has participant chromatography column relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000997 ! has participant chromatography column [Term] id: CHMO:0001002 name: gas chromatography alt_id: FIX:0000098 def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a gas." [] synonym: "GC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000996 ! has participant gaseous mobile phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000996 ! has participant gaseous mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001003 name: supercritical-fluid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a fluid above and relatively close to its critical temperature and pressure." [FIX:0000609,] synonym: "SFC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000992 ! has participant supercritical mobile phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000992 ! has participant supercritical mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001004 name: liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid." [FIX:0000608,] synonym: "LC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000991 ! has participant liquid mobile phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000991 ! has participant liquid mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001005 name: planar chromatography def: "A chromatography method where the stationary phase is present as or on a plane." [] synonym: "open bed chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "open-bed chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000990 ! has participant open chromatographic bed relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000990 ! has participant open chromatographic bed [Term] id: CHMO:0001006 name: affinity chromatography def: "Chromatography where the separation is caused by differing biological specificity of the analyte-ligand interactions." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "bioaffinity chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001007 name: thin-layer chromatography def: "A chromatography method where the stationary phase is a thin (0.10 to 0.25 mm) layer of sorbent applied to a firm backing such as glass, aluminium or plastic sheet. An eluent ( single solvent or solvent mixture) is allowed to flow by capillary action through the sorbent starting at a point just below the applied samples. As the eluent front migrates through the sorbent the components of the sample also migrate, but at different rates resulting in separation." [ISBN:9780854045358] synonym: "TLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001005 ! planar chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001005 ! planar chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000989 ! has participant thin-layer chromatography plate relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000989 ! has participant thin-layer chromatography plate [Term] id: CHMO:0001008 name: paper chromatography def: "A chromatography method where the stationary phase is or is impregnated in a sheet of paper." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0001005 ! planar chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001005 ! planar chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000988 ! has participant chromatography paper relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000988 ! has participant chromatography paper [Term] id: CHMO:0001009 name: high-performance liquid chromatography alt_id: FIX:0000630 def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small particles and the inlet pressure is relatively high." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "HPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002318 ! liquid–solid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001010 name: exclusion chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the separation is caused by exclusion effects such as differences in molecular size, shape or charge." [FIX:0000614, OrangeBook:] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001011 name: gel filtration chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the separation is caused by exclusion effects within the stationary phase and where the stationary phase is a swollen gel." [Orange:] synonym: "gel permeation chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "gel-permeation chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "GPC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001010 ! exclusion chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001012 name: ion-exclusion chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the separation is caused by differences in charge, the mobile phase is aqueous and the analyte is ionic." [FIX:0000627, OrangeBook:] synonym: "ion exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001010 ! exclusion chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001013 name: size-exclusion chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the separation is caused by differences in molecular size." [FIX:0000626, OrangeBook:] synonym: "SEC" EXACT [] synonym: "size exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001010 ! exclusion chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001014 name: ion-exchange chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the separation is caused by differences in ion-exchange affinity." [FIX:0000613, OrangeBook:] synonym: "IEC" EXACT [] synonym: "IEX chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "ion chromatography" NARROW [] synonym: "ion exchange chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001015 name: gas-solid chromatography def: "Gas chromatography where the stationary phase is a solid." [FIX:0000632,] synonym: "GSC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001002 ! gas chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001002 ! gas chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000985 ! has participant solid stationary phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000985 ! has participant solid stationary phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001016 name: gas-liquid chromatography alt_id: FIX:0000631 def: "Gas chromatography where the stationary phase is a liquid." [] synonym: "GLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001002 ! gas chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001002 ! gas chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000984 ! has participant liquid stationary phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000984 ! has participant liquid stationary phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001017 name: two-dimensional separation method def: "A method that results in the separation of two components along two physical axes." [] is_a: CHMO:0001999 ! multi-dimensional separation method created_by: creation_date: 2009-08-24T02:48:54Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001018 name: two-dimensional chromatography alt_id: FIX:0001152 def: "A two-dimensional separation method where the separation processes are both chromatography. initial separation proceeds in a primary column and 'cuts' of the eluent from this column are directed into one or more secondary columns." [] synonym: "2D chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002001 ! multi-dimensional chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001019 name: electrophoresis alt_id: FIX:0000097 def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in a separation medium, across which an electric field is applied." [] synonym: "cataphoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "electrophoretic analysis" EXACT [] xref: sep:00140 is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001020 name: two-dimensional electrophoresis def: "A two-dimensional separation method where the separation processes are both electrophoresis. Separation occurs in one plane, that plane is rotated by 90° and the next separation step is carried out." [] synonym: "2-DE" EXACT [] synonym: "2D electrophoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "2DE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001017 ! two-dimensional separation method is_a: CHMO:0002005 ! multi-dimensional electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001021 name: gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in a separation medium consisting of gel, across which an electric field is applied." [FIX:0000628,] xref: sep:00150 is_a: CHMO:0001030 ! sieving electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001022 name: agarose gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in a separation medium consisting of agarose gel, across which an electric field is applied." [] xref: sep:00171 is_a: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001023 name: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their charge and frictional forces in a separation medium consisting of polyacrylamide gel, across which an electric field is applied." [FIX:0000883,] synonym: "PAGE" EXACT [] xref: sep:00172 is_a: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001024 name: capillary electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method which takes place in a capillary." [FIX:0000836,] synonym: "capillary zone electrophoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "CZE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis intersection_of: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001025 name: isotachophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method in a discontinuous buffer system where the analytes migrate according to their electrophoretic mobilities, forming a chain of adjacent zones moving with equal velocity between two solutions, the leading and terminating electrolytes, bracketing the mobility range of the analytes." [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001026 name: isoelectric focusing def: "An electrophoresis method for the separation of amphoteric analytes according to their isoelectric points by the application of an electric field along a pH gradient." [FIX:0000625,] synonym: "IEF" EXACT [] synonym: "IEF focusing" EXACT [] synonym: "IEF focussing" EXACT [] synonym: "IEF separation" EXACT [] synonym: "isoelectric focusing" EXACT [] synonym: "isoelectric focussing" EXACT [] xref: sep:00149 is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001027 name: sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their charge and frictional forces in a separation medium consisting of polyacrylamide gel, across which an electric field is applied, and the electrophoretic mobility of the analytes, usually proteins is altered by their binding to sodium dodecyl sulfate." [FIX:0000884,] synonym: "SDS PAGE" EXACT [] synonym: "SDS-PAGE" EXACT [] xref: sep:00173 is_a: CHMO:0001023 ! polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001028 name: difference gel electrophoresis def: "A two dimensional gel electrophoresis method where protein analytes have been previously labelled with different fluorescent dyes and different analytes are compared." [sep:00180] synonym: "differential in gel electrophoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "differential in-gel electrophoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "DIGE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001029 ! two dimensional gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001029 name: two dimensional gel electrophoresis def: "A two-dimensional separation method where the separation processes are both gel electrophoresis." [] synonym: "2-DGE" EXACT [] synonym: "2D gel electrophoresis" EXACT [] synonym: "2DGE" EXACT [] xref: sep:00155 is_a: CHMO:0001020 ! two-dimensional electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001030 name: sieving electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method where the separation medium contains a reticulated system, for example an entangled polymer network, that further separates the analytes according to their size and shape." [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001031 name: capillary sieving electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method that takes place in a capillary and where the separation medium contains a reticulated system, for example an entangled polymer network, that further separates the analytes according to their size and shape." [] synonym: "CSE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001024 ! capillary electrophoresis is_a: CHMO:0001030 ! sieving electrophoresis intersection_of: CHMO:0001030 ! sieving electrophoresis intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001032 name: capillary gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method that takes place in a capillary and where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in a separation medium consisting of gel, across which an electric field is applied." [FIX:0000837,] synonym: "CGE" EXACT [] synonym: "gel CE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis is_a: CHMO:0001031 ! capillary sieving electrophoresis intersection_of: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001033 name: capillary isoelectric focusing def: "An electrophoresis method for the separation of amphoteric analytes according to their isolectric points by the application of an electric field along a pH gradient in a capillary." [] synonym: "capillary isoelectric focussing" EXACT [] synonym: "CIEF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001024 ! capillary electrophoresis is_a: CHMO:0001026 ! isoelectric focusing intersection_of: CHMO:0001026 ! isoelectric focusing intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001034 name: capillary isotachophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method in a capillary containing a discontinuous buffer system where the analytes migrate according to their electrophoretic mobilities, forming a chain of adjacent zones moving with equal velocity between two solutions, the leading and terminating electrolytes, bracketing the mobility range of the analytes." [] synonym: "CITP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001024 ! capillary electrophoresis is_a: CHMO:0001025 ! isotachophoresis intersection_of: CHMO:0001025 ! isotachophoresis intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001035 name: electrokinetic chromatography def: "A separation method based on a combination of electrophoresis and interactions of the analytes with additives which form a dispersed phase moving at a different velocity." [] synonym: "ECC" EXACT [] synonym: "EKC" EXACT [] synonym: "electrokinetic capillary chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001036 name: micellar electrokinetic chromatography def: "Electrokinetic chromatography where the secondary phase is a micellar dispersed phase." [] synonym: "MEKC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001035 ! electrokinetic chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001037 name: microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography def: "Electrokinetic chromatography where the secondary phase is a microemulsion." [] synonym: "MEECC" EXACT [] synonym: "MEEKC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001035 ! electrokinetic chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001038 name: capillary electrochromatography def: "Electrokinetic chromatography where the movement of the mobile phase through a capillary is achieved by electroosmotic flow. The retention time is determined by a combination of electrophoretic migration and chromatographic retention." [] synonym: "CEC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001035 ! electrokinetic chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001039 name: capillary affinity electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method which takes place in a capillary where the separation medium has specific interactions with the analytes." [] synonym: "ACE" EXACT [] synonym: "CAE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001024 ! capillary electrophoresis is_a: CHMO:0001040 ! affinity electrophoresis intersection_of: CHMO:0001040 ! affinity electrophoresis intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary [Term] id: CHMO:0001040 name: affinity electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method where the separation medium has specific interactions with the analytes." [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001041 name: liposome electrokinetic chromatography def: "Electrokinetic chromatography where the secondary phase has liposomes suspended in it." [] is_a: CHMO:0001035 ! electrokinetic chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001042 name: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles consisting of polynucleotides move at different speeds according to their charge and frictional forces in a separation medium consisting of a gel that contains a denaturing agent that causes double-stranded DNA to unzip, across which an electric field is applied." [] synonym: "DGGE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001043 name: temperature gradient gel electrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles consisting of polynucleotides move at different speeds according to their charge and frictional forces in a separation medium consisting of a gel, across which an electric field is applied and across which there is a gradient of temperatures that cause double-stranded DNA to unzip." [] synonym: "TGGE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001021 ! gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001044 name: dielectrophoresis def: "A separation method where colloidal particles move at different speeds according to their dielectrophoretic mobilities in a separation medium, across which an electric field is applied." [] synonym: "dielectrophoretic analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001045 name: free-flow electrophoresis def: "An electrophoresis method where the sample is introduced continuously to the separation chamber and the electric field is applied perpendicular to the hydrodynamic flow resulting in two-dimensional separation of the analytes based on the flow rate and their electrophoretic mobilities." [] synonym: "FFE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001046 name: isotachophoretic focusing def: "An electrophoresis method where colloidal particles move at different speeds in a separation medium that has an electrophoretic mobility gradient so that the analytes move and stack in the order of their electrophoretic mobilities." [] synonym: "isotachophoretic focussing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001025 ! isotachophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001048 name: obsolete: separation method-measurement method def: "A method in which a separation method is coupled to a measurement method in order to perform measurements upon different components of a sample." [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CHMO:0001049 name: capillary liquid chromatography def: "Chromatography which takes place in a separation capillary and where the mobile phase is a liquid." [] synonym: "cap-LC" EXACT [] synonym: "capLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000991 ! has participant liquid mobile phase relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000983 ! has participant separation capillary relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000991 ! has participant liquid mobile phase [Term] id: CHMO:0001050 name: reversed-phase liquid chromatography def: "Liquid chromatography where the mobile phase is significantly more polar than the stationary phase, for example a microporous silica-based material with chemically bonded alkyl chains." [Orange:] synonym: "reverse phase liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "RPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001004 ! liquid chromatography is_a: CHMO:0002302 ! reversed-phase chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001051 name: normal-phase liquid chromatography def: "Liquid chromatography where the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile phase. This is the default for liquid chromatography." [Orange:] is_a: CHMO:0001004 ! liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001052 name: magnetic sector mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer that uses a wedge-shaped magnetic field to separate the total ion beam into discrete ion beams according to the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer intersection_of: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0001053 ! has proper continuant part at some time magnetic sector relationship: BFO:0000174 CHMO:0001053 ! has proper continuant part at some time magnetic sector [Term] id: CHMO:0001053 name: magnetic sector def: "A piece of apparatus consisting of a magnet which is used to separate an ion beam into discrete ion beams according to the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001054 name: electric sector def: "A piece of apparatus which applies an electric field in order to select ions that have the same kinetic energy from an ion beam." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001055 name: double-focusing mass spectrometer def: "A mass spectrometer that applies an electric field in order to select ions that have the same kinetic energy from an ion beam and uses a wedge-shaped magnetic field to separate the total ion beam into discrete ion beams according to the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "double-focusing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "double-focussing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "double-focussing mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000982 ! mass spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0001056 name: forward-geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer def: "A double-focusing mass spectrometer where the electric sector precedes the magnetic sector." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "forward-geometry double-focusing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "forward-geometry double-focussing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "forward-geometry double-focussing mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001055 ! double-focusing mass spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0001057 name: reverse-geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer def: "A double-focusing mass spectrometer where the magnetic sector precedes the reverse sector." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "reverse-geometry double-focusing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse-geometry double-focussing magnetic sector mass spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse-geometry double-focussing mass spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001055 ! double-focusing mass spectrometer [Term] id: CHMO:0001058 name: Faraday cup def: "An ion detector consisting of a collector electrode connected to a high-ohmic resistor and surrounded by a Faraday cage. The voltage drop across the resistor is a measure of the ion current." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "Faraday cup detector" EXACT [] synonym: "Faraday cup ion detector" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001059 ! ion detector [Term] id: CHMO:0001059 name: ion detector def: "A piece of apparatus that produces an output that depends on the number of ions that it encounters." [] is_a: CHMO:0002244 ! detector [Term] id: CHMO:0001060 name: electron multiplier def: "A piece of apparatus that on contact with a charged particle of sufficient energy emits a greater number electrons." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001061 name: discrete-dynode electron multiplier def: "An electron multiplier that consists of a sequence of discrete electron multiplier electrodes, or dynodes." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "discrete dynode EM" EXACT [] synonym: "discrete-dynode EM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001060 ! electron multiplier [Term] id: CHMO:0001062 name: continuous-dynode electron multiplier def: "An electron multiplier that consists of a single electrode in the form of a horn of plenty. The ions impinge on the wall of the horn at the open end, producing a cascade of electrons which is multiplied on each interaction with the wall and focussed onto a preamplifier." [ISBN:9780470516348] synonym: "CEM" EXACT [] synonym: "channel electron multiplier" EXACT [] synonym: "Channeltron" NARROW [] synonym: "continuous dynode EM" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-dynode EM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001060 ! electron multiplier [Term] id: CHMO:0001063 name: Daly detector def: "An ion detector that consists of an aluminised cathode or Daly knob held at a very large negative potential that attracts ions and produces secondary electrons which impact a scintillator, producing photons that are detected by a photomultiplier." [ISBN:9780470516348] is_a: CHMO:0001059 ! ion detector [Term] id: CHMO:0001064 name: X-ray powder diffractometer def: "A piece of apparatus which illuminates a powder sample with X-rays, electrons or neutrons and measures the diffraction pattern produced. It typically will contain at least one monochromator to ensure the incident radiation is of a specific energy, a goniometer which allows the geometry of the sample and detector to be precisely specified, and a detector." [] is_a: CHMO:0002105 ! X-ray diffractometer [Term] id: CHMO:0001065 name: atomic force microscopy probe def: "A sharp spike mounted on the end of a cantilever which is used to scan the surface of a specimen in atomic force microscopy." [] synonym: "AFM probe" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force microscope probe" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001066 name: incident photon conversion efficiency spectrum alt_id: CHMO:0002621 def: "A plot of incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) vs. wavelength obtained from a solar or photovoltaic cell." [] synonym: "incident photon conversion efficiency spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "incident photon to collected electron (IPCE) spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "incident photon to collected electron (IPCE) spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "incident photon to collected electron spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "incident photon to current collection efficiency spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "incident photon-to-electron conversion efficiency spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "incident-photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "incident-photon-to-current conversion efficiency spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "IPCE spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000831 ! action spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0001067 name: proton detected separated local field spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment for the measurement of heteronuclear dipolar couplings. 1H–1H interactions are decoupled and proton magnetisation is passed through 13C nuclei present at natural abundance to simplify a dipolarly coupled spectrum." [rsc:pr] synonym: "PDLF" EXACT [] synonym: "proton detected local field spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "proton-detected separated local field spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "proton-detected SLF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000910 ! separated-local-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001068 name: R-type recoupling proton detected separated local field spectroscopy def: "A magic-angle spinning NMR experiment to measure dipolar couplings. Dipolar couplings are reintroduced by synchronising rf pulses with the rotation of the rotor. Spectral simplification occurs via the proton detected separated local field protocol where 1H-1H interactions are decoupled and proton magnetisation is passed through 13C nuclei present at natural abundance." [rsc:pr] synonym: "PDLF with R-type recoupling" EXACT [] synonym: "proton-deteced separated local field spectroscopy with R-type recoupling" EXACT [] synonym: "R-PDLF" EXACT [] synonym: "R-type recoupling proton detected local field spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001067 ! proton detected separated local field spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001069 name: far-infrared magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy levels of paramagnetic species (such as HCN) are tuned into resonance with a far-infrared laser source in order to investigate rotational transitions." [] synonym: "far-infrared laser magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "far-infrared laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "far-infrared magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "FIR-LMR" EXACT [] synonym: "FIRMR" EXACT [] synonym: "laser electron paramagnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "laser electron spin resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "laser magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "laser magnetic resonance (LMR) at far-infrared wavelengths" EXACT [] synonym: "laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "LEPR" EXACT [] synonym: "LESR" EXACT [] synonym: "LMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000328 ! electron spin resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000632 ! far-infrared spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001070 name: three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Any type of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in which three independent frequency dimensions are employed for the correlation and dispersal of signals (by employing two magnetisation transfer steps). Each signal is described by three frequencies, thus effecting the distribution of signals within a cube." [FIX:0000144, rsc:pr] synonym: "3D NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "3D NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "3D-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "3D-NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "three-dimensional (3D) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "three-dimensional NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "three-dimensional NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001071 name: heteronuclear single quantum coherence total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of heteronuclear three-dimensional NMR experiment in which the proton signals of a 2D TOCSY spectrum are dispersed along a third frequency axis according to the chemical shift of their covalently bound heteronuclei." [FIX:0000152,] synonym: "3D HSQC-TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "3D TOCSY-HSQC" EXACT [] synonym: "HSQC-TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "TOCSY-HSQC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001072 ! heteronuclear three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001072 name: heteronuclear three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Any type of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in which three independent frequency dimensions are employed for the correlation and dispersal of signals. Each signal is described by three frequencies, arising from a combination of protons and heteronuclei, thus effecting the distribution of signals within a cube." [rsc:pr] synonym: "heteronuclear 3D NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001070 ! three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001073 name: homonuclear three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Any type of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in which three independent frequency dimensions are employed for the correlation and dispersal of signals. Each signal is described by three frequencies, all arising from the same type of nucleus, thus effecting the distribution of signals within a cube." [rsc:pr] synonym: "homonuclear 3D NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001070 ! three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001074 name: time-lapse microscopy def: "Microscopy in which the same object (e.g., a cell) is imaged at regular time intervals over several hours." [] is_a: CHMO:0000067 ! microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001075 name: elemental analysis def: "A process where a sample is analyzed for its elemental and sometimes isotopic composition (the elements present and sometimes their weight percentage)." [] synonym: "EA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002739 ! quantitative determination method [Term] id: CHMO:0001076 name: carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen elemental analysis def: "A type of elemental analysis accomplished by combustion of the sample at 1200 °C in a stream of unreactive gas and excess oxygen and collection of the products (CO2, H2O and NOx). The masses of these combustion products can be used to calculate the composition of the unknown sample." [] synonym: "C, H, N analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "C, H, N elemental analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "C,H,N analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "CHN analysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001075 ! elemental analysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001077 name: quartz crystal microbalance def: "A piece of apparatus used to measure the mass per unit area (1 μg per cm2) by measuring the change in frequency of a quartz crystal resonator (a quartz crystal sandwiched between a pair of electrodes) as a function of mass change." [] synonym: "QCM" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001078 name: polarization modulation infrared reflection–adsorption spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the differential absorption and reflection of low incident angle p- and s-polarized infrared light by the surface molecules of a highly reflective or polished sample is measured. The ultra-thin layers on metal surfaces interact with the p-polarized component of light, but not with the s-polarized component." [] synonym: "PM-IRRAS" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization modulation infrared reflection adsorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "polarization modulation-infrared reflection-adsorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000647 ! reflection–absorption infrared spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001079 name: 15N solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states 15N nuclei in a solid sample placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "15N solid-state NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000567 ! 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001080 name: 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states 13C nuclei in a solid sample placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C solid-state NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001081 name: 125Te nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 125Te nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52452, FIX:0000747, rsc:pr] synonym: "125Te NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "125Te NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "125Te NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "125Te nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "125Te-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001082 name: osmometry def: "The measurement of the osmotic strength of a substance which often used to determine its molecular weight." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay [Term] id: CHMO:0001083 name: vapour pressure osmometry def: "A technique used to determine the concentration of osmotically active particles that reduce the vapor pressure of a solution. Vapour pressure osmometry is used to measure the average molecular weight of polymers." [] synonym: "vapor pressure osmometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vapor pressure osometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vapor-pressure osmometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour pressure osometry" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour-pressure osmometry" EXACT [] synonym: "VPO" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001082 ! osmometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001084 name: time-lapse fluorescence microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) and the specimen is imaged at regular time intervals over several hours." [] synonym: "time-lapse fluorescence imaging" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000087 ! fluorescence microscopy is_a: CHMO:0001074 ! time-lapse microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001085 name: fluorescence-activated cell sorting def: "A method for separating microscopic particles suspended in a stream of fluid. The particles are forced individually through a vibrating nozzle, then exposed to a laser beam and the resulting fluorescence and scattered light is detected. Finally the cells are sorted by applying an electrical charge to droplets of the fluid and deflecting it to the left or right using charged electrodes." [rsc:10.1039/b902504a] synonym: "FACS" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence activated cell sorting" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000061 ! flow cytometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001086 name: photoemission electron microscopy def: "A type of electron microscopy where the distribution of electrons emitted by a specimen sample following excitation by UV light, synchrotron radiation or X-ray sources is used to produce an image." [] synonym: "PEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "PEM" EXACT [] synonym: "photo-electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photo-emission microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photoelectron microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000068 ! electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001087 name: X-ray photoemission electron microscopy def: "A type of electron microscopy where the distribution of electrons emitted by a specimen sample following excitation with an X-ray source is used to produce an image." [] synonym: "X-ray excited PEEM" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray photoelectron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "XPEEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001086 ! photoemission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001088 name: electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to produce an enlarged image of a specimen using a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage of 50–150 kV under vacuum and measuring the interaction of the electrons with the specimen." [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001089 name: spectroscopic photoemission and low energy electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which combines a low energy electron microscope (LEEM) and an energy filtered x-ray photoemission electron microscope (XPEEM)." [] synonym: "SPELEEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001088 ! electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001090 name: kinetic spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy used to study processes through in situ observation of the time profile of molecular absorptions." [] synonym: "kinetic spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001091 name: aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy def: "Microscopy where an electron-transparent specimen is bombarded with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage 50–150 kV under vacuum and the phase contrast between transmitted electron waves is used to produce an image. The beam is focused using a set of magnetic lenses which removes spherical aberration (an effect where the electron beam is deflected too strongly, resulting in a blurred image)." [] synonym: "aberration corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "aberration-corrected HRTEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000084 ! high-resolution transmission electron microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001092 name: electron spin resonance imaging def: "An imaging method which uses the detection of unpaired spins in a magnetic field gradient so that the resonance condition is sensitive to the position of the spins in the sample." [, ISBN:0748740058] synonym: "electron paramagnetic imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "EPR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "EPRI" EXACT [] synonym: "ESR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "ESRI" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000185 ! imaging assay [Term] id: CHMO:0001093 name: molecular nonthermal excitation spectroscopy def: "A type of molecular spectroscopy where the sample is placed in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it, then excited using a glow discharge (a potential difference applied across two electrodes immersed in the sample gas)." [] synonym: "molecular non-thermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular non-thermal excitation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular nonthermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "MONES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001094 name: furnace ionisation nonthermal excitation spectrometry def: "A type of atomic emission spectrometry where the sample is atomised by placing it in a small graphite-coated tube which is rapidly heated by passing a current through it, then ionised and excited using a glow discharge (a potential difference applied across two electrodes immersed in the sample gas)." [] synonym: "FINES" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace ionisation non-thermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace ionization non-thermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "furnace ionization nonthermal excitation spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000254 ! furnace atomic nonthermal excitation spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001095 name: fluorescence microscope def: "A microscope that uses an excitation source to produce light which is passed through an excitation filter, reflects off the surface of a dichroic mirror onto the specimen which fluoresces, producing light that passes through an emission filter to select only the required wavelengths onto the collector lens." [] is_a: CHMO:0000947 ! optical microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001096 name: epifluorescence microscope def: "A fluorescence microscope where the light source is mounted above (epi) the specimen and the excitation light passes through the microscope objective lens on its way toward the specimen." [,] synonym: "epifluorescent microscope" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001095 ! fluorescence microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001097 name: thermocouple def: "A piece of apparatus that generates electrical current when it experiences a thermal gradient." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001098 name: Wollaston wire def: "A composite wire consisting of a fine platinum core with a silver coating." [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device [Term] id: CHMO:0001099 name: transmission electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to produce an enlarged image of an electron transparent specimen using a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage of 50–150 kV under vacuum. The energies and intensities of the transmitted electrons are measured." [] synonym: "TEM" RELATED [] synonym: "transmission EM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001088 ! electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001100 name: field-emission transmission electron microscope def: "A piece of apparatus which is used to produce an enlarged image of an electron transparent specimen using a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam (produced by thermionic emission heating) with an acceleration voltage of 50–150 kV under vacuum. The energies and intensities of the transmitted electrons are measured." [] synonym: "FEG-TEM" RELATED [] synonym: "FEGTEM" RELATED [] synonym: "field emission transmission electron microscope" EXACT [] synonym: "field-emission TEM" RELATED [] synonym: "field-emission-gun transmission electron microscope" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM-FEG" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001099 ! transmission electron microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001101 name: synchrotron radiation X-ray emission spectroscopy def: "X-ray spectroscopy where the sample is bombarded with synchrotron radiation (radiation produced by the movement of charged particles in a magnetic field) and the energies and intensities of the X-rays emitted due to core-to-core transitions (known as 'X-ray fluorescence') are detected." [,] synonym: "SR-XES" EXACT [] synonym: "SR-XRF" EXACT [] synonym: "SXRF" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron radiation X-ray emission spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron X-ray fluorescence" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron-based X-ray radiation fluorescence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000307 ! X-ray emission spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001102 name: autoradiography def: "The recording of the image of an object through the effect of ionising radiation on a film or emulsion." [] is_a: OBI:0000185 ! imaging assay [Term] id: CHMO:0001103 name: recorded image def: "A data set consisting of a 2D representation obtained from a sample." [] is_a: CHMO:0000793 ! assay output [Term] id: CHMO:0001104 name: autoradiogram def: "An image of an object obtained through the effect of ionising radiation on a film or emulsion." [] is_a: CHMO:0001103 ! recorded image [Term] id: CHMO:0001105 name: isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis def: "A two-dimensional separation method where one separation process is isoelectric focusing on a gel and the other separation process is polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis." [] synonym: "IEF-PAGE" EXACT [] synonym: "isoelectrofocusing PAGE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001029 ! two dimensional gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001106 name: two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis def: "A two-dimensional separation method where the separation processes are both polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis." [] synonym: "2D PAGE" EXACT [] synonym: "two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001029 ! two dimensional gel electrophoresis [Term] id: CHMO:0001107 name: positive electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised to positive ions by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "ES+" EXACT [] synonym: "ES+ MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ES+/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MS (ES+)" EXACT [] synonym: "positive electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000482 ! electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001108 name: positive electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where the sample is ionised to positive ions by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets, and where sample ions with different masses are accelerated to the same (known) kinetic energy and the time taken for each ion to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time is dependent on the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." [] synonym: "TOF MS ES+" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000736 ! electrospray ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001109 name: positive electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry involving multiple mass-selection steps, with some form of fragmentation occurring between each stage. Sample ionisation is achieved by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 uL min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of positively charged droplets." [] synonym: "ES+ MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ES+ MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "positive electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000577 ! electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001110 name: particle-image velocimetry def: "A method for determining the velocity of fluids by pulsing a planar laser light sheet twice, and recording images of fine particles lying in the light sheet using a video camera or a photograph." [] synonym: "particle image velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "particle imaging velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "particle-imaging velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "PIV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002042 ! optical velocimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0001111 name: microscopic particle-image velocimetry def: "A method for determining the velocity of fluids by pulsing a planar laser light sheet twice, and recording images of microscopic particles lying in the light sheet using a video camera or a photograph." [] synonym: "microPIV" EXACT [] synonym: "microscopic particle image velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "microscopic particle imaging velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "microscopic particle-imaging velocimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "μPIV" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001110 ! particle-image velocimetry [Term] id: CHMO:0001112 name: super-resolution bright-field microscopy def: "Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with light transmitted from a source on the opposite side of the specimen from the objective, and image resolution (which is normally limited by diffraction) is enhanced by processing the images with image restoration algorithms." [] synonym: "super resolution bright field microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "super resolution bright field optical microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "super-resolution bright-field optical microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000104 ! bright-field microscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001113 name: membrane-inlet mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a thin membrane (usually made of a silicone elastomer) provides a selective means introducing low-molecular-weight volatile organic compounds into the ionisation source." