(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o this.effectiveLength) throw new Error("Row argument was out of bounds: " + row + " > " + this.effectiveLength); var colIndex = -1; if (typeof col === "undefined") { var _ret = function () { var rowData = {}; _this3.colnames.forEach(function (name, i) { rowData[name] = _this3.columns[i][row % _this3.columns[i].length]; }); return { v: rowData }; }(); if ((typeof _ret === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(_ret)) === "object") return _ret.v; } else if (typeof col === "string") { colIndex = this._colIndex(col); } else if (typeof col === "number") { colIndex = col; } if (colIndex < 0 || colIndex > this.columns.length) { if (missingOK) return void 0;else throw new Error("Unknown column index: " + col); } return this.columns[colIndex][row % this.columns[colIndex].length]; } }, { key: "nrow", value: function nrow() { return this.effectiveLength; } }]); return DataFrame; }(); exports.default = DataFrame; },{"./util":15}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _leaflet = require("./global/leaflet"); var _leaflet2 = _interopRequireDefault(_leaflet); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // In RMarkdown's self-contained mode, we don't have a way to carry around the // images that Leaflet needs but doesn't load into the page. Instead, we'll set // data URIs for the default marker, and let any others be loaded via CDN. if (typeof _leaflet2.default.Icon.Default.imagePath === "undefined") { _leaflet2.default.Icon.Default.imagePath = "http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/images"; if (_leaflet2.default.Browser.retina) { _leaflet2.default.Icon.Default.prototype.options.iconUrl = ""; } else { _leaflet2.default.Icon.Default.prototype.options.iconUrl = ""; } } },{"./global/leaflet":8}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = global.HTMLWidgets; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = global.jQuery; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = global.L; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = global.L.Proj; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = global.Shiny; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _jquery = require("./global/jquery"); var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery); var _leaflet = require("./global/leaflet"); var _leaflet2 = _interopRequireDefault(_leaflet); var _shiny = require("./global/shiny"); var _shiny2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shiny); var _htmlwidgets = require("./global/htmlwidgets"); var _htmlwidgets2 = _interopRequireDefault(_htmlwidgets); var _util = require("./util"); var _crs_utils = require("./crs_utils"); var _controlStore = require("./control-store"); var _controlStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_controlStore); var _layerManager = require("./layer-manager"); var _layerManager2 = _interopRequireDefault(_layerManager); var _methods = require("./methods"); var _methods2 = _interopRequireDefault(_methods); require("./fixup-default-icon"); var _dataframe = require("./dataframe"); var _dataframe2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dataframe); var _clusterLayerStore = require("./cluster-layer-store"); var _clusterLayerStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_clusterLayerStore); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } window.LeafletWidget = {}; window.LeafletWidget.utils = {}; var methods = window.LeafletWidget.methods = _jquery2.default.extend({}, _methods2.default); window.LeafletWidget.DataFrame = _dataframe2.default; window.LeafletWidget.ClusterLayerStore = _clusterLayerStore2.default; window.LeafletWidget.utils.getCRS = _crs_utils.getCRS; // Send updated bounds back to app. Takes a leaflet event object as input. function updateBounds(map) { var id = map.getContainer().id; var bounds = map.getBounds(); _shiny2.default.onInputChange(id + "_bounds", { north: bounds.getNorthEast().lat, east: bounds.getNorthEast().lng, south: bounds.getSouthWest().lat, west: bounds.getSouthWest().lng }); _shiny2.default.onInputChange(id + "_center", { lng: map.getCenter().lng, lat: map.getCenter().lat }); _shiny2.default.onInputChange(id + "_zoom", map.getZoom()); } function preventUnintendedZoomOnScroll(map) { // Prevent unwanted scroll capturing. Similar in purpose to // https://github.com/CliffCloud/Leaflet.Sleep but with a // different set of heuristics. // The basic idea is that when a mousewheel/DOMMouseScroll // event is seen, we disable scroll wheel zooming until the // user moves their mouse cursor or clicks on the map. This // is slightly trickier than just listening for mousemove, // because mousemove is fired when the page is scrolled, // even if the user did not physically move the mouse. We // handle this by examining the mousemove event's screenX // and screenY properties; if they change, we know it's a // "true" move. // lastScreen can never be null, but its x and y can. var lastScreen = { x: null, y: null }; (0, _jquery2.default)(document).on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", "*", function (e) { // Disable zooming (until the mouse moves or click) map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); // Any mousemove events at this screen position will be ignored. lastScreen = { x: e.originalEvent.screenX, y: e.originalEvent.screenY }; }); (0, _jquery2.default)(document).on("mousemove", "*", function (e) { // Did the mouse really move? if (lastScreen.x !== null && e.screenX !== lastScreen.x || e.screenY !== lastScreen.y) { // It really moved. Enable zooming. map.scrollWheelZoom.enable(); lastScreen = { x: null, y: null }; } }); (0, _jquery2.default)(document).on("mousedown", ".leaflet", function (e) { // Clicking always enables zooming. map.scrollWheelZoom.enable(); lastScreen = { x: null, y: null }; }); } _htmlwidgets2.default.widget({ name: "leaflet", type: "output", factory: function factory(el, width, height) { var map = null; return { // we need to store our map in our returned object. getMap: function getMap() { return map; }, renderValue: function renderValue(data) { // Create an appropriate CRS Object if specified if (data && data.options && data.options.crs) { data.options.crs = (0, _crs_utils.getCRS)(data.options.crs); } // As per https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/pull/294#discussion_r79584810 if (map) { map.remove(); map = function () { return; }(); // undefine map } if (data.options.mapFactory && typeof data.options.mapFactory === "function") { map = data.options.mapFactory(el, data.options); } else { map = _leaflet2.default.map(el, data.options); } preventUnintendedZoomOnScroll(map); // Store some state in the map object map.leafletr = { // Has the map ever rendered successfully? hasRendered: false, // Data to be rendered when resize is called with area != 0 pendingRenderData: null }; // Check if the map is rendered statically (no output binding) if (_htmlwidgets2.default.shinyMode && /\bshiny-bound-output\b/.test(el.className)) { (function () { map.id = el.id; // Store the map on the element so we can find it later by ID (0, _jquery2.default)(el).data("leaflet-map", map); // When the map is clicked, send the coordinates back to the app map.on("click", function (e) { _shiny2.default.onInputChange(map.id + "_click", { lat: e.latlng.lat, lng: e.latlng.lng, ".nonce": Math.random() // Force reactivity if lat/lng hasn't changed }); }); var groupTimerId = null; map.on("moveend", function (e) { updateBounds(e.target); }).on("layeradd layerremove", function (e) { // If the layer that's coming or going is a group we created, tell // the server. if (map.layerManager.getGroupNameFromLayerGroup(e.layer)) { // But to avoid chattiness, coalesce events if (groupTimerId) { clearTimeout(groupTimerId); groupTimerId = null; } groupTimerId = setTimeout(function () { groupTimerId = null; _shiny2.default.onInputChange(map.id + "_groups", map.layerManager.getVisibleGroups()); }, 100); } }); })(); } this.doRenderValue(data, map); }, doRenderValue: function