# Ultimate Dark Neo My second take on the ultimate dark colour theme/scheme for code (main focus: finding pleasant settings for HTML/CSS/JS). Based on Sublime Text's built-in Mariana scheme and kkga's Spacegray (https://github.com/kkga/spacegray) ![Screenshot](screenshots/screenshot.png) *The font used in the screenshot is [__Victor Mono__](https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono).* *** ### Installation #### Via Package Control The easiest way to install is using [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net). 1. Open Command Palette using menu item `Tools -> Command Palette...` (P on Mac) 2. Choose `Package Control: Install Package` 3. Find `Ultimate Dark Neo` and hit Enter #### Manually You can also install the theme manually: 1. [Download the .zip](https://github.com/rubjo/ultimate-dark-neo/archive/master.zip) 2. Unzip and rename the folder to `Ultimate Dark Neo` 3. Copy the folder into `Packages` directory, which you can find using the menu item `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` *** ### Activation You can activate the colour scheme by modifying your Preferences-User file which you can find by using the menu item `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` (, on Mac). *** ### Credits and inspiration: - Sublime Text's built-in Mariana scheme - kkga's Spacegray (https://github.com/kkga/spacegray)