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "membrane inlet mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane introduction mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane-inlet MS" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane-introduction mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane-introduction MS" EXACT [] synonym: "MIMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001114 name: solution X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at a sample solution and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] synonym: "solution state X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solution-state X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "SXD" EXACT [] synonym: "SXRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001115 name: differential pulse voltammogram def: "A plot of cell current vs. the potential between the indicator and reference electrodes obtained from a differential-pulse voltammetry experiment (i.e. where the potential is varied using pulses of increasing amplitude and the current is sampled before and after each voltage pulse)." [] is_a: CHMO:0000922 ! voltammogram [Term] id: CHMO:0001116 name: ion amperometry def: "The measurement of cell current, whilst the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is controlled, associated with the ion transfer across the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES)." [] synonym: "ion-amperometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000004 ! amperometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001117 name: nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry def: "Any type of NMR spectroscopy used to measure diffusion coefficients." [] synonym: "NMR diffusometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001118 name: pulsed field-gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment in which pulsed field gradients are applied to a spin echo sequence to cleanly and precisely excite particular resonances. Additionally, attenuation of signals occurs related to molecular diffusion allowing this technique to be used to determine self-diffusion coefficients." [FIX:0001088,, rsc:pr] synonym: "PFG-SE NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PFGSE" EXACT [] synonym: "PFGSE-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PGSE" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed field gradient (PFG) spin echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed field gradient spin-echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed field gradient-spin echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed field-gradient spin echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed-field-gradient spin-echo NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001117 ! nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry [Term] id: CHMO:0001119 name: modulus addition using spatially separated echo spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment used to measure self-diffusion coefficients via signal attenuation which occurs due to diffusion during the application of pulsed field gradients. This experiment also corrects for the effects of imperfect pulsed field gradients." [rsc:pr] synonym: "MASSEY" EXACT [] synonym: "MASSEY NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001118 ! pulsed field-gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001120 name: pulsed gradient non-linear spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment used to measure small diffusion coefficients via the attenuation of signals occurring due to molecular diffusion during the application of pulsed field gradients." [rsc:pr] synonym: "PGNE" EXACT [] synonym: "PGNE NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PGNE-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed gradient non-linear echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed gradient nonlinear echo" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed gradient nonlinear spin echo" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001118 ! pulsed field-gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001121 name: dynamic force spectrum def: "A plot of (adhesion or rupture) force vs. loading rate obtained from an atomic force microscopy experiment." [] synonym: "dynamic force spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "force modulation spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "force modulation spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0001122 name: dynamic force spectroscopy def: "The use of an atomic force microscope to measure rupture or fusion force as a function of loading rate." [] synonym: "DFS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001123 ! force spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001123 name: force spectroscopy alt_id: CHMO:0000231 def: "Spectroscopy where an atomic force microscope is used to measure the force experienced by a sample, usually by taking force–distance curves." [] synonym: "AFM force spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic force spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "force modulation" EXACT [] synonym: "force modulation AFM" EXACT [] synonym: "force-modulation AFM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000228 ! spectroscopy [Term] id: CHMO:0001124 name: ultraviolet–visible–near infrared spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed by a sample as a function of the wavelength of incident radiation in the ultraviolet to near-infrared (190–2000 nm) range." [] synonym: "UV-vis-near IR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-near IR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis-NIR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis-NIR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible-near IR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000799 ! electronic absorption spectrum [Term] id: CHMO:0001125 name: confocal microscope def: "An optical microscope that works by scanning one or more focussed beams of light across the specimen." [] is_a: CHMO:0000947 ! optical microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001126 name: laser-scanning confocal microscope def: "An optical microscope that works by scanning a laser across the specimen." [] synonym: "LSCM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001125 ! confocal microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001127 name: tandem-scanning microscope def: "An optical microscope that works by using a spinning Nipkow disc, a wheel pierced by a spiral of pinholes, to illuminate small areas of the sample." [ISBN:9780849339196] synonym: "tandem scanning microscope" EXACT [] synonym: "TSM" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001125 ! confocal microscope [Term] id: CHMO:0001128 name: adsorption chromatography def: "Chromatography in which separation is based mainly on differences between the adsorption affinities of the sample components for the surface of an active solid." [FIX:0000611,] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-03-06T04:48:25Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001129 name: displacement chromatography alt_id: FIX:0000618 def: "Chromatography where the mobile phase contains a compound (the displacer) more strongly retained than the components of the sample under examination. The sample is fed into the system as a finite slug." [] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-03-06T04:48:37Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001130 name: glow discharge ion source def: "An ion source that produces ions by continuous sputtering of the sample by a glow discharge plasma, which is produced by passing a current of several hundred volts through a low pressiure gas, usually argon." [] synonym: "glow discharge source" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000960 ! ion source created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-03-06T04:58:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001132 name: laser ablation def: "A sample preparation method where material is removed from a specimen by illuminating it with a laser beam." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-03-06T05:23:07Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001134 name: obsolete: sample preparation method-measurement method alt_id: CHMO:0002037 def: "A method in which a sample preparation method is coupled to a measurement method." [] is_obsolete: true created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-03-06T05:31:37Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001135 name: viscometry def: "The measurement of the viscosity of fluids by observing the relative motion of the fluid and an object. Viscometry is used to measure the molecular weight of polymers." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:06:10Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001136 name: capillary viscometry def: "The determination of the viscosity of a fluid by measuring the time a defined volume of fluid requires to flow through a capillary tube of a specific length and width." [] is_a: CHMO:0001135 ! viscometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:10:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001137 name: in situ X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by detecting the positions and intensities of X-rays, that have been generated within a structural domain, as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:13:09Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001138 name: in situ synchrotron XRD def: "A method for determining structure by detecting the positions and intensities of X-rays, that have been generated within a synchrotron, as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] is_a: CHMO:0001137 ! in situ X-ray diffraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:15:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001139 name: scanning probe X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by scanning a finely focused (<10 μm2) beam of X-rays over the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate." [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:21:50Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001140 name: differential confocal microscopy def: "Microscopy where visible light coming from the specimen (which is placed approximately half a confocal parameter from the focal plane along the optical axis of the microscope) is collected and guided through a pinhole before it is detected. The pinhole allows only light from the focal point to pass to the detector, reducing background interference." [] synonym: "DCM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000103 ! confocal microscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:42:28Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001141 name: 207Pb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 207Pb nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52455, rsc:pr] synonym: "207Pb NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "207Pb NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "207Pb-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000057 CHEBI:52455 ! has participant lead-207 created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:49:20Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001142 name: 207Pb magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 207Pb nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "207Pb magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "207Pb MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "207Pb MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "207Pb-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001141 ! 207Pb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:52:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001143 name: 1H magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 1H nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "proton MAS NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:56:17Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001144 name: 93Nb solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states 93Nb nuclei in a solid sample placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "93Nb solid-state NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001145 ! 93Nb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:58:03Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001145 name: 93Nb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 93Rb nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52460, rsc:pr] synonym: "93Nb NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "93Nb NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "93Nb NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "93Nb nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "93Nb-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T04:59:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001146 name: 1H–13C heteronuclear single quantum coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and the 13C nuclei to which they are covalently bound." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-13C HSQC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000604 ! heteronuclear single quantum coherence created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:02:34Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001147 name: 1H–15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and the 15N nuclei to which they are covalently bound. Only the magnetisation of the 15N nucleus is allowed to evolve." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-15N HSQC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000604 ! heteronuclear single quantum coherence created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:05:26Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001148 name: 1H–13C heteronuclear multiple bond coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and 13C nuclei which are 2 to 3 bonds removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C-1H HMBC" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-13C HMBC" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0001024 is_a: CHMO:0000601 ! heteronuclear multiple bond coherence created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:06:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001149 name: 1H–15N heteronuclear multiple bond coherence def: "A type of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons and 15N nuclei which are 2 to 3 bonds removed." [rsc:pr] synonym: "15N-1H HMBC" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-15N HMBC" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0001023 is_a: CHMO:0000601 ! heteronuclear multiple bond coherence created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:08:24Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001150 name: 1H–1H correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between protons which are J-coupled (usually ≤3 bonds apart)." [FIX:0000189, rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-1H correlated spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-1H COSY" EXACT [] synonym: "1H–1H COSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000599 ! correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:11:37Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001151 name: 1H–1H nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between protons that are spatially proximate within a molecule (≤6 \\AA apart)." [FIX:0000142, rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-1H NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-1H NOEsy" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-1H nOesy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000607 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-11T05:13:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001152 name: small-angle X-ray diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. The incident X-ray beam strikes the sample at a small angle (0–10°)." [] synonym: "SAXD" EXACT [] synonym: "SAXRD" EXACT [] synonym: "small angle X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "small angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "small-angle XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray SAD" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray small angle diffraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-12T11:05:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001153 name: small-angle X-ray diffraction data def: "Data which is obtained from an X-ray diffraction experiment where the X-rays are incident on the sample at small angles (0–10 degrees)." [] synonym: "low-angle XRD patterns" EXACT [] synonym: "small-angle XRD data" EXACT [] synonym: "small-angle XRD pattern" EXACT [] synonym: "small-angle XRD spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000850 ! X-ray diffraction data created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-12T11:10:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001154 name: 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 29Si nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "29Si magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-12T11:13:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001155 name: 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 29Si nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:37974, rsc:pr] synonym: "29Si NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-12T11:15:24Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001156 name: silicon-29 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are silicon-29 nuclei and in which line broadening has been averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "29Si MAS NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si MAS-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "29Si MAS-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000856 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-12T11:17:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001157 name: single pulse–pulsed laser polymerization–near-infrared technique def: "A technique for measuring the time-resolved concentration of monomers during polymerisation reactions. The polymerisation is initiated by a single pulse of laser radiation and the monomer concentration is monitored by measuring absorbance in the near-infrared (0.8–2 μm) region." [ISBN:386727682X] synonym: "single pulse-pulsed laser polymerization-near-infrared" EXACT [] synonym: "SP-PLP-NIR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000638 ! near-infrared absorption spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T11:42:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001158 name: single pulse-pulsed laser polymerization-electron spin resonance def: "A technique for measuring the time-resolved concentration of radicals during polymerisation reactions. The polymerisation is initiated by a single pulse of laser radiation and the radical concentration is monitored by measuring response of the unpaired electrons to short (ns) pulses of microwave radiation in a magnetic field." [] synonym: "single pulse-pulsed laser polymerization-electron paramagnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "single pulse-pulsed laser polymerization-electron spin resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "SP-PLP-EPR" EXACT [] synonym: "SP-PLP-ESR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T11:45:02Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001159 name: pulsed laser polymerisation-size exclusion chromatography def: "A technique for measuring the propagation rate coefficient during polymerisation reactions. The polymerisation is initiated by laser irradiation and the chain length distribution is subsequently determined by size-exclusion chromatography." [, ISBN:0471461571] synonym: "PLP-SEC" EXACT [] synonym: "PLP/SEC" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation size exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation-size exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation-size-exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed-laser polymerisation-size-exclusion chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002834 ! polymerisation propagation rate coefficient determination relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001013 ! has proper occurrent part size-exclusion chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0002552 ! has proper occurrent part pulsed laser polymerisation created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T12:37:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001160 name: Raman circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "The observation of circular dichroism (the differential absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarised light) in the Raman spectra of chiral molecules." [] synonym: "Raman CD" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman circular dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "RCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000323 ! circular dichroism spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T12:51:37Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001161 name: reflectance circular dichroism spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy based on the differential reflectance of left- and right-handed circularly polarised light by a sample." [] synonym: "RCD" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "reflectance CD" EXACT [] synonym: "reflectance circular dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection CD" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection circular dichroism" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection circular dichroism spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000323 ! circular dichroism spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T12:55:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001162 name: pulsed laser polymerisation-size exclusion chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance def: "A technique for measuring the propagation rate coefficient during polymerisation reactions. The polymerisation is initiated by laser irradiation and the chain length distribution is subsequently determined by size-exclusion chromatography and the composition of the copolymer products is determined by NMR." [] synonym: "PLP-SEC-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PLP/SEC/NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation size exclusion chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation-size exclusion chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser polymerisation-size-exclusion chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002834 ! polymerisation propagation rate coefficient determination relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000103 ! has proper occurrent part confocal microscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000713 ! has proper occurrent part continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0002552 ! has proper occurrent part pulsed laser polymerisation created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:01:06Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001163 name: tensiometry def: "The measurement of the surface tension of a liquid." [] synonym: "surface tensiometry" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:09:04Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001164 name: pendant-drop tensiometry def: "The measurement of surface tension by determining the distortion of drop by gravity, which elongates or flattens otherwise spherical drops." [] synonym: "pendant drop dynamic tensiometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pendant drop tensiometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pendant tensiometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pending drop tensiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001163 ! tensiometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:13:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001165 name: sessile-drop tensiometry def: "The measurement of surface tension by determining the shape of a droplet of liquid (with known surface energy) and the contact angle it makes with the surface of interest." [] synonym: "sessile-drop tensiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001163 ! tensiometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:19:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001166 name: dynamic-surface tensiometry def: "The measurement of the surface tension of a non-static liquid." [] synonym: "dynamic surface tensiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001163 ! tensiometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:24:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001167 name: sorption-desorption measurement def: "A method for determining surface area by measuring the amount of an inert gaseous or liquid substance (the 'sorbent', usually H2 or N2) which adsorbs onto the surface of interest (the 'sorbate'), and the subsequent amount that desorbs at a constant temperature. Regression analysis is then applied to the data, resulting in an isotherm." [] synonym: "adsorption-desorption" EXACT [] synonym: "adsorption/desorption" EXACT [] synonym: "sorption-desorption" EXACT [] synonym: "sorption/desorption" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T01:27:03Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001168 name: sorption measurement def: "A method for determining surface area by measuring the amount of an inert gaseous or liquid substance (the 'sorbent', usually H2 or N2) which adsorbs onto the surface of interest (the 'sorbate'). Regression analysis is then applied to the data, resulting in an isotherm." [] synonym: "adsorption measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "adsorptions" EXACT [] synonym: "sorptions" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001167 ! sorption-desorption measurement created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T03:27:07Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001169 name: nitrogen sorption measurement def: "A method for determining surface area by measuring the amount of N2 that adsorbs onto the surface of interest (the 'sorbate'). Regression analysis is then applied to the data, resulting in an isotherm." [] synonym: "N2 adsorption measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "N2 sorption" EXACT [] synonym: "nitrogen adsorption measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "nitrogen sorptions" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001168 ! sorption measurement created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-13T03:28:52Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001170 name: surface-enhanced Raman spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. Raman shift (cm-1) obtained by measuring the Raman scattering of monochromatic light from a sample adsorbed onto a highly scattering surface (e.g. Ag, Au or Cu)." [] synonym: "SERS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "SERS spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000823 ! Raman spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-16T03:36:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001171 name: two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrum def: "A two-dimensional spectrum which plots the resonance frequency of homonuclear nuclei approximately 6 \\AA apart which are correlated by the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect. The resonance frequencies are plotted with intensities proportional to the populations of nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D NOESY spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NOESY spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NOESY-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D NOESY-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000932 ! two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum is_a: CHMO:0002422 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-16T03:44:18Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001172 name: 1H two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrum def: "A two-dimensional spectrum which plots the resonance frequency of protons approximately 6 \\AA apart which are correlated by the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect. The resonance frequencies are plotted with intensities proportional to the populations of nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-1H NOESY spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-1H NOESY spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "1H–1H NOESY spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H–1H NOESY spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "2D 1H-NOESY spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D 1H-NOESY spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "2D 1H-NOESY-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "2D 1H-NOESY-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001171 ! two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-16T03:53:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001173 name: 13C–13C nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy based on the nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect in which correlations are seen between 13C nuclei that are spatially proximate within a molecule (<=6 \\AA apart)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C-13C NOESY" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-13C NOEsy" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-13C nOesy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000607 ! nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-17T08:56:29Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001174 name: transmission electron microscopy selected area electron diffraction def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of high energy (10–200 keV) electrons at the sample within a transmission electron microscope and recording the resulting diffraction pattern produced by any electrons transmitted through the sample." [] synonym: "TEM SAD" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM SAED" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM-SAD" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM-SAED" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000080 ! transmission electron microscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-17T10:24:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001175 name: 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 27Al nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:37968, FIX:0001001, rsc:pr] synonym: "27Al NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "aluminium-27 NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "aluminium-27 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T09:52:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001176 name: 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 27Al nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "27Al magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T09:56:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001177 name: para-hydrogen induced polarisation enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of protons derived from para-hydrogen (dihydrogen with an antisymmetric nuclear spin arrangement) placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them. The non-Boltzmann spin population generated by para-hydrogen-derived protons gives rise to signal enhancement in the spectra, facilitating the detection of species present at low concentration." [] synonym: "para-hydrogen induced polarization enhanced NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PHIP NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PHIP-enhanced NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "PHIP-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T09:59:40Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001178 name: only para-hydrogen spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment where pulsed field gradients are used to filter thermal signals from NMR spectra whilst leaving those derived from para-hydrogen-derived protons intact." [] synonym: "OPSY" EXACT [] synonym: "OPSY NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000789 ! pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T10:09:09Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001179 name: 1H only para-hydrogen spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment where pulsed field gradients are used to filter thermal signals from 1H NMR spectra whilst leaving those derived from para-hydrogen-derived protons intact." [] synonym: "1H OPSY" EXACT [] synonym: "1H OPSY NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H-OPSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001178 ! only para-hydrogen spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T10:17:08Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001180 name: only para-hydrogen spectroscopy correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between nuclei which are J-coupled (usually <= 3 bonds apart). Thermal signals in the resulting spectra are then removed, whilst keeping the signals from para-hydrogen-derived protons intact." [, rsc:pr] synonym: "OPSY-COSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001178 ! only para-hydrogen spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T10:21:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001181 name: 1H-1H only para-hydrogen spectroscopy correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between nuclei which are J-coupled (usually <= 3 bonds apart). Thermal signals in the resulting 1H spectra are then removed, whilst keeping the signals from para-hydrogen-derived protons intact." [, rsc:pr] synonym: "1H-1H OPSY-COSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001180 ! only para-hydrogen spectroscopy correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T10:26:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001182 name: laser light scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of scattered visible light. Light (from a laser source) is scattered by the electrons surrounding the atomic nuclei in the sample." [] synonym: "laser-light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "LLS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:35:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001183 name: matrix assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the mass-to-charge ratio is determined from the time they take to reach a detector. The sample (usually a large organic molecule or biomolecule) is vaporised and ionised using a high-energy pulsed laser whilst being held in a matrix (such as dihydrobenzoic acid) to protect it from direct laser illumination and to separate the sample molecules." [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF-MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000828 ! time-of-flight mass spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:38:06Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001184 name: gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis def: "A separation method where singly-charged complexes move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in air under the influence of an electric field." [] synonym: "GEMMA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001019 ! electrophoresis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:48:29Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001185 name: electrospray ionisation gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis def: "A separation method where singly-charged complexes move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in air under the influence of an electric field. The sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1-10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "ESI-GEMMA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001184 ! gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:51:26Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001186 name: nano electrospray ionisation gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis def: "A separation method where singly-charged complexes move at different speeds according to their electrophoretic mobilities in air under the influence of an electric field. The sample is ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of nL min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "nanoESI-GEMMA" EXACT [] synonym: "nESI-GEMMA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001185 ! electrospray ionisation gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:53:30Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001187 name: gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis spectrum def: "A plot of electrophoretic mobility diameter vs. particle count generated by separating singly-charged complexes in air under the influence of an electric field." [] synonym: "GEMMA spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "GEMMA spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T11:59:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001188 name: electrospray ionisation gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis spectrum def: "A plot of electrophoretic mobility diameter vs. particle count generated by separating singly-charged complexes in air under the influence of an electric field. The complexes are charged by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of the sample through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1-10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "ESI-GEMMA spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-GEMMA spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001187 ! gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T12:49:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001189 name: 17O nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0000597 def: "Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that probes oxygen-17 nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "17O NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "17O NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "17O NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "17O nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "17O-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "oxygen-17 magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:33819 ! probes_atom oxygen-17 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:33819 ! probes_atom oxygen-17 atom created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T12:56:26Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001190 name: 17O magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that probes oxygen-17 nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "17O magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "17O MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "17O MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "17O-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001189 ! 17O nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:33819 ! probes_atom oxygen-17 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:33819 ! probes_atom oxygen-17 atom created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T12:58:14Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001191 name: 51V magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that probes vanadium-51 nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "51V magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "51V MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "51V MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "51V-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52456 ! probes_atom vanadium-51 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52456 ! probes_atom vanadium-51 atom created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T12:59:57Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001192 name: 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy alt_id: FIX:0001081 def: "Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that probes 7Li nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "7Li NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "7Li NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "7Li NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "7Li nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "7Li-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "lithium-7 NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "lithium-7 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52458 ! probes_atom lithium-7 atom relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52458 ! probes_atom lithium-7 atom created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T05:26:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001193 name: 14N magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 14N nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "14N magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "14N MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "14N MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "14N-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T05:28:56Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001194 name: 14N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 14N nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:36927, FIX:0001043, rsc:pr] synonym: "14N NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "14N NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "14N NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "14N nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "14N-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T05:29:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001195 name: Hadamard-encoded nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "An NMR experiment in which multiple frequencies in an NMR spectrum are excited simultaneously over a broad frequency rnage using polychromatic pulses." [ISBN:0854042997] synonym: "Hadamard encoded NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "Hadamard NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Hadamard nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Hadamard-encoded NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-19T05:34:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001196 name: Hadamard-encoded total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and reveal correlations between all nuclei of a spin-system. All of the resonances in the spin system are excited by selecting only one line for excitation and the final spectrum consists of a series of 1D sub-spectra, each representing one spin system." [ISBN:0854042997] synonym: "2D Hadamard encoded TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "Hadamard TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "Hadamard-TOCSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000605 ! total correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-20T10:04:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001197 name: two-dimensional total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and which reveal correlations between all nuclei of a spin-system." [rsc:pr] synonym: "2D TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional TOCSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000605 ! total correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-20T10:12:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001198 name: one-dimensional total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy which reveal correlations between all nuclei of a spin-system. An individual 1H resonance is selected and inverted to yield a spectrum of all hydrogens directly or indirectly scalar coupled to it." [, rsc:pr] synonym: "1D TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "1D-TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "one-dimensional TOCSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000605 ! total correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-20T10:15:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001199 name: 13C–13C total correlation spectroscopy def: "A type of homonuclear NMR spectroscopy where a second frequency dimension is employed to disperse the signals and which reveal correlations between all 13C nuclei of a spin-system." [rsc:pr] synonym: "13C-13C TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "13C-13C total correlation spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001197 ! two-dimensional total correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-20T10:23:27Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001200 name: electrochemiluminescence detection def: "The detection of luminescence emitted by electrochemically-generated intermediates during an electrochemical reaction." [] synonym: "ECL" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "electrogenerated chemiluminescence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000058 ! chemiluminescence detection created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T11:41:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001201 name: multiple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [ISBN:3540221689] synonym: "MQMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "MQMAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple-quantum excitation in combination with magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "multiple-quantum MAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:19:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001202 name: satellite transition magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment where the selective excitation of central and satellite transitions during magic angle spinning is used for recording high-resolution NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. Central transitions are detected first, followed by satellite transitions." [, ISBN:354020539X] synonym: "satellite-transition magic angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "satellite-transition magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "satellite-transition MAS" EXACT [] synonym: "STMAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:21:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001203 name: satellite transition magic angle spinning with self-compensation for the magic angle misset def: "An NMR experiment where the selective excitation of satellite transitions during magic angle spinning is used for recording high-resolution NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. In conventional magic angle spinning the spinning angle μst be very accurate, but this technique can self-compensate magic-angle errors of up to (+/- 1.0°)." [] synonym: "SCAM-STMAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001202 ! satellite transition magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:51:38Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001204 name: triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for 3/2-spin quadrupolar nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [, ISBN:3540221689] synonym: "3QMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "3QMAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "TQMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "TQMAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "triple-quantum MAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001201 ! multiple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:59:19Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001205 name: central transition magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment where the selective excitation of central transitions during magic angle spinning is used for recording high-resolution NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in solids." [] synonym: "central-transition magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "CTMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "CTMAS NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:02:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001206 name: five-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for 5/2-spin quadrupolar nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [] synonym: "5QMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "5QMAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "five-quantum excitation in combination with magic-angle spinning" EXACT [] synonym: "five-quantum MAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001201 ! multiple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:14:02Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001207 name: inverse satellite transition magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment where the selective excitation of central and satellite transitions during magic angle spinning is used for recording high-resolution NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. Satellite transitions are detected first, followed by central transitions." [] synonym: "I-STMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "inverse-STMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "ISTMAS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001202 ! satellite transition magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:18:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001208 name: 87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 87Rb nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52459, rsc:pr] synonym: "87Rb NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "87Rb NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "87Rb NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "87Rb-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:25:06Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001209 name: anion-exchange chromatography def: "Column chromatography where anions are retained by positively charged functional groups in the stationary phase." [FIX:0000798,] synonym: "anion chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "anion exchange chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001014 ! ion-exchange chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:14:40Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001210 name: cation-exchange chromatography def: "Column chromatography where cations are retained by negatively charged functional groups in the stationary phase." [FIX:0000799,] synonym: "cation chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "cation exchange chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001014 ! ion-exchange chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:18:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001211 name: titration def: "The process of determining the quantity of a sample by adding measured increments of a titrant until the end-point, at which essentially all of the sample has reacted, is reached." [] synonym: "titrimetic analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "titrimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002739 ! quantitative determination method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:20:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001212 name: acid–base titration def: "The process of determining the quantity of a sample (an acid or base) by adding measured increments of a titrant (a base or acid) until the endpoint, at which essentially all of the sample has reacted, is reached." [OrangeBook:6.2] synonym: "acid-base titration" EXACT [] synonym: "acid/base titration" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001211 ! titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:27:08Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001213 name: acidimetric titration def: "Acid-base titration where the sample is a base and the titrant is an acid." [] synonym: "acidimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001212 ! acid–base titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:32:04Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001214 name: alkalimetric titration def: "Acid-base titration where the sample is an acid and the titrant is a base." [OrangeBook:6.2] synonym: "alkalimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001212 ! acid–base titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:33:54Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001215 name: magnetic resonance method alt_id: FIX:0000012 def: "Any technique which detects the response of spins to a perturbing magnetic field." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:36:57Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001216 name: optically detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by optical means (i.e. the polarisation or the intensity of light emitted or absorbed by the sample depends on the population distribution in the spin levels). Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "ODMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001215 ! magnetic resonance method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:38:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001217 name: zero-field optically detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels at zero applied magnetic field are detected by optical means (i.e. the polarisation or the intensity of light emitted or absorbed by the sample depends on the population distribution in the spin levels). Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [, ISBN:0824792653] synonym: "zero-field (zf) ODMR" EXACT [] synonym: "zero-field ODMR" EXACT [] synonym: "ZF-ODMR" EXACT [] synonym: "Zf-ODMR" EXACT [] synonym: "zf-ODMR" EXACT [] synonym: "ZFODMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001216 ! optically detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:40:10Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001218 name: absorption detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by light absorption. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "ADMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001216 ! optically detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:49:13Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001219 name: delayed emission detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by delayed light emission. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "DEDMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001216 ! optically detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:53:02Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001220 name: delayed fluorescence detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by delayed fluorescence. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "DFDMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001219 ! delayed emission detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:54:19Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001221 name: fluorescence detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by fluorescence. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "FDMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001216 ! optically detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:56:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001222 name: phosphorescence detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by phosphorescence. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "PDMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001216 ! optically detected magnetic resonance created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:57:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001223 name: reaction yield detected magnetic resonance def: "A double resonance technique in which transitions between spin sublevels are detected by means of reaction yield. Usually these are sublevels of a triplet and the transitions are induced by microwaves." [] synonym: "RYDMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001215 ! magnetic resonance method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T11:59:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001224 name: activation analysis def: "A kind of elemental or isotopic analysis based on the measurement of characteristic radiation from nuclides formed directly or indirectly by activation of the test portion." [] is_a: CHMO:0001075 ! elemental analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T12:02:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001225 name: absolute activation analysis def: "A kind of activation analysis in which the elemental concentrations in the material are calculated from known nuclear constants, irradiation and measurement parameters, rather than by comparing with known standards." [] is_a: CHMO:0001224 ! activation analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T12:05:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001226 name: analytical solution calorimetry def: "The measurement of the enthalpy change during chemical reaction in order to determine quantitative values of a reactant or catalyst. In general, at least one reactant is a liquid or solution." [] is_a: CHMO:0000682 ! calorimetry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T12:09:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001227 name: batch injection calorimetry def: "The measurement of the enthalpy change during a chemical reaction in order to measure the amount of the imiting reagent." [] synonym: "batch-injection enthalpimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-injection calorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-injection enthalpimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000682 ! calorimetry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:17:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001228 name: calorimetric titration def: "The process of determining the quantity of a sample by adding measured increments of a titrant until the end-point is reached. The titration performed in a calorimeter which produces a plot of heat change vs. volume of titrant." [] is_a: CHMO:0001211 ! titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:21:27Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001229 name: catalymetric titration def: "The process of determining the quantity of a sample by adding measured increments of a titrant until the end-point is reached. The titration involves a catalyst, and the end-point is detected by the sudden increase or decrease in the rate of a reaction." [] is_a: CHMO:0001211 ! titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:22:48Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001230 name: chelatometric titration def: "The process of determining the quantity of a sample (metal cation) by adding measured increments of a titrant (a chelating agent) until the end-point, at which essentially all of the sample has reacted, is reached." [USPatent:3878059] is_a: CHMO:0001211 ! titration created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:25:08Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001231 name: catalysed chemiluminescence detection def: "The detection of luminescence resulting from a thermal electron-transfer reaction." [] synonym: "catalysed chemiluminescence" EXACT [] synonym: "catalyzed chemiluminescence" EXACT [] synonym: "chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence" EXACT [] synonym: "chemically-initiated electron exchange luminescence" EXACT [] synonym: "CIEEL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000058 ! chemiluminescence detection created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:30:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001232 name: continuous-flow calorimetry def: "A term used to describe methods wherein a reagent is continuously fed into a flowing analyte stream and the temperature difference is measured before and after a reactor (mixing chamber). Alternatively, the temperature may be measured in a differential manner between a reference and a reactor chamber. The analyte concentration is directly proportional to the measured temperature difference." [] synonym: "continuous flow enthalpimetric analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous flow enthalpimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-flow calorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-flow enthalpimetry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000682 ! calorimetry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:36:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001233 name: constant-current chronopotentiometric stripping def: "An electrochemical technique where the analyte of interest is electroplated onto the working electrode before being removed or 'stripped'. During removal the time-dependence of the potential difference between the indicator and reference electrodes is measured under conditions where the current passed is constant and sufficiently small to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium." [] synonym: "constant current chronopotentiometric stripping" EXACT [] synonym: "constant current stripping potentiometry" EXACT [] synonym: "constant-current stripping potentiometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000018 ! stripping potentiometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:42:16Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001234 name: spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus used to measure a spectrum." [] synonym: "spectrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "spectroscope" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002793 ! sensor created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:54:09Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001235 name: Raman spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus that consists of a laser, a beam splitter, an interferometer and a detector and is used to measure Raman spectra." [] is_a: CHMO:0001234 ! spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T01:55:39Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001237 name: confocal Raman microscope def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of a laser beam (<10 μm diameter), a monochromator and a detector coupled to an optical microscope, which is used to measure Raman spectra. An aperture is used to discriminate between Raman signal coming from the laser spot and that coming from the out-of-focus region of the sample." [] synonym: "confocal Raman microspectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman confocal microscope" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001814 ! Raman microscope created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:05:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001238 name: inversion recovery total correlation spectroscopy def: "A two-dimensional NMR experiment which shows correlations between all the nuclei of a spin system and also allows determination of T1 relaxation rates." [rsc:pr] synonym: "inversion recovery TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "inversion-recovery TOCSY" EXACT [] synonym: "IR-TOCSY" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000605 ! total correlation spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:22:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001239 name: inversion recovery def: "An NMR experiment which measures spin-lattice (T1) relaxation rates by acquiring spectra at different delay times following inversion of the spin-state populations." [FIX:0000211, rsc:pr] synonym: "inversion recovery Fourier transform" EXACT [] synonym: "IRFT" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001806 ! nuclear magnetic resonance method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:26:05Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001240 name: differential scanning fluorescence spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the intensity of the fluorescence emitted by molecules excited using ultraviolet light is detected as it changes upon interaction of the molecule with its environment." [] synonym: "differential scanning fluorimetry" EXACT [] synonym: "DSF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000287 ! fluorescence spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:34:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001241 name: elastic recoil detection analysis def: "A technique for measuring elemental concentration depth profiles in thin films by directing an ion beam at the sample and detecting recoiled atoms." [] synonym: "elastic recoil detection" EXACT [] synonym: "ERD" RELATED [] synonym: "ERDA" EXACT [] synonym: "forward recoil scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "HFS" EXACT [] synonym: "hydrogen forward scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000433 ! ion scattering created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:46:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001242 name: heavy-ion elastic recoil detection analysis def: "A technique for measuring elemental concentration depth profiles in thin films by directing a heavy-ion (such as iodine-127) beam at the sample and detecting the recoiled atoms." [] synonym: "heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "heavy-ion ERDA" EXACT [] synonym: "HERDA" EXACT [] synonym: "HI ERDA" EXACT [] synonym: "HI-ERDA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001241 ! elastic recoil detection analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-25T02:51:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001243 name: carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage method def: "A method for measuring charge carrier mobilities and conductivities by applying two sequentional triangular-shaped voltage pulses and measuring the resulting current." [, ISBN:3527404562] synonym: "carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage" EXACT [] synonym: "CELIV" EXACT [] synonym: "CELIV method" EXACT [] synonym: "charge-carrier extraction in a linearly increasing voltage" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T12:13:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001244 name: photoinduced carrier extraction in a linearly increasing voltage def: "A method for measuring charge carrier mobilities and conductivities by applying a short (ns) laser pulse to generate charge carriers. These charge carriers are then detected by applying a linearly increasing voltage and measuring the resulting current." [, ISBN:3527312714] synonym: "photo-CELIV" EXACT [] synonym: "photoinduced CELIV" EXACT [] synonym: "photoinduced charge-carrier extraction in a linearly increasing voltage" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001243 ! carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T12:47:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001245 name: time-of-flight method def: "A method for measuring charge transport by sandwhiching the sample between two parallel electrodes, one of which has to be semitransparent. A short light pulse is applied to the sample giving rise to charge carriers, which traverse through the sample generating a current which is then measured." [ISBN:3527404562] synonym: "time-of-flight technique" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF method" EXACT [] synonym: "TOF technique" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T12:57:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001246 name: carrier extraction using pulsed voltage method def: "A method for measuring charge carrier mobilities and conductivities by applying two sequentional square-shaped voltage pulses and measuring the resulting current." [] synonym: "carrier extraction using pulsed voltage" EXACT [] synonym: "CEPV" EXACT [] synonym: "charge-carrier extraction using pulsed voltage" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T01:11:53Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001247 name: charge transport measurement method def: "Any technique for measuring charge transport." [] is_a: OBI:0000070 ! assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T01:21:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001248 name: field-effect transistor method def: "A method for determining charge transport by incorporating the sample (as a thin film) into an FET. An electric field is applied to the sample (by means of the gate electrode) and the change in conductance between the source and drain electrodes is measured." [ISBN:1586032712] synonym: "FET method" EXACT [] synonym: "FET technique" EXACT [] synonym: "field effect transistor method" EXACT [] synonym: "field-effect transistor (FET) method" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T01:26:14Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001249 name: space-charge-limited current method def: "A method for measuring density-of-state (DOS) distributions by injecting a nonequilibrium density of charges and measuring the resulting current." [ISBN:1860944671] synonym: "SCLC method" EXACT [] synonym: "SCLC technique" EXACT [] synonym: "space charge limited current" EXACT [] synonym: "space-charge-limited current" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T01:33:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001250 name: fast-atom bombardment mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the ions are generated from the sample (which is held in a liquid matrix) by bombarding it with a stream of primary noble gas atoms." [] synonym: "FAB mass spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-26T02:10:41Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001251 name: magneto-optical rotatory dispersion def: "The measurement of magneto-optical activity by placing the sample in a strong magnetic field and observing a beam of plane-polarized light which is directed along the magnetic field axis." [FIX:0000227, ISBN:0471713732] synonym: "magnetic optical rotatory dispersion" EXACT [] synonym: "MORD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000785 ! optical rotatory dispersion created_by: creation_date: 2009-03-27T03:28:25Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001252 name: 183W nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 183W nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "183W NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "183W NMR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "183W NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "183W nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "183W-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52462 ! probes_atom tungsten-183 relationship: CHMO:0002922 CHEBI:52462 ! probes_atom tungsten-183 creation_date: 2009-04-02T04:47:07Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001253 name: ultraviolet spectrophotometry def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs radiation from the ultraviolet region (190–400 nm) resulting in electronic transitions within the sample." [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectroscopic measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000292 ! ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T09:52:05Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001254 name: ultraviolet spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed by a sample as a function of the wavelength of incident radiation from the ultraviolet region (190–400 nm) range." [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000799 ! electronic absorption spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T09:54:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001255 name: electroluminescence detection def: "The detection of luminescence emitted from a sample as a result of the application of an electric current or a strong electric field." [] synonym: "EL detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000057 ! luminescence detection created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T03:47:05Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001256 name: sonoluminescence detection def: "The detection of short bursts of light emitted from a liquid sample excited by sound." [] synonym: "SL detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000057 ! luminescence detection created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T03:49:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001257 name: photoluminescence detection def: "The detection of luminescence emitted from a sample as a result of irradiation with light. Photoluminescence includes both fluorescence and phosphorescence." [FIX:0000428,] synonym: "PL detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000057 ! luminescence detection created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T03:54:57Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001258 name: electroluminescence spectrum def: "A plot of intensity against wavelength obtained by measuring the intensity of radiation emitted by a sample through electroluminescence (emission of light as a result of the application of a current or an electric field) against wavelength." [] synonym: "EL spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "EL spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "electroluminescence spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000864 ! luminescence spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T04:03:03Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001259 name: reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography def: "Liquid chromatography where the inlet pressure is relatively high and the mobile phase is significantly more polar than the stationary phase (which consists of very small particles), for example a microporous silica-based material with chemically bonded alkyl chains." [] synonym: "gradient reverse high-performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "gradient reverse HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse-phase HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "RHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "RP-HPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001009 ! high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-03T04:11:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001260 name: pyrolysis gas chromatography def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy where the volatile pyrolysates are then separated by column chromatography where the mobile phase is a gas." [OrangeBook:5.3] synonym: "Py-GC" EXACT [] synonym: "py-GC" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis GC" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-gas chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-GC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001002 ! gas chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:38:22Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001261 name: pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first chemically degraded by heating then separated by gas chromatography then ionised and characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "Py-GC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "py-GC-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000497 ! gas chromatography-mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:43:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001262 name: gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy def: "Any method where a sample mixture is first separated by column chromatography where the mobile phase is a gas, then the absorption of radiation from the infrared region by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "gas chromatography infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "GC IR" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/IR" EXACT [] synonym: "GCIR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:47:54Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001263 name: pyrolysis gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy def: "Any method where a sample mixture is first chemically degraded by heating then separated by column chromatography where the mobile phase is a gas, then the absorption of radiation from the infrared region by the sample is measured." [] synonym: "Py-GC-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "py-GC-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis gas chromatography infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis gas chromatography infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-gas chromatography-infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001262 ! gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:52:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001264 name: pyrolysis infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample is first chemically degraded by heating then its absorption of radiation from the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm) is measured." [OrangeBook:5.3] synonym: "Py-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "py-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "Py/IR" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis IR" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-IR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000630 ! infrared absorption spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:56:10Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001265 name: pyrolysis mass spectrometry def: "Spectrometry where the sample is chemically degraded by thermal energy then converted into gaseous ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [OrangeBook:5.3] synonym: "Py-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "py-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "Py/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "py/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "pyrolysis-mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-06T11:59:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001266 name: synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays (generated in a synchrotron) scattered by a sample at low angles (0–10°)." [] synonym: "synchrotron SAXS" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000204 ! small-angle X-ray scattering created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-16T10:48:27Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001268 name: desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where ionisation is achieved using a corona discharge which directs a liquid spray (composed of an inert, high velocity gas and solvent ions) onto the sample surface." [] synonym: "DAPCI-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "DAPCI/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000472 ! chemical ionisation mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-16T04:01:41Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001269 name: short-column chromatography def: "A chromatography method where the stationary bed is within a tube (of less than the standard length of 25 cm). The particles of the solid stationary phase or support coated with a liquid stationary phase may fill the whole inside volume of the tube (packed column) or be concentrated on or along the inside tube wall leaving an open, unrestricted path for the mobile phase in the middle part of the tube (open-tubular column)." [,] synonym: "short column chromatography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001001 ! column chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-04-20T03:57:43Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001270 name: continuous-wave electron spin resonance spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. magnetic field strength obtained by measuring the absorption of radiation due to spin-state transitions of unpaired electrons against the magnetic field strength." [ISBN:0198506341] synonym: "continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-EPR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-EPR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-ESR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-ESR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000836 ! electron spin resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-05T02:24:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001271 name: hyperfine sublevel correlation spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. magnetic field strength obtained by measuring the absorption of radiation due to spin-state transitions of unpaired electrons against a perturbing magnetic field, in the presence of fixed-frequency microwave radiation. A two-dimensional spectrum which plots the resonance frequency of electrons in the same magnetic environment, obtained from spectroscopy ased on the electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) effect, where a sequence of four microwave pulses is applied to the sample and the stimulated spin-echo produced is measured." [] synonym: "HYSCORE spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "HYSCORE spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000836 ! electron spin resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-05T02:34:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001272 name: electron spin-echo envelope modulation def: "A type of pulsed EPR spectroscopy which is used to observe the electron spin echo in a paramagnetic system as a function of the time that separates the pulses causing the echo. This technique is a powerful probe of the radial distribution of magnetic nuclear spins in the environment of the electron spins producing the echo." [FIX:0000035,] synonym: "electron spin echo envelope modulation" EXACT [] synonym: "ESEEM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000330 ! pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-05T02:40:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001273 name: electron spin-echo envelope modulation spectrum def: "A plot of intensity vs. magnetic field strength obtained by measuring the absorption of radiation due to electron spin-echo envelope modulation against the resonant frequency of the unpaired electrons." [] synonym: "ESEEM spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000836 ! electron spin resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-05T02:43:03Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001274 name: electrospray-ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry def: "Time-of-flight mass spectrometry where there is an initial electrospray ionisation stage." [] synonym: "electrospray-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000580 ! time-of-flight mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 MS:1000073 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionization created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T01:57:05Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001275 name: electrospray-ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry def: "Tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry where there is an initial electrospray ionisation stage." [] synonym: "electrospray-quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI-QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001274 ! electrospray-ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 MS:1000073 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionization created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:03:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001276 name: size-exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography def: "A type of column chromatography where a sample mixture is first separated according to molecular size, then subjected to chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small particles and the inlet pressure is relatively high" [] synonym: "SEC-HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "SEC/HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "SECHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "size exclusion chromatography high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "size-exclusion chromatography-high peressure liquid chromatography" NARROW [] is_a: CHMO:0001000 ! chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:09:20Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001277 name: reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase HPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "RP-HPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000543 ! high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:16:07Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001278 name: capillary high-performance liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small particles held in a tube of diameter less than a millimetre, and the inlet pressure is relatively high." [] synonym: "capillary high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "capillary-HPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001009 ! high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:22:31Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001279 name: nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small particles, the inlet pressure is relatively high and the flow rate is nL min-1." [] synonym: "nano flow HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nano high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nano high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nano high-performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nano high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nano HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nano-HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflowHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "nHPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001009 ! high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:27:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001280 name: reversed-phase nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid and is significantly more polar than the stationary phase, which consists of very small particles, the inlet pressure is relatively high and the flow rate is nL min-1." [] synonym: "reversed phase nano high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase nano high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nano flow HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nano high-performance liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nano high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nano HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nano-HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow high-pressure liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow-HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflowHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoHPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nHPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001279 ! nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:32:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001281 name: nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (flow rate nL min-1) before being ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction, and characterised by mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance." [] synonym: "nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography inductively coupled mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC ICP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC/ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nHPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000543 ! high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000538 ! has proper occurrent part inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001279 ! has proper occurrent part nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:39:15Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001282 name: nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where the sample mixture is first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography before being ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of it through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of nL min1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets. The ions are then characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance by two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC ESI MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC ESI MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC-ESI-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow HPLC-ESI-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ESI MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ESI-MSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nHPLC-ESI-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nHPLC-ESI-MS2" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000578 ! high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000577 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:50:24Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001283 name: reversed-phase nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry where the sample mixture is first separated by reversed-phase nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography." [] synonym: "reversed phase nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase nanoflow high pressure liquid chromatography inductively coupled mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow HPLC ICP MS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow HPLC-ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow HPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoflow HPLC/ICP-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nanoHPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase nHPLC-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001281 ! nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000538 ! has proper occurrent part inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001009 ! has proper occurrent part high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T02:56:31Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001284 name: nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray-ionisation quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry def: "Quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry where there is a nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography separation step and an electrospray-ionisation mass selection step." [] synonym: "nanoESI QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoESI-Q-TOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow high-pressure liquid chromatography electrospray-quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ESI QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ESI QTOF MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoHPLC-ESI-QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nHPLC-ESI QTOF MS/MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002719 ! quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001279 ! has proper occurrent part nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 MS:1000073 ! has proper occurrent part electrospray ionization created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T03:00:50Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001285 name: gravimetric analysis def: "A method used to determine an analyte on the basis of a mass of a sample." [] is_a: OBI:0000443 ! analyte assay created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T03:21:36Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001286 name: quartz crystal microgravimetry def: "A method used to measure the mass (micrograms) per unit area of a sample using a quartz crystal microbalance (a piece of apparatus that measures the change in frequency of a quartz crystal sandwiched between a pair of electrodes as a function of the mass of the sample)." [] synonym: "QCM measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "QCM technique" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001285 ! gravimetric analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T03:22:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001287 name: calorimeter def: "A piece of apparatus that is used to measure the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes." [] is_a: CHMO:0002793 ! sensor created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-06T03:31:19Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001288 name: sum-frequency generation spectroscopy def: "A method for generating surface-specific vibrational spectra by mixing two light beams at a surface and detecting the output beam, which has frequency equal to the sum of the two input frequencies." [] synonym: "SFG" EXACT [] synonym: "SFG spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SFG vibrational spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "sum frequency generation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational sum-frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "VSFG spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000628 ! vibrational spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-07T03:31:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001289 name: laser desorption–ionisation mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment where the ions are obtained by vaporisation and ionisation using a high-energy pulsed laser." [] synonym: "laser desorption-ionisation mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI-MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LDI-MS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LDIMS spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-08T11:53:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001290 name: time-resolved microwave conductivity def: "A technique allowing the quantitative and qualitative detection of radiation-induced charge separation by time-resolved measurement of the changes in microwave absorption resulting from the production and decay of charged and dipolar molecular entities. In a typical TRMC experiment, separated charge carriers, which are generated by a laser pulse, lead to a perturbation of the initial microwave absorbance. The temporal decay of the conductivity signal (i.e. microwave absorbance) reflects the lifetime of the photogenerated carriers." [,] synonym: "time resolved microwave conductivity" EXACT [] synonym: "TRMC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-11T09:43:39Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001291 name: pulse radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity def: "A technique allowing the quantitative and qualitative detection of radiation-induced charge separation by time-resolved measurement of the changes in microwave absorption resulting from the production and decay of charged and dipolar molecular entities. In a typical pulse-radiolysis TRMC experiment, separated charge carriers, which are generated by a nanosecond pulse of 3-MeV electrons, lead to a perturbation of the initial microwave absorbance. The temporal decay of the conductivity signal (i.e. microwave absorbance) reflects the lifetime of the electrogenerated carriers." [,] synonym: "pulse radiolysis time resolved microwave conductivity" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse radiolysis TRMC" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse-radiolysis TRMC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001290 ! time-resolved microwave conductivity created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-11T09:53:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001292 name: vacuum deposition def: "The process of the settling of particles (atoms or molecules) from a vapour, at sub-atmospheric pressure, onto a pre-existing surface, resulting in the growth of a new phase." [] synonym: "vacuum coating" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum-coating" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum-deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-11T11:20:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001293 name: glancing-incidence X-ray reflectometry def: "A method for determining structure by directing a beam of X-rays at a low angle (<5 deg) toward an extremely flat surface and measuring the intensity of the reflected X-rays as a function of angle. X-ray reflectometry is used to determine the structure of thin films." [] synonym: "GIXRR" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing incidence X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing incidence X-ray reflectometry" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing incidence XRR" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-incidence X-ray reflectivity" EXACT [] synonym: "glancing-incidence XRR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000219 ! X-ray reflectometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-11T12:59:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001294 name: thin-film X-ray diffraction def: "A range of techniques used to determine the structure of thin films by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and detecting the positions and intensities of the diffracted X-rays as a pattern of spots on a photographic plate. Techniques include glancing-incidence X-ray reflectivity and pole figure measurements." [] synonym: "thin film X-ray diffraction" EXACT [] synonym: "thin film XRD" EXACT [] synonym: "thin-film XRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000156 ! X-ray diffraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-11T01:16:52Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001295 name: 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 23Na nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52634, FIX:0000997, rsc:pr] synonym: "23Na NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "sodium-23 NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "sodium-23 nuclear magnetic resonance" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T11:58:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001296 name: 23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states 23Na nuclei in a solid sample placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [rsc:pr] synonym: "23Na solid-state NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000614 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001295 ! 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T12:35:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001297 name: 23Na magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 23Na nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods between them. Anisotropic interactions between nuclei, which are usually averaged by Brownian motion in liquid samples, cause significant line broadening in solid-state NMR, but can be averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "23Na magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na MAS NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na MAS-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na-MAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000615 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is_a: CHMO:0001296 ! 