doRenderValue(data, map) { // Leaflet does not behave well when you set up a bunch of layers when // the map is not visible (width/height == 0). Popups get misaligned // relative to their owning markers, and the fitBounds calculations // are off. Therefore we wait until the map is actually showing to // render the value (we rely on the resize() callback being invoked // at the appropriate time). // // There may be an issue with leafletProxy() calls being made while // the map is not being viewed--not sure what the right solution is // there. if (el.offsetWidth === 0 || el.offsetHeight === 0) { map.leafletr.pendingRenderData = data; return; } map.leafletr.pendingRenderData = null; // Merge data options into defaults var options = _jquery2.default.extend({ zoomToLimits: "always" }, data.options); if (!map.layerManager) { map.controls = new _controlStore2.default(map); map.layerManager = new _layerManager2.default(map); } else { map.controls.clear(); map.layerManager.clear(); } var explicitView = false; if (data.setView) { explicitView = true; map.setView.apply(map, data.setView); } if (data.fitBounds) { explicitView = true; methods.fitBounds.apply(map, data.fitBounds); } if (data.options.center) { explicitView = true; } // Returns true if the zoomToLimits option says that the map should be // zoomed to map elements. function needsZoom() { return options.zoomToLimits === "always" || options.zoomToLimits === "first" && !map.leafletr.hasRendered; } if (!explicitView && needsZoom() && !map.getZoom()) { if (data.limits && !_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(data.limits)) { // Use the natural limits of what's being drawn on the map // If the size of the bounding box is 0, leaflet gets all weird var pad = 0.006; if (data.limits.lat[0] === data.limits.lat[1]) { data.limits.lat[0] = data.limits.lat[0] - pad; data.limits.lat[1] = data.limits.lat[1] + pad; } if (data.limits.lng[0] === data.limits.lng[1]) { data.limits.lng[0] = data.limits.lng[0] - pad; data.limits.lng[1] = data.limits.lng[1] + pad; } map.fitBounds([[data.limits.lat[0], data.limits.lng[0]], [data.limits.lat[1], data.limits.lng[1]]]); } else { map.fitWorld(); } } for (var i = 0; data.calls && i < data.calls.length; i++) { var call = data.calls[i]; if (methods[call.method]) methods[call.method].apply(map, call.args);else (0, _util.log)("Unknown method " + call.method); } map.leafletr.hasRendered = true; if (_htmlwidgets2.default.shinyMode) { setTimeout(function () { updateBounds(map); }, 1); } }, resize: function resize(width, height) { if (map) { map.invalidateSize(); if (map.leafletr.pendingRenderData) { this.doRenderValue(map.leafletr.pendingRenderData, map); } } } }; } }); if (_htmlwidgets2.default.shinyMode) { _shiny2.default.addCustomMessageHandler("leaflet-calls", function (data) { var id = data.id; var el = document.getElementById(id); var map = el ? (0, _jquery2.default)(el).data("leaflet-map") : null; if (!map) { (0, _util.log)("Couldn't find map with id " + id); return; } for (var i = 0; i < data.calls.length; i++) { var call = data.calls[i]; if (call.dependencies) { _shiny2.default.renderDependencies(call.dependencies); } if (methods[call.method]) methods[call.method].apply(map, call.args);else (0, _util.log)("Unknown method " + call.method); } }); } },{"./cluster-layer-store":1,"./control-store":2,"./crs_utils":3,"./dataframe":4,"./fixup-default-icon":5,"./global/htmlwidgets":6,"./global/jquery":7,"./global/leaflet":8,"./global/shiny":10,"./layer-manager":12,"./methods":13,"./util":15}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var _jquery = require("./global/jquery"); var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery); var _leaflet = require("./global/leaflet"); var _leaflet2 = _interopRequireDefault(_leaflet); var _util = require("./util"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var LayerManager = function () { function LayerManager(map) { _classCallCheck(this, LayerManager); this._map = map; // BEGIN layer indices // {: {: layer}} this._byGroup = {}; // {: {: layer}} this._byCategory = {}; // {: layer} this._byLayerId = {}; // {: { // "group": , // "layerId": , // "category": , // "container": // } // } this._byStamp = {}; // {: {: [, , ...], ...}} this._byCrosstalkGroup = {}; // END layer indices // {: L.layerGroup} this._categoryContainers = {}; // {: L.layerGroup} this._groupContainers = {}; } _createClass(LayerManager, [{ key: "addLayer", value: function addLayer(layer, category, layerId, group, ctGroup, ctKey) { var _this = this; // Was a group provided? var hasId = typeof layerId === "string"; var grouped = typeof group === "string"; var stamp = _leaflet2.default.Util.stamp(layer); // This will be the default layer group to add the layer to. // We may overwrite this let before using it (i.e. if a group is assigned). // This one liner creates the _categoryContainers[category] entry if it // doesn't already exist. var container = this._categoryContainers[category] = this._categoryContainers[category] || _leaflet2.default.layerGroup().addTo(this._map); var oldLayer = null; if (hasId) { // First, remove any layer with the same category and layerId var prefixedLayerId = this._layerIdKey(category, layerId); oldLayer = this._byLayerId[prefixedLayerId]; if (oldLayer) { this._removeLayer(oldLayer); } // Update layerId index this._byLayerId[prefixedLayerId] = layer; } // Update group index if (grouped) { this._byGroup[group] = this._byGroup[group] || {}; this._byGroup[group][stamp] = layer; // Since a group is assigned, don't add the layer to the category's layer // group; instead, use the group's layer group. // This one liner creates the _groupContainers[group] entry if it doesn't // already exist. container = this.getLayerGroup(group, true); } // Update category index this._byCategory[category] = this._byCategory[category] || {}; this._byCategory[category][stamp] = layer; // Update stamp index var layerInfo = this._byStamp[stamp] = { layer: layer, group: group, ctGroup: ctGroup, ctKey: ctKey, layerId: layerId, category: category, container: container, hidden: false }; // Update crosstalk group index if (ctGroup) { (function () { if (layer.setStyle) { // Need to save this info so we know what to set opacity to later layer.options.origOpacity = typeof layer.options.opacity !== "undefined" ? layer.options.opacity : 0.5; layer.options.origFillOpacity = typeof layer.options.fillOpacity !== "undefined" ? layer.options.fillOpacity : 0.2; } var ctg = _this._byCrosstalkGroup[ctGroup]; if (!ctg) { (function () { ctg = _this._byCrosstalkGroup[ctGroup] = {}; var crosstalk = global.crosstalk; var handleFilter = function handleFilter(e) { if (!e.value) { var groupKeys = Object.keys(ctg); for (var i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) { var key = groupKeys[i]; var _layerInfo = _this._byStamp[ctg[key]]; _this._setVisibility(_layerInfo, true); } } else { var selectedKeys = {}; for (var _i = 0; _i < e.value.length; _i++) { selectedKeys[e.value[_i]] = true; } var _groupKeys = Object.keys(ctg); for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < _groupKeys.length; _i2++) { var _key = _groupKeys[_i2]; var _layerInfo2 = _this._byStamp[ctg[_key]]; _this._setVisibility(_layerInfo2, selectedKeys[_groupKeys[_i2]]); } } }; var filterHandle = new crosstalk.FilterHandle(ctGroup); filterHandle.on("change", handleFilter); var handleSelection = function handleSelection(e) { if (!e.value || !e.value.length) { var groupKeys = Object.keys(ctg); for (var i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) { var key = groupKeys[i]; var _layerInfo3 = _this._byStamp[ctg[key]]; _this._setOpacity(_layerInfo3, 1.0); } } else { var selectedKeys = {}; for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < e.value.length; _i3++) { selectedKeys[e.value[_i3]] = true; } var _groupKeys2 = Object.keys(ctg); for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < _groupKeys2.length; _i4++) { var _key2 = _groupKeys2[_i4]; var _layerInfo4 = _this._byStamp[ctg[_key2]]; _this._setOpacity(_layerInfo4, selectedKeys[_groupKeys2[_i4]] ? 