{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Mausoleum Augusti", "id": "281368358", "bbox": [ 12.4758843, 41.9056109, 12.4769668, 41.9064166 ], "description": "A monumental tomb built in the Campus Martius at Rome by Augustus and dedicated in 28 B.C. The mausoleum served as a family tomb for the Iulio-Claudians.", "connectsWith": [ "423025", "422863" ], "names": [ "Mausoleo di Augusto", "Mausoleion", "Mausoleum des Augustus" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.4764122882, 41.9059992073 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.4764, 41.906 ] }, "id": "location-of-mausoleum-augusti", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Coordinates after Wikipedia; verified in Google Earth 2013.", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "Imagery location of Mausoleum Augusti", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/281368358/location-of-mausoleum-augusti" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.4763665, 41.9056133 ], [ 12.476317, 41.9056191 ], [ 12.4762154, 41.9056425 ], [ 12.4761233, 41.9056795 ], [ 12.4760431, 41.9057287 ], [ 12.475977, 41.9057883 ], [ 12.475927, 41.9058568 ], [ 12.4758954, 41.9059324 ], [ 12.4758843, 41.9060137 ], [ 12.4758954, 41.906095 ], [ 12.475927, 41.9061706 ], [ 12.4759769, 41.9062391 ], [ 12.476043, 41.9062987 ], [ 12.4761232, 41.9063479 ], [ 12.4762154, 41.906385 ], [ 12.476317, 41.9064084 ], [ 12.4764261, 41.9064166 ], [ 12.4765351, 41.9064082 ], [ 12.4766366, 41.9063847 ], [ 12.4767285, 41.9063475 ], [ 12.4768086, 41.9062983 ], [ 12.4768745, 41.9062387 ], [ 12.4769242, 41.9061703 ], [ 12.4769557, 41.9060948 ], [ 12.4769668, 41.9060137 ], [ 12.4769557, 41.9059326 ], [ 12.4769242, 41.9058571 ], [ 12.4768744, 41.9057886 ], [ 12.4768085, 41.905729 ], [ 12.4767284, 41.9056799 ], [ 12.4766365, 41.9056428 ], [ 12.476535, 41.9056192 ], [ 12.476431, 41.9056109 ], [ 12.476436, 41.9057417 ], [ 12.4763716, 41.905743 ], [ 12.4763665, 41.9056133 ] ], [ [ 12.4766735, 41.9060137 ], [ 12.4766688, 41.9059778 ], [ 12.4766547, 41.9059432 ], [ 12.4766318, 41.9059114 ], [ 12.4766011, 41.9058835 ], [ 12.4765636, 41.9058606 ], [ 12.4765208, 41.9058435 ], [ 12.4764744, 41.9058331 ], [ 12.4764261, 41.9058295 ], [ 12.4763778, 41.905833 ], [ 12.4763314, 41.9058435 ], [ 12.4762886, 41.9058605 ], [ 12.4762511, 41.9058834 ], [ 12.4762203, 41.9059114 ], [ 12.4761974, 41.9059432 ], [ 12.4761833, 41.9059777 ], [ 12.4761786, 41.9060137 ], [ 12.4761833, 41.9060496 ], [ 12.4761974, 41.9060842 ], [ 12.4762203, 41.906116 ], [ 12.4762511, 41.9061439 ], [ 12.4762886, 41.9061668 ], [ 12.4763313, 41.9061838 ], [ 12.4763778, 41.9061943 ], [ 12.476426, 41.9061979 ], [ 12.4764743, 41.9061943 ], [ 12.4765208, 41.9061839 ], [ 12.4765635, 41.9061668 ], [ 12.476601, 41.9061439 ], [ 12.4766318, 41.906116 ], [ 12.4766547, 41.9060842 ], [ 12.4766688, 41.9060496 ], [ 12.4766735, 41.9060137 ] ], [ [ 12.4765343, 41.9060137 ], [ 12.4765323, 41.905998 ], [ 12.4765261, 41.9059829 ], [ 12.4765161, 41.9059689 ], [ 12.4765026, 41.9059567 ], [ 12.4764862, 41.9059467 ], [ 12.4764675, 41.9059392 ], [ 12.4764472, 41.9059346 ], [ 12.4764261, 41.9059331 ], [ 12.476405, 41.9059346 ], [ 12.4763847, 41.9059392 ], [ 12.4763659, 41.9059466 ], [ 12.4763495, 41.9059567 ], [ 12.476336, 41.9059689 ], [ 12.476326, 41.9059828 ], [ 12.4763199, 41.9059979 ], [ 12.4763178, 41.9060136 ], [ 12.4763198, 41.9060293 ], [ 12.476326, 41.9060445 ], [ 12.476336, 41.9060584 ], [ 12.4763495, 41.9060706 ], [ 12.4763659, 41.9060806 ], [ 12.4763846, 41.9060881 ], [ 12.4764049, 41.9060927 ], [ 12.476426, 41.9060942 ], [ 12.4764471, 41.9060927 ], [ 12.4764674, 41.9060881 ], [ 12.4764862, 41.9060807 ], [ 12.4765026, 41.9060707 ], [ 12.4765161, 41.9060585 ], [ 12.4765261, 41.9060445 ], [ 12.4765322, 41.9060294 ], [ 12.4765343, 41.9060137 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-mausoleum-of-augustus", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Mausoleum of Augustus", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/281368358/osm-location-of-mausoleum-of-augustus" } } ] }