# Transparently torify the microg service and F-Droid. access:trans app:com.google.android.gms app:org.fdroid.fdroid # access:trans is the default # Transparently torify VLC for the device's main user, and also for a # secondary user with account number 10 (that's the first number in the # relevant "dumpsys user" line). app:org.videolan.vlc app:org.videolan.vlc account:10 # Allow Orfox and ChatSecure to connect to Orbot on their own. Note that # we can't enforce circuit isolation here, the apps have to do it # themselves. access:fenced app:info.guardianproject.orfox access:fenced app:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im # Transparently torify a VoIP app as much as possible (TCP + DNS), but # allow clearnet access for the remainder, i.e. UDP voice packets. access:trans,clear app:com.csipsimple # Allow a home media streaming app access to local network servers. DNS # will still be blocked, even if the DNS servers are in the LAN. access:lan app:github.daneren2005.dsub # All access modes can be combined. (But "clear" implies "lan", so you # don't really have to specify both.) access:fenced,trans,lan,clear app:gov.cthulu.app account:20 # Specify system daemons by symbolic/numeric Unix user, or by numeric # Unix group. unixuser:tlsdate access:fenced unixgroup:1234 # Transparently torify every app and system process for this secondary # Android user account. Not recommended, because they'll share circuits # amongst each other. access:trans account:90 ## Run orplug-reconf when you've changed the configuration, or when ### you've installed an app that was already listed. #### ### If you remove an access mode, existing connections may continue ## until you kill the app.