23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T12:38:04Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001298 name: sodium-23 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum where the nuclei of interest are sodium-23 nuclei and in which line broadening has been averaged to zero by spinning the sample very rapidly at the magic angle (54.74° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field)." [rsc:pr] synonym: "23Na MAS NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na MAS-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na MAS-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000856 ! magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T12:42:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001299 name: solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of the resonance frequency of nuclei in the same magnetic environment on a scale relative to their resonance frequency and with intensities proportional to the populations of nuclei in those environments for solid samples." [rsc:pr] synonym: "solid-state NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T12:45:06Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001300 name: sodium-23 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for sodium-23 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "23Na solid-state NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na solid-state NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "sodium-23 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state 23Na NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state 23Na NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001299 ! solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-14T12:47:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001301 name: synthesis method def: "A method used to synthesise a sample." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001302 name: assembly def: "The process of individual components of a sample associating to form a new pattern or structure." [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001303 name: Langmuir–Blodgett assembly def: "A method of depositing crystalline films one molecular layer at a time, by dipping the substrate into water containing a polymer that forms a single layer of molecular chains on the surface. This layer is then transferred from the water to the substrate." [] synonym: "Langmuir-Blodgett assembly" EXACT [] synonym: "Langmuir-Blodgett technique" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001302 ! assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001304 name: layer-by-layer assembly def: "A synthesis method in which thin films of oppositely charged layers are deposited in sequence. Positive or negative charged species are adsorbed onto the sample surface by dipping the substrate into solutions. The excess solution, after each adsorption step, is rinsed with solvent." [] synonym: "electrostatic self-assembly" EXACT [] synonym: "electrostatic self-assembly deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ESA" EXACT [] synonym: "ESD" EXACT [] synonym: "layer-by-layer adsorption" EXACT [] synonym: "LBL" EXACT [] synonym: "LbL" EXACT [] synonym: "LBL assembly" EXACT [] synonym: "LbL assembly" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001302 ! assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001305 name: self-assembly def: "A process where the components of a sample spontaneously (and reversibly) associate by non-covalent interactions, forming an organised structure or pattern. Individual building blocks associate into more complex (higher-order) structures during self-assembly." [] synonym: "SA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001302 ! assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001306 name: evaporation-induced self-assembly def: "A synthesis method in which a drop of solvent is placed on the components to be assembled and allowed to dry freely in air. The solvent evaporation causes the spontaneous association of individual components into an organised structure or pattern." [] synonym: "EISA" EXACT [] synonym: "evaporation induced self assembly" EXACT [] synonym: "evaporation induced self-assembly" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001305 ! self-assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001307 name: molecular self-assambly def: "A process where molecules spontaneously adopt a defined arrangement." [] synonym: "molecular self assembly" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001305 ! self-assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001308 name: templated self-assembly def: "A synthesis method in which the components of the sample spontaneously (and reversibly) associate by non-covalent interactions, forming a organised structure or pattern on a physical template. Individual building blocks associate into more complex (higher-order) structures during self-assembly." [] synonym: "templated self assembly" EXACT [] synonym: "TSA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001305 ! self-assembly [Term] id: CHMO:0001309 name: breath-figure templating def: "The method of using hexagonally-packed water microspheres as templates for the fabrication of microporous polymer films." [ISBN:3540691383] synonym: "BF method" EXACT [] synonym: "breath figure method" EXACT [] synonym: "breath figure templating" EXACT [] synonym: "breath figure-driven templating" EXACT [] synonym: "breath-figure method" EXACT [] synonym: "breath-figure templating" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002213 ! polymer synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001310 name: sample deposition def: "The process of the settling of particles (atoms or molecules) from a solution, suspension or vapour onto a pre-existing surface, resulting in the growth of a new phase." [] synonym: "deposition" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001311 name: atomic layer deposition def: "A thin film deposition technique based on the sequential reaction of gaseous precursors at a surface to produce a monolayer" [] synonym: "ALD" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-layer deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001312 name: chemical solution deposition def: "The process of the settling of particles (atoms or molecules) from a solution or suspension onto a pre-existing surface, resulting in the growth of a new phase." [] synonym: "CBD" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical bath deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical-bath deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical-solution deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "CSD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001313 name: sol–gel method def: "The process of the settling of (nm sized) particles from a colloidal suspension onto a pre-existing surface, resulting in ceramic materials. The desired solid particles (e.g. metal alkoxides) are suspended in a liquid, forming the 'sol', which is deposited on a substrate by spinning, dipping or coating, or transferred to a mould. The particles in the sol are polymerised by partial evaporation of the solvent, or addition of an initiator, forming the 'gel', which is then heated at high temperature to give the final solid product." [] synonym: "colloid process" EXACT [] synonym: "colloidal processing" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel method" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel process" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel processing" EXACT [] synonym: "solgel method" EXACT [] synonym: "solgel process" EXACT [] synonym: "solgel processing" EXACT [] synonym: "sol–gel processing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002063 ! colloid method [Term] id: CHMO:0001314 name: chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical-vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical-vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "CVD (chemical vapour deposition) synthesis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001315 name: aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more involatile precursors, suspended in a liquid–gas aerosol (generated ultrasonically), which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "AACVD" EXACT [] synonym: "aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "aerosol assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "aerosol-assisted CVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001316 name: atmospheric-pressure chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, at atmospheric pressure, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "APCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric-pressure CVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001317 name: atomic layer chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a monolayer deposit. The surface reaction is self-limiting resulting in a nanometre thickness of film." [] synonym: "ALCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic layer chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic layer CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-layer chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-layer CVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001318 name: direct liquid injection chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more liquid precursors, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "direct liquid injection CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-liquid-injection chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-liquid-injection chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "direct-liquid-injection CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "DLICVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001319 name: hot wire chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react or decompose (catalysed by a hot filament) on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "cat-CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "catalytic chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "catalytic chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "catalytic CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "HFCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "hot filament chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "hot filament chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "hot filament CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "hot wire chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "hot wire CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "HWCVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001320 name: hybrid physical–chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method that involves both the chemical decomposition of a precursor gas and the vaporization of a solid source e.g. the growth of MgB2 involves both diborane gas and solid Mg." [] synonym: "HPCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "hybrid physical-chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001321 name: laser chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where a laser-heated substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [ISBN:0121742318] synonym: "laser assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser assisted chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "laser chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "laser induced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-induced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "LCVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001322 name: low-pressure chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, at less than atmospheric pressure, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "low pressure chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "low pressure CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "low-pressure chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "low-pressure CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "LPCVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001323 name: ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors under ultrahigh vacuum (<10^{-6} Pa), which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "UHV CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "UHVCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high vacuum chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high vacuum chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high vacuum CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-high-vacuum CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrahigh vacuum CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrahigh-vacuum chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrahigh-vacuum CVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001322 ! low-pressure chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001324 name: metal–organic chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to volatile precursors (one of which is an organometallic compound) which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "metal-organic chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "metal-organic chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "metalorganic chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "metalorganic chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "metalorganic CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "MOCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "OMCVD" EXACT [] synonym: "organometallic chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "organometallic chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001325 name: plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, in the presence of a plasma (a partially ionised gas, containing free electrons), which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit. The plasma enhances the rate of reaction on the substrate surface." [] synonym: "PACVD" EXACT [] synonym: "PECVD" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma enhanced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-enhanced CVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001314 ! chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001326 name: microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, in the presence of a microwave-induced plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons), which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit. The plasma enhances the rate of reaction on the substrate surface." [] synonym: "microwave plasma assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave plasma enhanced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave plasma-assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave plasma-enhanced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "MPCVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001325 ! plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001327 name: remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where the substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors which react or decompose in a plasma (a partially ionised gas, containing free electrons) and are then transferred to the surface to produce a deposit. The plasma enhances the rate of reaction." [] synonym: "remote plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma-assisted CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "remote plasma-enhanced CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "RPECVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001325 ! plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001328 name: rapid thermal chemical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis method where a rapidly heated substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react or decompose on the surface to produce a deposit." [] synonym: "rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "rapid thermal CVD" EXACT [] synonym: "RTCVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002330 ! thermal chemical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001329 name: dry deposition def: "The process of the settling of particles (atoms or molecules) from a gas or vapor onto a pre-existing surface, resulting in the growth of a new phase." [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001330 name: electrophoretic deposition def: "Any synthesis process where colloidal particles suspended in a liquid medium migrate under the influence of an electric field and are deposited on an electrode." [] synonym: "EPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001331 name: electrochemical deposition def: "A synthesis method in which a film of solid metal is deposited from a solution of ions onto an electrically conducting surface (an electrode). Three electrodes are required (working, counter and reference) and when sufficient current is passed through the solution, metal ions are reduced at the working electrode." [] synonym: "cathodic electrodeposition" EXACT [] synonym: "electrocoating" EXACT [] synonym: "electrodeposition" EXACT [] synonym: "electroplating" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001330 ! electrophoretic deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001332 name: photoelectrochemical deposition def: "A synthesis method in which a film of solid metal is deposited from a solution of ions onto an electrically conducting surface (an electrode). Three electrodes are required (working, counter and reference) and when sufficient current is passed through the solution, accompanied by irradiation with UV light, metal ions are reduced at the working electrode." [] is_a: CHMO:0001331 ! electrochemical deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001333 name: electroless metal deposition def: "A synthesis method in which a film of solid metal is deposited from a solution of ions onto an electrically conducting surface. No external power source is required, but a reductant is added to the solution to initiate the reduction of the metal ions." [ISBN:1856174514] is_a: CHMO:0001312 ! chemical solution deposition is_a: CHMO:0002154 ! metallisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001334 name: multi-metal deposition def: "A development method where the substrate is first immersed in a colloidal gold solution (containing negatively charged gold particles) at low pH. Gold subsequently deposits on any organic molecules containing postively charged groups at this pH. In the second step, the surface is treated with a solution containing silver acetate and hydroquinone which causes the reduction of silver ions, producing a silver deposit on the exisiting gold layer. multi-metal deposition is used to enhance latent fingermarks." [, ISBN:0415271754] synonym: "MMD" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-metal-deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "multimetal deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001333 ! electroless metal deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001335 name: single-metal deposition def: "A development method where the substrate is first immersed in a colloidal gold solution (containing negatively charged gold particles) at low pH. Gold subsequently deposits on any organic molecules containing postively charged groups at this pH. In the second step, the surface is treated with another solution containing gold chloride and hydroxylamine which causes the reduction of gold ion, producing a further gold deposit on the exisiting gold layer. Single-metal deposition is used to enhance latent fingermarks." [] synonym: "SMD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001333 ! electroless metal deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001336 name: epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from liquid or gaseous precursors) on a monocrystalline substrate." [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001337 name: atomic layer epitaxy def: "A synthesis method that consists of depositing alternating monolayers of two elements onto a substrate. The deposition is self-limiting and is completed when all available chemisorption sites are occupied. Film thickness is controlled by the number of precursor cycles." [] synonym: "ALE" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-layer epitaxy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001338 name: heteroepitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from liquid or gaseous precursors) of one substance, on a monocrystalline substrate of a different substance." [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001339 name: homoepitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from liquid or gaseous precursors) on a monocrystalline substrate of the same substance." [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001340 name: liquid-phase epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from liquid or melt precursors) on a monocrystalline substrate." [] synonym: "liquid phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "LPE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001341 name: molecular beam epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from a molecular beam) on a monocrystalline substrate under high vacuum (<10^{-8} Pa). Molecular beam epitaxy is very slow, with a deposition rate of <1000 nm per hour." [] synonym: "MBE" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular-beam epitaxy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001342 name: gas-source molecular beam epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from a molecular beam of reactive gases) on a monocrystalline substrate under high vacuum (<10^{-8} Pa)." [] synonym: "CBE" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical beam epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical-beam epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "gas source MBE" EXACT [] synonym: "gas source molecular beam epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "gas-source MBE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001341 ! molecular beam epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001343 name: metal–organic molecular beam epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from a molecular beam of organometallic precursors) on a monocrystalline substrate under high vacuum (<10^{-8} Pa)." [] synonym: "metal-organic MBE" EXACT [] synonym: "metal-organic molecular beam epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "MOMBE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001341 ! molecular beam epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001344 name: solid-source molecular beam epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from a beam of evapourated metal particles) on a monocrystalline substrate under high vacuum (<10^{-8} Pa)." [] synonym: "solid source MBE" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-source MBE" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-source molecular beam epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001341 ! molecular beam epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001345 name: solid-phase epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing an amorphous film on a monocrystalline substrate, then heating the substrate to crystallise the film." [] synonym: "solid phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "SPE" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001346 name: vapour-phase epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film (from vapour-phase precursors) on a monocrystalline substrate." [] synonym: "vapor phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "vapor-phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour-phase epitaxial growth" EXACT [] synonym: "VPE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001336 ! epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001347 name: hydride vapour-phase epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film, from vapour-phase precursors (in hydrogen or ammonia carrier gases), on a monocrystalline substrate." [] synonym: "HVPE" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride vapor phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride vapor-phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "hydride vapour phase epitaxy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001346 ! vapour-phase epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001348 name: metal–organic vapour-phase epitaxy def: "A synthesis method which consists of depositing a monocrystalline film, from organometallic vapour-phase precursors, on a monocrystalline substrate." [] synonym: "metal organic vapor phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "metal organic vapour phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "MOVPE" EXACT [] synonym: "OMVPE" EXACT [] synonym: "organometallic vapor phase epitaxy" EXACT [] synonym: "organometallic vapour phase epitaxy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001346 ! vapour-phase epitaxy [Term] id: CHMO:0001349 name: jet deposition def: "A synthesis method where a flow of precursors is projected onto a surface, resulting in a deposit." [] synonym: "JD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001350 name: aerosol jet deposition def: "A synthesis method where an aerosol containing precursors is projected onto a surface, resulting in a deposit." [] synonym: "aerosol JD" EXACT [] synonym: "AJD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001349 ! jet deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001351 name: gas jet deposition def: "A synthesis method where a flow of carrier gas containing vaporised precursors is projected onto a surface, resulting in a deposit." [] synonym: "gas-jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "GJD" EXACT [] synonym: "jet vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "jet vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "jet-vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "jet-vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "JVD" EXACT [] synonym: "physical JD" EXACT [] synonym: "physical jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "physical-jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "PJD" EXACT [] synonym: "vapor jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "vapor-jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "vapour-jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "VJD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001349 ! jet deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001352 name: ultrasonic gas jet deposition def: "A synthesis method where a flow of carrier gas (moving faster than the speed of sound) containing vaporised precursors is projected onto a surface, resulting in a deposit." [] synonym: "ultrasonic GJD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic jet vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic jet vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic JVD" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic vapor jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic vapour jet deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic VJD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001351 ! gas jet deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001353 name: plasma jet deposition def: "A synthesis method where a plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons) containing precursors is projected onto a surface, resulting in a deposit." [] synonym: "plasma JD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001349 ! jet deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001354 name: micropen lithography def: "A synthesis method where a pattern or ink layer is deposited on a substrate using a liquid dispensed through a microsized conical nozzle. The movement of the 'micropen' is controlled by a computer program." [] synonym: "micro-pen lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001355 name: photodeposition def: "A synthesis technique where a monomer is irradiated with UV light, causing cross-linking and the deposition of a polymer film on a substrate." [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001356 name: physical vapour deposition def: "A synthesis technique where vaporized molecules or atoms condense on a surface, forming a thin layer. The process is purely physical; no chemical reaction occurs at the surface." [] synonym: "physical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "PVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001357 name: cathodic arc deposition def: "A synthesis technique where an electric arc is used to vaporize material from a cathode target. The vaporized material then condenses on a substrate, forming a thin film." [] synonym: "arc physical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "arc physical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "arc-physical vapor deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "arc-physical vapour deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "arc-PVD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001358 name: electron-beam-induced deposition def: "A synthesis method where an electron beam is used to decompose gaseous molecules leading to deposition of a solid on a nearby substrate." [] synonym: "EB deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "EBD" EXACT [] synonym: "EBID" EXACT [] synonym: "electron beam deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "electron beam-induced deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-beam deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001359 name: ion beam-induced deposition def: "A synthesis method where an ion beam (e.g. Ga+) is used to decompose gaseous molecules leading to deposition on a nearby substrate." [] synonym: "FIBID" EXACT [] synonym: "focused-ion-beam-induced deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "focussed-ion-beam-induced deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "IBID" EXACT [] synonym: "ion beam induced deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-beam-induced deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001360 name: thermal evaporation def: "A synthesis technique where the material to be deposited is heated until evaporation in a vacuum (<10^{-4} Pa) and eventually deposits as a thin film by condensing on a (cold) substrate." [] synonym: "evaporative deposition)" EXACT [] synonym: "filament evaporation" EXACT [] synonym: "TE" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum condensation" EXACT [] synonym: "vacuum thermal evporation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001361 name: metal evaporation def: "A synthesis technique where the substrate is placed in a vacuum (<10^{-4} Pa) and a metal electrode (e.g. Au, Cr, Zn or Pt) is melted and evaporated by passing a current through it. When the metal atoms hit the (μch cooler) substrate they condense into nanoscale particles, forming a thin deposit on the surface." [ISBN:0763701920] synonym: "ME" EXACT [] synonym: "MET" EXACT [] synonym: "metal evaporation technique" EXACT [] synonym: "metal shadowing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001360 ! thermal evaporation is_a: CHMO:0002154 ! metallisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001362 name: vacuum metal deposition def: "A development technique where the substrate is placed in a vacuum (10^{-4} Pa) and two metal electrodes are melted and evaporated (sequentionally) by passing a current through them. When the metal atoms hit the (μch cooler) substrate they condense into nanoscale particles, forming a thin deposit on the surface. When vacuum metal deposition is used to enhance latent fingermarks on polymer surfaces, a Au layer is applied first, followed by a μch thicker Zn layer (which does not deposit on the fingermark ridges)." [] synonym: "vacuum-metal deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "VMD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001361 ! metal evaporation [Term] id: CHMO:0001363 name: pulsed laser deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a high-power pulsed laser beam is focused (inside a vacuum chamber) onto a target of the desired composition. Material is then vaporized from the target ('ablation') and deposited as a thin film on a substrate facing the target." [] synonym: "laser ablation growth" EXACT [] synonym: "PLA deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "PLD" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed laser ablation deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed-laser ablation deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed-laser deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001364 name: sputter deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a solid target is bombarded with electrons or energetic ions (e.g. Ar+) causing atoms to be ejected ('sputtering'). The ejected atoms then deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate." [] synonym: "sputter coating" EXACT [] synonym: "sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001356 ! physical vapour deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001365 name: barrel sputter deposition def: "Sputter deposition where the substrate is held in a barrel which is swung from side-to-side to ensure even deposition." [] synonym: "barrel sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "barrel-sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001366 name: ion-assisted deposition def: "Sputter deposition where a secondary ion beam is then used to remove any partially bound atoms from the substrate surface." [] synonym: "IAD" EXACT [] synonym: "IBAD" EXACT [] synonym: "ion beam assisted deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-beam-assisted deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001367 name: ion-beam sputter deposition def: "Sputter deposition where the energetic ions come from an external ion source, which generates a focused ion beam." [] synonym: "IBS" RELATED [] synonym: "ion-assisted sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-beam sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "ion-beam-assisted sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000960 ! has participant ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0001368 name: magnetron sputter deposition def: "Sputter deposition where the ion source is a magnetron. The ejected atoms then deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate." [] synonym: "magnetron sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition intersection_of: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition intersection_of: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002896 ! has participant magnetron relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002896 ! has participant magnetron [Term] id: CHMO:0001369 name: high power impulse magnetron sputter deposition def: "Magnetron sputter deposition where the ionisation process uses extremely high power densities of the order of kW cm-2 in short pulses." [] synonym: "high impact power magnetron sputter deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "high impact power magnetron sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "high power impulse magnetron sputter deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "high power impulse magnetron sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "high power pulsed magnetron sputter deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "high power pulsed magnetron sputtering" EXACT [] synonym: "HIPIMS" EXACT [] synonym: "HPPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001370 name: radio frequency sputter deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a solid target is bombarded with energetic ions (e.g. Ar+) generated in a magnetron (a device that uses electrical and magnetic fields to generate heat) causing atoms to be ejected ('sputtering'). The ejected atoms then deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate. The sign of the anode-cathode bias is varied at a high rate to avoid charge build-up on insulating targets." [] synonym: "RF sputter deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "RF sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001371 name: plasma sputter deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a solid target is bombarded with energetic ions (e.g. Ar+) causing atoms to be ejected ('sputtering'). The ejected atoms then deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate. Ionisation of the neutral gas atoms requires a plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons) source to be generated by passing an electrical discharge through the chamber, with the target acting as the cathode." [] synonym: "plasma sputter coating" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001372 name: high-target-utilization sputter deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a solid target is bombarded with energetic ions (e.g. Ar+) causing atoms to be ejected ('sputtering'). The ejected atoms then deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate. Ionisation of the neutral gas atoms requires an external plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons) source, which generates an ion beam." [] synonym: "high-target-utilization sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001371 ! plasma sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001373 name: reactive sputter deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a solid target is bombarded with energetic ions (e.g. Ar+) causing atoms to be ejected ('sputtering'). The ejected atoms then react with a gas that is introduced into the chamber and the products deposit, as a thin-film, on a substrate." [] synonym: "reactive sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001364 ! sputter deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001374 name: reactive spray deposition def: "A synthesis technique where a metal-containing precursor, dissolved in a solvent, is atomised and ignited. During combustion the flame is directed at the substrate resulting in the deposition of a thin layer of metal." [] synonym: "flame-assisted deposition" EXACT [] synonym: "RSD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001375 name: supercritical spray deposition def: "A synthesis method where a solid material is dissolved in a supercritical fluid (at elevated pressure) which is forced through a small orifice into a region of relatively low pressure. This produces a molecular spray which is directed against a substrate where it deposits as a thin film." [USPatent:4582731] synonym: "supercritical fluid molecular spray film deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001376 name: thin-film deposition def: "Any technique for depositing a thin film of material onto a substrate or onto previously deposited layers." [] synonym: "thin film deposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001310 ! sample deposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001377 name: hydrothermal synthesis def: "A synthesis method for growing single crystals from an aqueous solution in an autoclave (a thick-walled steel vessel) at high temperature (400 °C) and pressure." [ISBN:0387462708] synonym: "hydrothermal method" EXACT [] synonym: "hydrothermal process" EXACT [] synonym: "hydrothermal reaction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001378 name: infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, a liquid or vapor." [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001379 name: chemical vapour infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, a vapour." [] synonym: "CVI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001378 ! infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001380 name: temperature-gradient chemical vapour infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from a vapour, accelerated by a temperature gradient." [] synonym: "temperature gradient chemical vapour infiltration" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature gradient CVI" EXACT [] synonym: "temperature-gradient CVI" EXACT [] synonym: "TG-CVI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001379 ! chemical vapour infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001381 name: forced-flow chemical vapour infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from a vapour held at high pressure." [] synonym: "forced-flow CVI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001379 ! chemical vapour infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001382 name: pressure-pulsed chemical vapour infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, a vapour which is applied as a series of high pressure pulses. This results in a multilayer structure." [] synonym: "P-CVI" EXACT [] synonym: "pressure pulsed CVI" EXACT [] synonym: "pressure-pulsed CVI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001379 ! chemical vapour infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001383 name: gas-phase infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, a gas." [] is_a: CHMO:0001378 ! infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001384 name: liquid polymer infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with polymer precursors." [ISBN:402081332] synonym: "LPI" EXACT [] synonym: "PIP" EXACT [] synonym: "polymer infiltration and pyrolysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001378 ! infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001385 name: liquid-phase infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, a liquid." [] synonym: "melt infiltration" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001378 ! infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001386 name: liquid silicon infiltration def: "The process of filling in the pores of a material (e.g. a ceramic) by reaction with, or deposition from, liquid silicon." [ISBN:402081332] is_a: CHMO:0001385 ! liquid-phase infiltration [Term] id: CHMO:0001387 name: ionothermal synthesis def: "A synthesis method for growing single crystals from an ionic liquid in an autoclave (a thick-walled steel vessel) at high temperature (400 °C) and pressure." [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001388 name: lithography def: "Any synthesis technique involving the transfer of a pattern to a material (a 'resist') by selective exposure to a radiation source (e.g. light or X-rays) or to a beam of charged particles. Upon irradiation, the material experiences a change in its physical properties. Excess material is then removed, by a liquid 'developer' or an etching process." [] synonym: "lithographic patterning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002146 ! patterning [Term] id: CHMO:0001389 name: colloidal lithography def: "Any synthesis technique involving the transfer of a pattern to a material (a 'resist') by exposure to a radiation source (e.g. light or X-rays) or to a beam of charged particles through a mask composed of a close-packed colloidal array. Upon irradiation, the material experiences a change in its physical properties. Excess material is then removed, by a liquid 'developer' or an etching process." [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001390 name: microlithography alt_id: CHMO:0001412 def: "Any synthesis technique involving the transfer of a microsized pattern to a material (a 'resist') by selective exposure to a radiation source (e.g. light or X-rays) or to a beam of charged particles. Upon irradiation, the material experiences a change in its physical properties which changes its response to a developer solution (making it either soluble or insoluble). The desired pattern is then obtained by removing any excess resist with the developer." [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001391 name: nanolithography def: "Any synthesis technique involving the transfer of a nanosized pattern to a material." [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001392 name: nanoimprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of resist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A mould containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then pressed into the resist and any residual resist in the cast area is removed by an anisotropic etching process such as reactive ion etching." [] synonym: "nano-imprinting lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoimprinting lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "NIL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001391 ! nanolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001393 name: electrochemical nanoimprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses an electrochemical reaction to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A superionic conductor (e.g. Ag2S) stamp containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is pressed onto a metal substrate. When a voltage is applied across the substrate and stamp, metal ions move from the substrate to the stamp leaving behind the complementary pattern." [] synonym: "electrochemical nanoimprinting" EXACT [] synonym: "superionic electrochemical nanoimprinting" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001392 ! nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001394 name: laser-assisted direct imprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photosensitive resist (a polymer) is deposited on a silicon substrate by spin coating. A transparent stamp (e.g. quartz) containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then pressed into the resist and a single laser pulse (XeCl excimer laser) is applied to melt the top layer of silicon. The molten silicon flows into the pattern then rapidly solidifies." [] synonym: "LADI" EXACT [] synonym: "laser assisted direct imprint" EXACT [] synonym: "laser assisted direct imprint lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "laser assisted direct imprinting" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted direct imprint" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-assisted direct imprinting" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001392 ! nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001395 name: thermoplastic nanoimprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of resist (a thermoplastic polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A mould containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then pressed into the resist, whilst both the substrate and mould are heated to the glass transition temperature of the polymer. The resist is then cooled and any residual resist in the cast area is removed by an anisotropic etching process such as reactive ion etching." [] synonym: "T-NIL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001392 ! nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001396 name: lithographically induced self-assembly def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of resist (a thermoplastic polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A mould containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then held above the resist, whilst both the substrate and mould are heated to the glass transition temperature of the polymer. The resist is then cooled and any residual resist in the cast area is removed by an anisotropic etching process such as reactive ion etching. During the heat–cool cycle the initially flat polymer film self-assembles into periodic supramolecular pillar arrays." [] synonym: "LISA" EXACT [] synonym: "lithographically-induced self-assembly" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001395 ! thermoplastic nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001397 name: roller nanoimprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of resist (a thermoplastic polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A stamp containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is placed on the substrate. A roller, heated to the glass transition temperature of the resist, is then used to press the stamp into the resist. The resist is cooled and any residual resist in the cast area is removed by an anisotropic etching process such as reactive ion etching." [] is_a: CHMO:0001395 ! thermoplastic nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001398 name: photo nanoimprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation and cross-linking to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photosensitive resist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A transparent stamp (e.g. fused silica) containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then pressed into the resist, which is exposed to UV light. Any unexposed areas of polymer are removed by reactive ion etching." [] synonym: "P-NIL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001392 ! nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001399 name: step-and-flash imprint lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses mechanical deformation and cross-linking to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photosensitive organosilicon resist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A transparent stamp (e.g. quartz) containing the desired (nanosized) pattern on its surface is then pressed into the resist, which is exposed to UV light. Any unexposed areas of polymer are removed by reactive ion etching." [] synonym: "SFIL" EXACT [] synonym: "step and flash imprint lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001398 ! photo nanoimprint lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001400 name: particle-beam lithography def: "A type of lithography where electrons or ions are used to generate pattern, which is transferred to a resist." [ISBN:0824790243] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001401 name: electron-beam lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of electrons (10–20 keV) is scanned across it in a patterned fashion. The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing'). The electron beam can be focused using either electric or magnetic fields." [ISBN:0824790243] synonym: "e-beam lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "e-beam patterning" EXACT [] synonym: "EB lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "EBDW" EXACT [] synonym: "EBL" EXACT [] synonym: "electron beam (EB) lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron beam lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron beam patterning" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-beam direct-write lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-beam patterning" EXACT [] synonym: "EPL" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001400 ! particle-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001402 name: low-energy electron-beam lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist') and a beam of electrons (1 keV) is scanned across it in a patterned fashion. The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing'). The electron beam can be focused using either electric or magnetic fields." [] synonym: "LEEB" EXACT [] synonym: "LEEBI" EXACT [] synonym: "LEEBL" EXACT [] synonym: "low energy electron beam irradiation" EXACT [] synonym: "low energy electron-beam irradiation" EXACT [] synonym: "low-energy electron-beam irradiation" EXACT [] synonym: "low-voltage electron beam lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "low-voltage energy beam lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "LVEBL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001401 ! electron-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001403 name: low-energy e-beam proximity lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of moderately low energy electrons (2 keV) is scanned across a patterned mask (held up to 50 μm from the substrate surface). The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing')." [ISBN:0824790243] synonym: "e-beam proximity lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "ebeam proximity lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-beam proximity lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "LEEPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001401 ! electron-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001404 name: electron-beam projection lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of electrons (100 keV) is scanned across a patterned mask. The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing'). The electron beam can be focused using either electric or magnetic fields." [] synonym: "e-beam projection lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "ebeam projection lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron projection lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-projection lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "EPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001401 ! electron-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001405 name: projection reduction exposure with variable axis immersion lense def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of electrons (100 keV) is scanned across a patterned mask. The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing'). The lens system used to focus the electron beam has a 4-times magnification and a 250 μm2 exposure field, and was developed by IBM and Nikon." [ISBN:0824790243] synonym: "PREVAIL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001404 ! electron-beam projection lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001406 name: scattering with angular limitation projection electron-beam lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses electrons to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of electrons (100 keV) is scanned across an ultrathin (<150 nm thickness) low-atomic-number patterned mask. Many of the electrons are scattered by the mask, so the image is formed only by those electrons that pass through the membrane without scattering. The electrons induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing')." [ISBN:0824790243] synonym: "SCALPEL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001401 ! electron-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001407 name: ion-beam lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses ions to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a focused ion beam (75 keV He ions) is scanned across it in a patterned fashion. The ions induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing')." [ISBN:0824753747] synonym: "ion beam lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001400 ! particle-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001408 name: ion projection lithography def: "A synthesis technique that uses ions to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a focused ion beam (75 keV He ions) is scanned across a patterned mask inducing chemical reactions in the resist. The desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing')." [ISBN:0824753747] synonym: "ion-projection lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "IPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001407 ! ion-beam lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001409 name: near-field phase shift lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. A transparent PDMS mask with the desired pattern (in relief) on its surface is placed in contact with the photoresist layer. UV light (300–460 nm) is then used to cross-link the polymer. Light passing through the stamp is modulated in the near-field by the relief of the mask such that the edges of the relief structures correspond to nulls in the intensity of the light. The polymer is cross-linked in the remaining areas." [ISBN:1860944809] synonym: "near field optical lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near field phase shift lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near field photolithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field conformational photolithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field optical lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field phase-shift lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "near-field photolithography" EXACT [] synonym: "NFPSL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001410 name: photolithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense (typically UV) light and a post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "optical lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet lithography" NARROW [] synonym: "ultraviolet lithography" NARROW [] synonym: "UV lithography" NARROW [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001411 name: double patterning lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to two different patterns of intense (typically UV) light using two different masks. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "double-patterning lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "DPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001410 ! photolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001413 name: immersion lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then immersed in a liquid with RI >1 (e.g. highly purified water) and exposed to a pattern of intense UV light. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] is_a: CHMO:0001410 ! photolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001414 name: interference lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense UV light generated by the interference of two or more coherent light sources. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "HIL" EXACT [] synonym: "holographic interference lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "holographic lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001410 ! photolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001415 name: multiple-laser-beam interference lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense UV light generated by the interference of multiple coherent lasers. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] is_a: CHMO:0001414 ! interference lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001416 name: microscope projection photolithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. A reduced image of the desired pattern is then projected on the photoresist using a microscope and the substrate is exposed to intense (typically UV) light. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "microscope-projection photolithography" EXACT [] synonym: "MPP" EXACT [] synonym: "MPPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001410 ! photolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001417 name: ultraviolet lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense UV light and a post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] is_a: CHMO:0001410 ! photolithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001418 name: contact lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. A mask ('photomask') with the desired pattern is then placed in contact with the substrate and both are exposed to intense UV light. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "contact printing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001419 name: continuous-flow lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. Shuttered pulses (30–100 ms) of mask-defined UV (365 nm) light are flashed into a continuous stream of resist inside a microchannel, leading to the formation of solid structures almost instantaneously." [] synonym: "CFL" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "continuous flow lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001420 name: lock-release lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. Shuttered pulses (30–100 ms) of mask-defined UV (365 nm) light are flashed into a stationery layer of monomer inside microchannel. Objects generated by this process are 'locked' by relief structures in the channel, before being flushed out. The process is then repeated in a cyclic manner." [] synonym: "lock release lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "LRL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001421 name: deep-ultraviolet lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense UV (240 nm) light and a post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "deep ultraviolet lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "deep-UV lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001422 name: extreme ultraviolet lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of photoresist (a polymer) is deposited on the substrate by spin coating. The photoresist-coated substrate is then heated to drive off excess solvent ('soft-baked', 'prebaked', 'post-application baked', PAB), typically at 90–100 °C. The photoresist is then exposed to a pattern of intense EUV (13.5 nm) light in a vacuum. A post-exposure bake (PEB) at 120–180 °C is performed before immersing the substrate in a 'developer' which removes excess photoresist. Positive photoresist becomes soluble in the developer when exposed; negative photoresist becomes insoluble in the developer. Finally the substrate is baked again ('hard-baked') to solidify the remaining photoresist." [] synonym: "EUV lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "EUVL" EXACT [] synonym: "extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "extreme-ultraviolet lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "soft X-ray reflective lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001423 name: stop-flow lithography def: "A synthesis method that uses light to transfer a pattern to a substrate. Shuttered pulses (30–100 ms) of mask-defined UV (365 nm) light are flashed into a stationery layer of monomer, which is sandwiched inside a microchannel before being flushed out. The process is then repeated in a cyclic manner." [] synonym: "SFL" EXACT [] synonym: "stop flow lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001417 ! ultraviolet lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001424 name: scanning near-field photolithography def: "A synthesis method which uses light and a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) to transfer a pattern to a substrate. A solution of an alkanethiol is deposited on the substrate, forming a SAM. UV light (244 nm) from a scanning near-field optical microscope (aperture size = 50 nm) is then used to oxidise the SAM in certain areas. Either the oxidised areas of the SAM, or the gold corresponding to those areas, is then removed by etching." [] synonym: "SNP" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001425 name: soft lithography def: "Any synthesis technique which uses elastomeric stamps, moulds, and conformable photomasks prepared from liquid polymer precursors." [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001426 name: multi-layer soft lithography def: "Any synthesis technique which uses elastomeric stamps, molds, and conformable photomasks prepared from multiple liquid polymer precursors." [] synonym: "MSL" EXACT [] synonym: "multi layer soft lithography" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001425 ! soft lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001427 name: moulding def: "Any process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The polymer material (in liquid form) hardens or sets inside the mould, adopting its shape." [] synonym: "molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001425 ! soft lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001428 name: blow moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The plastic is heated and shaped into a tube then a pressurized gas, usually air, is used to expand the plastic and press it against the mould." [] synonym: "blow forming" EXACT [] synonym: "blow molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001429 name: compression moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer material using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The pre-heated material is first placed in an open, heated mould which is then closed before pressure is applied to it. The applied pressure forces the softened polymer to adopt the shape of the mould." [] synonym: "compression molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001430 name: injection moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The plastic is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mould where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the mould." [] synonym: "injection molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001431 name: micromoulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer material using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The polymer material (in liquid form) is injected into a mould using a small diameter piston and then allowed to harden or set inside the mould, adopting its shape." [] synonym: "micromolding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001432 name: multi-layer micromoulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer material using multiple microsized rigid frames or models called 'moulds'. The polymer material (in liquid form) is injected into a mould using a small diameter piston and then allowed to harden or set inside the mould, adopting its shape." [] synonym: "MMM" EXACT [] synonym: "multi layer micromolding" EXACT [] synonym: "multi layer micromoulding" EXACT [] synonym: "multi-layer micromolding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001431 ! micromoulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001433 name: micromoulding in capillaries def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The mould is brought into contact with a rigid substrate, forming microchannels. The polymer material (in fluid form) fills these microchannels by capillary action. The polymer material is then cooled or cross-linked." [SBN:0849380804] synonym: "micromolding in capillaries" EXACT [] synonym: "MIMIC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001431 ! micromoulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001434 name: solvent-assisted micromoulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The mould is wetted with a thin layer of solvent. When the polymer is brought into contact with the mould, the top layer of polymer dissolves and expands, filling the mould. The solvent is then allowed to evaporate." [] synonym: "SAMIM" EXACT [] synonym: "solvent-assisted micromolding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001431 ! micromoulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001435 name: rotational moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The plastic is placed in a heated mould, which is slowly rotated causing the melted plastic to flow into to the mould and stick to its walls." [] synonym: "rotational molding" EXACT [] synonym: "rotomolding" EXACT [] synonym: "rotomoulding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001436 name: transfer moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The mould is filled with a prepolymer then the whole assembly is transferred to a flat substrate where the prepolymer is cross-linked and the mould removed." [] synonym: "TM" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "transfer molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001437 name: microtransfer moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The mould is filled with a prepolymer then the whole assembly is transferred to a flat substrate where the prepolymer is cross-linked and the mould removed." [] synonym: "micro TM" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-transfer molding" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-transfer moulding" EXACT [] synonym: "microtransfer molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001436 ! transfer moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001438 name: nanotransfer moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a nanosized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. The mould is filled with a prepolymer then the whole assembly is transferred to a flat substrate where the prepolymer is cross-linked and the mould removed." [] synonym: "nano TM" EXACT [] synonym: "nano-transfer molding" EXACT [] synonym: "nano-transfer moulding" EXACT [] synonym: "nanotransfer molding" EXACT [] synonym: "nTM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001436 ! transfer moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001439 name: replica moulding def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer materials using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. A mould is cast from the object to be replicated. This mould is then filled with a prepolymer, which is cross-linked and the resulting polymer is peeled off the mould. Using a mould, rather than the object itself, allows multiple copies to be made without damaging the original." [] synonym: "REM" RELATED [] synonym: "replica molding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding [Term] id: CHMO:0001440 name: microcontact printing def: "A synthesis method for transferring a pattern to a gold surface. A PDMS stamp is coated in an alkanethiol and then brought into contact with a gold surface. Thiol from the wet region generates patterned features of SAMs on the gold surface." [] synonym: "mCP" EXACT [] synonym: "micro contact printing" EXACT [] synonym: "micro CP" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-contact printing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001425 ! soft lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001441 name: patterning by etching at the nanoscale def: "A process for shaping pliable polymer material using a microsized rigid frame or model called a 'mould'. A PDMS mould is etched with a fluoride-containing substance (breaking Si–O bonds at the surface). The fresh PDMS surface then reacts with a prepolymer." [] synonym: "PENs" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001425 ! soft lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001442 name: X-ray lithography def: "A synthesis technique which uses X-rays to transfer a pattern to a substrate. The substrate is coated with a film (or 'resist) and a beam of X-rays is scanned across a patterned mask. The mask consists of an X-ray absorber (e.g. Au) on a membrane that is transparent to X-rays (e.g. SiC). The X-rays induce chemical reactions in the resist and the desired pattern is obtained by selectively removing either exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist ('developing')." [] synonym: "proximity X-ray lithography" EXACT [] synonym: "PXL" EXACT [] synonym: "XL" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001388 ! lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001443 name: mechanosynthesis def: "A synthesis method in which the reaction outcome is determined by the use of mechanical constraints to direct reactive molecules to specific molecular sites." [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001444 name: reforming def: "Any process in which the molecular structure of a hydrocarbon is rearranged to alter its properties (e.g. its combustion characteristics)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001445 name: aqueous-phase reforming def: "The reaction of biomass-derived oxygenated compounds (e.g. glycerol) in aqueous solution at low temperature in the presence of a platinum catalyst to produce hydrogen." [] synonym: "APR" EXACT [] synonym: "aqueous phase reforming" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001444 ! reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001446 name: catalytic reforming def: "Any process in which the molecular structure of a hydrocarbon is rearranged to alter its properties (e.g. its combustion characteristics) in the presence of a catalyst and under a high pressure of H2 gas." [] is_a: CHMO:0001444 ! reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001447 name: electrochemical catalytic reforming def: "Any process in which the molecular structure of a hydrocarbon is rearranged to alter its properties (e.g. its combustion characteristics) in the presence of a metal catalyst and under a high pressure of H2 gas. An electric current is used to heat the catalyst." [] synonym: "ECR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001446 ! catalytic reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001448 name: thermal reforming def: "Any process in which the molecular structure of a hydrocarbon is rearranged to alter its properties (e.g. its combustion characteristics) by exposing the hydrocarbons to high pressures and temperatures." [] is_a: CHMO:0001444 ! reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001449 name: autothermal reforming def: "The reaction of hydrocarbons with oxygen and carbon dioxide at 950–1100 °C to form syngas." [] synonym: "ATR" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001448 ! thermal reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001450 name: steam reforming def: "The reaction of hydrocarbons with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in order to produce hydrogen." [] synonym: "hydrogen reforming" EXACT [] synonym: "SR" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001448 ! thermal reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001451 name: catalytic steam reforming def: "The reaction of hydrocarbons with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in the presence of a nickel catalyst, in order to produce hydrogen." [] synonym: "CSR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001450 ! steam reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001452 name: catalytic steam reforming of methanol def: "The reaction of methanol with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in the presence of a nickel catalyst, in order to produce hydrogen." [ISBN:3527320954] synonym: "CSRM" EXACT [] synonym: "methanol steam reforming" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001451 ! catalytic steam reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001453 name: steam methane reforming def: "The reaction of natural gas with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in the presence of a nickel catalyst, in order to produce hydrogen." [] synonym: "SMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001451 ! catalytic steam reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001454 name: unmixed reforming def: "The reaction of natural gas or syngas with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in the presence of a nickel catalyst, in order to produce hydrogen. The nickel catalyst is then oxidised with air and finally reduced back to the metal using more hydrocarbon gas." [] synonym: "UMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001451 ! catalytic steam reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001455 name: catalytic steam reforming of ethanol def: "The reaction of ethanol with steam at high temperature (700–1000 °C) in the presence of a nickel catalyst, in order to produce hydrogen." [] synonym: "ethanol steam reforming" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001451 ! catalytic steam reforming [Term] id: CHMO:0001456 name: scanning probe lithography def: "Any synthesis technique where a scanning probe microscope is used to pattern surfaces either constructively (by depositing a substance) or destructively (by etching a pattern in a surface)." [] synonym: "SPL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001457 name: dip-pen nanolithography def: "A synthesis technique where an atomic force microscope is used to pattern surfaces with molecules or particles. An AFM tip is coated with a chemical compound or biomolecule and put in contact with a substrate, where transfer takes place." [] synonym: "DPN" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001456 ! scanning probe lithography [Term] id: CHMO:0001458 name: solvothermal synthesis def: "A synthesis method for growing single crystals from a non-aqueous solution in an autoclave (a thick-walled steel vessel) at high temperature (400 °C) and pressure." [] synonym: "solvothermal method" EXACT [] synonym: "solvothermal process" EXACT [] synonym: "solvothermal reaction" EXACT [] synonym: "solvothermal treatment" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001459 name: template-directed synthesis def: "A synthesis method which relies on the use of reversible noncovalent bonding interactions between molecular building blocks in order to preorganise them into a certain relative geometry as a prelude to covalent bond formation." [] synonym: "supramolecular assistance to covalent synthesis" EXACT [] synonym: "template-directed covalent synthesis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001301 ! synthesis method [Term] id: CHMO:0001460 name: peptisation def: "Reversal of coagulation or flocculation, i.e., the dispersion of aggregates to form a colloidally stable suspension or emulsion" [] synonym: "deflocculation" EXACT [] synonym: "peptization" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-18T09:45:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001462 name: buffer solution def: "A solution that contains a conjugate acid–base pair in equilibria and hence resists changes to its pH near the pK value of the acid." [, ISBN:0716719207] is_a: CHMO:0000993 ! portion of material created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T02:57:14Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001463 name: borate buffer def: "A buffer solution in which the pH is maintained by a boric acid–borate anion equilibrium." [] synonym: "borate buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001462 ! buffer solution created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T02:58:20Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001464 name: ageing def: "Any time-dependent change of the properties of a precipitate e.g. loss of water or growth of crystals as a result of prolonged heat treatment." [OrangeBook:9.5] synonym: "age hardening" EXACT [] synonym: "aging" EXACT [] synonym: "dispersion hardening" EXACT [] synonym: "precipitate ageing" EXACT [] synonym: "precipitation hardening" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001465 name: annealing def: "A heat treatment that alters the microstructure of a material causing changes in its properties such as strength and hardness" [] is_a: CHMO:0002770 ! sample heating [Term] id: CHMO:0001466 name: atomisation def: "The conversion of a vaporized sample into atomic components." [] synonym: "atomization" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001467 name: calcination def: "The heating of a sample to high temperatures in air or oxygen." [] synonym: "calcining" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002770 ! sample heating [Term] id: CHMO:0001468 name: carbo-reduction def: "A process in which a metal oxide is reduced in the presence of carbon or a carbon-containing compound." [] synonym: "carbo reduction" EXACT [] synonym: "carboreduction" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001469 name: ceramisation def: "A process in which a ceramic precursor is converted into a ceramic." [] synonym: "ceramization" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001470 name: coating method def: "The application of a thin cover to a sample." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001471 name: dip coating def: "The application of a thin cover to sample by immersing it in a tank containing coating material, allowing it to remain there for a certain 'dwell time', removing the piece from the tank ('withdrawal'), and allowing it to drain." [] synonym: "dip-coating" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001470 ! coating method [Term] id: CHMO:0001472 name: spin coating def: "A coating method for applying a thin (<1 μm thickness) cover to flat substrates where an excess amount of coating solution (in a volatile solvent) is placed on the substrate, which is then rotated at high speed (8000 rpm) for approximately 30 s in order to spread the solution by centripetal force. The solvent then evaporates, leaving a thin film." [] synonym: "spin casting" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-casting" EXACT [] synonym: "spin-coating" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001470 ! coating method [Term] id: CHMO:0001473 name: combustion def: "An exothermic chemical reaction between a fuel (usually a hydrocarbon) and an oxidant (usually oxygen) which is sometimes accompanied by the production of light." [] synonym: "burning" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001474 name: sample cooling def: "The transfer of thermal energy from a sample to its surrounding environment." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001475 name: laser cooling def: "A technique for cooling atoms by directing two laser beams (with energy just below an electronic transition) at the sample from opposite directions. Scattering of the laser photons by the atoms in the sample reduces their kinetic energy." [] is_a: CHMO:0001474 ! sample cooling relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001476 name: melt cooling def: "The process of allowing a sample (a glass or polymer) at its melting point to cool at a controlled rate in order to cause changes in morphology or properties." [] synonym: "melt-cooling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001474 ! sample cooling [Term] id: CHMO:0001477 name: crystallisation def: "The formation of a crystalline solid from a solution, melt vapour, or a different solid phase, generally by lowering the temperature or by evaporation of a solvent." [FIX:0000214,] synonym: "crystallization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002916 ! sample solidification [Term] id: CHMO:0001478 name: cocrystallisation def: "The simultaneous crystallisation of two different substances or two different structural elements of the same substance." [] synonym: "co crystallisation" EXACT [] synonym: "co crystallization" EXACT [] synonym: "co-crystallisation" EXACT [] synonym: "co-crystallization" EXACT [] synonym: "cocrystallization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001477 ! crystallisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001479 name: fractional crystallisation def: "The stepwise crystallisation of two or more different substances induced by changes in concentration or temperature. The sample is mixed with a solvent, heated, and then gradually cooled so that, as each of its constituent components crystallises, it can be removed in its pure form from the solution." [] synonym: "fractional crystallization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001477 ! crystallisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001480 name: curing def: "A chemical process in which a prepolymer or polymer is converted into a polymer of higher molar mass and then into a network." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001481 name: electron beam curing def: "A chemical process in which a prepolymer is converted into a polymer and then into a network, upon irradiation with an electron beam." [] synonym: "E-beam curing" EXACT [] synonym: "e-beam curing" EXACT [] synonym: "EB curing" EXACT [] synonym: "electron-beam curing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001480 ! curing [Term] id: CHMO:0001482 name: photochemical curing def: "A chemical process in which a prepolymer is converted into a polymer and then into a network, upon irradiation with light." [] synonym: "photocuring" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001480 ! curing [Term] id: CHMO:0001483 name: thermal curing def: "A chemical process in which a prepolymer is converted into a polymer and then into a network, upon application of heat." [] synonym: "thermocuring" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001480 ! curing [Term] id: CHMO:0001484 name: densification def: "The removal of impurities and elimination of pores from a xerogel (a gel that has been dried with unhindered shrinkage)." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001485 name: derivatisation def: "The transformation of a chemical compound (the 'educt') into another similar compound (the 'derivative') by altering one or more of its functional groups. Derivatisation is generally perfomed to alter reactivity or change a physical property such as solubility, boiling point, melting point, thermal stability etc." [] synonym: "derivatization" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001486 name: post-column derivatisation def: "The transformation of a chemical compound (the 'educt') following column chromatography into another similar compound (the 'derivative') by altering one or more of its functional groups. Derviatisation is generally perfomed to alter reactivity or change a physical property such as solubility, boiling point, melting point, thermal stability etc." [] synonym: "post column derivatisation" EXACT [] synonym: "post column derivatization" EXACT [] synonym: "post-column derivatization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001485 ! derivatisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001487 name: decomposition def: "The breakdown of a single phase into two or more phases by heating or treatment with acid, alkali or enzymes." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001488 name: chemical decomposition def: "The breakdown of a single entity (normal molecule, reaction intermediate, etc.) into two or more fragments" [] is_a: CHMO:0001487 ! decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001489 name: sample digestion def: "The decomposition of a sample into liquid form by treatment with enzymes or strong acids or alkalis." [] is_a: CHMO:0001487 ! decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001490 name: wet digestion def: "The decomposition of a sample by the addition of liquid reagents in order to solubilise it." [] synonym: "WD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001489 ! sample digestion created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-27T10:55:29Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001491 name: acid digestion def: "The decomposition of a sample in strong acids such as nitric, sulfuric or perchloric acid in order to obtain the sample in liquid form." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "acid-digestion" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001490 ! wet digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001492 name: bomb digestion def: "The decomposition of a sample in strong acids such as nitric, sulfuric or perchloric acid in a sealed vessel (lined with PTFE), under high pressure and high temperature, in order to obtain the sample in liquid form." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "bomb-digestion" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001491 ! acid digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001493 name: base digestion def: "The decompositon of a sample in strong alkalis (e.g. NaOH) to obtain the sample in liquid form." [rsc:hib] synonym: "alkali digestion" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001490 ! wet digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001494 name: enzyme digestion def: "The decomposition of sample by an enzyme to obtain the sample in liquid form." [] synonym: "enzymic digestion" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001489 ! sample digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001495 name: partial sample digestion def: "The decomposition of only part of a sample by the addition of liquid reagents to solubilise it." [] is_a: CHMO:0001489 ! sample digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001496 name: microwave digestion def: "The assisted solubilisation of a sample by the application of radiation in the 1-1000 mm region." [] synonym: "MAD" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave oven digestion" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave sample digestion" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave-assisted digestion" EXACT [] synonym: "MOD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001489 ! sample digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001497 name: ultraviolet photolysis digestion def: "The decomposition of a sample by placing it in an organic matrix and irradiating the matrix with radiation in the range 200-435 nm (indirectly, using a mirror). OH radicals generated from the matrix react with the sample, degrading it." [] synonym: "UV photolysis digestion" EXACT [] synonym: "UVPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001489 ! sample digestion [Term] id: CHMO:0001498 name: enzymic decomposition def: "The conversion of a high-molecular-mass species into a lower-molecular-mass species using an enzyme." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "enzymic decomposition" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001487 ! decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001499 name: spinodal decomposition def: "A clustering reaction in a homogeneous, supersaturated solution (solid or liquid) which is unstable against infinitesimal fluctuations in density or composition. The solution therefore separates spontaneously into two phases, starting with small fluctuations and proceeding with a decrease in the Gibbs energy without a nucleation barrier." [] is_a: CHMO:0001487 ! decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001500 name: thermal decomposition def: "The separation of a chemical compound into elements or smaller compounds by heating it to a high temperature (approx. 1000 °C)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001487 ! decomposition is_a: CHMO:0002770 ! sample heating [Term] id: CHMO:0001501 name: gasification def: "The conversion of carbonaceous materials (e.g. such as coal, petroleum, biofuel, or biomass) into CO and H2 by heating with a controlled amount of oxygen and/or steam. The resulting gas mixture is called a 'syngas'." [] is_a: CHMO:0001500 ! thermal decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001502 name: pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy. The term pyrolysis generally refers to heating in an inert environment." [] synonym: "destructive distillation" EXACT [] synonym: "dry distillation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001500 ! thermal decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001503 name: analytical pyrolysis def: "The characterisation, in an inert atmosphere, of a material or a chemical process by a chemical degradation reaction induced by thermal energy." [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001504 name: catalytic pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy in the presence of a catalyst." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001505 name: flash pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample caused by a fast rate of temperature increase (10,000 K/s)." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001506 name: fractionated pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of different fractions of the same sample by heating at different temperatures for different times." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001507 name: furnace pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample caused by passing a carrier gas (H2, O2, N2 etc.) over the sample in a heated furnace." [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001508 name: ion-source pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy in which the reactor is located within the ion source of a mass spectrometer." [OrangeBook:5.3] comment: try to find a located_in relationship is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0000960 ! has participant ion source [Term] id: CHMO:0001509 name: isothermal pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy during which the temperature is held constant." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001510 name: laser pyrolysis def: "A technique used to synthesize ultrafine powders by heating a mixture of reactant vapour and inert gas with a laser." [ISBN:3527303022] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001511 name: off-line pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy in which the products of a reaction are trapped before analysis." [OrangeBook:5.3] synonym: "offline pyrolysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001512 name: oxidative pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy in the presence of an oxidative atmosphere." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001513 name: pressure-monitored pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy during which the pressure of the volatile pyrolysates is recorded." [OrangeBook:5.3] synonym: "pressure monitored pyrolysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001514 name: reductive pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy in the presence of an reductive atmosphere." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001515 name: sequential pyrolysis def: "The repeated chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy under the same conditions of time, temperature etc." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001516 name: spray pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample caused by spraying it, as a liquid mixture, onto a heated substrate." [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001517 name: steam pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample caused by heating it, as a vapour, with steam." [USPatent:5780518] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001518 name: stepwise pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample by thermal energy where the temperature is raised in a stepwise manner and the pyrolysates are recorded between each step." [OrangeBook:5.3] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001519 name: vacuum pyrolysis def: "The chemical degradation of a sample (usually an organic material) by heating it in a vacuum in order to decrease its boiling point and avoid adverse chemical reactions." [] is_a: CHMO:0001502 ! pyrolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001520 name: thermolysis def: "The uncatalysed cleavage of one or more covalent bonds resulting from exposure of a compound to a raised temperature, or a process in which such cleavage is an essential part." [] is_a: CHMO:0001500 ! thermal decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001521 name: flash vacuum thermolysis def: "The reaction of a molecule by exposing it to a short thermal shock at high temperature, usually in the gas phase." [] synonym: "flash vacuum pyrolysis" EXACT [] synonym: "flash vacuum thermal decomposition" EXACT [] synonym: "FVP" EXACT [] synonym: "FVT" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001500 ! thermal decomposition [Term] id: CHMO:0001522 name: dialysis def: "The separation of molecules in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001523 name: electrodialysis def: "The selective separation of molecules in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion across a semipermeable membrane under the influence of an electric field." [ISBN:0824705092] is_a: CHMO:0001522 ! dialysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001524 name: micro-dialysis def: "The separation of molecules in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion across a semipermeable membrane. The membrane is attached to a small probe (<10 μm diameter) which is inserted into the sample." [] synonym: "microdialysis" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001522 ! dialysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001525 name: sample dispersion def: "The distribution of particles of one phase in a continuous phase of a different nature." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001526 name: colloidal dispersion def: "A sample preparation method where solid particles are dispersed in a liquid phase." [] is_a: CHMO:0001525 ! sample dispersion [Term] id: CHMO:0001527 name: matrix solid-phase dispersion def: "A technique for the preparation and extraction of solid and viscous samples. The sample is blended with a bonded-phase solid support (such as silica) using a glass pestle to obtain a semi-dry material. The blended sample is then packed into a cartridge and eluted." [] synonym: "MSPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001525 ! sample dispersion [Term] id: CHMO:0001528 name: dissection def: "The disassembly of an object to determine its internal structure." [] synonym: "anatomization" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001529 name: micro-dissection def: "The disassembly of a small part of an object (<10 μm diameter) to determine its internal structure." [] synonym: "microdissection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001528 ! dissection [Term] id: CHMO:0001530 name: laser micro-dissection def: "A type of dissection where a laser is coupled to a microscope and focused onto a biological sample (e.g. tissue) on the slide." [] synonym: "laser microdissection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001529 ! micro-dissection relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001531 name: laser capture micro-dissection def: "A method for isolating specific cells of interest from microscopic regions of tissue using a microscope coupled to a UV laser." [] synonym: "laser capture microdissection" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-capture micro-dissection" EXACT [] synonym: "laser-capture microdissection" EXACT [] synonym: "LCM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001530 ! laser micro-dissection [Term] id: CHMO:0001532 name: distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001533 name: batch distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser. Distillation is completed before more sample mixture is added." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001534 name: continuous distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser. The distillation is ongoing with sample mixture being continuously added." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001535 name: extractive distillation def: "A method of separating two components of very similar boiling point from a mixture. A third, miscible and high-boiling-point solvent is added to the mixture which causes a change in the volatilities of the components. These components are then vaporised by the application of heat and cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001536 name: fractional distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. As the sample mixture to be purified is heated, its vapours rise into a condenser where they are cooled by water. The vapours stick to the inside surface of the condenser where they continue to be heated until they vaporise again." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001537 name: reactive distillation def: "A method of separating a lower-boiling-point product from its reactants in a reaction mixture. The product is vaporised by the application of heat and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001538 name: simple distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat and then immediately cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser. This method can only be used to separate mixtures where the components differ widely in boiling point (by approx. 