module Paperclip class Transcoder < Processor attr_accessor :geometry, :format, :whiny, :convert_options # Creates a Video object set to work on the +file+ given. It # will attempt to transcode the video into one defined by +target_geometry+ # which is a "WxH"-style string. +format+ should be specified. # Video transcoding will raise no errors unless # +whiny+ is true (which it is, by default. If +convert_options+ is # set, the options will be appended to the convert command upon video transcoding. def initialize file, options = {}, attachment = nil @file = file @current_format = File.extname(@file.path) @basename = File.basename(@file.path, @current_format) @cli = ::Av.cli @meta = ::Av.cli.identify(@file.path) @whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny] @convert_options = set_convert_options(options) @format = options[:format] @geometry = options[:geometry] unless @geometry.nil? modifier = @geometry[0] @geometry[0] = '' if ['#', '<', '>'].include? modifier @width, @height = @geometry.split('x') @keep_aspect = @width[0] == '!' || @height[0] == '!' @pad_only = @keep_aspect && modifier == '#' @enlarge_only = @keep_aspect && modifier == '<' @shrink_only = @keep_aspect && modifier == '>' end @time = options[:time].nil? ? 3 : options[:time] @auto_rotate = options[:auto_rotate].nil? ? false : options[:auto_rotate] @pad_color = options[:pad_color].nil? ? "black" : options[:pad_color] @convert_options[:output][:s] = format_geometry(@geometry) if @geometry.present? attachment.instance_write(:meta, @meta) if attachment end # Performs the transcoding of the +file+ into a thumbnail/video. Returns the Tempfile # that contains the new image/video. def make ::Av.logger = Paperclip.logger @cli.add_source @file dst =[@basename, @format ? ".#{@format}" : '']) dst.binmode if @meta log "Transcoding supported file #{@file.path}" @cli.add_source(@file.path) @cli.add_destination(dst.path) @cli.reset_input_filters if output_is_image? @time =, @options) if @time.respond_to?(:call) @cli.filter_seek @time @cli.filter_rotate @meta[:rotate] if @auto_rotate && !@meta[:rotate].nil? end if @convert_options.present? if @convert_options[:input] @convert_options[:input].each do |h| @cli.add_input_param h end end if @convert_options[:output] @convert_options[:output].each do |h| @cli.add_output_param h end end end begin log "Successfully transcoded #{@basename} to #{dst}" rescue Cocaine::ExitStatusError => e raise Paperclip::Error, "error while transcoding #{@basename}: #{e}" if @whiny end else log "Unsupported file #{@file.path}" # If the file is not supported, just return it dst << dst.close end dst end def log message Paperclip.log "[transcoder] #{message}" end def set_convert_options options return options[:convert_options] if options[:convert_options].present? options[:convert_options] = {output: {}} return options[:convert_options] end def format_geometry geometry return unless geometry.present? return geometry.gsub(/[#!<>)]/, '') end def output_is_image? !!@format.to_s.match(/jpe?g|png|gif$/) end end class Attachment def meta instance_read(:meta) end end end