# SublimeRegexExplainTip SublimeText 3 plugin for displaying regular expression explanations ## What it looks like ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rubikonx9/SublimeRegexExplainTip/master/screenshots/1.PNG) ## Why? As some regular expressions are *write-only* code, it's sometimes useful to obtain a description of what a particular regex actually does. Having it available in a text editor can be an asset. ## Installation Install via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). Alternatively, clone this repository to `Packages` directory. ## How to use Press Shift+Super+Alt+R to display the explanation of selected text. Currently, a region must be explicitly selected. ## Customization It is possible to use custom CSS files. You can define the CSS file in settings file (navigate to `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `RegexExplainTip` -> `Settings - User`) under `css_file` key: ``` { "css_file": "Packages/User/my-custom.css" } ``` You should locate the file somewhere under `Packages` (`Preferences` -> `Browse Packages...`) directory. ## Dependencies The plugin uses [YAPE::Regex::Explain](http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAPE-Regex-Explain/Explain.pm) to obtain the regex explanation. Therefore, Perl with `YAPE::Regex::Explain` module installed is required. ## Caveats As this plugin relies on external Perl installation and modules, one must have correct environment setup. This includes proper value if Perl's `@INC` variable, which allows Perl to find required modules. This directory depends on you environment settings, OS, CPAN configuration and so on. For example, you might need to define the paths in `PERL5LIB` variable: `export PERL5LIB=/some/perl/installation/directory/lib`. Alternatively, one may add the following line to Perl code declared in `get_explanation` method: `use lib 'c:/StrawberryPERL/perl/site/lib';`