#!/usr/bin/env python3 ############################################################################ # OpenMMS Sensor Controller Software/Firmware (Livox) # ############################################################################ # Version: 1.3 # # Date: October 2020 # # Author: Ryan Brazeal # # Email: ryan.brazeal@ufl.edu # # # # OPEN SOURCE LICENSE INFO: # # # # This file is part of OpenMMS_OSS. # # # # OpenMMS_OSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # OpenMMS_OSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with Foobar. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################ import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import os import subprocess import os.path from picamera import PiCamera import serial import openpylivox as opl #change working directory to mms_data os.chdir("/home/openmms/mms_data") cameraInstalled = "1" videoOnOff = "0" GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) lidar = 12 button = 16 redLED = 40 greenLED = 38 blueLED = 36 camera1 = 22 camera2 = 24 camera3 = 26 pps = 32 ON = 1 OFF = 0 ledON = 0 ledOFF = 1 GPIO.setup(lidar, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(redLED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(greenLED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(blueLED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(camera1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(camera2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(camera3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(pps, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.output(lidar, OFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) dataCollecting = False dataCollectType = 0 livox_connected = 0 sensor = None timeFileName = "" try: videoCamera = PiCamera() videoCamera.rotation = 180 videoCamera.resolution = (1920,1080) videoCamera.framerate = 30 video_quality = 20 except: cameraInstalled = "0" def checkVideo(): global videoOnOff if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/video.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/video.txt","r") videoOnOff = f.readline() videoOnOff = str(videoOnOff.strip('\n')) f.close() else: videoOnOff = "0" time.sleep(0.1) def getUTCtime(): entryTime = time.time() utcHour = 0 utcMin = 0.0 utcSec = 0.0 utcDay = 0 utcMonth = 0 utcYear = -1 #try to get time from the serial stream from the APX sensor try: ser = serial.Serial('/dev/serial0',115200) for t in range(0,50): line = ser.readline().decode('ascii') UTCdata = line.strip('\n').split(',') if UTCdata[0].upper() == "$GPZDA": utcHour = int(UTCdata[1][0:2]) utcMin = int(UTCdata[1][2:4]) utcSec = float(UTCdata[1][4:len(UTCdata[1])]) utcDay = int(UTCdata[2]) utcMonth = int(UTCdata[3]) utcYear = int(UTCdata[4]) - 2000 break ser.close() except Exception as e: utcHour = 0 utcMin = 0.0 utcSec = 0.0 utcDay = 0 utcMonth = 0 utcYear = -1 exitTime = time.time() return [utcYear, utcMonth, utcDay, utcHour, utcMin, utcSec, entryTime, exitTime] def setUTCtime(): #try to get time from the serial stream from the APX sensor try: ser = serial.Serial('/dev/serial0',115200,timeout=0.05) for t in range(0,50): line = ser.readline().decode('ascii') UTCdata = line.strip('\n').split(',') if UTCdata[0].upper() == "$GPZDA": utcDay = UTCdata[2] utcMonthNum = int(UTCdata[3]) utcMonth = "" utcHour = UTCdata[1][0:2] utcMin = UTCdata[1][2:4] utcSec = float(UTCdata[1][4:len(UTCdata[1])]) if round(utcSec - int(utcSec),1) == 0.0: if utcMonthNum == 1: utcMonth = "JANUARY" elif utcMonthNum == 2: utcMonth = "FEBRUARY" elif utcMonthNum == 3: utcMonth = "MARCH" elif utcMonthNum == 4: utcMonth = "APRIL" elif utcMonthNum == 5: utcMonth = "MAY" elif utcMonthNum == 6: utcMonth = "JUNE" elif utcMonthNum == 7: utcMonth = "JULY" elif utcMonthNum == 8: utcMonth = "AUGUST" elif utcMonthNum == 9: utcMonth = "SEPTEMBER" elif utcMonthNum == 10: utcMonth = "OCTOBER" elif utcMonthNum == 11: utcMonth = "NOVEMBER" elif utcMonthNum == 12: utcMonth = "DECEMBER" utcYear = UTCdata[4] utcString = utcDay + " " + utcMonth + " " + utcYear + " " + utcHour + ":" + utcMin + ":" + str(utcSec) command4 = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S date -s \"" + utcString + "\"" run_setUTCtime = subprocess.run(str(command4), shell=True) print("UTC time has been set to " + utcString) time.sleep(0.2) ser.close() time.sleep(0.2) except Exception as e: print("***** UTC time set error *****") GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) for i in range(0,5): GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.2) pass time.sleep(1.0) #check current camera interval setting intervalCheck = "" if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt","r") intervalCheck = f.readline() intervalCheck = intervalCheck.strip('\n') f.close() time.sleep(0.5) else: #default camera interval = 2.0 seconds intervalCheck = "3" #initial LED test for i in range(0,13): GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.2) time.sleep(1.0) #check to see if a RPi Nadir Video will be recorded