1.0 : 0.2); } } }; var selHandle = new crosstalk.SelectionHandle(ctGroup); selHandle.on("change", handleSelection); setTimeout(function () { handleFilter({ value: filterHandle.filteredKeys }); handleSelection({ value: selHandle.value }); }, 100); })(); } if (!ctg[ctKey]) ctg[ctKey] = []; ctg[ctKey].push(stamp); })(); } // Add to container if (!layerInfo.hidden) container.addLayer(layer); return oldLayer; } }, { key: "brush", value: function brush(bounds, extraInfo) { var _this2 = this; /* eslint-disable no-console */ // For each Crosstalk group... Object.keys(this._byCrosstalkGroup).forEach(function (ctGroupName) { var ctg = _this2._byCrosstalkGroup[ctGroupName]; var selection = []; // ...iterate over each Crosstalk key (each of which may have multiple // layers)... Object.keys(ctg).forEach(function (ctKey) { // ...and for each layer... ctg[ctKey].forEach(function (stamp) { var layerInfo = _this2._byStamp[stamp]; // ...if it's something with a point... if (layerInfo.layer.getLatLng) { // ... and it's inside the selection bounds... // TODO: Use pixel containment, not lat/lng containment if (bounds.contains(layerInfo.layer.getLatLng())) { // ...add the key to the selection. selection.push(ctKey); } } }); }); new global.crosstalk.SelectionHandle(ctGroupName).set(selection, extraInfo); }); } }, { key: "unbrush", value: function unbrush(extraInfo) { Object.keys(this._byCrosstalkGroup).forEach(function (ctGroupName) { new global.crosstalk.SelectionHandle(ctGroupName).clear(extraInfo); }); } }, { key: "_setVisibility", value: function _setVisibility(layerInfo, visible) { if (layerInfo.hidden ^ visible) { return; } else if (visible) { layerInfo.container.addLayer(layerInfo.layer); layerInfo.hidden = false; } else { layerInfo.container.removeLayer(layerInfo.layer); layerInfo.hidden = true; } } }, { key: "_setOpacity", value: function _setOpacity(layerInfo, opacity) { if (layerInfo.layer.setOpacity) { layerInfo.layer.setOpacity(opacity); } else if (layerInfo.layer.setStyle) { layerInfo.layer.setStyle({ opacity: opacity * layerInfo.layer.options.origOpacity, fillOpacity: opacity * layerInfo.layer.options.origFillOpacity }); } } }, { key: "getLayer", value: function getLayer(category, layerId) { return this._byLayerId[this._layerIdKey(category, layerId)]; } }, { key: "removeLayer", value: function removeLayer(category, layerIds) { var _this3 = this; // Find layer info _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(layerIds), function (i, layerId) { var layer = _this3._byLayerId[_this3._layerIdKey(category, layerId)]; if (layer) { _this3._removeLayer(layer); } }); } }, { key: "clearLayers", value: function clearLayers(category) { var _this4 = this; // Find all layers in _byCategory[category] var catTable = this._byCategory[category]; if (!catTable) { return false; } // Remove all layers. Make copy of keys to avoid mutating the collection // behind the iterator you're accessing. var stamps = []; _jquery2.default.each(catTable, function (k, v) { stamps.push(k); }); _jquery2.default.each(stamps, function (i, stamp) { _this4._removeLayer(stamp); }); } }, { key: "getLayerGroup", value: function getLayerGroup(group, ensureExists) { var g = this._groupContainers[group]; if (ensureExists && !g) { this._byGroup[group] = this._byGroup[group] || {}; g = this._groupContainers[group] = _leaflet2.default.featureGroup(); g.groupname = group; g.addTo(this._map); } return g; } }, { key: "getGroupNameFromLayerGroup", value: function getGroupNameFromLayerGroup(layerGroup) { return layerGroup.groupname; } }, { key: "getVisibleGroups", value: function getVisibleGroups() { var _this5 = this; var result = []; _jquery2.default.each(this._groupContainers, function (k, v) { if (_this5._map.hasLayer(v)) { result.push(k); } }); return result; } }, { key: "clearGroup", value: function clearGroup(group) { var _this6 = this; // Find all layers in _byGroup[group] var groupTable = this._byGroup[group]; if (!groupTable) { return false; } // Remove all layers. Make copy of keys to avoid mutating the collection // behind the iterator you're accessing. var stamps = []; _jquery2.default.each(groupTable, function (k, v) { stamps.push(k); }); _jquery2.default.each(stamps, function (i, stamp) { _this6._removeLayer(stamp); }); } }, { key: "clear", value: function clear() { function clearLayerGroup(key, layerGroup) { layerGroup.clearLayers(); } // Clear all indices and layerGroups this._byGroup = {}; this._byCategory = {}; this._byLayerId = {}; this._byStamp = {}; this._byCrosstalkGroup = {}; _jquery2.default.each(this._categoryContainers, clearLayerGroup); this._categoryContainers = {}; _jquery2.default.each(this._groupContainers, clearLayerGroup); this._groupContainers = {}; } }, { key: "_removeLayer", value: function _removeLayer(layer) { var stamp = void 0; if (typeof layer === "string") { stamp = layer; } else { stamp = _leaflet2.default.Util.stamp(layer); } var layerInfo = this._byStamp[stamp]; if (!layerInfo) { return false; } layerInfo.container.removeLayer(stamp); if (typeof layerInfo.group === "string") { delete this._byGroup[layerInfo.group][stamp]; } if (typeof layerInfo.layerId === "string") { delete this._byLayerId[this._layerIdKey(layerInfo.category, layerInfo.layerId)]; } delete this._byCategory[layerInfo.category][stamp]; delete this._byStamp[stamp]; if (layerInfo.ctGroup) { var ctGroup = this._byCrosstalkGroup[layerInfo.ctGroup]; var layersForKey = ctGroup[layerInfo.ctKey]; var idx = layersForKey ? layersForKey.indexOf(stamp) : -1; if (idx >= 0) { if (layersForKey.length === 1) { delete ctGroup[layerInfo.ctKey]; } else { layersForKey.splice(idx, 1); } } } } }, { key: "_layerIdKey", value: function _layerIdKey(category, layerId) { return category + "\n" + layerId; } }]); return LayerManager; }(); exports.default = LayerManager; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./global/jquery":7,"./global/leaflet":8,"./util":15}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var _jquery = require("./global/jquery"); var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery); var _leaflet = require("./global/leaflet"); var _leaflet2 = _interopRequireDefault(_leaflet); var _shiny = require("./global/shiny"); var _shiny2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shiny); var _htmlwidgets = require("./global/htmlwidgets"); var _htmlwidgets2 = _interopRequireDefault(_htmlwidgets); var _util = require("./util"); var _crs_utils = require("./crs_utils"); var _dataframe = require("./dataframe"); var _dataframe2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dataframe); var _clusterLayerStore = require("./cluster-layer-store"); var _clusterLayerStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_clusterLayerStore); var _mipmapper = require("./mipmapper"); var _mipmapper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mipmapper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var methods = {}; exports.default = methods; function mouseHandler(mapId, layerId, group, eventName, extraInfo) { return function (e) { if (!_htmlwidgets2.default.shinyMode) return; var eventInfo = _jquery2.default.extend({ id: layerId, ".nonce": Math.random() // force reactivity }, group !== null ? { group: group } : null, e.target.getLatLng ? e.target.getLatLng() : e.latlng, extraInfo); _shiny2.default.onInputChange(mapId + "_" + eventName, eventInfo); }; } methods.mouseHandler = mouseHandler; methods.clearGroup = function (group) { var _this = this; _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(group), function (i, v) { _this.layerManager.clearGroup(v); }); }; methods.setView = function (center, zoom, options) { this.setView(center, zoom, options); }; methods.fitBounds = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { this.fitBounds([[lat1, lng1], [lat2, lng2]]); }; methods.setMaxBounds = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { this.setMaxBounds([[lat1, lng1], [lat2, lng2]]); }; methods.addPopups = function (lat, lng, popup, layerId, group, options) { var _this2 = this; var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat", lat).col("lng", lng).col("popup", popup).