**This repository is looking for a new maintainer** # GitLink Sublime Text plugin to derive shareable URLs to files in your source repositories. No more traversing your file structure finding the file you are working on. With support for: * * * * ## How it works ![Right click in side menu](http://f.cl.ly/items/1O100K122E0a1x0y3V1k/Screen%20Shot%202014-10-20%20at%209.46.38%20AM.png) ![Right click in a file](http://f.cl.ly/items/3f1r0h0q1t2J003M2W0A/Screen%20Shot%202014-10-20%20at%209.46.24%20AM.png) Or search for "GitLink" in the Command Palette #### Copy URLs to files `command + shift + c` Right click any file in the sidebar (that is part of a Git repository) and go to the `GitLink` menu item to see options. #### Copy URLs to files with a deeplink the line number Right click anywhere within the file you are currently editing. Your cursor position determines which line number will be used for the deeplink. #### Open URLs in your default browser as a new tab `command + shift + o` Use your default web browser (Chrome) to skip a step and open any of the links automatically in a new tab. # Installation The easiest is to install using [Package control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). To install manually, you can clone the Git repository directly: * Mac: * `cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/` * Linux: * `cd ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages` * `git clone git@github.com:rscherf/GitLink.git` * Restart Sublime Text # Configuration To switch to generating permanent links that reference a git commit hash instead of branch name, add `"gitlink_revision_type": "commithash"` to your Preferences.sublime-settings file. # Contribute GitHub and Sublime Text are powerful; I know all of you can make this way better than me. 1. Fork/clone the repository 2. Add whatever you'd like 3. Submit a Pull Request # Copyright 1. Star the Github repository 2. Follow http://twitter.com/ryanscherf on Twitter and tell me how much you love this plugin 3. Use it however you'd like