checkVideo() if videoOnOff == "1" and cameraInstalled == "1": #flash the system light white for i in range(0,25): GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) currentFileName = "" #controller real-time loop while True: button_state = GPIO.input(button) if button_state == False: time.sleep(1) button_state2 = GPIO.input(button) if button_state2 == False: #quickly flash blue LED to show that 1 second has passed if data is NOT currently being collected if dataCollecting == False: GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(1) button_state3 = GPIO.input(button) if button_state3 == False: #button held for more than 2 seconds so end data collection (if it has started) if dataCollecting == True: dataCollecting = False try: if dataCollectType == 1: sensor.dataStop() time.sleep(0.1) sensor.disconnect() time.sleep(0.1) processIDS = subprocess.check_output(["pidof","tcpdump"]) tcpdumpSTOP = subprocess.run("echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S kill " + str(int(processIDS)), shell=True) time.sleep(0.1) try: processIDS2 = subprocess.check_output(["pidof","ttylog"]) ttylogSTOP = subprocess.run("echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S kill " + str(int(processIDS2)), shell=True) time.sleep(0.1) except: #ttylog process appears not to have started for i in range(0,25): GPIO.output(greeLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) print("ttylog kill error") GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(lidar, OFF) GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) livox_connected = 0 sensor = None checkVideo() if videoOnOff == "1" and cameraInstalled == "1": videoCamera.stop_recording() for i in range(0,5): GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) command3 = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S MP4Box -fps 20 -add " + currentFileName + ".h264 " + currentFileName + ".mp4" convertVideoSTART = subprocess.run(str(command3), shell=True) time.sleep(0.5) command4 = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S rm " + currentFileName + ".h264" deleteVideoSTART = subprocess.run(str(command4), shell=True) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) for i in range(0,5): GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) #status is back to green (no errors when stopping data collection) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) except: #tcpdump process appears not to have started for i in range(0,25): GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) #status is red as an error occurred when trying to stop data collection (possibly it never started) GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) print("tcpdump kill error") dataCollectType = 0 else: time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(1) button_state4 = GPIO.input(button) if button_state4 == True: #button held for more than 2 seconds but not while data is being collected, and released after 2 blue blinks #Images only mapping (no lidar) if dataCollecting == False: setUTCtime() dataCollecting = True dataCollectType = 2 filename = "" if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt","r") filename = f.readline() filename = filename.strip('\n') f.close() time.sleep(0.5) lastnum = int(filename) lastnum = lastnum + 1 f = open("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt","w") f.write(str(lastnum)) f.close() else: filename = time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") + "_missing_filename" interval = "" if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt","r") interval = f.readline() interval = interval.strip('\n') f.close() time.sleep(0.5) else: #default interval = 2.0 seconds interval = "3" command2 = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S ttylog -b 115200 -d /dev/serial0 >" newCommand2 = command2 + "OpenMMS_" + filename + ".traj" + " &" GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) for i in range(0,3): GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) checkVideo() if videoOnOff == "1" and cameraInstalled == "1": currentFileName = "OpenMMS_" + filename videoCamera.start_recording(currentFileName + ".h264", quality = video_quality, format = 'h264') ttylogSTART = subprocess.run(str(newCommand2), shell=True) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) if interval == "2": #1.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "3": #2.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "4": #2.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "5": #3.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "6": #3.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) elif interval == "7": #4.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) elif interval == "8": #5.