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).cbind(options); var _loop = function _loop(i) { if (_jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lat")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lng"))) { (function () { var popup = _leaflet2.default.popup(df.get(i)).setLatLng([df.get(i, "lat"), df.get(i, "lng")]).setContent(df.get(i, "popup")); var thisId = df.get(i, "layerId"); var thisGroup = df.get(i, "group"); this.layerManager.addLayer(popup, "popup", thisId, thisGroup); }).call(_this2); } }; for (var i = 0; i < df.nrow(); i++) { _loop(i); } }; methods.removePopup = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("popup", layerId); }; methods.clearPopups = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("popup"); }; methods.addTiles = function (urlTemplate, layerId, group, options) { this.layerManager.addLayer(_leaflet2.default.tileLayer(urlTemplate, options), "tile", layerId, group); }; methods.removeTiles = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("tile", layerId); }; methods.clearTiles = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("tile"); }; methods.addWMSTiles = function (baseUrl, layerId, group, options) { if (options && options.crs) { options.crs = (0, _crs_utils.getCRS)(options.crs); } this.layerManager.addLayer(_leaflet2.default.tileLayer.wms(baseUrl, options), "tile", layerId, group); }; // Given: // {data: ["a", "b", "c"], index: [0, 1, 0, 2]} // returns: // ["a", "b", "a", "c"] function unpackStrings(iconset) { if (!iconset) { return iconset; } if (typeof iconset.index === "undefined") { return iconset; } iconset.data = (0, _util.asArray)(iconset.data); iconset.index = (0, _util.asArray)(iconset.index); return _jquery2.default.map(iconset.index, function (e, i) { return iconset.data[e]; }); } function addMarkers(map, df, group, clusterOptions, clusterId, markerFunc) { (function () { var _this3 = this; var clusterGroup = this.layerManager.getLayer("cluster", clusterId), cluster = clusterOptions !== null; if (cluster && !clusterGroup) { clusterGroup = _leaflet2.default.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport(clusterOptions); if (clusterOptions.freezeAtZoom) { var freezeAtZoom = clusterOptions.freezeAtZoom; delete clusterOptions.freezeAtZoom; clusterGroup.freezeAtZoom(freezeAtZoom); } clusterGroup.clusterLayerStore = new _clusterLayerStore2.default(clusterGroup); } var extraInfo = cluster ? { clusterId: clusterId } : {}; var _loop2 = function _loop2(i) { if (_jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lat")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lng"))) { (function () { var marker = markerFunc(df, i); var thisId = df.get(i, "layerId"); var thisGroup = cluster ? null : df.get(i, "group"); if (cluster) { clusterGroup.clusterLayerStore.add(marker, thisId); } else { this.layerManager.addLayer(marker, "marker", thisId, thisGroup, df.get(i, "ctGroup", true), df.get(i, "ctKey", true)); } var popup = df.get(i, "popup"); var popupOptions = df.get(i, "popupOptions"); if (popup !== null) { if (popupOptions !== null) { marker.bindPopup(popup, popupOptions); } else { marker.bindPopup(popup); } } var label = df.get(i, "label"); var labelOptions = df.get(i, "labelOptions"); if (label !== null) { if (labelOptions !== null) { if (labelOptions.noHide) { marker.bindLabel(label, labelOptions).showLabel(); } else { marker.bindLabel(label, labelOptions); } } else { marker.bindLabel(label); } } marker.on("click", mouseHandler(this.id, thisId, thisGroup, "marker_click", extraInfo), this); marker.on("mouseover", mouseHandler(this.id, thisId, thisGroup, "marker_mouseover", extraInfo), this); marker.on("mouseout", mouseHandler(this.id, thisId, thisGroup, "marker_mouseout", extraInfo), this); }).call(_this3); } }; for (var i = 0; i < df.nrow(); i++) { _loop2(i); } if (cluster) { this.layerManager.addLayer(clusterGroup, "cluster", clusterId, group); } }).call(map); } methods.addGenericMarkers = addMarkers; methods.addMarkers = function (lat, lng, icon, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, clusterOptions, clusterId, label, labelOptions, crosstalkOptions) { var icondf = void 0; var getIcon = void 0; if (icon) { // Unpack icons icon.iconUrl = unpackStrings(icon.iconUrl); icon.iconRetinaUrl = unpackStrings(icon.iconRetinaUrl); icon.shadowUrl = unpackStrings(icon.shadowUrl); icon.shadowRetinaUrl = unpackStrings(icon.shadowRetinaUrl); // This cbinds the icon URLs and any other icon options; they're all // present on the icon object. icondf = new _dataframe2.default().cbind(icon); // Constructs an icon from a specified row of the icon dataframe. getIcon = function getIcon(i) { var opts = icondf.get(i); if (!opts.iconUrl) { return new _leaflet2.default.Icon.Default(); } // Composite options (like points or sizes) are passed from R with each // individual component as its own option. We need to combine them now // into their composite form. if (opts.iconWidth) { opts.iconSize = [opts.iconWidth, opts.iconHeight]; } if (opts.shadowWidth) { opts.shadowSize = [opts.shadowWidth, opts.shadowHeight]; } if (opts.iconAnchorX) { opts.iconAnchor = [opts.iconAnchorX, opts.iconAnchorY]; } if (opts.shadowAnchorX) { opts.shadowAnchor = [opts.shadowAnchorX, opts.shadowAnchorY]; } if (opts.popupAnchorX) { opts.popupAnchor = [opts.popupAnchorX, opts.popupAnchorY]; } return new _leaflet2.default.Icon(opts); }; } if (!(_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lat) || _jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lng)) || _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lat) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lng)) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat", lat).col("lng", lng).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).cbind(options).cbind(crosstalkOptions || {}); if (icon) icondf.effectiveLength = df.nrow(); addMarkers(this, df, group, clusterOptions, clusterId, function (df, i) { var options = df.get(i); if (icon) options.icon = getIcon(i); return _leaflet2.default.marker([df.get(i, "lat"), df.get(i, "lng")], options); }); } }; methods.addAwesomeMarkers = function (lat, lng, icon, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, clusterOptions, clusterId, label, labelOptions, crosstalkOptions) { var icondf = void 0; var getIcon = void 0; if (icon) { // This cbinds the icon URLs and any other icon options; they're all // present on the icon object. icondf = new _dataframe2.default().cbind(icon); // Constructs an icon from a specified row of the icon dataframe. getIcon = function getIcon(i) { var opts = icondf.get(i); if (!opts) { return new _leaflet2.default.AwesomeMarkers.icon(); } return new _leaflet2.default.AwesomeMarkers.icon(opts); }; } if (!(_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lat) || _jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lng)) || _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lat) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lng)) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat", lat).col("lng", lng).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).cbind(options).cbind(crosstalkOptions || {}); if (icon) icondf.effectiveLength = df.nrow(); addMarkers(this, df, group, clusterOptions, clusterId, function (df, i) { var options = df.get(i); if (icon) options.icon = getIcon(i); return _leaflet2.default.marker([df.get(i, "lat"), df.get(i, "lng")], options); }); } }; function addLayers(map, category, df, layerFunc) { var _loop3 = function _loop3(i) { (function () { var _this4 = this; var layer = layerFunc(df, i); if (!_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(layer)) { (function () { var thisId = df.get(i, "layerId"); var thisGroup = df.get(i, "group"); _this4.layerManager.addLayer(layer, category, thisId, thisGroup, df.get(i, "ctGroup", true), df.get(i, "ctKey", true)); if (layer.bindPopup) { var popup = df.get(i, "popup"); var popupOptions = df.get(i, "popupOptions"); if (popup !