```toml [advisory] id = "RUSTSEC-2021-0077" package = "better-macro" date = "2021-07-22" url = "https://github.com/raycar5/better-macro/blob/24ff1702397b9c19bbfa4c660e2316cd77d3b900/src/lib.rs#L36-L38" categories = ["code-execution"] keywords = ["rce", "proc-macro"] aliases = ["CVE-2021-38196", "GHSA-79wf-qcqv-r22r"] [affected] functions = { "better_macro::println" = ["> 1.0.0"] } [versions] patched = [] ``` # `better-macro` has deliberate RCE to prove a point [better-macro](https://crates.io/crates/better-macro) is a fake crate which is "Proving A Point" that proc-macros can run arbitrary code. This is not a particularly novel or interesting observation. It currently opens `https://github.com/raycar5/better-macro/blob/master/doc/hi.md` which doesn't appear to have any malicious content, but there's no guarantee that will remain the case. This crate has no useful functionality, and should not be used.