```toml [advisory] id = "RUSTSEC-2021-0082" package = "vec-const" date = "2021-08-14" url = "https://github.com/Eolu/vec-const/issues/1#issuecomment-898908241" categories = ["memory-corruption"] keywords = ["memory-safety"] informational = "unsound" aliases = ["CVE-2021-45680", "GHSA-jmwx-r3gq-qq3p", "GHSA-x76r-966h-5qv9"] [versions] patched = [">= 2.0.0"] ``` # vec-const attempts to construct a Vec from a pointer to a const slice Affected versions of this crate claimed to construct a const `Vec` with nonzero length and capacity, but that cannot be done because such a `Vec` requires a pointer from an allocator. The implementation was later changed to just construct a `std::borrow::Cow`.