== null) { if (popupOptions !== null) { layer.bindPopup(popup, popupOptions); } else { layer.bindPopup(popup); } } } if (layer.bindLabel) { var label = df.get(i, "label"); var labelOptions = df.get(i, "labelOptions"); if (label !== null) { if (labelOptions !== null) { layer.bindLabel(label, labelOptions); } else { layer.bindLabel(label); } } } layer.on("click", mouseHandler(_this4.id, thisId, thisGroup, category + "_click"), _this4); layer.on("mouseover", mouseHandler(_this4.id, thisId, thisGroup, category + "_mouseover"), _this4); layer.on("mouseout", mouseHandler(_this4.id, thisId, thisGroup, category + "_mouseout"), _this4); var highlightStyle = df.get(i, "highlightOptions"); if (!_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(highlightStyle)) { (function () { var defaultStyle = {}; _jquery2.default.each(highlightStyle, function (k, v) { if (k != "bringToFront" && k != "sendToBack") { if (df.get(i, k)) { defaultStyle[k] = df.get(i, k); } } }); layer.on("mouseover", function (e) { this.setStyle(highlightStyle); if (highlightStyle.bringToFront) { this.bringToFront(); } }); layer.on("mouseout", function (e) { this.setStyle(defaultStyle); if (highlightStyle.sendToBack) { this.bringToBack(); } }); })(); } })(); } }).call(map); }; for (var i = 0; i < df.nrow(); i++) { _loop3(i); } } methods.addGenericLayers = addLayers; methods.addCircles = function (lat, lng, radius, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, label, labelOptions, highlightOptions, crosstalkOptions) { if (!(_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lat) || _jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lng)) || _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lat) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lng)) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat", lat).col("lng", lng).col("radius", radius).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).col("highlightOptions", highlightOptions).cbind(options).cbind(crosstalkOptions || {}); addLayers(this, "shape", df, function (df, i) { if (_jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lat")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lng")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "radius"))) { return _leaflet2.default.circle([df.get(i, "lat"), df.get(i, "lng")], df.get(i, "radius"), df.get(i)); } else { return null; } }); } }; methods.addCircleMarkers = function (lat, lng, radius, layerId, group, options, clusterOptions, clusterId, popup, popupOptions, label, labelOptions, crosstalkOptions) { if (!(_jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lat) || _jquery2.default.isEmptyObject(lng)) || _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lat) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(lng)) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat", lat).col("lng", lng).col("radius", radius).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).cbind(crosstalkOptions || {}).cbind(options); addMarkers(this, df, group, clusterOptions, clusterId, function (df, i) { return _leaflet2.default.circleMarker([df.get(i, "lat"), df.get(i, "lng")], df.get(i)); }); } }; /* * @param lat Array of arrays of latitude coordinates for polylines * @param lng Array of arrays of longitude coordinates for polylines */ methods.addPolylines = function (polygons, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, label, labelOptions, highlightOptions) { if (polygons.length > 0) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("shapes", polygons).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).col("highlightOptions", highlightOptions).cbind(options); addLayers(this, "shape", df, function (df, i) { var shapes = df.get(i, "shapes"); shapes = shapes.map(function (shape) { return _htmlwidgets2.default.dataframeToD3(shape[0]); }); if (shapes.length > 1) { return _leaflet2.default.multiPolyline(shapes, df.get(i)); } else { return _leaflet2.default.polyline(shapes[0], df.get(i)); } }); } }; methods.removeMarker = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("marker", layerId); }; methods.clearMarkers = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("marker"); }; methods.removeMarkerCluster = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("cluster", layerId); }; methods.removeMarkerFromCluster = function (layerId, clusterId) { var cluster = this.layerManager.getLayer("cluster", clusterId); if (!cluster) return; cluster.clusterLayerStore.remove(layerId); }; methods.clearMarkerClusters = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("cluster"); }; methods.removeShape = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("shape", layerId); }; methods.clearShapes = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("shape"); }; methods.addRectangles = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, label, labelOptions, highlightOptions) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("lat1", lat1).col("lng1", lng1).col("lat2", lat2).col("lng2", lng2).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).col("highlightOptions", highlightOptions).cbind(options); addLayers(this, "shape", df, function (df, i) { if (_jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lat1")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lng1")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lat2")) && _jquery2.default.isNumeric(df.get(i, "lng2"))) { return _leaflet2.default.rectangle([[df.get(i, "lat1"), df.get(i, "lng1")], [df.get(i, "lat2"), df.get(i, "lng2")]], df.get(i)); } else { return null; } }); }; /* * @param lat Array of arrays of latitude coordinates for polygons * @param lng Array of arrays of longitude coordinates for polygons */ methods.addPolygons = function (polygons, layerId, group, options, popup, popupOptions, label, labelOptions, highlightOptions) { if (polygons.length > 0) { var df = new _dataframe2.default().col("shapes", polygons).col("layerId", layerId).col("group", group).col("popup", popup).col("popupOptions", popupOptions).col("label", label).col("labelOptions", labelOptions).col("highlightOptions", highlightOptions).cbind(options); addLayers(this, "shape", df, function (df, i) { var shapes = df.get(i, "shapes"); shapes = shapes.map(function (polygon) { return polygon.map(_htmlwidgets2.default.dataframeToD3); }); return _leaflet2.default.multiPolygon(shapes, df.get(i)); }); } }; methods.addGeoJSON = function (data, layerId, group, style) { // This time, self is actually needed because the callbacks below need // to access both the inner and outer senses of "this" var self = this; if (typeof data === "string") { data = JSON.parse(data); } var globalStyle = _jquery2.default.extend({}, style, data.style || {}); var gjlayer = _leaflet2.default.geoJson(data, { style: function style(feature) { if (feature.style || feature.properties.style) { return _jquery2.default.extend({}, globalStyle, feature.style, feature.properties.style); } else { return globalStyle; } }, onEachFeature: function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { var extraInfo = { featureId: feature.id, properties: feature.properties }; var popup = feature.properties.popup; if (typeof popup !== "undefined" && popup !== null) layer.bindPopup(popup); layer.on("click", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "geojson_click", extraInfo), this); layer.on("mouseover", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "geojson_mouseover", extraInfo), this); layer.on("mouseout", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "geojson_mouseout", extraInfo), this); } }); this.layerManager.addLayer(gjlayer, "geojson", layerId, group); }; methods.removeGeoJSON = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("geojson", layerId); }; methods.clearGeoJSON = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("geojson"); }; methods.addTopoJSON = function (data, layerId, group, style) { // This time, self is actually needed because the callbacks below need // to access both the inner and outer senses of "this" var self = this; if (typeof data === "string") { data = JSON.parse(data); } var globalStyle = _jquery2.default.extend({}, style, data.style || {}); var gjlayer = _leaflet2.default.geoJson(null, { style: function style(feature) { if (feature.style || feature.properties.style) { return _jquery2.default.extend({}, globalStyle, feature.style, feature.properties.style); } else { return globalStyle; } }, onEachFeature: function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { var extraInfo = { featureId: feature.id, properties: feature.properties }; var popup = feature.properties.popup; if (typeof popup !