#!/bin/bash action=$1 shift [ "$action" = "usage" ] && { echo " Add with the tags of most recent addition:" curcmd=`basename $0` echo " $curcmd \"THING I NEED TO DO +project @context\"" echo " Append the tags of the most recently added item" echo " to this item." echo "" exit } # get the last line added and extract context lastadded=`sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE"` "$TODO_FULL_SH" command add "$1" newest=`sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE"` REGEX='[@|+][A-Za-z0-9]*' echo "Appending:" $(sed $lastadded"q;d" "$TODO_FILE" | grep -o "$REGEX") # add contexts and projects sed $lastadded"q;d" "$TODO_FILE" | grep -o "$REGEX" | while read -r app do "$TODO_FULL_SH" command append "$newest" "$app" done # set priority # PRIREGEX='\(([A-Z])\)' # matchpri=`sed $lastadded"q;d" "$TODO_FILE" | grep -o "$PRIREGEX"` # # if there is a proiority on the last one # count=`echo $matchpri | wc -l` # if [ $count -ne 0 ]; then # # remove parentheses # matchpri=`echo $matchpri | sed 's/[)(]//g'` # echo "Prioritizing:" $matchpri # "$TODO_FULL_SH" command pri "$newest" "$matchpri" # fi