25°)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001539 name: steam distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a sample mixture are vaporised by bubbling steam through it and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001540 name: vacuum distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a high-boiling-point sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat at low pressure and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] synonym: "low temperature distillation" EXACT [] synonym: "low-temperature distillation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001532 ! distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001541 name: air-sensitive vacuum distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a high-boiling-point sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat at low pressure and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser. The vacuum is replaced by an inert gas once the distillation is complete." [] is_a: CHMO:0001540 ! vacuum distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001542 name: molecular distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. The components in a high-boiling-point sample mixture are vaporised by the application of heat at low pressure (< 0.01 Torr) and then cooled by the action of cold water in a condenser." [] is_a: CHMO:0001540 ! vacuum distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001543 name: short-path distillation def: "A method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture under reduced pressure. As the sample mixture to be purified is heated, its vapours rise a short distance into a vertical condenser where they are cooled by water. This technique is used for compounds which are unstable at high temperatures because it allows a lower boiling temperature to be used." [] synonym: "short path distillation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001540 ! vacuum distillation [Term] id: CHMO:0001544 name: droplet dispensing def: "The controlled dropwise release of a liquid." [] synonym: "drop dispensing" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001545 name: acoustic droplet dispensing def: "The dropwise release of a liquid using a focused acoustic beam to eject a controlled droplet from an open pool of liquid. When the acoustic beam strikes the liquid surface, the pressure causes the fluid to rise up and a droplet breaks off." [] synonym: "acoustic drop dispensing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001544 ! droplet dispensing [Term] id: CHMO:0001546 name: dielectrophoretic droplet dispensing def: "The dispensing of droplets from an electrode surface after an applied voltage has been removed. Periodic bumps along the length of the electrodes promote droplet formation by establishing an initial, static perturbation." [] synonym: "DEP drop dispensing" EXACT [] synonym: "DEP droplet dispensing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001544 ! droplet dispensing [Term] id: CHMO:0001547 name: inertial droplet dispensing def: "The dispensing of droplets by applying a pattern of piezoelectric acceleration and deceleration to the droplets such that inertial force can overcome adhesion force, resulting in droplet detachment from the device." [] synonym: "inertial drop dispensing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001544 ! droplet dispensing [Term] id: CHMO:0001548 name: electrohydrodynamic droplet dispensing def: "The dispensing of droplets between two electrodes by applying an electric field." [] synonym: "EHD dispensing" EXACT [] synonym: "EHD droplet dispensing" EXACT [] synonym: "electrohydrodynamic droplet dispensing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001544 ! droplet dispensing [Term] id: CHMO:0001549 name: sample drying def: "The process of removing a solvent from a substance." [] synonym: "drying" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001550 name: dielectric drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample by the application of radio frequency (3 Hz to 300 GHz) or microwave (1–1000 mm) radiation." [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001551 name: direct drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample by the application of heated air." [] is_a: CHMO:0002124 ! blow drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001552 name: drum drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample by applying it as a thin layer to the surface of a heated drum." [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001553 name: freeze drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample without passing through the liquid–gas boundary. The sample is frozen at liquid nitrogen temperature (-80 °C) then the surrounding pressure is reduced to allow the water in the sample to sublime." [] synonym: "cryodesiccation" EXACT [] synonym: "freeze-drying" EXACT [] synonym: "lyophilization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001554 name: oven drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample by heating in an oven." [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001555 name: spray drying def: "The removal of water from a liquid sample by pumping it through an atomiser (to produce a spray of fine droplets) then passing a hot gas (e.g. air or N2) through it." [] synonym: "spray-drying" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001556 name: supercritical drying def: "The removal of solvent from a sample without passing through the liquid–gas boundary, by immersion in a supercritical fluid and de-pressurisation." [] synonym: "critical point drying" EXACT [] synonym: "critical-point drying" EXACT [] synonym: "super-critical point drying" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001557 name: vacuum drying def: "The removal of water from a sample by placing it under reduced pressure. This allows water to evaporate from (heat-sensitive) samples at a lower temperature." [] is_a: CHMO:0001549 ! sample drying [Term] id: CHMO:0001558 name: etching def: "The process of chemically removing a thin layer from a sample surface, usually to leave behind a pattern." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001559 name: dry etching def: "The process of removing a thin layer of a sample surface by sputtering or dissolving using reactive ions or a vapour-phase etchant" [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001560 name: plasma etching def: "The process of removing a thin layer of a sample surface using short pulses of a plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons and radicals)." [] synonym: "reactive ion etching" EXACT [] synonym: "reactive-ion etching" EXACT [] synonym: "RIE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001561 name: deep reactive-ion etching def: "The process of creating deep holes and trenches in a sample surface using short pulses of a plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons and radicals) alternating with the deposition of a chemically inert passivation layer." [] synonym: "DRIE" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed etching" EXACT [] synonym: "time-multiplexed etching" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001560 ! plasma etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001562 name: advanced silicon etching def: "The process of creating deep holes and trenches in a silicon surface using short pulses of a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-usually SF6–-containing free electrons and radicals) alternating with the deposition of a chemically inert passivation layer (e.g. C4F8)." [] synonym: "advanced silicon etch" EXACT [] synonym: "ASE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001561 ! deep reactive-ion etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001563 name: cryogenic deep reactive-ion etching def: "The process of creating deep holes and trenches in a sample surface (cooled to -110 °C) using short pulses of a plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons and radicals) alternating with the deposition of a chemically inert passivation layer." [] synonym: "cryo-DRIE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001561 ! deep reactive-ion etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001564 name: electrolytic etching def: "The process of removing the unprotected areas of a surface by placing it inside an electrochemical etching solution in the presence of an electric current." [] synonym: "electroetching" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001565 name: Galvanic etching def: "The process of removing the unprotected areas of a silicon surface by placing it inside an electrochemical etching solution (KOH, HF or TMAH) in the presence of an electric current. When the silicon substrate is in contact with a noble metal (Au or Cr) a Galvanic cell is formed and the silicon is oxidized." [] is_a: CHMO:0001564 ! electrolytic etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001566 name: ion beam patterning def: "A patterning process which involves using a focused Ga+ beam to cut trenches into substrates." [] synonym: "ion-beam patterning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001567 name: photo etching def: "The process of generating a pattern in a photosensitive sample by irradiating it with UV light. After exposure, the plate is 'developed' by washing away the unexposed resist." [] synonym: "PCM" RELATED [] synonym: "photo-etching" EXACT [] synonym: "photochemical etching" EXACT [] synonym: "photochemical machining" EXACT [] synonym: "photochemical milling" EXACT [] synonym: "photoetching" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001568 name: sputter etching def: "The process of removing a thin layer of a sample surface by bombarding it with energetic ions." [] synonym: "ion etching" EXACT [] synonym: "ion milling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001569 name: electronic sputter etching def: "The process of removing a thin layer of a sample surface by bombarding it with high-energy or highly charged heavy ions." [] synonym: "electronic sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001568 ! sputter etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001570 name: potential sputter etching def: "The process of removing a thin layer of a sample surface by bombarding it with high-energy or highly charged heavy ions. When the multiply charged ions recombine on the sample surface their potential energy is liberated, accelerating the process." [] synonym: "potential sputtering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001569 ! electronic sputter etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001571 name: wet etching def: "The process of using strong acids/alkalis to cut into the unprotected parts of a surface (e.g. metal or silicon) to create a pattern." [] is_a: CHMO:0001558 ! etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001572 name: anisotropic wet etching def: "The process of using strong acids/alkalis to remove a thin layer of the unprotected parts of a sample surface (e.g. metal or silicon) to create a pattern. Anisotropic etching occurs when different etch rates are observed in different directions in the sample (e.g. for different crystal faces)." [] synonym: "wet anisotropic etching" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001571 ! wet etching [Term] id: CHMO:0001574 name: evaporation def: "The physical process by which a liquid substance is converted to a gas or vapour. This may occur at or below the normal boiling point of the liquid (the temperature at which a liquid boils at 1 atmosphere pressure) and the process is endothermic." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001575 name: centrifugal evaporation def: "The evaporation of solvent from a sample by placing it a centrifuge and spinning it rapidly." [] is_a: CHMO:0002208 ! solvent evaporation [Term] id: CHMO:0001576 name: rotary evaporation def: "The removal of solvent from a sample by applying heat and lowering the pressure above the sample whilst rotating it at 10–300 rpm." [] is_a: CHMO:0002208 ! solvent evaporation [Term] id: CHMO:0001577 name: extraction def: "The transfer of a solute from a liquid phase to another immiscible or partially-miscible liquid phase in contact with it." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001578 name: coextraction def: "The transfer of two solutes from a liquid phase to a (low-polarity) organic liquid phase in contact with it. The solutes form mixed-species aggregates in the organic phase." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] synonym: "co-extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001579 name: headspace extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a solid or liquid matrix to the vapour phase by heating." [] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001580 name: dynamic headspace extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a solid or liquid matrix to the vapour phase by heating, and removing analytes from the headspace in a carrier gas." [ISBN:0471328456] synonym: "purge and trap" EXACT [] synonym: "purge and trap extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001579 ! headspace extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001581 name: multiple headspace extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a solid or liquid matrix to the vapour phase by heating. Once the concentration of the analyte in the headspace is in equilibrium with the concentration in the sample matrix, the headspace is removed. The process is repeated multiple times, allowing the new equilibrium to form at each stage." [ISBN:0471328456] is_a: CHMO:0001579 ! headspace extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001582 name: static headspace extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a solid or liquid matrix to the vapour phase by heating. Once the concentration of the analyte in the headspace is in equilibrium with the concentration in the sample matrix, the headspace is removed." [ISBN:0471328456] synonym: "equilibrium headspace extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "SHE" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001579 ! headspace extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001583 name: liquid-solid extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the liquid sample through a stationary phase (e.g. silica particles)." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "liquid-solid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "LSE" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "solid phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "sorbent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "sorptive extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "SPE" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001584 name: normal-phase solid-phase extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the (polar) liquid sample through a (non-polar) stationary phase." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "normal phase solid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "normal phase SPE" EXACT [] synonym: "normal-phase SPE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001583 ! liquid-solid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001585 name: reversed-phase solid-phase extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the (non-polar) liquid sample through a (polar) stationary phase." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "reverse phase solid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse phase SPE" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse-phase solid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "reverse-phase SPE" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed phase SPE" EXACT [] synonym: "reversed-phase SPE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001583 ! liquid-solid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001586 name: solid-phase micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the liquid sample through a small fibre containing a stationary phase bonded to a silica needle (<10 μm diameter)." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "solid phase microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-phase microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "SPME" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001583 ! liquid-solid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001587 name: capillary micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the liquid sample through a small fused-silica capillary." [ISBN:0444505113] synonym: "capillary microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "CME" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001586 ! solid-phase micro-extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001588 name: sol–gel capillary micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the liquid sample through a small sol–gel-coated fused-silica capillary." [] synonym: "sgCME" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel capillary micro-extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel capillary microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "sol-gel CME" EXACT [] synonym: "solgel capillary microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solgel CME" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001587 ! capillary micro-extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001589 name: headspace solid-phase micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by exposing a small fibre containing a stationary phase bonded to a silica needle (<10 μm diameter) to the headspace above the liquid sample." [] synonym: "headspace solid-phase micro-extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "headspace solid-phase microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "headspace sorptive extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "HSPME" EXACT [] synonym: "hSPME" EXACT [] synonym: "HSSE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001586 ! solid-phase micro-extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001590 name: micro-extraction in a packed syringe def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by passing the liquid sample through a stationary phase (1 mg) packed into a microlitre syringe." [] synonym: "MEPS" EXACT [] synonym: "micro extraction by packed sorbent" EXACT [] synonym: "micro-extraction in packed syringe" EXACT [] synonym: "microextraction in a packed syringe" EXACT [] synonym: "microextraction in packed syringe" EXACT [] synonym: "packed syringe micro-extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "packed syringe microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "packed-syringe micro-extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "packed-syringe microextraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001586 ! solid-phase micro-extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001591 name: stir-bar solid-phase extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from a liquid to a solid phase by attaching a stationary phase to a stir bar which moves throughout the liquid sample." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "SBSE" EXACT [] synonym: "solid pahse stir bar extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solid phase stir-bar extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-phase stir bar extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-phase stir-bar extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir bar extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir bar solid phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir bar solid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir bar sorptive extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir-bar solid phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "stir-bar sorptive extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001583 ! liquid-solid extraction relationship: BFO:0000057 CHMO:0002776 ! has participant stir bar [Term] id: CHMO:0001592 name: magnetic bead extraction def: "A method for extracting biological molecules from a biological sample by functionalising a magnetic bead (0.001–200 μm diameter) with a molecule specific to the target molecule (e.g. complementary DNA or a specific antibody) and placing it in the sample solution. The bead is removed from the solution using a magnetized source." [] synonym: "magnetic separation" EXACT [] synonym: "magnetic-bead extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "MS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001593 name: membrane extraction def: "The transfer of a solute from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a nonporous membrane." [ISBN:0824705092] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001594 name: membrane extraction with a sorbent interface def: "The transfer of a solute from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a non-porous non-polar polymer membrane. The membrane first extracts the analytes from their matrix, and these are subsequently trapped on a polymeric trap with a porous sorbent using a carrier gas stream." [] synonym: "membrane extraction sorbent interface" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane extraction with sorbent interface" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane extraction with trapping on a sorbent interface" EXACT [] synonym: "MESI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001593 ! membrane extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001595 name: polymeric membrane extraction def: "The transfer of a solute from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a nonporous sillicon rubber membrane." [ISBN:0824705092] synonym: "PME" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001593 ! membrane extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001596 name: supported liquid membrane extraction def: "The transfer of a solute from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a non-porous liquid membrane." [ISBN:0824705092] synonym: "SLM extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "SLME" EXACT [] synonym: "supported liquid membrane (SLM) extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001593 ! membrane extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001597 name: sequentional extraction def: "An analytical process that sequentially chemically leaches metals from soils, sludges or sediments." [] synonym: "sequential chemical extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001598 name: solvent extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from any matrix to an appropriate liquid phase." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001599 name: gas–liquid extraction def: "A flotation process in which the material of interest, adsorbed on the surface of gas bubbles in a liquid, is collected on an upper layer of immiscible liquid." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] synonym: "gas-liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "sublation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001600 name: liquid–liquid extraction def: "The process of transferring a dissolved substance from one liquid phase to another (immiscible or partially miscible) liquid phase in contact with it." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] synonym: "liquid phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-liquid distribution" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-liquid partition" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-phase extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "LLE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001601 name: cloud-point extraction def: "The process of transferring a non-ionic surfactant from one liquid phase to another by heating. As the temperature of the solution rises, the surfactant molecules form micelles, if the temperature increases above the cloud point (CPT) the micelles become dehydrated and aggregate. This leads to macroscopic phase separation of the solution into a surfactant-rich phase and a solvent phase." [] synonym: "cloud point extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "CPE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001600 ! liquid–liquid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001602 name: liquid-phase micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a microlitre amount of a substance from an aqueous phase to an organic phase (or vice versa)." [] synonym: "liquid phase micro-extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid phase microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-liquid microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid-phase microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "LLME" EXACT [] synonym: "LPME" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001600 ! liquid–liquid extraction is_a: CHMO:0002806 ! microextraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001603 name: single-drop micro-extraction def: "The process of transferring a dissolved substance from one liquid phase to another (immiscible or partially miscible) liquid phase in contact with it. A microdrop of organic solvent (8 μL), is suspended from the end of Teflon rod immersed in a stirred aqueous solution of the sample. The sample solution is stirred until equilibrium is reached, after which, the drop is retracted into the Teflon rod." [] synonym: "SDME" EXACT [] synonym: "single drop microextraction" EXACT [] synonym: "single-drop microextraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001600 ! liquid–liquid extraction is_a: CHMO:0002806 ! microextraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001604 name: pressurised-fluid extraction def: "The process of transferring a dissolved substance from one liquid phase to another (immiscible or partially miscible) liquid phase in contact with it using solvents at elevated temperature (50–200 °C) and pressure (7–20 MPa)." [] synonym: "accelerated solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "accelerated-solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "PFE" EXACT [] synonym: "PLE" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurised fluid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurised liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurised solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurised-liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurised-solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized fluid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized-fluid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized-liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "pressurized-solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "PSE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001600 ! liquid–liquid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001605 name: microporous membrane liquid–liquid extraction def: "The transfer of a solute from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (organic) phase (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a porous hydrophobic membrane the pores of which are filled with the same acceptor phase." [ISBN: 0824705092] synonym: "microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "microporous membrane solvent extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "MMLLE" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001600 ! liquid–liquid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001606 name: shake-flask extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from any matrix to an appropriate liquid phase, during which the sample and solvent are kept in contact in a mechanical shaker." [] synonym: "shake flask extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001607 name: solid–liquid extraction def: "The process of transferring the soluble components of a solid to the liquid phase using a solvent." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "solid-liquid extraction dry extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001608 name: microwave-assisted extraction def: "The process of transferring the organic components of a solid to an organic liquid phase. The process is accelerated by directing radiation in the microwave region (1–1000 mm) at the sample." [] synonym: "MAE" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001607 ! solid–liquid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001609 name: Soxhlet extraction def: "The process of transferring the partially soluble components of a solid to the liquid phase using a Soxhlet extractor. The solid is placed in a filter paper thimble which is then placed into the main chamber of the Soxhlet extractor. The solvent (heated to reflux) travels into the main chamber and the partially soluble components are slowly tranferred to the solvent." [] is_a: CHMO:0001607 ! solid–liquid extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001610 name: supercritical fluid extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from any matrix to a liquid phase using a supercritical fluid." [OrangeBook:] synonym: "SCFE" EXACT [] synonym: "SFE" EXACT [] synonym: "supercritical extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "supercritical fluid extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001611 name: ultrasound extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from any matrix to an appropriate liquid phase, assisted by sound waves (>20 KHz in frequency) that propagate through the liquid media." [] synonym: "UE" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic accelerated extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic assisted extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic-accelerated extraction" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrasonic-assisted extraction" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001598 ! solvent extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001612 name: substoichiometric extraction def: "The process of transferring a substance from any matrix to another where the amount of reagent used is lower than that dictated by stoichiometry." [OrangeBook:] is_a: CHMO:0001577 ! extraction [Term] id: CHMO:0001613 name: extrusion def: "A process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by forcing or drawing a material through a die." [] synonym: "extrusion molding" EXACT [] synonym: "extrusion moulding" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001614 name: cold extrusion def: "A process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by forcing or drawing a material through a die at room temperature." [] is_a: CHMO:0001613 ! extrusion [Term] id: CHMO:0001615 name: hot extrusion def: "A process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by forcing or drawing a material through a die at elevated temperatures (up to 2000 °C)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001613 ! extrusion [Term] id: CHMO:0001616 name: hydrostatic extrusion def: "A process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by forcing or drawing a material through a die in the presence of a pressurised fluid." [] is_a: CHMO:0001613 ! extrusion [Term] id: CHMO:0001617 name: warm extrusion def: "A process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by forcing or drawing a material through a die at a temperature that is above room temperature, but below the recrystallisation temperature of the material (400–900 °C)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001613 ! extrusion [Term] id: CHMO:0001618 name: spinning def: "A process used to create polymer fibers using a spinneret (a multi-pored device similar to a shower head) to form multiple continuous filaments." [] is_a: CHMO:0001613 ! extrusion is_a: CHMO:0002548 ! polymer preparation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001619 name: dry spinning def: "A process used to create polymer fibers. Polymer dissolved in a solvent is forced through a spinneret (a multi-pored device similar to a shower head) and the solvent is removed from the polymer fibres by evaporation." [] is_a: CHMO:0001618 ! spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0001620 name: electrospinning def: "A process used to created very fine (μm or nm scale) fibres from a liquid. A high voltage is applied to a droplet of the liquid sample which is drawn out into fibres and cooled in air." [] synonym: "electro-spinning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001618 ! spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0001621 name: gel spinning def: "A process used to create polymer fibers. Polymer in a gel state is forced through a spinneret (a multi-pored device similar to a shower head). The fibres are then air dried and cooled in a liquid bath." [] synonym: "dry-wet spinning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001618 ! spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0001622 name: melt spinning def: "A process used to create polymer fibers. Molten polymer is forced through a spinneret (a multi-pored device similar to a shower head) and cooled to form multiple continuous filaments." [] synonym: "melt-spinning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001618 ! spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0001623 name: wet spinning def: "A process used to create polymer fibers. Polymer dissolved in a solvent is forced through a spinneret (a multi-pored device similar to a shower head) into a chemical bath which causes the polymer to precipitate as it emerges." [] synonym: "wet-spinning" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001618 ! spinning [Term] id: CHMO:0001624 name: fermentation def: "The process in which cells (microorganisms, plant or animal cells) are cultured in a bioreactor in a liquid or solid medium to convert organic substances into biomass (growth) or into products." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001625 name: fractionation def: "The process of dividing up a sample mixture into smaller quantities according to their physical (e.g. size, solubility) or chemical (e.g. bonding, reactivity) properties." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001626 name: field-flow fractionation def: "Any separation technique based on the application of a field perpendicular to a flow stream in a narrow channel." [] synonym: "FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "field flow fractionation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001625 ! fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001627 name: electrical field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel and applying an electric field perpendicular to the channel. A carrier liquid is passed through the channel and the particles are separated on the basis of electrophoretic mobility." [] synonym: "EF-FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "electric FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "electric field field-flow fractionation" EXACT [] synonym: "electrical FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "ElFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001628 name: cyclic electrical field-flow field fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel and applying an alternating electric field perpendicular to the channel. A carrier liquid is passed through the channel and the particles are separated on the basis of electrophoretic mobility." [] synonym: "CEFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "CElFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclic electric FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclic electrical FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclic-electric FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "cyclic-electrical FFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001627 ! electrical field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001629 name: flow field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel and applying a carrier liquid flow perpendicular to the channel. A carrier liquid is then passed through the channel and the particles elute in order of decreasing diffusion coefficient." [] synonym: "FIFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "flow FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "flow field flow fractionation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001630 name: gravitational field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating small particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel such that the Earth's gravitational field is perpendicular to the channel. A carrier liquid is then passed through the channel and the particles are separated on the basis of particle size." [] synonym: "G-FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "GFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "gravitational FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "GrFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001631 name: potential barrier field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel, such that the Earth's gravitational field is perpendicular to the channel, and varying the ionic strength of the solution or Hamaker constant/surface potential of the particles." [] synonym: "PBGFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "potential barrier GFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "potential barrier GrFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001630 ! gravitational field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001632 name: magnetic field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel and applying a magnetic electric field perpendicular to the channel. A carrier liquid is passed through the channel and the particles are separated on the basis of magnetic susceptibility." [] synonym: "magnetic FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "MFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "MgFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001633 name: sedimentation field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel within a centrifuge such that the centripetal force is applied perpendicular to the flow stream (driving the particles towards the walls of the channel). A carrier liquid is then passed through the channel removing the smallest particles first." [] synonym: "SdFFF" EXACT [] synonym: "sedimentation FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "sedimentation field flow fractionation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001634 name: steric field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating large (= channel width) particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel. Normally particles migrate towards the walls of the channel but large particles are unable to approach the walls and when a carrier liquid is passed through the channel, these particles are removed first." [] synonym: "steric FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "steric field flow fractionation" EXACT [] synonym: "StFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001635 name: thermal field-flow fractionation def: "A technique for separating polymer particles from solution by placing the sample in a narrow channel and heating one end, whilst cooling the other. The polymer particles migrate towards the cooler plate and are then removed with a carrier liquid." [] synonym: "thermal FFF" EXACT [] synonym: "thermal field flow fractionation" EXACT [] synonym: "ThFFF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001626 ! field-flow fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001636 name: foam fractionation def: "A method of separation in which a component of the bulk liquid is preferentially adsorbed at the liquid–vapour interface and is removed by foaming." [] is_a: CHMO:0001625 ! fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001637 name: freeze distillation def: "The process of enriching a solution by partially freezing it and removing frozen material that contains less of the dissolved material than the remaining solution." [] synonym: "normal freezing" EXACT [] synonym: "progressive freezing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001625 ! fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001638 name: plasma protein fractionation def: "A method for separating proteins from plasma by changing the conditions (e.g. temperature or acidity) of the plasma, causing precipitation of the proteins, which can then be removed by centrifugation." [] synonym: "plasma-protein fractionation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001625 ! fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001639 name: Cohn process def: "A method for separating proteins from plasma by changing the conditions of the plasma by simultaneous cooling and addition of alcohol. This causes precipitation of the proteins, which can then be removed by centrifugation." [] synonym: "Cohn process" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001638 ! plasma protein fractionation [Term] id: CHMO:0001640 name: filtration def: "The process of segregation of phases; the separation of suspended solids from a liquid or gas, usually by forcing a carrier gas or liquid through a porous medium." [] is_a: CHMO:0002231 ! purification [Term] id: CHMO:0001641 name: micro-filtration def: "A pressure-driven membrane-based separation process in which particles and dissolved macromolecules larger than 0.1 micrometre are rejected." [] synonym: "microfiltration" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001640 ! filtration [Term] id: CHMO:0001642 name: nano-filtration def: "A pressure-driven membrane-based separation process in which particles and dissolved macromolecules larger 200 Da are rejected." [] synonym: "nanofiltration" EXACT [] synonym: "NF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001640 ! filtration [Term] id: CHMO:0001643 name: reverse osmosis def: "A separation process which involves using pressure to force a solution through a membrane, retaining the solute on one side and allowing the pure solvent to pass to the other side. (This is the reverse of the normal osmosis process, which is the natural movement of solvent from an area of low solute concentration, through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration.)" [] synonym: "RO" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001640 ! filtration [Term] id: CHMO:0001644 name: suction filtration def: "The separation of a solid phase from a liquid phase by passing the sample through a porous medium under pressure." [] synonym: "vacuum filtration" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001640 ! filtration [Term] id: CHMO:0001645 name: ultra-filtration def: "A separation process whereby a solution containing a solute of molecular size significantly greater than that of the solvent molecule is removed from the solvent by the application of hydraulic pressure which forces only the solvent to flow through a suitable membrane, usually having a pore size in the range 0.001–0.1 μm." [] synonym: "UF" EXACT [] synonym: "ultrafiltration" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001640 ! filtration [Term] id: CHMO:0001646 name: gelation def: "The formation of a gel or solidification of a gelatin solution caused by a change in conditions (such as temperature or pH)." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001647 name: electrochemical gelation def: "The formation of a gel from a solution by electrochemical oxidation." [] is_a: CHMO:0001646 ! gelation [Term] id: CHMO:0001648 name: light-induced gelation def: "The formation of a gel from a solution by irradiation with light from the visible region (400–800 nm)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001646 ! gelation [Term] id: CHMO:0001649 name: pH-induced gelation def: "The formation of a gel from a solution by altering the pH of the solution." [] is_a: CHMO:0001646 ! gelation [Term] id: CHMO:0001650 name: sound-induced gelation def: "The formation of a gel from a solution by the application of ultrasound (sound waves >20 kHz frequency)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001646 ! gelation [Term] id: CHMO:0001651 name: thermal gelation def: "The formation of a gel from a solution by heating." [] synonym: "heat-induced gelation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001646 ! gelation [Term] id: CHMO:0001652 name: grinding def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by attribution (friction), impact or cutting." [] synonym: "dry grinding" EXACT [] synonym: "milling" EXACT [] synonym: "solid-state grinding" EXACT [] synonym: "solvent-free grinding" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001653 name: liquid-assisted grinding def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by attribution (friction), impact or cutting in the presence of a small amount of solvent." [] synonym: "LAG" EXACT [] synonym: "solvent-drop grinding" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001652 ! grinding [Term] id: CHMO:0001654 name: ball milling def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by grinding with one or more inert balls (ceramic, flint, or stainless steel, 2–8 mm diameter) rotating around a horizontal axis." [ISBN:0824798422] is_a: CHMO:0001652 ! grinding [Term] id: CHMO:0001655 name: high-speed ball milling def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by grinding with one or more inert balls (ceramic, flint or stainless steel, 2–8 mm diameter) rotating at high speed around a horizontal axis. A high-speed agitator is used to increase the speed of the balls." [ISBN:0824798422] synonym: "high speed ball milling" EXACT [] synonym: "HSBM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001654 ! ball milling [Term] id: CHMO:0001656 name: high-energy ball milling def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by grinding with one or more inert balls (ceramic, flint or stainless steel, 2–8 mm diameter) rotating at high speed (up to 650 rpm) around a horizontal axis. A high-speed agitator is used to increase the speed of the balls which are held in vacuum or in an inert gas (e.g. Ar)." [] synonym: "HEBM" EXACT [] synonym: "high energy ball milling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001654 ! ball milling [Term] id: CHMO:0001657 name: wet grinding def: "The mechanical reduction of the particle size of a solid sample by attribution (friction), impact or cutting in the presence of a small amount of liquid (which is not a solvent for the solid)." [OrangeBook:] is_a: CHMO:0001652 ! grinding [Term] id: CHMO:0001658 name: ionisation method def: "The physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by removing electrons." [] synonym: "ionization method" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001659 name: electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where the sample is either forced through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets, or solvent droplets subjected to the same process are directed at the sample." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "electrospray ionization" EXACT [] synonym: "ESI" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001658 ! ionisation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001660 name: desorption electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where charged solvent droplets which are formed by forcing the solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field are directed at the sample surface. The droplets form a thin film on the sample surface, dissolving the analyte of interest." [, ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "DESI" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption electrospray ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001659 ! electrospray ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001661 name: laser desorption electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where neutral molecules are desorbed from the sample (usually biological) using a nitrogen laser and then ionised by collision with charged solvent droplets which are formed by forcing the solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field." [] synonym: "ELDI" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray-assisted laser desorption-ionisation" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray-assisted laser desorption-ionization" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray-assisted laser desorption–ionisation" EXACT [] synonym: "electrospray-assisted laser desorption–ionization" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption electrospray ionisation" EXACT [] synonym: "laser desorption electrospray ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001659 ! electrospray ionisation relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001662 name: matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where neutral molecules are desorbed from the sample (usually biological and held in an organic acid matrix) using a nitrogen laser and then ionised by collision with charged solvent droplets which are formed by forcing the solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field." [ISBN:978-0-470-51634-8] synonym: "MALDESI" EXACT [] synonym: "matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001661 ! laser desorption electrospray ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001663 name: extraction electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where a neutral sample, in the form of a gas or aerosol flow, is ionised by directing it into a plume of charged droplets, generated by forcing a solution of pure solvent through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 μL min-1) into an electric field." [] synonym: "EESI" EXACT [] synonym: "extraction electrospray ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001659 ! electrospray ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001664 name: laser ablation electrospray ionisation def: "An ionisation method where the sample is vaporised using a high-energy pulsed laser and then ionised by forcing a solution (usually in an organic solvent) of it through a small heated capillary (at a flow rate of 1–10 L min-1) into an electric field to produce a very fine mist of charged droplets." [] synonym: "LAESI" EXACT [] synonym: "laser ablation electrospray ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001659 ! electrospray ionisation relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001132 ! has proper occurrent part laser ablation [Term] id: CHMO:0001665 name: plasma ionisation def: "Any ionisation method when the sample is ionised in a plasma–-a partially ionised gas (such as Ar) containing free electrons." [] is_a: CHMO:0001658 ! ionisation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001666 name: plasma-assisted desorption ionisation def: "An ionisation method where a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) is directed onto the sample surface causing desorption of sample molecules from the surface and subsequent ionisation." [] synonym: "PADI" EXACT [] synonym: "plasma-assisted desorption ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001665 ! plasma ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001667 name: glow discharge ionisation def: "An ionisation method when the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an electrical discharge under reduced pressure between two electrodes." [] synonym: "GDI" EXACT [] synonym: "glow discharge ionization" EXACT [] synonym: "glow-discharge ionisation" EXACT [] synonym: "glow-discharge ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001665 ! plasma ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001668 name: atmospheric pressure glow discharge ionisation def: "An ionisation method when the sample is ionised, at atmospheric pressure, in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an electrical discharge between two electrodes." [] synonym: "APGD" EXACT [] synonym: "APGDI" EXACT [] synonym: "atmospheric pressure glow discharge ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001667 ! glow discharge ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001669 name: chemical ionisation def: "An ionisation method where the sample is ionised by interaction (electron or proton transfer) with reagent (N2, O2, H2O) gaseous ions at low pressure. Reagent ions are produced by electron ionisation." [] synonym: "chemical ionisation" EXACT [] synonym: "chemical ionization" EXACT [] synonym: "CI" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001658 ! ionisation method [Term] id: CHMO:0001670 name: desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation def: "An ionisation method in which a corona discharge is used to direct a liquid spray (composed of an inert, high velocity gas and solvent ions) onto the sample surface." [] synonym: "DAPCI" EXACT [] synonym: "desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001669 ! chemical ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001671 name: dielectric barrier discharge ionisation def: "An ionisation method when the sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by passing an alternating voltage across a dielectric layer between two electrodes." [] synonym: "DBDI" EXACT [] synonym: "dielectric barrier discharge ionization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001669 ! chemical ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001672 name: direct analysis in real time def: "An ionisation method where the sample is ionised by a corona discharge within a He atmosphere." [] synonym: "DART" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001669 ! chemical ionisation [Term] id: CHMO:0001673 name: isostatic pressing def: "The process of pressing a powder under a gas or liquid so that pressure is transmitted equally in all directions." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001674 name: hot isostatic pressing def: "The process of pressing a powder under a gas or liquid at elevated temperatures so that pressure is transmitted equally in all directions." [] synonym: "HIP" EXACT [] synonym: "HIPping" EXACT [] synonym: "hipping" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001673 ! isostatic pressing [Term] id: CHMO:0001675 name: labelling def: "The process of attaching a label onto a substance. Labels are molecular entities that facilitate the detection (through fluorescence, radioactivity, etc.) of the species to which they are attached." [CHEBI:35209,] synonym: "labeling" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001676 name: fluorescent labelling def: "The process of covalently attaching a chemically-reactive derivative of a fluorophore to another molecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid." [] synonym: "fluorescence labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence labelling" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescent labeling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001675 ! labelling [Term] id: CHMO:0001677 name: isotopic labelling def: "The substitution of an atom or an ion (present in the form of its stable isotope) by an isotope of the same element." [] synonym: "isotope labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "isotopic labelling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001675 ! labelling [Term] id: CHMO:0001678 name: deuterium labelling def: "The substitution of one or more hydrogen atoms in a molecule with deuterium atoms." [] is_a: CHMO:0001677 ! isotopic labelling [Term] id: CHMO:0001679 name: radioactive labelling def: "The substitution of an atom or an ion (present in the form of its stable isotope) by a radioactive isotope of the same element." [] synonym: "radio isotopic labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "radio isotopic labelling" EXACT [] synonym: "radio labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "radio labelling" EXACT [] synonym: "radioactive labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "radioisotopic labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "radioisotopic labelling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001677 ! isotopic labelling [Term] id: CHMO:0001680 name: phosphorescent labelling def: "The process of covalently attaching a phosphorescent molecule to another molecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid." [] synonym: "phosphorescence labeling" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphorescence labelling" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphoresent labeling" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001675 ! labelling [Term] id: CHMO:0001681 name: leaching def: "The dissolution of material from a solid phase into a liquid in which it is not wholly soluble." [OrangeBook:9.4.1] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001682 name: sample melting def: "The process of heating a substance to cause the solid–liquid phase change." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001683 name: skull melting def: "The melting of a material within a frozen shell of the same substance. This technique is used for materials which are very corrosive when molten e.g. cubic zirconia." [ISBN:0387462708] synonym: "skull melting process" EXACT [] synonym: "skull melting technique" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001682 ! sample melting [Term] id: CHMO:0001684 name: induction skull melting def: "The melting of a material by high-frequency induction within a frozen shell of the same substance. This technique is used for materials which are very corrosive when molten e.g. cubic zirconia." [ISBN:0387462708] synonym: "ISM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001683 ! skull melting [Term] id: CHMO:0001685 name: mixing def: "The combining of components, particles or layers into a more homogeneous state. The mixing may be achieved manually or mechanically by shifting the material with stirrers or pumps or by revolving or shaking the container. The process μst not permit segregation of particles of different size or properties. Homogeneity may be considered to have been achieved in a practical sense when the sampling error of the processed portion is negligible compared to the total error of the measurement system." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001686 name: Ostwald ripening def: "The growth of larger crystals from those of smaller size, which have a higher solubility than the larger ones." [OrangeBook:9.5] synonym: "Ostwald-ripening" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001687 name: photodegradation def: "The photochemical transformation of a molecule into lower molecular weight fragments, usually in an oxidation process." [] synonym: "photo-degradation" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001688 name: precipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate') from a liquid solution in which the material is present in amounts greater than its solubility in the liquid." [] is_a: CHMO:0002916 ! sample solidification [Term] id: CHMO:0001689 name: affinity precipitation def: "The selective sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate') from a liquid sample containing a ligand and a target protein. The precipitate evolves after the application of a suitable stimulus (e.g. Ca2+ or Ba2+)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001688 ! precipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001690 name: co-precipitation def: "The simultaneous precipitation of a normally soluble component with a macro-component from the same solution by the formation of mixed crystals, by adsorption, occlusion or mechanical entrapment." [] synonym: "coprecipitation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001688 ! precipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001691 name: immunoprecipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate'), consisting of an antigen–specific antibody complex, from solution." [] synonym: "IP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001688 ! precipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001692 name: individual protein immunoprecipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate'), consisting of a specific protein–antibody complex, from a solution containing many different proteins." [] synonym: "Co-IP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001691 ! immunoprecipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001693 name: protein complex immunoprecipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate') consisting of a protein–specific antibody complex (where the protein is attached to a arger protein complex) from solution." [] is_a: CHMO:0001691 ! immunoprecipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001694 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate') consisting of a protein–specific antibody complex (where the protein is attached to a protein–DNA complex) from solution. This method is used to determine the location of DNA binding sites on the genome for particular proteins of interest." [] synonym: "ChIP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001691 ! immunoprecipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001695 name: ribonucleic acid immunoprecipitation def: "The sedimentation of a solid material (a 'precipitate') consisting of a protein–specific antibody complex (where the protein is part of a protein–RNA complex) from solution. This method is used to determine the location of RNA binding sites for particular proteins of interest." [] synonym: "RIP" EXACT [] synonym: "RNA immunoprecipitation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001691 ! immunoprecipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001696 name: postprecipitation def: "The subsequent precipitation of a chemically different species upon the surface of an initial precipitate usually, but not necessarily, including a common ion." [OrangeBook:9.5] is_a: CHMO:0001688 ! precipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001697 name: reprecipitation def: "The planned repetition of a precipitation to remove impurities from a precipitate or improve its stoichiometry." [OrangeBook:9.5] is_a: CHMO:0001688 ! precipitation [Term] id: CHMO:0001698 name: radiolysis def: "The cleavage of one or more bonds resulting from exposure to high-energy radiation." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001699 name: autoradiolysis def: "The cleavage of one or more bonds in a radioactive material resulting directly or indirectly from its own radioactive decay." [] is_a: CHMO:0001698 ! radiolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001700 name: pulse radiolysis def: "The cleavage of one or more bonds resulting from exposure to a beam of highly accelerated (10 MeV) electrons. Pulse radiolysis is a method of initiating reactions which occur on a timescale faster than 100 μs." [] is_a: CHMO:0001698 ! radiolysis [Term] id: CHMO:0001701 name: sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample below its melting point until its particles adhere to each other." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001702 name: liquid-state sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample (consisting of a powder and a liquid) below the melting point of the solid until its particles adhere to each other." [] synonym: "liquid state sintering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001701 ! sintering [Term] id: CHMO:0001703 name: solid-state sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating a powder sample below its melting point until its particles adhere to each other." [] synonym: "solid state sintering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001701 ! sintering [Term] id: CHMO:0001704 name: pressureless sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the powder sample below its melting point (without applied pressure) until its particles adhere to each other." [] is_a: CHMO:0001703 ! solid-state sintering [Term] id: CHMO:0001705 name: selective laser sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample below its melting point, using a high-energy laser, until its particles adhere to each other." [] synonym: "SLS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001703 ! solid-state sintering relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001706 name: spark plasma sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample below its melting point, using a direct current, until its particles adhere to each other." [] synonym: "FAST" EXACT [] synonym: "field assisted sintering technique" EXACT [] synonym: "field-assisted sintering technique" EXACT [] synonym: "PECS" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed electric current sintering" EXACT [] synonym: "SPS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001703 ! solid-state sintering [Term] id: CHMO:0001707 name: sonication def: "The irradiation of a liquid sample with sound (20 Hz-20 kHz) waves resulting in agitation. Sound waves propagate into the liquid media result in alternating high-pressure (compression) and low-pressure (rarefaction) cycles. During rarefaction, high-intensity sonic waves create small vacuum bubbles or voids in the liquid, which then collapse violently (cavitation) during compression, creating very high local temperatures." [] is_a: OBI:0000094 ! material processing [Term] id: CHMO:0001708 name: ultrasonication def: "The irradiation of a liquid sample with ultrasonic (>20 kHz) waves resulting in agitation. Sound waves propagate into the liquid media result in alternating high-pressure (compression) and low-pressure (rarefaction) cycles. During rarefaction, high-intensity sonic waves create small vacuum bubbles or voids in the liquid, which then collapse violently (cavitation) during compression, creating very high local temperatures." [] synonym: "ultra-sonication" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001707 ! sonication [Term] id: CHMO:0001709 name: detection method def: "A method used to indicate the presence of a substance within a sample." [] is_a: OBI:0000443 ! analyte assay [Term] id: CHMO:0001710 name: argon ionisation detection def: "A detection method where metastable Ar atoms are used to ionise the sample, which is held in a carrier gas. The resulting electrons are focused toward a collector electrode and the current is measured." [] synonym: "AID" EXACT [] synonym: "argon ionization detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001711 name: atomic emission detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to individual elements. The sample is atomised and excited by an excitation source and the characteristic radiation emitted by the atoms in the sample is then detected using a photodiode array." [] synonym: "AED" EXACT [] synonym: "atomic-emission detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001712 name: catalytic combustion detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds containing C–H bonds. An electric current is passed through a tiny coil of platinum wire embedded in a catalytic ceramic bead (heated to 500 °C by the coil). A flow of air carries the sample to the bed and when a hydrogen or a hydrocarbon molecule impacts the hot coil, it combusts on the surface raising the temperature and resistance of the platinum wire. The resistance change is then measured." [] synonym: "CCD" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001713 name: electrochemical detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds which can be either reduced or oxidised. A liquid containing the sample passes directly over the working electrode, which is set to the specific potential required for oxidation or reduction. The current produced is then measured." [] synonym: "coulometric detection" EXACT [] synonym: "ED" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001714 name: pulsed electrochemical detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds which can be either reduced or oxidised. A liquid containing the sample passes directly over the working electrode, which is subject to a periodic potential. The current produced is then measured." [] synonym: "PED" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001713 ! electrochemical detection [Term] id: CHMO:0001715 name: electrolytic conductivity detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds containing Br or Cl. The pyrolysed sample is dissolved in water, forming aqueous solutions of HBr or HCl. The change in electrical conductivity of the solution is then measured." [ISBN:0873719239] synonym: "Coulson electrolytic conductivity detection" EXACT [] synonym: "ELCD" EXACT [] synonym: "Hall electrolytic conductivity detection" EXACT [] synonym: "HECD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001716 name: dry electrolytic conductivity detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds containing Br or Cl. A carrier gas flow containing the sample is heated in a ceramic chamber to 1000 °C, forming gaseous Cl and Br ions. The change in electrical conductivity of the gas-phase current is then measured." [] synonym: "DELCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001715 ! electrolytic conductivity detection [Term] id: CHMO:0001717 name: electron capture detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to electronegative compounds (e.g. halogenated compounds). A beta-particle emitter (e.g. 63Ni) is used to produce an electron beam, which is passed between two electrodes. As the sample is passed through the e-beam, organic functional groups interact with the electrons, interrupting the current." [ISBN:0748405658] synonym: "ECD" EXACT [] synonym: "electron capture dissociation" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001718 name: evaporative light scattering detection def: "A detection method where a liquid containing the sample is atomised in a gas, forming small droplets which are allowed to evaporate leaving the sample as fine particles. The suspended particles pass through a light beam and the scattered light transmitted by the particles is sensed by a photomultiplier. The response is proportional to the mass of the molecules in the sample." [] synonym: "ELS" RELATED [] synonym: "ELSD" EXACT [] synonym: "evaporative light scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001719 name: flame ionisation detection def: "A detection method which is sensitive to compounds containing C–H bonds. A flow of carrier gas containing the sample is mixed with H2 and air and ignited. Any positively-charged radicals resulting from this process are collected at a cathode, allowing the current to be measured." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "FID" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001720 name: flame photometric detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to sulfur- and phosphorus-containing compounds. A flow of carrier gas containing the sample is mixed with oxygen or air and ignited. Any chemiluminescence due to these compounds is then detected." [] synonym: "FPD" EXACT [] synonym: "SCD" EXACT [] synonym: "sulfur chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001721 name: obsolete: fluorescence detection for separation methods def: "A detection method which is sensitive to naturally fluorescent or tagged compounds. As the sample passes through a small cell it is excited by ultraviolet light and any fluorescence is detected." [ISBN:0824728041] synonym: "FD" EXACT [] synonym: "fluorescence detection" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CHMO:0001722 name: laser-induced fluorescence detection def: "A detection method which is sensitive to naturally fluorescent or tagged compounds. As the sample passes through a small cell it is excited by a focused ultraviolet laser and any fluorescence is detected." [] synonym: "laser induced fluorescence detection" EXACT [] synonym: "LIF" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser [Term] id: CHMO:0001723 name: helium ionisation detection def: "A detection method where metastable helium ions (generated by irradiation with beta-particles from a radioactive source) ionise the molecules in the sample (held in He carrier gas). The resulting electrons are focused toward a collector electrode and the current is measured." [ISBN:0471229830] synonym: "helium ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "HID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001724 name: helium discharge ionisation detection def: "A detection method where metastable helium ions (generated by an electric arc) ionise the molecules in the sample (held in He carrier gas). The resulting electrons are focused toward a collector electrode and the current is measured." [ISBN:0471229830] synonym: "HDID" EXACT [] synonym: "helium discharge ionization detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001723 ! helium ionisation detection [Term] id: CHMO:0001725 name: pulsed discharge helium ionisation detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to small gas molecules (e.g. O2, N2, CO2). A low-power, pulsed DC discharge is used to ionise the sample (which is held in He carrier gas). The resulting electrons are focused toward a collector electrode and the current is measured." [] synonym: "PDHID" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse-discharge helium ionisation detection" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse-discharge helium ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "pulsed discharge helium ionization detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001724 ! helium discharge ionisation detection [Term] id: CHMO:0001726 name: nitrogen–phosphorus detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to compounds containing N and P. A flow of carrier gas containing the sample is mixed with H2 and air in the presence of a small, heated bead of an alkali salt such as Rb2SO4. Any positively-charged radicals resulting from this process are collected at a cathode allowing the current to be measured." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "nitrogen-phosphorus detection" EXACT [] synonym: "NPD" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001727 name: paired emitter–detector diode detection def: "A detection method that is based on light emitting diodes (LEDs). One LED functions as a light source and the other LED is reverse biased to function as a light detector. Light from the source LED is passed through the sample and the intensity received by the detector LED is measured." [] synonym: "paired emitter-detector diode detection" EXACT [] synonym: "PEDD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001728 name: photodiode array detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to organic compounds. As the sample passes through a cell it is illuminated with light in the region 190–1100 nm and any absorption is detected by a photodiode array." [] synonym: "DAD" EXACT [] synonym: "PDA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001729 name: photoionisation detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to volatile organic compounds. A carrier gas (e.g. methane) containing the sample is bombarded with high-energy (UV) photons, resulting in ionisation. The current generated by these gaseous ions is then measured." [] synonym: "photoionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "PID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001730 name: refractive index detection def: "A detection method based on the change in refractive index of a solution. Light is passed through a hollow prism and focused on a photocell. When a liquid containing the sample is allowed to flow through the prism, the light diverges from its original path and the change in intensity and angle of the transmitted light is measured." [] synonym: "RI detection" EXACT [] synonym: "RID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001731 name: thermal conductivity detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to inorganic gases. A hot (450 °C) filament is used to heat a carrier gas containing the sample and the difference in thermal conductivity caused by the presence of the sample is measured." [ISBN:0471229830] synonym: "TCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001732 name: thermal energy analyser detection def: "A detection method that is sensitive to molecules containing NO and NO2 groups. The sample is pyrolysed (at 275 °C) producing radicals, which react with ozone under low pressure to produce chemiluminescence." [] synonym: "TEA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001733 name: ultraviolet detection def: "A detection method which is sensitive to unsaturated organic compounds. As the sample passes through a cell it is illuminated with light in the region 190-350nm and any absorption is detected." [] synonym: "ultra-violet detection" EXACT [] synonym: "UV detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001709 ! detection method [Term] id: CHMO:0001734 name: phosphate buffer def: "A buffer solution in which the pH is maintained by phosphoric acid-phosphate anion or phosphate-hydrogen phosphate equilibria." [] synonym: "phosphate buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001462 ! buffer solution created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T02:59:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001735 name: obsolete: separation method-detection method def: "An experiment in which a separation method is coupled to a detection method in order to detect one or more different components of a sample." [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CHMO:0001736 name: gas chromatography-flame ionisation detection alt_id: FIX:0000859 def: "Flame ionisation detection that is sensitive to compounds containing C-H bonds. The eluent is mixed with H2 and air and ignited. Any positively-charged radicals resulting from this process are collected at a cathode allowing the current to be measured." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "gas chromatography flame ionisation detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography flame ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-flame ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-FID" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/FID" EXACT [] synonym: "GCFID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001719 ! flame ionisation detection relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001737 name: gas chromatography-nitrogen-phosphorus detection def: "Nitrogen-phosphorus detection where the input is from a gas chromatography separation." [ISBN:0-13-147835-4] synonym: "gas chromatography nitrogen phosphorus detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography nitrogen-phosphorus detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-nitrogen-phosphorus detection" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-NPD" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/NPD" EXACT [] synonym: "GCNPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001726 ! nitrogen–phosphorus detection relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001738 name: liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection alt_id: CHMO:0001743 def: "Photodiode array detection where input is the mobile phase from a liquid chromatography separation." [] synonym: "LC-DAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-PAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-PDA" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/DAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/PAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/PDA" EXACT [] synonym: "LCDAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LCPAD" EXACT [] synonym: "LCPDA" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography photodiode array detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001728 ! photodiode array detection relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001739 name: gas chromatography-thermal energy analysis def: "A gas chromatography method that is sensitive to compounds containing NO and NO2 groups. The eluent is pyrolysed (at 275 deg C) producing radicals, which react with ozone under low pressure to produce chemiluminescence." [] synonym: "gas chromatography thermal energy analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-thermal energy analysis" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-TEA" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/TEA" EXACT [] synonym: "GCTEA" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002835 ! determination of nitrosamines intersection_of: CHMO:0002835 ! determination of nitrosamines intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001740 name: gas chromatography-thermal conductivity detection def: "Thermal conductivity detection where the sample is the eluent from a gas chromatography separation." [ISBN:0471229830] synonym: "gas chromatography thermal conductivity detection" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-TCD" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/CD" EXACT [] synonym: "GCTCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001731 ! thermal conductivity detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001731 ! thermal conductivity detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001741 name: gas chromatography-flame photometric detection def: "A gas chromatography method that is sensitive to sulfur- and phosphorus-containing compounds. The eluent is mixed with oxygen or air and ignited. Any chemiluminescence due to these compounds is then detected." [] synonym: "gas chromatography sulfur chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-flame photometric detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-sulfur chemiluminescence detection" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-FPF" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/FPD" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/SCD GC-SCD" EXACT [] synonym: "GCFPD" EXACT [] synonym: "GCSCD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001720 ! flame photometric detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001720 ! flame photometric detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001742 name: liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection def: "A liquid chromatography method that is sensitive to naturally fluorescent or tagged compounds. As the mobile phase passes through a small cell it is excited by ultraviolet light and any fluorescence is detected." [ISBN:0824728041] synonym: "LC-FD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/FD" EXACT [] synonym: "LCFD" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography fluorescence detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection intersection_of: CHMO:0000060 ! fluorescence detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001744 name: liquid chromatography-refractive index detection def: "A liquid chromatography method where detection is based on the change in refractive index of a solution. Light passes through a hollow prism and is focused on a photocell. When the mobile phase is allowed to flow through the prism, the light diverges from its original path and the change in intensity and angle of the transmitted light is measured." [] synonym: "LC-RID" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/RID" EXACT [] synonym: "LCRID" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography refractive index detection" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001730 ! refractive index detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001730 ! refractive index detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001745 name: liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detection def: "A liquid chromatography method where the mobile phase is atomised in a gas, forming small droplets which are allowed to evaporate leaving the sample as fine particles. The suspended particles pass through a light beam and the scattered light transmitted by the particles is sensed by a photomultiplier. The response is proportional to the mass of the molecules in the sample." [] synonym: "LC-ELS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-ELSD" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ELS" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ELSD" EXACT [] synonym: "LCELS" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detection" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001718 ! evaporative light scattering detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001718 ! evaporative light scattering detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001746 name: liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection def: "A liquid chromatography method that is sensitive to compounds which can be either reduced or oxidised. The mobile phase passes directly over the working electrode, which is set to the specific potential required for oxidation or reduction. The current produced is then measured." [] synonym: "LC-ED" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/ED" EXACT [] synonym: "LCEC" EXACT [] synonym: "LCED" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography electrochemical detection" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography electrochemistry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography-electrochemistry" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography/electrochemistry" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001713 ! electrochemical detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001713 ! electrochemical detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001747 name: gas chromatography-pulsed discharge helium ionisation detection def: "A gas chromatography method that is sensitive to small gas molecules (e.g. O2, N2, CO2). A low-power, pulsed DC discharge is used to ionise the eluent (which is held in He carrier gas). The resulting electrons are focused toward a collector electrode and the current is measured." [] synonym: "gas chromatography pulse-discharge helium ionisation detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography pulse-discharge helium ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography pulsed discharge helium ionisation detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography pulsed discharge helium ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-pulse-discharge helium ionisation detection" EXACT [] synonym: "gas chromatography-pulse-discharge helium ionization detection" EXACT [] synonym: "GC-PDHID" EXACT [] synonym: "GC/PDHID" EXACT [] synonym: "GCPDHID" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001725 ! pulsed discharge helium ionisation detection intersection_of: CHMO:0001725 ! pulsed discharge helium ionisation detection intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001002 ! has proper occurrent part gas chromatography [Term] id: CHMO:0001748 name: acetate buffer def: "A buffer solution in which the pH is maintained by an acetic acid-acetate equilibrium." [] is_a: CHMO:0001462 ! buffer solution created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:00:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001749 name: Tris-borate-EDTA buffer def: "A borate buffer solution prepared from Tris, boric acid, and EDTA." [] synonym: "TBE buffer" EXACT [] synonym: "TBE buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001463 ! borate buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:02:09Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001750 name: Tris–acetate–EDTA buffer def: "An acetate buffer solution prepared from Tris, acetic acid, and EDTA." [] synonym: "TAE buffer" EXACT [] synonym: "TAE buffer solution" EXACT [] synonym: "Tris-acetate-EDTA buffer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001748 ! acetate buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:04:31Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001751 name: phosphate-buffered saline solution def: "A phosphate buffer, prepared from sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate and sodium chloride, where the pH is maintained by a phosphate–phosphoric acid equilibrium." [] synonym: "PBS" EXACT [] synonym: "PBS buffer" EXACT [] synonym: "PBS solution" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphate buffered saline" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution" EXACT [] synonym: "phosphate-buffered salt solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001734 ! phosphate buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:06:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001752 name: Good's buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an acid–base equilibrium involving one of Good's buffer substances (CHEBI:39011)." [] is_a: CHMO:0001462 ! buffer solution created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:09:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001753 name: ACES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an N-(2-acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid–2-[(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)ammonio]ethanesulfonate anion equilibrium." [CHEBI:39061,] synonym: "ACES buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:11:13Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001754 name: Tris buffer def: "A buffer where the pH is maintained by a Tris–HTris equilibrium. Tris = tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane." [CHEBI:46097,] is_a: CHMO:0001462 ! buffer solution created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:16:13Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001755 name: Tris-HCl buffer def: "A buffer solution in which the pH is maintained by Tris [tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane] and HCl solution." [] is_a: CHMO:0001754 ! Tris buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:17:11Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001756 name: ADA buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving 2,2'-[(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)imino]diacetic acid." [CHEBI:39048,] synonym: "ADA buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:22:43Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001757 name: BES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanesulfonic acid" [CHEBI:39043,] synonym: "BES buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:25:34Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001758 name: bicine buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine." [CHEBI:39065,] synonym: "bicine buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:26:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001759 name: HEPES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1-yl]ethanesulfonic acid." [CHEBI:46756,] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:27:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001760 name: MES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid." [CHEBI:39010,] synonym: "MES buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:31:46Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001761 name: MOPS buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by an equilibrium involving 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid." [CHEBI:39074,] synonym: "MOPS buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:33:25Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001762 name: PIPES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by a 2,2'-piperazine-1,4-diylbisethanesulfonic acid–2,2'-piperazine-1,4-diylbisethanesulfonate equilibrium." [CHEBI:39033,] synonym: "PIPES buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:34:39Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001763 name: TES buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by a N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid–N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-ammonioethanesulfonate equilibrium." [CHEBI:39035,] synonym: "TES buffer solution" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:36:08Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001764 name: tricine buffer def: "A buffer solution where the pH is maintained by a N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine–N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylammonioacetate equilibrium." [CHEBI:46760,] is_a: CHMO:0001752 ! Good's buffer created_by: batchelorc creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:37:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001765 name: tin-119 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of chemical shift vs. intensity for tin-119 nuclei obtained by measuring the effect of the absorption of radio frequency radiation on nuclear spin-state transitions in the presence of a magnetic field." [rsc:pr] synonym: "119Sn NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "119Sn NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "tin-119 NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "tin-119 NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000835 ! nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-18T03:49:29Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001766 name: transmission Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser, by a sample is detected. The light is collected from the non-illuminated side of the sample." [] synonym: "transmission Raman" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission Raman scattering spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission Raman spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "TRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T10:12:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001767 name: optical tweezers Raman spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser, by a sample (e.g. a biological cell) constrained using optical tweezers is detected." [] synonym: "OTRS" EXACT [] synonym: "Raman tweezers" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002515 ! laser Raman spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T10:18:22Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001768 name: trapping method def: "Any method used to trap a sample for further analysis." [] is_a: OBI:0000011 ! planned process created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T10:29:44Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001769 name: laser trapping def: "The trapping of microscopic particles by a focused laser beam. The beam is focused through a microscope objective, producing a strong electric field gradient at its narrowest point, which attracts dielectric particles." [] synonym: "laser tweezing" EXACT [] synonym: "optical trapping" EXACT [] synonym: "optical tweezing" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001768 ! trapping method relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T10:35:42Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001770 name: deep-level transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the capacitance produced by applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at different temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit a peak for each 'deep level' (each energy level near the center of the band gap). The height of the peak is proportional to the defect density and the emission rate and temperature dependence are characteristic for each type of defect." [] synonym: "C-DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "capacitance deep level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "CDLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "deep level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "DLTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T10:55:16Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001771 name: Laplace deep-level transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the average capacitance produced by applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at a fixed temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit a peak for each 'deep level' (each energy level near the center of the band gap). The height of the peak is proportional to the defect density and the emission rate is characteristic for each type of defect." [] synonym: "L-DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Laplace DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "Laplace transform deep level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Laplace transform deep-level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "Laplace transform DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "LDLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "LTDLTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001770 ! deep-level transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:05:17Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001772 name: constant-capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By holding the capacitance constant and monitoring the carrier emission produced when applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at different temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit a peak for each 'deep level' (each energy level near the center of the band gap). The height of the peak is proportional to the defect density and the emission rate and temperature dependence are characteristic for each type of defect." [, ISBN:0471739065] synonym: "CC-DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "CCDLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "constant capacitance deep level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "constant capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "constant capacitance DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "constant-capacitance DLTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001770 ! deep-level transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:09:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001773 name: current deep-level transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the current produced when applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at different temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit a peak for each 'deep level' (each energy level near the center of the band gap). The height of the peak is proportional to the defect density and the emission rate and temperature dependence are characteristic for each type of defect." [, ISBN:0471739065] synonym: "current DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "current-DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "I-DLTS" EXACT [] synonym: "IDLTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001770 ! deep-level transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:15:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001774 name: isothermal capactiance transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the capacitance produced by applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at constant different temperatures, spectra are generated that exhibit peaks, the height of which are proportional to the height of which are proportional to time constant for the emission rate." [ISBN:0127521607] synonym: "ICTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001770 ! deep-level transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:23:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001775 name: normalised isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the normalised capacitance produced by applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at constant different temperatures, spectra are generated that exhibit peaks, the height of which are proportional to time constant for the emission rate." [] synonym: "N-ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "NICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "normalised ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "normalised-ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "normalized ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "normalized isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "normalized-ICTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001774 ! isothermal capactiance transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:40:17Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001776 name: differential isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the differential of the capacitance produced by applying a voltage pulse to the semiconductor junction at constant different temperatures, spectra are generated that exhibit peaks, the height of which are proportional to the height of which are proportional to time constant for the emission rate." [] synonym: "D-ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "DICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "differential ICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "differential-ICTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001774 ! isothermal capactiance transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:43:54Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001777 name: photoinduced current transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the current produced by applying an optical pulse to the semiconductor junction at different temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit peaks, the height of which are proportional to the defect density, and the emission rate and temperature dependence are characteristic for each type of defect." [] synonym: "photo induced current transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "photo-induced current transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "PICTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001247 ! charge transport measurement method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:46:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001778 name: microwave-detected photoinduced current transient spectroscopy def: "A method for determining the extent of intrinsic and process-induced defects in the crystalline layers within semiconductor devices. Defects arising from impurities, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. result in the creation of traps that capture free electrons and holes. By monitoring the current produced by applying a microwave pulse to the semiconductor junction at different temperatures, spectra are generated which exhibit peaks, the height of which are proportional to the defect density, and the emission rate and temperature dependence are characteristic for each type of defect." [] synonym: "MD-PICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave detected photoinduced current transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave detected PICTS" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave-detected photo-induced current transient spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "microwave-detected PICTS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001777 ! photoinduced current transient spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T11:55:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001779 name: 23Na triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for 23Na nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [, ISBN:3540221689] synonym: "23Na TQMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "23Na TQMAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001204 ! triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T12:47:22Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001780 name: 27Al triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for 27Al nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [, ISBN:3540221689] synonym: "27Al TQMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "27Al TQMAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001204 ! triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T12:49:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001781 name: 45Sc triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning def: "An NMR experiment used for 45Sc nuclei, involving transitions between non-consecutive energy levels during the excitation of the spin system by the first rf pulse." [, ISBN:3540221689] synonym: "45Sc TQMAS" EXACT [] synonym: "45Sc TQMAS-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001204 ! triple-quantum excitation in combination with magic angle spinning created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T12:50:28Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001782 name: 45Sc nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 45Sc nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Each experiment consists of a sequence of radio frequency pulses with delay periods in between them." [CHEBI:52635, rsc:pr] synonym: "45Sc NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "45Sc NMR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "45Sc nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "45Sc-NMR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000613 ! pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T12:53:04Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001783 name: capillary force lithography def: "A process for shaping pliable thermoplastic polymers. An elastomeric mould is placed on a polymer that has been spin-coated onto a substrate. The system is then heated above the glass transition temperature of the polymer. Capillary force allows the polymer melt to fill up the void space between the polymer and the mould. After cooling to ambient temperature, the mould is removed, generating the negative replica of the mould pattern." [] synonym: "CFL" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001427 ! moulding created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T12:56:49Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001784 name: pervaporation def: "A method for the separation of liquid mixtures based on diffusion rate and membrane affinity. The sample mixture is placed in contact with one side of a non-porous polymeric membrane while a vacuum is applied to the other side. The components in the liquid stream permeate through the membrane, evaporate, and are then condensed." [] is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T01:45:31Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001785 name: rotating-field mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry that uses sinusoidal radio frequency fields (in the x- and y- direction, differing in phase by 90°) during ion detection. The ions of a particular mass travel in a helix and impact an ion detector, generating a pattern consisting of a set of concentric circles." [] synonym: "RFMS" EXACT [] synonym: "rotating field mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "rotating field MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T01:56:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001786 name: RapidFire(R) mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry, developed by BioTrove, which uses microfluidics to aspirate an aliquot of sample directly from a quenched assay plate and performs a solid-phase extraction on the sample before ionisation." [] synonym: "RapidFire mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "RF-MS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000470 ! mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:01:38Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001787 name: laser sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample with a laser (e.g. a CO2 laser) below its melting point until its particles adhere to each other." [] synonym: "LS" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] is_a: CHMO:0001703 ! solid-state sintering relationship: BFO:0000057 OBI:0400064 ! has participant laser created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:16:41Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001788 name: argon plasma sintering def: "The fusing together of small particles by heating the sample with an Ar plasma (a partially ionised gas containing free electrons) until the particles adhere to each other." [] is_a: CHMO:0001703 ! solid-state sintering created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:21:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001789 name: normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography def: "Column chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, the stationary phase consists of very small particles, and the inlet pressure is relatively high. In normal-phase HPLC, the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile phase." [] synonym: "normal phase HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "normal-phase HPLC" EXACT [] synonym: "NP-HPLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001009 ! high-performance liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:25:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001790 name: membrane extraction with a sorbent interface-gas chromatography def: "A separation method where the sample is first transferred from one phase (the 'donor' or 'feed' phase) to another (the 'acceptor' or 'strip' phase) across a non-porous non-polar polymer membrane. The membrane extracts the analytes from their matrix, and these are subsequently trapped on a polymeric trap with a porous sorbent using a carrier gas stream. In the second step, the mixture in the carrier gas stream is further separated by gas chromatography." [] synonym: "membrane extraction with sorbent interface gas chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "membrane extraction with sorbent interface-gas chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "MESI-GC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000999 ! separation method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:28:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001791 name: low-temperature electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry def: "Mass spectrometry where a solid sample is vaporised by depositing it on a probe which is rapidly heated (to <1000 °C) by passing a current through it. The vaporised sample is ionised in a plasma (a partially ionised gas–-such as Ar–-containing free electrons) which has been generated by electromagnetic induction." [] synonym: "low temperature electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low temperature electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "low-temperature electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "LTETV-ICPMS" EXACT [] synonym: "LTEV-ICPMS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000539 ! electrothermal vaporisation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:37:17Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001792 name: obsolete: sample transformation method-detection method def: "A method consisting of a sample transformation method coupled to a detection method." [] is_obsolete: true created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:47:37Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001793 name: obsolete: sample transformation method-measurement method def: "A method consisting of a sample transformation method coupled to a measurement method." [] is_obsolete: true created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:49:30Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001794 name: supercritical fluid extraction-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy def: "Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy where the sample is initially transferred from a matrix to a liquid phase using a supercritical fluid." [] synonym: "SFE-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "supercritical fluid extraction-Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000636 ! Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy intersection_of: CHMO:0000636 ! Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy intersection_of: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001610 ! has proper occurrent part supercritical fluid extraction relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001610 ! has proper occurrent part supercritical fluid extraction created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T02:49:54Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001795 name: continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of the absorption of radio frequency radiation vs. frequency for spin-active nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "c.w. NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "c.w. NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "cw-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "NMR absorption spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000800 ! spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T03:10:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001796 name: 1H continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of the absorption of radio frequency radiation vs. frequency for hydrogen-1 nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H c.w. NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H c.w. NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "1H cw-NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H cw-NMR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "1H NMR absorption spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "1H NMR absorption spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001795 ! continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-20T03:18:38Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001797 name: 1H continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the energy states of 1H nuclei placed in a static magnetic field are interrogated by inducing transitions between the states via radio frequency irradiation. Spectra are obtained by scanning a range of radio frequencies." [rsc:pr] synonym: "1H c.w. NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "1H cw-NMR" EXACT [] synonym: "1H NMR absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000713 ! continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T10:21:39Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001798 name: reflection–absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the absorption and reflection of low-incident-angle infrared light by the surface molecules of a highly reflective or polished sample is measured. The sample absorbs a single pulse of radiation and the spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [, ISBN:0-471-96523-5] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IRAS" EXACT [] synonym: "FT-IRRAS" EXACT [] synonym: "RA FT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "RA FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "RA-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption (RA) FT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption Fourier transform infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "reflection-absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000647 ! reflection–absorption infrared spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T10:50:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001799 name: electrochemical quartz crystal microgravimetry def: "A method used to determine the ratio of the mass, deposited at the electrode surface during an electrochemical reaction, to the total charge passed through the electrode (the 'current efficiency'). The electrode surface is deposited on a piezoelectric quartz crystal, and the change in resonance frequency of the crystal is measured." [,] synonym: "electrochemical QCM" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical QCM measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical QCM technique" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique" EXACT [] synonym: "EQCM measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "eQCM measurements" EXACT [] synonym: "EQCM technique" EXACT [] synonym: "eQCM technique" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001285 ! gravimetric analysis created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T12:56:07Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001800 name: electron micrograph def: "An image obtained by bombarding the specimen with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam with an acceleration voltage under vacuum, and detecting the transmitted, secondary, backscattered and diffracted electrons, and characteristic X-rays emitted." [] synonym: "electron microphotograph" EXACT [] synonym: "electron microscopy image" EXACT [] synonym: "EM image" EXACT [] synonym: "EM micrograph" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001824 ! micrograph created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T01:44:13Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001801 name: scanning electron micrograph def: "An image obtained by scanning a finely-focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam across the specimen under vacuum." [] synonym: "scanning electron micrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microphotograph" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscope (SEM) image" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscope (SEM) images" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs" EXACT [] synonym: "scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM image" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM images" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM micrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "SEM micrographs" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001800 ! electron micrograph created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T01:50:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001802 name: transmission electron micrograph def: "An image obtained by bombarding the specimen with a finely focused (<10 nm diameter) electron beam under vacuum and measuring the intensities of the transmitted electrons." [] synonym: "TEM image" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM images" EXACT [] synonym: "TEM micrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron micrograph" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microphotograph" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microscope (TEM) image" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microscope image" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microscope images" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microscopic (TEM) images" EXACT [] synonym: "transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001800 ! electron micrograph created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T01:51:51Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001803 name: ultraviolet–visible spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus that consists of: a light source; a holder for the sample; a diffraction grating or monochromator to separate the different wavelengths of light; a detector, and is used to measure spectra in the range ultraviolet to visible (190–800 nm)." [] synonym: "absorption spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "electronic absorption spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "molecular electronic absorption spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "ultra-violet-visible spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis absorption spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis molecular absorption spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-Vis spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-VIS spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-vis spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV-visible spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS absorption spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis absorption spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/VIS spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV/Vis spectrophotometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–vis spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–visible spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002232 ! spectrophotometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T02:46:45Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001804 name: ultraviolet spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus that consists of: a light source; a holder for the sample; a diffraction grating or monochromator to separate the different wavelengths of light; a detector, and is used to measure spectra in the ultraviolet range (190–400 nm)." [] synonym: "ultra-violet spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "UV spectrophotometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002232 ! spectrophotometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T03:05:48Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001805 name: diffuse reflectance ultraviolet–visible spectrum def: "A plot of reflectance (%) vs. wavenumber obtained by measuring the amount of ultraviolet to visible (190–800 nm) radiation reflected from an uneven surface at a number of angles by the sample." [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance ultraviolet-visible spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002622 ! diffuse reflectance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-21T03:11:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001806 name: nuclear magnetic resonance method def: "A technique or procedure applied in nuclear magnetic resonance experiments." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0001215 ! magnetic resonance method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-22T11:04:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001807 name: nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus used to conduct NMR experiments consisting of a magnet housing a sample space surrounded by two coils which act to transmit radio frequency radiation to the sample and to detect the response of the sample." [rsc:pr] synonym: "NMR spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001234 ! spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T09:33:29Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001808 name: first derivative nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum def: "A plot of the change in intensity of absorption vs. the change in frequency as a function of the frequency of radiation applied, for spin-active nuclei." [rsc:pr] synonym: "first derivative NMR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "first derivative NMR spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001795 ! continuous-wave nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T09:41:02Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001809 name: energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of an electron source, a grating and a semiconductor detector, which is used to measure the X-ray emissions of a sample as a function of wavelength. The X-rays emerging from the sample pass through a slit then the grating disperses them by diffraction according to their wavelength. Finally, X-ray energy is converted to voltage pulses or 'counts' by the detector." [] synonym: "EDS spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "EDX spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "EDXA spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002647 ! X-ray spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T09:50:21Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001810 name: synchrotron def: "A large-scale particle accelerator in which a magnetic field is used to create the particle orbits. Synchrotrons produce X-ray, vacuum ultraviolet and broadband infrared radiation." [ISBN:0306474530] synonym: "synchrotrons" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000968 ! device created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T10:20:04Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001811 name: pole figure measurement def: "A method for determining crystal orientation, using X-ray diffraction, which involves systematically rotating the sample about well defined angles until all possible lattice planes are reflected, and measuring the reflection intensity as a function of angle. The results are plotted as a pole figure." [ISBN:9056992244] is_a: CHMO:0000141 ! diffraction method created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T10:27:40Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001812 name: synchrotron X-ray scattering def: "A method for determining structure by measuring the change in direction or energy of X-rays scattered by a sample. X-Rays are generated in a synchrotron." [] synonym: "synchrotron XRS" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000200 ! X-ray scattering created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T10:58:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001813 name: infrared microscope def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of an optical microscope coupled to a reflecting magnifying mirror system, which is used to collect spatially resolved infrared spectra of the surface of a specimen." [ISBN:2884490736] synonym: "IR microscope" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T12:36:47Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001814 name: Raman microscope alt_id: CHMO:0001236 def: "A piece of apparatus, consisting of a laser beam (<10 μm diameter), a monochromator and a detector coupled to an optical microscope, which is used to measure Raman spectra." [] synonym: "Raman microspectrometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000953 ! microscope is_a: CHMO:0001235 ! Raman spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T01:03:35Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001815 name: electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance def: "A piece of apparatus consisting of a quartz crystal resonator, which is used to measure the current efficiency (mass-to-charge ratio) during an electrochemical reaction, by measuring the change in resonance frequency of the crystal." [] synonym: "EQCM" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001077 ! quartz crystal microbalance created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-26T01:25:01Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001816 name: Fourier transform photoacoustic spectrum def: "The Fourier transform of a plot of intensity vs. wavelength obtained by measuring the sound emitted when a gaseous sample is exposed to an intense laser beam, which is rapidly interrupted by a rotating slotted disk." [] synonym: "Fourier transform photoacoustic spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "FT photoacoustic spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "FT photoacoustic spectrum" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000821 ! photoacoustic spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:02:42Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001817 name: synchrotron infrared microscopy def: "The collection of spatially resolved infrared spectra of a sample during optical microscopy. The infrared spectra are obtained by single pulse of infrared radiation, produced in a synchrotron." [] synonym: "S-IR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "S-IR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "S-IR spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SIR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "SIR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SIR microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SIR-MSP" EXACT [] synonym: "SIRM" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron infra-red microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron infra-red microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron infrared microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron infrared spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000050 ! infrared microscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:03:27Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001818 name: vibrational microscopy def: "A type of chemical imaging spectroscopy where an optical microscope is used to image the sample and locate a small area for spectral analysis that probes the vibrational degrees of freedom of a molecule." [FIX:0000695,] synonym: "vibrational microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "vibrational spectroscopic imaging" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000581 ! microspectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:08:22Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001819 name: synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectrum def: "A plot of absorbance or emission vs. wavelength/wavenumber/frequency obtained through a Fourier transform of the times series of the absorption or emission of a sample that has been excited by an infrared-frequency pulse generated in a synchrotron." [] synonym: "S-FTIR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "SFT-IR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "SFT-IR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "SFTIR spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "SFTIR spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron-based FTIR spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000853 ! Fourier transform infrared spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:35:25Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001820 name: synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microscopy def: "The collection of spatially resolved infrared spectra of a sample during optical microscopy. The infrared spectra are obtained by single pulse of infrared radiation, produced in a synchrotron, and are subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "S-FTIR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR mapping" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SFT-IR imaging" EXACT [] synonym: "SFT-IR microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SFTIR-MSP" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infra-red microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infra-red microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infra-red microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microspectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron-based FTIR microscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000051 ! Fourier transform infrared microscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:42:50Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001821 name: synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the sample absorbs a single pulse of radiation from the infrared region (0.78–1000 μm), produced in a synchrotron, and the spectrum obtained is subject to a Fourier transform." [] synonym: "S-FTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "S-FTIR spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "SFT-IR" EXACT [] synonym: "SFTIR" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infra-red absorption spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (S-FTIR)" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "synchrotron-based FTIR" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000636 ! Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T10:47:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001822 name: infrared spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus consisting of an infrared laser, a beam splitter and a detector (a CCD), which is used to measure spectra in the infrared range." [] synonym: "infra-red spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "IR spectrophotometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001234 ! spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T11:40:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001823 name: Fourier transform infrared spectrometer def: "A piece of apparatus consisting of an infrared laser, an interferometer and a detector, which is used to measure spectra in the infrared range. The spectrometer measures the amount of infrared radiation not absorbed by the sample, and the application of a Fourier transform converts the resulting time domain digital signal into a frequency domain digital signal." [] synonym: "FT-IR spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectrometer" EXACT [] synonym: "FTIR spectrophotometer" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001822 ! infrared spectrometer created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T11:49:02Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001824 name: micrograph def: "A magnified image obtained using a microscope to view a small object (or specimen)." [] synonym: "microphotograph" EXACT [] synonym: "microscope image" EXACT [] synonym: "microscopy image" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001103 ! recorded image created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T12:57:20Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001825 name: optical micrograph def: "An image obtained by illuminating the specimen with visible light, and using a system of magnifying lenses." [] synonym: "light microscope image" EXACT [] synonym: "light microscopy image" EXACT [] synonym: "optical microphotograph" EXACT [] synonym: "optical microscope image" EXACT [] synonym: "optical microscopy image" EXACT [] synonym: "photomicrograph" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001824 ! micrograph created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T01:01:56Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001826 name: electrophoretic light scattering def: "A method for determining the electrophoretic mobility and zeta-potential of a sample of colloidal particles in solution by illuminating the sample with a light source (usually a laser) and measuring the time dependent fluctuations in the frequency of the scattered light caused by an oscillating electric field." [ISBN:0792363000] synonym: "ELS" RELATED [] is_a: CHMO:0000166 ! light scattering created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-28T02:45:39Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001827 name: Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the refractive index change of the sample induced by two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) under the influence of an electric field (the 'optical Kerr effect') is measured." [ISBN:0471574678] synonym: "OKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "OKES" EXACT [] synonym: "optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optical-Kerr-effect (OKE) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optical-Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000445 ! indirect laser absorption spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T09:50:23Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001828 name: Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) with a frequency difference close to a Raman-mode frequency in the sample induce a refractive index change in the sample. By scanning the frequency difference of the two beams and recording simultaneously the polarization change of the probe beam, the Raman spectral structure of the sample can be obtained." [ISBN:9810233191] synonym: "Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "RIKES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001827 ! Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T09:52:38Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001829 name: magneto optical Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the refractive index change of laser light reflected by a magnetized sample (the 'magneto-optic Kerr effect') is measured." [] synonym: "magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "magneto-optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "magnetooptical Kerr spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "MOKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001827 ! Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T10:34:33Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001830 name: optically-heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) with a frequency difference close to a Raman-mode frequency in the sample induce a refractive index change in the sample. By scanning the frequency difference of the two beams and recording simultaneously the polarization change of the probe beam, the Raman spectral structure of the sample can be obtained. The polarizing filters are rotated slightly, giving rise to a heterodyne at the detector, improving the signal-to-noise ratio compared to Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy." [ISBN:9810245203] synonym: "OHD-RIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "OHRIKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "OHRIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optically heterodyned Raman induced Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optically heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "optically heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001828 ! Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:18:03Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001831 name: confocal infrared microscopy def: "The collection of spatially resolved infrared spectra of a sample during optical microscopy. An aperture is used to discriminate between infrared signal coming from the laser spot and that coming from the out-of-focus region of the sample." [] synonym: "confocal infra-red chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infra-red chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infra-red microscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared chemical imaging spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared chemical imaging spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared mapping" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared microspectrophotometry" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared microspectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal infrared spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal IR spectromicroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "confocal IR-MSP" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000050 ! infrared microscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:07:26Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001832 name: liquid chromatography mass spectrum def: "A plot of relative abundance (%) vs. mass-to-charge ratio obtained from a mass spectrometry experiment of a sample mixture separated by liquid chromatography." [] synonym: "LC mass spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LC mass spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-MS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/MS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/MS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "LCMS spectra" EXACT [] synonym: "LCMS spectrum" EXACT [] synonym: "liquid chromatography mass spectra" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000806 ! mass spectrum created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:18:58Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001833 name: femtosecond Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where femtosecond pulses of two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) with a frequency difference close to a Raman-mode frequency in the sample induce a refractive index change in the sample. By scanning the frequency difference of the two beams and recording simultaneously the polarization change of the probe beam, the Raman spectral structure of the sample can be obtained.Information is obtained regarding ultrafast solvent dynamics by measuring the time response of a transient birefringence that is induced in the sample by a polarized femtosecond optical pulse." [] synonym: "femtosecond Raman induced Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "FRIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "fs RIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "fs-RIKES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001828 ! Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:30:19Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001834 name: nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated by nanoflow liquid chromatography (flow rate of nL min-1) before being converted into ions which are characterised by their mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance, by two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nano liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoflow liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC-MSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLC/MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "nanoLCMSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "nLC-MS2" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0000701 ! liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000575 ! has proper occurrent part tandem mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:41:12Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001835 name: two-dimensional liquid chromatography def: "A type of chromatography where the mobile phase is a liquid, an initial separation proceeds in a primary column (commonly ion-exchange), and parts of the eluent from this column are directed into a secondary column (commonly reverse phase)." [] synonym: "2D liquid chromatography" EXACT [] synonym: "2D-LC" EXACT [] synonym: "LC-LC" EXACT [] synonym: "LC/LC" EXACT [] synonym: "LCxLC" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0002003 ! two-dimensional column chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:51:06Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001836 name: two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry def: "A method where a sample mixture is first separated sequentially using two different liquid chromatography columns (commonly, ion-exchange followed by reversed-phase) before being analysed by two mass spectrometers in series." [] synonym: "2D-LC-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLC-MS-MS" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLC-MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLC-MS2" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLC-MSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLC/MS/MS" EXACT [] synonym: "2DLCMSMS" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry" EXACT [] xref: FIX:0001156 is_a: CHMO:0000701 ! liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry is_a: CHMO:0002007 ! two-dimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0000575 ! has proper occurrent part tandem mass spectrometry relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001004 ! has proper occurrent part liquid chromatography created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T11:58:40Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001837 name: time-resolved optical Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where time response of a transient birefringence induced in the sample by two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) under the influence of an electric field (the 'optical Kerr effect') is measured." [] synonym: "time resolved optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved OKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "time-resolved OKES" EXACT [] synonym: "TR-OKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TROKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "TROKES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001827 ! Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:41:32Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001838 name: optically-heterodyned Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where the refractive index change of the sample induced by two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) under the influence of an electric field (the 'optical Kerr effect') is measured. The polarizing filters are rotated slightly, giving rise to a heterodyne at the detector, improving the signal-to-noise ratio compared to optical Kerr effect spectroscopy." [ISBN:9810245203] synonym: "heterodyne optical Kerr effect (HOKE) spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "heterodyne optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HOKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "HOKES" EXACT [] synonym: "OHD-OKE" EXACT [] synonym: "optically heterodyne detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001827 ! Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T01:05:55Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001839 name: femtosecond optically-heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy def: "Spectroscopy where femtosecond pulses of two polarized laser beams (pump and probe) with a frequency difference close to a Raman-mode frequency in the sample induce a refractive index change in the sample. By scanning the frequency difference of the two beams and recording simultaneously the polarization change of the probe beam, the Raman spectral structure of the sample can be obtained. The polarizing filters are rotated slightly, giving rise to a heterodyne at the detector, improving the signal-to-noise ratio compared to Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy." [ISBN:9810245203] synonym: "femtosecond OHD-RIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond OHRIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond optically heterodyned Raman induced Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond optically heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "femtosecond optically heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fs-OHD-RIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "fs-OHRIKE spectroscopy" EXACT [] synonym: "fs-OHRIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "fsOHD-RIKES" EXACT [] synonym: "fsOHRIKES" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001830 ! optically-heterodyned Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T01:13:26Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001841 name: nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence def: "A series of short (microsecond) bursts (pulses) of rf radiation separated by delays (of defined duration) designed to interact with, and manipulate the magnetic moments of spin-active nuclei during NMR spectroscopy." [rsc:pr] synonym: "NMR pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "pulse sequence" EXACT [] is_a: OBI:0000011 ! planned process relationship: BFO:0000118 CHMO:0001842 ! has proper occurrent part radio frequency pulse created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T01:41:59Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001842 name: radio frequency pulse def: "A short (microsecond) period of radio frequency wavelength radiation." [rsc:pr] is_a: OBI:0000011 ! planned process created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T01:44:50Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001843 name: bilinear rotation decoupling pulse sequence def: "A pulse cluster (a spin echo on 1H with inversion of 13C in the centre) used to achieve selective inversion of 12C-bound protons, thus achieving the removal of signals due to 12C-bound nuclei. For the pulse sequence see Chem. Phys. Lett., (1982), 93, pg 504" [rsc:pr] synonym: "bilinear rotation decoupling" EXACT [] synonym: "BIRD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001841 ! nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001844 name: decoupling pulse sequence def: "An NMR pulse sequence that decouples nuclei i.e. removes the effects of (usually) J-coupling (line splitting) from the spectrum." [rsc:pr] is_a: CHMO:0001841 ! nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001845 name: composite pulse decoupling sequence def: "An NMR pulse sequence, employing composite pulses, which decouples nuclei i.e. removes the effects of (usually) J-coupling (line splitting) from the spectrum." [rsc:pr] synonym: "CPD" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001844 ! decoupling pulse sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001846 name: decoupling in the presence of scalar interactions def: "A sequence of composite pulses designed to remove signal splitting due to heteronuclear J-couplings in multinuclear liquid NMR experiments. Also used to allow transfer of magnetisation between nuclei (by making the spins precess with at the same chemical shift and thus enjoy strong coupling–-isotropic mixing). For the pulse sequence see J. Magn. Reson., (1988), 77, pg 274." [rsc:pr] synonym: "DIPSI" EXACT [] synonym: "DIPSI pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "DIPSI sequence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001845 ! composite pulse decoupling sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001847 name: globally optimized alternating phase rectangular pulse def: "A sequence of composite pulses designed to remove signal splitting due to heteronuclear J-couplings in multinuclear liquid NMR experiments. For the pulse sequence see J. Magn. Reson., (1985), 64, pg 547." [rsc:pr] synonym: "GARP" EXACT [] synonym: "GARP pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "GARP sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "globally-optimized alternating phase rectangular pulse" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001845 ! composite pulse decoupling sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001848 name: Malcolm Levitt pulse sequence def: "A sequence of composite pulses designed to remove signal splitting due to heteronuclear J-couplings in multinuclear liquid NMR experiments. Also used to allow transfer of magnetisation between nuclei (by making the spins precess with at the same chemical shift and thus enjoy strong coupling–-isotropic mixing). For the pulse sequence see J. Magn. Reson., (1981), 43, pg 502." [rsc:pr] synonym: "MLEV" EXACT [] synonym: "MLEV pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "MLEV sequence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001845 ! composite pulse decoupling sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001849 name: phase alternated rotation of magnetisation def: "A sequence of composite pulses designed to remove signal splitting due to heteronuclear J-couplings in multinuclear liquid NMR experiments." [rsc:pr] synonym: "PAR" RELATED non-mining_synonym [] synonym: "PAR pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "PAR sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "phase alternated rotation of magnetization" EXACT [] synonym: "phase-alternated rotation of magnetisation" EXACT [] synonym: "phase-alternated rotation of magnetization" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001845 ! composite pulse decoupling sequence created_by: creation_date: 2009-05-29T12:00:00Z [Term] id: CHMO:0001850 name: spin decoupling employing ultra-broadband-inversion sequences generated via siμlated annealing def: "A sequence of composite pulses designed to remove signal splitting due to heteronuclear J-couplings in multinuclear liquid NMR experiments. For the pulse sequence see J. Magn. Reson. A, (1994), 106, pg 241." [rsc:pr] synonym: "SUSAN" EXACT [] synonym: "SUSAN pulse sequence" EXACT [] synonym: "SUSAN sequence" EXACT [] is_a: CHMO:0001845 ! composite pulse decoupling sequence created_by: https://orcid