```toml [advisory] id = "RUSTSEC-2021-0068" package = "iced-x86" date = "2021-05-19" url = "https://github.com/icedland/iced/issues/168" keywords = ["soundness"] aliases = ["CVE-2021-38188", "GHSA-jjx5-3f36-6927"] [affected] functions = { "iced_x86::Decoder::new" = ["<= 1.10.3"] } [versions] patched = ["> 1.10.3"] ``` # Soundness issue in `iced-x86` versions <= 1.10.3 Versions of iced-x86 <= 1.10.3 invoke undefined behavior which may cause soundness issues in crates using the `iced_x86::Decoder` struct. The `Decoder::new()` function made a call to `slice.get_unchecked(slice.length())` to get the end position of the input buffer. The flaw was fixed with safe logic that does not invoke undefined behavior. More details can be found at .