```toml [advisory] date = "2018-09-25" id = "RUSTSEC-2018-0018" package = "smallvec" informational = "unsound" url = "https://github.com/servo/rust-smallvec/issues/126" aliases = ["CVE-2018-25023", "GHSA-55m5-whcv-c49c", "GHSA-66p5-j55p-32r9"] [versions] patched = [">= 0.6.13"] ``` # smallvec creates uninitialized value of any type Affected versions of this crate called `mem::uninitialized()` to create values of a user-supplied type `T`. This is unsound e.g. if `T` is a reference type (which must be non-null and thus may not remain uninitialized). The flaw was corrected by avoiding the use of `mem::uninitialized()`, using `MaybeUninit` instead.