== "undefined" && popup !== null) layer.bindPopup(popup); layer.on("click", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "topojson_click", extraInfo), this); layer.on("mouseover", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "topojson_mouseover", extraInfo), this); layer.on("mouseout", mouseHandler(self.id, layerId, group, "topojson_mouseout", extraInfo), this); } }); global.omnivore.topojson.parse(data, null, gjlayer); this.layerManager.addLayer(gjlayer, "topojson", layerId, group); }; methods.removeTopoJSON = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("topojson", layerId); }; methods.clearTopoJSON = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("topojson"); }; methods.addControl = function (html, position, layerId, classes) { function onAdd(map) { var div = _leaflet2.default.DomUtil.create("div", classes); if (typeof layerId !== "undefined" && layerId !== null) { div.setAttribute("id", layerId); } this._div = div; // It's possible for window.Shiny to be true but Shiny.initializeInputs to // not be, when a static leaflet widget is included as part of the shiny // UI directly (not through leafletOutput or uiOutput). In this case we // don't do the normal Shiny stuff as that will all happen when Shiny // itself loads and binds the entire doc. if (window.Shiny && _shiny2.default.initializeInputs) { _shiny2.default.renderHtml(html, this._div); _shiny2.default.initializeInputs(this._div); _shiny2.default.bindAll(this._div); } else { this._div.innerHTML = html; } return this._div; } function onRemove(map) { if (window.Shiny && _shiny2.default.unbindAll) { _shiny2.default.unbindAll(this._div); } } var Control = _leaflet2.default.Control.extend({ options: { position: position }, onAdd: onAdd, onRemove: onRemove }); this.controls.add(new Control(), layerId, html); }; methods.addCustomControl = function (control, layerId) { this.controls.add(control, layerId); }; methods.removeControl = function (layerId) { this.controls.remove(layerId); }; methods.clearControls = function () { this.controls.clear(); }; methods.addLegend = function (options) { var legend = _leaflet2.default.control({ position: options.position }); var gradSpan = void 0; legend.onAdd = function (map) { var div = _leaflet2.default.DomUtil.create("div", options.className), colors = options.colors, labels = options.labels, legendHTML = ""; if (options.type === "numeric") { (function () { // # Formatting constants. var singleBinHeight = 20; // The distance between tick marks, in px var vMargin = 8; // If 1st tick mark starts at top of gradient, how // many extra px are needed for the top half of the // 1st label? (ditto for last tick mark/label) var tickWidth = 4; // How wide should tick marks be, in px? var labelPadding = 6; // How much distance to reserve for tick mark? // (Must be >= tickWidth) // # Derived formatting parameters. // What's the height of a single bin, in percentage (of gradient height)? // It might not just be 1/(n-1), if the gradient extends past the tick // marks (which can be the case for pretty cut points). var singleBinPct = (options.extra.p_n - options.extra.p_1) / (labels.length - 1); // Each bin is `singleBinHeight` high. How tall is the gradient? var totalHeight = 1 / singleBinPct * singleBinHeight + 1; // How far should the first tick be shifted down, relative to the top // of the gradient? var tickOffset = singleBinHeight / singleBinPct * options.extra.p_1; gradSpan = (0, _jquery2.default)("").css({ "background": "linear-gradient(" + colors + ")", "opacity": options.opacity, "height": totalHeight + "px", "width": "18px", "display": "block", "margin-top": vMargin + "px" }); var leftDiv = (0, _jquery2.default)("
").css("float", "left"), rightDiv = (0, _jquery2.default)("
").css("float", "left"); leftDiv.append(gradSpan); (0, _jquery2.default)(div).append(leftDiv).append(rightDiv).append((0, _jquery2.default)("
")); // Have to attach the div to the body at this early point, so that the // svg text getComputedTextLength() actually works, below. document.body.appendChild(div); var ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; var svg = document.createElementNS(ns, "svg"); rightDiv.append(svg); var g = document.createElementNS(ns, "g"); (0, _jquery2.default)(g).attr("transform", "translate(0, " + vMargin + ")"); svg.appendChild(g); // max label width needed to set width of svg, and right-justify text var maxLblWidth = 0; // Create tick marks and labels _jquery2.default.each(labels, function (i, label) { var y = tickOffset + i * singleBinHeight + 0.5; var thisLabel = document.createElementNS(ns, "text"); (0, _jquery2.default)(thisLabel).text(labels[i]).attr("y", y).attr("dx", labelPadding).attr("dy", "0.5ex"); g.appendChild(thisLabel); maxLblWidth = Math.max(maxLblWidth, thisLabel.getComputedTextLength()); var thisTick = document.createElementNS(ns, "line"); (0, _jquery2.default)(thisTick).attr("x1", 0).attr("x2", tickWidth).attr("y1", y).attr("y2", y).attr("stroke-width", 1); g.appendChild(thisTick); }); // Now that we know the max label width, we can right-justify (0, _jquery2.default)(svg).find("text").attr("dx", labelPadding + maxLblWidth).attr("text-anchor", "end"); // Final size for (0, _jquery2.default)(svg).css({ width: maxLblWidth + labelPadding + "px", height: totalHeight + vMargin * 2 + "px" }); if (options.na_color) { (0, _jquery2.default)(div).append("
" + options.na_label + "
"); } })(); } else { if (options.na_color) { colors.push(options.na_color); labels.push(options.na_label); } for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { legendHTML += " " + labels[i] + "
"; } div.innerHTML = legendHTML; } if (options.title) (0, _jquery2.default)(div).prepend("
" + options.title + "
"); return div; }; this.controls.add(legend, options.layerId); }; methods.addLayersControl = function (baseGroups, overlayGroups, options) { var _this5 = this; // Only allow one layers control at a time methods.removeLayersControl.call(this); var firstLayer = true; var base = {}; _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(baseGroups), function (i, g) { var layer = _this5.layerManager.getLayerGroup(g, true); if (layer) { base[g] = layer; // Check if >1 base layers are visible; if so, hide all but the first one if (_this5.hasLayer(layer)) { if (firstLayer) { firstLayer = false; } else { _this5.removeLayer(layer); } } } }); var overlay = {}; _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(overlayGroups), function (i, g) { var layer = _this5.layerManager.getLayerGroup(g, true); if (layer) { overlay[g] = layer; } }); var layersControl = _leaflet2.default.control.layers(base, overlay, options).addTo(this); this.currentLayersControl = layersControl; }; methods.removeLayersControl = function () { if (this.currentLayersControl) { this.currentLayersControl.removeFrom(this); this.currentLayersControl = null; } }; methods.addScaleBar = function (options) { // Only allow one scale bar at a time methods.removeScaleBar.call(this); var scaleBar = _leaflet2.default.control.scale(options).addTo(this); this.currentScaleBar = scaleBar; }; methods.removeScaleBar = function () { if (this.currentScaleBar) { this.currentScaleBar.removeFrom(this); this.currentScaleBar = null; } }; methods.hideGroup = function (group) { var _this6 = this; _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(group), function (i, g) { var layer = _this6.layerManager.getLayerGroup(g, true); if (layer) { _this6.removeLayer(layer); } }); }; methods.showGroup = function (group) { var _this7 = this; _jquery2.default.each((0, _util.asArray)(group), function (i, g) { var layer = _this7.layerManager.getLayerGroup(g, true); if (layer) { _this7.addLayer(layer); } }); }; methods.addRasterImage = function (uri, bounds, opacity, attribution, layerId, group) { // uri is a data URI containing an image. We want to paint this image as a // layer at (top-left) bounds[0] to (bottom-right) bounds[1]. // We can't simply use ImageOverlay, as it uses bilinear scaling which looks // awful as you zoom in (and sometimes shifts positions or disappears). // Instead, we'll use a TileLayer.Canvas to draw pieces of the image. // First, some helper functions. // degree2tile converts latitude, longitude, and zoom to x and y tile // numbers. The tile numbers returned can be non-integral, as there's no // reason to expect that the lat/lng inputs are exactly on the border of two // tiles. // // We'll use this to convert the bounds we got from the server, into coords // in tile-space at a given zoom level. Note that once we do the conversion, // we don't to do any more trigonometry to convert between pixel coordinates // and tile coordinates; the source image pixel coords, destination canvas // pixel coords, and tile coords all can be scaled linearly. function degree2tile(lat, lng, zoom) { // See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames var latRad = lat * Math.PI / 180; var n = Math.pow(2, zoom); var x = (lng + 180) / 360 * n; var y = (1 - Math.log(Math.tan(latRad) + 1 / Math.cos(latRad)) / Math.PI) / 2 * n; return { x: x, y: y }; } // Given a range [from,to) and either one or two numbers, returns true if // there is any overlap between [x,x1) and the range--or if x1 is omitted, // then returns true if x is within [from,to). function overlap(from, to, x, /* optional */x1) { if (arguments.length == 3) x1 = x; return x < to && x1 >= from; } function getCanvasSmoothingProperty(ctx) { var candidates = ["imageSmoothingEnabled", "mozImageSmoothingEnabled", "webkitImageSmoothingEnabled", "msImageSmoothingEnabled"]; for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (typeof ctx[candidates[i]] !== "undefined") { return candidates[i]; } } return null; } // Our general strategy is to: // 1. Load the data URI in an Image() object, so we can get its pixel // dimensions and the underlying image data. (We could have done this // by not encoding as PNG at all but just send an array of RGBA values // from the server, but that would inflate the JSON too much.) // 2. Create a hidden canvas that we use just to extract the image data // from the Image (using Context2D.getImageData()). // 3. Create a TileLayer.Canvas and add it to the map. // We want to synchronously create and attach the TileLayer.Canvas (so an // immediate call to clearRasters() will be respected, for example), but // Image loads its data asynchronously. Fortunately we can resolve this // by putting TileLayer.Canvas into async mode, which will let us create // and attach the layer but have it wait until the image is loaded before // it actually draws anything. // These are the variables that we will populate once the image is loaded. var imgData = null; // 1d row-major array, four [0-255] integers per pixel var imgDataMipMapper = null; var w = null; // image width in pixels var h = null; // image height in pixels // We'll use this array to store callbacks that need to be invoked once // imgData, w, and h have been resolved. var imgDataCallbacks = []; // Consumers of imgData, w, and h can call this to be notified when data // is available. Unlike most async/promise-based APIs, the callback will // be invoked immediately/synchronously if the data is already available. function getImageData(callback) { if (imgData != null) { callback(imgData, w, h, imgDataMipMapper); } else { imgDataCallbacks.push(callback); } } var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { // Save size w = img.width; h = img.height; // Create a dummy canvas to extract the image data var imgDataCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); imgDataCanvas.width = w; imgDataCanvas.height = h; imgDataCanvas.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(imgDataCanvas); var imgDataCtx = imgDataCanvas.getContext("2d"); imgDataCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // Save the image data. imgData = imgDataCtx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data; imgDataMipMapper = new _mipmapper2.default(img); // Done with the canvas, remove it from the page so it can be gc'd. document.body.removeChild(imgDataCanvas); // Alert any getImageData callers who are waiting. for (var i = 0; i < imgDataCallbacks.length; i++) { imgDataCallbacks[i](imgData, w, h, imgDataMipMapper); } imgDataCallbacks = []; }; img.src = uri; var canvasTiles = _leaflet2.default.tileLayer.canvas({ opacity: opacity, attribution: attribution, detectRetina: true, async: true }); canvasTiles.drawTile = function (canvas, tilePoint, zoom) { getImageData(function (imgData, w, h, mipmapper) { try { var _ret7 = function () { // The Context2D we'll being drawing onto. It's always 256x256. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Convert our image data's top-left and bottom-right locations into // x/y tile coordinates. This is essentially doing a spherical mercator // projection, then multiplying by 2^zoom. var topLeft = degree2tile(bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], zoom); var bottomRight = degree2tile(bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], zoom); // The size of the image in x/y tile coordinates. var extent = { x: bottomRight.x - topLeft.x, y: bottomRight.y - topLeft.y }; // Short circuit if tile is totally disjoint from image. if (!overlap(tilePoint.x, tilePoint.x + 1, topLeft.x, bottomRight.x)) return { v: void 0 }; if (!overlap(tilePoint.y, tilePoint.y + 1, topLeft.y, bottomRight.y)) return { v: void 0 }; // The linear resolution of the tile we're drawing is always 256px per tile unit. // If the linear resolution (in either direction) of the image is less than 256px // per tile unit, then use nearest neighbor; otherwise, use the canvas's built-in // scaling. var imgRes = { x: w / extent.x, y: h / extent.y }; // We can do the actual drawing in one of three ways: // - Call drawImage(). This is easy and fast, and results in smooth // interpolation (bilinear?). This is what we want when we are // reducing the image from its native size. // - Call drawImage() with imageSmoothingEnabled=false. This is easy // and fast and gives us nearest-neighbor interpolation, which is what // we want when enlarging the image. However, it's unsupported on many // browsers (including QtWebkit). // - Do a manual nearest-neighbor interpolation. This is what we'll fall // back to when enlarging, and imageSmoothingEnabled isn't supported. // In theory it's slower, but still pretty fast on my machine, and the // results look the same AFAICT. // Is imageSmoothingEnabled supported? If so, we can let canvas do // nearest-neighbor interpolation for us. var smoothingProperty = getCanvasSmoothingProperty(ctx); if (smoothingProperty || imgRes.x >= 256 && imgRes.y >= 256) { // Use built-in scaling // Turn off anti-aliasing if necessary if (smoothingProperty) { ctx[smoothingProperty] = imgRes.x >= 256 && imgRes.y >= 256; } // Don't necessarily draw with the full-size image; if we're // downscaling, use the mipmapper to get a pre-downscaled image // (see comments on Mipmapper class for why this matters). mipmapper.getBySize(extent.x * 256, extent.y * 256, function (mip) { // It's possible that the image will go off the edge of the canvas-- // that's OK, the canvas should clip appropriately. ctx.drawImage(mip, // Convert abs tile coords to rel tile coords, then *256 to convert // to rel pixel coords (topLeft.x - tilePoint.x) * 256, (topLeft.y - tilePoint.y) * 256, // Always draw the whole thing and let canvas clip; so we can just // convert from size in tile coords straight to pixels extent.x * 256, extent.y * 256); }); } else { // Use manual