# Rust Enhanced ## About Rust Enhanced is a [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) package which adds extended support for the [Rust Programming Language](https://www.rust-lang.org/). This is a replacement for the built-in "Rust" package and provides several extensions: * Enhanced syntax highlighting which handles more recent language changes and improved highlighting. * A custom build system with complete configuration of running Cargo and supporting Rust's extended error messages. * Automatic checking every time you save a file. * Custom highlighting for Cargo output. Running Tests with Rust Enhanced Highlighting errors and warnings with Rust Enhanced ## Installation and Usage See the [**Rust Enhanced User Guide**](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-enhanced/) for complete information on installing and using this package. ## Contributing Development is quite simple, first uninstall "Rust Enhanced" if you already have it installed. Then, check out this project to your Sublime Text `Packages` folder. Syntax definitions are defined in the [`RustEnhanced.sublime-syntax`](RustEnhanced.sublime-syntax) file, and syntax tests are in the [`tests/syntax-rust`](tests/syntax-rust) directory. The [PackageDev](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/PackageDev) package is highly recommended for doing development. ## Credits Created 2012 by [Daniel Patterson](mailto:dbp@riseup.net), as a near complete from scratch rewrite of a package by [Felix Martini](https://github.com/fmartini). This project is currently maintained by [Eric Huss](https://github.com/ehuss) ## License This package is licensed under the MIT License.