#!/bin/bash # tests the speed of various services for externalip: # https://github.com/rsp/scripts/blob/master/externalip.md # converted from the ajax-cdn-speed-test: # https://github.com/rsp/ajax-cdn-speed-test # by RafaĆ Pocztarski https://rsp.github.io/ # hosts taken on 2015-04-02 from: # http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/22615 # https://coderwall.com/p/lyrjsq/extract-your-external-ip-using-command-line-tools # using only those that output IP only (with no need to parse output) read -d '' urls << 'END' //ifconfig.me/ //icanhazip.com/ //ip.appspot.com/ //curlmyip.com/ //ident.me/ //tnx.nl/ip //ipecho.net/plain //whatismyip.akamai.com/ //wgetip.com/ //ip.tyk.nu/ //curlmyip.com/ //corz.org/ip //bot.whatismyipaddress.com/ //ifcfg.me/ //ipof.in/txt //l2.io/ip //eth0.me/ END pings=5 interval=0.2 httpl= httpsl= pingl= for url in $urls do echo -e "\n$url" for protocol in http https do purl="$protocol:$url" cout=$(curl -m10 -L -sw "~over $protocol:\t%{time_total}s\n" $purl | tr -d '\n') echo $cout answer=$(echo $cout | cut -d'~' -f1) stats=$(echo $cout | cut -d'~' -f1) time=$(echo $cout | awk '{print $NF; exit}') [ $protocol = http ] && httpl="$httpl$time http:$url - answer='$answer'\n" [ $protocol = https ] && httpsl="$httpsl$time https:$url - answer='$answer'\n" done host=`echo $url | cut -d/ -f3` avgping=`ping -c $pings -i $interval $host | tail -1 | cut -d/ -f 5` [ -z "$avgping" ] && avgping=999999 echo -e "average ping:\t$avgping" pingl="$pingl$avgping $url\n" done echo -e "\nBest http response times:" echo -e "$httpl" | sort -n echo -e "\nBest https response times:" echo -e "$httpsl" | sort -n echo -e "\nBest average ping times:" echo -e "$pingl" | sort -n