nearest-neighbor interpolation // Calculate the source image pixel coordinates that correspond with // the top-left and bottom-right of this tile. (If the source image // only partially overlaps the tile, we use max/min to limit the // sourceStart/End to only reflect the overlapping portion.) var sourceStart = { x: Math.max(0, Math.floor((tilePoint.x - topLeft.x) * imgRes.x)), y: Math.max(0, Math.floor((tilePoint.y - topLeft.y) * imgRes.y)) }; var sourceEnd = { x: Math.min(w, Math.ceil((tilePoint.x + 1 - topLeft.x) * imgRes.x)), y: Math.min(h, Math.ceil((tilePoint.y + 1 - topLeft.y) * imgRes.y)) }; // The size, in dest pixels, that each source pixel should occupy. // This might be greater or less than 1 (e.g. if x and y resolution // are very different). var pixelSize = { x: 256 / imgRes.x, y: 256 / imgRes.y }; // For each pixel in the source image that overlaps the tile... for (var row = sourceStart.y; row < sourceEnd.y; row++) { for (var col = sourceStart.x; col < sourceEnd.x; col++) { // ...extract the pixel data... var i = (row * w + col) * 4; var r = imgData[i]; var g = imgData[i + 1]; var b = imgData[i + 2]; var a = imgData[i + 3]; ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(" + [r, g, b, a / 255].join(",") + ")"; // ...calculate the corresponding pixel coord in the dest image // where it should be drawn... var pixelPos = { x: (col / imgRes.x + topLeft.x - tilePoint.x) * 256, y: (row / imgRes.y + topLeft.y - tilePoint.y) * 256 }; // ...and draw a rectangle there. ctx.fillRect(Math.round(pixelPos.x), Math.round(pixelPos.y), // Looks crazy, but this is necessary to prevent rounding from // causing overlap between this rect and its neighbors. The // minuend is the location of the next pixel, while the // subtrahend is the position of the current pixel (to turn an // absolute coordinate to a width/height). Yes, I had to look // up minuend and subtrahend. Math.round(pixelPos.x + pixelSize.x) - Math.round(pixelPos.x), Math.round(pixelPos.y + pixelSize.y) - Math.round(pixelPos.y)); } } } }(); if ((typeof _ret7 === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(_ret7)) === "object") return _ret7.v; } finally { canvasTiles.tileDrawn(canvas); } }); }; this.layerManager.addLayer(canvasTiles, "image", layerId, group); }; methods.removeImage = function (layerId) { this.layerManager.removeLayer("image", layerId); }; methods.clearImages = function () { this.layerManager.clearLayers("image"); }; methods.addMeasure = function (options) { // if a measureControl already exists, then remove it and // replace with a new one if (this.measureControl) { this.measureControl.removeFrom(this); } this.measureControl = _leaflet2.default.control.measure(options); this.measureControl.addTo(this); }; methods.removeMeasure = function () { this.measureControl.removeFrom(this); delete this.measureControl; }; methods.addSelect = function (ctGroup) { var _this8 = this; methods.removeSelect.call(this); this._selectButton = _leaflet2.default.easyButton({ states: [{ stateName: "select-inactive", icon: "ion-qr-scanner", title: "Make a selection", onClick: function onClick(btn, map) { btn.state("select-active"); _this8._locationFilter = new _leaflet2.default.LocationFilter2(); if (ctGroup) { (function () { var selectionHandle = new global.crosstalk.SelectionHandle(ctGroup); selectionHandle.on("change", function (e) { if (e.sender !== selectionHandle) { if (_this8._locationFilter) { _this8._locationFilter.disable(); btn.state("select-inactive"); } } }); var handler = function handler(e) { _this8.layerManager.brush(_this8._locationFilter.getBounds(), { sender: selectionHandle }); }; _this8._locationFilter.on("enabled", handler); _this8._locationFilter.on("change", handler); _this8._locationFilter.on("disabled", function () { selectionHandle.close(); _this8._locationFilter = null; }); })(); } _this8._locationFilter.addTo(map); } }, { stateName: "select-active", icon: "ion-close-round", title: "Dismiss selection", onClick: function onClick(btn, map) { btn.state("select-inactive"); _this8._locationFilter.disable(); // If explicitly dismissed, clear the crosstalk selections _this8.layerManager.unbrush(); } }] }); this._selectButton.addTo(this); }; methods.removeSelect = function () { if (this._locationFilter) { this._locationFilter.disable(); } if (this._selectButton) { this.removeControl(this._selectButton); this._selectButton = null; } }; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./cluster-layer-store":1,"./crs_utils":3,"./dataframe":4,"./global/htmlwidgets":6,"./global/jquery":7,"./global/leaflet":8,"./global/shiny":10,"./mipmapper":14,"./util":15}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } // This class simulates a mipmap, which shrinks images by powers of two. This // stepwise reduction results in "pixel-perfect downscaling" (where every // pixel of the original image has some contribution to the downscaled image) // as opposed to a single-step downscaling which will discard a lot of data // (and with sparse images at small scales can give very surprising results). var Mipmapper = function () { function Mipmapper(img) { _classCallCheck(this, Mipmapper); this._layers = [img]; } // The various functions on this class take a callback function BUT MAY OR MAY // NOT actually behave asynchronously. _createClass(Mipmapper, [{ key: "getBySize", value: function getBySize(desiredWidth, desiredHeight, callback) { var _this = this; var i = 0; var lastImg = this._layers[0]; var testNext = function testNext() { _this.getByIndex(i, function (img) { // If current image is invalid (i.e. too small to be rendered) or // it's smaller than what we wanted, return the last known good image. if (!img || img.width < desiredWidth || img.height < desiredHeight) { callback(lastImg); return; } else { lastImg = img; i++; testNext(); return; } }); }; testNext(); } }, { key: "getByIndex", value: function getByIndex(i, callback) { var _this2 = this; if (this._layers[i]) { callback(this._layers[i]); return; } this.getByIndex(i - 1, function (prevImg) { if (!prevImg) { // prevImg could not be calculated (too small, possibly) callback(null); return; } if (prevImg.width < 2 || prevImg.height < 2) { // Can't reduce this image any further callback(null); return; } // If reduce ever becomes truly asynchronous, we should stuff a promise or // something into this._layers[i] before calling this.reduce(), to prevent // redundant reduce operations from happening. _this2.reduce(prevImg, function (reducedImg) { _this2._layers[i] = reducedImg; callback(reducedImg); return; }); }); } }, { key: "reduce", value: function reduce(img, callback) { var imgDataCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); imgDataCanvas.width = Math.ceil(img.width / 2); imgDataCanvas.height = Math.ceil(img.height / 2); imgDataCanvas.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(imgDataCanvas); try { var imgDataCtx = imgDataCanvas.getContext("2d"); imgDataCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width / 2, img.height / 2); callback(imgDataCanvas); } finally { document.body.removeChild(imgDataCanvas); } } }]); return Mipmapper; }(); exports.default = Mipmapper; },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.log = log; exports.recycle = recycle; exports.asArray = asArray; function log(message) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ if (console && console.log) console.log(message); /* eslint-enable no-console */ } function recycle(values, length, inPlace) { if (length === 0 && !inPlace) return []; if (!(values instanceof Array)) { if (inPlace) { throw new Error("Can't do in-place recycling of a non-Array value"); } values = [values]; } if (typeof length === "undefined") length = values.length; var dest = inPlace ? values : []; var origLength = values.length; while (dest.length < length) { dest.push(values[dest.length % origLength]); } if (dest.length > length) { dest.splice(length, dest.length - length); } return dest; } function asArray(value) { if (value instanceof Array) return value;else return [value]; } },{}]},{},[11]);