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) else: #blink the blue LED 3 times to give option to safely shutdown the Raspberry Pi computer time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(1) button_state5 = GPIO.input(button) if button_state5 == True: checkVideo() if videoOnOff == "1" and cameraInstalled == "1": videoCamera.close() rpiShutDown = subprocess.run("echo '$mmnep0' | sudo shutdown -h 0 ", shell=True) else: # !!!!!!CAUTION!!!!!! button still held after 3 blue blinks, check to see if the user wants to delete the stored scan data time.sleep(5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(1) button_state6 = GPIO.input(button) if button_state6 == True: try: clearDir = subprocess.run("echo '$mmnep0' | sudo rm -f /home/openmms/mms_data/* ", shell=True) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) except: for i in range(0,10): GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) else: GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(1.0) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) time.sleep(1.0) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) else: #button held more than 1 second but less than 2 seconds so start data collection (if it hasn't started) #Normal lidar and images mapping if dataCollecting == False: setUTCtime() dataCollecting = True dataCollectType = 1 filename = "" if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt","r") filename = f.readline() filename = filename.strip('\n') f.close() time.sleep(0.5) lastnum = int(filename) lastnum = lastnum + 1 f = open("/home/openmms/firmware/fileNum.txt","w") f.write(str(lastnum)) f.close() else: filename = time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") + "_missing_filename" interval = "" if os.path.isfile("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt"): f = open("/home/openmms/mms_data/cameras/interval.txt","r") interval = f.readline() interval = interval.strip('\n') f.close() time.sleep(0.5) else: interval = "3" command = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S tcpdump src and udp and port 50001 or port 52001 -B 8192 -s 65535 -w " newCommand = command + "OpenMMS_" + filename + ".pcap" + " &" command2 = "echo '$mmnep0' | sudo -S ttylog -b 115200 -d /dev/serial0 >" newCommand2 = command2 + "OpenMMS_" + filename + ".traj" + " &" GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(lidar, ON) # 20 second wait after lidar sensor has been powered on for i in range(0,20): GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.5) sensor = opl.openpylivox(False) # provide another 10 seconds to connect to the sensor attempt_count = 0 while livox_connected == 0 and attempt_count < 20: livox_connected = sensor.connect("", "", 50001, 51001, 52001) time.sleep(0.5) attempt_count += 1 if livox_connected: firmware = "UNKNOWN" while firmware == "UNKNOWN": firmware = sensor.firmware() time.sleep(0.1) sensor.setSphericalCS() time.sleep(0.1) sensor.setRainFogSuppression(False) time.sleep(0.1) sensor.setLidarReturnMode(2) time.sleep(0.1) sensor.setIMUdataPush(True) time.sleep(0.1) sensor.dataStart_RT_B() time.sleep(0.1) curTime = [] while True: pps_pulse = GPIO.input(pps) if pps_pulse: # print("PPS pulse detected") cur_time = getUTCtime() if cur_time[0] >= 0: break ttylogSTART = subprocess.run(str(newCommand2), shell=True) tcpdumpSTART = subprocess.run(str(newCommand), shell=True) startDump = time.time() us = int(round(cur_time[4] * 60000000.0 + cur_time[5] * 1000000.0,0)) sensor.updateUTC(cur_time[0],cur_time[1],cur_time[2],cur_time[3],us) timeFileName = "OpenMMS_" + filename + ".livox" with open(timeFileName, 'w') as timeFile: timeFile.write(firmware + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[0]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[1]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[2]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[3]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[4]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[5]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[6]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(cur_time[7]) + "\n") timeFile.write(str(startDump) + "\n") GPIO.output(blueLED, ledON) checkVideo() if videoOnOff == "1" and cameraInstalled == "1": currentFileName = "OpenMMS_" + filename videoCamera.start_recording(currentFileName + ".h264", quality = video_quality, format = 'h264') if interval == "2": #1.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "3": #2.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "4": #2.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "5": #3.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, OFF) elif interval == "6": #3.5 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) elif interval == "7": #4.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, ON) GPIO.output(camera2, OFF) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) elif interval == "8": #5.0 second camera interval GPIO.output(camera1, OFF) GPIO.output(camera2, ON) GPIO.output(camera3, ON) else: # failed to connect to lidar sensor GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledOFF) GPIO.output(blueLED, ledOFF) for i in range(0,20): GPIO.output(redLED, ledON) time.sleep(0.25) GPIO.output(redLED, ledOFF) time.sleep(0.25) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(greenLED, ledON)